HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-27, Page 3r. ` 4.4Y'• Job Printing The Signal is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing at reasonable prices. For your next order Telephone 35 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO. LLMITRD. PuWaher% ional GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1924 • EYDRO PEOPLE RAISED THEIR OWN SALARIES f irrttor) (ontntiv,i.n so, Such At• starnr+ confirms our belief that the! action of the Commission In this re- spect was improper and In clear vio- lation of spirit, if not the letter df lite Power COMM Uon Na. Improper ' ieervie's rendered by memIN•r4 of the TI4nNIVfI4 Manch s1 1t.•tween CommlPslon a+ ufllcern of the Ontario 1011 and Oetolmr. Er., Sir ,\dam Power Company are largely nominal. P4'•k drew i1; salaries trout the That the work done by the Commie. 1)%114o the sum o! Slasess., made up cion In respect of the Company IN •f gloss from the• Moir, 4,iu,4i...ion, covered by the eateries: and r•)nlun- $.41.:aeo from th, Ontario 1'ow.•r erntion Heed by this Legislature there Company v and ' ,1(10 from the Prov- is not the rlURhtest dnttht. it wan, we 'new. I believe, never contemplated by the 14nritur the so Th. pen,.i w. K. Nic- Legislature that members of the ('om- haught Sas laid tine-te: lion 1. it.: mission druid as 4)r,itors of a 1.IN•aI. f:kl.0,1 Ron T1. ('11rntlebarl skeleton company have 44 right to In- 117:Is•. and Frei miner, *iigt Crease• as. 1In•� pleased thee .a1a114' 7?a• 1:hgen ('omuii-so,4 ,rows' which the 1.gi.Aature toed fixed." mention to the feet thpt for „114 8,, The ,alariee' of the princittat .Part IN•for.' 1911. the Hydro Com•. ITydro (fticers sr' by In w• required wi,,.i.mrn were Det paid. 1t nos then to have the approval of the novern- I.sdd.d to ,p the ehs1rm:lu, (•44444) mens. but approval has never been !w s IlXld. . The (:r4'gnry Connmiesiun per neer. In 4 t:7 the law Paws rWniN'd so that the rAAlrmnn ronl(1' nntlrec that Mr Pope Paas nllow.d art /in additions' $11,000 from the toy the Hydro in 1!122 to collect fnr :w,L•Ipalttis and the ether twat himself t:, ,.li' Tiydro roans. e ,,,mrvLwoaers 54144x1 enol, e4onrse t1e Inquiry board Pay,. 1111• tirdro bought nut 4144 4lntariOI chnnld lest.• 1:..1 Government sane - Power Puna ('nmpstnv aro shortly after- $3.000 for Clean-up Deal wards thlino enieenantheir ,4' 1" 11)22 the Hydro put ' sir On October _ .4 tit me f i and uN of themselves d tet I n r • 1 grant t M e 4'l A g �. 1110 >+ .tall additional e:111Rr1.'4, Sir .\dam thrnlgh 44 •. 144 reins another 56000 or a total of Petty for nineteen month'' %pryees to 51•.unlr per nor from June•• iele and cnnne•tlon with the Toronto elean- rtle other two eommiesimier. $e 000 up deal. .4'.-h from June, 192r. "Morns., or r.•m,me•ratton -nth Otilrisls In on it as this." sacs the Gregory •Commis- slnn- "appear to um to 14' clearly In violation of the act." The Gr.'ger4 r'pnrt` we)•. that 1t Mut lonrm'st that certain onto -labs with nr witty -out the npprovnl of the Hydro sometimes etrry en private work of a renninerntiye elinrneter. eppnrontly .lone in Moainer: 11(nlre without dedeetinn. w'hteh Oh, Greg - is elun ,tet. The W W. Pope. secretary of the ('0m- mi.sslun. et a salary of-'tt..4011. was given 12.4(44) as, a director ofthe Ontario Pow. ('ompxny : Chief Hydro Engineer Gaby. with it .'mora of 115.01440. reeetved an a,ditiodal $2.-- 400: 1, R'. Gilmour. Hydro tn-,tcnrer, with a watery of $51221, received $t.240 re. and W. G Pierdom. Tiydro I nn Commission says ',tumid no a lanoint. with n salary of 57.4((0, I allowed. 1t says. however, that it yeti another 11 -all as der.' • I hoe been impn•aterd with 'the 4111- [.enc.•- resetircefulnvw and ioyalty regnry Comml1sinn e'4nesw I elf the etnff to the Commission and rhatrmen of the Hydro and I we hare nn doubt that many of ot,klll. are not overpaid I� them aro• glrine moult mere time to f the whole cirenm- ` the work of the Commission than might n41sonnbly 1.4' demanded\ of them." \, Mutiielpalitiee Should Pay The nregory tsar, thinks the Hydro munl.•Ipalitier should relieve the Proxinee of Its elleW10 cnntrihntlon to rhe Hydro chnlrman's salary. It ap- prove. pprove. of n Ptlggeetlon it attribute% to \tr C. T. Clnrk•(ln ?bet nn n111- e'r ..41041111 be appointed whnee ditty tt would 414' to keep the Government in close toneh with the Hydrois op- erations. peration' It thinks that the Govern- ment And not the Hydro should fix the salnry of the Hydro auditor. Mr. Clarkson, f>laeuld Not he Ministers r tors. The that th the Tied Mit adds: "A retie Gardening in Canada for Amateurs By T. H. RAND-McNALLY ARTICLE NO. 3 Those Scraggly Old Shrubs stanched for treelike) especim.•ns, or 114 low. dense sluuh4 th.' pra.'tice of pruning is ,•vlcrly the Panne. }:very• thing -ho 11.1 eaue off down to not More thou six buds of the most vlgor- ous of lots! ).ear'. gr.•wth. Every bud on a Ily.lr:n,g.a has the possibility of ,,resin. iu_ a flutter The objet of the drastic pruning i* to throw the strength into a te44 shoats, for the po'...luctiu4 of lung stew. aU1t...1at24' !lowers. I'he• .Utheas and hush ho,44'ysoirklres may be 'pruned dint.[ surly spring. ,.Int in )Nodi mese r -:lee. it 1. hest to 70111040 01114. enough of the br:inches ry presents the paradox .Iouu..1.141,uun (Japan, -se teem -el. all to put 1414' bush in 4...1 -hap.• 11411 Shrubs* 1 , ••ardeuing 'raking the• Prunus 1 }'lulvering Slun'ei111 ,tin' wood Giro, years. reurs.tie ke I:uuhul.in'k,'rs ,stun of 1 'atlller I t. Double Flowering ('Innis 1. a the 4'0 oras 4 a a •ho le from S lir:l"a+ 111ridal Wreath. tool the root sh.N,ts re:movel wttels•..•r they chert to .•oast --it is safe t, any '4sl 1 there is nothing that 411 11 b• grown .\videos \'his Ill is by 110 mein, appear.I).4it oto. .Ir1H.-s exhausitve net it voter.. a large noun- to bettor advantage. or with les. vitro. '4 t.4 the r4844It!1 obtained. bee of our 1x4 eot,4mollly- grown' - Viburnum, as a rule meal leery in proportion t 1'uiuin•• to the utllil� .claas little cutting leek.'1711' (':uta- lle4pil+• this feet most of our .lirib- t.•ry present. a sad and sorry air pa•arane4' !x41111.4' it 41etr the wrung kind of attention or no attention at all. There are over sixty varieties of mower . flowering or ornamental shrubs C • ranberry and Snowballs 1. Sympho- w•hich cart be grown almost every - ear ons I KnnwlN Cries, both 4'.d and where except at high altitudes and w11it•4- )tush Hun,cwurkla•r, the .V - ll the most northerly eNrtlons of the thea* "(Rose of Simeon.. the true county). These ahrnbs are all re - Syringes 1Lilacs. and all Grap•rinem. eommended for hardiness by either 1(4" of flu s• elm's" owe n4eicr the DominionDepartmentof .\grlcut ,arty siring attention but in handling fall for the making of one of the most tur.• of tie. Outario -\grieulturel the first group great ,ore should be delicious jellies whit can gra.'• our 1'olleg.•. yet when on" strikes a home ,•reieed t.. remove only nose' whl.•h tables. As u g.•1 4l rule the which-1m,rts good sp'•ime n4' of even 1 I+ three years or more old. Stich S'ihurnums are the better of a slight woad 1144.4 nearly alw•flrs passed it* pinching buck of thi' terminate of tete half a dozcu varieties tor, ie tempted to stip sad rzeh.iut in woudcr. \' 4' I days 4'4 greatest u4,•fulness and sun branches to ee4ure a pleating com- bo: taken out to good advantage. One tour of hurl. There are two Ideals of the, n.romp4nyfng ,lingrums shows of the snowball bush. One Is the a eurenut bush which would be im- standard fore; the other is the fats proved both In appearue•e and fruit- stomps! spread When a bush Le fulness' if the odd !swotache• p.rtlnnis viewed from one, tingle only, e4 in shown as wooed black) were taken out 444 rder of shrubbery. the fan-shaped beton• the ...11 le begins to run in the spread gives the finest r•Pu1t. When hush this spring. t'nleee the shrubs ti in this group have red wood In them, they should hove ,4o other cutting until after they have finiihe4l flower- ing for the sown.. Not long ago ad - vire wee evoked regarding a dozen or new growth o4' last years wood nny too Spinus Iran Iloutt,•ii4. On In- trimming of the ends of th, branches ie sure to redu%4' the senw4n'e crop of bloom. Unlike' the hydrangea, the leave do not prodthr buds every one of whie91 fm a iw'tenttal blossom. Only sots ., all current.. gooseberries, and rust- diet' high touch cranberry 4 Viburnum henries (:,11 tltu this group. inn the I Vul41aris." grows to lie a very large s4'010 group come the Hydrangea and vi41at'"ne shrub --almost a sma.l I'auticulat•;, teonenon Garden II)-• tree. The heading ha.•k of it* main drungeite the 1(uddlr•yu I Ilutterfl' r.h•w. is 44.[114' time pos111.I 44• of a TjlN•r,4utne (High ba -h Sive or six foot high shrub having a very dense top. The cranberry make. a fine background shrub. Its . in h•n'ahl • u it* ( r k . •r. n4' :• not a tic we fine big bunehea of brilliant scarlet fruit which will hong late into the winter- unless taken off in the late HOOSES All kinds for sale. Ing a home it wl the houses i have them et all prices, Some real good bargains Drop in and sere Mt. P. J. RYAN, 1t.•nl F.sate & insnnnce HOUSES 11 you intern buy - pay you to see r sale. I have 111 $100.(m up. easy to•rms, bon• 50 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR at $3 per single cord. delivered. THE GODF.RICII MANUFACTURING CO, LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St. Phone 61.) The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Lift, Accileat lad Auto Munn Houses and Lots in Goderich and Vicinity, and Fart,. for Sale Inge number hard t., elect torn, including Porne of the treat houses in town. A number are full mod- ern equipped: many of the proper- ties. are very low In price. .t tern can be brought on the monthly pay- ment plan -a small amount own the dlalanee in monthly payments, the same an paying rent, or any way to suit buyer. Ask about them. A number of Farms for Jude, al - mos( any eiz,', lnrality, kind;pice, nr terms for payments 'equine!. Some large farms W exchange for smaller ones. Sonne to exchange for town property. A few mall plane near town. notable for tnwl•rsising. Mee bnPi- nese ut gardening. A fine half -section near Regina, Sank., well located, well fenced, plowing done, for sake or exchange poor property here. For all particulars are J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Personal' Fair P. O. Box 89 Goderich, 1)84. One Dollar Read the Advertisements in The Signal. Buy ad%ertised wares.: It is a safe and sound policy. 4EVEN'Ty'•yu'TH \-EAR NO. 12 COUNCIL PROTESTS mandation made by the• committee whir BONUS LIMITATION ACT to 0' „ffe•t tlwt x11 a.4i.tint be apl 11N4in 4411 to make out detailed 40- dl%Iduul 'tatemeut4 of all ollttan•tng Owen Sound Paper Ila. Scheme to taxer to be pn•eent.d to the council %dle.tliw !Slue Nater I lot an .s.rly date. Thr mot tttr of procuring the a+.NLstant was 4e41.with Ilighwa) I the fln:.te4' ('„mmitt.', a motion • to Councillor 1 Platt 4411. the only this effect being moved by ('oune'.l- ahs.•uteo ,from the regular meeting of tors Humber and Ryan are at last learning to wee conifer% to good advantage. but the list re- ferred to does not Include this type at all. "Oh, we can't grow that here." (1n every aide one is greeted by that objection no matter what shrub 1s mentioned: and thi, In spite of the definite and easily obtainable find - Inge of goneernment experimenters. This; rather willful Ignorance• is no doubt the ebi4d cause for our neglect in our planting and staring for shrubbery. In a later talk. as It comes nearer to planting time, an attempt w•1I1 be made to summarize, the results of some of the ezperl- merits and offer Rome suggestluus re - the bush Is grown as to single show' speelmen t14e' standard form is most ,'!(,74't 1444'. .\!though h, true syringes or lilacs Come in the. 1.0111) which flowers 'from coin, it lint Fridnc. The I To Boost Illus' Wager Highway'' the town , ..•sun woe tooth quiet and brief, Tii,. 01V1•11 Glued S1111-11 is ptv- I1 w a• .•arri..I 011 1110411.11 1.4 ('41111011- p)1wu.g to get out Pal eight (4441'' . ' ll• for Outliner ,old 111•014,. Ite•v.• Mute In.hat41 edition in rotogravure style flings that the commit expose to Coup ;11,11 of _Y),0(10 cotton "about June est eillur Platt i4. negro conecrninR his next. :a. n wrmns of advertising M,• uu(urtululn• accident 11nil wish hitt a Blue Water fllghw11) and its edvan- .INr.ly r,+v,cerc. tate.. ;(4,d pri4'lr,1fe•s Mfr. \(ark Ikd• Tax Collort.4r Wm •':tni bell repo- Illus , dry ...lino of The i;un-Thune lel the payment or *1G4.4.4 of taxes' ,•onf.•rn•d with thee commit (co,4,rrning .inose Van91 1st.-uf 44hiotu $4:'1.4:1 was the sohenu• a. prop,w41 and sedictted on I!1_: hexes• - '"''i"''011 h, the extent Of 44 1,1414' or at least a 1111lf-p:1[i' in the tentiol at i cost n( 5_'5 or $1..0. resPeetivellr Owen Sema,. ale Dunnage indicated, le _taking a page. The 1 (lw•rea 11rr til 144• aftrl Tl/4T Rivet ter---lndlvltlnttn whose ad.lrosso.e have been *salmi n4' The request of .\. E :Olin for r''- ut•tnb•r' of automobile elutes .•hntu- 4u'val of two trees in front of his I„ •4's of cowmen... and board-. .K trade. For i44.1:1Illy, 311011 448141r• ere to 4.e disoriented in I4•,roit, 1,500 in T()lento, 1.0410 in Toronto, .1,0(4(1 in ('l'velnnd atm! (11110. mud 1.400 among tM• towns participating in the sehetne. For el 144141.''p;,ce _qui e•414.44w 4'r.• [)ren and for half It -page 14*4 ."pi,-" The aMitJnn In which no undue pn,minence L4 to he given :Imp particular town on the route. is t.. 44' entirely a ('anadien prn- 11444•1 .4811 will be printed at either Flour P.asehttll ('lel for p•rmireon to Itridgebnrg n4' Toronto The only nd- n•rtfaemeota 4'o 44ppe.r in the edition are Moe. on 1 '1.nl! of )Iot,•ie camp - jug gnn,ildo and garage+ 011 the unit'. I`ieb Municilallity it aak.ei to supply rhe illn•tnot ions and deeerlptiv.• mat- ter of the town ig c•'nne•tlon with it% When it wa- suggested that the ter - 'wired rlr.•ulation did not go very Ler inland. Mr, \),Image mooed that it heft teen fnnn4 to 1.44` a fart that tourists from farther inland enquired of clambers of mmmierec• 141111 11 WO - T1101.11.• shills in towns nn the 11 S.' border e.ncerning the hest rvld to elk,. and terrltnry to he ,nyer•d. Ilene,' the reason for sending cnptee to member* of .such oreeniretinn• M,apsr (hallow expressed the opin- ion that it war a mutter fnr the Roard of Trnde to ?eke tip. ilio Worship indte,,l d that K the Bard of Trade enol merehoants tank the natter up the eouneil ,-null le ,'4nntsd nn to do Iia mhnn• nod participte eta too 4`114 ere Con...•ilinr Humber: "Yea. the Resin of Trade tine more time and more money then we have" Reeve leno.f:won. who i4 Rise presi- dent of )110 !Laird of Trade • ")torr. het'." ,'t on411111ing, the )(,4•re pr.inte'4 nut that to get the merey'nt-4 to 4ign "on 431e dotted line for since in the n.wlerich page in The Fre Pre,- Inst eenr had torn difficult The whole matter war referred to the Kr.clnl e'en mit tn• for enrl'ider1- (lon. n motion to thio effort being moved by Rsrve teteRwen end T'h-pmty Reser )fnnninge. Thio mnelmde4l the 44 .in.'., le.finer 414.4- rotrlelt. Pfa4tln11 these bushes were found to be fine big elirnhs. every- one of which had been trimmed back to a beauti- ful symmetrical round head. Every The report express's doubt that two of the Hydro commie:inner,. *hound be members of the Govern- ment. saying that •pooiel qualiflen- tlorae coin lotions he expc*'tel in that quarter and ":t man who la a mem• her of the party executive In one building can hardly 144' ex44"ted to 1w'mme• non•partteen when he take.' hie .at on n Commission In soother ?minding" Alen some nr all the Hrvlro cmmnlI'4loner' should p.-rindl.illy visit the different pia, served toy the llydro. listen to cAm- mlalnts end make eeplenetiort'. "1V4' have .11hmitt.41 for eonsider- nttnn l.y vomr Government." says the report. "a suggestion made to m.' thnt an edri"ory 1N4srl,l composed of reprrsentatires of the Hydro munici- palities be eltnblistred.a THE QUALITY OF RULE TEA The quality evf hulk ten is always unrellahle for several reasonsin the first play,. being unlnt'4'llei Its origin f4 unknown end there 1.. 410 one who 4144! nny parti.•ular resp,nsihillty for 1L goodnessin the second place.' It le exposed to the sir and therefore very quickly poses it+ flnvnr and fresh- ness Even if It were RR good as "SAT1AI)A" In the first plate, 14 won rapidly deteriorate and in any otos It would i.' Impossible for any deal- er to follow mn4I4tently the 'tame quality throughout the veer. "SAL - ADA" starers' meintnln' en unvarying high etnnderd. possible through nklll- fle blending. Petitions for toeue-. 4'11 -St. 14414,'1) street 1N•tees.. .Albert and • Horton street: and .4n Wellington sIr.'•t be- tween Britannia 4o141 1111.1 1:1gi,4 11%1'11. Ile were referred to the Public work,N eemmitt• t'•r consideroli.•n. r.•sid.•noe on Trafalgar street Pam+ re- ferred to the perks and publi,• works ."mmitt.s•r jointly. .\ p1m a 4'o t nication from the wooer :unl Iteht en,i,mission rque.ting the eounell to provide funds )for innuelifte• requirements in ,•nuneetion with the eon -at -nolo' work on the new intake was referred to the finane• committee. The request of W. 1:,•41. Sharman. 'w4r.•tery•. nn behalf of the Purity erect n gr4ndst11ld at the Agrteulloral emotions woos on motion of Reeve Mac - }:w -411 *11 1141 1-011114-illor 1llimber refer• rel•tn the larks Rud public. eorks,41re- mitts.. jointly. Cnunolllor Worsen brought up the nuttter of lending the fire hose to some of the trate for flushing out the twoilerm, as heed horn done in praylnu( years. The lis• of the hoer wa4 gran- ted, the hoer to be handhvl bye town men and the trate clutrg.41 up with the expense. Applies' tloons' for "building permits were n4elval as follows: Remo( shed on Horton Wee?. Cornelius Spain; rer,waf dwelling on Trafalgar ,.tract,- A. E. Allin: new store front on What .greet, H. C Dunlop: garage on 1.ighthonee street, Oliver Johmnn. Protest Against Proposed Aet Reeve \ta(•I?wan intr.herd the question of the ennnr•11'e taking some nctiotl by way of protest to hill No. 1(11 now being propns.l In rho Te'gt . letnre. entitled the itonus I,imitntlnn Aet. This act le to prohibit municipal hnnnslne of fnetorlee. except by way of fixed assessment for n ten -Tear term which IR not renewable. Ti.')mntlrr as refferrd to the wpn•lnl eommltte ..n Linn .,f the ite•ve nn(1 Deputy !beer. tinning tit• efineluslnn of the remt- teeing tb• •pe'Ii) committer met alder the matter. and derided carr prompt nn.1 mephitis one the hill ). Patterson's Account wing rnmmunlcation Arai Engineer T. Roy Patter - 1P ae•onnt of $425 fnr -Item In ,•onn.•etlnn t • "Some time ago Re•nint for shish. 1 was nth rreol to n entit- le reroute le n Mtge part 11-W1041114R time the not the r delay T am d at f"' lar to c to reg jest inn E The foil rece'IvM fro we4 regarding engineering with \'I.tnrla lot i mnhmlttrd engineerin4 work, vI..1. had Men re meter for report long stnt(1i841 moreove of the work wens don" b whom 1 hod to pity at t work wax done and T money. T can w'4' no sewn In settling thio ee•nunt. and exry'•ting mot elms- will he pas. y.wlr meet meeting." eounelllor Holmes: "Wher.• ft, gn hedv.rel itettor send it to the sat committee." Wren !serfew:in • "Better send It to n different enmmittee." Figure 1. -This diagram shown th Figure 2.-A diagranlatic example() Figure 3.- A shallow trench ,for the operations. Figure x. -The layering method of startin Figure 5. -The right and the wrong way to protruding stump. 1f the cut tosses 3 removal of three-year-old wood from a Currant bush. ow to prune it Garden Hydrangea. tarting of cuttings which are a by-produet of the pruning new shrubs. rune. A4wlcs make a large cid. `ever leave a very large, paint it. 'carding de'olrablllty and hardiness. I bu-h snowed wr,wl rotog1ng from three the terminal buds and a y,'ry For the prrsmt attention mast go to nine veers old. Tls owner ex7ld not of the uppermost laterals h hill fly to a few old favorites in 1 .4h the utelerstnnd why he diel not get his flowers. In (baling mbar.. of the pn.fneinn of blwlm which fond mon• elaborate %ave ,w l,' i' R•Is• to leave 1 show and utility ('lassos which will be benefited by some pruning before any other work can be started out- door.. The mistake most frequently made In trimming Phntb% risen from the idea that symmetry of form Is the acme of beauty. In moist PAW.: the _- consequent abearing 11) done at the expense of grace of form and pro- tusion of flower. 1t L4 true that regu- larity of outline adds greatly to the beauty of most of our shruhm, but much regularity Phntld never be achieved through sacrifice of the natural grace of the plant. Hedging giants. grown entirely for the beauty of their foliage. may b' subjected to the shears, where the control of the height and form of the plant L essential to the fulfillment of its mlmelnn. All other deciduous shrubs should be pruned. not clipped Quite Sufficing DIsepllne Mln1tier- We. all of us Phou1(that at least Own things every day we heartily dl*ltk,• doing. Charlie - T do that all out oft ted. Why. nd every morning 1 getpu night 1 so to bed. That is all you need to start a Union Bank of Canada Savings Account. Don't hesitate if you can't save more than One Dollar at a time. The savings habit will help you increase it. Small deposits are the seeds of success. Start with One Dollar and save regularly. Oma UNION BANK OF CANADA eiich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manage/ makes this shrub one of our syr nom it e Carty snnitner glorl444. Shrhbm of 4111e! 44'verely aMnr lentil atter the kind should revive judtclot pruning blossoms. have been borne for the year. to !mince health and vigor of wth, Nine all of their ehrubt will event - hut to trim them Into aymm trl'el unity grew into the tree form If left forme is 11111e short of tragedy. alone and the pleasure of clow con Tate Summer Flamers tart with their dcllghtfnl bloom and fragrance lost, it la well to keep main stems headed back no as to keep the plant a bush of dense. low growing habit. The buddleyne are enmewhat timilar In type of ds'yelopmetft and though some spring priming is possible, the removal of very old wood 111 about all that should 4w' ,done. Asda result of four pruning este• few Irl, weer of hem Sume with currants. raepb•rrias and blackberries; Idewterrle4, or pawtonb•rrics) le largely dependent upon proper pruning 1n the Cies of all these fruits old wood chnnld b cut oat drastically. it Ls poeslhle to do this with the currants and gnose- berrlete to the very early spring, but mince the damage ham been done fnr tble year and !erne email gnlntIty of fruit may 4.e 4lerlficd. Ode pruning moy tie left nrrtll the fruiting Ream!! 144 over. For the raspberries and hlaekh.rr1C, it AIV,nid never he done until that time, Jadielonn 'Pruning Before any spring pruning is undertaken the two dtstin fly different clews of flowering Phrnl1 musk be had clearly to mind. A gen- eralization which cover% t1P dottely enough to serve a% a att►Art1L}' guide In that which del ea "Aruba Into those which Knower on wood of the prevtonR year's growth and those whish flower from new growth thrown nit by lateral bride art the year befnre. in the first clams come practl.ally all the early spring and mtdanmrirr bktomnr• 1.011 off by the esoreythlas, thin groom includes all the Phtladelphtta or Mock Oranges, ell the Welgeil's and 'Nogales. 01 - Turning again to the ..rand of our tilt -Worse of the flowering shrubs we come first upon the Hydrangea. No garden shrub le more widely grown in Canada and none in wormy neglect- ed. Every one has seen .peeimcn• hearing hundreds of •ntatare blooms". any one of which would go into R tea cup. Three hushes were vigor - mut and 'atould hart home 44h4ut 50 to 410 bloom, each one of whith would have made • tight fit for t four - quart het. The .eeret of getting this real 'thaw of late' Rammer flowers is In the pruning. Prnntng a genteel Hydrengew comes. the netrett to look - Ing like a complete Alanghter of any cutting operation done In the garden• Whether epees bashes are grown 1)a It ('minwlllor Tlnlmes: "No, no. ttt•I1 ,•ennii44e• AI(1 very well." Counetllor Humber: "1 move that It be referral to the Cemetery and parks enmmIttre." it Paul,', then Carrieft on motion of Cotnctllor4 Humber and Ryan. that the ne'.nnt he referred to the flnenee committee. Committee Reports The fire eommittee reported the purchase of a roof ladder for the fire hrlgnAe ata rnst of 17.42 nisi recom- mended that the requetit of the brigade for rubber boots M' left with the Chair- man to gr't pries and purcheee. The Mosinee committee re"eommrnde1 that nn n.•tion be taken to ennnorttnn• with ndverticlnR In llentnn'' Agency and the j.,.i iiC of the On'.Irin Muni* etpal, Association. ,\ further rerom- RADIO PROGRAMS WGY program In brief for work dt Merrh 30, 1A2_4 WOY. a.'heneetady, N T. General Eleetri' Company. 711111 Kilocycle., I 340 met ere ). 4 o'.teta Standard time. Snn 4'y. Wan h :,n. 11 no x m-- Servlee of Slate street PreeyMerlea church. Sehenectudt. N. 1' . sermon by Rey Peter A. Meellonnld. 3:10 p.m. -Concert by \M\- St -m- oony elmhestrn. Lea Kliwen, mndle- t . estioted by Thnma4 iiopkin'. jr, clally 'that of tho bydrAn41"aa and currant bosh"%, we are going to hay,+ it pot of tneter1Al which with very ilttle trouble will give us a fine lot of new busies if the pnmin4 is done early enongh. that Ie, hefore the map bee made any great head- way, the ends of all the pnunings which show RR last year's growth should he reduced to shout eight inciter In length and cut horizontel- ly across the Mae. They should then he hurled completely In damp nand, earth or aphagnnm aloes until It is paesiMA to plant, them outdoor*. One if the nccompanying diagrams shows clearly the way to mike ft smell trench In a wills drained place 5111111 set the euttinga in to stent . growth. The earth should be very firmly tramped down over the bane of the cutting". When the' Anil* are pruned after they hare bloomed for the season, the tame• procoota may be se .r 7. N. Y Donald. p,m. Service 1)A Stitt, street ,rinn church, 4.•heneeti4y, rmon by Rev Peter A. Mae - y. ,f*reh 31, 715 pm Addre.'4 "The Fswmtlala In the C.. nper4tive Marketing Movement," H. F,. Tta1N'nek. Near York state Farm Bmreai F.4leretton, 7.25 p.m • Add "The Extension Se•rvf(r of the Colne ' or Agriculture," neon A. It. Mann• of New York Sinn. College of Agrlcnitun' 7.45 p m.- Program by •-GY (tolew- tra and Mrs, \Cllttem 1 Willlmm.. Popra nu. T1te'•dny, April 1, 7 414 p.m. .,Meds, "fttlowhall," by Sydney Grundr pr Rented hp R'(Y players: mind toy , WOY oreh,'stre. W,'dnosdne. April 2 1134) p.m Adventure !tory, c(n*tes.y Youth'i Companion Thor»rtay. April 3. 7.45 p.m.-- Mtticnl progrem by Albany artists: J. Reid ('Rllwn:.n. piano: Plume Mne- intnRlt, realer; Mew. Raymond N. Fort. Formren(): ('laud J. Holding. violin: Mre Horatio S. Bellows, con- tralto Friday. April .3. 11.00 p.m. -Concert of i'nlon C'olla'ge Mioleal Club hrna'l- east from the Ten Eyck Hotel. Alhxny, N. Y.. including addre*m. "Mute In College life," by 11r. Chariot A. Rleh- mond. president of l'nlon Cnlleg". 10.30 pm -Dante. male from Union (k114erge Donee Orrheetr, from Hotel Teen }:ark hal1Mn01. Albany, \ Y. Saturday. April 5. 0:10 p.m. TMnr melte by Romano's Oreheetrn. New Kenmore Hotel. Allen). N. i follnwo! with Cnttlegs of 'Oren, viburnum. Middles -a, welgele, phil- 8d(1phu' and promote. A cutting of forsythln will root filmset any time or nny where. Slimmer cuttings rhsnld hnw• all but the top four )soar removed. all hods which are to go below ground taken off very enrefilly and the top ton 1011'0/41 cut task hell' their length. Keep all rooting cuttings fruity shaded until growth s'nrt4. • Almost any of the disrobe of which we hare eplkem may he rooted by the process known am layering. Ontsldc t,reneb' 4470 bent over set Shot they may he bottled. A long sliding rut la made In the 11144101' able of the .'tom. then the whole thing 9'1) fastened down with a hit 4'N hent wire and well earthed lip. When root% helve farmed the new bosh I. rot "MAT from the prrent. s •