HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-27, Page 22.-Tbumday, March 27, 1191
Member of Cauadiaa Weekly News-
paper Association
Published every Thursday morning.
Subscription price x2.00 per year. To
United Statr• and Foreign Countries.
$ .30 our year, strictly In advance.
')lea 33 , • Godri ich. Oat.
W. 11 KuLert4on, p-)ditor and Manager
Thursday, alareh 27,
None Better
is the finest uncolored green
tea procurable in the world.
Superior to the best Japans. - Tr7 it.
ss se'
been it boy Lint 1elfbe is UIW .(IDe of
our "elder statesmen" -' and •U%at he
was wpuderiug Out: ow: of times we
Mit r -h is t»•lu,tlu>; .I'kull1dty--to were living in whet a boy's inalienable
far. right to play marble . N1
nsoon in the
spring 11- there is u- lucre piece of
ground enol be denied by any minion
of the law. Think of 11 ! The \lagna
n. l'harta of Juvenile 41f,. for which
• • • knuckle/. have blot :rad kin... Ravel
1t seems to 11141:, Itmai Christina- Day b,„ skinned tint., nut of mtrol. eyalleu-.
for the brokers pretty- often when psi by a iwir•.41-ii .l1inaifi.•uut II4.01.
Peter Smith was Manta Claus. ton policemen. It a;r. Na tisfxetnrt tri
• • • • learn fre.ut next day's. papers that
The spring advertising is particular- w'Iten the u114n.r rat we op at 1'olie
Vattractive. Like clic first robin, it court It ti :l, the policemen. nut the
herald; 1114 good days coining. There INrrs, 44440 were repriu:nl.lmi. These
lineis a fine lirof "inch readable silver- are ,hare of revulnti,+u, of radimili-nt
'bang In The signal 1111 -week Bead' and iroM4lu.111 hut there an• some
It. things thnt +Imply wind not be Inter-
• • • ' fe•reI with.
Thstima des tabb"l iu the Houseof • • •
e estimates
II 'outman. Inst Heel: evidence a ewrtous ' The House of 4.tuwon. hard n de-
alteulls to reduce the Federal ex- ( Lute one day lust week on the ques-
yenditlire. This•.�s what the errulttry� tlnn of the status of Canada within
wants. :11141 the (;orernment 1's to Je the• I•:ntjdr•• Many varieties of ophd6u
commend's' upon the effort. • ;'ween• expresser'. One member thought
• • •, I Canada should here complete ,hurur
Prew11•r. Ferguson ha- not male up rule. -1nilfhbelieved •lieved that ('..nada
his mind shout a vole on the n. T. A..' already had nti.n• frenlotp, .tnotlt.T
but gales tire' L'-g7.1111ure to .,p- opinion, was that Canada 111141 simply
proprhltr halt•s•mllnou dollars fur' .'4lonial status. When 130 •lehate wisp
•taking i vote. (ane diss.tit iced 161.4.- over niat1►1nr11,AY•lu,•tt-setttert •1"+pts
awfully keen Io know what that rv"Me
dou of Bib.nature is te pulling
aeenlf. 117,a pima by the roots t.. ser how
• • • - _ 1 trineh if ba. grown wn. The 4lndrnt of
Seinttor Tut -riff yIai. a pilau -stn re- hGt,iry .1411. only to reflect upon ('au -
form the Senate 1.y reducing the WOWuelr's status a hundred years ago to
tle•radli74 one-third. This would to realize the pr'gr.•-- that bite been made
4omewhat cheaper. but we cannot see' in the eou1/4t7tutio4al de:veloprne•nt of
'that it would be. sal improvement In Mi. mitts. That pirogn•ss ba+ 7.4•11
any other way. Why not alo,IL-I. the marked within the 18.t twenty -flues.
Senatealtogether? the liedfive years. Ir will eontiam,.
• • • - gnlet y find naturally: Anel the mane
14.111'7 exit around complaining that 'who worries ul4qut it. 14,311.e• he
ituslness I4 rotten.' Stir np ...tnetbling think,. 41 1. too .'low or I.•.•a11.1' he
to wake business tether. Railwayfear+ It 14 to, rapid 1, working up h1.
That 121 majority ut Ottawa scent•
to put au early general elet•tion out
Of the question. •
The member, of Ute lion... ,',1u per-
form a worth•w111le .e•n•Ice by dis-
cussing the nuhJe•t fully. explai4Iig
the rural point of view and til,• (aair-
44044 of rural claims.
engendered by him opponent's remark..
Whereas the lutes •1.Xeroun•ut, he *Ala. i
had adde,l atr_',010,004 1.4 the public i
dell 111 I101-21, and $$1.(441,(44 in 1921- 1
22. ills Admluishation In the' first full'
year over whish It hid ,r11,arol, had
added 1.1 the debt only ra1.(14444444.,
Ills au4euneemeat that the budget'
about to he tnblfrl would. for the flet
tii,' h1 a .1.,-1141e, show a •ur3dus of
r..-ei .ts over expenditures drew a
.I•rw of il,ptaUNe frona I.I1w1•at and
I•mgre.shle 1,11e1e.. 1•e1ewe•'1 a few
luolueut. Inter when 114.•stuted that in
.I- first year of other. 141. Goverim,•nt
hail 410ereased the total of national
d1'14,ir4(meIR. by over $30.1100.00f1. "-Al-
lowing far diminution or the purchas-
ing lower of the dollar," said Mr.
King. •• 11'e are really, as far as eln-
7rollabl, exp.mditire wax a •rned.
HI .i point considerably below even
tar.• last year of Sir Wilfrid laurter's
Adntitil-tratbw" t
cite Prime ,l 1141wtler quottrd returns
t to -how that there had leen effected.
in I4to year.. a (hr•nea0r hi 41411 t'r-
I4'' IN
4r.401111onnel of 44 141141 went on to
show that flinch of the debt burdening
1 fill»-'iocermincnt today 44,14 due to the
I Net 111411 the M,IgM•n Government.
I during the whole period of the war.
had iiot raised "a single cont from the
member of the Press Gallery taxpayers- to meet war obligations:
Ii Note. he ,1e•Iartol. had now to be met
' by the ....Hurry. Finally. lir saw in
r. v is ural. (expert and import 1. o
e ITT.A 11
ing. with a
addre,:. iu rig
Throne. the Pu
initiated n deka
third We'k. 714..
of the present sess,t
elelrcd the way h' r
tattoo of •4t11113te.
of the Midget.Tho ugh much 11a. 1»Y
written regarding thetime-wasting of 11,, lung d,
the aldrey'. experience' port
Ian. are unanimous In til.•
Unit i4,t in many year. lues the
from the Th roue a•r..ko7 oilrh spa
.4lw•nosion. The li-tle•4014..4 that,
most former year., Ladd eh:u•oeterize
thio puarill' n, nt-,ry few•-f.r.,ll Ira
been Iaek. -Hammer Mid tongs'.
been the rule from 011.11111g day
nil no fewer' than fifty -se en nom- lir
I lFrs have .trrit..l their sentin. e7- roil
over the field(.70.4413 up by tit!, t..1 gat
-formal debate of the. oesolon, r,.lw•t
I• This first fortnight-14nmg r:enfe•s.iou t.rontiw•
I of f ait1t l»- all t riidl4s ha. t-ry.tauter, -i.e.w-
lit fide/siding,e4,rn1 fide/siding and. in a'w•.nwre•.ah'
•. ••l•ro.
March 21.- Ity aper..v
word Majority of 121, the, r' Il 4114 mining t, tivlht. In itraunl
r 10 the "*".11 ""u"1"'' nutty lawn.%emwlt in the earnings of
the National itailway.. in ever -grow -
lament of Canada. ter-
• entering 1170,11 474
the first wilent,ne
1411 Marathon, and
I work -- prenen- . The Prwgreselves' Attitude
d the tattling The spe4•h ..f the . Progressive
Hader. Robert Yorke. Was brief dud'
.:11d and bn+tn.•s+11kr. It was a reaffirmation'
u741Ity and of the ...Hon. ,on.ifloi of 1V. -stern'
Progressive 11tthtud.. h1 respect of
tariff. and n"11wpolies in trade; a re-
fuw11 to be a poen ll r ..f "blue ruin
an appeal ft.r fair play for cnuatia's
harts fudu01ry. and 411 exhortation 1.i
all groups hi Parlllmewl :and all in-
terests In the. eonutry In .ttk 1440. -
"nal different -es and op41114ms In
4'tng for the muumuu g4.41. /nth
etlup, persisted 'in. must spell
log hank deposit. and h1 re,hw1d
public expenditure., a certain liarb-
Inger of returning prosperity.
o;11e la7Nen Agriculture: a restatement .. til.
m,ut wr-
pi n ton
72 -inch extra heavy Pure Linen. bleached
,Iouhle Damask 'Tabling, very fine anti ex•
,fuisite quality. Select patterns. Regular
+2.58, at fel' yard
7Iemstiteh heavy all purr linen, fancy
border, white 'luck 'I'uweta, size 11+ �SC
Regular t Oe each, at per pair ...
Extra heavy best quality. Plein :Is i;ii
inches wide. Special
36.38.45-54 nic'he's Heide. Plain white, ev,R.
wove at .... .90c, $1.00, $1.75 and $�5.
large selection of patterns and color-
ings. 3 or 4 yards" wide. Splendid quality
-1t per square yard
A\iai11titer N'iltuu Squares, both seamed
uul seamless, heavy British make, designs
,,,•ii • fir parlor, dining room or sitting
•i!v x 7 4, ft. _ =17.00
I•:x!Ift. $25.00
17x9ft• 135.00
9 10'� ft. $40.00
$46.00 and $50.00
�I1,•t .pualit� l:ritioll make, '_7 inches wide,
with or without border, ! r halls, runners
..r stair.. .tt ser yard \ ..... $2.50
6, oz. t.. the yard. saves Carpets a • d Rugg,
noise. At per 50 yard piece . 13.75
l'•'r sure �.
W. Acheson & Son
1 as evidence of a decline In the export
natural pe•4lu.t$. and salt 'town to
a rerltnble'iltathit front 4:44verutnent
and Progressive benches. More than
one 1.11wral has been heard. -fuer, to
reiliarL that -Andrew death! 1N• I,u.•k
in 144.1-:.441.-se11t." :1441 itduutcel tariff
l.'gistxitun might peruse the mraaas 411 j
I drawing hack the ('t741nl.tie fore ural i
e•r to his former pinus- in the fold.
Nom, wkrae•r•s I.roA. , t" .4e 111.1.
t..F t':rnndu. 1v,' mild. and 11141
\oteleo11u,1 the pre11114.• of tariff I ��
lu the lope of seeing that; - -
in•pl•weute1. the 1'r'vogre.
mem..ted .•cttlht1111He.. P►n:stand1lg Kotero
among the... 1.. Vie emerge.. •.. of the IiM
tariff a- at clean -eat divide of the i 1lene-fly yN•i
chamber. One 'stnxll 11,1.1 admittedly
'41111'1 that ,woe,
rogue pa rattrap') In the .pNYe•h--esti•,
prepared b, support any
measures- ',relented L4
tiioldit Liberal .
ug. it onset here• lad
\n•ul interest ern -
lire to Iowe•r 41111 leo ou "Implement.: 1,7.•41 aro .1 the o" -Ise. 4.f several
of prefiteti4.0-lite.-lite.-»•
+' 11.14 n Torch to: bask '�
oratorio'1 powder, It dun. calmed! the l-I»•eu•k•rs. niters Ilan round 1144444' -4.f That of r, 51:,rlrr was l
the utteut1011 •.f-I08k.r after 'p101k- :1 111'l.t'rpl10•.' elf dingy preparation.
••r%, ncrr.hpdowwl In interest all I1. moderate wording and a •five delft -
fellow clams'. und. stint Inn ''ry-- Itis r.111f.Y'st..n 111117 ,.odd not
e.rtnut. Jots s.•ri,•11 as x link h, sent- I
traffle on both Canadian I4.. IIs rind 1..1.,..1 pr•vnrn for nothing. p titer ,1414117. 441111 (1.143)1101 47th the eon
• • • nett the t'rv4grv4.ic,• group with the
Canadian Nat10nal tins i, sh.otf11g i 1 1 Of low-
7rnetic,• xngt'eaiou 711x4r torr of be!
wrlc•.une :1111- tariff -.Meru on... how-
►tr.e,7 lurprovement. stomel»,dy must Jlr. 1. It. itarker, nutmeg., .-0f i
be doom the bigger basin.-. Why, the Tornnto eleuring 1,4.114.. In Whose
44111'1 If you? - minds the Mollie ItaAlk wa4 p11Usrl af-
Iter Ito tailor... does not believe yuat
e:ov,•rnmeut itt.p40tym of bank. would
• • '•
Th^ els! .sal haw ..f ,:rent Britnlu
4. Ming altered�
have been allowed
great pr i4.1Qerat ng o' y ps• ipilry gu into the Whole• mutter t the
tiHft Lije•ral.. pentane fm prowl
-,lire 14:11 .10111'•y. 111.- arraignment 4. the
olntiou• as unrepentant pr'.tect10nia+. ,war nnnu,•ilig '.f 111••
the entire follow' Ing of Jar 31.11.n.l hate 4..1, •11,7
Jn w'- doing. it Hua% brought .Into the 44•nu a•nt)It•t In the extreme.17uu1 WP
limelight thew 'Ahern'. Who cannot
I to show- that nut only did 11 full to pa,
"one .Ingle dollar on star ...what out
•on4i•lentiousl sn rt 'nitrof ,
i lw"nw'n
• 1 t w(ho afford taw prin.... ton for whish the ' y "Ma' a e
a .
rote only If they public 1,4 elaw'ring. "Gin -eminent in•
avers thirty- year.. ofage. may vote at nlactlon and sn74•rri4iuu of look.,"
744,•nty4ne. placing th,\tn ole the were, says Mr. Harker, •'w'hi1)1 -Is 1. tag
footing as ,nen. There w11 1141• he. urged at the p.reoe•nt time as a :stun'
ore women voters filo H
on nen voters of the eine and J1erehants itanin-
Itritalu. II•omeu's right. have woun elde•ms, IN really^ n .'y4tem of 'letting
• (:e.rge do it.' Advocates of Gowen-- tent demand of Paella Went for a ite-
meant-up•r1-I-ion hxliewte the twoI •'tea-•• Iu taxation: the thiol. the sp-
cage. I hove• Inentione . NH they do • 4111r'ntly An,. 414 sire of all groups
not m1.1 14.11 the heavy mortality I for 41 ill greater e1.untny In public
tenditure'. '•Tariff.-T„xi'tlen. Thrift"
among ,1 scan bank., will h Imre• i these three. then. •aright IN• 7.rm(•11
and ?state Inspection. the r,et,hwords of the ....slim.
in England t. .re 1s -a firm Yeller in flight Honorable Arthur Meighen.
he priuci71.' t. at the 1.•we tin,' (104..1 'siting the "front -1., ichegc •• •lis 41.'.
e amens Inferrer In 1il41neM0 the -1 w114 in ills wonted role• of brilliant
bet •r, sod. no Ha' a I. ,iomptratltely north" nenlaria n.lw-itiwut the uc,rllty
anti bittern... flat marked ... many
no it 'minty a men1 . 1114. It looks to of bis .nttenlne•e•. In reveal ..•4.1u11s.
though there nn►st 14 something • In Weed. the 44ppo.sitiotl leader wit. di-
ll " 1t11hk. still g4, ar. Ig +o long a+ 4lnctly mild in tone a. hedeed'r,•,) the'
there are •-r,.4,,d men • [gong hank.. growing export 411 product+ of tore.
m4nwge•r". The kelt' mean of prate•- and 111111e and the ne•ompanying
Hon would ..1•m to be:• First• todnc• gn'wh ortatiby ',I
i Issasland111 .itnllyse. nn. woollef7114, 11n11bindnerof-
1n ()large of bank« oili• men tit the twine, bitnurinems slat, cotton, and
highest integrity: we•tond. to make the form implement.. Worse .1111. he
haw .o effe•tIve that bank wreckers said. ('altadn'. expert. wen• du fuelling
':,ill be •ore of stern poorhtbent\ In cheese. butter :and ,eggs. h,Y•f !tad
• • • !aeon. .A huge wheat crop la.t y,nr
au+.ing the Gregory ('owml+sl0u'N `lin. hr,nght to t1t prodneer twenty
on hydro affairs. The Farmers fit" per .eat. less rash return t?Inn
in, 11r_1. "that year when honorable
ma 11 • rounds In the hist ft years -
do .In 10-81110n e'untrle•.. at a ay rate
• • •
We do nt rank among To 1117
t'hureh'( at .. Bet.. but we carnet ut
. -yg1lwt111rx w tbi hit effort to some '
the r..:-nneptlon of excursion rates on
the railways for olid.y., week -end..'
.aud other ,.pr•ial a •1'1011.14. He Is bring -
atilt np the matter In Parliament. and,
11141w•ay.i should e her grant 111s-
regneat or show very ge 1 reason for
...winning their Present iN icy. Under
est.ting conditions they are . flowing
motor car. to run away with lot of
their buslrwa,4.
• • •
t.lrilif-n duct ion. N.r.ors. n. M. Mar.
ler IVs. 1,1wn•ge•H. /I'. 1►, I:n1er
' 1Vaterl.,e, North a and R'. G. Raymond
'Brantford,, Tariff. Taxation, Thrift
The .'.coal important Gator,. of the
debate lin• been the tinite.1 and Imola.
w71eu The
with,. 14 1'-''.Iiug No
wrnugdoing 1n high 3>ute why dares It
u.d point its finger of . oudenuwtinn
at- Sir Adam ite•k who the Gregory
f'otntni4Mn .tet'eel-illegally took S1.-
1444.000 of *Hydro fonds and *Petit it
in the radial 'r'he'um•? Why should
the 11ydr, munietp"lities. or file tax-
iu,yers of the' Province. have to font
till. 1,111 for illM41 expN•tallture•? 114'
The 11 lobe favored the Berk
radlnl plan,',: hit doe- The Glob.. salt
bribe to the doctrine that the mid
-•jn4llffe4 the mento?
• • •
11'h1+ton ('hurl -hid lord in the 11'e•vt-
m111.ter bre-elI0,tinn. bit by a minority
of•'nly forty -titre 1,,7,4 11',• 41140.1
he sorry if 11,1.. 41.0111.1 meant • 1411 •4141
of ('bun hill'. p olititaal efforts. hot p -e
414.1I'1 think it will. ',Vinnie. h11. luY.n
atom -no( ...1114.',41111. of , I.,l..in¢ sadly
into the Toryism fn.11 whirl' Ile
einer:el in early life• Mi. there b4 still
Stop-• for hum He 11 (tp' adventur-
ing spirit and has leesb ;, '1.•.•t.,enlnr
• flgtin.• In British p•Iit1.'' for .o long
that he w•o1111 M• ul1'w0l .honld he .1...
pert the steers. Itc.i'l,,'. •ate the hod
twtmfy years he las. done sere. good
work for Britain, and he w14••ird have
litany iVorkltIg re:11•s before hill yet.
• • •
- .1 citizen ea11e1 np The ,.liter by
telephone one day 13.1 week t., 41ra,w
nttrntfolp 14, ,f lt:rntttton •b•^hat' h
published 1n the dally Wirer. telling of
the arrest of 'several ...loll troy,. from
five to eight year• of age, for play•
fig mar''!'•,. on 1b.:-n..'t. The .•Itiz.eu
did not .ay ranch. 1,111 from what he
did ray it was .•v' • :hat "h•• war
ren' ....,..:nal ties unc,.
Lath Eder
Vwl 41()
1t I4 a
gt�,th•m, n went abroad throng!' the
water for regret that 74M lanit\will% flaming swords. telling the
A 1.411?11411,' worn tenable 7o jus'h farmer. how' they were 'I'pre...e1 by
44 lit. .ton 1 re.iw'-t to rate adjust-
unlit. Even i they eonld 1101 "gree I an ant ,the Government'.
. He poured
upon a flat -rat,• ...'ley for the whole utter n file (:ocrrnment'. effort. a:
touching he tariff" 0n n fete nee.•.-
I'fotluee•. It shoal have been pxrislblie I series of It . and defied It to remove
t10enp7'nrueghsits il'1p'eitner 11ore''11.dnnlloeus eemf- 1 othpues•d..mtle«tmtr United State. INNt. and
tinkering." he de•Inred.
rirlth704 111 the way r eaabllsbing 44•„4 11n.in¢ tip Woollen ,1441 textile foe-
otn• pow ,.1. rate for all ttnfarlo. but toile.. driving ( nn11t'1n. across the
the... do 11411 le "'ply In epla 'ensure to 'order lit the rate some' 1 ..ill, per
aL Ierelllug 411 rates In adv districts. pts• ' tooth. in 1t►'27. "tai bailing generally
TIL•' principle lin. 1141.14 ncw'pt 1 In 41r• to untr.t 141-,1 di.tnn' t, the 544,71,1 0f
btu a litres, large nue► 4tlut11. d 110 bn.ln.•.4. Tire' Go4lrn eat. 1L. 1ell,v-
one thinks of gn1•.tiouing the J flet al• furl filled under .It+\ inch -mooted
4,f dentsupp.Ing water. ga.- or millighte.
t' Combine. Act to find a 1llgle enm-
4"-'1dent- on ,city ibutio o mils f4' -' bine: hod I14.541r the kn. to Baal
The-c•ntrl• of distribution at the ...ante *pi rq,r.'.,.nte'1 by the 4h1pp IL mere-
rM, charged to; those••cl4'se in. These r hn the rare"t Lakes; bad utile n
«'tri."•. Are established for tlIl file
_'tth,-r;i ani/ _/ifs eredlf" of .01 ...I4,_ til ertioslotion:
Sasts._..u.Llts_.wlieat_. on rd
lege lotion: 113,1 loot of bite in po per
pf7d1P01 7" Provide them. The water eider. .--a. witness. the hr -election In
developed at .11'klgara is the motet of hoot ' d rinllfrx -and now-, to .a.
the i1 hole 7'roril14•.• 711)41 Ito lees'l.p' i It.,'f 1!, ntfered to the I'r.gre.sirei
mens lin. been made ps'.olble' by i n. 4i 14r4 , the proaw't of e11.177we
I'no-Inela! f 1 n a n 7 I n' g. Theform Imple ends. •
ti,t rho former and the resident of I, w
The Prink Minister Militantvillage or town who 1.4 denied rower
1...1111.4. 4.f Its ser. or obtain. It 1n !cls turn. the Prints \lana -ter
at excessive ,"ter, has a fair ease' showed :1 vigor and militan.'v Ihnt
to present, but .n far repot 41 muni- 1 s''41rised 11nd IMilrbt ' 1 hi4 4.'11"41'417..
elpa,I ;ut. p'.' t In the larger 11.41913 Hill Not 114119717 44t ills 13-4 in defiling
'r ',tees Iran INwn 441,1.. Pi prevent any r w'I7h "fieger.," he bandied trade re-
seri'ni. (".4.7derntimi of the subject be,, torn.. flnanelnl report.. and depart.
goy' mina authority• The matter Is., nen1:11 .44441.71c. with 4111lpenal effe•t..
tone oxo •h •hotild reelve more 1111,•n• 1 He seined •Mr..57e101101'• .Large. re-
tlol4 - 111 the Howie. ,So long 9" nil j co NUM( em!ft rltloll 70 the United
:tit •,Pinion 1. allowed to look upon ' !eters... quoting 1111 .lm,rlen11 ornel"I
ro!, :'.iJnottw"a• r-; -', .711' a"nt or, to the effect that sixty per erre. a
4'11111, 1.0 1, 1 11 !•"s 16 t.Ulrf a J'•j tmlla• 1. e'e • ru..lti the !order 44'•111 1 on. to
h"c,'' '. I, u•:: on the lnrg,r c,atre+, iI frit Ied^ Th,. I'f'no Itrnl.ter
41;;1 I..- fill,' to Zook for progrM4. Most effeettve In It -ladling the g'moe
- .. 1
of war tax.," hilt tliit It saddled
Canada with a war de•fielt. at 111e Pent;.
of "1:121. of $12s.onto.I4Nl. Ur. 5arler,
r: any nut bluntly for return of the
t'nlm'llnn National hallways at the''
earliest opportune moment to 'private,
ownership. 1
Me.. r., Enter and itny nil rep-
ree eat the • highly hulnst•:1110,11 er't11
ntanitle.. North 1i1'nterhw. and ltrant•
for.'. re4,Nrtireiy, 111141 loth. pleaded
the chi ulw• . of their const 11114', ?., Each
'made -it Astir that. in protesting:
ng1141147 the leader'. policy. hr wi.
phasing home Interests 1(1rot. Tao it
voice was the 'tinier of Klteh••Ae•r. 1'r. -
ton. Wooterio.l F.Indta and itrant-
ford--no :tgnlnst the en• of the 54heit-
};ro44111g prairies and the 1purely rural
p,rt.i.f i•:n.-tern ('nlmrin--11141 the bur-
den of their Iytprayer woo ••ron.11,•rattni
nod romprnmlt ;" eul.idcrition 111-
1ore• any 114114u. and '.Lida einpromiw'
"as might work least 111 in th,lr'l4,rly-
inif factory towns. •
Alit, to replace these 1.1)14•tals ,who
dissented. the Government was polder- f-
ret 111.• .erticca cif sixty -old 1'rngr.44-
.Ir,', and ut tenon two .tardy Inde-
pendent., .Andrew MI•Mioder of
Brom. and T, G. Melirlle of 4xq►Kam_
1.. From Ida place of iodation
he has-been,NlttIng pretty mach alone
sinee croslling t1y floor, Inst •,warn
-Jar. M413ta.ter .1111..1 up the enhort.I
of his siemens• and i,roerdel to
.k•moli.h- ad seriatim. every argument
advents -ill by the thinned rank. of the
t'on.e•rvntlte.. 1141 outdid moat of the
51.111 biter. in his aco,rlatlon of the prin-
ciple► of protection. tore to -heed.
the figure. advanced by Mr Meig1en
i11 the •INY•:11 of"1a '••ey. the 1'r,
gre.-ive.' elder 1.- I. ritnt. a "13.1"
1'..r preferment. 11 •.t. 744, .prUhial'v I
the, 1.1.1...t parliamentarian „ in ti•
Fork.. phalanx .A pleasing 474411','.!
with genuine 1,:11 ice .•IOiltw•nee: 11 man
of most 7lkeab1.• personality. and a
member with education and x41111?
that is the 'envy of his fellow•., the
young Jlanit.tain 4. very proul4lni
tin.'»•r 11141.411. •:u.•t 71..14 g.. far In
l'arllametit, lila elation rill this
sect, for "change at* polky. not ebitna,•
i e:orernnelr ;" has sasertlna plat
Canada sought nothing better than
real i.11wr:tl pw.lI.Ie•" and real 1.11N•rsl
program.. his ',kedge. of loyally to the•
G..tiernmei/ .Leonid It k;lalatr In
w'.•.t, rn i4t, 14 -+14 --ail thane may mean
iu••re than -how,. on the iurfaer•.
For "Yoo4'prtnting emit to The utast.
elling Out Sale
So great has been the demand for this special, low priced,
up-to-the-minute Merchandise, we have selected one hundred new
garments for the week's sale. Style, fabrics and patterns strictly
desirable for this special selling, so
shopping for first choice.
Chew it after
every` meal
it stimulate•
appetite and
aids digestion.
1t makes your
food do you more
good. Note how
It relieves that stuffy feeling
atter hearty eating.
Wblt•a• terlb•
• w e e t e n•
breath shad
11•• Me goodly
L -ail-•.
would suggest early
new line of Coats are in duvetyne, velour. tricotine, poiret twill and polo
.tripes and plain patterns. Prices ranging from
$7.95 up
In the finest French ricotine and poiret twill, beautifully trimmed with silk ern-
broidery, canton crepe ing and plain lining, for $29.50. Regular $45.00.
Other Suits, pricesictnging from $12.50 up.
Wool Crepe Skirts, 4 shades, in
arid box pleating.
All -wool serge and tweed Skirts.
lar up to $3.75. Special
Winter Coats
All remaining Winter Coats to cleartat
25 per cent. Tess than manufacturers'
cost. •
Gingham Dresses
in 3 shades and several styles. Special
selling at
All\nur Millinery to be sold at half•pricet.
Take)ldvantage of it.
Marvella Coats
Regular $38.3Q: to clear at $19.50.
Marvella Coats\with genuine beaver
collars. Regular 49.50. Clearing at
Visit our store as often as possible and inspect our other
numerous bargains.
East Side of Souare