HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-3, Page 24'
r •
Tbunfiday, April 11 1ft.:4
••• different. Indeed. itrom that pro-
4/4111111140nivii When You Try
• •
beradMit of l'assallaa Weekly News-
paper Astaseistloa
•4111111,abed every Thursday morulni.
Subscription price $2.00 peryear. T.
United Stat... and Foreign t'ciuutrIes.
$2.'4) per year, strictly In advance.
Telephone 13 :: Gaderieh, Dat.
W. H. Robertaoo, Miter awl Manager
Thursdat April 3,
fly no class will the scandals which
Iii 4,. been uneart lied at Toront
more deeply resented than by the farm -
ways. is not to return to England to
er. of II intario. iVie•ther the political
manatre a railway system . there, as i
ru..vement fostered I.) the United
itas 4.11m.4..41 Sir Henry has been ,
tarn' --TT(--""4"4"---4‘"- '1 ...13. ""- iloto.gxeit..nt ...vs.1.-....Lsmesdls Ir.
you will realize th
between "Salada"and
yoked last Thursday. In flow,. pr.. 1
1 war days. the Conew.rvatIves would,
have waved the flag and .1..motneeil
'1 as disloyal and undtritish an...attempt
i It:Isl.""tkl:Hu 1111k.thie"irli.oruti. 111:1•1i1 '' •. last
III ! flyto'bour: tighia ilit.r..itreltity lit:hilt:I tifii.'.r.
1 ,
, Bon. there sus no scent% No flags
' w.sns flapped; no ,-lar.-- 11111(1 1.011111i er.
charges erosse41 the floor: tiorern•
went leader anti i Inasssit ion leader
agreed In principle its to Canada..
practical. If not legal. inth•pettilt.uce;
14478 nistrained, .1.1.rifous Ili4.10141.44 a11
grove eonotitutional issoie•nook the
ifference plan. of the -fitss-and-fouthers phras-
eology of an earlier day ; no person"s
loyalty was impugned, no motlrea ho-
t tea...
touted. and the lathor menalter wlot
fathered it qull.tly withdrew 1.14 MAU-
Ilitlpit. agrecaldy Impressed with Its
allotting •aitt bay* one of the big
pleture prodneera„.
• • •
he .
T''Inadlan public Is pleased to
learn that Sir Henry l'hornt...., the
bead of the Canadhit. Nation.:1
reception byo
all grupa
s nd mirth...
Not that all were agreed. Far from
11.4 III A% a 11111 i 1.111011, Of
it. . ort It . pict lured l'1111114111
unable et en 1.. amend her
By it member „I the 1.n -re 4114 11 1IIII 1011 ; NIliekl`11Zie
King' 111,1111A her a. trr..• and untram-
irrigled n. If 111111 froptIo111 11.1.1
iliTTAW.%. March liNth.-Outetand. "41041r1,111i3 ".tated 4.4 the 1..0.1"; Mr.
ngParitomentary /11-14V141144 111,4 wi'ek. Forke (Progressive 11011,4,,r4
Wart from the (4414(44niajorltyresolut too; while aipat 101111g for the the
Mr. 1.11,11W (Pre-
.•-•i‘ed or not. tin•re 44as a
polling the tuitional .ystem of ran- t
great 110:11 sineerity
way. Dirt of the hog. and now that he
Ma Ind .044 441 ahead with the job it
that mot eaten?. and thousands
o•ho voted for lip cltittlidat or the
would he 11 pity to tome him.
Farmer.. party heti. IllUf • • •
their•leader. would inaugurate a new
TIP. 111.44: sobs ,Its 111P extent Of
a nd bet ter era in the .,I 414,1,4 life o,
To moil 40, tio.,4. the molt .' a colnun; over the wrongs 111-'
revelatiOnS of laxity, If 141.11111141' ,,,o....,.. fil..""1 "1"'n that «44)' 14Y ouceso.d;em
of this. vountry.
under the late 4:overtime:it 0111.t lore 4"1rillikEhts. whieh hurls fall"11
spcnil-tuottey (ar a b..w customs house.
a new postotlics, and' z•everal other
141910- Willett the city wants. Rut
last &mends that the whole -tin-
Toronto ..1toil4i4 ....usitler o hat it get a
savory nu...." he iirohNI to tin. bottom.
in. ..the Mx from re.1.1ents 141)0-
lk.says:'' found the late Provincial Treosairer's'
Et -Wetter. before the public aeormant.
I Itepa rt nient,tin. cosy mark. • '
e9444441itt.14.,1141. soon-n*141m mittiolis of • • ' • I
'Tinian,' worth of SI144••••11111 illIty-fre•,- ••
i prolincial bomb. %IT. sold to tie Tin% tariff is 7.4 tin. only" et -tinier. of !
t !twiner Pr. w halal Tn.:, ..rurer at priedanianntaetnrer.. , A &spate!, from Wet i
ranging' around eight to ii.:arly boot ;ell. /low OH. eetton 011114 Were'',
fIftet.it dollars 111 th.• Imittired al..,,,. buy, 41' 141(' 11,14(4 :binbiatbdi before tb ..y
••urrpnt niarket rallies. It ha. 1....0 began 10 111:11111(14vturp g......1s. They!
shown that one Of Ille opt•I'llIttr. ill
the.,,,. s„.„ri.1,... „1,.almrd s.27,..„, 4.) I, 4,14 -,'Ai .14,11411‘1 41444'11:11/I. With Up-
$7.11.11(011 for very littl.• work and na '14"Lit" IP''''hint'f'S. 1"11 ihe' e"al ')f 1144'
risk, Two witilisses have .1...lared that i building and the machlnery so far
they divided over $1 1014 gaillod (POO t*X......led '4•41-)4eetation. 'that alp ppm.:
their opera -n -4M hells -Ism them...Ives. pai,y had not 114
s.? to terry
and the Deputy l'rovinceial •Frv...arer. on? T.:let, 111,1•1 hp a „1v144oral sealing
The filet has been established that .a ,,r ,,,„,,.. 1„,f,,I.,
. itolopory can
comparatively unknown broker made
.r....ts.r. . ., „. .
profit of alne.tum In ''4 1111? er.tii,... •1,1
vial. treasury hill. In New York, a I • .
service' whlell any rt....Wahl.. batik .I, The GLits. on.. day 141.1 week pulls
would have tiellformed for about one• --1 -11.1....1 a• ver• good pIeture of Ste.
, willian, 4an4k4..1 I: ittideriell's retenn
fifteenth the aum paid. .
The que.tIon that now- call. for an ;
, a.," 414...r. 1040 1•• 4.;:tflil1..1'..11 :ID 111i'l44P.
answ..r Is how it wit. that large -most • - •
erity en nom:Opal law thrmirbout the
o.r. ....urea from the Previmial I.:111 I
hoN. WWI 1111 PUPP punt Ilrllinr. that of I Pr' ,vital. and' it, lit. a 111 he idlegY Y(111''
lionte Bank financing. while Hon., .4.1 on .1111)' lst next '4 r. Campbell
pater Smith wa. supposed to be on 4. 1,.....1 a's•• f.ir 10. fis•r.vi Tory poi -
gnarl. "That question yell44 for an 4m -r pie.. mot ..i:, ,. ri,.• (1 lol., jorIntkl his
(11.- 4) 1"')'' Faint.... to 11r. Smith l ,
picture oe Int v.. been waiting to see
(Irina Is t itst el s to
full op 4rtunity 4,,, .4,0w 1)1:11 iii. may l whether tit .. 4:rIt4 herealsatt. would
fault 14)4,4 irs.ompetence to fill tip.; quit Th.. 4:101.. or Mr. 4'41mpl.e4f.14ou1d
Mine.. t,.*4'.l_'"44 lo• VV:I• 4 1%11144. ito.tleg•', v.:ran:P. 114. Istr. :111.-411o11.-.'.
to the farm movement wide!) gars' • • •
4...111.• with sickening effect. The
Fanner: Sun in its of Saturday
4*44 tabling hy the net lug Nlitti.ter of 414.11441444'. 1110117 4 rhneoh,ll the Maim
Fin:owe. Ben. Janues Itobb, or the that 4 'Angola had pow er pVe11 to re -
1.11111i11 estintates 1...r the f414'111 ,Y1•11r 14111- her .44; it gentile. 8101 51r. .511t r -
tint .\larel. 31. 19.27, t„tan,,,i tell I 1.11seral. !tants labelled the rite
1 57 %Zit) 1...rease of Ilion. 111.114 I ! 1 I 1 f • I
r-101. 1. er a .
S46.040.04141 (non threw of year..
Till. 4111 Ill 1,)r.. .114,11 1101111 1 1•%pPII•
ror the ensuing twelve months
wa. .•10,o.ly in line with Ow -econ-
omy for.....i.C• of Illp Spv0111 (he
'Paoli, .111.1 i• v:eneratly tak..it as 44
prelude 1.1 :1111101111, meat ,,er re41111.141
tll\Jtj..11 (:".' low (''41 the ba 10 11.....I bud-
get promised hy the
Mr. Amin. hie taper u
1.019601 mitten' require. lin Wittier-
ovikl declaration f 11 thorough probe
to the very bottom f an unsavory
mesa. That .dveh
lara on should find
prompt expromlon by 11.r, Doherty,
leader of the Farm ernilli th." Leg -
atter the UPI 6111 II( Sir. Meighen in read from 1..tter after 1.1 ter. Ili
t1on pressp
has tes.n analyzing (he r...itling itt the banquetsv,in Montreal. meat after doctonents:-.. shoo that.
duchtions of the !lather of Perna-
uiefits. even a. to matters of prel•P
MO Nor. A. the Minister ett .losotiee.
Mr. Lapointe. pin It, the thorough air.
hog of the otl.j..et cont.( .10 no harm
n iitl tnIght $timulate piddle thought
t he mat tor,
72 -inch extra heavy,..rure Linen, bleached
double Damask Tabling, very fine and ex-
qui.site quality. Select patterns. Regular
$2.50. at per yard
Hemstitch heavy all puri' Linen, fttney
border, white Hoek 'rowels, size IS x 34.
Regular 60c rat+, at per pair
Ex 41-14 heat vy best qua! i t v I'la in 58.60
itiehes wide. Special
36-3S245-54 inches w ol., Plain 40,11,.. even
Avove at .... ;90o, $1.00, $1.75 and $225
Axminster Wilton Squares, both warned
and seamless, heavy British make, designs
new, for parlor, dining room or sitting
- !jell 31 ‘1% ft.
• 9 it 9 ft.
99 112°%ftft.... ;WOO and po.00
!test gutty British make, 27 itiebes wide,
ith or •ithout border, for halls, runners
4.4. .44411'S. At per yard
A Jorge e e of patterns and eolor-
lugs. 3 or 4 Fart 'de. Splendid quality
At per .square yard
• • • • .95c
oz. to the yard, itavesi. iii -•pet -s and 11116/S,
also. noise. .'t per 50 yard pieee $3.75
Per yard
W. AchesoirkSon
fotriervathe-Nallaimilat Entente .
11011,1 sp....it:Mimi '-
Print.. 511111.ter. 4 current,,•even in erthodox TI,ry rli 1414..
Far ...me lay- 14.444. the Optood. .
11.1404.11114 "11'144 14 milking 41 "r by renservatives of gneiss. Provin'ee. far from sitting silent he Pri....• Nlin- '
the fact 1l:11. of the total srvIng of i 1„ Hon_ Rodolphe Monty -and 111.71. 1.ter had heels the sp.:trite:0 or eantol- i
s444,11011.1mat..1.1.. practically $211•11/1141,,, Andre Fauteitx. member-. of the. late 141 11 titlark in nspeet of .....nring prefer-
tala I. eft.. -led by virtue of the fat•t atlinluktration. This .pteulation, is «it: lal trade tt.rnis. reemodderati.M of •
that Sir 11441,4.'. Thornton Is asking due not 'alone 'to ;Ise .1911. 5511411 toys• 1111. „Att.. el/lb:Ili:" and full appraisal
411,4 111114, le'''. 1'l."111 the 1"1"1" 11411*" 4'941..10.. if frettuctil. visit. or the Tory of Canaan'. ea,. in a half-dozen other
11 r.4 this y1.111.'055 ing to a 1.,•tter `11.1"4.- chief to i'loil he now .1111., in his :toll miii.tr matter.. Mr. Ninelielvie
ing on the part1, flu
... Na 11,111111un
R- sitt•pejlei. "1111'. la1111.1 ..!.1 Prot nee ..f attac
cked hefl
iy on yllp •••11r0;
N. rre'llt !" 'hie t" IhY" meb
e "" timber. -11111. ua
t. s %vett. 4.. 44,1., ) p ....1.1Ing of OHL:A.114 li fruit WO seettrine ;Air-
.,rnment. say the eritles. for thIS eel ,,,4 a .a.tail44an4,.141 fun..rien wholle fi.•lent ...0114.1.•nitIon on the British
in e N prlotires. the ,,-„uk,„„ of whiel.,.tariterferuter. se 44.-71.eak.'14410 Ar• 'market, Mr. Graham 4.14,14 .p..rial - .1,-
',moat Lavergne. 11*-.1.ier ..f tlie.thielos. light in s.intIng .
.944 1.. him that it
:17.tutt.att a sp..elotts 4.1111.. at 101'7.4 I
.•:111.1.11141. istid. ' .11 WI] % di .141ramo• °at- was'.111. al 141 11,,- r.
lee..mil efforts 'e. in the fact 1.14414.. were the slum- , t
ill1i of the N"""1111 l''• illiirli "'"*."..-Ill- tempt b mix elements a. different as ..f the Premier that fresh fruit.' •
stead a 10.4ter. the tInverunoin would the prOreehial on and water Nieigh.qt. iapjae.. -peItis awl Minuet 'Were in- I
1.• ex!. ,'!.l to .lionittler M..' blame
t711,'pm-Wt. linyerlal...tI
. ..lualtsi In the preferential Lerlif 11.1
th..ref..r. It desenglig of blame in _1,,,,,,ttoe Frettrit rne-time repared by th.. Imperial authorities
Ike 11111. 4.41••••. Ully net ..f ta-01..• 11) !vague Alonty and landing his
the otter':
. I Ecenoinit99 in the Estimate% pita it. i it;;;; tier a • •en 44,,- raves; Mr
A 'ni.',' glance •,at the ....quint... i Monty pleading for -national unity.-
.1 e
1,.n. very materiai savings. itpart
effert • on behalf a -better . ler-
-),ort !v after 14..habeen
•• .' •
• I•ogether from that on railway,.sinoted. 1n 4 on.ervative l.-wspapers as
- pearly a4.0111.1e111 en interest having alluded to Sir I fenry Thornton,
.11 MIMI,* 11.411 :•41:1:111,111111 ftll immigra-I.,Prtoidein of the Natl.:ad Itailwity.. it.
11,11: 111.144.11111,1 -8 foreigner- : Armand Lev. rune. the
011 111111111' work. $2.-I1at„. ' fiery NatIonaliti. claiming Mr.
.0.1.11..r.* land settlement : of Id. idol.. "ii man
714.01100 on soldiers' Aril re-establish- it 110 /114414y. 'treat -lie. 111e •41111i.
meet : 111011. 1111111 :01,111111.41014 all these al one.liflst rd. *awl,
VP1111110011•45 14 011.11 a .11110...1,• trying to . Mims° 4441 .1)1, r Ilirespect
for motley . 4.and AM lhoult...e. 4. 44 %% re'..,Is1 'S 11 l('Ill
tark. Net a •10•1.-Itowing. and one for 1111. dream*( ;-1,I,-I.. 111
191 I. stir Wilfrid !Antler went down
made all the brighter wihta pro..
'l 9,,,, , men who now It!s shibboleth
The Liii•owel !Limier ha. cluttunol Progreasite. !larking the Government Salm Tax Reductions
t• V 444,,tehford having Er"! " 4" "1' v" pri6. Minister •airred hope. in
111P 1.11•11 0•••• 10 Mr. E. F. 1111.1.1•44.n. as to emonrrass
11.• 111.1i ts of the Brantford eleelors
formerly of Walkortoo owl of trierny,
wit. 011 44.141 11;44.11 him regar.ling tariff
' change. 44-11,1, he intimated that 4.''-
51r. 1.-:. eapnbie! hoteli aleof : indeed. they 44'I4. prem.
neelsparg•r mon atol meter J.I. editerial 're flit, a mast deal with Mr. neigh, 1)1 4ut. 4.111. sale . tax upon farm
4 two mot. r the Widget of relltsssi tax. 40 tier,MI at the 11,411,1'.koe the." very
! 111111.WP111. 4411. 110, beyonol the 114)1111,114
garde* tminn.bi int.t to
1111 o 0
f Ile. 1..1111110n- 441. tem,.
ry all Itmorters of plant. frue
any P.111417 ilfe• r..44.1r..41 •Prill'•:4
permit to be pre.ented to the roiketor
eiedenei at the eon where tile ship -
moot elegred. Permit, ,,r' r. thrred
for the importatIon tr.'."'. shrubs,
vines'--ctittIngs„ ;freest! ..... Plait 4.
root.. perennials. Aortas. ete.
Copies of the regulation. niol iofornri-
11,111 regarding pertnit. may be "toured
by ng the S
writi4.. ecretary. !teae
14'.','Inseet and Pest Act Adchsory
Board. DepartmenAett
t of ciltnni. (0.
lt pays to use
for Furniture -Floors A Wqoplworit
Write to Hood Office Montreal for Fres Boot
111414 44.'.111 111Pfyl an.. .1, 4*1111 bundio of
bulb lattalemn•s the ituisteur taken..
er begin. to make hi. Man..4,Lor the
11.1 of plant. thin he intend. to 1.tiy.
In order 1., 4101/1 disappolott,t,.:1, 414
•0-' 'it 4.4*.-prmpt of st(p-
mont. plant. from 19.1.11
$tates or other he i. r. 111
afraid to ..10,,alate. Ti
;r:ipis4t 1441 Iti 1111 51111111i 4%140 bought to-rman maths DOW DI,
New. Met ropolis.
• 4. 1113 141 6.1uPnt The ltantie i.4.' I a 4414'lir a hi I „41, 1,.,1 a WO.
ter,. creditable .prodtor•
tion. w,. stability" ailerons
'. of, Mr. then. not t.. accept the it!trass• 444,
EDITORIAL NOTES what hit, paw, f..r rte li .T..1::::.,•..c..,r...:17.- tisliiri711,t twnatlit,Itiht,kfotri.ftlhse„ttlir Immo., ,,t.
tite„.peerli fr the Thronei "Imple.
(Mort. an, W.• wi•dt 4111` 1)1.W P 4' eroopts. .1 11 i on ist . for the solace that , produetIon- na referring to
Niar...11 went ont like "ell. Ii..prietr.r, et ery -1111144.141. in itittern,., mi., ftiltorin.:ni.mht....1.11:11,•init.7....1..t.... It. interpre-
If 1... holds I come. ef ..... finally
Ja tele ry 1 The !tanner 11. .tatmebTy a. did h session. tbe rei-t•r..... .11 more than its- ; 44,,,, had 1,4: tiboriiiirlibg,ifibyberbel'r°4:1;.1,e,„:. • ,
• • • preille...sor, he will .1.4 well. !•111111Y.-menty- spes...11 from th • Thrum.. awl by theMber. of Parliament. TIIPPIP
• • • ! elf.fillIIP fir !Pip of tariff' reduction
' on impl moltef. pr.sluictien, ,n,..-- .111f11P 11111111111 10/11. sent the lirantfOrd
Wa. that little twist in the,weattter ,
i' deputation hour • f.aminee.1 that. a
11 s ton -.1pril fool" joke?
• • • . That tin. Bet ermuent I. growing r,'"-- urea... of soe tnromioire of deeretio•
mfter • • ,
ail. the 1,11wval tedley might net be
lite under the rcstrietien. 1m!..O.4•41 by 1 I . tacatl.m. 1.1.1110144'. pr real` elralrlY soil., ..14 to ruin th.• farm implemeht
1.1"' ig'Publi" a""I t" I"' ibt' **T"' the l'Itil *1'4 i,1!..%P1 pars 1/1411entell in inoinstry: Inil.o.l. that It might o-ork
i greatly 11/1.1...11%.41 r-Atininte4. ,nre.
remark ninths by Premier King th.t.' till:
'Other Illily to a Board of Trr.de delegn- '
tkm whirl.' nuited upon him. to urge I mei.
money to burn -King-ten StandAri.
The Wonder Kidney
Liver Stomach Tonic
as Nationally Advert: ,; 3
• Sold. by
H. C. DUNLOP. Goderielk and by a
good druggist P1/er5utiere.
opevtattle party over tho Elates: ent o 111111g1.41,.. dr the Government 1 4 11 1,•f• •
bat tliry a no* badly .14('d with
• • , • •
the filthiest .....114.1.1y in Bevernment I turn ig the hope. of the i1esterners
, • n, a. . ....r tig. 11 ream' to t 10 I •
liana] e yees a theatenIng a ,f ,i. i„ Ki .r i I ilf 1 towned the f tovernment h..nelle.. till. Mit. meantime. industrial "Mod-
ern 'Ontario I. rery 1111101 ren....red.
' Strike. They ,isbould e.r.ie.,111..r wen. , , , They ,i the Procre.mtri s) are thetn-
(wont,. In ...sitting eeononilex Iti the! • ,, The Imperial Economic. Conferenee
IM of .pb. %%Ito wonhi Ril m . i, st•Ives lir.t , to refine the eharge. ot
'11..' r.. are A em 111 .. jaanti•il out that the tion, 9:corp. 1:ra11111111 lifted.
" ilk.. le have ths.ir jobs. -political bribery1
" 1;velleti Ihr-the Con- _somewhat. the curtain that AM over-
4;tworniDenti "fothl lint appoint It gillEte servatIve. at the Minkteriallat.:
- • • • hangm the proceeding. at the reeent
, • '
dand distributing cenummIitfy.
. .1.111 44 the earliest 44411(417.1.'44.11.1.. mo- wen as to that 4.? the produvera hsaoei
ti...443111VP 1.111 factor. f. Of cours...11v the budget '.'.II!
higtsisrn.v." l
loraee'fharteMayo. 'Inc of
eetebrateti surgeon% of Rochester.
Siltmesoti. spikes of as a put:ability
for the !homers& nomination for
Pre.ibot. Thing. are Pretty had at
.. and 441114(14111 operation
may be required.
• • •
eur.e. t'anadiall. MUM not say
estAte,h alsut the .4.andala at Wlabr
or our neighbors will M.
ottentien revelatiens n th4
aCeount14 eounaittee at Toronto.
Th.• gig•richqbk routrnizes 1341
11,1419u81 • •
.‘,..ording to !noires
a.etiled to
the 4.1tawParliame by Ilon. E.
m 4)4,41 at* .411,1,1' present $.tent.
4441 14441(1 of popilitil on military de- ?l.:atits for an appoititment wet
‘4.* 70411 d 14'111 $23.. per 4111rell to undergo Nnyulnittion 1
ad 5.11114 Attlee, 12.14.2: .%11.'t rain.. 411 Seriske " '",1fi1lt"lon• a
um. MIti.tor could then s•lect te's'
Pintefrosit'7.11z twho ha
rh. ul
f denerb
''1444.11 oithout nferringthe11111in. they -414' 111 OW "ItIIIIIon.they assert. Imperial Conferenee '14)44',, hr401.11m.iii t, 1114.4 11.11 4.11:1,fI',,nimi,Kii110 lIto•Mpl t11111.VI•CO pairehn.I. llIPIP PaliMPIII 1*,.? week a Iltth• 141444411t1).' died a -1 81,18)111 made to idm by rotes. hut a very 1 p.ffby the the actIvItii.. of the Prime Min-
MrFieldingthNlini.teeIrinam,,,. etrnim.tfan1et laterMrBrabanwas moveta
1'' the effeet that if h., retold select .....1..n, to inq.17onoottliispre-4.14s.t.I
six geed men hin...lf tn.t%mild do pledges; all fwhkb were In harmony
tin. work of thirty gri• 111 his ne.with the Conks ithe Progre.lre
pa rtment. r ,iIng tlymglit the 111,e,pltform.
time of the l'Ivil Service („mmloslon • Run-RunningandD"ree
s.m11 be 1,' 44414414 .tthe qualifientloto 711'lgl',)::.71-'ih"iie‘nt:i:1speech Inc the remarks of the member
ftor Vale-l'arIbm. ()tr. )LiwK'IvI').
who had charged that, while the rep-
risentativ4.. of other Dominion,had
fought for the trade intermits uteir41.114)11', -our 414.44*',' 11111.IPP nit
ent.- Very effectively, Mr, Graham
of .44.4144.8414.' *417 appointment. but 114.1111 .1. T. Saw'. re....1titproviding -
thatth''Mi'd"trt '41"111,1 1111 41' "MTh' -.equalityof gr.111111.- f..r men and we
II) 1114 14, whf nheuld be appeintcd, 111,11 in rest1.1 lf di.orig.-the general
Tilt. vill -1r,4.' at.P.11.• W110 4.011410.4 4114111 of 101101 W11. IIIPnnetlfavor-
the matt '-r,ii, irly as8vp11•01111h. "4'1gl" 4,4,- g14111Pt( II showed stir
prisIngfy Ilttle Intr.'.4a In the Prime
..Mimiawl It is altom•ther like), d.ter. motion 11 '1411141 ronenrrenee
that"'"1"1"1"'h"V"f!""!.'4't 1111 111P "Itnin-rittrtlmTreaty"retvntly
1411)4.1(4''?.'. 4, There till he...aeon nt rete.411-4. 4•1114.51 States. Probably the mem
win tart . to be amender, 11; the manner drawn ip between Brent Britain DIM
.rs Ior. vitally III nu ore
most thinking Canadians. l/ 41»' mat-
r o
f3.Int1e.rrian..tpional Ispotygi
it• eoldret ; if .0. they trin, opport ono
14 tit any p. The de tte became /
cempaty, thres'a
affair between rfie Prime Minfater and
Mr. Mehhen. dm; to the lath... In•
7' hnir-slttin&talk A
the dtptote rocedure by h
r ('811:1.144 wit* to )ilmo. 11'.')' slam ire
41)44 '0 the dotted line. 4, Weld r to
,the /Met mon ronattritth 144)1 le.'
'hired lo' Mr. SfeIghen)nterrogntioa.
te•• ••mme overlooked entirely the vital
principle'At 'tke In the treaty and
ry .1.11441 "earth17_114w • It realized
-to- fo14-‘ 11411 HAIM 101. Involved. fin -
env, in 11.1 •Igitlfkant term.
Our Imperial Relatinen
, he dbate upon .1 Wood,-
1330: I;rualltritain,
• • •
Since the to..in• (44" Mr, Ba.dwinvissosl floor.tnlinoion eteenafull
Stahl. Sir Edmund Witlk.•r lia. bosh 4"11"12114n1, rot the ilorkthlf of I.
1 fiterente.'s meat diatinguished eitlosai ttepartment would more fairly- 1
in the te;:g„,ierfition of 9.1tor• frotiyi tklar....1 11)N4,, 4)4» MInIster than It e.
. abrovitoritt . •11.0 takes . 111' 917 In ill ',miler 4),,.s
1.1, ...la ystynM
t. arl. 4.01
rf , pi ,, The
' 1 PO. the Mini.te4,, 41)'?r t..t alongit
,...7 Why. Toino. 1,11'. 01' efainw• .th,lssly the Clill Sett leo 4'ittionls.1.
• • •
• ".....4.• 10 *PM) him. 141,,. 111111e VP
, T114 111(41011 pivl 11 to. people find DI i. 'tow Is thilr:_thin..0.1 ..,3,14 ffi.
./' AI•11,14, to their 4111111.trt 1141 the wide ..1 ..oeinells.....to-eenty.
aprend .44444'.l 449) to the radio. Tbottoi-.-e -__ .. _ ,
ends wt.() forno•r;y went 'to 'the • „yin .., 4, Ankfta.4 now nor, 4
• ...IP" hill .141‘.1.1111110. (41/11"1110
11448e 'Rote for l'„, 911,111" t•Iken pine.. ,
i a down. years or, 11 ..i.111,1 1111VP IIPP11( 01.1111111111111111111101110111r."--••••••••‘'
1 I - ,
/ / •• •
0 ,,,.
"movies" • (erli Jinn' n week now !woke lucre.. . 1. •
stay 11: !OM DOA are ,..1.,.7.,1 1„ 4,„
- ;,....• " Arr.: ' .111'A I • lir.. •k;':11.• Weenier.
After Every Meal
Irs the longest -lasting
confection you can buy
-and it's a help to di-
gestion and a cleanser
for the mouth
and teeth.
Wrigley's means
benefit as well as
- 'Why Ibrd Predominates
Many Reasons From Many Useirs
If you were to ask the next fifty
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wide variety of answers.
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seem never to wear out others
would answer, "Because they
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where(' and just as many,
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a woman driver would respond,
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price of one big truck.
Wherever you might inquire you
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See Any Authorized Ford Deader
• 4
' /