HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-27, Page 6114. '41.1. l ..•_ -..,r,: s4.444•44,444.110144,4••4.4...a,a. -Thursday, March 27, 1924 THE SIGNAL. GODERICH, ONT. a Jackie Coogan I ' Fountain Pens Self -filler, with clip -cap. I Wonderful value 50c STATIONERY of all kinds. Porter's Book Store Electric Wiring Wt specialize in Wiring of all kinds. het us give you an estimate for wiring your h use or garage. Private Telephones, Motors Dynamos. Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems All %Vnrk Guaranteed Cook, Iron and Toast by Electricity We have an as.sortnlent of the best Electric Irons and Toasters made in Canada. ROBT. TAIT Elegy triotan W eat St. Phone 254J If you suffer from RIII'UMATISM t.•meneea M..a.la... a...., .der p . ep,A, te,w�e rd'e t - ,•o sca, .o •h..-: nee el and .1. "'..els'- s Ih-.sirien..erol. Thee .e .nJema t. .purl .e. On e.I. <..rr.• .• Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont. Crowns and ihreae•e ?4121, ps ri-I, Ktngth.ul, else and ,soul, Ihu tin• Chinch of .11.4.u+ Vele:taut a III renes((: Ilan•s of hell .out never• 'Galust dust 4.hurch prevail: We hu v. 1'1irtst's own promise. .tool that eininiet fall. I ne Ito t•111g4iopldf. ratVEit iv.. tinink 1'1t.vr. aur Fath.:r, that w.• are knit to Tlt. c by the tkends of love: that caulking eau MP' sarilt,' ua from the lore eft t:,..l Iu 1'hri.t i.• -us List shi. \Gly we hear 111..• saehue•. "Ideal lens l.•1n1 mud turn nutu'tla• Lord your tial toe lit. is sraei.4.4,410 merciful." Wt. pray that Thy Holy Spirit may descend upon our hearts sift). power an.I weed our afft.•ttone from the things of earth. so that we may rent. Thee with true devotiou. In J sue name we a -k 1y. Atn•.ii. S. S i.i:S'' IN roll APRII. nth. 1024 Ine..on Title -"The Kingdom' Rent .►.Moder:' - Lesson I'aseige`1 King. 1t: 12.24. Golden Tevt-Prov. 16:SS. Some year- before hl: death Selo - mon chose Jeroboam. ,an industrious. mighty man of valor. to lie superin- tendent tendent orer all the forced labor el- ected from the tribeae of Joseph during the time' the .fortifleatt..um of deru- salect, were being built. One day he era- met by Ahljale the prophet, who r tiit1u (he new garment he was wear- ing and tore it Into twelve pl.+ve+; for thus .alth the Lnnt. rhe (;'.l of Is- rael. "11.-ho1.1 1 wl11 rend the kingdom ant of the hand 1f Si.lomuu. anti will OVA' ten tribe.. to 41Ius'. 1 4 Kings 1 1 ::'.1 1. Thi. tu.•tde-Weeam.• to the oars of Solomon and he sought to kill Jero• Nina,. but Jeroboam fled Into Egypt and waited titers. until: the divith of Solomon. s When Solomon lel Itis sou Reim - twain stwc 1d him Ro far as his- tory swords .. a was hla only son. Raised In stay. and In the company of learn - men he had sot at forty years f age learned wisdom. He. the on of .the wisest man, showed h utter lack of It at the first inter- ie•w he had ofaelally with the men of his kingdom. The country was a rich and proepernns one -but In order to maintain hie eourt Solomon had imposed taxes and in order to build hue palace and the temple men were forced into work. This they consid- •end was too heavy a burden upon them and the eieraslns of a new, king taeem.d to the to bre a fitting time to ley their comtplainta,befnre him and : ask for a reduction. They sent Nor Jeroboam to be their 'spoke -man.' "And they .•nma. and spoke unto Reholaeam saying. . father !Wide our yoke grievous." In 1 King. 4:1% we r.,.ot that Ki 801- orn011 4111 -ed n 1..cy oat of Israel, This wed. appere•n'!y the f at time Ts- ' melee. were calld it to pm'rform forced labor. hot tt the fulfilment 1 of a prnpheey. f..r when they asked • for a king they were told, "He would take their men seerreente. and their rmideervant,. and their goodlket . young men and put them to his work." 1 ''.Mak" thou the .rievour service of thy father. and hla beery yoke ' which he pis' upon es. lighter, and w-.• will verve thee" Relhntoam: re- ' momhering the words of hie father, sent them away for three days until he should consult him eonnsellora. "Where no teeniest is. the people fall; hut In the multitude of munsellnrs there is safety" (Pray. 11:141. Ilad lie stopped when he eonsulteed the old men the story wonl4 In all probability have had a different ending. They oat of the tutors,' of their experience advised eoncillation. "that a soft no - ewer turneth away wrath." They City-Dred She-So you crowed the desert 1n your auto. It must have been an in- teresting trip. He -A bit monotonous Ir'■ a re - lop[ to run Into people ono' in ' a sillies it .,•,1 to e.n,vhn' h1tu that"t•11e way to rule ea. to acne, to favome all things to all na-uu and -o hind the people 40 Illlu forever. But M.110la.(u turned to the young men 0 ill. had grown up with hien and they .'aid. "Say unto them. Nty little finger shalt be thicker thou toy father's lulus. and now whereas my father did lathe yoU with u In-avy yoke, 1 will add to your yoke: my father ehanitted you with wide.. but 1 will chiestbee you with scorpions." - Ve..es 12-13-Rrbobwm'a Answer. Evidently kir interview with the y..nng (len had effa00.41 Puy inq.n•a- -ie•u :ua,le ou his mi nil by the aged eouav-Ilor-. 171.• word,. of his form- er 8swede tee grsttried hlaltote de so that when Jerloaw uteri 1114• repre- sentative's of the people appeared at the appointed' 14me his manner was haughty rather than kingly. They had n..4 np 40 this time been in a re- volutionary nand but his answer 10NI a most unexpected effect. Verses 16 -2S -Tile Revsk. ..When all Israel sties' that Cie king h.vlrkenel not unto theta. til.• pole atewen.I the king. staying. What tor - tion have we II lett id? ' Neither have w' Jnlieritaula. In the sun of J. -diet to your teats e ► Barnet; now sae to thine own lion.. Devitt. So Israel .kepartel Unto their tents." In these words w a the king warned that 11.'ne•fo there would he two kingdoms. that the thing the prophet had told to •rebonm was at hand. lt.•hol..wim sa when it was too late how fatal t his beset Interests had been the atee of the young men. How could Jlw Imre been so blind as to follow //auric insane adrte'e?. In verse 15 We read: "The cause wan from the Lord,''bet even then he made, au attempt to rectify matters and send Adoram to offer better terms and malei►'ace. but the die had been cast. .t1 Israel stoned .tdoram with stones nd then Rebo- beam fled to Jere:milt*. What a homeeegnina? In.etead of the pledged loyalty t f a w'ttn;e nation \he was king over but two tease and\ Jerot,.,am. his father's -errant. was eli*•eal king neer the other ten. We, thug at.' how great pewee can become grea tyre n v, "An . ancient French eo lacing asked by his king to ay s,.m.e general noes for overnm took a piece of paper. nd wrote the top 01 it 'm.. ration.' in .til middle of the 'moderation,' and at the bottom . o ntioh. ' -Trapp. This wee t.: VP 17 IIdvf.•.• R.•hohe,am r..'eited fro .. the old men. his fnth- ,cr'a conlion. but God was work- ing 0 of His great scheme and He heir . whom He means to destroy. you ask whether there ds not settee .otter way than that taken by the Lor! in the este,. of R.hoh.oam. i an- awer. the Loa r"igneth. and our wisdom. apparently so excellent. is fnoliehnece before Him." (Parker). WORLD MIS•SIO!lIS Kone w;1- opened as a mlmion field 1e-. than ,forty years ago. The pioneers in this undertaking avoided the rocks, some of which threatened to wreck-. or *erioualy,.cr(pple. mis- sionary effort in other lauds and took advantage of the experiences which had proved fruitful. One of the earli..et de latrans of these pioneers was t6 encourage weir -support to the native ehuneh.•.. This subject has r.relv.d as much thought and atten- tion by the miaslonariea in Korea as any one phase of the work, It L not ens)• to inettlente a deeire t0 be a wet -supporting Church In much a povertyeerleken constituency and with the r enrd of misalonary effort in outer fields before them. This 1* emp'eially true of the Koreans, who, nr a race. here never(ontll r.rentlyl lx. -n noted for their patrlotlsm. prldr MEN'S WEEK This week we intend to feature Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing. We have a full and complete stock in all lines of Gents' Furnishings as well. It will be well worth your while to give us a call before purchasing your spring outfit. Our prices are reasonable and the goods we 'offer the very latest in style and quality. Men's and Young Men's Suits New, snappy spring styles in single and double breasted models for men and young men, in navy blue serge, navy blue herringbone. light and dark grey, brown and fancy stripes. Our blue Suits are all wool serge, guaranteed fast color and excellently tailored. Lined through- out with El Pago or serge lining. All sizes. Guaranteed to fit. In fact. every Suit to leave this store is guaranteed as to quality and fit. Price $17.00 to $29.50 Dress Shirts Men's and YotYji Men's New Spring Shirts, in plain des, pure white and fancy stnes, son with soft collars to match. The latest up-to-the-minute styles. All sizes 14 to I Caps Spring Caps that are the newest and ['host attractive shapes and styles, in checks, stripes and plain shades. All sizes for young men and boys. A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS West Side Square GODERICH MRSS B000E SO WEAK COULD HAROLY STAND Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'a. Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health River Desert,Que.--" I used to haves severe pain in my aide. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any length of time to do my ironing 3r washing, but I would have to lie down to get relief from the pain. 1 had this foe about two years then a friend told ms to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound as she had had good results- I osrtainly got good results from it, too, as the last time 1 had a sore aids was last May and 1 have not had it aioos. I am also glad of having food nursing for my baby, and I think it a your medicine that helped me in this w Y -rs. L. V. Beton, River Desert, Quebec. If you are suffering from the tortures of a diaplaoement, irregularities, back- ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain in the side, you should lose no time in trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Private T.zt- Boo upon " Ailments Peculiar to Wo- men "will be sentou free u a request Write for it to the Lydia K Ptnkham Medicine Co., Cobourg Ontario. This book contains valuable information that every woman should know. c •or spirit of independence. N.•Ine of the mission- have made It a rule to apply no fund. for the erection of ,church building. except In places where. in order to ae.•ommtalate the; large numbe•n, of men and wnns•n from the country 0110 elm.' to thepe centres to attend the Bible ('lasses and Institutes, It 14 neeseary to pro- vide larger hnll.l(ngs than the local congregation world require. Thu, the great newt for the carry- ing nn of t) a work so wonderfully Moved of .od. is tot for more funds with w rh to Barry on the cafes* of (1U• ueste. h( for the support of mfssionarice whose main Te- n+iblllty ,tall it to direct the cntion of the youth and the training of le'ade're who can lead their own people into the Light. Through these change. the Church remains true t.. the teaehinpn' as found in the Wen' of God. By fire and sword; by bl.sel and tears; by Purr.** and blessing: in every wely poeatbie. God 1- opening lip Koren to be ,;Gospel. -World f ominion (Lore A Good Spring Tonic One That Will Quickly Improve Your Health Witb the pee.+ing of winter men, people frt.) weak. depretwd and taslly tired. No particular disease, but. the system lacks, tone. You find youreeelf tired, low-spirited, unable to get sound sleep at night. All this is the result of closer in -door confinement of the win- ter months and show,- that the bleed ham become thin and watery. New en - tithed blood is what you need to put you right. and there Is on other medi- cine seta glue you tiller new blood as surely and a- speedily ail, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Iles. This neer blood goes to every part of the. body and quickly tmprovee the general health. The digestion Is toned up. you have n better appetite. nerves' ar.• strength- ened and sleep 14 refreehing. The value of Dr, William.' Pink Pille when the system to run down 14 shown by the experience of Mrs. Peter.: Arendt, Itavenscrag, Sask., who . says :- "I was In a Wildly run-down condition. and prostrated with nervousness. I .did not sleep at night, and grew so weak that when 1 tried to move about 1 would be overcome with dizziness. i heard about i)r. Williams' Pink fill. and got a supply. After 1 had taken n few boxes I began to feel Metter. 1'on• tinning the use of them.' pills any appe- tite improved. 1 slept letter at night, and 1 wee moon as well am ever 1 had been. i hare also given I)r. R'lllinms' Pink Pills to my daughter. Aged four- teen. with the hest of results, 1 de- sire in this way to express my thank+ for the great benefit 1 have found through the use nt these pills. end to recommend then, to others in need of a hltod-Mulling mr'dielne•." You ean get theme pills through any dealer to medielne. or by mail• at :/1 cent,. a box from The I)r Wtlllnnl.+' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. The Kn Klee Klan has been active in parts of the State M Arkansas. in one small town the negro population hes been nitelt exerckaed over the mid- night mar.'hes and the occasional via- itntlane of the mesiad brotherhood In this town two negrnes met. One of them Said: "Look ,ere, Henery, whet would you do of you esus to git e notice from them ole Ku Kluxea?" "Me?" said Henry. "I'd finish r'adln' it in de train A Muth Favored Stork Of the 79,404 shares 4 Its capital atnek sold by the Bell Telephone Company- in 111+14. so the Company's annual report says. 61.5:1'1 ethanol were bought' by ,the tetareboldar*, 4.751 by 141.11 employee•, and 12,500 share' were purcha*M in one block for British treye•tor. The settle diatrlhutinn of Bell Com• pony stork amongst some MOM eh.re- hnlders who an. largely ('uatfinere of the Company, and emonpPt empiny- ees, can hardly fell to create Metter relatlonahlpa and strengthen the Com- pany's pn.ltion In the eyea of the pmt! 11e. LEGISLATURE I8 NEARING CONCLUSION • Half -Million Voted f'ar Taking of Q T. A. PIsbl.elle i 141114 IN'l'e5. Merril :'t. --Th, Ie•gle-I ',tore ha• really remhed till Plage` when• 11 is marking tltue, swatting the ev•uclu+h,n of committee badness. With e little pre -euro from the Government and a few nigllt sittings. the House enllht prolial'y w Ill.l up its bu,lness •by the end of this week. bolt the pub- lic accounts ,v.mmirtee and p11•ate hlllm rummltl.r have ivalortant b11-- luess of a wtture 1111( a:lnfOt 14. ,1" verejy rurtntl.•d. ' The .eeetun u,.tring eum•lu+ion will be 110•1141 41 bark upon as out. In while the Government of the day Nought to auulhlh(e the farmer pnllt:h.:el forcer of the ,ouatry o-tieh for four years dir- eete•d the affair- of til.• Pros -Ilse. 1'nm- meln'lug with the tj'.(M)l.f100 deft, tt Item. the o1.1 Government has ls"vl , wbje.•te.t 10 terrific political p..turuel-' Iing. with not very much eometwcit Prow the supporter's of lion. Manning 14,herty in the flutter. The 1.i11.•ra1., In fact. have been the ..11e grainp whose chief ew'via.k•n has toren neither the protection or repulsion of charge+ and lis-iuuatton. atd In 1.'- twevu titter. tni thea• e,mperatively few era -lou- when there was vitally important public humin••..- lwf'r.• the }louse. have been attic to give 1t care- ful anal unbiased cod:lh'eratton. Liberal tuetulterc are assuming that ria- inclusion to the farther supple- meutarh•s of a I.il1U.0O(4 Item to en• able the 4 Government to "submit ques- tion or egm.aions" to the electorate mean- that rive submis-ion of un '1►. T. A. µle'blst•ite this suwwer is a fore- gone conclusion. A. clue Government got Its enabling bill thrupgh. and %itlt the 554Ml,l5Kl money vote, it can take) the rote on just whatever day It Press fit. and not necre-arlly on p muni- cipal voting day as eve urged by some members behind the Government. 71P• Liberal Lender. R', F. N. Sinclair, K. C., pressed the Government to take the Timms. more Int.) its confldenee when the enabllug 1.111 w -a- being'(fleet:ssed. and 111.. e,mpinint on that score seems even more justified in view of the Item In the supplementaries. One of the met Important Items of til,. seeslou Pion same up for discussion on the supplementaries. on a vote of x10.(00 for the expenses of a special committee t.. go over all Ontwrlo, Gnat Brittain. Denmark. or else- where to study agricultural condi- tions with a view to bettering e,n• dltions in Ontario. The rote passed with the Liberals (thing the committee their bb••.-ing. sed Mr. Sinclair stated frankly that he hoped that tills com- mittee would wertously go to work and do something In rte. Interest 4 agrl- eulture. bonus.- committer-• of this kind heretofore have failed to func- tion properly. 1' Pr. 11'alli4 , one of til.• n.•w i,IL.•ral member+, re-preesenting Algoma. In ills xddn am nn the• budget mad.' some goal snggc-tions along the Imes of health Unprovennent facilities for Northern 4kit/trio. Now he has empplemendd that 'urg.estlon by placing on the order paper a rue lotion urging that proper hospital facilities be dbeributeci at strategic. points 1n New Ontario. That .some of the Conme•rvattve mem- bers agree entirely with the Liberal leader and disagree with Premier Fer- guson on the matter of the Govern- ment taking over the wle.1,' of the rent of Provincial highway. wee indic-ated Thursday, when n Cunm•rwative mem- ber declared the Government to he in the wrong He regretted that Mr. Fergie on had decided that the counties must 000tinhe to pay their twenty per cent.. Prot„,ting that not five per coot. of the rural people need tines highways. McKIM'8 DIRECTORY 0! CANADIAN PUBLICATIONS Then• are 1.491e newspapers and roe ubu'y published periodicals' in 1'en• ado, against 1.::; a year ago. Daily newepIpers have d•rreawd from 121 to 114; semi-weeklies from 3.4 to 30: and wKewuklles front 1,1122 to 075. On the "F' r hand, a small Increase has taken \place during the year In the numbier et' monthly and aeml-monthly periodicals. Tli.s• fa. to are shown In McKim'., Directory of Canadian Publications. under which name the tee•venteenth .edition of the Canadian Newspaper Directory has just been Issued it la the only eompletle directory of the publications of Canada and Newfound- land, giving accurate, plyyerh•al and elr- rulatiou details of each pnhliratinn. At the back of the book ere •er- eral list. 4 publication's arranged for convenient use by the advertiser. *etch as the eunds'ned tint arranged be Prorinces. the I1.+t of dally newepnpweri the newspaper list arranged by men- d.,., the classified list of generail and special pubileationa, and a list of pub- lications in languages other than En- glish or Emmet with atatlsttem as to the pnpulatlone they reach. information on the geography, pop - elation and industries of each Prov- ince rovInce is given. sm well ns detailed facie about each city. town and village where a newspaper or other piddles - tion Is iesue.i. M,'Klm's Directory thus 1m n vnhmblc compendium of in- formation eeommnnly required by those whoop hnsineaa demand, a general or specific knowledge of canoed. A. McKim Limited i* the publisher. in the prefaee It modAltly entree that It 1e only berates* of the ser- vice It renderm to advertLwera that It has become and rrtMlned the Isrge•t adrertiaing agency in Canada. The pries. of McKtm'm Directory of Canadian Publications' i• y44 Cottle* may he had from the Nt'Kim tefiere at Montreal, Taranto. Winnipeg, Hamil- ton. and London. England. ('Norfolk St.. W. C. 2. On both sld.s of the church union mntroverey there in plenty of Istel lug*nor. Fish agree.. howov.r, that all the nheatlnacy la nn the other aide. 4tttawa Jottrsal. ROBERT WILSO Frest Fence FOR Hard Baled Hay Baled Homestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Rubber -tired Buggies Phone 165 Try Us For Fancy Goods Novelties, Etc. MISS S. NOBLE South Sid* 'l':..n• - 1,uderieh W. charge no aaore for First - Clow work thea is ordinarily asked for wooed-clau Our purposepurposeis to clean, Nes- and repair your clothes in suel, away that you may rettard our work as better than tuned. and to charge you no more for this kind of ern tee than perhap a you have been in the habit of pay- ing for unsatisfactory results. There's a difference we want to *bow Too W. C. SNAZEL Phone:I:14 South 4ideSq,Iare 1t be s great Pleasure to view the beautiful Snow we have had; but if you wish to see something that will Pease the eye at any mama of the year, drop into gallows' Studio and get your Plato taken. Still the Some A atrang.r spoke to Jim .lonea In rho bar of the "Goose and Gander." says an Engllah paper. "Seventeen years. ago,". he Bald. "i landed In tike town. and you told MO that If ever i was in need you would willingly lend me a pound." Visions of a subetantlal reward for him former kindrwws floated before the eyes of ,rim Jones. "Weil," he said, ehaking with ex- citement and expectation. "Are you still game?" naked the 'stranger. A few day. after a farmer had mold a pig to a neighbor, he chanced to peas the neighbor's place where he saw their tittle boy sitting on the edge Do yo need more b t siness T The are ge value tit Ontario d Q u e 13•8 farms Ist $10,000. Theis average/ Income is oval $2,000. There are 334,000. D ent stores a n d wi awake small -tows m ants are getting the surprise of their lives to find how easy it is b sl these farming fami- es by Long Distance. ' Every d a y briny us more proof. Try it consistently. Pick est toms attractive staph bar- gains. Offer them by Lett Distanos to six prosperous terrain families a day. fed a Jsdgs the rsmlls by the pereentags of tads c SweepBelerMt sB� Lowe Diataatia f of the plgpes watching its new oecu- pn nt. "How (rye do, Johnny?" said he. "flow'* your pig tncday?" "Oh. pretty well, thank you." re. plied the toy "How's all your folks?" The energy today spent in stoking the furnaee will moon be eoneentrated on the weeds in the garden. -Brock. ville Recorder You Can't Beat Tanlac Says Alberta Citizen "The Tanlac Treatment Made Me Look and Feel Like a Differ- ent Man," Bays Petro. 'no 'Denise treatment has made me look and feel like a dttferent man." le the positive statement of 11 Petro, well known tithes of Okoteka, Alberta, Canada. "Before taking Tanlac• 1 was sorely troubled with indigeestion, gas bloating and a ttghtneee in my chest that made la* short of breath. My appetite was gone my circulation poor, and head- aches and dim, *pone would strike me most every day. i seen had a had swelling in my leg. "Ther bottles of Tanlac put me la A -i condltlon In every way. I have a rousing appetite, sleep like a ing ant am ofd of all my troubles, even the towelling le imy leg. Incidentally i have gained so to wh weight that 1 am too big for the clothes 1 wore before tak- ing ailIng Tooter. and am feeling line. Yoe (can't Meat Tanlac." Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept ns. .otlatltat. Over 410 Million bottle. sold Take Tanta( Vegetable Pills.