HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-27, Page 44--Themkft1, Sant 27, 1924
nwesdlowagaimmasvall61.111111.1111M111111.111104ss• '• •"•••••
Made to Measure
There are many people
who like to select their
'clothing from samples.
select the style that beat
suits them --perhaps they
have extra high shoulders
or sloping shoulders and
therefore should have their
clothing made to fit their
type. We can fit any type.
We have a wonderful
range of samples to choose
from in Society Brand and
Progress Brand, makers of
hand tailored garments,
designed by experts.
Let us take your meas-
ure for your Easter Suit.
Prices ' 2 1.00 and up.
Walter C. Pridham
Clothing and Men's Furnishings
Phone 57 Goderich
.\I 111 RN
AUBURN. alar.ii .* . -Mr. Ge.•rges
Howatt lute sold his tarot to Mr.
Also. .ttelrew, - Mr. Andrew nwna n
•sngswsful apiary .,aad also intends
going hue. poultrt. This farm Is bean-
tlfully- +situ:tt .1 on the west side of
the apoti in 1'o1MKne tow'nehlp.
Ml.s lona 1'owler, of i'ullr.rtih. wee
ma riled I:. -t wer'k\tu Mr: Vm. ure-
jgmin, 01 . Witten. Conjtrrh4aHem..
Th.• minstrel .froth given it the
hall on Friehly Pv-••n R was'- i. ele-
i aided -Imes•..A.- the firm ilw :mullnt1ng
to #114
Sunday afternoon. The funeral was
in charge of It.•v 1'. Hama, pastor l
of the Methodist eburch, of Whleh dr 1
reseed was a member. The sympathy t
of tate community was -loan by the
large number who attended. Mr,
Thompe•nn is survived by his wife and
one 'lluitghter, Viola. at home.
lir. John Maelw•rn. of Kintail. is
visiting his ,.later. Mra. Robe. S.ntt.
Mra. ('laren•e Col left on Tuesday to
Join her husband at Bain, River.
They Intend tnaline their home ttu•rr
Mrs. John+ton has r'turnel to her
home in the West. after attending the,
htu-'rel of her father, Mr. .1 hick-•;
Mr. Martin. of fort Dover, gave an
address in the Fur.rte•rs' Hall Tues- (
day aft,rnoon eery-rrding the Egg
Th.• Women's institute meeting was
held at Mrs. W. T Bi,ldrll'a on Thew•
day aft.•ruoen.
The Tate Mr.. Hlbberl
-\1'Itl"1tN, Minh 24th. -The death
of Mary EtvI}'n Hill. wife of Frank.'
E. lllhhcrt, a•eurrd nn Monday.
! March 17th. at this home of her bate
ant,. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 1f Hill.
Auburn. after an iliacs lasting some
' sveeka, \bra, Hlhhert was horn nn the
10th eon., -'fon of 11n11.•Il town+h fp in
1592 azul was marrl.s1 to Frank E.
Lrlbhcrt eight year. :I n For the first
f..ur.}•ears of their tnnrriel life. Mr.
:lel arra Ifil•hert receded In Fort
F'ede'r. 14nlari., ,wirers 11r. fllhh.•rt
was In loidno'. Shur then they have
scalds' in Auburn. lir. }Milo rt beim:
associated with llill.' Hardware. The.
lat.•`31rs. 1111. ert arts a member, of the
Auburn 1h.dtlat chnr•It and taught n
c•1n.a of bora and girls, in the Sun.
' day .wheel there, -She took an active
fart to the Vnm,•h's Institute and In•
all eommanity work g•'n.rnlly. Her
quiet. unassuming way and het• renrlt-
ness to help on every n,•cash..n nit
her s m1w•h resrns•hsd reahknt or the
village. and her death ta denlnr'd by
ti,. whale e,mmnnity. She is anrt•Iv-
wl by her husband find an infant chl1.1.
ll'aro41 Ih111. iwo•n 1t(•••••mber 21. 1323.
nal al.oher father and mother nidi
one hrothcr. \le Nels.m 11111. She
wog pr,desrn.e i1 by an infnn• eon,
errant Edwin. wh•, t1e1 in Autumn.
May 22nd. 1tr22. art -even and n half
months. The funeral wase heli( from
the family home on Thurtwlae. March
The pallbearers were Mewara. A. GODEIIRI(H TOWNSHIP
.ovatt. t:. stall, 1F. Hill, W. HIU, N.
.err and N Sheppard. all cousins et
he deeelowd. Among tboiw who at-
tended rite funeral trum out of loan
were Mr. and Mea. Wm. 11111, of Godes.
rich: Messrs. Tho. and Luxton Hill,
of londun: ler. Huy Vali. of Turman.
and Mr. and Mrs. Tbu.U. of Brussels
latermcnt tnuk place to l'lit,tnn year
tiny. The sytapathy uf the whole (em-
munity (rows out to the bereaved one+
in their +are loss.
t-xr'AILING KINI11!$i AXI)
considerate thoughtfulness of
friends and neighbors during the rec-
ent. dins,.+ nt the late Mra. Hibbert
wag much eppree fated by her loved
onee "los+murk as ye have done It
unto one of the lent of three my
t.rethreu. ye have done it unto me."
The tun•raI of the late.'oltn Thotnp-
.on.. who 11i141 on Frldny,2l-t In -t..
took plata. from his lase t•'.uletice on
?NE -Anil Was Vere largely .ttt.nded.
The, ese'rrlce wens , n'lnetel by
1tev. 1:. Parker •.f the Baptl t shush.
Ile was n -slated lye Her. 1' }tnn•s,
of rnr-_AlIgHtfelist 'Mire!' and Bev.
.\)p of the-Pr.'.t.yt••rhtn ,•1Utrch.
The Inrge immtw•r_ •.f Poral 'wreathe
and sprnya testified t.. the este' m in
which the Late Mr:. I1Il,Is rt res )• '•1.
A TWOCH Bo_,.•e ...
Wherever swift, clean, healing 01
wounds, sores or Injuries is demanded,
Zam-Buk is always the sanest and hest
thing to use. This great herbal balm
quickly moves pain and irritation. 1t
ands any suppuration or swelling;
extracts poison and disease, and grows
new skin in a wonderful way.
111,7•01stst. Ns Ws -lire
� N 'iilu•i
Scrims, Bungalow Nets. Madras, Marquisette. Brooms,
Brushes, Mops, Polishes. O'Cedar Oil, Liquid Veneer,
Brasso, Silver Polishes, Floor Wax, etc.
Everything to Make the Home Look S1ic and Span
New Patterns in Floor Oilcloths Just Received
Phone 46 Goods Delivered to AH Parts of the Town
(x)DKIlil(llt •PO N•FIIIP, March
34.-1arv. W. 1). Maxwell preached
tai, farewell sermon at Futon cbun•h
lard Sunday. 1t la rip -teed that Hey.
Mr. M.Kw.n, of Knox (lonege, will
o,'•'upy the pulpit ou Sunday next.
lnepector .1. E. Tom puid an official
.vi,4t to Luton achuol ou Thursday
heat, a
Mr. Geo. Ttchboroe, 6th concession,
i+ tinter thr d(1l'tor s carr.
I Mr. and Mb's. 11111 Fuller entertain -
eel a number Vf their friends last
; Friday evening.
, .Mr. F,d. $owerby had a sueece fol
wood bee one day Let weak.
1 Morris Hicks and Irwin Oke are
both muttering from an attack of
1 scarlet fever.
Mr Jere Dalton is able to be out
•• again after a second attack of.blood-
AStQ'tEI D t poisoning.
Hr'Ir:1.D. Mash reel. -Thr death The Ladies' Aid of Taylor', (brncrs
will meet on Wednesday, April :Std.
of Mr ('harks M,-Is•nnan aecurret on All the members are requested to be
Mani, 22 at him home. The bereaved pn•a nt, as important businewA is to be
oma have the heartfelt sympathy of attended to.
the ias•pl• of the eemmunity. A Native e/ Goderieh Tow•nship.-
The 1 F. W. O. bt•Id its regular John ('.}well. a native, of (hai,,ri,.h
monthly meeting on Wednesday, Murch township. died on Mnre•lt lith at Kin -
191 h. at the home of the president. ,.trnl1ne. at the Hite of nearly .ighty-
Mrs. John MacRae. I.ochalal.. with the eight years, Se'venty-tw'o years ago
preelehutt iu the chair. The meeting 1u• loft this township and made his
ult.'tud• with the siugiig of "(1 ('an way. guldld by it blaze[tall.
ado." 'rim s..erotary'-tn'asttrer'a rep rt, through As
hfieldto bla led and on
wits reel. after which n splendidpro-
tie -the township of Kinturdinc. where,
gram 'Vas o4njeiy.ld by all. "LP re- be settled. About sixteen yearn ago
mairi,h r of theafterh(won wens spout he retired and moved to the torn of
in comwnulty singing. after whit•Il Kincardine. HP wAi a man n[ great
the 11.1/41.44.1 w•rvrd a dainty' ttln•h. The .tr.ngth and agility. and was not.' 1
nest meeting will be hell at lsintatl as well for his uprightness of esharnc-
The . -in usury of the cowmuiilty ter. He married Elizabeth Collins.
gess out to Mr. Colin John Maclean. who pr.sle•eaged him many yeurs, and
in the 11.s cif 11 Is barn. width un „f their family of eleven .'hildrt•n sic
Saturday night. March and t•'aa de- eums.-(ltal one daughter cursive Mrs
striy,d .ba• fir', The caul is not Wm. Stirling, of Bayfield. is a sister.
known.. It is Bald that Mr. Colwell was the
Mr. earl \bra. M. V. Jhu•sicuale els- first white child Morn in Gnderurh
ite.l at the home -ef 11r. 11 ....Kenzie** township.
!later. Mrs. ('lark. St. tyles', 1.111.411 11V •
't fast:'week, l
Variety of Style
Attractive In Appearance
Quality Price
We have IM1 forth our test effort to secure for our customers
the BEST in Footwear for Spring.
Our Travelling Goods Department is Complete
Sh"e Repairing the Best
We invite t0t1 to do your buying at
Hern's Boot Shop E 4 we
Look over your Syrup requirements. We
are headquarters fcr
Pails, Spiles, Bits, Hammers, Saws, Axes
See us before you huy.
dr swsseinllWllb`
Itr:NM11.1.E1t. llnrch 27, - The
Maple boat clan. elf Bethel `,onlay
sleet were dinner guest.. at the homy
of their tenclter,. Mr. \\'m Snyder. oa
.11•rndav evening Needles. to -ay. the
boys enjoyed themaelveg "to the full,"
Later ki tla• evening th,' girls' cls++
1'Ilh their teacher. Mrs. Pithlado.
arrest the ,searion with their pn's-
ehre.' 1t -war tt v.$y happy event for
I ll [.resent. Mr. and Mr.. Snyder
preying, therms lv.' tache capable and
genial as host rind hoses' ue.
Sunday shad held -Its
annnat res.rgatiitttiou meeting !Monday
••veniuif. 11.'is.rt. were lived ley the
-.rretary. treasurer. e•rganire•rl tisanes'
ant taw. mi.aonary emmniitt,•r. Plana
.'.err nuuh• t.. -nu,kt• the .1111.01 more
ffi.-i,•ut. The newly-ele,•twl nlfisers
ore a- f.11.wg:-•-. Superintendent. Ar-
1.1lur Fisher: tisws•1:t1. anp•rint.mleht,
John 'Fell. .ocr.tary. Miley Good:
tr.n.urer. 111•• 1. Mutate!: orcttibit.
1.L101y. V341.1 0111.. totlsener of temper-
:ul••.• t.'tnnittt)'•. Mr.. .1. Le.n:: eon-
i,•te•r of missionary eonenittee. Mrs..
Mo- .•radk roll snls•rinteneleut. Mrs.
like: biome •letatrtment siperiutenelent.
airs' l' ,Walter .\n hmsiallation
s,•ryi.,. for• the new •.ffleers will he
1.c•111 oa Sunday. .\1•rll 27th ,
, l'.t►RLO11i
a' >
MARCH 28th and 29th
On Friday afternoon and Saturday we will present a complete
showing of the season's latest styles in Suits and Coats as
exhibited by the H. Adelberg Co., one of the largest ladies
tailoring houses of Toronto. Included in the showing will be
the latest creations in Suits for Misses and Ladies in new and
delightful designs and cloths, in sport and plain tailored
models. The Coats art in sport checks and plain materials, in
half and three-quarter lengths, also very stylish full-length
garments in splendid quality tricotine in the season's correct
We will sell only one garment of each style. You are
therefore invited to make an early selection from this exhibi-
tion. Garments that are ordered now will be vered -at any
time up to Easter.
DI'XC,ANNON, March 26-- Mr.
Maxwell R'llson. who had aernmpan-
ie.l his father's remains from 'Saskat• . -
clu+wan. left nn Tue+dsy of this week
for the W eat• •
Ates. (Rev.1 Itintottl arid daughter
Marion left on Tneslay or Brusaela
and Wingham. where they will visit
a few. •laya before going to their new
destinstlon. Thornton.
Contrnnnion will be dlspeneeed in
F..rskitrr church nect Sunday morning.
}ter. 1:. Hinton! B. A.. will preach Inds
farewell ,•croon Sunday evening at 7
Wolf wt. The "Nbelt alit congregation
will withdraw their evening service to
warship with their v Presbyterian
rat with their ulster. Mra. Walter
Miss 11111c ila,kett ylaite4 at tbe
Weave of Mr. and Mrw. Will Monter,
of Zinn. one der Mat week.
att.. 11771c Alton. of T.neknnw..prat
Sunday at the home of her hrother,1
Mr, Eimer Mann. '
Mr. .lames Dr'nnnn. of ('orris s
(*owner., vtaiteel at Mr Sam Sher -
weed's on Monday Inst.
Mr. Jim Henry has return•+1 homes
star, by oto: tl. ( naminh,
ON PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY Mts. A•weiiMe Nal". Mr. J: F. Th01-
snn and Mr. 4'. K. Saunders: solo.
"Titer.• la No ll►rwth " Mrs. W Rank
Information (;ive1 In the Iregi.L•ebtre Saurl.r'.. and anthem. "Abide With
in Kept) to ('entre Huron lin" m ith its•MPntal solo by Wee A.
of he Inns
b • c r T b
a•I.r h, h
k yt y
ern•• 'Y1 God Our Iielp In Ag.s
\t llonlny''. sitting .f the lasts pact - •.$„1,1h•r, of Christ Aril.,' and
nature au , tu,1niry by lfr. F..R. \\'tglr, ••N,.irer. My'Go.I, to Th.s "•
member for ('.urn.• Huron, was pn•Tin, unveiling proper and residing of
snarl uw follows :tle• honor roll of the deed was. per -
brethren. after silo) a few ww•ka taking n' 1. la 1h.• highwayop,
\ vera painful nee idrgt rwrnrred Apr , to t:orlrrich eompleted? If not, what commander .A the Huron reglaaenf,
on Monday to Wilbur Johnston.win, ,nnraP at, Toronto work Is there. to be don Fibre fnllowing whirl' the "Last Poar• was
W Ray VMn and family,
' •1
unfortunately In ...,n.• manner got t las" at the h11
• from Strnttord form.ri I., 1st. -MI. 0. 1'. nu nl
mai Mr 11 1(1. Mrs contracts Nog. WR, S73, 911 and NiO sonn.tod by Corp. E. Th.w.hnra•. Thr
leg sought mule r.. dice• Sleigh WWII wog gprnt, Thursday . s, home o? lessen ernm 'ted? 1f so. aheu7 t. r(d,'mn rendition of the "lk•wd March
a Mr. and Mr.. Peercy Graham. of Port pie
What ,xtenslopn off time. If any. have in Sant" Iltandell by Mr Mttslnnald
(lie►•. on the organ brought to •t fit -
tin elas• a noo.t impressive aervh'e.
dray,[.• el some .11 .I:i, e . emoting Ing a pals•
Mr.. B. .1, Crawford lung been wtmP-
i what ruder tilt, d•s•tnr'g rare this
Mr, Bem„cnt, Pentland. of the Grate -
rte.!' r'oUrgfnt•• Institut.. war home
I for the week -end.
taught In' Tltae Wlat might have
proved a• 1Itt'41r.ns fire had atarMd
Ion the roof of Mr .1. Ryon'' hlack-
antit11 AVM . .n Intraday last. but
haying been n,tle.s1 by some Is1a.Pra-
fiy and the :harm being given the
bucket brigade with ladders aad omnip-
otent was seam on land and the (lr•
was extingulared. Fortmeir•h the
w•inel was 11111 high. nr ill:s Inrge two -
'tory huilditte a onld have beet lei
flames %Melt could not be controlled.
Library Matters -A meting eif this
literary board e -aa called at the home
d Mr....Hetet. IMcid.on. pr•sldent. , on
Monday evening to ellaomg wars and
mean. of improving t1n• 4411111.,. of
'he library. 1.f raising fnnla nud of In-
,reteing the member'hlp. \'arson
;•arid : t :'e :Ions were made. Mr. T..
G Allen WO. elected vice-presld tit In
p.laee ..f key. 11. Klutonl. who re sigteel
owing to his removal iron here. 1t
wise thongM alit (.net • it. Auld n ,.C•
c.rt some time in May t. 'mirrors. the
finer ea.
.4'.\1:.11\\"i 11nr••It 2:.. -Mr, E,1,!
'fah. r •. 11 a fine strut of Ih,ree. Iaat
eek t. Mr Jaa. M,t'In'k.y.
Ir, .Ira: Gallagher psinlm«al a fly
tea of horse,. lah•Iy, Wang' for
hits t the fall fair.
Mr.- Thos. Witw,n ',hipped n i nr .•f
lice ate •k again fila week. Tent is a
lohat Is r:
'\\'r are. TOO t.' rep*11..
nntmp. are
sound here.
Mr Wm. 1 ;, ton. *4 Eaatw,rsI 14
•sp.•u•liar A f.•it (lava with Mt•. .\,
We are glad. report 'lett Mr
R. M. Voltng Its improving fine.
MIs- Litrk. of West Mankt•:n. spent
a- few. flop. of Inst `week rbe:t.in.t
Miss Juilln Voting.
• Mr 1, 1'nrry. of Nile. bus p`r•hnred
r' ulttnINT ..f flue (little 'from \eruund
iters for gross. leinc know'. b good
thing win it he sees It.
Mr. Ed. Fisher iwmyrttt a :Date
liaise this week freta (►Inver Cook,
Of iwrburn.
lir. .1. .\, S. \':rend• ret urn. et h.t.
i \1•,nlay after aperitifng a few days
with lis dnughtr•r rid Guelph foul Ilia
-.m ('hods.• at Tornnne.
.\ ntjmb' r of our young people took
1n the dnnv•.• at Andrew M,iltvnfn's
laza Friday wield :and -.port a good
into. -t a bjuiug of the lea at
caste .I141
ItELFAS'l'. !Larch 2R. -Mia. Iron
Itrnat is visit'. ,; with '(Irs..1..,. em -
marten. n. of KIntoeuh. for a few Ings.
'1r and Mr... Wilfred 11r.nnan of
lrtwe. .pent Snndnr nt Mrs: - rem
tot n'. former hntne here.
Mr. final airs .\Inert ('.unr•ron find)
fondly spent cone day recently with'
fri.nda in Wnw'nnn.h,
Mr. and Mrs. ,lnoerth Hackett .pent
Thursday last with lir. and Mrs. Bert
Trelen Pen. of Crewe.
The 111.'es Penrl and Hazel flay -
mini. of Pnram.nnt. spent the week-
Mr, Lorne and Mlsa Annie Durnin.
of Wawannah. ,spent an evening teat
week :t the house of Mr. and Mrs..
Sara Slierwnnd.
Mr. and Mrl. William Irwin, of
T.ncknnw, visited with lir and
Frank Irwin one dnv recently.
ST. A1'Gi'STINE. latreh 2 . Mlw•
112 Rutledge. of Eireneaer. 1. visiting
her taunt. \Ira. .1. Thompson.
Mr. nod Mrs. rho. . f..filnsnn ele-
114..1 \(Viughsnl friends. one day bed
Mr-. Stmart. of Clinton. visited her
...main. Mrs. alaw,n •MeAII14er.
Was Olive Finnigan sighed at Wm,
11• .\Illshi". .ne day last week.
\ numberof the farmers In this
%feint!, have tapped th.•ir trees,
The monthly nesting of then-
tm••n•a 1nstitut.• W'111 b e heId at gililr
hunts. of Mrs. G. Naylor on Wednesday.
April Sul. at 2.8e) n,•ler•k. Mrs. JAM^•
Craig will give a taper on "Open-
ing our Frye. to the wonder of NIP
jure." thee. on "Pera•.tial Effort." will
be given by 11rs. Wood.. Everybody
been given to the contractors? Length
of time given? What Is meant by "On
A,,ount'c" 4. Webster t'emgtructlnn
l'ompauy. item ••tet, 330, ►(43, All.
ITac. the Government decided tst to
the read being an `t6 -foot roadway. or
to V1 -foot?
The reply by Trendier Feren.on. as
elven in _flys Votes and I'ra•wslines of
•t4c House. waw as follows:
1. No. Work rn 1.e done it. grading
from Mitchell to On1.1In : from Sen.
forth westerly 2.111 miles: and ,•orderly
• 1 mile. from Clinton: widening of Seri -
forth bridge• mud gravelling of read
1 where necessary. _' T,. Janet/try net/try tat.
1924. 3. None ork•s
ws+ not completer!
.h (h'tols•r :fust, 1121. end cons.pe•tlt-
Iv final paytment on contract. could
net he made. 4. Flrgt Cort or •1ip•atIt'n
i. Sot t•lrar. Yw. (if feet wide.
1 Continued fredu loge 1,
love hath noetnah than fhb.. that he
lay ,loam lig life for Ins+ teleost This
.atcrithr. terrible as, it was In broken
bswliee rend ,larkentel hsirtbs. w'ag
1n Eager Suballtute
The '.1,1 gentleman was returning
home after .spending the week end
with same friend.. and nig 'h••st'it
pretty daughter had driven him and
1,1.. son to the .dation. 'flood bye,
my deer." he said. "1'm afraid 1
can't kb. you as i've got each a had
(old" The son glanced at the girl
and then asked: "Can f do anything
for ran, father?"
Ready for ashen
Ati old lady flaking the lislrinera
In It certain prleon was chatting
pleaasntly wIth a burglar wile, had
leen gent'awl-to nerve a long term.
She thought .hte•letret,s signs .•1 re-
form in him. "And, now." she said.
"Imre you any Mang made for the
fntnre. em the expiration uf sour rete
teles•." '111,. yes, nada m." he ,said
Iwop'ftill "I've got the plates of twit
banks nud n pont office."
mete. worth tchlle.`They did not die in
vnitt, they w h e die.( for foal. Mew Quick Relief for
LEEMAN jnatie• nue! ordered liberty Among the
LEEItI'ItX. March G.- lir. /1114
Mr. t.,w'k 1'1w114 and We/Mended the
party at afr. R lle•Ila'aln'+. Nile, on
r'ri4ay .i1•1111111,
all.+ a17 rtle Fulton' haat taken a
Ii.aition in Wm. .\rhew,n & Son's dry'
:feeds store 111 (ealerbdt.
\ great number in our tr'Ighborhend
are .offering frutn had candle,
Spring i. ,.ming .\11toa and b)
e•vel•a are seen m, tit• road.
.tlss Helen Clark :ttt,•n4nl the Son
duty a,1 ool ,•,uventlan at .lnhnrn ern
al.nlny. thy 17111. Reports tiro the
i ntions, We owe it to there that this
memorial aerviee should ies it trium-
phant one. They were worthy *ono of
the grcnteat 1' mplr. that Pier esiatt••1.
We c.m, 111 offer them oar total .f
thunk.. 'their wteritlr••,.mes with an
inelltabk challenge: 'We roost ae•k to
.slums the meaning of that for
a 111411 the•) gar. tlu•ir lives by weigh-
t iug th.•ir +ossifice in the balance. \Ve
- need live In the 'time noble spirit In
*-1,1,11 they died. Our tribute to
them moat Is• onit of high and noble
Heine in tM• period .f reonstrnetion."
t The apeelal music for the aervke
included iv quartette, ••Snnaet and Er.
me.. I .
they had a gond et me
Photograph 'Flows the Parliament building at Ottawa, where the legiglatorl reeentl» opened the' thirst •essi')n of the
ttturt-ent!l Federal rat liament. This building, when tit:: Victary Tower is completed, will represent an outlay of
about $12,000,000.
Thistletown Man
Dreco Puts Well Known Printer
on High -road to Recovery.
' 1'r.,•, hr'nght me immsillste re-
Ilt•r. - -.'- 11r 1' .1. Payne of Thiole•
10W11. nat. ..Two learn ago I •same
fr,nn I:n:hold to T•er.,ttn. out.. and
since Hunt tint.• toys system has h.Pn
In a brolly rot flown tamdition. 1
felt tlre,l ,,It all the lime and seem-
ed M 11/11, no ••n.rgy nt vitality. Con-
.tipnti"n lint. tw-et, n great sour,• ..f
vitto ale.'.•. r4,11)1w•111ng nw1 to eemtlnnai-
ly take laxative.. i ala, hod Revere
loins tier my kirlut•yg.
Rtrnnge to •uey my appetite wn.
gno4 Mut 1 .,.mlagly receival nn
ronrl,-hnient from my total, feeling
Irongry all the. time. 1 became vet,
nervous. Ih, I,•a.t thing mnktng m.e
Jump}' and irritable.
•'I r..:41 •-on'id,rn4,k alwntt Thorn
and deckled to gid. it ;1• fetal. 1 rally
feel hotter nothan 1 have /or o long
diode, 1 Sun imio,oing dally In ,very
w•ay. 1 thunk flre•n n ndertal
me•II,l and urn rnntln1'ai?l ngwoto ink•'
It for its
s tonic value."
1f von are feeling run-.Mwn and,
nut .f sort. the chit WPM are that int
digestion ha. A hold on von. in .rime
wny or another the stomach. liver.
iomwels and kidney• nre not doing the
work th,v should. They need help to
r•nrre•t and tone them and Nature.*
own h.Ip 1.' Dreto mode from her own
h.rhs, root', hark and irvtvpi. This
fine r•mesly thoroughly rhythm", the
vy.tsin stimulates and .trengtheng the
1 organs and nitrifies the blood. it f„eon-
! tar11.1nonz mrg'uprint"lt ry. por habit-
' na'4trnw
i/reen Is being speelally Introdtteed
In (ioderieh hy H. 1'. Dsgtlnp, and is
,wild hy a rod deflatedeverywhere.