HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-27, Page 1Good Printing
That is the kind The Signal's Job De-
pertnient turns out. Let us have your
next urder. No job too big or too
small to have the closest attention,
Business Insurance
The best business insurance is a
definite program of advertising carried
out in the columns of The Signal.
sevawn.pIpT 1 IRAS NO. 13
further "protected" when the stipple-
; tuentary estimate; are brought down
later in the seeston, either directly or
Under the 'head of "harbors and rivers
of Ontario and Quebec"
Activities, Both Put and Present, Ed. Robinson and John Felker will
again mil the Cana
Merit Prompt and Adequate Steantshllji Line freighter tthe W. 4:rant
Attention by Government Morden as captalu . and first mate.
h pipe being
The (derich Elevator $ Trionit Co. stal4d twenty -fin ,'onneietlon�cwith, the new
is In receipt of a very large num- take be bring Nupplied by the (;
her of a numuniestiens from grain shore-Thoment Pipe and Foundry
shipp•rto, millers and Leri neer'. a" of Ilnmiltoo.
well as vessel owners and operators, The k,• In the harbor has ren'
referring to their ludiyidwal tuter.e+te rhe wage -tither?
It 1,. tamale for tra
•propos of the proper development of while the le�'in t1e river b. meet
Goderieh harbor ter the neconim,da- out of the way nicely. though
(loo of modern lake grainer.. The water Is quite high even for t
prw.ldent of the company. John 1, A. ieason of the year.
'Hunt, of tendon. and the weretary- Th.• +tomer Donald Stewart
treasurer and general manager, G. L. quite in a.h-ane of all the ort
Persona. of Coderich. were at Ottawa hoatm ms negated+ repairs to the
last week Iatervieeing the Govern- gine•+ Sad boilers. The engines on t
meant and preaenting these petition*, boat were working away in mid -we
through the Department of Public sur, form on 4iu•a,1ay
WOrta. teetering for an adequate The Elevator Co. was palled upon
amount in the year'( .estimates for the hare anme dredging done "nn its ow
•arty Pres•e'ntion and completion of
the nary work.
The improvements and e•onitruction
work considered moat Immediately
necessary and urgent. and in the beat
Intense. of the port, were all forth
so foliews: Featly: The removal of
the bar at the plerway entrant,. aro
soon sa he c•on/Ire:I w will permit, ao
that the first spring oar/rote from
Take Michigan and Lake ;Superior may
not have any difficulty In entering
the harbor. Secondly: The widening
of the channel from the bnmkwater
entrance to she pl.rway to at Mast
400 feet, with a depth of not less than
twenty -threw feet at low'water, so that
tally loaded vessels may enter safely
to any serest" of weather. The wid-
ening and deepening of the channel
from the p4erway entraoe to the ele-
vatnr wbarrm, to a depth of Dot IMO
than twenty-three ret at normal
water level, *ad to such an extent as
will permit the largest boats to turn
order tall load. Thirdly: The con-
ttruc•tioa of a cribbed wharf across the
northwesterly aide of the harbor, with
detonate depth of water alongwlde to
rovlde rqul,ite mooring a'egpm(da-
Ion for fully loaded ref,.els, end Alen