HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-27, Page 8iS-Thursday, March 27, 13.24 "Mgr :,::**-r-artligiliellueugiggilielelltligNiiiissieri*._ THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, 0 T. NEWS OF SPORT PeeteIi Doubles l urempleted To date there have been but three gators played off lu the third round of Uir Scotch doubles tour anent at the 4;odrri*lt Curling ('iub rink ou Newgate. rwlt'P''t• Weather cosdttions bold out .mall bole for the eomple• Don of the tourneunent• On the two rounds alr,•ad ren, off two palm am tied for fir-• humors with tea porn each, viz.. Peter line -et and Abe 111 glutton, and Male,lm McKay an 4'harie. Thoma.. Second petition also alwrert b} two pairs with si atoms each. viz.: W. R. Pinder a 4'..A. Handier. and J. Rowma n and f 1 J. Fisher. subs., l.. Barber. A. Malicaugh. 0. C. 1. -Gori, R. )la tt to ; de- letes. Fowlle, Thomson; forwards, D, .Ztairn, W. MacDonald. G. AI11.on ; elnlas, R. Snsacl, B. NiolGiaus- Referetei -Turuer, Chase. • Bowling Club -tunnel 1 Al the annual :teethes of the Code - rich Bowling Club, held Tuesday eve ening. the de•IsIon was arrived at to join the aVeittern ',attire: Jlowling Ar- t, i sortation at a fee of $8 The men-. g Mer l(ip fee was platted at 15 and 1t d' was tit..idol that the usual privileges Ise be stsenlel the ladies' bowling cluh. x l 1t eras de•idirl that $100 with iutere*t net I he paid off ou tie mortgage a4iina 1.1 the ('lulls property 1Picton street gr.•I•tt+ and t.•anis e'nrt 1. The amount outstanding agalneo the property .is note x340. The property eommltttete wa- em1iower..l to have the club -Rouen• h i Itnt to firetliass shape. s. The treasurer's statt'nwnt for the n year 1923,, gave tie total receipts es > e111.70. Ineludina; n trisects of MLA; n from the previous year, ladles'. bowling :i elith $1G. and membership fees $320. e' Expenditures. total!oI 1460.19 which Pleat -chum itarebsf Nitre The Purity ebur twwti'i,all chub wit • the seeming of -slug hi again shies ill gigot• of life, having made aptiltcatio to the towU coin/U11 at it: restitu• ne•••r fug last Friday eight for Irrtui,.io to erecta gran:Istanl at the Agricnl Lural Park. 1' is urderst.oat that th .•Itna intends t•• &come the entire sea• punsihility Af the grend.tamd thl.t nstlni ..•a,+.t,. n.ntrary to t'he prat• ti.•e of the •fait two years, when the stead etas .p eratrd on a percentage hates with the a;ewlerich Planitis Mills An earnest endeavor is being made by the eTrelitive to secure afflliatlon with the Route Countye. It 1- tinderstoo.l that neither W !Wham nor 4slintnn int.tnia having a tinselaf nits' this rear. "Mille (swan and Stratford tram, have jolter) a group, of the Southern League. / Prestress are bright/ for C first- , etas. tell team in tfotierieh this year, thnugn o;''sire Burling.andWill Armstrong ale 1e stir -notes as from la *i rear-.- lin.'.up• ThP Pt 'otic. feel. •ennfi.l.nt that a good team can be twilit up again with the return of snappy Roy sorting and dilative rive Joe 1.indsay and sump talent trent Clinton. including Hovey and Norman 4;adder. r • Town League Hockey Incll.•at..l In last week's t.sne- the town 1.•sgu,• aerie., w-tsyt the erg. nlsr %et:telule hail been completed, re- sn'tel In a triple tie as. hetweon the Al Stars: Beaker% and Matthews sT.(ne, On W..dn.wlay night of last week the Matthews 1,ine defeated the Rankers in tbe,,rmi-finale ,by the .sense of 2 to 1. Iaat Friday night on very soft- lee the atatthews b.hie emerged the victors over the All Stars 2 to 1 after a hard-fought game and an- tins the winners of the Robert- -or rip IbI: year. The teams isompoting In the' league this year. with the players 'who ape peered In their Iinr-np for one or more zanies, an• as follows: Matthews 1,(nn-1;cwu1, L. Haynes: defence M. Melanoid F' Stereo w : forwa,eI. W. Beek, W. Sna V.!. R Fe'ker: subs. J. Tunis i'. T.sneaste•r, A. Haynes. R. M,egaw, M, Sanderson. R �IclettaW- 111 Stan:-(;o+l, Bieck; def.'nee. G. %tq t tl l..Oel. F. R'nitbr st k ; ��((orwa rdm, A (sok. J. Randall. Es Alltsoi(; ;n;s•, Se.flnrn. K. rheas:, McVtttle.I�lspm- fie ,1. estikers -final, ,T. Woods; defy Precious. . E. Robinson; forwa. ![• \rthur, W. Weir, C, B. Nairn Huron Central Agricultural Society SPRING SHOW Clinton, lbursday, April 3 Write Secretary for Catalogue. 11. C. COX, Pre.ident, Clinton. A. J. McMIIRRAY, Secretary, Clinton amonnt Included a payment of 1100 on the mortgage and the sum of $131.51 for earetallug df the greens. The bot- anist on hand of x1:11.31• will be re- dne.d by $1003 the amount of • the payment now authorized on the mort- Tile officer: and evemmittees' for the ensuing year were named as follows: Hon. perttd.'nt. Rev. Dr. A. Ra drum. Cleveland; president. Joseph Rropltey ; vier -president. Gerald G. Newton; sr•retaty. ("has. A, Reid: treasurer. Chas. A. .Nairn: executive eommirtee. Fred Hunt )Albert Taylor. James Dolts !dean.; grounds-etmmlttee, H. 1'. Edward • G. Syond% IT..7. Fisher, T. McDermott: ermott : membership eitmmittee. W. Reg. Sharman. Fred c;rnl;ie. .\. Ti. )t.•f.rean, G. G. Newton. EXTENSIVE PROGRAM PLANNED FOR THIS YEAR Gaderieh Development Company ('co- agoing Improimnent Worts at Blue Water Meech At meeting. held last week, of the directors a the 1ouk'rich Development Company limited, owners of the Blue Water Beach' property, an extensive program of development work for the Feer was adopted. the work to com- mete.' as soon as weather eondittous Iwermlt. First and foremost.' Work will tem- mene•e on the new eighteen -hole golf eoume whkh the Company aro build- ing and for this purpose charter papers are now In the hands of the Provincial Secretary asking for in•or- pecration of the Goderich Golf and country Club Limited, with a capital of 140,000 made lip of 400 shares with s per rah:" of $100. of whieh it Is prepwaed to have Imm.elinttIv 100 shares Ifer pubo.• subscription. The Company have plans prepared by a well-known golf pmfesslonnl and work will he pushed rapidly with a large tone.• of men to put the first nine hobo ill play for May of this year. The land ...Soled for the first aloe ]toles is admirably suited for rapid working and the architect of the course has promla.ed play by May if weather eondttlone permit of the !reign= of work being 'serried on as laid down. The Development Company plan al- terations at one to the club house that will nitimateIy give members of this eour.w' one of the beet club bouses in Weetern Ontario. Lawns, tennis eourts and bowling greens will be laid out on the spacious, wFit--shaped grounds surrounding the club house. This work will be started as soon as possible thin ring and ahoutd prove a menet ata ve feature of this im- possible CInb. Work will also commerce on lay- ing a water supply to the tottages and property tor sale and will be pushed to eompletlo_n• as rapidly as possible. - The Company also to develop tare block's of tand la id oat for open parks and children's playgrounds Brock "B" fa the centre of the prop- erty. fronting the lake, will be clear- ed and made Into lawns, with shotes, trace, etc. Poeliminary work will slap he done on bloel• "A," • large tract reserved for general playgrounds The beach will be cleared further Robins' Clearing Sale FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY 5 dozen Men's Blue Striped p Overalls with elastic back. Sizes 34 to 44. Clearing at $1.18. Men's Combination Underwear Made from fine cotton and wool, natural shade. Sizes 34 to 42 $1.65 10 dozen Boys' Stockings All sizes. Clearing at 25e _taR M. ROBINS .GODERICH Th. Square ` ODERI H • `��jitnssa► tivirgeglIge and platen In good bathing coudltien. t;.+wl l.nthing is promised those whet will have prhileges over the Com- Iwuy•, property this year. Itoadi which received ceonslck'rabte u•,•atmerot ht the latter fart of last year will be reconditioned and further trert!4J Anti should tw' In splendid eon- dillon for traffic all year. The town- ship of (►oderkai has promised immed- iate treatment of the main road lead- ing Into fife property. The township is fully aware of the asset this prop- erty aeons and is giving every sup- port to the company. By July of thin year Coderieti should have good rearm to be proud of this resort to tin.. to Its borders and the activities of this Company should revive the moral support of every citizen. It is at last real de- velopment along our natural lines and should not Wall to Interest large num- bers of city people desirous of owning first's lass rummer residenens. "Safety Finn" ---.sat Kn.x church lecture room, Thuralsy and Friday of this week. The Hideous Reptile The teacher was giviug a lesson on the crocodile "You must give me all your atten- tion. he said. "It 1s Impossible for you to form a fru. ideaof 11 iir-ictai you keep Tont eyes fixed on me." CHURCH NOTES The *'rulers next Sunday In Vic- toria street Methodist church 'will be crioduettd by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Hedley. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting at l0 o'clock and 'tile Rihir school at 3. A cordial welcome to a11. The services in Knox church next trtt4,ath will be in charge of the min- ister. Subjects of sermora: 11 a.m-, last In the series on tlw Lord's I'raycr-'Thi• Doxology" 7 p.m., "11s' Savor of Salt." Sabbath school and Bible climes at 3 o'clock. The serviette at the Baptist cbures next Sunday will he conducted by the pastor. Rev. C. X. Dewey. Sermon eubJe•ta: 11 a,m., "Rescued at Sea," pr "Jesus Watching All the Time": 7 p,m.. "Why Rejoice." The Bible school clseaee meet at 10 a,m., and the service at Taylor's Corners will be held et 3 p m. The topic at the H. T. P. U. meeting on Monday evening will he taken by Mrs. Wilfrid Donaldson. The aervicts at North street Methodist church nett Sunday will be as follows: lO t.m.. Meeting of Men's Club, ehnrth chores and Mission Bard. The subject to be discussed in the Men's Club la, "What Influence has sociability on you'.'" and will be Introduced by Mr. J. W. :Moore. The services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, will be conducted by the pastor. /Sermon sub- Jncta: 11 a.m-, 'The Twelve Gates Of the City"; 7 paw. 'Life on the Great Lake's." GUNDRl'$ SALE REGISTER Saturday. March 29 -Auction sale of household furniture and furnleh- Ings at the residence of Samuel Beaver°. corner of Oxford and Vir- ginia streets, Goderich. BORN SCHOP NHALS-At Clinton, on Wed- nesday. March 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J &-b. 'rains, a sot. ►IBRO. -Is Goderich, on Sunday. March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Nero. a eon- GiNN -In Oodntieeb township, on Wednesday. Womb 36th. to Mr. and Mrs. George Ginn, • ddughttrr, MARRIED BRADFORD-SHiELDf At Hitch• roar, on Yonder. March 24th, by Rev, W. W. Lynn, pastor of Knox ehorch. Nellie '1(uri0, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Shields. to Bert. second son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford. both of 0odericb. 81lNJAMTN-YOWLER-At the Vic- toria street parsonage, Goderich, on March 31t'IL by Revs Jobn W. Hadley, N. A., Wye Olive Irene Fowler. or Colborne township, to Mr. William B.ejam4n, et Aebfle4d townabip DIED GREEN --At PiNtford. Mich., on Mon day, Marreh 34th, George Green, in `bis 9446 year. I. his Goderich. on Bat yyrrday, KereKeret:22 id, David Ritchie 13entllegton, moo of Mr. and lire Chariot: Pennington,. aged 16 tgoeths and 23 days. IN IMEMORIA,ft HPI ETHRINO' -In loving mem- ory of dear lanae, who died March 31st- 1971, Oh! how sweet It will be in that beautiful land. So free from all sorrow and palm sono on our lips. sad with bares In our bands, To mom one another •gain. FATHER AND SiSTPP1III MGePIIFIE.--in loving memory of our deer daughter Olive, who died March 21st, 1922. Do sot ask us if we tutees her; Oh. there's such a vaeaat place! Oft we think we hoar her footstep. Or wee are her smiling face. She bas gone to Iltgher merlons, rlons, Fres from every toll and rare; We .shall meet again. dear 011ve- in that land PO bright and fair. PARES/TS. S1[ITH -In ever fond end Ioving memory of our dear mother, *'s. L. W. 11. Smith. who 1•wnsnl peuteefully away March 26th, 1923. lh3 one heerta your memory linters Sweetly tender, fond and true. TMre in oot a day, dear Mother. That we do Int think of you ow, of the Mew. Madly mimed by her lovtag ehtldren and gvandebildee---41111FTE, AAR- RISOv ANT) 1,rXT10 • AUCTIONNEERINO THOMAS GUNDRY, OODEX1OM. LIVE groom AND GIMBAL AUCTIONEER Pet• cphoa6 No. 119. Salta attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. E'armerr' rale notes discounted. 1 M. STALKER. AUCTIONEER for household effects farm stock, etc., for the County of Huron. Address ail oommuatoatdomi to J. Ii. STALKER, Auburn P, 0. 44d MEDICAL DR. F. J. R.-FORSTER ��// NYE. BAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, aaulstaat at Moorefield Bye Hospital sad Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- don, Ing. 53 Waterloo St-, S., Stratford. 1* 'phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, GO April 16th. at 71 i0 p.m , Tv April 17t1, at 1 pm. TENDERS WANTED TDNDERa WANTED. ' AUCTION SALE )Town Ai'CTIO\ SALE: OF , 1101.'6E. hold Furniture and FuruI hlage, - 11R, YA)11'F:1, BEAVERS will sell by pubic suselaa at his resi- dence, corner of Oxford apd Virginia 'streets, Goderk . on SATURDAY, MAII4lM 29th commencing et 1 o'clock sharp. all the contents of the house, including: Parlor. Dinlug Room, Ikd Room and Kitchen Furniture, Dishes, Carpets, Bedding. Organ. Rlinde Cutlery, etc. ,No reerre on rrythlug, as property Is sold. TERMS.- Cash. THOS. GI'XDRY. Auctioneer. AI -171'10N SALE OF AitM STOCK AND IMI'LE:ME;\TS Mit. ANDREW .STRAI'Ol11N will sell by Public Auction at East Half of Lot 12. Cnn, 6. Colborne. on TUESDAY. APRIL, let. 1924 eommencing at 1 ocloc•l, the follow. ing: 1 bay horse, 8 year+ old. weight 1®00; 1 brown horse. 10 years old. weight 1700; 1 chestnut mane. 9 years old. driver; 1 bay mare, 3 ears old, driver:Ll. red caw 7 o'. due April 10; 1 Holstein cow, 10 years old. due April 10th; 1 Holstein old.d, 8 eeek ered heifer.9,years mtlkinolg, supposedtndlkins *0 wbe In ca 1 lf 1 red cow, milking, supposed to be in calf; 1 red cow, supposed to be In calf; 1 Holstein cow, supposed to be in calf; 1 steer, rising 2 years old ; 4 calves, rising 1 yesr old ; 1 calf 7 Piga. about 120 lbs.; 21 pigs about 100 Ile; 5 geese, 3 ducks. 40 hens. 100 bushels of seed oats. 1 6 -horse power irrternational gas engine and belting; 1 Fleury cutting tax; 1 land roller; 1 riding plow. Cocksbntt; 1 walking plow; 1 cutter; 1 buggy: 1 ant S light harness; 2 new tor+.• eases. 71 and 24 9n.; 1 Chatham incubator; 1 McCormick manure spreader; 1 Tap - Laval cream separator; 10 cords of dry maple wood. THRMR--On all Auras of *10 and over, 8 month. credit on furnishing epproved joint notes. A discount at the rate of 4 per cent. straight allow- ed for cash on credit amounts. Positivelyno reserve, as proprietor is giving up farming on aeount of Ill health. ANDREW STRAUGHA-N, T. GT'NDRY Proprietor. Auctioneer. ADDITIONS AID ALTRRATIONS TO THE GODERiCH COLLEGIATE LTI ITL'TE. GODERICH, ONTARIO General tenders only will be accep- ted and must be on special ifortna and in sealed envelopes, which will be furnished for this purpose by tate Ar- chitects. Deposit of a marked cheque of 21.2 per cent. of the\tender or a bid bond Is required with each tender, and when the contract to executed a band of 50 per cent. of the contract w111 be required. Tenders must be delivered to the Architects by March 31. 1924. A deposit of 125.00 to required to procure plans for figuring. In the event of plans not hieing returned on the date agreed, the bald deposit w111 be forfeited. Lowest Or any tender not necessarily actepttd. Pians, specifications. tender forma and Information may be had at the office dr S. B COON AND SON, Architects, 4 St. Thomas St.. Toronto. NOTICE TO CREDITORS N4YTiCE!'PO Ct1tEDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Rieh- and Jewell, Deceased. Notice .4' hereby given that all per- sons haring claims or demands against the eetate of Riehard Jewell, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Heron, Farmer. deepest -1. who died on tbe first day March, A. D. 1924, are requtrel to send or deliv- er to the uadera fined, solicitors for Me Executrix, Ifull particulars of their claims. duly vertfled by declaration or affidavit, on or before the 5th day of April, A. D. 1924, AND TAKE NOTICE that aper the said 5th day of April, A. D. 1924, the raid Executrix w111 proceed to diltrib- ute the assets of the said decease] among the persdra entitled thereto, and that the acid Executrix will not be ilable for the said assets or any part thereof to ,any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Goderich this lath day of March, A. D. 1924. HAYS a HAYS, Goderieb, Solicitors for the Executrix. Norton TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, put, truant to Seetinn 56. Chap. 121 of the Reviaed Statute,, of Ontario, that all penmen having claims agaturt the ea - tate of Thomas A. S. Pennington, do- eard. wbo died on or about the fif- teenth day of February, A. D. 1924. at the Town of Goderich In the Province of Ontario, aro required to send by post. prepaid, or to deliver to R. Van - alone. Wiram. Ontario, aoil'ltor for the executor. on or before the twenty - armee' day erf April. A. D. 1924, their name r and addresses, with full par- ticulars of their elatms In writing, and the nature of the security (if any) belt by them duly verified lit a statutory deelatatloe. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-sevmd .lay of April. 1924. the assete of the saki estate will be distributed by the ex- ecutor anon` the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to Ole claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not be liable for any claim., not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wirgbam thea twenty - fine day of March, A. D. 1924. R. VANSTrONE W(ngham P. 0., Solicitor for the Executor. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT. Mare+ 23 -Mime Jean Babb. our village .rhnnl teacher, *pent the `week-ead with her friend Mum Johnston. of Cedar Valley. Mn.. (Rev.) Rantoul, of Dungannon. said goodbye to the congregation of St. AtMf ew'a ehureh last Runlay. as she intended leaving sooner to speed a few days with her parents. Rev. Dr and Mrs. Perri.. of Wingham, before leaving for their new home. Mr. John TOME has not eommeneed building bin now re,klnar•e yet, but in- teoda doing an shortly. Kr and Mrs N. MaeDrwislet and Mims Alice. of Klstell, agent Sunday in the Otiose. -Herter Tlgert, at the G. C. 1., is home this week %blrg care of fila arta, after beteg ral+t6maed Inst week. • IrOS BAIT QEED BARLEY FOR SALE, 0. A. C. No- 21. Apply to A. H. CLt'TTON, R. R. No. , Goderich, Telephone 1414 Carlow, ftp rollSAI l'- - Wl4ITE! BLOSSOM Sweet Clover; 1923 surd. Apply to I MF;i.VIN JEWELL. Colborne town- I ship. It. It. No. 4, Goderich. Telephoner �;-16 Carlow.' 3t I FOR SALE.- DRUMS AND TRAPS. Ono of the beat aad moot complete outfits that is possible to procure. For `ale (cheap. For particulars apply at SIGNAL • OFFICE. FOR SALE. --DE LAVAL CREAM separator;hats been running three years and is in good conditloo. MEILViLLE: YTI•ItDY. It It. No. 1, Goderiels Telephone 11 o0 003. 1t VOR SALE -TOUR CHOICE: OF as two mares -one seven -yeses old. about 1.4.10 Ibis.. bay; one nine years old. shout 15:0, brown, JAMES 1IAYDEN. R. R. Ni,, 1, Sbeppardton. R MILLER'S HiGH GRADE 51- Uliser, guaranteed analysed phos- phite 16 per cent.. for 124.00 per too. Apply to JAMES CHiSHOLM, God.- rich. Phone 20r0, Ihxngannon. 74 'Olt SALE -BABY 4IDN'KS FROM ■■ our bred -to -lay strain Barred Rocks for delivery March 31st and April 4th. Price 20c each. C. A. BAXTER, R. R, No. 3, Goderieln,-Phone Dungannon 6r17. CORSALF.. -A QT'A\TITT OF IR - proved Amerlewn Banner Oats; Government Inspected; grade No. 1 and 2. I'rlee field eompetltlon. Price 75e. 1'. W. PROCSR, R. R. No. 1, Coot.. rich, FUR SALE. -1 LIGHT RiG, CHEAP 1 heavy pair of spring wagon shafts: 1 fore axle and bunking*: 1 York sow, due April 10th; 1 pair iron wheels and axle; 1 herrn(. Apply IIERBF.RT WAXW1NGS, Huron road FOR SALR. - BANNER OATS. MOprize winners for twn con. wecutive years and threeyears ago fleet In the bin; grade No, 1, eertift- ca to 43 plus 39111. Price 70 ern to per Dna. Also 0. A. C. No. 21 sed barley from regtaternd seed. Price 11.00 per hug. ('hone No. 208 Carlow. FRANK L. YOUNG, R. R. No. 5, Goderich of Goderich • s,. • a.Y -LAW NO. 10 OF 1924 OF Til<E ' Corporation of the Town of Gods* rich. A Byelaw to provide funds to en- large and Improve the Goderich (bl- legiate Institute. WHEREAS the 4;oderieh Collegiate inrtitnte has through ire Board of Trustee, made applleatlon :e the Manl- elpal Council of the Corporation of the said Tbwn, to i,.e-u,• de4wentures q( the said Towu for th.• mum of 1.14.• 000.00, for the purooe of enlarging and improviug the said Collegiate in- atitute, AND WHEREAS it has been made to appear that the said C'olle'giate in- stitute should be enl.rged and improv- ed and that Mich enlargement and Im- provement would be a general advan- tage to the inhabitants of the said Town, AN'D W HP.RE.le it i+ etpedient to grant the said funds under the cor- ditions hereinafter sot forth, ANI) WIDPRF.AS, to order thereto. It will be necessary to Josue louottoLthe aald-mnnletyaty fog- tam sum of 178,000.00. as hereinafter pro- vided, the proevrds of the said de- bentures to be applied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one tine - and to make the principal of the mid debt repayable by yearly alms daring • period of thirty years. being the currency of tbe maid debentures the said yearly sun>.a being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for pets clpal and interest in reelect of said debt shall be aestrly a: pomible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other twenty-nene years cg the aa(d period AND WHEREAS the total amount re qulred by the (bnaolidateed Mualelpal Aet of 1922 to be relied annually by special rate for paying the mid debt and inferno as hereinafter provided is the sum of 1:1.990.72. ANI) WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the. Town of Ooderich. according to the laat re- vised as,e•ament roll thereof, le i2.740,Flseti3OnWH, AND EREAS tho amount of the existing debenture debt of thea said Municipality Is 3206.76297 (exclusive of local improvement debts aw'ured by special acts.. rate+ or atomesenenta), whereof no principal or Intertest is in arrear. TAEREFORF the Hunleipal Counell of the Town of Goderich enacts aa followa: (11 The lhfniclpal Council of the Town of Gnderieh shall rase the auto of 158.000.00, for the purpose at en larking and Impmvlag the Coll.giat Institute, situate In the said Town o .oderIelk and tbe proceeds from t, sale of the debentures berelnatteer mentioned shall be handed over to t Beard of Truxtena of the Goderich Co leglate institute. to be used by it f the enlarging and improving of t said Collegiate Institute. vth (2) In order to rave the said su debentures of the maid Town to amount of 1)rdi,00o.(10 an atoren 1 herring intereet at (51.10 tire and e half per cent per annum, mine be man within one year from thehmanof this bylaw, each of which d bentures mhall be for the mum et nons lerano 5100,00 each, and shall dated upon the date of the issue the of and shall be payable annually a the Rank of Montreal, at the Town o Goderieb, within thirty years th alts. (3) Each of the mid debentar Ave Me signed by the Mayor of the mad Tnwn of God.ruch, nr by mime other person authorized by paw M sign the gam.. and by the Treasurer of the said Dorn. and the Clerk shall attach thereto the corporate areal of the municipality. (4) During the currency of tie. said debentures there shall be raised an- nually by aortal rate on all the rate - .hie property In the said Town of (lode• rich the gam of $3,990.72 f.r-the pur- poar. of repaying the amount due in reach of the mold years for principal and Interest In respect of the Mid debt. (71 Thin bylaw shall take effect on the day of the float passing thereof.passedProvisionally passat the Council 4 hatcher* at the town of Goderichthe 14th de, of Mardi, A. D. 1924. (agd. t W. F. GALLOW, L. L.KNOX, Mayor. Clerk. e f be or be the d. nR 1a- zig et - be re- ere- TAKE e- ere- TAKE N(YTiCF that fix above de a true ropy of a proposed bylaw whka had been taken Into consideration and which w111 he finally passed by the CMnn0l of rhe Munleipality (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication In The Goderich Star, the date of whkh uhlleatlon was the 20th day of Marc?,, 924. AND FURTHER TAKE, NOTICE that all leasebold.tea qualified under the provisions of Che (bneolldat.d .lennlcipal Act, 1912, Section 265, S. A. 3. are required ten days bdfore the day of voting to file with me a stat- utory declaration of qualifications, otherwise their names will not appear on the voters' list for march voting. AND FT'RTRF.R TAKE NOTICE that the vote of the elm -tors of the said Town of Ooderich w111 be taken on the said prepomed bylaw at the rot - lowing times and places, that L to way, on Monday, the 14th day of April, 1924, commencing at the hour of S o'clock In the forenoon and toothed - ng until 5 o'cinek In the afterneot of name day, by the %nowlag Deputy timing °Meet's : Yelling subdivides No 1. et Mtl.vs rage. at owner of Victoria street lllgin Are„ by Thomas R. Wallis, 11"PlitI a.ttetlap; Ofeer, sad James - p 1 FARM FOR SALE. - 65 acres day loam. E. \4 of lot 11. Ath cower Flom, F. D. Colborne township. Com- fortable frame house, 10 rooms; barn 110 x 70 ft.; two sbeda 20 x 36 ft.; driving hone. and pigpen; orchard; well -watered top spring and well; '4 mile from school, 2% tulles from Au- burn station, 9 'miles from Ooderlch. Reasonable terms for quick ale. Ap- ply to T. A. HAMIIJPON, R. R. No. 3, A n bu rn. The proprietor of • monagerle re- latted that one of his Bona even had a thorn taken nut of his paw by ■ French maJor 1n Algeria. Th. lion afterwarda min over the 11st of et- the Goma belonging to the r.glm.nt of Ret his heneaetor. and out et frntlttde devoured both the colonel and Ilea P tesantecolo.wt, whose please were end then filled by the good major )1aeVlcar, Jr, Poll (jerk. Polling subdivision No. JJ'. se Temple (7lark'• More on Rhumbas; street, by Charles Hater, • ttarntng Otlacrer. And Deputy Rn - Poll (jerk nct Wim' lLea4 I'ulling subdl,14,0n No. 4,.. ft the Town hall. by 7. C. Belc•ber,Deputy Returning ()Neer. and .Oro. Belcher. Poll Clerk. Pollingsubdivision No. 4, so Moth - ere' wood shop, o,. Victoria street, by N. A. Telford, Deputy Rtehsrting Umcer, sod Wm- Stother., PbH YAerk. polling subdlvial•a No 5. at P. L. Walton'. store on West Verret, _ by Oswill Sturdy. Deputy Returnlag 0f - fleet. and Qba r ode Illackseon447Pol1 Clerk. FbUleg snbdlvlalon No. 6, at James Taber once on Wenn sheet, by R. L. Watton. Deputy Returning cower, and Wm. Tait, Poll Olerk. Polling subdlvlalea No. 7, at Wm Mearthur's residence, at corner of William asd Cayfey streets, by Dooald Robert Til tl tPolll Clerk. O�ror, and On Saturday, the lab day of Aprils 1924, the Mayor of the said Tenn will attend at the Covent Ohambers eg the said Town et ten O'ctoek la abs forenoon. to appoint parities to attend at the various polling pletepg afore said. end at the ileal summing up of the rows by the Clerk ea behalf of the persona itaterested la •nd pro- moting or opposlag for lamina of tb, .aald proposed bylaw, reopening. The Clerk of the Council of the Bald Town of Goderich wttl attend at his office in the Town HaU, at tea o'clock In the forenoon on Tuesday, the lbth day of April, 1924. to num up the number of rotes for sad against the sold pr>poeed bylaw. L L. ILNOA, Clerk. POSTAGESTAMPS WANTED WANTED TO P1 01,QHASB POE vy cash, 01d Postage *tamps and Oil Envelopes with stamps attached- OM James of Canada, United States. Great Britain, British Coioolea, preferred. No modern issues wanted. 1t away play you to look up your old letters Reply to ]sox 22. me Signal. FIAT OR IOIIND aFOUND. -- A 9II1( OF MONIST Apply CAMPBELL'S D 8 Q 0 STORE C()t-ND -ENVELOPE CONTAINING •l small 'bogus* and other papers. Apply at SIGNAL OPTION PLEILiC NOTICE t M(YTiCR 1s ILURHBY GiVEN TORT a Bylaw was pard by 110 Mani- eipel (outsell of the Town of Gede- rich, on the 7th day of Meech, 1pt, providing for the issue of d.beatnTaa to the amount eX 100,050.00. for the purpose of an adspaate eater part& cation plant and fol' an improved ehl.r. enation apparatus, for the farther pro- tection of the water supply of the Town of GoderIeh and for an ex - trinket or/ the intake pipe of the said system to • polat denude the Harbor in Late Huron, at the Port a Gode- rich. AND THAT said Bylaw warn registered 1■ tbe Registry Ofd'se of the Reegletry Diviaton of the County of Huron on the lath its of Beare, 1924. Any motion to fosse or set askd, tbo some or any part thereof must he made withla tares swathe af- ter the first pubilcatton of this titles and canaot be made tbeeeeafter. DATED tbe 19th day of Eke A. D. 1934. L. I.. KNOT. 3t Clerk of the Town of Code,4sk• COAL G. CAMERON, L C., BAR;7/- TE8, Solicitor, notary t�11� Oce Hamilton street. ()Mark= loan adoor tlowest a st rates hunk M DROHOLM, CDFOOT, ICILLORA N • a BARRISTIRS. SOLICITORS. 110. TAXIES PUBLIC. ETC, _ from Haw leasstreet, Dederick Prgvats tusk to baa at Iowa gates. J. L. K1Loran, Dud's"' E. 11nl�ltr Nape It Maps Baaaz,raa., Hoc. R. C. HAl'R-R.C.HAYS, :a., B.A. Hamilton St., Goderiek C 11k:AoltiS, H.C., BARBIITEE. SOLICITOR, Notary public earn conveyancer. Mks -court Ham Goderlob. 1 INSUEANc , LOAN& RTC �dILIAP Mtrrty, , FIBS DOM LEGE 00. -Yarm sal iMMO. town property tawre& Prom,b P. . ; Jas. Orem. Vb►Ptes.. Beaebw•ed P. 0. ; D. 1. McOr.mR SSI' -14w., Saalartb P. 0. Dtractora-A. Brea/tset, 8 1 Ise S, $ee sth ; Jobs 0. Qrte►, Ilea 4, Wallas; Milian Elan, 8, L Ea. 5, /.Sart, i Saba Isamstwlu. DeiO4 hams; O.w /1a0attitiwq. 1. L !1a S. Bastard; Hobart laretq limb* t Marry Orae., 8aman ; )auris Ease amelEenlweel ; Jump Qamnally. "dirielLApmes : J. W. Tee, Oodindo* Liam. Lalteb, 8. 11. ire. II, OMAsa I Jets WORM?. Sas ailb ► i. flissfartb. Pella Waste furry% eslm eta sal sat tiff sub mallp• el at R. Je Msiu4*b 01.060 Onuses : 8e L Oslt% 1_ i Valu. 5� •rs,- 5i,cr:i5•119