HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-6, Page 6Wall Papers With the
Freshness of Spring
Tliousaude of rolls of Nevi
Wall. Paper- trade now to
intermit our home -loving
Nail+ that have faded may
van be restored to beauty and
erfulness through the use
u these New Hangings.
le you wish we will send a
sample book to your home,
or we are always pleased to
show samples in•the store .
Porter's Book Store
Electric Wiring
loVe specialize: in Wiring of
all kind.. Let u. give you an
eetitnate for wiring your h use
or garage
Private Telephones, Motors
Dynamos, Electric Bells and
Burglar Alarm Systems
Work (h:,rantee.l
Cook, Iron and Toast by
%V.,:%V.,:have an assortment of
tete best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in, Canada.
Ele tr:.ven
Wast SI Phone 251J
For that
Cough or CoId
with Cod Liver Extract
50 Cents
Bromide of Quinine
25 Cents
for Sore Throat, etc.
25 Cents
Humbugs, Ib .ease
Horehound Drops. Ib 39e
H. C. Dunlop, Phm.B.
The Rexell Ntore
Phone No. 1 The Sdsere
.w -
Cars overhauled and re-
paired by an expert mech-
anic. Agent for
Batteries re -charged and
East street Phone 243
The old reliable r' • all• for thee-
hen•aatt.m, nct.rslb:.., ..ore throat and
Best Liniment Made
Ma. A. R. tonna oae,EDw.wro, ,write. --
'3 fell (rota • bedding and received wh.r
the doctor called a very
bed eerie On, .1 Fitt le, ani
told me 1 moot not 21•114
Of it for three week.. I
` Y:vI rete. LIN)
}HINT and Ineirda)e t
eras Ont to wort
t lh6,t it Ibe best I,wr-
Meet made."
Mlnard's Liniment
always fives astir
faction. For am
.rhe or pain. It
fives lacteal relief.
Minard's Liniment
Co, Llmttad
Yarmouth. - N S,
Even T P Lecsf
or any rough patch. soreness or erup-
- don, should be regarded as a possible
source of eczenia or other painful
and obstinate skin disease.
Treat every troublesome place with
Zam-Buk. This refined herbal balm
`/ (unlike tatty pore clogging ointments),
i sinks deep into the skin. It soothes
1 and purities the whole tissue. drawing out all
poisonous anJ offensive matter; clearing the
skin and completion in • wonderful way.
...hi gnat Nebel
..,mage een N
awl tressed Peat -
pal rra.a l..-S..k
" A severe eczema started on my dao,hter's Lace and
tock." says Mrs. H Amey. 42 I.va:l Ave!, Toronto
" l was about to call in a skin sre,,au,t when 1 heard
of this Zam-Buk treatment rescuing other sufferers. So
1 got a box of Zam-Buk and some Zan: Bilk Medicinal
Soso. This two -told treatment told • great .00thmg and
purifying influence. Day by day the sorer all gradually
bested and withal the month my daughter's skin was
thoroughly/cleared of all impurity "
The Zam-Buk balm is sold at SOc. tbe box Zam-Buk
Medicinal Soap 25c. the cake. 70c. box of three. Of
druggists everywhere, or Zam-Buk,Co., Toronto.
.o . find Lrew great. and tits Lord Cew1
of biota wits slut film' I:.It)'. Ile
now turtle.' hl. atte•ption to the Inter-
nal atrairs d the ,s.nntry. and seeing
the fie's) of it capital more central
than H.•I•rou he set about the aril
Iloilo took sat e..aquering the city of
Jersn•alrm. an important torus -s then
lu the fiatul 'ef the Jel.uate .. Tide
h.• .w.wd.d to 4oiug in elle,' a way as
e. ea11 forth e.tngratulntion. from
(.reign lot tionsi. chief among them
tw•fug Vienne. King of Tyre. who ef-
f.•rvd aid towards the outing of i•at-
I.re lathier and other government
bIdldings In the nee capital. \Chen
flnish..d the setting up o! the
.seat of temporal power in Jerusalem
he Marin Ids thought. du 'the proper
lieutlug of the ark still at Klnjath-
j.•arlm. Ile node great ',re aration%
for it. home -bringing and :,t 1.•ngth
it atas placed h1 a tab•rnm'le Omit' to
the pourer with green Joy and feast.
heg. In the ..atree of time "it eamr
to pose Rhea the king .at In lois hoero
and the Lord had giveu lam rest
round alsrut from all Ill. Amwmit'... that
tyr King .n141 unto Nathnu the pre.
piker, See I,Ow'. I dwell lu au hueasr of
collar. but the ark of /poi dwelleth'
w-ithle curtain*. And Nathan sold
to 115e king, I;o du ale dint is in thlpe
Inert: for the 1e,rd l.. with {bee."
But that Meer the word of the' IAnI
came to Nathan 1n adr•am that .D1e-
e vid should riot build the honor for the
ark bort that Itis eon should after he
was (tend :--"He obeli hued an luuwe
for my tame, and I will etabllsh the
'throne of his kingdom for ever"
(verses 13-163. The mwseage brought
by Nathan was 'full of eompen!attlon
for the divtppntutmm.tt In not being
allowed to Iserfurm the desire of his
Heart. His heart was filled with Jne.
ee'tliat he haltered to the .aneteary
where the ark was and tw.ur.'.1 anti his
gratitudy in A. rt'_ of thanksgiving
and petition., ' • __
Verses 1846: vid's Prayer.
David spoke very humbly of bbs-
1 words. H3. 11;•.1 2114+
nil4rtugnrriva;. He 2134*. reit •url.ria•el
whet, im►,rrstuti,lr fteetrt•lw'. r
hsltt,-ni.m bw•aw•• cituldeb of ('hr
i:ulitr. lir would • Intel. been sur
pristrl Iwd they retuaiu,rl what the)
were. it w -a. for him to lift h'gI the '
oro*.: it, w'a• for t'hri.t to dr:In.mea
(tufo filmset!
Sunday Afternoon
By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont.
Bleat the ma4 no fear. Jehovah.
Walking ever in Hie ways::
,Thou ..holt eat of thj hand, Itd.or.
Aurl lee happy all rhv days.
Then .halt see .lrnt+aleew prosper. .
Long as thou on. earth shalt dwell:
Thou shalt .ee• shy ehlldren'a children.
And the pose,. of Israe!.
Bowing befor.• the throne of The
Eternal may w•• Arai..• and magnify
His holt- natn.• We would proiwr
Thee for all Thy teeing kindle,. and
Gender mere,. -.hewn to us thus ter in
life. May we nee ill tie• s..uran.e
that Then gm the .enure•• of 11)1 our
blesend; that from Theo cone com-
eth every good and peHS'•'t gift.
Perfect in u. Thy Kriel. that wt' may
watt puti.•ntly the fulfilling of Th7
will for us. In .1 •.n.' name we seek
It. Amen.
S. S. 1JF.St ON FOR MAR lsau, 19U
Lesson Title -Mite Rdgn of David.
Iwensna Par.h;t-- Sam. 7: 18-16:
8:14, li.
Golden T• et-Peaba 4s:8.
David, yrs • hi„ pre.lr..essor Saul,
came from th- fnrm. Ills to her
Jews•. tradition tell, lire lived In th-
I lehem and wore ,.xerwt carpets, hut
formed land in the neighborhood as
1 well. Ile l.t.tured numerous floe)."
I of sheep on the .,lops., end hill. Ind
the tending of three• wax given over
to tho youngeet einta of the family, the
other." twine engaged in military pur-
i sults. This work WI » good training
1 for hl; future carver. The hardy life
1 In the open xir developw.f him physis
Cally, and ..•ustnnt watching grainer
• wild animate made him es>urageoue
and expert ite the vise of the bow apd
string, and th.'. bolir.rlueeo; of the life
tnntributee to thougtatfeenera, so that
in after port them es me from hit
pen such expression, xe
Mingo 1 'uneid.•r Thy heavens. the
wort' M Thy fingers,
What is man. this Thou art mindful
of him?
And been of man that Thou vislte•st
When about fifteen years of age
•hie quiet. uneventful lite was broken
in upon by a summon, to leave his
flocks and return to Bethlehem, for the
great prophet Samuel had appeared
in their midst to offer sacrifice and
had Inquired partieuiariv for David.
Ile had in reality been bent by the
Lord to anoint ono of Jeese'* sons am
the suceeseor of Saul. whose dtaobed-
len,•e and w!f-will had lost him the
throne. Many years were te elapse
be -fort' David would a1.•um,• the khing-
ehip df Israel, but. in God's wee. Pro-
videnee, the future monarch was thus
earl designated. though its. fait we.
not disclosed to Saul: Indeed, the full
algnlneance of the ,•eremuny wheel
took place In the, presence of hi. own
family was not made known to any
but David. upon whom "the spirit of
the Lord came mightily from that
day forward."
He continued flo feat his father's'
flock*, but. wlletoever he could be spar-
ed, he attended the School of the Pro-
phets taught by Samuel at Ramab,
and there ho grew mentally and tpir-
itu:llly, quietly awaiting God's lead-
ing 11e Rai Fent lit. Ilia father to
wee how his hro*hers forest in the war-
fare against the Philistines: and there
be Blew Goliath of Oath. He return-
ed to his oeenpHon, but atter a time
he was summoned to the court to
play sweet music to appeexe• the fits
of frenzy into wllleh King Saul re-
peatedly fell. These new surround -
Inge and experiences gradually fitted
blm for the position to which he was
deeignatel. Quick promotion follow-
ed until he was a.eepted In the sight
of all the people at their leader. On
fila return from a great victory over
the Philistines. when they were ex-
pelled from the country, the women
went nut to newt the victors with mu-
sic and dancing. The refrain of their
.bong wan:
The mem' and the stars which 'thou 4
haat ordained,
Mrs. Holmberg Tells How
Lydia E•Pinkham'sVegetable
Compound Helped Her
Viktlsg, Alts. -"Prom the time I was
16 years old I would get such tick feel-
eel -in in the (ower part of my abdomen,
followed by cramps and vomiting. This
kept me from my work (1 help my pie
entre on the farm) as I usually had to
go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at
times I would have to walk the floor. I
suffered in this way until a friend in-
duced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. I have had very
satisfactory results so far and am rec-
ommending the Vegetable Compound to
my friends. 1 sure) am glad I tried
It for I feel like a different person now
that i don 't have these trouble.. "-
OD61JA HdJnBBRO,Box 98,Viking, Alta,
Letters like this establish the merits
of Lydia F.. l'Inkham'. Vegetable Com-
pound. They tall of the relief from such
prune sad ailments after taking it.
Lydia R Plekhatn. Vegetable Com-
pound, crude from native roots and!herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drags,
and today holds the record of being the
moat snee..sful tamed for female ills
in this country. and t da of vol-
untary te.Hautlala prove this feet.
If you doubt that Lydia E. Plnkhare's
V table Compound will helpyertf-
write to the Lydia E. P(nkham
.tine t'`'o., Cebewrpt Ontario, for Mrs.
Pink/tare's private tsgbbook and lasts
more about R C
Saul hate) slain hip thousands
And Darid his tin thousand*.
This reselling the Nit. of Sant stir-
red in him a bitter jealousy. which
after prolonged eonfliete enders In Dil-
i id's
aaid's hexing to flee the eonrt and be-
come an outlaw ThJs. to. was a
tnetnr in his life's preparation: the
trslning called for herd.hlp and suf-
fering and the trial of his lenience.
He took up his quarters in the Care
of Adnllam, and many dl.eatlafled
with Snnl'.,government joined him
there. These he formed Into an army
and with great skill and labor they
emerged, after many mon**. a well -
disciplined body of men. With the;
army of 000 men he marehed against
and repelled an Inrasidn by the Phif-
istines. but on hearing that Saul was
searching for him, he marched hack
to the hill. of Judea. Tbs. Philletlnet
again ins -eldest the land, inflicting a
severe defeat on Saul'. army, get
Which time Sane met file defter.
Thetf David returned end took up hip
reeatdevace at Hebron, where the elders
of the tribe of Judah gathered round
and elected him to hrwth tr king
Abner, the loader of Saul'» forces,
repressed the ranee of hie remaining
son, Ishhothetb, and for five years a
state of hoetltity exieted between the
rival force., but "David waxed etrong-
Pr and stronger and the house of Saul
waxed weaker and we.ker," so that
on the murder of ishbotheth the eld-
er. of Israel and a very large folloe-
Ing went to Hebron and offerra David
the throne of Israel. The I'hili.tinew,
seeing Davide' power therrating, made
a sadden and unexpected smock and
canned him to retire from Hebron.
Tbi* was only a temporary setback.
for. acting on the word of the Lord
given Mm through the high priest, he
proceeded against them and won such
a signal victory that the Phlllatloee
gave np flhe hope of conquering the
Isrselltee at that time. "David weer
j .
of the fataile from w1skli'll0 2;14
sung and of hie attainment.. (ogre
IRs 1S-220). HP evoke v.-ry highly of
God's favor* fto'him in the past and
of his proml:es f..r the future, He
■.wrll.ed it all to God's fro•.• :rag. (v.
21). f
11:14-13:-• .Iarsere Tvinnoth. ,
From the peaceful twettish...no df
good government and religdoue obser-
vances we turn In the eighth chapter
to a recital of wars with all their at-
tendant horror:. The Phlte.tipee. who
had been defeated in the .earliest
year.. of David's reign,' returned with
renewed force and beeides miser ems -
tales threatened the kingdom. At
the elem. of three wars we find David
at the height of his glory. He had
comp let.lyf destroyed the power of
the enemies of hie country, firmly es-
tablishing the Hebrew monarchy Mel
raking it to a place of lnf;uenee '-
Leon_ t oriental nations:.
In the promise which David receic-
e•.I from trod by the mouth of Nathan.
the hie( priest, that the kingdom
Mould be an everlasting kingdom w.l•.
foreshadowed the coming of great
David's greater son-Jcau.. Christ.
Mackay of Fers..a
(By Rev. J. Lovell Murray. D. D.
"My grandfather freight at Water-
loo; his martial soul went luto me
blood: and when nnee 1 owned the So-
vinnr King, the command. 'I:e ve in-
to all the 21orld and preaei, the Gospel
to every creature' made men soldier
of the.4ros.. To be a miwsinnary be-
came the pr.adon of my life."
In those words George Leslie Mac-
kay tells how he entered on hie great
career. He was the first foreign mis-
sionary to be sent out by the Western
divlslon of the Canadian Preehyte•r-
ian church.
Dr. Mackay'.. Meath nrcurred in
1900. Title was his last message to
the Canadian r•htfreh: "Will For -
[woe be won for ("Arise? No matter
what may come in the way, the final
victory Is as sure as the etistence of
The spirit of the man lay in liege
Liberal. I)enand that I. vpetNliture
Itr KPdue.d to ttaloo e
Ile Protinrial Budget
To out /NT. 1. alar'tl O. --From the
point of view of the ordiusry velem!
the L'em of entetnuding 1ntere.: lis la.t
week's budget debate is: the I.eegisla•
turr,e - the startling.ndd.e,a-•t with
which the Ferpl..•es Gov.•rime:a es.
tl.rotvu Crum it» rigorous often...
:I4.tin..t t!le I•n.gretes to Mee a pane:.
tt-Isere it russet defend its owu br
r,. ,.r.1,
•Th.• hrillidgr rtww•h of A it.•lting
elm u• 21 I.II.rrnl ' uaembw•r Ler
xeusttrtth•. a challrugr shk-b the 1:. .
ernment can either overlook. or, is .
Nees fit. can take the print. to meet
with its rPmx1111nt -l' 31. No For Mr
11e•lauge•r put it up to the adntiai.•r
tion from the figures of its own '
pert. Atti.rnry-(:roma! Niekte. the:
wn, cx.tly ex,.wling the *iwpda.t
puce ..•t 1.)• !lie I ate Drury Goverr-
me.hl t.
FlgtIn•a .of .vitro.•. ruskoe dr,ar)
readifmg. but if one wOl! juet 'aka- t0•
tro11h(4. to read Mir. Belen:tor • f -■
eitatistb nm• can ;;rasp th'• 30.11,••: ••
imports 101.• of what the n.mt..'r f•
itiose•Il wee putting f.•rwxrd. And
figures on Whist Mr. Be -Linger esee.
leis enleulntlol(s are net Mia They are
dove .ttturner1:l.lnral'..
Mr. Bel•tiger orkesi it 001 :L •1•- .,
with all kinds , expwudi:ores*..
takhag just the to. 1 expireistrrr•
be this. Mr. N4. 1 . the tot•' t
penditurr for *1t1i•fi Tirliry t;,.r• r
meat was responsible right sot a- -
half months 21x. ti(.,::rf1, a). a•-1 • t•
of the F.rgu.on Governto c_ , tri_.
(MMD In three and is -half 'TOOL :,- T' -.t
means en average monthly in. .1.- ter
the new.Covernmo•Ot of $1.4i1. ■'
a yearly Ingres..' of $17.0eS,One ,.ins.
as Mr. Belanger pointe,) raft t. -he
Itemise. the new Government ha.
mated that en the busi. eve,, .•.
year. expenditure. there 21:11
deficit of S:.,(*Mhos.) or est,pa,eas. '
TMP Lttw rnh. in the I.egtslater:- =sy
they take the present iereltion of Pee
vinclsl finenees eery serlonely, even if
they do not -.wallow the whole Of the
f1.'.0l$).talft .1Pfie.lt that the Gorernme•nt
pretest.. By the amendment introduc-
ed by Mr. Belanger. the follower"; of
W. T. N. $Irw•lair. K. ('.. ore demanding
a severe curtailment of public exp•Odi•
tures to 140 extent whk•h will effect a
halaneine of the budget when next the
Provincial Treasnre•r enure, to address
tlw L.•glelatnre.
The wording of the resolution doe.
away with any thought that the Lib-
erals are asking that new -taxes. icer im-
posed to meet the defieite whi.h'Mr.
'Price sacs he moat bring In. it says
that the Honore domande that smell
e,'nnomies he effected as will bring
abaft the desind result. For the only
alternative to a balanced budget it a
continual piling up of debt charges
from year to year, with monev borrow.
est to meet .i.flclenclees. And en this
ts.rrnwe4 money interest mist ,•entinn-
ell)- ler pvnL1 out of the contributions
of the 1fSpinyer•.
The lints.- Ras delighted to hear the
admirnble nehirea. of the new LBeral
me'Iw•r for thio*. •II, who i., one of
French rotunda's frequent eontributlnu.
to the ranks of ebb- speakers and clear
thinkers. Althoneh there Is 1 triter of
French ae.ent In lir. Belanger's ut-
t.•rnners. be speaks with better English
titan many nn Anglo-Saxon member
who count,' bine-If Is good orator.
'He touched a r.•so.nsire ('fiord in the
House and erobubly throughout the
Proeitee ellen he demanded for the
orllnarc citizen n etanderelized 'sys-
tem of Ai -vomiting for i'rovitw•ixl fin-
ances from which the ordinary tax -
;,sy. r .•,uid tell wbethet deficit mean.
1•-1,. r or +ontot'Beaw Ilurplu•.
Tee Legi.*.I.sture. alt told. beard very
t'• -t a time..- from all sides during
:ter a•--; From air. Belanger; Man -
r. tog Ih•herty. Progreseive Leader: At- 11.4.1,)torney-:general Nude•: sod last but moult.
flee' least. from Zotlqu. Magrau. the
fl:::ng Liberal from Sturgeon Falls.'
w.y. told erteelse Ive adherents that
tea the old Govrruw.'ut had Made .a
t-rrible fizzle of government thee
should get back Into their respective
pertie'- for "a straight. manly fight."
"If it had not been for Tan lac I would still be a sick, I
discouraged woman, for nothing else seemed to do me any
good," says Mrs. Edward Gib bs.
All the adr.rtleing in the world
and all the Pales; efforts combined
could not have made the great sue
creel for TANLAC thnt ha• heee
attained. unle'sa this reeonstructiye
tunic possessed merit of the grewu'.-
r•xt degree. Over 40 Million Bottles
of Tanlac bare been aced and the
demand today 1s greater than exec
That TANLAC possenee* merit
and ]fns brought relief to hundreds
of tbomasnds of persona 1s attested
by the great number of teetemen-
lnls that have been re eived by the
company from peopte 1n every
;1tate of the inion and every Prov-
inee of Canada. There are firer
100,000 such stntementa on file with
the company. alt ringing with sin•
('ere praise for TANLAC and what
it has aceompfshed.
(fere are excerpts from n few of
the 100.000 'statements on file:
Mrs. Edward Gibbs, I.anearder,
Pa. -✓'For two yearn Indige.tlon de-
prived me d nearly all the plea.ure
of living. if It had not been for
TAN'LAO I menet still be a sick and
discouraged woman, for nothing
else seemed to do me any good"
Mrs. Mary A. Benson, Resettle,
Wash.: 'Following an operation
my stomach and nerves seemed to
Flag way and 1 hecame almost help
Wee As a teat resort I tried
TAMr.AC. 1 began to Improve
from the very first. gained 29 lbs..
and today am feeling fine."
0. E. Moore. Kansas ('tty - Nn.:
"My .toma,b seemed to pain me
constantly, food seemed to do me
no good. 1 would bloat up with gas,
lust my strength and could not
alms or rest. i was nn the down-
grade all the time. 'renew cor-
1 rested my troubles and put Inc in
l excellent shape."
Thome. Lucas, Peteraboro, On-
tario: "Well, sir, buying TANLAC
was the best Investment I ever
made. for it britt up my health and
I etrength to where 1 haven't a tom•
plaint In the 21orld."
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaake.
Detroit. Mich.: "For more than a
year our three children, age 2, 4
and 6. had been so peaked and life-
' less that we were wnrrled about
i them. Their 'stomachs were npsot.
1 appet1Ms poor, the enter had left
' their cheeks. their nights, were rest-
less' and during the day they would
just mope around, faking no Inter-
est in play or anything etas. They
began to improve with the first
dose of TANTAC, and today *ere
are no more healthy children in
Tarlac Is for sale by all tool
dengglate Over 40 million bottles
sold. Accept no substitute.
Take Tattler Vegetable Pills.
('reheat of Her t3laging-
d.c \Ch1• d..'•n'1 our .:strnry
.pug ` say meh•7
Me. •r-lt..•aas,' lt•. 'meeting.
Be ayoe tea deteriorate, very rapidly
exposed to apt many twee tied PA -
pe ' ntc have been made to find au
eef • 'eot [Wens of packing It ao as
rve Ale flever. Vh,. "3a1a.1a"
pan) first used Mad package...
veer. if,, adopted a:nminnm
to p
Tea (.'c
lout se
f"11. alumlqum being more dur,.hl.• snot
lighter than lewd. 'besides, of eour..e.
toeing absol,lkv Panitary and air -tight.
This method of packing is *duetted to
lie the most effective known it s preserve
the flavor of tea. All "Salads" i, 'told
in air -tight alnminum packages
1t le the wife that talks ehe least
who la• the Moor metro, over her
hied -end.
wish Aunt Ka • would
eetou Tran..'rlpt. .
N... have ►.e eunrteme relief grave
C.tarrhal Daateeea Hese Plowe.,
Riming la the We one Hese Colas
les eel.*
Ear Oil
• aaot Wy penetratiat 011 thea la
ver e.aztiva/est road
the aura and tassel Is .galeas
Far sala.varmehrn lite
snie.eetu 4 deewcwwv,
folder lent span • googol
ee es
It • ,
The Wonder Kidney
L1vrr Stomach Tonic
as Nationally Advertised
Sold by
H. C. DUNLOP, Galerirb, and by a
good druggist everywhere.
Front Fence FOR Hard Wood
Baled Hay Baled Straw
Homestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shingles
Rubber -tired Buggies
Plow. 16S
Hamilton Street
Specials in Blankets for the Cold Weather
Largest Size Flauektte Blankets and ADD -wool Doable Blankets
Grey Flannel, Military Flannel. and heavy Cotton Shirting,
all suitable for winter work shirts at RIGHT Prices
Men's All -wool Socks and Underwear at CLOSE Prices
Men's Lined \Work (.loves at 50c •
Men's Fleece -lined Underwear to clear before Spring
Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town
We have just received a shipment of,
Macbeth Nu -type Lamp Chimneys
and Burners
They are twice as good and less than half the price
you have been paying for these goods. Call and see
them demonstrated at