HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-3, Page 61 'TSR SIGNAL. — GOD
It will be wise to choose
your Spring Wall Paper
now, while our range of
new goods is complete.-
omplete.Prices flown 10c up.
Porter's Book Store
We specialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let us give you an
estimate for wiring your h use
or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors
Dynamos, Electric Bella and
Burglar Alarm Systems
All NVnrk G.rtranteed
Cook, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment of
tilt. best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
Went etc. Phew !sit
A Soothing. attrcthw. Ptawau g 011
that bas brought prompt relief to hus-
drres.ua.eins from catarrhal 4.51414..,
brad solute, di.ehsreina or 'WSW( Sam
Not 'obit herb orthe ort and howl la
a. Pse salt aysrirretsera n.».
laaPrs.e n4 daeenMO" &Nor t
tone upon ,tQuad
A.O.Lewrd..MC-» kb Ave..lfewYdrk
Sunday Afternoon
By iSABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont.
The dearest. Idol 1 have known. 1sruel sod stood wave again In the
Whate er that idol be. pmse•Ie. of Ahab. the seeing the
Help me to tear It from the throne prophet, whom le had .ought for eve
And worship only Thee. erywhene. standing before him. Ahab
cried out, "Art thou he that 4ronbleth
" shall mY walk he cluae with Gal. Israel?" Elijah flung Lack the
Calm asci serene my frame; eharsee. "I have nut troubled Israel:
So Pitres' light whall'mark the read but thou uud Thy father's house. In
that leads rule to the Lamb. tlat ye hare forsaken the eommand-
-Wm. Cow -par, went* of the Lord, and thou hast fel-
• Unveil Bestial."
Ferrera 1041—The Challenge,
EIlJgh mutat. Make one great public
effort to reclaim bis people from apos-
tasy and so he requested Ahab to ex-
-----'- - Ids ,ttutWrits* and eau au as -
monthly to M ant. Carmel and there
lit the controversy, whether the king
(g the prophet was Israel's tn,utleer,
be "Welded. Whatever was tIle secret
Minh* that d witlttl Ahab to atvept
file challenge. the result was(linseed
• God. As (teal was the sun-god
fire would Is. a lieu er oyer which he
might lou supposed to exerciser autlt-
r arc ,+
I (h Thou who art a Spirit. Infinite
and eternal, enable alt 10 worship
Thee' in .pirh and in truth. We hare
against litre in o►eetrtritt, b
and In decd. and 11111. have permitted
other ;Inds to rule where Thou ghillie
ahouldst hold_awaf. - Help ur to carat
nut ail such and worship only Thee.
Restore uhto ns. O' lard. the JOY of
Thy attrition-, Amen, t
APRIL lith.
Lesson Title ---Elijah and, the Stiv(
ale with Baal.
Lemon Passage -l' Kings211-24.
i Ahab. the sixth king of Isercd,4eign-
ed In *Hearin' (w'nty-two years and
"he did evil in the sight of the Lord
above all that' were before him."
This Is atf—fr buted'In -part t0 the Ilk
fluence bis wife Jepegebel. daughter of
the king of Tyre. had Aver him. He
permitted her to introduce from her
own landirorwhip of Hail and
aura il,wal be went and aril'.
ed' ,, He' t a house for him.
reared ala In a bowie and made
a grove, a did t • heathen whom
God drov out of .'ahaaD to make
i robin for Israelites after bring-
ing theQ) out of Egypt. 11e tad then
expo*sety commanded thew Wei'
should not do as these heathen; but
I now we rend "theta Ahab did more to
protobe the Lord (.i!od of Israel to
anger than all the ktngs.ot Iirerl that
were 'before him:' Thus the worship
of Baal heeame popular, trriteg pro-
moted and protected by the King.
Rut God was still speaking to the
people through his prophetd and try-
ing to bring them back to serve the
one living and true God; so Elijah ap-
pears as though dropped from heaven
in the same wonderful way he as-
cended for there ie oo mention of his
family other than the designation of
the "Tlshbite." It would Seem from
the abruptness of hie message to the
king on his first appearance before
him that he had beeen, previous to this
utterance, denouncing the iniquity of
king and people alike and warning
them of the conaeequencee% should they
persist in doing reveren.e to idol.'
and in particular to the sun-god Raaf.
He ended his direful denunciation by
• /solemn oath, 'As the Lord God of
• Israel Brett'. 'before whom I stand.
there shall not to dew or rain these
years (three and a -half years, James
5-1Ti,/ but according to my word.'
During these years Elijah wax in hid-
ing. according to God.* dir.ctions.
and being cared for miraeulunaly.
The long famine with all the suffer-
ing it entailed failed to raw Ahab
cod his rcubjecte from their idolatrous
practices. God gave them another
opportunity .if repeating and return-
ing to Himself. According to the
word of the Lord. Elijah returned to
tween God and Baal by a miracle
from beeves. He spoke of himself
as being alone, a small party against
a mighty boat. int eta• with iosl made
n mighty inetrudtent in the oyer -
throwing af evil. With this as his
staying power he gave directions that
two bsll(.•ks _mere to be *ban. and
Iald upon separate ottani. the one for
Baal, the other for Jehovah, and
whieltevev should be consumed by
fire must decide whose the people of
Israel were, and whom they should
worethip. The people agreed to this,
sayitg. "It is well spoken." No
me of them could recall oten-
the .former history of God's
people d'treta ..he answered by fin as
in the ease of tades,n asking for a
sign that if he went up against the
Midianite•s be would conquer. "The
aug.-1 of God sold ugto him. Take the
flesh and the unletneneed wakes. and
hay them upon this ruck-, and pour out
The troth. And he did so. Then the
angel of the Lord phut forth the end
of the staff that was in Ilia hand, and
touched the flesh and the unleavened
en keel; and there rose up Ifire out of
tin• ro,.'k and consumed the flesh and
the toth•aveoed cakes," iJudgee 6:
LYe-_'1 i.
Elijah alleired the propihets of Baal.
four hundred and fifty of them, to
make the trial fir'T., in rain they
called, saying, "O. Bast. hear us.'
They did not cease their efforts until
The time of the evening saerifiee, but
when DO voice• nor any answer; nor
any that regarded was forthcoming,
they gave way to Elijah. who .'alled
the perrpte to draw near and watrb
his every movement. When his pre-
parations were all made he prayed
that God would vindicate Him*Mf
and his prophet. "Lord God of All -
retina. Isaac, and Israel, Int it be
known fila day that thou art God. and
that Iheve done all there tidings at
thy word. Hear nw. 0 Lord. hear
me, that this people may know that
Chou art Lord (god. and that thou
hast turned their heart back again."
At the dose of thio short, confident
prayer, the fire came down. licked up
the water and consumed not only the
bullock, but the very .topes of the
altar as well. The ,effect of this on
the people was what the prophet was
seeking. They prostrated themselves.
thus recognizing Ciel were in the
pretence of God Almighty, and cried.
"The Lord, he la the God; the Lord.
he 1s the Ged." Seising the oppor-
tunity when the people were of this
mind. Elijah ordered the prophets of
Baal to be destroyed. He faltered
not. for God bad sanctioned ouch de-
struction. "Te shall walk after the
Lord your (hod. 'end fear him. and
keep his comm,.ndmentu, and obey his
role., and ye shall serve him, and
cleave unto'hitn. And that prophet,
or that dreamer of dreams, shall be`
put to death; beceau.e he loth spoken
to turn you away from the Lord your
God wlibh brought you out of the
,larni of Egypt, and redeemed you out
of the honor of bondage. to thrust
you out of the+ way which the Lord
Thy God commanded thee to walk in.
Ile shalt then put the evil away from
the midst of thee." (Dent. 13:4 61.
[ Was Greedy Benefited by
Tabs( 's
Vegetable Compound
el' sab__L ate. —"I task your
swear badbsts m belly was born, and
ft was s gayest help to nee ea I was very
ly until I W started to take it. I
sat felt as though I was tired out all
time and would have weak, faint
.p�1ls My nerves would bother tae ua-
tr I could pt little rest, night or day.
I was told by framed to take L d a E.
Piskbata's Vegetable Compost and 1
only took a few bottles and fiiiit helped ms
wonderfully. I would recommend it to
say woman. I am doing what 1 can to
recommend this pad medians. I will
lend that little beak you coat see to any
one 1 an help. You m with the great-
est of pleasure use my name in regard to
the Vegetable Compond 1f. it will help
others take it."—Hrs. Kum* Mu.u-
GAN, Sydenham, Oat.
it.joymmaricatikkommeirgyme ve
been reported einaGar to this one. ' say
women are poor) at such times and get
into a weak ran -down condition,
when it is Boson tt/ the mother, as
well u tM child, that her strength be
kept up.
Lydia E. ttnkha s's Vegetable O O -
pound is an excellent bale for the
mother at this time. It is isi
from medicinal restemed turbot=
not contain hsAf tl t M
teemle ata kg the
li tt
7.alim replied: "\\Tutt you have
said, pundit.. about my ignorance Is
all inn.; but wherher 1 have acteil
foolishly in ,eosiug-t.+ worslhp my
'tidakur' 11 .e.liold idol t iN another
thing. 1 had at capital Rud at my
house; he wets beautifully made and
emit me some money, for the man
who made him was a skillful workman.
and 1 paid him handsomely. But look
'Isere. pundits; suppose • 1 had my
'thakur' here in this boat and in my
right hand i took my 'thakur' and in
my left hand- this little do: and mit
teem boil► in the .ranges, wluat would
become of them'
The pundits were silent. but the
people said: "why. rhe gest being of
stone would sink. and the dog would
swim a -Lor•„
"if Po." the Christian replied. "thea
the dog must be greater than the god.
for be can save himself. which the
god cannot do' Do not expect me.
pundits. to wor-.hip is god whieh is
inferior to a dog. No: i will no long-
er worship a atone. hut I will wor-
ship Him who made the stone. -1
worship the iar.l J.e"us. who died
for m.•.- and Him only will 1 serve,"
Ho knew that the .4 ryiee .it Jesus
was one of pewee and joy, f..r Jestl.
sa74. 'Take my yoke upon -yew and
learn nt me. My yoke is .easy. and
my burden is light." liana you ent-
erer' upon this a.rvie.e'•—wet.
• W'INGat•M
Mr. uud Mrs. McCaudle. hurt re -
lamed from Turuutu nil hare token
up their residence • 11 Minnie sI1.et.
Mr. McCandles IN again Ili charge ut
the .Vtnghaue brood' of the Whyte
pocking establishment.
Inspector Frank E. Elliott. formerly
of Listowel, WIN been uplodule.I to the
ituportant oilier of 111spctor of O. T.
A. officers. lir. Elliott is n cousin ut
li. It. 1:11lin. of \Thirein.
At the recant 1'INlrrlresol typewrite
lug contest held at the Spot tun Ilus-
lee•ss C'olle'ge, %Vit:twin. Miss Annie
Pullen was anceeisful in winning
the medal for speed and afccuracy.
11. E, Isard i Co. are enlarging
their store considerably and installing 10,
new fixtures.
N1'hlle ('unstabir I'Itipp•n and
Arthur Haloes were turning out of the
lane at the rear of the Wingliaw
Methodist church in the former'c Sut-
ter. the vehicle Allured (oink the retard.
highly palled with ice au1 nth*. to the
sidewalk. The horse Ewalt ritii frfght-
en.d and as the two occupants slid
from the cutter (lashed away. Travel-
ling at.ltigh Pieced .tee negotiated the
street, the cutter righting Itself at the
-corner. When n ('otestahle ['tippet' and
his paseenge'r recovered the horse and
et r e• e . was not a se•rateh ."O
either nithatgh the animal had puller)
her shoos off. A few years ago this
horse was a reword -breaker On the
tracks. Loth as n runner ani a Jump•
After an illness lasting nine weeks
there mowed sway at hi•r home nn
March 22nd Eva Ferrier. "wife of 'tr.
1t. 11. McInnes. in'te'r thirty-seventh
year. The d.cmasel, win In surviv-
ed by her humlband. two daughters.
and one son. is n daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Ferrier. of Staln-
mieil,+16 Alberta. all of whom were with
her at the time of her death. One
sister and two brothers olio survive.
Marion Girling. the little five-year-
old granddaughter of Mrs. Wesley Gir-
ling. was drowned In the Maitland
River. at the foot nt Scott street. on
Wednesday afternoon of last week
when she ventured out about sixty
feet nn the l.s.ae• Ice to'rescue a pup
with which she and her little compan-
ion. Marie Reid. were playing. The
weight of the child parted the yiece ani
she dbiapp•are.1 between two Pees In
die swollen waters. The body was re-
covered the following day(
The featnrt• of the program at the
last meeting of the Bingham Illc'it
School I,Itera ry lbw t.ty wan a gelate:
"Resolved. that the reading of I
mag217fpe•e and newspapers Is of more
value than reading looks." The de- I
ciaton of the Judges as announced by
A. 11. Musgrove was in favor nt the
negative. supported by MI" Mildred
Frohman and Stanley Harrison rilk
form TV. The affirmative was up-
held by Miss ('ora Dkekson and Mnrria
('hri.ti.• of form 11.
Melodrama of n generation ago
wntlid not sneered today. Then one
cnuid always' tell the villain by thy
inet that he smnked cigarettes. Nnw
even the heroine d.we, it.—('hi.agn
—yet elegant and comfortable
NEW in every particular. yet strictly McLaughlin -Buick in character, the
1924 McLaughlin -Buick Master Four
five -passenger Sedan fully exemplifies
McLaughlin-Buick's policy of building greater
satisfaction into its cars with each succeed-
ing year. Moderately priced, everything that
could be asked for is present—fine appear-
ance, comfort, power. Its new Fisher -built
body, new frame, fenders and radiator, radi-
ator filler -cap, aluminum running -boards,
bumper — its powerful McLaughlin -Buick
t alvo-in-head motor — its sturdy, proved
Four -Wheel Brakes, all contribute to that •
greater measure of utility that the world
has come to expect in "Canada's Standard
Alb, about the G.M.A.C. Referred Payment Mato
& e•-116
Dep Greater'Iias Geis
One day when 7allm Singh, a
Christian eoovert, wan crossing the
Gangs* in the same boat with two
Brahmans. they began to reproaeh
him tfor having become a Christian:
"What do you know, you Ignorant fel-
low, of your own religion or of Chr1s-
Tell •
the World
IT wt. in
• tee spirit
of 1111
weed g"
that 'rusk
E. Johns. a weQ1knoww
Montreal traveller. penned
Bas the following letter :
.•ars 1 act pies t•�ets..e too • 1 V
Nebel *s1
* l. iir
td • poisoned eN nous w4 (s rs4.
asdieier. preinelralaa.
ty *walled lina.
Orr day led nn ahs • lard der'• wrap
la die
• I.pe..daka.
i.swwM1. anew Iin d
w eetkneg won with hem pyMsstb• I
swowisteed mkt bsisstsab• Thread
kola vas s so s ' 1 wild e.► ins with roe
lilseset: C. shad: 1 asid. hoe r
Pr M. VeN, is oho .atter •
ole A MINAr.,1 sad pa liar• no
psi d' ill • law miaeatt. a•d rte
sr IA es wad I aid is-" to
Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives—
♦ Tonic is All You Need.
Not sieek -but not feeling quite well.
That Is the way most people feel in
the spring. Eselly tired. appetite
fickle sometimes. headaches and a
feeling of depression. Pimples or
eruption.. may • r on the akin. or
there may be tweet of rheumatism
or neuralgia. Any of theme indieute
that the blond is out Of order—that
the indoor lite of winter has left its
i mart upon you and may easily de.
velop Into more serious trouble.
1lo not dose yourself with purga-
tives. u many people do. In the hope
that you yeah put your blood right.
Purgatives gallop through the system
and weaken instead of giving�atrength.
Any doctor will tell yet th t this is
true. What you need in the spring Is
a tonic that will eeericb the blood ane{
build up the nerve*. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pilin du this .peedlly, safely and
surely. Every dun. of this medicine
helps to enrich the blood, which clear.
the skin. strengthens the appetite and
makes tired depressed men, women
and children bright. active and strong.
air. Henry R. Robinson, ('ruirkshank.
Seek., &aye :..-"My blond was out of
order and i was nervous and run down.
i got • supply of pr. Williams' Pink
Pi110 and after taking them for a while
they fully r.•Ptored my health. i am
now feeling tine and have no heaita•
Sinn fn rsrommenMog these pills to
*11 who are feeling unwell:'
To can get theae pllia through any
dealer In medicine, or by mail, at rt
coots a box from The Dr. Williams'
hf.dldee Co., Br.x'kville, Ont.
'�i� LAUGHI,I — E3 lI l C K.
Te Distract Attention
Cigar Dealer—"Yea. I want a boy
here.. dare you had any e!tperle
Youthful Applicant. --"Lots."
"Sluppoete• 1 . should mix tip the
prow marks in theme hoses. could
you tell the g-tod Hoes ttTom the
tad ones?"
"Easy 'rough."
"The roust cigars In in the boxes
nota got the pettiest phew's."
Mimed )Pirie
The lady was addicted to bridge
and the clergyman tried gentle re-
"Your ladyship," he smiled, mild-
ly. "cannot fall to have noticed the
time wanted in playing cards."
"That', just what 1 have noticed."
was the reply. "1 always fret at the
ftime lost in shuffling and dealing."
-Roston (Nobe.
T.tacher : "Johnny, name a collective'
noun." Johnny: "A varwnmeleaner."
the 5's lb
Frost Fence ,. FOR
Baled Hay
Homestead Fertiliser
Rubber -tired
were OD exhibition. II. -ns with a high
laying nrurd for sake of comparison
were alongside of others, with • poor
laying record. Egg grading waw also
Several lecturers a,.eomlatni.d the
train and two ears were used for lec-
ture purposes, lecture% being given
on the different lin.* of Ptnek on ex-
hibition. The trey -nide of the exhi-
bition is not more stock but better
stack, more production with iess
numbers. setentffie breeding and
One of the demonstrations consis-
ted of a farm writer supply with
plumbing fixtures. both outfits. rte,
for farm houses—Exeter Tiara.
"1s your father at Some. dear?
I'un.•h nays a lady asked wbea the dot -
toe. little daughter &wawered the
door bell.- 'No. he lea t." answered
th.- child 'He's nut girths an an•
ac+thetic." 'Y►h. what a big word'. -
cried the lady playfully. "Ib yes
know " what it mcaaa''' "It means tea
d,•llars," replied the little girl.
Man's first form of goveernmeot, as
we call it. wa- made of a rib. --41kroa
Itewem.,4-Jnuraal. ,
g_omple 1e Be Aseided
Parham Chronk'te
A benefaetnr has come to the torn
nt Gn,lerlc•h. He offers #12.(MYI as a
straight gift toward% the erection of
a town hall, one .condition heinT that
the building shall ,'nntatn an auditori-
The foregoing appears In rine nt oar
exchange+, and the thnnght comes to
us that Durham wouldn't he long In
snapping np steh an affair. Set It
Isn't likely it wont., ever come to nor -
1 1.1 the, klekera would all .crawl
out of their Akins and kill It by firht-
ine over the !oration. Just as they
did In the case of the potoffl.ce.
For all washing purposes
flake Ammonia.
Try a package anti note t
i; feeds softening with Snow-
erence in the water.
P.eop'e Themselves to Blame
Milverton Sun
Theoretieally it is all very fine to
plan. railway+ ■h.l other national
ntiliti.s ender eommlP.lnree sway
from government-nntrol. but when
strikes take pias an.l people clamor
for lower frieeght retro and ether
privileges and egged on by politician.
who hope to resp adrantage through
their dis.atisfaetinn. and begin rot -
fog against government candidates.
it is not Inng before an •rnments
alts° take a hand and diet,te. the Pnliey
of the commission. The extreva•
wince and waste nn the part of gov-
ernment* is hugely cine to the people
thems-lees, who enntintlally make
unjust demands nn those in the eon -
trot of affairs.
The Better Live Stock Train. enm-
prl.ing nine earinadP of high -clans
stock and pnnitry with special dem-
onstration and iertnre ears. visited
Exeter on Tuesday morning, Marrh
:nth. and wavtl.ited hy a great
many farmers nt the Mairiet and eltt-
senP of the town. Several of the
rroma at the seh.oi were Mooed at
11 oelnck and the scholars visited
the train. 'The first tars visited
enntained Prime high.'le.. Shorthorn.
Hoistein and Jersey eattle, export and
grade steer.. Four .'own in one of the
ears were sold to gine a. much milk
as twelve ordinary tome. one Holstein
giving abtnt seventy pounds ata milk -
Ing. The athTMtinn demonstrated
that hy proper feeding steers mold
be fitted for Poppet In about two
Tn the ear of hogs. emphasis wan
laid on the bacon type nt hog. and
a.veerat abiosis were exhibited .bow-
ing the kind that was profitable
and Alan several that wpm not prof-
itable to ranee. Raeon *idea were
also on exhibition.
The tear of sheep attraeted .nm.
attention• Int not as nmeh as amme•
of the other (care. in this err were
a nnmher of c'hok'e sheep of different
',reedit The ponitry ear was an in-
teresting agent and different Mode
F. leaning Floors
Snowflake Acts14e a Charm
In all household cleaning. use
• little 3nenrflake Powdered
Aetemorers .n the water, and
yo•i ll have hall the labor and
save half the soap.
For Snowflake. firstly, •o(tena
the water—dissolves the
gr and vitally removes the
dirt. tt \rots era disinfectant
and leaves Sorra and Ieao!euns
clean and bright.
Snowflake is the nrij,Ml Pow-
dered Ammonia introduced !0
years ago. Purer—more con-
centrated—more economical
than inferior substitutes.
910( (: r eO'l