HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-3, Page 8as groundsman fur the coming beats The following eummittees'Were op- • poonted: Ladies' gulf and eocial committee - Mr. W. F. Saunders, (convener), Mrs. R. L. Lloyd, Mrs. J. Donald- • son. Mrs..14. C. Dunlop. Miss Edith Williams, Miss Olive Allen and. Miss Alia Saunders. , Golf conantittee-W. A'. Coulthurst (convener). J. L. Killoran, W. E. Saunders, R. L. Lloyd and Jno. Given. Grounds committee -Joe Donald- , solo (Chairman), C. W. EUis and T. R. Patterson. House committee -Rey. S. S. Har- dy (chairman), C. L. Jackson and E. V Lesslie , The following fees have been fix... ...I for the season of 1924: Playing shareholder. each $20; shareholdena' dependent, limited to one dependent, and dependent to be a member of shareholder's immediate family, $10t noroshareholders, $25; dependent of rem-shoreholdeo limited to one de - 'sentient. 115; non-reeidents, 2 weeks, $10; non-residents pr day. $1; social fee. non-playing, $5. Lech share of stock to carry a first playing. fee of $20 whether played on by shareholder or dependent. Foos are due -and payable on the 15th of April year. ' Green tickets on sale at the Golf Club. Sunset Hotel and H. C. Dun- lop's Drug Store. The following are the words of an mithusiast: We are more than ready for the springtime. We are tired of houses, and slushy streets and melt- . in* always, and we are longing fur sunshine. mild breezes and a bagful of well-chosen clubs. When we stand or the first tee with our new driver le our hands and our hearts swelling with gladness, it is the time when we uoderstand how gooda place the soirld is. and for two hours, at least, oe banish all its worries, and walk h:.ppily in the land of play. In that n.agie land, with the spring' all about to we can build our little frontier cabin of a game into a stately Span- ish castle. Like the children we can erjoy every hoped-for thing before hotel and afterwards, too. if, fortun- etele, it should be realized "For golf az a game that fills both our handl wth blessings; we can dream of them a: night and enjoy them in the sun- riaine; and whether our dreams fail no or are realized. we Khali find h. alth and happiness along the way. AC 6 RO UNT$ INVESTIGATION itinary elreuntatalleeta nil, alight 110 mato "11.'0 CENTRE OF STAGE• but in flee or the several itu portant hills that the Government pH& SAI•k:.--W1 bate 1ntro.lto004 the 1,11s•rals Nei that Sweet timer; 1 Ton o N el SALE 4. Matteis :11.74'Utiiit' att.-- Utter disclosures during overshadowed thing has done, and, •• of the Government ed as our of deter - the pus thing the while the atilt might he luterpro naluntion to put t they ton never %Ville 11.:011111111 political gem flwprogrestoivss to be nontesastionlahnient. the tetitions rare dine•ted tow roethei of depu rt mental uti4ler ohich things snob al. testifleti 0,0.1 ha Ve halleett Alfitamgh 110. -Home! has prey Ule4h1lwes1 night shrines In enter t bey ht. cenimerteee to tote% 1111 111..4 work, rho Government hos 'I trodtseed :a Inst-minitte Louieh of bilis considerable importance, and :here ma, ac a last miteitaereeh at the end of beet week %hen the Premier •lei's to have tho' House rise. in ioreriona y a II ra C.ineerva t Ir.-. have eiltielied" the Drilry Government for holding off bushiest. until the clueing !aware of the session. when Kasper eonsiduratinn of ,leglaintion I sometimes. eatolflowl to baste. • Omo of tie. mot important thiuge. from a rural sontelpolnt. that the For. ,gusttt Government has alone Moo the pentment of ••14 epeoial eolliMIttet which will illelre Into general agricul- tural .4-audition4, in their relation to tranaporhotton. indostry and every- thing else From the standpoint of t1.' T.iberals say more toward aid* eultiont betterni0ilt IA extremely wel- come. and in this particider instnnee the move foliows out, in a 'afferent way. perhepoe just whet W. E. N. Sin- ge:44r. K. C.. astatembel for in -tbe Log - Plat ure least -year. Dorton •11,.‘tu,44.,n., Iist seasion the 11.116,0 ilellated his resolution ex- fareloitte -relieve that the Leery few. torment. althwigli supported alimat Is-J.4411y by faarniers. had dime nothing partienliarly to assist the acrieultural Indiatry. wide,* the present Liberal leader nanintained was the nioet im- portant in Canada. He urged them in the resolution)• to took.; active steIts to improre the eonolltion of the nab cultairal industry." hut it was voted down NIA -3 Drury Government amend- ment carried. The House should rho at the end of the first week. in April. A:ipler or ‚'4' fariserm where etek a, au oven- . and that of eat of einem' literals: elan- d the Cor. s t ions v4. been ally a till, would is. _entirely toe short ,a fitne to give them 'over Oonshiertat toe 1101 thev 4,el1eve that the Province 11. general esp...tr• them to giro mob ansad thght d ionaullebilldueou a I ion. Mt%:1.IN ?EWELL. It. No 4, Uoder IS. In Carlow. TE III.OfiittIM seed. Apply to •olborne (owu- h. Telephoue TRAPS. mplete nor itrilcularii a • at Ig'Oli SALE.- 1)11I'Mil AN ▪ ine id the beet and most - PERSONAL MENTION outfits. that is possible to pram! sale cheap. For p taltiNAC OFFICE. N111.. Italia' Trios. of 4'tr.attor.1:' %%11'4 m sALI.:..youtt „toilet: In ton at thia week, leo. inerso-one Verell years old. Mrs caorrie 11:114 rept-riled from a abow 1410 tho, too.; otte nine years vlsk 4.. loinion. tolil.: shout 155u. brown. Joorro; Ifie. Esther HAIM' 1,4 rhiting with. oLtypis... 14. it. so. 1. pheppargtaa. frierele In Walt(41.a.. over the week -earl- j 11441with the lanai's i le rents nt i our tired:to-lay strain Barred Rock* Mr and Sirs John Felker ore vlsit•igella SALE. --11A1117 CHICKS FROM i lfor delivery March 81,.ct sad Aprli 4t1a. orotato. '54i .0.4; Awe- Striate:. of (;tielitheyielt- Priee •.,Me each. CA.BAXTER. R. II. .1 her loather. Illro. H. 1.:,,t4tratig. No. 7.. Goderielt,-Phune Dungannon et- the eeekond. 'apt .1,1411.1 1.i '1*. left .tli1. to tag.. charge 4af it at pait SALE. -.1. QUANTITY OF "131- Villiatu for the ,ea,,•11, 1ivroveA st merican Banner Oats; e Govrument inspected : grade No. 1 and 2. ['rise field 4.011111e1M011. 1'. W. l'ROI:SE. It. R. No. 1. Gode- rites. • • For Mr. friends '14114.4111.t 4 Mr., Clio from thr .1 anal tea'.,',. tit tile lakes. )1r. Arthur 4 celebrated 1:641 elan Ninel aonaiti is visiting t I)'tr..ij and is securing at gine or his Heti 1:11111111, 4!. Nairll 11.14 n04;116441 of the Sterling Bank week for 41 411:1401.1 AUCTION 1411L.M___L. • AL'CTIO% SALE 4 t.-rupx, ti-tolltil a 1.11; Nirtspli.; Am* "Tosoetero. •• 1.741 Town of Goderich ,'.E,4.1of Ord.onatia, Howl Jib', EI,10:i ).tr..-l., *44 --.- 'Hie t;tol...rts of 11144; i.. II. 11'.1.131:1: twill' ‘N , .11.1111. i2lit.:-.2.' 4...Haw44/1n, ,I1 1 ,,',•1,a41, •t.lri.: t Mingo I 1 114140r. Parlor set. of •• piece.. 2 Lae treels Roirowar Fulmitalr'. usion 'fable*, lotion,: 'loom Chad's, t. *arinais, Mat res.... •Toilet i't'.. 1 Iliikeilla 14a11111:1 1.411114a, iioeisitia Chair., I Hata. Carpela, Ilisite, All etier :otict•••••. Tenn, ras11.1 ' nail raid... 0111344. 4.. 111444.''., lieds, • 41.44. 4Itt1 at!a- ''4 '('44 Title, i'd \Ian. Au.thanot,tr. . • jit-r-rtax BALE or N11E-BE RD rem'. 1100.0 roma. le 4(4 11.4411IN 1.0W)4 lay the completion B I 4%w N0.0 14/ 141. I'M OF T.111: 4'orl•4•141014 of Pas 'font( Jot tilisle- rich. , .14.111•111.1.41•14. I A Ity•loW St p..'. .4. fond- Liglargeinit.in nnal.tlittott. improve thit. tbsierb•la r.ii- WHERIKIAR the llo•lerIeh Collegiate Institute tors' through, rts 11..ar.1 of Y.rlastevs made applicathm to the obibio 111Xii../LCYloN otaloil .11 F ' 11151 1111.141 11111W11. to 1-4.110 .1.Merititres olf um sis ich,..0,44 1\11.1.011....x.rs o•l tiiplr t.i„aiotlno iulilofi t ti.t‘i.ifl.,..Cr00 r. t.lov.,ramtnlett444 1177..,.f. '1.01111.4ti, fur the purpoo• erf enlarging -pi c.vsTwi..i1 .i.t. ..i • i ot. 0...o,k,.. pi, Lot and lorprot.ing Ho. -aid t Alio tee 111' 1 V.I. 11.'41' .rr' ... r :1' i 31. $11,1AuXtelft 11"Ith:Rt':.%i4 it has isen mall)) Illn, at l' a'eleel .Isarp' to appear that the wild, Collegiate be otine ••r . '45 ...eV." •, 't ..444444° %WHIM la. polarized Hod inaprav- .1,4. '!".,"......,(1‘11.'''611.::,i 4..4 ii Old . lin 4 P.441.11 enlargement and isu• ,,,i t, .1„r ,a),1 f.tii. W111'01111'111 noun lie a gelteratl &Kali - :,.,4...4., 1, 110 111;1 1.m 144g,4isto Jilt- ia nhba itnt. of the said Thiffitt 3 '1111311 AND WHEREAS is is expellent to oak! al *TOW the said funds nmier the eon - o oy i30eilItloi n1l:rt•liafor.6..tf.rt:. Ax::.1IitRr.is.!i,,r.i.tti7:.t.. t:itlitui4...iilm.,,srytoissi::1pn. " ..;'i4 0r.14s. tures of the said umnicIpality for the nal 51111. militia. :ow 04.4 1 A, Lao al on 1'11111AI...11'111 I II 44.4041 4:4144i 'W r01.4441011.lIr. .4.Hou Stal•linz. 10orela 474111 ioel illill:101.41.4".arlal.1 s)ts a bonne for ony ooreeti Iletin oath mood eurroun Terme 1 p.•r rent 1. of sale. bakotre 111 th 11^11114 OM) ,irranged. Also. 1 !Lay litre...12 years: t Mare, ii years old: 1 black Mars. obi: 1 briotic to years Mir , • t 4 F. , April eol TR GNAL, ,41 •CODEttICE, , •141.1111t •ItOts'• 0tos otc 4,464444.4414•14•1144444.4.4.4644.t.t.t...."0-Th'444141411111111.4.410.,,, see 14' 0111101111Imentelfweel GOLFERS PFROERPBAuRaIr 01. ox t Malliand Coif that' .1tiet . John (dwelt as . M the annual' meeting uf the shale:. holders of the Maitland ,Golf Club. held in the Board to Trade rooms Tuesday. Jan. 17th. 1P2.1, a financial statement for the year It92.3 was pre.. sented and,contirmed. The Club had a good bank balance and tio liabilities; tid is in a poiption to offer good golf is seasons players. ohs holders'and directors' opening directors and and chosen:. C. (• Ler. pres n ; Killoran, vice piesider.t; D. D. Mooney. 'secretary- troasurcr; Jas. Donaldson, C. W. El- lis, Rev. 8. 4. Hardy, A. J. MacK4 And T. R. Paterson. :The club has ecured the services of Mr. John Given. of Totoote, fat .oL the Lake tellom Country_ Club, as • 044es1onal foe the cothing• 11-Oason. Mr. Given coinis highly recommend - e.1 as a teacher, player and dub mak- er. A 'competent caterer will be secur- ed, and be prepared to meet the so- c'ial needs of the club ddring the sea- son. 'p Mr, T. H. managing 44 r - ••,4'01e of the Dominion Road Maeldo• err Co., returned Ilia! Saturday from it ,Mref.,4111 business trip to the Mari- time Provinees. Mr. Mitchell, who toot as far east as Halifax, ealk•d on cowpony's reprementatireta and In - .1'! it number of aerials in the 4. rim- Proof/lees and cities. . • 11 Men's Raincoats at $5.95 I just received a shipment of Men's Paramatta Rain- coats, made in a depend- able olive shade. Just the Coat for rainy days. All Ares. While they last $5.95 M. ROBINS. The Square Goderich -SPECIALS AT Mt. EWEN'S FOR HOUSECLEANING TIME • -Scrims, Bungalow Nets, Madras, Marquisette, Brooms, Brushes, Mops, Polishes, Otedar Oil, Liquid Veneer, Brasso, Silver Polishes, Floor Wax, etc. Everything to Make the Horne Look Sric and Span - New Patterns in Floor Oilcloths Just Received J. McIEWEN j Goods Delivered to AR Parts of the Town lt pays to use MARTIN **,(',n11',.4 RED SCHOOL ..!ut."::". -•:1/116.14T For Barnti and Out/OF !!te, it has ne Write to Head Orrice !"" 00J° et.- --tait'st riOmt PAINT -Noe 01.501t EASY F. HUNT of or 1 yen ti'f 8 44 an eitizen Mrs. S. M. Wnrwlek of Torentio Is at the Nome of her mot o. tire. Foot, .14.auth street. recnperotin i tior an 111' it.'.. List ing nen rly t w,i ni, hs. Mils. W. t:. K1 -1R 11111.1e1111 o en eon - den last l'hianolay 1.) be p taent- at the pfay given that evallent r the Artialarq'irele of Kii.oc .ehoorelo. 31r. Ales Sauteters le 01)1 Or visitiog-tihkago fritetrie lie will a 141411 4114 brother. Mr. James Sann.ler. tit Seoton. Illinois., befere he returns to ton& , ..- 1 Mrs. A. M.. ithephar.1 returned loon,. 011 Saturday after spen.thig the wiater iu Toronto'. 'Airs. Warwick and :Mies !toes Fox aosomisanied her - from the eitgo ---1 London AexertIser :. Mists Joon Ilaa'- kins, :477 Wellington 'street. lama as tier Itate-t0 for . the week -end her neither. Sire T. Hawkins, *4n.1- her sister. Miss ilazel 'Hawkins. ' of Godeeleb. Mr. Jerry Genetic has left for D..- troit. ow of which port he will sail Olb.'41,11.14111 $11. 11 WI10114Man tan one 411 the 1), & 4 oesseine•r isultill•to Clove - hand and Buffalo Illie many llailio.. rich frie0414 W1s41 111111 the best of Mleete414, ,,.. . . .0M141i AUX Snivler,' left ..n ataturolny fur 1141emet. where she will reaume for two mouth..' et least he,' work as mossenee in Woolooy hospital. A numher of mine ootplihtion* in the vit.- inity of (libelee have erowded the leapital to en.•11 an ectrot that ad- dition:0i nussa0a.rs had to loe ...cored for the staff : hence 111e 1.1144 10 Mix. Stannolo-re who ens aetively nessaelated iwith segdey hospital until MA reh of last yea r Mit KINGSB11111)(iE • . - KINGSRRIDGE. Mart% '(1st -31r. and Kra. Thos. Garvey are visiting in Detroit. . Mrs. M ./,..fol•oonnoir has returned from a visit with her. daughter. Mrs. 41. KIllaill111, ilf 14t. Alliff0410P. Mr. Cora Forisn, of EL hmeustIne. spent Sunday here. Mr. Prank Suntrap is home after ependiter the winter ia Detroit. A Sedans Iltre.-The sympathy of \the community is extended to Mrs. T. -114 "'-1\ ne and her monffe s who sured•the I'.4of their hoemhy fire during the wino storm en Saturday. The first Is +opposed to hare started In the chimney and lied made ameideriable proves+ before being noticed by Mrs. Keene. who\ erne alone tat 'the time. OS the Soy 4 were'eutting wood about four miles from home. On account of the high wind all Alerts to extinguish the tionew were In rain. and the hous. with itt. entire cootents Rs. 1046frOY404 while only the honseeO rattle and -' few implements 4^0.4. reamed from the !tern. The loos Ishrst mittens. (over ea lir intsnoinee DONN • BAXTER -In Goderieb. on Monday. March Slat. to Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter, a won. as:WITH-In •Gowerich, Thur -duty, Ranh 27th, to Mr. sad Mr,.. John Smith. a sent-- ELLIOTT-In Goderich on Saturday. Mnrvh 22nd, to Mr end Mr:. Lenin Eliloti,:a daughter (10400441 yrenees)• MARRIED foelerie en Wednesday, April 2ad, at home of the bride's mother, Willis, Cameron street, by Ilev. 4'. MeDermid, Mrs. AIMS Sha eon to Amos Stewart DIED !MATH -At her home. Alhambra. California , on HA h 16th. Slit et be Hunter, wife of lienry 'both, for- merly of Goderi.h township. aged 74 yenrs. AINSL1E.--In Cooderich, oo Wednes- day, April 2n4, Matthew John Ain- slie. mon of Mr. and Mre Matthew Ainslie. In his roth yerar. ItUltRITT.-In Calorie% on Mon Mareh 31,1. Maria Sophia de Meier, wIdoss- nf the late George Burritt. WANTED WANTED.--(N)ltrPETENT CATER- er for the Maitland Golf Cita Ap- ply to Phone 259, 12D. MT/OMIT, Sec. FOR SALE 11014 SALE. - RANNER OATS, a tiNt vitro nil/neat for to -o rousse- ntive. years and three years ago Bret in the bin; grade No 1, 14/0 per (tent. germinatiOn nertitheste 411-5915 Price 70 rents per !umbel. Alto 0.A.0 No 21 need barley Price 71$ cents per bushel. Phone No. Mkt C,arlow, PRANK L TOTTNV, R. R. No. 5. Godericb. 3. linem Tovenelitp, on the Illue Water Highway. 44 mike tmeith of Kineardine, TIICRODAY, APIIII, 1(411,. 1924 at 2 ietesek p.m. elitarp, We are offer- ing for ode 1'. Ilerait l'airahred Hot- Atoin rows. only titre*. being rarer live year. 4•141. They are an o•xeeptIonallY fine lot cif oCows. eombinirie tooth tette' and proolm•thea The offering mansion of: Ten sired by our former herd Oleo. Highlanal Sylvia Pontiac, a grand- son of May F11111 )4 irla With a reeeed of 41.1 lbs hinter, 10015.44 lbs. milk In 'yen days. Ile is the sire of SYlria I ots Pontine. Let patios :1 -year-old in m at • Ceti/ellen •National Feta titian. 115113. Two 1010114. .lam. Dale Prilly• Ifarthog. - nn lariat It.o.P. -et and has produced 41400 lbs. ef milk 4 2415 ihe butteein 3 menthe. 00.' Is. e I by Ink:4 Sylvia Box. 14 brother of. fay Eeho Sylvia. Cat'.. 2* year.old. Aleartia Ponfitte.. is 014 naelat R. .P. test and 'In throe month. she p seed 4179. la., of and 1443 1144. hat er. One Is sired by Kin2 Searle Alen lag Cnlomity 5,4. who 1. n son Or ng ,Segtst Aleartla (*eternity. with 441 tool otanglitere and feurtven proven sate Three eine, onr Sr..Herd ire, Rine Jo - henna Tontine. it prize inner At the Pen:Mien Nntional Eehibi and. etre ;If Pontine HengorrAd Tter • win+ in First and Junior Champion at Lon- Thaire eel don. and 441, at the Nattetta Show. Syn. -time. T.. In If will elan offer for nate reir Senior Sire. King Jehnnte, Twirler. eel to a reserve- hie. We positively en ant 14 there will he no 4...erre td.) n anything with the eseeptien of the 11.•ral etre. If you tin, lookine for something coml, don't fall to attend this sale Big. etrong, etnelent tepee. Oak rein or *thine. TERMS: Sic month..' reedit Oren nn fiirniehIng appeared 10104 notes: 41 two .'sone per ntmiun off for moth.. L. P. nrtn and JOHN 11. REM. Protirletore hoydens and fechibltoris plarahrOol Holleteln Cattle (Mode tinolo•r Governrant sumer ladonl.' JOHN Ornyts. Anetloneer. A SM.F. ii011SES.- CATTLE: AND POULTRY 3111. CHARLES FISHER. will poll by public inaction at Lot 6. Coneeraion 2, E. D. Colborne. I miles east of Dew miller; en MONDAY. APRIL 14th. 1921 onainteneing at 1 o'clock sharp. the fol- lowing: 1 good Peroheron Mare.- 4 yrs. old: 1steel Percheron (olt. risingid2 '.'arsOlol; 1.).'I grey Percle•ron - Inc tieing 5 years old: 2 Croon au. in Jen,. 5 vears .41.1; 1 Cow due at time of l'farrow Cow. 7 years 01(1:4 110 4. r's due in Juno: i Heifer due In July; Il.'lf.'rs one year old:3 Steers. cone year old; l Sow with litter 5 weeks old: number of br.'.4•to-lay liens; .1 Basket Reek and Truel.; 1 light Wagon WO pole arid shafts. Everything advertised Is in Orst-claas comlition and will he sold without any reser.e. :111, proprietor vs over stacked. TERMS: '7 month.' credit will be elven on • furniehing approved Joint notes- A discount at rate of sit per cent. per an ni allowed ter cash. CHAS. FISI1.11. • 1 . tit NI111 Y. !Proprietor. .16. 1. Golerich. Atactionoo /11.1.ARL 5.54.4: 1)4'.' HAI, ETC. HAliViN TM:LEAVE 51131 will sell 11) public auction at West l of Lot 10 Com: 7, AS1111014 TOWlistii THURSDAY, . • 1921 Lonnnencing at one clock sharp: - HORSES: 1 driving giare, 7 years old. quiet for euly 'dri4er; buy Pereheron. 5 years •dd; 1 heavy 'draft. 9 years old; 1 general.Pureose, 12 years old. tioWS: 1 Dunham Cow, milking, sup• posed lo 2,.' lir calf. doe Oct. 12th; 1 Durham C...w, Just freetientel, with calf et foot; 1 part Jersey Giow,just fresh' enc.': 1 Hereford Cow, due June 10; 1 IoW. suptossol to be in. calf, (rec. .1rd.:11 Iturliam Cow.' milking; 1 1 tam Heifer, rising lf yrs. oh!. due May 10th: 1 Durham Heifer. rising 3 due Slay 15th; 1, Holstein Heifer, rising ., due April 30414:1 two•yegr old Hefted due Aprli lhth. • TolliNti (1411Ti.E: 2- *vets, rising pee+ old; 1 Reiter, rising 2 years old; 4 opring Gialvese 2 Cal'.,',,, abate 4' mos. old: 2 young Galves. ---•PI.4144•5 Pigs, about 446 •Hrrt Chunks: 2 Brood Sows. due In April.FoWl. --3 Thoroughbred Roosters; About le, Pullets and Bens. FEED: About 500 bush. of good Oats: about 50.--buoh. of Wheat: about 20 bush. of Ruokwheat; about 8 bush. of Peas: 3 tons of Alfalfa Hay; a ouantit) of Straw:about 30 hush. of Potatoes. 5114GE4IANEOLIS: 1 Pet 'bauble MB' nese; I set Plough liainestroloset mingle Harness! 4 Horse Collars: 4 Blabber tire Top Buggy: 1 sleet, tire Top Buggy; 1 Melotte Cream *Tinter; I Daisy Chem; f Washing Mactene; 1 cutter. TF.R11t4.--All sums ef $10.00 and under, cash; ovneo that amount, $ months' credit given on furniehing ap- proved Joint notes. A dieemint of 4 per cent. straight off for cash a.n credit amount's. Rey, grain and potatees, ch. Itorrilesely no reserve as pro- prletor has rented his farm. HARVEY TREFAVEN, T. OlHvieNTIttoRneeY.r. Proprietor. nor two nit/tithe: 1 rod Coo..1 yew., just in: I block Ileffer.-2 "Ii. in; .1 Calf, 10 months 01,1: 1 41o'.s. litter of 10 "ties. '3 week- «id; 2 oboe and (lender; muniser of voting Hens: I 'Trost Ntosool *i• te cut:, Frost .o Wood Mork...r_ neut. too: 1 tie.01 Drill: 1 Manes %%Aeon. newt,' sa new; 1 set of Bob eleighe, n.•arly new.• hue WelkIng Plow sot of Harrow*: 1 m Darns Hos: 1 Flay Rack the sn I Cresol Box; I ciatt,•r; 1 'tool Cart: 1 set lavaaVy Teen, set ,tiligte respecti !tunes.: '1 st....1-tirod „IGO Buggy: 1 amount t scantier: 1 Renfrew Cream S. parator:1 eltani and aeliwele Chalme ;awl numeroes dem menu he other adobes. Ni reserve 66,0 pr.,priotair tho, .timilotnt is le4VIlla A *t o the sale. !VERA'S: All eilins of $10.00 ond the tither five mato% 4:4.41. I•ser that --alumna 7 *aid -period Months' credit will' be given -on fur- AND wnt:REA. nis.ho ing apprved ,loint totes. .% die" qtdred by nip Con come of :t tor vent. sat .,*t4, 4, dd. 44 '664 4' 1- Maellear, Jr., Poll Clerk. leaning subdivielou No. 2, at 1'..inple Clark's store oit Kiugstoo street, by bur 100, 1)..puty Re- turning 0111.N4r, and Weis. MoteAll, l'Ivrk. Polling eubdivisien O... 1. at the Town Hall. by E. C. 11elelser. Deputy liettirtatior °Meer. 110.4 G/41. Relrberr, P011 Clerk. PoTole stabotivIelon No. 4. at Stotbs .•r.' wood on Victoria move by 11. .5. Tull f.trd, Moiety itoturnit oeg fficer. :111.1 Wl11. Stothers putt Clerk. Poliing subdivision No 5, at p, Walton's store on West •(r,..by by fitprdy, Deputy Returning (of - firer. laud .aliessold Blackstone. Poll Clerk. slitiatillrbdon No. 6, at James yaws' O* 011 West 'street. by IT, L Worsen. Depot y net u rot ng ()Dicer, and. writ.' TanP . •014 (leek. oaelellrision No. 7, et woe ooeethiar's "reriltienee, At cornet Ot William and Cayley streets. by Douala Deputy Returninge Inttsr. and Ibolort Tait. Pull Clerk. 414, sitiorday the 12th day of April. moo !b.. Mayor of the '*4.1n wIti attend at the Counell Char/there of the said 'Peen at fen o'eloek in the forenoon. to appoint thermions to attend at the various placee afore - „oil. mei at the final summing up of • - 111 o• 9 • , • V; 444.. 1 .544 A . a slt the proceeds of the %.141.4 de - 56.. 'applied to the purpoe s aid and 4.) no other. WIlEllEtat it le olealrable 1., said illehent 111'04 at Mae Ilan.' alio the principal of the payable by yearly sews of thirty 'rare being the enrol tieherituree 411111. toeing of sneh the', the aneregate ....h year for prin. rexpeet of %AM leoilh100. equal 40 in...each of r'. .11 the 41f.44'..,',AN no. th 1 to debt pe ei rreney f [14.' yearly • amolin able iti tenet i early as pays)) ,y-ralre. the total 11.1.ited .Si1 14922 r. oa4 snail ti;!tryfunf'6.1:NI...V‘‘....1,11.111.111'1411oOuNDtoo. special rate for oyin (No eril.1 , ,l'roop.. H.R. .5 i10;4orieh Auetioneer lutenist :14 herein ter pror its the anni of Ft.irtiu.71:. AND 'WHEREAS the a lint of th whole rateable propeity of he Town of Goderich. acc..r.lIng to th sed hitt re- via swooe mct . roll , 1.4 ANDS41411V1Initle REAS the *Mount existing debenture debt of Municipality 11. s2LT62 97 I. ot laiprovme en1 h' y pro 4iMho.. rates or aseoeionents.. Iritertvlf no principal or int7teatt • is i arrest', n THEREFORE the 3lainkipal Ornincil of the Town of Goderieli enacts as follows: , ill Thie Municipal • Camel! of the Town of Gowlerieh shall nig.. the sum itt *544.000410. for the purpnee or en- larging and !mirroring the Collegiate inetlitite. ',offline in the eald Tow* of Goderieb. and the procerods from the rale of the hereinafter mentioned shall he handsel over to the Board of True -teas of th.' Goderieli Col- legiate intaittito to ta- ns.,, by It foe the enlarginx and inyproyIng of the, eaIt! Cotie5i44t.4 Inottltute 424 In order to rake the said PAM dm...inure. of th.. Town to the amount of itrot.nnn.an em aforesaid, bearing interest at (70.: • five and en,'.' half per cone per annum. obeli .be Is- sued within one year from the panning of tide bylaw, 01606 of which fle• bentures shall b.. for the sum at not 4.44 .411.14 44 $1049.4.44 owelt. and '.hall he dwell upon the date of the home there- of and shall be payable annually at the Bank of tIontreal. 5( 441.' Town of calerieto within thirty years there' ai3rtier. Enc.!, of the „add' debentures be signoll by The Mayor of th; sabj Town of eloderkt, or by 4ome rattier person a u t heriaed by law to sign the Lime and by t Treasurer of the said Town, and t Clerk *hall attach thereto the eorpo te seal of the municipality. (4) Miring the curreniof the said debentures there ne hall rallied an- nually I .3. "peek1 rate op all the rate- able property In the said Town of dodo. rieli the sum .off *.'(.99072 for the put - • of repaying the amount due in swell .1f the said year. for prinoipal and. interest in re‘pevt or the said (bold. • moonlit re nicipal hy 1, -ht arciiameanixo' THOMAS GUNDIt Y. CODE/RICH.- LIVE opont: AND MINERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Salei attended to anywhere and every effort (nude to give 44 tisfacticep. Farmers* sale notos discounted. 4 1 M. STALKER. AUCTIONEER for household effects farm stock, etc., for the County of Huron. Address ail communications to J. M. STALKER, Auburn P, 0. 444 MEDICAL R. F. J R. FORSTER tbal EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT te House Surgeon New York Opb- ic and Aural Hospital. assistant at Itooretield Eye Hospital and floiden Square Throat Hospital. Lose don, Eng. 53 Waterloo St.. 8.. Stratford Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Go April 16th. at 734' p.mo to at 1' p.m. •1C11, os ril 17441. NOTICE TO CIIEDIT0118 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. In the matter of tho' Estate of 'Rich. and Jewell, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that all per - eons haring elaime or demands against the estate of diehard Jewell. late of the Township Celborne. in the County of Huron. Farmer, oleceasel, who died on the first day Marc!,. A. D..1924. are required to pond or deli?. er to the undersignal, euliciterts for, the Esevutrts, lull pertieutorm of their claims. duly verified by deelaratio a or affidavit, on or before the 3441 day of April. A. 1). 1924, ANI) TAKE NOTICE that aver the staid 5th day of April, A. 1924..thc wild Executrix will proceed to MMHG- tate the asset. of OW said deceased among 'the persons entitled thereto, and that the said Executrix will not be liable for the mid asset- or any part thereof to any person of whose chain' they shall not then here received notice. Dated nt Goderich tItis lattli day of March, A. D. 1924. HAYS a HAYS, Goderieh, - Solicitors for the Executrix. NOTICE -TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN. Tatar - anent to Section 56. Chap 121 of the Revised /Rehires of Ontario, that all person. having claims against '...- tate of Timms's/ A. S Pennington, de- cease& aarbo died on or about the fif- teenth day of February. A. D. 1924. at the ,Town of Goderlch in the Prorinee of Ontario. are required to Fond by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vito - Moors Winghem. Ontario, solicitor for the Praeger, 1111 Or before the twenty - "soon,' day of April. A. D. 1924, their nomea. and addreese., with full par- ticulars of their claims in writing, and the nature of the mecurity (If any) held by them duly verified by a statutory (toleration. ANT) FURTHER TAKE NOTICE (hat after the said twenty fore)nd day of April. 1924. the ameba of the anid estate will be diatrilmted by the ex- ecutor among the parties entitled thereto, haring regard ant, to ttoe claime nf winch they shall them have noth4e. and the estate will not be liable for any elating not filed at the time of the mild distrifintion. DATED at Bingham this twenty- first day of Mereh, A. D 1924. It. VA.NSTONE, Wingham P O., leSol hot for the iezarntor. o the (5)` rht• bylaw shall take effect on theof the .final palming thereof. P • tonally .pasnedat the ('ounce Chemise at the Ton of Itoderich the 141th y of Mat4h. A. 1). 1924 (. .) le, GALLOW. Mayor. L. L. KNOX, Clerk. TAKI: NOTICE 4at the above in a true ropy of a prnposal bylaw which lase loon taken into conelderation and o Melt will he finally pewee! by the eolinell of rive Mirnielpslity (In the event of rhe aseent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publleathm in The Goderich Star, the date of which 41111.. ation was the 20th day of Mnreh, 1924. AXI) FrIITHER T.1KE NOTICE that ell hersehoblere gnalifled under the posvisema of the Oonaolidated lisatorth P 0 the persona Intere-teal 111 11C11 pro- moting or ()riposting the 'missing of the sai.i proposed hylne. respeetively. . The Clerk of the Coulee' tar the maid 'roan Goderieti will attend at his oar. in the Town Ilan, at ten o'clock In the foren.son. on Tuesday. the 15th (ley ef April. •11I24. to seism up the nunalsor of mere for and against the sail promised bylaw. • " 1. L. KNOX. POSTAGE STAMPS. WANTED WWANTED TO PURCHASE FOR cash: Ohl Postage Stamps and Old Envelopes with etamps attached. Old 'home.' of Canada. UnIteel Mateo Great Itritain. British Colombo. preferred. NA modern banes wanted. It tsar pay yeti to look up your old letters. Rely to Doc 22, The Signal, LOST OR FOUND -ENV,1;1011.F. oNTtINI,10 eheepie 811.1 nther papers. SJGX.ti. siFFICE Apply at P1 1.u. Nance N TICE HE EBY GIVEN THAT' Rylaw -was seed by the Mu& cleat Connell of t Teem of Godes rich, the 71h day, Meiyh. 1924, providi for the home if debentures to the a •unt of, *MOOD ter the purpose an adequate 44:47er 1/1141r1 - cation plant 111,) for •11 iniiirease chlor- ination apperlatie. for the further pro- tection of olio water supply of the TOWIl Goderich and for an \ex- tension of the Intake pipe or rhos Reid :system to a point outside the Harbor In Lake Huron. at the Port ..t Code- oich .1NI) THAT mild Bylaw was treater...I in the Reiroatry Office of the Registry Division of the counts. of Huron, on the 19th otny Mare.h. 1924: .tily motion to muteh or set aside the same or any part thereof mint he made within rive.. months af- ter th.' first publleation of this node, and cannot be made thereafter. DATED the 19th day of March. A. D. 1924. L. 1, KNOX, 34 • Clerk of the Town of Coderkh. LEGAL 111 G. CAMERON. K.C.. BARRIS- El Tex Solicitor, notary paid* Oliee Hamilton street, Godericb. third 'door from Square. Trust Nada es lean at lowest rates , DROUDFOOT, KILLORAN 6 HOLMES, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 240k. TARIES PUBLIC, ITC, Office on the &more, second door trots Hamilton street, Goderich. Prlvst. funds to loan at towage r L. Milkman, Dudley C. Holm. Napo It *laps 11.1iteitsraes, ETC. R.C. H A l'S--R C. HAYS, JR,, B.A. Hamilton St., Ciodericn r IMAGER. K.C., BARRISTER, ‘. SOLICITOR. Notary public sad conveyancer. Office -Court Hoes% Goderich INSURANCE. LOANS. cm licKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURs ANCE CO. -Farm and tootatall town .property Insured. Ofbeers-Jas, Connolly, Pres.. Gods. rich P. 0. ; Jas. Evans, Tice -Preto Beechwood P.0 • D F. M Mnnicipalt A. 1922, Section 265, S. S. 3, are required ten (ley* hdfore the dray of toeing to file olth me a altar- iitnry declaration of qualifications., otherwlae their rumen will not appear on the voters' UM for smeh voting AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the vote of the electors of the and Ton n itt Goderfoh will he taken on the said proposed bylaw at thefol- lowing times and places that la to any. on Mon4lay. the 14114 day of April, 1924, commeneing it the hour of 9 o'clock In fir forenoon and continto Ing until 5 ceeloek in the afternoon of the Ram,. day. by the following Deputy Returning Offleera: Polling subdivision No. 1, at MIllere garage, at menet of Victoria streetand Elgin Ave.. by Thomas R. wants. Deputy Returning Officer. and James P. I. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R. BS No. 1, Beaforth; John G. Griev, 141 4, Walton; William Ran, R. R. Nth 2, Selforth; John Rennetwies. Rafe balms: Geo. McCartney, R. R. Mb. illaforth; Robert Terra Marisa Murray Gibson, Broca/Sad; Jam* Ivan., Rachwood ; lams CoolNdleti Goderich Agents: .1. W. Teo, Goderia Alex. Walk, R. R. No. I. 011stos liestortb. Polity holders sea plyeldia palmate sad get their earls reed.. el at R. 2. Morish's Clods*/ Nem INN street, Ooderish, or 2. 14, ClEatos; S. IL Oates Orgeory, Osumi Otero. Issfsit John Murray, Statorth; 3.HI Itoo pod pelage, eons to Tbo dip* '41 3.3 1' • i,40440, -J,0,„04:14 • 4!` 41. 3,4 44't.