HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-3, Page 7.�;..... •,,oris r• • THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, April 3, 1O 4--i HydroElectric The People's Powa Au Electric \'act5um Cleaner renuw'es all (ost, A broom just moves tilt dust. Walk in and see the display of Electric Goode at the HYDRO STORE North side of Square Goderich J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and t Embalmer I kit -calls promptly attend ed 1.4 tlay,ltr night PHONES Store 335 Residence 355w Hamilton Street, God.n t Bropheyr Bros. TIIE LEAD TNG FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1 iA ) EMBAL.NM:RS iota carefully attended to at all hours. night or day GODERICH by Our Exchanges Mr. and )err.. 1'. Itw•hler have moved to the farm on the Bronson Rue which air. lteehler pnrehnse,i from Jag. Manse, ' The school's and churches of Dash- wood have been reopoted after Icing closed for tyro necks 1111 uceouu1 sof the smallpox epldemh`, John Ile .berg h. the new Reeve of Wroxeter, u,•e.•.• ling John Douglas, who r.wlan•-tA. J. i(auderson also hs. been .•Leered a village .•riva•Illor. and 41.m. Pauli,. ..4..Ni4 trustee: all by_ ai elu nail hitt. - Mr.. Edwin 4NIel1 died on '11411r,.lays Mande 01h. at the. home of Mr. and Mrs.. IMnean Laidlaw. 51.'rri. 104.11. ship. In her eightieth year. \She• 4. survived by hi -r hu-Iwnd, to %hum she was married fifty -woven years ago, 44,141 by two .41118 +1111 three daughters. i aw-isone, A pretty waldltlg was ao enuh x Um home of Mr. mid Mr4. George I:.•kmler. Ethel. Saturday, March L.'l•d, when 'their only ,laugh' •r, ''era ''Ferre. was uli.tc•d to marriaxe to 15' E. Carman Itiehards, of !tariff/ younger win of Mr. and Mrs. E4 tumid Rh•hards. at Meth hurls•. Our 11.•v. frisk ita.'hrr. ..f T•tellntloo• nn of the: bride. uffielntwl. ./ It 14 understood ihaf• rsoIng the volley of r.•Ir nets .enl.JtJ (`•'N. R. In- tru..Ia 1.1 nate several 0 ngss on .flu' I.x1.141111. Ilona! 'and itrWee branch. it Is • pngilwl.l, ► 4111 away with the sestina' : 11 at KINten and 1'I:1141e- ' IN. •. t king thew simply fInft ,IY k' 3 pt�o •s, and ter re, is•• eta• s:1ioa !IP._ 1. 1V5 ♦un SHWA= IIRVICE --ace-` Bas meets 51I trains. ('all. rade for passengers and baggage to any part of the town. Prompt sereno.. guaranteed. Telephone 51, Day or Night H. R. STOWE Residence. ('amhrity Road. oVpasite the Organ Factory timer H.. randy 1144• Plop the Position lul..r clerk •4. Cs• hank of Com- m oro.• -.tuff horn. It. la exp..•tesi that John Tierney. who has leen teller for the 1444.1 year. is dls.nt u. r4'.•i1..' 41111- 11 m140.414. 11 -111m140.414. - 'Mr. :11d Mr.. IhhlJ. Taylor and daughter. Mise Lily. have returned from 4 :4lfforuia, where the•% sl4•nt she winter months. They were delighted with `their trip owl sojourn In the Sunny South. John 1:. Emtgli eeli•lrnt4.1 hislel hey• first l.Irllalay ln.t week. • 31r. Etntgh.- 14 very mike in' mind and body end: colts.) well -h.• 1.1111111, ISIyth'. graynd old man., lie wale here I.•fore the Huron awl lines% ,1 mrvfing of at.•p:lye-r. rids isle) In Meulorlit 111411 ..n FtWay dight to ills - ••11•• the street -paving prnts••ilinu. Th•• .ebene. was hearth'- 1.11.1411.4.4.,• Al the. host w. •tin :nl:t. .1. 1'. 1'k .5. M. -lis eelehtvt.• the Ju this summer. The nattier nus chosen menta: N'or.' tiro. ' Jiro. John li;.'eett, Rt. Tirrnay, hero:, Frank Rev. W:,11. einking. agenNe of Myth 1881ge. •It ,p'as proposed eel of 1L4. ledge following corn- s n$ttke arrange - •ter. Se a*. sur. Nor. Bro. Jas. .Metcalf and Bro. l ('KNOW `7itrt ttott:.formerly •If w Yurk.- has IN4.1. .tieheliug a few day* with hl. ,. . alis. Marie \lltrray. Mr. 11011 1. searing the uniform of the 1' a -fathn.u•d at f�egiva. A'herbal e:vuvass of the village re- :mitwl i11 the ,-ontributlou of 11.251::.35 for the .5ruleuhtu relief fund. Ills..., dial lis the R afford hospital on.Muudi.y. )tiered filth. in her fiftieth year. Mrs. Pickering be Ire her mar- riage was MI.. Christen.' array. her .blrly I•a.n4eteeing at rum"llnt. %her.• a brother. Jaunty, and a sister. Margaret. r.-.1.le, The remain- were I4r..urht 111 NIA now for Intermet t in 1:reel.14111 eetiieten•. •�., HRI•ssIE s Mr. •11u1 Mrs, %5'• K ou da.l nephew Herbert airs mpsIug their flue new r.•.I, • . queen "4rr•et.. L11u•u o... Itruasel'.. Mashed up ...slog hauling• last Week ,'w•: 11Z 10 thio .lelearfnre of the snow•.' 1144.7 poly trnek the Ix41os•e• of tim- ber 1.111 WJletl the rood. get good. TIn'y Jute.• 44 4411.114 .t5N•k of 1i.g.. in . their n11117ard. interw'.11ute glial Jtmfor football. teams will be .entered by Brussels thio year. The following' 4.Mers lore been ,elected ler the year : l'r eide•nt. J►r. Mite: vleSsitreselelent. W. S. sem 1: ry, Howard Itolie'r: tr••n.nrer. t', M. Wilmot : manager. B. 11'. Ferguson: trainer. ;Foe. Ander- : gr4uldsma11. A. W. Dennison Will. 11111.' of Rices who ha. been eml•h'y.41 in the (o•l..r of Am0ht Bros. A White. Rnis.•1., hail hl. left halal da1na¢•.1 tile./ y ..f lasLww•k. - The -at •h,1110' held by h'ewtern War Lodge. I. le. 11 F.. in their lodge node's, on Thursday evening. Mlarelt 200. no. 14ftendwl I. a Large pony of lad.•. and w•ut1011101. 1• veteran Jewel -for twwity•flve year.' ar'noh••r•hlp eta. presented by the Lodge 1.. 11. M. r4•ott, %%'m. FIVE YEARS' -E1 AGONY ENDED When Ne Took "Fralt-a-tires" For Rheumatism Mt McdiciN Made From Hunt Then eaa be no doubt that "Fruit•a-tiv.." is the long sought remedy for Rheumatism and Lum- bago. From all over Canada Dome letters testifying to this feet. Mr. John E. Gunderson of Parrs boro, N.K. writes: "1 suffered ba//y with Rheumatism for five years - tried different medicines- was treated by doctors in Amherst -and here at bop4e-but the Rheumatism came bac 1. 1916, I saw aa advertisement for "Fruit•a-tires" and took a hoz and got relief, so I took them for about six months and the Rheumatism was -s11 geneaad I bare never felt it since".' 50r. a box, 6for r'.50, trial size 25o. At dealers or from Fruit -a -tires Limited, Ottawa, Oat. twenty-one veteran medal.. presented in thio lodge and 41,.•,,• are •ih.•rs w Neill ...on remit tip' toot 1111.1 the sante 4',.•1tgn111W1. - - BABY' a EALTH IN THE SPRIN .• Spring is' a 4hIl. .•f aittlet,• to •1'a who have 14111' • 110. 11 flit. Condition. make it ti.• c117 moth to. k.. -p es lathy indoors. Ilei often 4.trf1tl•.l 1 "t'.•rh•.t, '1. Lid venti- lated room. '1.,1 .114.•4144:. - .4 wl►ieh reek J.1• w' 111' guard 211;:1d int 4141.:1. -.c of ital.,* .(teen Tab- let. 11.11t1d 1v k•.r in rl • house oral ati.`t,4'asi •nal .1.• tit, , the baby to keep ICI. tont:Yell a .1 .wets working r.atttlarly. The. will pr..v.4111 ('1.Ids, mingstn 4t r i t.r ''1'.11 n 1 k•'1' I.al of the l'linton'hraueb ofatelhnuiulou Spores and lupe takes a volition with the Itlltueir• ishan ('.e. Mr: MeK iu- 44014. of tit nttf..rd, la the new 1114414tg••4'. - MY. and Mr.. John Latina who; puce INru V114%1-11, of 'Upon for the pas 144o or tlr,r }ears, lea%1• In May for Belfast. Ireland. They game from Ireland 111114 thele tree an• *4(444 this wide CIU• Atta11/tr, only u daughter remaining 111 In•Liud, tlr,'� 1.UItim is a *44 _t'...-ni and sit. lure' iu „aw.rtlon with the ti..lernlneut e‘IN•rlmental station 11. B. ('haat wit. to Loudon lust seek attending an el,.•tri.• rung, loon: tvn ( ion. MI.s Aertrade 111e•44art of Fargo. N. 1►.. w'ho la a i•adleg.. studrnt at Ital- linmre. la spending her spring vaca- tion with her ...uterine, 41.,. MMaws. Wilts... and her aeries. the 31rn.srs. ('Hato]. • • Mho Clinton Ladle's' Howling ('lu1i has re..rgants:ea for the eomlugw•u• •A+1►.wletr-MM..•r•. Well Vice t..l : Hon,-pr•.id.11t. Mrs. 11. R. Sharp: president. \Ire. F., A. Ax- on: 1st t-le•pr.al.1ent. . I'. Hovey; :Inn. clt't..:_tir.-+.kit: r J` Zayre; sec-. ' r.•tary, Mi.,. N. . l.w.r.n; trea.nrer. Ail,. J. Wets • •..0 : games eomwlttro, )lie How ' it. 114 t:.Bugs-r. Mr.. 'Itr. date \Ir.. Me•\lun•hie: property gown o.. - r.. st )Ii Ire '11 : *slat eeh►mlrtee. ' h r44. E. Hovey. Mr.. W 11. Fair, Mrs. Zapf... Mr.. 11. 11. 1tlr1.•-rt•.a. Mr... t'. ltienholl. , 111ward It. Ilulm.s. of Vaneoacer.. 14. 1 ., wadwadea brief -vl.k-•wish Ayes slat r. •5I r, Omit:. last w•<e•k • 11. it a metre 4.f t Iln:..e- . IIIA 1111►'1 ..1 h. s t e e Wefor a tnrrn•s•r xf r. '.:"o t nt.4the ideal's -hip withideal's-hipideal's-hip,.r:,h. h •R 11e'c'an:Ulliiu, National ttail,Sn.. )(r-. lfeleu Condi. widen- of i.0 hirhire.5 rtllur Con -11. for 1i21fy ii••:u'.:1 •w.4f-. knownknownresident of 4'1111ton..died:Mian•h. at 14t. John's .h.es3Htll. Toronto• fu :1*r seventy-fir.t yeiir. SheSheiniaIntbeenI..Ii Ilcilli' the 411.1 two or , tl•te u slr.' with her .1:..lithier. 51r.. W. J. Ito... of Toronto.' .5 ...n. liar t .'oue•II, of 'Kitchener'. 111.4., • •art ire.. Ther mains were -la -ought to ('live on for In- 1Prnl11nt, ' 11'w..i. sr tn.auts. -'Clue apple hlrl•i•l k4ugrof tine elf wale, down frula 4ind.c- rich •tis•' •h,y 101 41y looking offerer for -the ming -.••u.ou. ' .1.11 I t 1 p •y!. 1. U. 'rlu Tablet. - '1'11 by ""41- 1.. One d•ole•r. or I.y ‘11•1 ev'nta .a 1 -• dens'. ou ('►intra' Street `1.' r, .MrT44g- gart. of Hrrwi nlwn.hlp. wlu• i. levn-ing the' fa 1.1111 to r••.hle !n $45lfort11. Ism Fser r. w' I t r 14. :1'.•Ij.tt•ger t 1l1 Ala ere mail u 1 oc from. The 1► . N'illiaei M•4II4Ine 4•ee.'. Brookville. 41- ,41-11UCH +rrr1 ace 1s .•rmt.•mletatin4t •.4M cry 111 %nr1.-b. F. Jordan. n . 04 'enn.1tteted. .4 i.• ..•nL'.. in the I:v:n,>:••Il•L r.it for three week.. wine ¢!row .nk"fferiug ..4114•11.41, by 1110 1'4 n- 1. 11''ti nm.41htL.l to *219. r 'le sent l.ing..••f the. 4,0441/1'0 taw' 11.1 464•••1 44'.1114.1111414.14.,1 ut V. 1'. Ra1Rflit. :D fl• 0'. flitill. t 11'!•:11 11111:414 have developed] Into'!" ai.dtier I:.rge fire in -Zink!" aces•; t.•el '.r T. 1.. '55'illi:ln.s, proprietor of the i•• •al _ni.: ndlh - Mr. LC'llian .1 was :11N.ut t.' 4.•il5•• 4411' mill t.0 att, rel t" .om1• hn''lt.e.n rye town. when' he 114111•14.44 .111011% ok.unit tipon 3I4.--444013:..n deport- ment fulmd h, the• bottom deport- ment of rthenliil it largepnht.•4 Cyan i '41.inrt'. earn -•41 likely by :tee frlet4•m of the belt running •I1,,reon. 11•- at 011.4' .104444'•.1 thelarlargenr.44.4' awl vith a little 44:11••1 e�ct1 tgni'losi the flh{ i elp Fort' o Needs Blood DURIN4th' critical peri e ' • ]between twelve and seventeen there is a special strain on th • your girl's system which of �• eaves her In a weak run-down condition. She becomes anaemic .r bloodless. The gums and eyel' r s as well as the com- plexion generally . • . me very pale and there is weakness d lassitude. Indigestion constipation are usual. There is a rtness of breath, palpitation of the heart eadaches and irregularities of the vital o' _ . s. These symptoms are also common to in which case the complexion a greenish tinge. . ' More blood is needed- -rich, red, invigorat- ing blood. Since Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the greatest of blood builders this is the treat - meet indicated. The restorative qualities of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food have never been more certainly proven than in the treatment- of young gbh for atea.n:ia, 41.14.154 S ul.•l r.1. ments which arise from a debilitated con- dition of the blood. Since young girls seldom understand them- selves at this age the responsibility rets with the mother. The whole future health •and happiness of your daughter may depend on getting through this critical period in good physical condition. ']'here is no question of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food being the most effective means of overcoming the anaemic condition. It is only necessary to have a little patience and keep up the use of the Nerve Food regularly until the growing body is supplied with an abundance of rich, red, life-sustaining blood. You will notice that while the price of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been increased to 60c. the box now contains 60 pills instead of 50 as formerly. Likewise Dr. Chase's Kidney -liver Pills are 35c. a box of 35 pills, instead of 26e. for 25 pills. Edmanson, Rates & Co., Ltd., • EXETER- _' ,1 ,xt • f'r T.'Itr.nd4'.. w ho eCwri.•s the ,u.tl front the'.tnti.81 to the {►•.t'.Alee. 1'a. retnru,.l to the Joh after an ettf .ree.l alw-••m••. of three month. owing to Mhos. Mr --r-.. itilgshiw & Fm<ton have 111•s014•.1 ttnrtis'rsh(p and Mr. Itieshuw tot.taken over the' lut•luest. -Itel ..,, Tls•kry ham s..•nr.1 n Po''' 'Hon with Ike Rayleigh 11rng 4'..., of Lfoul•41. 411111 isle- left for that 4'117. .lnn.un:•,•nlent 1114. 11111 mile of the. Ilpleeinfm1114 of N. r:, Ilogarth, Ji. S. .1., to 4?.e Ie..{i sou of wiles man- ager of Th.. e'. It. JJ1'll.tt )ia11uf,rMnr- 11.tt 4'o nt•344c. maker. of Maple l.r'nf 1'sttleMiners' I. with. heal olflre and Ksetery ' at,-Kttet•euer. Ontario. \!r. I1.'g.orth Is a sone of S..1. lklgarth. of Fceter, He 1141. lul.1 a broad ec4e•r• 1411ee In n.h•r•rti.lug,-n...44i Causing and ',•l1i*,4r. loving IN.•n adcertfsh•g Ina nnit.•r mf -1h.• Ford Motor 4 'nm1wi1117 of Canada and a dlreetor of the .5.- sewleti4al of ('11 median 411tertlWN•r. a nil mime. recently as400lated wit11 the 114401tt..t, Advertiser, A141'11 .y. helm-- ileil. • Charles 11'. 1►n41.. mf wlloin me'n• 'GM w'u. n/ade in a r.-.': Is+n••w•a • MUM ets441 44t 4'hLlham 4.1 one• year In the 1tnlar(o Reformatory. 4114.1 wen.1 ordered deported at the rend' mf' 41.' 1.1'm. Magi.t rate .In,nI4 in pis.+Ing .,int• n.4• mild. '•11'e don't Stant surd' men as you In this..4+nitry;' 11+iH. et.nfe.....1 to .forge•rd, wife desertion n44,1 Idganly. ' The firm off Libby. Mo\,;ll A ].That•. of Chatham. intend t„ .'te't.' n 3,4.•14: - 'sit ing'.tmttnn In Crud •r. providing enough itereage• ...in be ....erred Ise t1 ' neighborhood : - a / farm in )(r1 l4I..! township, iia. 1••asWl the reslil'•ne.' of Sunned 1.lttle, n 1:.N1.•ri'h sereo west. nod intends. '1 'slug to 4.•af"rt11 to r'.{.1e• Mr. 1.41 11..1 Baan))- ser' movlsig is the' 4.'.•.G when• 144• .ha. .•c1wt.3i•e 14111.1 1M1••• . nil 1h4.4Ref.l tare di't pow.' of 1 at' el.-•trleal .tis•k to the 44:13111• resist s. 1vnui'fi.11 an.(Menti to Mate 1n •couurple' 0.1.11„ N.ld'k.. to l0 1(t.• hl Neu 4 hl r!". 1'. 4'nrtin. of 4 reit. Int., .1 loons! .1 . 411 414.1 (rope e"1'a opp.•Ite the r•'•• r. at lou gronml•. t.. . I'!, )lorrl•..n. of '. 1IIh14•rt, V1 !or ie retli g from the farm a1i.1 '4ifl'tnke tee._rtilo4L'd heel 11••44 hour• shortly, Al. c. )ler►i.ual.l- of etas rib: has lea..41 the, farts or .linens \l.. ' on III" rah •5ane...Lnl ,,f'11,K(Ilop. aUel has taken lar-w•.siun. - or any rough patch, soreness or cru'- \tion, should be regarded as a possible source of eczema or other painful and obstinate skin disease. Treat every troublesome place with Zam-Buk. This refined herbal balm (unlike fatty pore- clogging ointments), sinks deep into the skin. It soothes and purifies the whole tissue, draw ng eat all' poisonous and offensive matter : clearing t1/ ak.a and complexion in a wonderful way. SAMPLE Sox N this (rose aerial . am early seal* baa ret end lost. pall Craw Saw Sul S e. TweaM ZAM-BUK MEDICINAL SOAP "A severe eczema torted cin my daughter's fact and sock," says Mrs. H Amey. 42. Lval1 Ave.. Toronto. " 1 was about to call in a skin snec,.11st when 1 heard of this Zam Huk treatment rescum4' other s4lferers. So Sosn. Th.stwo ,old treatment had agreat .00thingarid purifying influence. Dir by eiaV the sores all gradually healed and wet ip the nl• 0th my daughter's akin was thoroughly cleared of all impurity " The Zam-Aukltalm is sold at 50c. the hos Zam•Buk • Medicinal Soar, 25c. the cake, 70c. box or three. Of . druggists everywhere. or Zam-Btit Co.. Toronto. England. elal•d i. .i •'I,3j of )Ir. ..: 1 .air.• 11111', f rtwlfnrth. T. ti rendre .hipfN•d a ,•air . of rigtlt r•`II rh .4,"' Iteay.. horse. -fr/lta 44.afor114 station r on -Friday. 'lar,•b 21.1: Die). 114erug..1- around .1.700 pounds ..tib, and the lop p{roe,istll • 4.u• %44{41, '114.• it.r,.ge for the .ear tieing I(LMkt. )1r. $n4011 sn).. that -hlg 1...r'.e ale very •t 11roe•. 411e territory fr14111 IV 4140111111 11. 1 to an I.. rod .441501141 10 114.11 0. 11.1-. had. .51• the pile, 'there rtlwuld Is• t:•s4t .nines 111 th.;un fur the harmer. 31r. RLL'k. •.( V1111.nle•1•r 41,1'114 114 ( w -/4‘k at rhe home of his -brother, it'nek. M. •i'.,. In Tln•ki•r.mitl4. lir. 7 11 lark .•nmo ea•r to intend 44 e.rnfer•ness of western 4'. 1•, 11. "}Heinle hold at r `; 3141t1 real. 14..4 le 5I. -K44 v. 4.'1.•, Juthen el.•rk- ing In 11. Edge -s lulydwar.- moire for the past four rears, left Inst wvi•k for N'. li."Ks•rr. w h....• art iete - an 41.' .5merl•41n rapture of York 1Tnrontu► ( in '1%13. ptd14i.he1 hI the )Tree•]► "Iter 14.1.1,41 1i4..l,'% ' le r':'eirhlg nisei: iii' \ot•.14de emollient. el• 1e11Cthy .•caned• aptwttring UI a r.nent i..n,• • f Tile I:l.•le'.• Mr. Kerr. oho 1.- nn 11"nnr graduate ,.,r 4414.1 611111 .4111.11011 14. In- stitute. end of I far. 1'nhvr•lly, White Goods Whiter Colored Goods Brighter SURPRISE loosens and dis- soly es all impurities from fine -'or coarse fabrics. By its gentle treatment and thorough cleansing, the pattern, color \\ or fibre is not injured and takes on a new freshness. �•('Iafel.-• 1', Shepherd. alio was a' 4+n4114ant In the hienI i'nlneh of the Morison% It44nk 4.w...rm.. time. has bc(•n transferred to !4t Th•.ma•. 1111 I144• will remain In 4'lintou nn!II 111• ern apt a •Itltshl,' 1114u1.n. Th.. ;toy Sewn.. who hove -las n In a d(w'r5aMttel 'o for • 1. tittle Cline, have riser/ iti17,41-:nr,! :Isd.thlg• 44111 hi' held ererr 'lrn -'': ; -erosible In St. I'enl'n Smiley '.•hsd neon. Stewart Taylor 1...emtma.t4•r. M►.: Farnham of th 141.11• •••11444.1 ' atA?f, end her sister. 11r.. NI•t oruu'!. have froretl•IwdI the •••• 141Ye of George J',hxlen ole Rattenbnrn str.d•t. ' Mr. and )tri. r11e4'ninnn. • re' .n.y arttII* the A1.1 Ile'•,'15111 - 4 11411ng. '. ..•-.•....',4..41 .•onit•,I serol tiff..] up for w Icor. .g Ilx..pt r bas 3 wiped as laairtg.•r Another purchase, bigger than before, means another and a greater Sale. a-.-'' - - New Coats Special group of Coats, in dress and sport models, low priced, $7.95, S9.50, S10.00,' $12.50, $!4.50, $16.50. $18.50, up to $32.50. All brand new models. - Thare are 'only twelve shopping days-: till Easter. Shop early and get your choice. �..,. Specially priced from $10.00 to s37.50, regularly up to $45.00. - Visit our store often. It will pay you. ROYAL LADIES'READY-TO-WEAR CO. Fast Sick of Square ., mirktf.° 1«s.,: GODERICH. ONT. ..r •