HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-6, Page 8:r. t'• r S• Thursday, Stacs.i4 6.3924 zs:::a�s..-4444.• - P +.r a. m, "lot .:.,. •b. THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. k LANES 9 ir,rirt(14 rr^u! 1.ANES. March :1: -Bora -Tu Mr. and Mrs Buswell 11ei'reight, on Febtu- ary 9th, a girl. t'ougratulatloaa. Fred J..ltnntoue paid a *?hug visit to frIen4k4 in Wawanush. 'Krt.. William Baldwin visited Ler brother at Wingham. • Andrew Bowler 'tuts gone to Flint. 'Mad... where Ju• intends to work for the summer. A number around (.ere took in the old time deuces at Kintail and Luck- stow- anti all retort a good time. AAs. N•IUiam *Mae has bought the ftumltut'e husibessepf A. M. Treleaven of ltiple>y and a1: also succeed Mr. 'rr Lraveti as manager of the Kinloss • a ) & Huron Telephone co. lir. net Mr.. Lane will move to Ripley In the spring. stir» ST. .1l Gl STINE S'I'. AFI:) STINT , March 4: 4)uiLi io ILe fire at %Viuglotue lllgh S,•hoot. Mises Itelsvra andLucy Thotut*.ou are *pending a few daysl-at their home here. Mr. I. Mcl.ean. of l'eynluu. Sisk, visited friends in this vicinity last week. Mr. 4:e... Rubcrtsou, of Luc -know. visited at Mr. W. McAlliste•r'. last Weduceday. Mrs. Elisa Thompson la :at present under Ute doctor's care. • Mr,. t;. t;rwvee. w'lu• ha. been i11, 7 _--- FARM HELP CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS IN C4YOP[PAT,0N WITR ONTARIO GOVERNMENT DEPARTMEN1 OF COLONIZATION WILL AGAIN AI{IrT PA14*IRS IN $LCU •N6 FAIRS THERE will he an urgH .P. .•nt+deI1Llnd all over Canada this year. 1f you ne,-d (ern help apply early. The Canadian National Railways Colonization and DeV Inpnent Depart - meet, through.its r.•posent.etivt•s in Great Brit cin, Sr.enden.n•Ian and other European countries, otters ,a free serve.' to Enemas Order your Laren help as..irly as possible in order that they will reit, h Canada in time for sprang. ta*ANK'APPL Is-ATIONi CAN wE ow -sista r ROAA AMY '. .;. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS AGENT ��" OR cop WAflw WARMEST Of COLONIZATION AMO DEVELOPMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS MONTREAL. Out . . Nil!, r•r•iq, ♦.'ion : ,In• luny", Is 1m- pre.eol.•el'.. Messrs. 4. 1\'nl.n. and l4. McAlll.ter are c. I1 !1 London friends. '1'h, Is,x .,..•Ial at 1k.uuybr.n,k lat.tt t\esleee.day r.• ItIIt •'a.. a derided .uc- '.4",' mer+"tut,.? 1 uu .Are I ns )ted to teod the h•:. 111111 .oIV of baking to 1..• held l,, the V. M. S. at North •I rest 11.1 h.•.lia churl( on Saturday, 11turJt _'nd ------ SPF:('1ti. OPTll'.1I. OFFER Bitch -grade gold-filled spetaeleb and eyeelaw•s 141111 11.14! iflat Apherical lenses for only 84.(10. All other style, of fruui... and lenses at lowest prices. l:y,s examined by ltr.'1flughron. fortn- ,rly optical expert for Kenta, Toron- to. and later for Henry Morgan & Co.. Montreal. The Lest optical work to be obtained and at ttwederate prices. Titre, days only. Thursday. Friday and Saturda}. Starch 13, 14 and 15. Come early. Smith's Art Store, 06de- r1e11. 2t BORN 1`Oldlt.\NCt:.- In Clinton hospital on Monday, I'ebruary 2.1t1, to lir. and Mrs. John Torrance, of ' Ooderlch township. a daughter. DIED 1I:\vi:I,L.-II ;odertrlt. 011 Saturdac. Mar•h 1-r. lti,•hard Jewell, in til.. Vat le year. IN NEMOKLIM ('FRRII:.-In loving memory of Mrs. tarn. D., Currie. who fell asleep in Jan.. Month lltb, 1922. You are not forgotten. i.ihMe dear. nor ever ..ill you he MOTHER. Gl NDR1'N S.ILE REGISTER Wednesday, )Iareeh L2th.-llea r)ns auction sale of farm. farm stock. im• ',temente and machinery at part for it, (•oueression 9, E. D.. Colborne. Owen Moore, proprietor; Thos. Gundry, au: tloueer. Friday March 14 .-Auction sale of farm "tock; Implements, furniture. etc., at E. II. et lot 21. ceneerslon 4. West Wawenosh. Jar. W. U11.soi., pryprta•tor; Thos. Gundry. Auctioneer. • CARD OF THANKS MISS A. 1.. REYNOLDS DESIRES to thank the friends and neighbors who showed such kindness and sym- pathy during her recent bereavement In the death of her suer. Mrs. Nellie SLar.om, of Detroit. MILS. 11u'..\iUD EDWARD .\N 11 family wish to thank the tunny friends and neighbor. for their kind- ItesIK during the recent sud bereave- ment they suffered lu the. Ions (f-hus- baud and father. and also to thank the Saltford Sunday S.'h,bo for floral flit. rite. MEDICAL DR. F. J. R..FORSTER- EYE. EAR, NOISE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Opb- thalmlc and Aural Ho.pial. moistest at Moorefield (lige Hospital aid Golden Square Throat Hospital, Low don. gag. 53 Waterloo St.. 8.. Stratford. Tel- ephone 207. At Hotel Bedford, Goderieb. es March 5th, at 7.:20 p.m., to Starch 6:11, at 1 p.m. F SHIO 1 WELCOME SPRING! PRI NG has come to our Store ---and brought a wealth of new ideas in Charming Wearing Apparel for Ladies and Misses, in delightful colorings and interesting fashions. Suits, Coats, Hats and Dresses were never more fascinating; they introduce a new era that promises exquisite pleasure for those who follow the season's dictates of what is correct and the very latest in style. sfi aiRkil COME EARLY AND VIEW THE FIRST SHOWING The pride we feel in our stocks will be reflected in your appreciation.; the wearing of ` ,our Coats, Dresses, Hats and Suits emphasizes in- dividuality. All our goods are very moderately priced. Spring knows no smarter fashion Than ) ,;; imam Fashion lays especial emphasis on the Mannish tailored Model for Ladies and Misses, the novelty costumes and boyish type suit. These Suits. which are positively the very latest, are fashioned in Tweeds, Tricotine, Pencil Stripes and Poiret Twills. THE MANNISH TAILORED SUIT SMART SPRING COATS - - Coats of distinctive style and finest tailoring, in dressy and sports models, made of the season's newest fabrics; Plaids Overchecked. Tweeds, Velours, Duvetyne, Poiret Twill, Tricotine and Marvella. s SPRING DRESSES AND GOWNS -_- A charming assortment, at modest prices. as varied as they are modish. Tailored models, boyish mode and also stylish brocaded, beaded or draped, in silk -faced Canton Crepe models. SPRING MILLINERY The finishing touch to the Spring costume --one of our chic model Hats. , The shapes -most popular this season are small and with little or no brim; the trimmings are of floral and beaded designs. LAYS Pi --. •''•••-••,°^'.IP'ul,9MSIIS*C.lkF'ffi�'a:As..,.....®. SPRING OPENING SATURDAY, MARCH 8, and Following Days • You Are Invited to Come In and See the New Spring Goods * Ix Whether You Wish to Buy or Not. A. LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS WEST SIDE SQUARE GODBRIiCH 4 r17 sap .1111S, a calMINSRINInallssmmiwsillielnemeenineest- 1 LOST OR FOUND , T'Et•IN Ltt.T. - ti&LJJ .1%11'11 crrsee•ut of pearls.. Valued as a gift. Reward on Leaving it at 1'Ht•] SIGNAL twill -I:. NOTICE TO ('RF.DITORS ('ItYa)11val1!. lie the matt. r ..f the 1.liete• of Matil- da Gallagher, 1h+-eas'.1. Nnikve 1s hereby zlve•u that all per- ! a..11. 1410118 etaiut...r demand. again- st the relate of llutilda Gallagher, Into of tie• Town of 0e.11•rieh iu the t'ouufj• of Huron. Spinster. d.cem.•tf. who diel on the :,IJ! )ley ..f February. U. 11_24, are required to send or drifter 5) the undersigned. solieiterrs for the Ex,•,'utor. fall 'Partieulars of their chain(... dilly verified ley el..•inra- dem or affidavit, obi or 1adore f;.e• 2211th slay df Morel, A. D. 1924. AND TAKE: NoTII,E: dear after the. .aid 2I4th day of )Carel,. A. 1). Ute said Executor will prayed to di - tribute the asset- of the dreew.e•d among the person, entitled thereto, and that the said Executor will not Ir' liable ,the the said assets or any Part thereof to any p•rs,en of whose claim they shall not then have reeeived unfit'. , Dated at Iloderteh. this 3rd day of Ila reh, A. D. 1924. HAYS & HATS. Go erk•la. SuUcltors fur the Executor. POR SALE VOR SALE. -TWO rNt't•R.\TOiLS; aC 1110 egg Chatham (hot mart an,i '_Su egg Buckeye (hot waters. 1;0111. are nearly new. Apply to, 'YRS. A. itEEHVHRS. Elgin Ave. x,011 SALE - ONE BEDROOM is suite, sixteenth -century finish. largo mirror. One walnut- parlor suite, six, pieces. One oak combine - lien writing -desk and bookcase. Ap- ply to Miss L. 11." WALTER. Britan- nia road. 2t F.A.RM FOR SALE. - 63 acres clay loam. E. % of lot 11. 8th cooeea- sion. E: D. Colborne town"hip. Com- fortable frame house, 10 room, barn 30 x 70 ft.; two wheda 24) x 3G ft.: drtv'ing buu.w' and -pigpen'. Orchard: well -watered top spring and well; Li mile frnm *Moot. 2% miles from Au- burn station, 9 miles from Goderieh. Reasonable terms for quick sale. Ap- ply to T. S. ITAMII/PON, R. R. No. 3. Auburn. TIFF GODnRICH HOUSING CUM - MISSION offer for Sale by ,L, PUBLIC TENDER Brick cottage, comparatvely new. with modern improvements, situated on Let No. 1947. Keay* wept. This is a splendid opportunity for anyone desirous1 of securing a good home on easy payments. Tenders..1�W _he received- up -to -the 13 th of Ma h. 1924. Any tender loot necessarily areepted. For inspection and Informatien ap- ply to Chas. A. Nairn, chairman of Housing Commission. or to L. L. Knox, Seeretary. Tenders to be addressed to L. L. KNOX. Secretary G. H. C.. Goderich. AUCTION SAI) AUCTION BAL.R OP VALUABLE PROPICRTT, on West street, in the town„ of Goderieh. I am Instructed by Kiss Hutson to .ell by Public Auction at the prem- ises. on ISATURDAY. KAB)H 22nd at 12.10 o'clock sharp WTS 16 AND 61 FPeatint Orr- Wrist street and Light- honaP street in the town of Goderich. On. th!s property there is a comfortable frame dwelling, also a garage and poultry house. Tile land is good for garden purposes, or there is ample room for three additional houses on the property. TBR341: Twenty per eent. of the purcMee money to be paid on day of sale. balaaee in 30 days. or . one-half the pur9)ase money may remain 011 mortgage at 6 per cent. per annum'. There will be no reserve hi.1i am filet/meted to sell. iiAT.S & RATS, TTTOS. GI-NDRT, Rrsthettoity----- - _ Altetioneer. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VAi.- wible cottage and Land of 1$e late Jean Drmin -Bell. The .\dminimtrator of the property of the late Jean Drenin Bell, late Af the Town of doderk•h In the County of Huron, widow of the late W1111am T511iii.-TWIT.-*ITT offer for rale the lands hereinafter -described, by Public Auction by Thome, Gundry, Auction (er, On SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd, • 1924 at the proprety witnate on Hlncks St. In the Town of Goderich at two Town of Goderich PUBLIC NOTICE In older to inaugurate the system of collecting taxes semi-annually, it is necessary to make out a program of the yeates work, and to have an estimate of the year's expen- ditures prepared at once. Petitions for treating streets with road oil, or for the con- strnction of sewers, must be presented to the Town Coun- cil on or before April 1,1924. >ti Order of the Town Council, L L 1KN07t, O..14 • tieloek 111 tl.r afternoon! I..ds running Numbers Seven' 1 urs Se%euty•flve, S'.eut) •six. I:hhtyr ones I•:Ightv-1WO, ki!ltty-tlu'.•.• and Elght\•four. Se)'mout', Survey in the .old 'rowel of t;o erfele. The prope•rle cou•I.t. ,d e..laable market -gardening lots, fruit tree. and 11a. uu It -11 eouafi:rtiatile' w.II-h11ia cottage. Thi. I. a .ple11dld Ippn•rt.ut ity for any' 14!'.'11 who desire• to market Rurde'n. TERMS: The said property will Is• offered for Vale .tIIjeet to a r.•.,`,4,'ei Wel. The pur•haL•r shall at the time of -ale pay down a deposit of In per tent. of the purchase mottos arm(.hall pay the r•mnlnler of the purchase money thirty day.. 11ereeefter. with- out Interest. when possession shall he given. Further twrtienlars and ceendi• tion. of .ale will he made known at the time of the sale and in the mean- time mai' he had from the Administra- tor, Mr. John Bell., 4 oalericlt. Un• tart... 11r. Thomas (sundry. (:oderl,h. (attario. Anetianw•r. or the under• signed .olleltor. f..r (tie Administrator. hate'., at I;o,le'rlrh thin -nth day ut Wavle, A. 11. 11424. HAYS ek HAYS. Solleitors for the Administrator. AUCTION SALE: uF 1ARM 81YN'K 11rPLE:Nle sTi. FURNITURE. ETC. • Mlt. JAS. 1\'. G11tee)N 14111 sell by public auction at E. 11. of Lot 21. ('utxwssiou 4. West Wawanosli. on FRIDAY. M.\ltt'fl 14111. 11424 commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: HORSES --1 bay Hone, ' years old: 1 black Hare; 1 driving Hone. CATTLE -1 Cow with 4x11 at foul. 4 Heifers rising 2 years; 2 Heifer.. 1 year old; 3 Steers rising 2 years; 1 Helfer rising 3 years; 3 tows. PIGS ---9 l'Jgs shout 1411 obs: f pig. about 60 Ibis; 1 Sow. --- . Pl)ULTRY--About 40 Hens. IMPLl)MFNTS -- I Me{'urmiek Binder; 1 Me(brmielt Mower; 1 Mr t'ormtek (take; 1 McCormick Culti- vator; ulti- vafor; 1 M. H. Seed Drill; 1 wet toter-4eetl..n iron Harrows, 1 Walk- ing Plow; 1 twin Plow. I riding Plow; 1 Scuffler : I Wagon; 1 Buggy; 1 Cutter; 1 Stork Rack: 1 Ilay Reek; 1 Fanning Kill. 1 set SSlinga and Car; 1 set'. 'eam Hamlets.: 1 set plow Har - nese; Collars; 1 Robe; 1 Rubber -tired Surrey, 1 Rubber -tired B'uggy.' ' FURNITURE. ettr--1 Ptaao.- toy new; 1 cook stove; 1 Heater; 1 Oil Stove; 1 Washing Machine; 1 Churn; 1 Lounge; 3 Bedsteads; 1 Cupboard; Chairs, Tables, Sealers and other furniture. 1 Cream Separator. De Laval; 1 40 - gallon Coal 011 Drum; 2 bins of Oats; 1 bin of Buckwheat ; block of Hay; forks, chains. shovels, etc. 1 Gray - Dort Touring Car. TERMS OF SALE: -All rums of ten dollars and under. cash; over that amount. eight months' credit will be given on furnishing approved jotnt notes. A dl.coant of three per Dant estrslest allowed for cash on credit amounts. Perms may be arranged 0 the piano and car. Jab& W. GIBSON. THOS,-UNDRY, o Proprietor. Aoetloaeer. R. R. No. 2. Auburn. Ooder)eb. CLDARING AUCTION SALE OF . ARM. FARM .8T0t7K, IMPLE- MENTS AND MACHINERY. MR. OWEN MOORE will self by public auction at Pt LOT 0, CO:VOHSSiON 9. E. D. COLBORNE oa WEDNIASDAY. MARCH 12th. commencing at 1 o'eiock "harp. The farm. contains 30 acres of the very best of land and 1s In first-class condition. Thew is a fairly good Home: practically new Barn, 46 x 50; a good water supply. and place is well located. TERMS :-The Farm will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Ten per coot. of purchase money to be paid oa day of Nle. balance within 30 days, or twenty-five hundred dollars may re- main on mortgage bearing interest at 51,f, per cent. 11 I 1.400 Iba. ; 1 1 Meet Mare, C Just freaheen.d old, milking, J OlBJ3E8 bay driving )rate; I grey Mare. grey Gelding, 1400 lbs. i general purpose; 1 roan Mare; 1 bay )Care, 1400 lbs, wpm): Keifer. 2 yenta old, milking. 1 black Cow 7 yearn old, milking; 1 Jewry Cow, 7 lean tilt freshened; 1 grey Cow. 5 years old. due 15th April; 1 Cow. 7 years old • due an April; 1 Ca lf, PiGS 1 yaw to farrow; 7 Pigs, about 190 11,14. each. FOWL 1 Palr Geese • 1 pair Dick", °*2 IMPLNIKAIN' I'S 1 Binder, 6 foot cut; 1 Oockibutt Seed Drill, 13 disc, -1 set Disc Har- rower- l'enittretor-i-11 Inter; 1 Scuffles; 1 Riding Plough; Walking Plough; 1 Fanning MIR; wet Scale,. 2000 Ito.; 1 Hey Rake; Mower; 1 Truck" Wagon; 1 Wagon with two sets wheels, 1 set iron; Wagon -Box with stock -rack ; 1 est Wagon Spring*; 1 Democrat; 1 rub - tired Baggy, almost new; 1 Top Cutter; 1 Grain Roller; 1 Root Pulp - r; Hay Fork and Ropes; 1 Pump ark ; 1 Falrhanks-Morse Engine, 3 p.; 1 Gilson 9110 -filler ; 1 Shingle Mill; 1 set Stoop Sleighs; about 20 bushels Potatoes; 1 set Heavy "anew; 15 Panel Doors, 2 feet 6 inches 1 Oft. 8 Inches, and 2 feet inches 1 6 feet 6 1n., with r frames sad easings and hard - are; about 4.000 Lath; a quantity Bricks; acme Studding, Joist and nch Lumber; some Ceder Poste; some Overlays; 20 hunches umero1a other articles. and TERMB :-An some of 210.00 aid Oder, cash ; over that amount, 3 smiths' credit will be gtasa on furn- ishing approved joist notes A l"oo"s( at ran of O pat east. pee nate allowed for care s91 credit mutts, Ilwire win lie -se mom pelage la lards( ds g f! r smut ~ pro. s WEN ,�»eg, T 01IND1LY 1 1 1 1 Wagon 1st r e .1 h H 6 8 doe w of t Over a a 'd la a 0 PONTIWg STAMps WA..NTED WANTED TO 1'1'lt('HASIi1 FOE Tr•;• tarsi•, Old Pottage t4lamps and Old Envelopes with *tamps attuel,Ml. Old moues of Canada. United States, Great ltrltulti. Brltls4 ('uloulea, preferred. Nu males bene,, W5Ilra1. 1t nay 1147 you to look nl) 70ur old lettetti Reply to Box 14. The 8lareal. PVBWC NOTICE NOTICE OF AN ACAC TION TO P.IRLIAjy�T NUTIC;li K I8 HEREBY Gl�'E,\ TRAY an ApplIcstloa 14111 be made b7 the !hard of Truate ..4 of toe Bata. miner Conaollated Schon. ✓loaf. 1, toe Township of Colborne, In the County of Huron and Provi4ce of Oi- tarlo. to tl>,e IAgislstive A,*('mbly it t e•froelnte of Ontario at Its next Nea.iun fur a .pedal Aet dlsro1v1i the Remitter Consolidated School Sea 1')4.11 and providing for the reeltoy. 11011 uf. tit' old 8ebool Sections, eo ,. prlr.'d ltd tb! Cona011dated tlk+gosi Sections. the mid old school swam comprised in it being Public School Roe - dons numbers 2. 4 and T 1n the said Towntdtdp of Colborne, and that omit .,tool sections should be revived sad restored to their original position, with the Same boundaries as they sal prior to the forsatioa of the sa14 Consolidated `School Section. DATED at Goderlcb. 1141* 31st dal et Jlauuary. 1924. M. G. CAMKRON. Solicitor tor the Applic. EXECUTOR'S SALE E FCt'TOR'S SALE Or FAIR PBOPERT - IN ,1gial t :The Executor of the will of Slargarse Sprigs. deceased. *111 offer fur Isla by public auction on the premien„ on Sat- urday, Mast) 15th. 1934, at 2 o'clock pm.. the followng land.. namely:_ Thr siert 30 acnes of the south N acnes of the. w.-st ball of Lot � Don. eeemaMo 7, Western Division. of the Township of Atlhfield In the e'ouaty of Iluron. On Gs- premises is a mall (rano house 22 x 28 feet. Tba _property la all seeded In gnus and pas been seed- ed in grams for a number of J'esn and is well lasted la a pod farads. district abort oar mile east of the village of Kltgebrldge, tad roomiest for school and cherub. TDRMt4:-Tea per net. of the pati (ebmse,money to he paid ea the dal et sale and the balance within 30 dais thereafter, when fail pas ramion *e81 be given. The purchaser nal bays PO*5'asion to the mea n a l w s for the purpose of working on mid la ods Yoe farther particulars Amply a William McCarthy, R. R. No, 1. Dun- gannon, I4lerntor, or le 11eP endemics - ed. PROUD/VOL Ills o N & 1101/1111111. BolIcitoa for gracaasr. Thos. Gundry, Aoctiooeer. �" Goderich, February - Mit'. lat. AUCTIONI G 2 Y. STALKER, AUCTIONEER tor honabohl etc.. for 11»y��� �� Addrw an eawaaalmtyss to J. IL BTR, Laura P. 0. Eder Ike ()UNDULY. ANDOGENNE L LIVE �L AUCTIO R TelephoSalvo attendediarebaree sad swtq effort aide to give mtlatactiaa. Partners' sale iotas diaconate& LRaAL G. -CAMERON. IC. 0.. SAM& um TIE, Solicitor, Notary �gy1� eves Manta strait. Galeria f�laA loan t lowest rash door tram Assam Treat �� M D&OUDFOOT. KILLORAN • ■ HOLMES. BARRIIITERA, SOLICITORS. HO. TABUN PUBLiC. HTO, tram Haaantoa amara war My Priests flab to Ina it Gatwick T. i. Killoran. Dtadley S. Rana Maps It Maps Baaatsraas, era R.O. HAYS-R.O. HAYS. n„ 3,L. C EgI,AGgR, K.G.. BARISTSII. SOLICITOR, Notary pobne tai conveyancer. O[lios--Court Hort' Galeria. INSURANCE. LOANS., era 14 McIILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE AO, -Farm and hooka' t aws property hawed. OOtaa. Camay Pres., Osds• rich P. 0. ; Jas Beans. Vko•PNs., Bsoebwood P. 0. ; D. P. McGregor. 8ie Trans., Eeatorth P. ('. Directors -A. Hmadroot. L R. 1 No. 1, Esatorth , John (1 Grieve. 11a 4. Walton; Wlltfaa Rims, R. E. Ns, 1, 8wafort1L; John Bsan••twles, Base begat ; (i(id. McGrasey, R R. hes 1, $."forth ; Robert ram .. Harlan( 1 Murray Globs", 1pretletd; Jamas = _Tinn/lws d; James C.m W. Agate 2 3. W. Yds, O.3 4 -1 Also. Iw1M(R, It. R. Ifo. 1. (]mina 1 Jam Minim aster"; RRIBMAllb ilia roan. Pella INlbts .t 357 ao Jaya ails said est task fordo ..,J si at IL S. MartFMl'a CMhttt Saawl, wi !t Oars Ota. 11. lily Proprietor, A>isllsaeet. Siam, 911wwO r 4i AIRS t'I1'.il