HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-10, Page 71 • THE SIGNAL, COMM(' II, ONT. SHINGLES X X X X X B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES XXX B. C. " XX B. C. " ti 66 66 A carload just arrived. Frick Cement Hydrated L ime Hardwall Plaster - Slate Surface Shingles (Asphalt and Asbestos Roll Roofing (All grades 1 Paints Glass Roof Coatings LUMBER dressed. matched or rough. Anything and Everything in Builders' Supplies GET OUR PRICES FIRST ! GODERICH PLANING MILLS Ltd. 160. Goderich l'h.mes 47W After 6 p.m. 47J or 385 rims 1,41.6....n. 'sit, and Jim. HMI StiE124. D11%111.64111, Q. 1:55554155 1111414.1•444•11 ham purehasett %la 1.1 lit I{% 44',.. farm of 1.114. 11111111154111 111140111 11 111114\ N-1•611 •41 W14114111. 1•14,• 144•11/1.4,1•111 1:‘poisltor reports the ourelistee price its tt7:1,01111. lint we fanothat i• J ollater flab many. Throt.- Kale. tor fell from it Iota 111( 11111% 11.41•1 1‘1"..k. 1111'111.111g 1. It* othoulderblinh• 4111,1 Oinking Jilin 1111 badlyIn the Fnrm r OF DYSPEPSIA king h Fruit SE.11411RT11. r. .1,,Itit 11. ..s* eating, met wIth merlon. iteeident 4411.4, day 1.4141 '%•\4•16 anvil •lit. slipped III, 4,1011145 Ice tin 11144 6111116 111141 4611fferimIdi .4•14.1.• fracture:of the arm alson the W. If. elbow' Tretlieue. the .11111, 11,1%. fell MI 1111. le) pii‘enietit and fraetured tr•ft a rat. , • The Red ermrs $.11 i‘ly Ittiterifortli ler organizer is .' "ir-e of_tweive ...its in home mirsimr at a nom ist almo Ifistruntion iv beng: iikell the 1,111-6•4•45 411141 driefor., rif the hie - • You can get rid of the pain; the uncomfortable feeling; the itiliousattaekadieuilitehes and .contai• ration that acoompauy this trouble. The it it '1 reatment -a Midi ‚4t be intensified juices of 'apple., orange., ter.- .4111 remade. titohro.ko.n. Kirk' figs and prunes combi nett is 11 1, touter 1'Y %sa,. 1"tro )"1.1, =wi it, %bite Mr. Kirkby was borer lt alwa)!4 nilieVe I /)%pe1222. " ra. Thomas 1' au, E erett,Ont:, - in i;hisgoe$. I44'44I1A1141• l'tatt ad, 1 have been I roubled for yearn Ki•kt,) II.or awl deputy 11.111141''anil Kidney .•\ .4 a %I•orri, a p•ri,wi iiit;.;nsiy.toin, hid' it %usu.:possible ..t. ..ar- tt,,• •141111- -T141-44- ...IIIPE t a ••-•• • - it- an er 7:Tr :hall. 'flianks to their wonderful ' .‘. mi... mina ‘teke4.e3 from Ntotoreat atter tr t.. ,linr mother's lit -health. I M 111.1,11.11. for $110 pavf four Yeast's CY, It. Agee, been tritys(erriA t.i the litneardite, neer) Ita. -tweet,' K Hutton a. 'it...I-rata at !It itrit..elt depot. he latter ha, leg iota. to trIt. man,. • A mantle re,rtril in fa 11111,4 :i -torr :v that of Nit'. and Mr. i':i.erge of Brussels, who. sere marrind at gond 01. %Jaren 1-4. 1`411. 114•. Mr. TM. family riro•le erin• ...I.4jtog a three .1.11..044 ‘4•Voil .111117:b. • PI $4.0..rti, 1..6%11 4•4•11114.11 1t:16. 1441 1;,.• ..tilravt 1..r 114.. o„viog ssir Nfittli street to the t:$44.1, -ori t'ontriteting 111 prier. of SI :$7 oelintre iii.) API per toil, for 114.441 1. the 'Mere will The News of the County A Digest of the Local Happenings as Reported by Our Exchanges 4. $i • ' ,vitr. ,iitiffiirtrii‘iite 1.11 ' :::::::::T ''' 1.', :4 , 7'‘..': 4 14Ir''.1i7. 1%,‘',7 " • NI; r-ita ,‘ • Al' . 4 4-, .1,4 4 't ''''''14 - 4:tp.t. I'. t• -i -al. I doitiolonet %1 ith iiiipit. j,.I. 11.1111•..1,11,1 It.. NI. • K..., s , I . I .0' t% at. Is :mil' Peel lie IA...I.' ...: , A ...• : I- 71t141•1",. VIII Orr it... ..,y !Lin,. i'iii,, ,. ,' ',.....'1,'v ' l',,.,',:1-. 14.• ••I' tl..• titre •• ...: tz -. in It'• : ' I . •',' .. , • :1:' • • 1.1 .it ..i.41•!.! ,11 •140 .11111 ... i .1.,‘ 1.1 NI.I' It. I ,. .•-. iiii.t ii ill lei \ i -• .: I:. 1"1:-.,01 1',1' •0411.11. triad... • • .. : 1..._• , • _ 1 '..' " 1- 1 t....traiaol."., •,. ,, '• . o, ,, -, 1Z ‘ 11 4",'s .'LN•...1'. ,• 1 i4 44 4 .4 4,11 11411 . ..:. .• - '‘ . • '1 I , - • -br•lne ionI,.1 .,.,, j:, • , . ,-,,,,, .48. '-i,' 4:"shi.- ' WW-, • ,... ,,,•1 A II . : I ' ''1r''.- '. ' . •oitti11.:;-t:iin 4 -. 41 . 11111. III Ill' • • •,, ii -. A 4,.. o. ,... 1loi•jr 4.,, „iJ,.. , • . . . • • .. .-tivifd ly , ..,,, l' • - .'• ' It 4' I";"•" • ''1 ' :.1.. .;• 0.. 4 .10,41.1 ' 1.• 0. , 0 . • .1 , Hut. :0:14 1914 • i re...1.-, 1 2111 tree or the.a. ailment, z. and am in normal 11.8141,again". 'II., iv the kind of proof that Tim Fruit Ttelitmeitt • C1.11NT0N. Fratt•a• tave."-im sold by all deal, 1, .1 • .; 4\ at Zae. tool •re. --air sent pear:tut 1) • ,,, , }:ruit-iett\.es Limited, intim a, Out. it.I,'l-tt.'-iil1St vet, el 1 • $ 1144 • • • 11111411111 1114.111:: L1.1.1.. 1'1'1'111 Ili.' \41 ' '111114'11 • .‘ 11111.1 ii.111411111; ill' or - 1 44111,1411 N101111,.. 1.1114.,11111.1• • ,I1 • .---------; M•itr.•16 •••:(11,,, a.16. 44 11 11'1 ' --- ": I It K‘1111. • • I , \ ' • : '''` •••,"1,4 o' ,.kV 5 - \I II • it00'..0 -• 414 • 11 '0 ". • It't . h• • • . 1.1 • 4.1,o • • . ol • • r. I..• 1 lir 1.1111. 10:1.11N lilt i Oils% 1-111114) %nit. • .11 1 .4 - . ••••••••,..mm1M6. .4 7 THE WATER IN GODERICH IS VERY HARD For „in .vashing plitiseies -.4 It, :::i \\ SetiW• • flake Ammonia. Trya package and notOhedifferem. the ‘‘..ter, tufty- its no- 4othe .N c't.r ,Washing the dishes! IVholikes the ask -three times a day for life man a how.to.fe. 1401, (h`rotint a 0,1Tritiler 1..0'11 11111, 46-n..\61.410,14 11. sac..t 21018.i and 1 I..i, ••5 IC*1 114 I u.111 S410%11416, arl• 1 ko I' -.4..'.'. Ihr 515•14"1- 41,5...1 4.6 1114 ‚.4, r,1•6;-• 10,11144, 11 )011' ‚in' J. I.44 N. - iJoil • hp:, vinutrit 4 ?iv .n..I Ittio.dr:trof Dar a If) it lot mai •1 If ,.tto "flake dt•••• lett Dub luta 111..1,01f /Tit° it••• •; r‘tr .44 it 1. 1 1 • ' I • ti ‘t•I 1.144•0 Ch. hi,' ri A 4. ft t_ - tt 'e )zb. T.YE/'ULL."-::'.'. 0.1.;77in&aacr :11:11 ‘1,- ' \I ' ' !I I. .7 . \ v%Ain BUS AND BAGGAGE SERV!CE 4:. . ‘1,, .11 • \t ,,, • , 11 4 1 .., I . ; . 4 ' 4 i ' So I It' ill TIO I, li• I 'A ,14 hi 4.: - : '' , . -1,41 , 11 :: 1. It 4 4., 4 , ., . t • Pa••• ' •:: - -- -. ' ;• r ,f .$ !• '.1 • • • . • ' 114;1. ,•9 , • 6 : . ',..1. (41 .4 . . V‘1\4.11%\). I t Telephotle f•1 Day or Nigl.t _• • ,,. ,•• •,. 1 --- , ,, ,, I ; , . , , .11 .1111.11 /I 11 , 1,11 1 di:C..11111 ,1 H P STOWE \ • :, • Ir ,tt• zt 1.• .; " " . • 1 1 ` 1 1 , • '• to .: • o.oo.: .1. kr 1 1 , . , .1 41 . . Inn Selling Out Sale Spring Coats and Suits Straigh line Spring Coats, in soft brown and grey plaids, plain velour and duvetyn. Prices.ranging from $7.95 Co $32.50. Poiret and French Tricotine Suits, $25.00 to $37.50. Skirts, all7dol, four shack 5, selling at SI.75 and $3.75. Stamped Gingham House Dresses, four styles and all shades. Come in and inspect other numerous bargains. ROYAL LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. CODFRICH ONT. East Side 0‘. c-rre • 14 \ I: • " If 11' 41.i . I -• I, I t .141V41111, ,.1.:Ca 'I •• • • 4.. I Alt 1ilitti.:141, .1 o' • „1, 1.111, 44,t 11,11 7 •• •• • 11.. 000. .4•444 $01 110 ,,„. 1 s 11 -10 tt.:-;;;",11,i;" pi'lt.4t.tT 45441 14 404 4,,, \vi,,1, 44,, rt. t•roirese the tat tory which I../ 1111. 11111/4-40011 1111- nae 4,4 111} 'Al:light 1111 1 111• V414111 -I W41110111 41:1(-11414.341111.1.S1:1:1•111g18.1541nni4t''AP l•rer Lie- side admiring the panorama . w.het, he raw the "tinned fish" heatt- a -1.1,11.- I1('S 4. sltation„„ he 146411 $44 1•1' I eeiPped up Just MIDI,. to -tt IM. 1111S4,111 strike the ptates 44 .4. •4 • 41404;04 th141,-,'.'141,-,'.'was no chargr• in It. 14' ••'' •It.! •••• , - , 4 44,, -4 • ,44- , too, 111111:1,1 Na, 1411 Mel..111 to pot 11111 r$ -,..• - .• t4I1l4althy (lIlit In Itio rude .1.,1., • t ht tug at the point of trapact. 'new iin • 1 • S• •Itt•t: :111.1 I, 44, 1 • - 1 • \r,- A..' • 1. ct,4•'1 \I . :'• o L.• _ '• • --. • " _ I , 4. rl t,r..t.iitt Ayr' latur54. and ..' 1 • • • •1 • • ' `0, •• • 11 '4 4.4: it pays to. use MARTIN -SENOUR - 100% PURE PAINT & VARNISHES ror trvery Purpose- For Every Sul-ratt wrote to +(etsd Office MonIreti for free encklet NOME PAINTING MADE Easy SOLD BY F. HUNT GoDERicif E DS PAI 4 EPERK 7 HER SHOULD KEEP A' BOX ON HAND. Dealrs, 504 lot, it_ , \I,,, zoo• • • tr I . Javanese d, gate., wet, most ,„ , , , rl• • 41 •t eat might ha ' •a•al. .011414'0U.--14.ald lajore.motti. on. 4ni444'11114.-s • . •.• • • '4. t t 44 •' vrtin.14.nt- for on learning that he aim!. I had lost a pencil and that wrist .1., 1,\. . 1 14 1 11113 II:1, 4. . . 1 .1.1 watch had been lint out of e nits •rt .ft‘te I i• 41. \ , • 1 J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer All coll., pi:oniptly attend; int ,lity it. night PHONES Store 33S Residence 355w Hamilton Street, Goderieh 11/)• 4,. 444lo4) • prel+ented . him with d-riplreatea flati.for.I. . • 4 .. ,4t,., 44111 ,itri 1 I• .,;,:, • I .'..i . I •• :,. . ... - . of the. articles- In Koid. ruriouoly • i,,,.H. ., „ , • I ' • • 0 0 I:. . \ \ 1' .0•• ,•• \I - enough, these. are Mr. Dryari's wale \I I ii • i t i o• - • I br..i.• i, ., ! ,I I, The Doctor f• • ••• • t I`r. Jr04 ,4 • ` r, • 1 '0'. 4.1.'• " "I .have 1 •, 0, r1 nt•:'11 • 1 r $. rrr°04•21•00 r• • 0• ,I 1 ; r it thy 1.,,',, C A. . 1$ M.nno•1$o "I have...nto,nt mygelf .5 a In 2 a I4tlir01040 111211 _remand. and have never .11I4Ied 411 evt oh. 4,4,4 friary, pos,,,,simis. Ste 1144 house and (Mire. rt rased and the suit 01 (lotto. Ito warsw. 4014, speedily elle- . unlit, ti to Mingo It en- tountered, 1, 44s nalvage efforts. Pauline galuoirm. Miss E. Pauline Joh-n.1011, the t'an adian Indian norders was the daugh- ter of the late 11 . hi' Johnson. H. ad thief of the Mohawk Indians, lir r 4:44414,' fialkk,• twine Totahion, wakeshe ass horn at -rhiefs. wood.- her father's home on the braut ford Indian Rraer,e.. her mother befog an Englishwoman, forinerty Wes P:mily 8. 'tenon, of Bristol. Her education was at tint private, but later she went to the Iirantford Model School. 'Not only was she a poet hot a horn reciter and 'she toured, Canada Sly log recitals, earning enough 10 two years to go to England when 'White Wampum" Was putuisted It, ,IVin Shr• Wan again in Entlarotslo 1904 and 1907, and pave many det- tale in London. After ntill another • tour pf Canada. having crossed the Rockies nineteen titres. she At ttied In' Vancouver to literary work and for a :.'ear hetore het death In Match, • 1913, aho• as o Invalid She Is dr scribed as a lover of out- door tif,, and nti rt canoeist She 1 was equally at horn, li. the realm., or 1 polities, mod-a...re. and aft, byt her rhter delight was to write about the history and legends of her own pen- pic. the Sis 'fiat ron Indians Illet first verses apt., ared in "(It itis of Poe.trv,'• published In New 'York, and !oboe- ottently 1,11fr was a frequent ettntritiu- tor to the Canadian and American periodical prem.. Iler hest poems, the ones ...ers'. Ow grratent life and Ire, are 11111114' whitish Aral with Indian sub - 14 4•Is. caner in.. canadian sterner!, ete Into her poems of 4h4s. warm, ....eh as "The Death Cry,.;' "A Boy rufti It Indian Wife.- "As n'4; ilt.•. • .1. %h.. has throws th. lervor of her nature. 200 patses PURITY FLOUR T - recipes 14) • , • t j 1.! 200 1,1 iik\Wii1 . • 'it fi t ori Vto o • a Ito I tdit, ;on - :41 folk .4,1, i• •I • I ' at e ttii• fuI hook 4 I Witte for r 41.04,4.1, ,', 41 4 • • , • it t.r'-6•4, ri.1 in 1,...!y •,,, n .4111 lit .41th t• yttn- crab, .4, - • 4 4048 Purity Fleur. WIrsTERN atrl ADA il.01411 11111.1.4 'comeamv, LIMITED Toronto, Ontario iii01111111•01, A.