HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-4-3, Page 1• Good Printing That is the kind The Signal's Job De- partment turns out. Let us have your next order. . No, job too big or too small to have the. closest attention.:) SEVENTY-AR1'RN'TH 11.01 NO, 11 GODERICH; ONTARIO, ,THUR DAY, APRIL 3, 192.1 1 GODERICH'S TAX RATE FOR THIS YEAR IS FORTY-FIVE MILLS tidal h. '1'.1x. s, general rate 6078 Ali iiim.s74 Ei Estimated Expenditures $ *1700 f(1 Printing aunt advertising,: MO 90 I Law 414.11 Il011 (M) Discounts Arranged for New }'1ae department1.401) 00 I'n1s .. ... •' PI,50l) 1)0 System of Half -yearly '1'arri,* . .... . }.575 00 Pa fit of ; 111141,1 fid 1.010 00 �e iaxes i Charity ,,,, , 101 00 .1,...y luta 14/1 114.11t0 277 00 - The tax rate ter Ike *.•.*r Ley Iva• fiddle library .... '1,3410 00 ruckI; its by tine town ,')noea l) at •. ., •• 1.owletmeetingting Friday night at w Niel )tarask int.•r, st 1.500 (M► owlet4.009 00 O H the members we' irate. whish suis arark :11 ro trill+ an the dollar. or it reduction 4.1 ors• Mill from last year. rtubr,ov. 5 mills far the Collegiate footnote. •.5 mi11x' for puddle s h..d. and 31,E mills for! general purposes. The asscoun •fit 1 the town for 11‘2I for ...Iowa intr.' 'poses duly I. Approxlmah•IV $2.740.4‘10, 1 while that for the general rine Is * tarot $2.01/0e.101. lu-ac'e,rl*t1r with' at.'pw alr.a4V taken by t1.• ,.o nelI to' ipdiw.t the taxes half -yearly. the dates upon whfeh 14,• tate. will 1.. ane have 'been noel a. July 1st and 141.•emter ! 15t4,. The fact that the assessment ; lar ,e41/to1 purpose.' nttly hail Inereaw'r} - over i17.1miti► ttlie 1mrea•e b•1)tR to the (otherleh Elevator l Tran•(t Co.'. million -),swirl alines t hovered lits, weh.oI rate to the extent of one it \mill. The rd*p•th'n of one -holt 1 .an the general rate 14 due 10 an .*1)roulid poring, of the est lion telt. Afte'r•rou.ith•rable disco..iion In onto. Ione of Ihr whole. with Beers. U. J. )1)41.1:wait in the chuff. it was „1 by count-1l1nr. 4'. 'H,' Humber 1* F. Itntmes that the rate 7.e' ed :w 45 mills it was t1). -n luoved amendment by I)rpuly Iteeve. 11. C. horning: and Councillor J. S. )Tutt , the the rate 4.P 441 mill.. the KR 10e IN .t 'rear i'p *t a rote *wing taken yy uw•an. of a %bow of hands the mar Alm w.,s dislar.l ca'rrled. nnty Iwyatty' v.• Moaning. voting in •nplw,rt of tbP nmendm'ut. • t F 1 firth -•r 11s•n .e vk n then t place da 'As to the ditwount. to be allowed and ',kr (fery entago to AP added for , farerdn. taxes, The following *notion, •as stored by Councillor !insulter, was 'finally adopted: That R dls•nnut of 2 p•r,cwrt. he allowed on all tares for iWr first half-year Hoe on July 1•t) on or before June 1.1th, all ' u a discount or 3 per emit. be allow- (() an all tires for the *wood half-year ''(tae December Lith,) If paid on or ore Jane 15th: that a discount of C eg t.ile allowed nn all *ase* for mood halt -year (dn.• Iwvrmber 1411) If paid on or before November -lit: Gat !S per rent be ad 111 on all '*agate ljir the first half-year if not 'paid by July 15th. and the same on %tt1 tarp* for the .'retool half-year If itet pair by January 1*t, ' 17pos, Testunh,g in: vermeil 111.' mar finite `a�dopt the r•nort of the commit- tee i Whole. n. outlined shore. by here. MacEwan and ;1y Cntui,•illor Dumber. The Womb* was carried. - - vesltike Imate• of reeelpts and ex - k upon whch the 45•nllll rate tree Mali*) are as follows: " aflatated Receipts ttatfr.".'3 19. less'd nratt-x (422 14t sox laileolleeted, 1:r23. 41.42=5 to remlt/� n . . ..... ...... . 000d1 Flees ,':t 73 Oft .flog •, •• •1`.3 00 lil,rw'aI ' meat assess. 4.,M1 34 ))ewer 450 (a) oat gents 000 00 Nati Co, nrtY(It*11.000 00 en ninon) CO, (*4 00 Public sic/tools ... ... ,20,500 00 Separate+ *w•hoo' ., ...... 1,3(1(1 (all Collegiate Institut,' 12.000 (tat )).asst of Health ...... lnstlrunee ...... 11'at•r. light and harbor,. Market sass.. .... Debenture payments (less whood and IV. and I..,. 2.1,27.04 ti.W.S,i4. lutenwr County, gers•nIl rate , .. . ('aunty, 1.Ighwai,. rate Street lighting , , . , 'town Kilter Diseount un tny'•s f Interest on ,minty rant.' . :.'.*4101 Sinking fund arrear. _x00-00 Rank overdraft , , 42.000 00 untshanding liabilities ... 10.19.3 17 Mbiretta m.o.., .. - . 4.1117 441* 71171.4711 21 910 00 900 01) :(Ml 00 25 00 '400 n0 PO 1.021 90 ufnetnring Co. raft Co. pay- ee. ayee. ',nears a Oa, '.Wei- rs 4410 00 3200 00 15 (10 35,11(19 17 2,11((1 00 1,000 00 0,071. n7 4.:.12 ((1 2.134 00 4,41/12 :S(1 3.160 00 1.000 (Ill A piay. "i ('an't Afford 11." will he given in North .rr.•t Methodist church on Tu1slai\. April 1:.ttt, Keep t4*.' date. i•'efr quality Holsteins, attend Reid Bro..' sale on April 10. •Advertised elsewhere' in thhi home. The Singer S.iring Slnehlne i.. the best for yea to Any- It t.w-i, Tho job end lasts it lifetime TIi(1MAS. 1'(►l'NG. Agent. Tit• Itaunk of Commerce flag *t f- a hal mn Pr 4 t on Id ay and Saturday of last week out of respect t.. the Tate Sir Edmund Walker, president of that institution. • 1f plot sewing machine is gi0n0 you trouble we emu fix it for yon - any- kInd, alien ne•dlrs, ells and ac- er..ories. f.rnr.. your order at Mhe•Ier'. Furniture Store TITOSLIS YOi'NG. Keep Tuesday evening, Apr11 loth. np•n for the play, "i ('ant Afford it." In \'.rtl, street Methodist church. The editor of The Signal received hp./ week » 1U1ttd.nme hunch of ruse. A very plim'nnt greeting frnrn the Flor- ists' Telegraph Delivery -*sww•latIon. which wa. holding an international "flower show at ('IPyeland, r►. The mow were dellrerell through. ,Mr, Geo. Stewart. who iv a memtwv of the Atume a t ion- GOii)FARICH NASKY?. Thursday. April 3rd, Shorts. per ton tell 00 *442 (Ni gran. per ton ' '10 00 31 00 Hay,' per ton floosie). R 00 9 00 ilny. per ten (baled t , . 12 (K► 16 00 1Vhent. per booing.... 95 1.07 (kat., per bushel 40 42 ISnckal•heat. per hash. -I 711 75 Potnt(ew, per bushel:fit 00 Barley. per bushel. a-: :.3 00 Cattle. choly, per crit . 5 sa 0 4)0 rattle, medium, tier cwt 4 n0 5 10 Veal entree.. per cwt• 4 (kl 0 00 tildes, per I4* M (10 I(og.. p r cwt 7 25 7 !10 Flour, (menti per pw•t3 4:, i0 Fluor. family. per cwta 27. 3 Tinttr•r, err•nm,'ry, lb., 44 4 !Sutter. dairy, Iter ib40 I7ggs, freeth. per dozen22' 2:1 Chicken., per 11' 20 22 Eh? Brow!. Poet Emhlemntle flower of Goderkfi Is the (ansae. The Post thinks the dalay would he more appropriate, or maybe bhlek-eypd Suean. ' ti he Signal's Pansy Competition Now to Grow Pansies waste easy of cultivation, hut to iee'urethe best results irt' attention to their special requirements. Experi- l rdeners need no instructions a* to how to grow them, 'nnera a few hints may be useful. es grow best and produce the largest flowers in light. - and intoo situation. Sow t1) a (root (notinn tuaU n e y in quite Othello* drills as early in the spring as the dug in fine, loose condition. When the young plants • rted thin them out or transplant to fresh beds, setting to ten inches apart each way. Some people grow ra, but fit is not well to try M start them in the -bed, as the air is too warm and close and the plant* be thin and spindling. Seeds sown in the spring summer flowers, but the bloom will he more profui ' tall weather comes on. bee, The Signal is giving prises this ye* for Pansies/ .. e cut flowers and for beds. I The News of the Town, Web Tut,* shown tit t untedy Pre - i Business Insurance The best business insurance is a ! definite program of advertising carried out in the rolurnns of The Signal. TES SIGNAL MINTING CO.. LUIITED, 11ltMisbhlsa "SA>rM?Y PIRST" PLEASES REGARDS GOVERN-. LARGE AUDIENCE MENT AND AUDITORS . dsireil l twlcr 1u.pi e•' of the Huainan, w•Iti," lint *yes linme.iintely :*x14.•11 why ' hr w.• tr i*R' to get out one of tbe.,. whni v. •lurlpg the first of the last p.•rio.l in the game agalna the Alt • Star.. 111. replied. that "he wag going i hip to ser that now' , oiw• a• to the •• ratgvs," which wit.. the b .• igg.t re.- ! {w*as1h11ity tint "$tnoky" 1)41.4 el,'r had. 11.' 0.04(41 by saying. "Well . ) more ln*ntla. . s.w.tItrr.. m'ointIJaxingn;.l•.tilacyk.rr, .. IokHudhag1. af 4tla1): •r W .hiiq ds. .ding to Hb* Sir. 1V. 1' Smizel. I:ue of /:1sl'rleb'' preen..iv.. young 111-lne.i tui n, has rtw•utl' hod lila store 011 the .otith %ide of the Square r m,wled141 and re- finished nu.I has added n,•t., k of Iu• ti'. furnishings*. Mr. Snazel w1'* st11I curry, ou thi• cleaning and pr,'s.iaa husine•x uud w111 euiblivor to give ttuu public the same gars) ...rib, a. lei Harold Janis Diem At Detroit. Many resident. Of G,slerh•h 11,11} with re_ret of the death on Sluuduy at 1letrolt of liaro'd Jarr1., the r.- nnw•tad Canadian- tenor. Mr. Jarvis Ines in California. 3Ir. i.din W. limiter; ail tewu. ha. reelvad word of .tins death of 1.1. sister. alis. Henry Death. ahie•h 11r- rurted oti March '15tt* at her home at Alhambra. t'altfornia. Mr-. II.•:tt41. w4,..e mishit•» name 1c a. N1411.1111I1nu- 11r, w -a. Is•r:11 at ala iluuU•► botnP- stead. ))Bron ,..nt. God.•rich •owl:•hip, and after he murri* •,• to ru North iktknrt About Aft/ en par% aago thug• removed to. l'altforuia. Utu• (laughter has been li•lug wlib thew 1n California. welt!'.• the re>I ,.f their family- are *•uttered fn 11,Ikoht. Aliyrtu anti other parts,. ItIs *)Mot thirty-flvr year. sloe,. The .iate NIP,. )lath vlsIel her old )tome ha. leen heard In Gewl.'Melt 40) a •hre, numlwr of .x'atinns during the past., fifteen or twenty year. at choir con, Bertg or recitals of hie own. Those alio have had -the pleasure of listening to bis vols. one of rare "'fwlwe'r and nw*Mnese, will regret rhe ;tossing of such an accompliah*d slitter. 1 1(wr Hairdressing Parlor Mr. 11'. 1', ('amplell, who. ha. re - trolly con.• to Gesk•rbit front Great Ilarw,MMI, I +u*mashir•, Fluglusl. ha. opened ,p it new hair dressing parlor in the preruises formerly ewruplel he the Int.' !Ouch !hilltop on Nest street Mr. ('ampliell'a sister will arrive short- ly from England MIMI will eindu'J a' ti� 1 e 1)•.i - 1 si a l t lr. rWR n rat lu r'MIp )a R 1 t ' Hon with ids tna.m •... The• Itlgrlal h'rprak. for Mr Cantp1(t'II a good share of bn.itb•s. In this Harfits advrrtiwmeat aplw'1r4 on page 5 of tido issue No Canning Factory This fear.' Nord ha. leen reelved from Mr. Blake Cheer. who propos') to *'Induct a manning hosing,. in (I.wle•rirl( fila year, that 41P wilt not go on with the project at prea*nt. The 'tank w•hirh Is In .'otrnl of the old running fac- tory formerly operated by the late D. F. tinmlink. whiet, Mr. Cheer *otiose', t.* wrur for h1* hneln..a, a.k.41 for it more than Mr. ('her. thought !r w•it• worth, and he has given uta the project until other arrong*mento ran tw• made. He will he here In the full, however, to run 111.' evaporator ani tiny apple*. Huron Casting Company One of Clinton'. Industries whleh work. away very quietly hitt and*.trt- ,.usty is the ITnren Ca.tine Co.. oper- ating in 'Ile old Sinter Work. *mild - Ing. On Saturday Ina 1)1i. Company shipped to Goderh•h. for axe In fltHug up the'twatte wintering in that harbor. thirty-five toms of grey'e'nsting's. Thla Was an extra shipment and was In ad - (litho' to a Wendy we(lit7y output. The company. with Sfr, J. Aitken s* manager. ett�ullny. nh.nt six men and their hush.' 1e stratllly growing,- Clinton News -Record. tithed Nurse's Report t Following Is the Reboot .nurse'. re - a. •jpeirt for March: S1'hools r1*It'd-Victoria. 9 visits: ('entral, 0 rialto; Collegiate. 5 rialto: 1'o1hnrne. No 6, 1 visit. Number of children in.p.•te1. 942. 'hiring the t11 427 viol's were sux'eaofally vaelnatcd In the four town *boob'. .t Jorge tW*'.rtnge of the remnlntng (umber of pupil. in the s'hnols trete raceinated *ner,wafully by their family hv.k•len. The Re4hnnl attendance a. depleted very greatly during the last two weeks. tint I. nlmnst hack to rriormnl now. RI'T'N 11. IIAMII.TON, 4441001 Nnr*e, Harbor Notes 1. The high wind. ammtnt)**g olin(.at M gale. last Friday- 1,1,'w the shore. and ' harbor ice well out Into th(e lake. hrenking if up pretty uele in the William- Black, M.P. for Routh Bur - on, ens In town nn/Saturriny looking over rnndllfon* at the hnrhnr and chatting with G. 1.• Parsons. managing director of the (SoderIeh Elevator A Transit ('t)., regarding necessary im- provements to he undertaken by the Dominion Government this vomits spring. Mr. Black agreed to holster (:mlertch's eons.' fit the capital. 1110 Worablp Mayor W. F. (billow has by letter to the Federal Minister of Public Works .eeondel the r'tnest of the Faevntor Co. for prompt artInn nn (T3.' part ad the Onvernmenf to remedy nmmatisfartory eondltIons at the hnrhnr here, some of which were antitheft In last week's *salt.-. There are *00.860- w1d bushels of grain In storage in the Gndefleh elev- ator at preset. "'Tnye the hlyds Rune crazy. too'?" somebody at the harbor asked. The gulfs fly Inland stet light to the Seldo, '1404 the crows go not and rest nn t1u' ice in the lake. Joe Craig and Max Clairmont did some blasting of fee In the Mallland River Saturday nn behalf of the C, P. R. Cao. The Federal C'a.nitrn'Hon Co. Is Demoting the construction of the Iand odd of the intake work, having in op - citation for pile -driving a *nun ham- mer. A pomp having a pnmting eap- aeHy of 9011 gallons per minute 1. Also on deck ready for action. *'hunch Union in the f.rldtalature The tics* cote on the . Nue1, union gne•tlnu In the lin/Arlo Legi.laturc took Wail Inst week In the private bills eagmittee, t11Mtn an itiniont tout 1.; JNnvid t :hot the hill ,honid not a'nme, Imo four until another cote should to Nino, in this l!resby-terinn chnreh and o clearmaJorl*y oht,lied for 'mien. The uwraduw•nr was eleti•ared on 'he chis, vote ,if 20 til 244 The Preshy- teri:Uy.. on *he eatutnitt,e v.,tcd 4* to : for the ilnirndut•nt ; the Meth(wltwts 1:: to 2 agshet the amendment ; the ncllcati* 1.. at 2 for the :am•nduemt, 'i'ao 1t..nu.n,4'4jthelk'.. one 1.11theran and one Itaiptist voted eeaala.t the ior endnu•nr. .Iehn Joynt (North if,ro li a,i4 N. W.Tres 4rtha a South Huron'. who are VW!, Me•th,tilfst• yot..4 against the a 1ficr.1m,'nt, 111/0 F. it Wish' (Pentre Huron). why is an Anglican, voted for the amendment. Subsequently, another *intendment. providing for the distribution distribut4.,u of the assets of R eangr•gation where *gree• mann .',,tams* he reached. was .arrie I by a. vote of 410 to 211. • Hospital Building Fund ill Growing i -The trustee. of the Aletnlnlrn Mar- Inc aa11d General 11o.pltnl 1n,11.li0g 1 fnnQ are {n reeft of n '.lonntlun of Prat In Ito/minion of 1'nhadn Viet ory ! bonds from *1u. Maple _1n•nf ('111pte•,i I.(11) E.. *lei. amount having 'wen i handed t/1 the trustees during the past week by Mi.. Claire Reynolds and SII'. Edith Williams as regent and ir,n*ttrer. rwtn •tive•ly. of the ('hnpter.l While not IAelging itself to raise any definite amount. t7* Maple Ti411 ('hnp- ter 411. derided to column' It. offer's on WNW of the hospital budding fund. The vnrinn. woni'n's' organiznttons ..f the town joined hands- 1n Anglia.' 191'). In the ]rotting on of n mammoth .treed fair oil 11).' Square in accord.' once with the vai.h.ti uud inarurtinn* of the uwdetl'. „m.errs'l. til. fond has tern closed out and the proceeta' tnrtwd 40.1 to the trn.te•s of the ho*-.� pito) buljRlug fend by the treasurer., Miss Gibson. to the amnnnt of $1.4100; In Victory bonds end $94.21 In cash and muton.. The Ifaide Lcnf' Chapter and :1n the seele•tir•. Intcrevtel 1n .r10 afore fair de.erre to he highlr eommmnded for their .t1endit' effort. Du *nf'rote of the ►o..•ohal tot den» firer), whir is aend'I ' growiP- $hlttgs ..an Hulu.1rluus trainer has to ww'alrottt,' - • Mr.. Elliott was ysatgn11uh*ted An' the »pleu,lid Way., She %erred 'limier :u*.1 the pi4)ingne•s she showed to make the event the .',''cess it Was. Limo Club Notes On April 4th au address will Is. gat el in Knox church lecture room by Prof. 11. It. Kingaone. of Weaern 1'niversity. London, ou""1'hc Wonder - tut IiPnyens," This Address is glv- ell under theauspices of the Lion Club for the porpoise of raising fat for ehildIrr1*', wolt,r•. A nom ilia 1d• mission fes of 2.e will iM' c - rged 'and as then' w•III he m/ udyat a th•ket sale the patronage ..f the I it' --'.I. 1101 only to hear •lett is sand to be a very interesting n1 histruetive le•torv, but to help 4 Lions club in providing. ford. wilts-reitchi 41 - ren. Ano Nart rat ix presented t n the citizens of iodericl, to a.i*II thept- :eivew_ of the c'0 -operation of the city of (;uPtl,lt in matter. of vital hat.'r•.t to the town of Gotlerich ,and the sur- rounding community. The Lieu. Club 1,»0 nrranged to entertain a deputation front t1),• etty of Guelph at an evening banquet on April 11th, at 6311 o'clock, 1 There will :'Iso be reprew•Itatls,•. pres- ent from the C. 1'. H. Ticket* will be on aide by members of the Lions Club at 71.00 ,'aria and an the d one Me attendA will he limited to n hun- dred gm•*tx the btalne,w, men and others who are interested In the Ae velopment of the town are requested to Re'ur,• their reservation early. The *al, of tickets will .lw,e nn Friday. April 4th. Tickets may be s.rurel from T.inn }1• J, A. Mat -Ewa» , The Lions; Club deserve the patronage of the community In providing the meninx for mhaklo% a meeting of alias kind possible. The difficulty In ae•nring an Audi - Welton for the presentation of thea- tricals has prevented the Lions Club from going attend this winter with further developments 1» eonne•ttnn w•lth the children's playground. The Club tins on hand ti,• aim of 73:.0 for 4711. purpose and it ix exprte.l that this *um will ie augmented by Wetly tile* which the Club can carry nn T ?ongh(mt the summer months. It is hoped that by next yeartlfe town will ,'tore. -.trthor Circle !dor,. man (1_-e 1011111I• w,•re delight- fully entertained on 'Thursday and Friday evening- nt'last '.veck by the pro,ht•tioti of a tltee-nct •'24rfety First." Itt *tae I,M'ture room of Knox Omni) meter the mouths P, 11.• 1w.e performats•ee• totalled/Ter The too:rant. eou•Is(lug ata 11 slid entirely ..f a play ht•ting a trifle over two hours, w'a• J11.1 a little different •iretn any Iwogram ).•t given by the 1'Ircle. among.) aloe menders then' N sate), .(Lentil talent. • To *ltKle out tiny one eh ra. per as the star of the piir.• w•o d he ,ditlir'nit a- well as intair.. 4 P •h:1rIeler. ser,' ail - i• n.ett and ,earl* and all did their { is well, The•tmtmor of the play ...tared very largely around Shh'•, .1nt, a►'}inuerty 14r*. 1). C. Iloop). who interpreted that humor * ,1 rue Irish •ra•hien. TheMtngP v.••ery. !airfienlarty for the ,' n.Iml- ing art. was., cleverly, .kesigned. Thy well with ifs wh11110... 11011 bucket, noon. Is•t2•hP'. plek,•t Yeltw . and .ltritbb. ry were quite realistic and inviting. and. especially .'n with Vir- ginia Bridger (Mrs. W. ?'rank Sa*t*- ders 1 perched- on the edge of the Weil "1*, 41g 111 /Meetly. ”.1111V1thet4,' tones that famillitr old sing. "The Illd (h,ken thicket." ' The port auf the Itatigitt mamma. 1trK . Bnrrfnsrt ow- Iridger. wit• assnm.•.1 by Miss Adel- aide Nairn In gnlh• refreshing man: tier. Th.• rather difficult role of the distraete4 wife. Mabel Monttromeery, was played by Miss - 'I other Hume well It very god cff„r. 'Sass Rn1 Mcf.eld 'vas equally at home as the pretty: omitting i•onng Tnrkidh maid,m, Znh'fka. no In the more **nar- k' role of "the Ramiro." In the VOW 4112110C net. The fortune. of Nr. 3Tac\utr (Mr. .f. F. Thorny -nit and .ferry Arnold 41fr. T ('11111 were .lowly tinfoil with tlince of Sinrr Anti out Virginia. ns were those of Elinor Flannel (Mr. Donald Gray) wit41 t)el'e of %nlelkn The terrible Turk. .11.011 8.11 M.•11:1 (Mr. Fowl Weir), father ef)r %ul'Ika, ereatrd (vn.iderahle stir 1111011 ("Neill appear- /ince The alteeether first-rate man- ner in which the part of the husband, Jack Montgomery, w*4a *ken by Sir. 1ongln. Nilit watt, subject of nmeh fnverabb' enl4mpnt. Silty 11..rnthyzite11 pre.idrd at the piano befit emit acts very am eptably bah ni halve an andltnrinut 1n which amateur thfatrleals caul he presented. and thus make it tiossWle for the *,Inns to present to the enmmuntty a child- ren's pinygrmind that .w141 be a credit to *be town. ox Church's Tribute to the Heroic Dead 4r; AS NUISANCES "Defiant Disobedience• of the Law by Hydro, Says the Gregory Report "'Phut n public body, 'uhje•t. to the Legislature and the Government, $hould .-.'minor :irw) pra.1lees year after rw,r would sent unbelievable were the Net. not established beyond qui -46411 by the ettret from Mr. Clarkson'. report. '1120 chairman • sir Adam Beek. evidently re•gardel Legislature.. thirernment. and audit - urs ue .., nduay nulsonee* to which Iso' more 111teutiott /should 4*P: paid than was ,,b.oltn,'ly necessary. He ' e•rtalnh tgtw.ret them." Tale 41).11'' is the enw4udnn r,'ae41141 1.y the 4:rognry e'ommiwrlon after oinking an nn:nlyxia of alb• year h reps*, of the slw'dn' Hydro audit- ' or. The eommis•Inu flatly defiles the correrta',!. of Kir Adam) it..ek'. "tato- Moir *.* , mei% that there was :t pt•e.audlt, a - y running audit. so that everything was cites -keit 1111 a. ,'\p•nd)nlTP* Were 111011e.. The ,..,nn,)ssion . leapt: "White 31r (,lark -•n *wade no pre -- audit rust p• .-+ • only limited pwer.. I!:••r.• Iw dnnht that he ha. 111.1 a mos( •'*lunare• hlluer-- ' open the Hydro. - Defiant I)isobedietwe.. Prior to *tic y.Ir 1910 t1),• a4MUi s ..f the ilydr., w. r,. •nhJaw t to a . It by the Prov Intal auditor, bu Mt thermion audit was ,'s,•r road(', The 11111411,1101111111411,11011 .e.rreetwnnb. 1 -i,WPPf IhelPio%;mcial 311411114r (Mr.ancyl and Sir A.I:ant It.rk tattiest s that their elutions were not of nue moat lutrtnoniou. ,•taracter. la Is report of 1916 the auditor d,'w•r ' the at- titude dlwl 'nee t the law aid eo m lain 1 n fl of r n 1 Ii r P h Met '4111 by ham ha been wit ' 014 ►so that It had lee found lm • slhle to com- plete,. ny faudlt, m. Sir. Mc44ar ,r, the ProvincInl ensurer, had t Ins rll,rngrd *0 that it .oraptroll r appointed 7.y the (:,'rernment oho d sign .all cheeks for the Ilydr. And eun•p proper ' hooka to be k pt anti a yearly audir made. Li 19 this las wile repealed nod the H, Ira authorized to ate !wont the ,'nmptroller. The Hydro Int.d sorb an nflielal, 10 Sfr. G. T. Clarkston ha* aims! to make n *TIP% of .f the {fydrn :*..ountl. Rio raft report OAS completed on try,. 1914. Sir ,*dam reported o Government that title report the ps•rlod from 19*M to 1910 had n duly pr..s•utel to the. Treasurer Ontario. A. to this the (}dregnry 'lmmtas4An *ay.: Winners of Robertson Cup On <i'..1111411ny "',,Ihg, Mnreh .'6111. the 3lattbews,horkey club were the re'ipieut* ofyg elljck»n dinner, '(;tete by the r/Meers ,.f the Matthews ' Steamship Line. at the hoarding hnn•e of Mr, Tlxrnan. F:Ili.ttt. West street. The dlnlfig-room wn. galls de•ornted with bock,'; Mirk. and the name 3ik0'hews inaerib.l h1 red, saltine *41,1 Illne nrn11nd the walla. The event got under w'ny fit 9.15. with (';apt. }larding fit the helm. suppnrtd by Engineer tallies as his aeentul in time of distress, while ('lligf. Murray and M'(;onnMI, a.*1*-1; ted 4y Engineer Thomas, 'took charge of the atter-end. ""Smoky" was on deck acting as first trate (hot not 1n doubt. this time. Rs, to win wanld w!n the town lengmo trophy): The crew eonvlatel of the "Old Out- fit" that wentherel the storm of 4'rirlay, March 21st, and who in tie!' Inst four minutes of play set full stenm .,hend and reached the port or modern, Valhalla called "Victory." }" When nl1 had pmrtnken of the ninth- 1 dance of good thing. set ht for.. them there were n nnmb'r of brief speeches, ('rpt. llarling Rras.' and congra- tulated the hays on their' splendid work. Chl4f Murrny voiced his desire, to howl the team together and try again next year for the cup. Engineer Gillies cnagrnttlntoil the team on their good work and stated; that he had the ntmn*t confidence fa them during the *Mann. iTe an- not/need mnonneed that through f P most critical moments he never lost�l►ope, not had a feeling they wnnid Y'IIM' throngb the winners. He said that hp liked the gnn:1 sportsmanattip they showed by not using the ***(iter A. C. 1. team ' roughly during their two male[*!., and he hoped that nett year they would again bring humor to themsetvea sad the Matthews Steamship IAM+ by Agee more. winning the cup. in (loalng 1 he asked Trainer Elliott What be fhnn4ht of the teem. "Smoky" aro.! with the grape of a Premier. saying, ",I knew they would "" , liars 4)11 7 44, /44114'1,. t' (1'D•M?*t: rra14l t :G TC'(ft•'144A?. ieefl This bronze tablet was unveiled in Knox church, Goderich, on Sunday evening, March 23rd, in the pret4encv of a large con- gregation. Th nam inscribed on The names the tablet Are Private John Henry Bates Priest. William G. DeLnng Private Ben Gordan Private George Handy Lieutenant M. P. Lane Private Laverne Murray Private Anton McCloskey Private Harvey McCloskey Corporal Cbwne'r 8. Macdonald Private Stewart McKinnon Corporal Benin James McLean Private Arthur William MtMath Captain Gordon McNevin Captain C. K. McPherson Lieutenant A. (4. Nisbet lance -Corporal Wm. Palmer Private Frederick William Stokes driver Theodore Suntory Lieutenant Jack Dert ram `iwarta Private Llewalyn Taggart Private D. Weston Private H. M. Young never apt. Pthm P been re i11111144 first Fehr fn for "Th1s statement Ls haMly eorreet. • 11' is trite flint the report of aur. ('Inrkw.n,f`nr *him period was drafted• and w•a. dlet,•u..ed by Sar. Clarkson with Mr. M'4:nrry, but it was never formnfly prevent.!. never formally received and never printed or pub- lished. . in reply to our inquiry of Sfr. C'arkwm ns to why rid. report iota not formally pe.ent'1. Mr. ('Inrksnn .ny. that the report IV/1P nothing hit a Aerie. of criticism. Of the commis -doll for overstepping au- thority 111 'one direction or m*niher, and that it was thought best. before pre..•nting the report for *7*. J.r'gtala- ture, to mike :intendment. to tate 1'ower Commission .art so tint many things ref.•rrd to Ira the draft report which had been illegal under the Act is It mood would Is, 4egn4 under the Act as amended. Monntbin Wert to Ntuhtnnit "Thi. wens eertnlnly a most effec- tive. If nnnsnal, entire' of a,•tIon. The accounts not conforming to the 'dart. the law- Was made to eonfnrm to•the neeoant.. Art nhjertton to the course that was Rollnwed ens that Mr. 'Clarkson's erlt)clsrns 414 not mem to the attention of either, the Legislature or the public. "It to elenr from the extract* from this report and the other teporry made by t Mr. Clarkson frouryear to year that the tiydro thrnnehnut 1)n. shown an impatieneP pf stMntory re- straints and a disregard of 'tatntnrr nhllestion*, 1t 1:,., gone further than this Where one person holds mnner In triton for another t4*.' terms of t1).• trn*t, should ate alw•nya 1er'tpnlnia4 observed, hitt time and Arlin nhn ifydro has used trust fund. in its hand. for wholly nnnnthorired pnr- pnses Aeeording is Mr, Clarkson this misappropriation hap gene on from year to year down to the pre - Sent (1470;. "Where. however. the Hydro 111141 fatted to observe the law it hue. in many instances. Inter rune to the T,eglahlture And asked It to legal'', what has been Illegally done This prnet lee 1n. lweeome n confirmed habit with the Comml.sion and the LPglstature has enennragel the Com- ml0010n to disregard the law. 01)*04* the Legislature has tela*e'1 bf vAltd sting year after year. apparently without protest or nhjnrtion. .mnrh Of what has been Illegally done" Working Caguas' in the 1910 report Mr. Clarkson , stated that the llydro had been n1n4 (Continued on page 31 ., 1