HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-6, Page 3SAVE BECAUSE -- The ability to economize is a good business asset. Job Printing The Signal is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing at reasonable Prices' For your next order Telephone 35 • THE SIGNAL 1'K L' TING (b,, LIMITED, .Publishers. iouat saes" ._._.. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1924 4 '1VGRAllf Friday, March -is.I-743 p.m. -4;-E Night program by tt(•heneetal'y Gen- /- rn.l F:Iw•trie taliincludingthe (1 -EE 11'.:1' pn.crn) in hri,•f fur week of I hated, a 'stiles' sextette. male quartette, March ft Ifo../ WGV `eheneetndy. N. 1 and ittatrumc:aat qulntette: addressee -T.-...Genera ticirte--Company. 7110 ' by J. G. Harry, vtee-president Gen• Kay, . 1, Orev- y, l: - ,Vat ElwKdr• and -C. E. F•v'tet . man- Eist,• a Standard TI m'. tig.•r.j.' ate•heue••'tady Works, Sit thr . M itty:re.44.4 40.34-w:nr-*Ty- 1 1H.:4N p.m.-Pr.rgraet by Wi II or 1.4./4 W -„ti:. Itantlst thumb; sermon ' 4111sera. I,/ dt1•y. Nei ..•u Ite•ytaddx. • t 1 t(alxlyday, March 13. 9.3e) p.m.- .. ✓' ;.4111 p.ia.- -1'rn ram by WOY Oyes- 1 Dance music ter Romano'. o114•h.stra, phony 4'relies'rn: Mre. t:dwin New- New Kenmore hotel, Albany. N. Y. kirk. cowlell a :olui.•t. - - / 7"A p.m. •Men,nrial Service. of _ . Truth Lodge. fets. Knl: its of t'ythlaM. f • .t Huge Outlay . al Scsala Itnt•tlet ehnr-h. I t;r,... 114111 ion,. to the plant of the No1441as. Ile r....11 1.1. 7.-t p m.- t Program t v i'ra.-k-a-.tae k resit : ('rank + It'll Telephone company 1.: In 19^..3' !tents. viol Misr : "Testi lrailiP.- tender: '. amounted to $1..h1t1K.:.it2,K1. Of this George .t. l-nite•rlsn•n.•• pianist.. • s 1 am t. land and buildings Boat $4:07: T:.sday. March 11: 7.43 p.m. -Twci- 11M49'.3ventral ottk•e apparatus and suet part minstrel ,:how by Georgia Ilinstre•l 1.aerIM•ri. telephones to $4.66M.4714.96 Boys. s; awl exchange and long dietetic*. Innes t1'eha»ala+. Slit nal 12. 6 3 p.m.- I to s4.(rsik7'•'.,1c�. Adventure *torr, vollttwy, of lentisa A hum' catatal outlay this' The vim. local FARMERS WILL CO-OPERATE WITH CANNING FACTORY Mr. Cheer Receives Encourage- ment to Go Ahead with Plans for New Industry (pwards e( Thirty farmer+ of G..le• rich and Collseru' townships were pies eta hast Saturday afternoon ar the meeting 111.141 in 1114. 104'0 hall (o'di-- cuss. shit Mr. Blake (cheer. of Tor- onto. the possibilities of ope•rating n panning factory in G0.ie•rk1 this tam- ing summer, Mayor W. F•. (:allow. alio wits pre'w•ut. gave aee.uralee of the Marty eteoperatlnl) of the town conueil in Ihe• re' -4 44'ning and operation ,4f OW exnulutt (atom). to ills remarks during the meeting. ou.•, pre - 'ere Informal a 1111.111 \ .a a sided ober by Mr. (;t. erg.• 1•altltwaltt•. Mr. Cheer Indicated that he would re- quire at least 290 acre, of tomatoes la Ih(• vk•ini1) to make••it at all prof- .1ta1,1.• to open the factory. lie fig ms& on al14alt Jul' bush.•h to till• seer'. whlrli wv41141 ,•tmbb• Ilm to eau t4OIDe (414 (017 lu Goderk'h, a1141 that we make an earnest effort to meet baa requirement of •aN) acres of tomatoes In this locality' for the coming year." Mr. Idltltivalte informed the meeting -that-he had made_a penimmt- inveatt• gado. as to the financial standing cif Mr. Cheer and his associate. "I found that U44'y were finaucletly very re- liable," he said. "and that Is one rea- son I take the responsibility of help - Ing lir. Cheer U. get situated here. - During general diw•usalo11 w•hi,h fol- lowed. 31r. 1 -sac N(trkel( 414141114'41 11111 t4-lato811. Hogg. Alae. T14I 4Td. M' 1.Au, that. with the aid 4f u motor fru' 14 81141 , inflow. in Quebec. 4ruel.er. ales Cheer euulel ' go eon. alt. tinfoil Dr. Larkin, 1tr. 1'1.•tcher wenn tiovernme•nt sid'trably farther afield than had the and -llamllton. mtttistet.;, and alcasr•. suggest the wiwhim` lair y1v'. ,11. i'. Haudiuk in sarurlpf tit*t . 3t-4;ow;w. Strang. Itonthren, Wen, .meat being trle•d 1 o• ueessary produce, loth tomatoes an((I untarl , Iliitgittss, frailer, Watson and Shier. „M'lp•r. as w4' are fruit. 11 r. $n114,ld exp. aw•41 414• 01,11).i rlderm. Mil that lir. 1'he•r would 18,41 have • ' r.pevtl the present taw much n•oubl' in w'curiug the desired I 31r. Macfarlane was elected tn•sler.r a .(stem ..f 4:orernuten (r the growing of tem:.toes for for the ensuing -tx menthe and in he '11.a -trots. alike to REV. W. D. MCINTOSH CALLED TO MILTON Preab)tery Declares Against 'Hasty Action in Regard to Proposed Referendum. Read the Advertisements in The Signal. Buy advertised wares. It is a safe and sound policy. eating. an institution whie h for genera - tiring 1µ1a been firmly rooted in the pundit -al. industrial and -.eget life of the people: consequently the thing to be wonde'el at is not that.ditflcultles are befog encountered in en attempt to •.force the, law, bet that so much pros - The has been made in so short a rime: The Prc•hytery of Huron) held its .•lcherea.1 ` i• believe that. nntwith• regular meeting at 4 Ilndon ,4m Tut•eday, standing all the diftieulti's in the way. tt•bruars :nth, in the morning. The til.• lw'nctirlal'\r'+dlts. commrrcia l followly were present: Mr. Foote, and individually. are such as to war acting m.sleratoT'; lh i\sr<. t'hidley_ rout t1'• continuance of the law: •'\\'heres we air courtn,•'.1-that con - 1141 British ('olnthlrla ah• of liquor do not 1 a similar espial - the Proviner of '-801141 81 that (o or to e•slnhll-h vendors would • moral 'and acreage ,4 .r that he lull' mentlnuel, lir. John -'1 his abs.•oee air. Fo.4' was appointed, eY1miuer.•ial boa •r'sts'11f he Province: 4;811J111 111 te•murkel.that a large num- presented act for hits., Representative 4'414'-•1 '"nU•n•tor.• we. the PrsM, (eery' of lar of farmers In Construe -had grown presented coWmissi.a+: Aug the pees /Innen, deeher•,4ur.,•Ic.•s a opposed to from • u. five acre. of tomatoes for b\t--y roll was mud' up for fife year. ,hasty action in r,•gl.nl to f • pngs,Kd Mr. liumllnk and 14• www tat ma'am ii, -9011. of atandtog .vmmtttees yr re�r`s(Srw+'irrot nntl rrwet4 ttrotn wl.y they would not grow them for d flat t r • anal 1- 1' • mend that in erd•-r to n...•.• fain pub - ell c n[ Mr. ('h.vr. Mr. i.althwait(•. while in- aL 1 tloeh calci h waF.eerie I t bilk t (h.•ating that he wait not interested 1n wit the growing sof tomatoes. stated that he would direct an his small fruits to 11e cnn1811ig (..•tory. should Mr. Cheer go 11114.8441 -Ith his wheals-. _The general Impr•sshm with re gar,( the 23,(gsMs141 .•n -.•s 4f H.matn's. 11' ln• ,-4uu11u>; (aetory proposition was that . BfllMflald lar where Mr. t J t i ti t4. would .•x11 . !. tie In w di t 1 fihrth •r titxt 1 Mr c fuer s.tt 1 at J�Iilf4 t 0 presented , • _ _ , r 'u t inn a. to the desk' Iii, a Mr. c n remitting the ltq,ier Worn theAnd Its n statitl ntiop adopted clerk.t" the weed,• of this Pros -inert the rp.rt on sit leti• s by c' 8p. 1rnmemt apl14dnt a s,•1"t 'omm The committee to exam tAe' ' nil as• iu sit Burin the re tb 11 t g mita trent Use Aleeemhly reported on t . 91189^"' of K'Ill Ing informatl the status of deaconeeses. ytttx sntrjert Call to Rev. W. E4. ltih*osls off- , (ommi.sionert+ to Asseinily a is m •Yr. ye- 1 '�tlr following w -,'r• 1pp41nt'.1 c rice. T'1 11 from 1 I t e•mbly pears. nut. he . sea of. peas 81111 worm, alra•e the 4.4([11- r,'gtard Dt flu• forUll4(lou uta Farmer minute tram the 1 r'sh)t'n m. nt r•guinsl in that t ('. tkln Cn-4.1.•ratiyc Fruit Assoc iati..41. though onto. concerning the Issuing of, the Ball. remising a stipend elf $2• an- 1 would e.st :rp{eroxnnately �i,(IpO.; 7Lr. n.e'de�finite action gess Wke•u It this P ('lee•r said that 41e wv,uld he 11perattag e,nneeti.n. Mr. Lalthwalt.• unrtieatlnm nosily, the ns' of mtanse and , our the• apple. evaporator again this year. that the dlstrlet reprrs'ntative, Mr. weeks annual holiday. and s,lgne) by i but that sine.• tie hims'If was not a *. 1t. fan•th,•r-. (118)444). intended ells- 337 meurhera, and sixty-six adhere• .I ('anner it WM.i(t I.• et•,vs.aary -for hie. eussiu til' prolsnmllT morr'de�ptiltedy at Dr. FI'tcher of Hentaati was h.(srd � bei It of Ibe call and the tellaw{ng'L to genre a n. h chem he could phren a laic•- date. )fr. Ed. Lawson. of at tion Of Itru(lowin : in charge of the canning factory. In l'alhorne. • thought- that sous' envoi from die congress mmrtng the• tarmthe alis ('beer offhel might la' aeon•plished were n evil- Messrs. Mauch. Moodie. Gemmel' and el fee tomatas the peke Isar bushel :rat grading and reeking plant Watson. members of til' paid by the Dominion Canners, Ltd.. d,•v.dupmd, fu citirgt flu• beuetlta to M'wrs. Allen and Ikwglaee from the is would he set within a be de rivet from .•e-.ga'r•ttive market- manager*. Mr. Tough from the enngre- tram the W. Ill. \ a 1 fact Is that tNelthotm .err Inside• tract on sedlinR' alone would last year h' geld bis spill•'. at the rate S•• Miss Bowie from t I Thursday. afarch 1::. 74:. p.m.- hod long distance, Is .found so etre•- 141484)4' him to open up the factory Int of illi peer fuurn•1, while e(.mts per Isar- Hiss Mnrdoek tram fire eticoir. All ltessrk 1 F t I U f r lh • purpose• of all classes o[ mei it' to the rr) < f 11 Barrel t10t•- 'Mist;ttly deplor,d tbe departure of >Itr• Lundy. n atp►in • (loc- ale oT sa for a on apples an.l i.lum*: he round Iti(udlnk heft tiff• The which o SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR NO. 11 LEGALIZE NEW NET WITH LARGER MESH Lake Erie Fishermen Mf*dMl-Plated . on Equalit) with U. K. Fishers. ' TORONTO. Feb. 29. -At a confer - 'nee herr between repr'w•ntatives of Ontario and I'nlhal States fhMermea and the I'rorineia1 Minister of Mines mid Fisheries the old, grievance as to the sine of the mesh in fish nets was settled. The new standard adnpt.d will not come into effect until %he Cole - 1.411410n of the fishing season of 1924- 194:4', 1e11t in the meantime the Gov - eminent \m m I` will r. •. slaw a cif IP f \ ratmrn og measuring which w111 put Canadian fishermen 494 an equal hasps with the .tm.•rica18 in iuie'rnalineal waters. The mesh's of the nets: now are to be measured when the net 1.. wet and stretehet. This, 1- the system In the I'nitel States. In the aesson 19". -e -`Jell the mesh of the nets is To he three and one sixteenth Inches. The etnt'rsnee more pa rtfeu 1arly affeets Lake F.rle fishermen, and repryeemtative•s were pre..e•nt from the States nt N..w York. Pennayl- satris--and (tido. The present law allows the use of a throe-in.•h mesh, int rite Canadian fishermen com- lalued •hat _tbe conditions under which the nets are measured here foreed them to use a larger mesh than the reghdationa • governing the P United States tdsh'rmeA• It was d eieled Ihet for this year t'he sant' eye - tem of mea:ur'm'ntw sal prevell. In the States wout41 ripply Iu Ontario, and next year the mesh will be S 1-16 inches. The nere'm'nt for the 3 1-16 inch 1e•ah nrrired 4'+t today' provides: 'Til.• new 3 1.111 inch rule entail be M. 1'41 and determined pa' repre enta- f of the r-'.p.''tive State; of New York. Pennsylvania. (Ohio and M1cD1- gan, the Federal e:nvernment at Otta- wa `end the Province of Ontario. Fishl;rtnen may aegnlre nets of three- inch stretched measnre up to the Brat day of July. 1924. atter wbicb twine pnrchaned Isbell c'ontorm to the new measurement of 3 1-16 inches stretched measure. All 3 1-16 tacit rules h Mfte4 shall he stomped and anthenttc ted by the Government of the State" From tIM Lake Erie district those c: A. S. itrown. preatdent Fishermen's A*,,oe•iaHoa; Port . Dorer' Dr, laeR- ley ; W.F. 1611, Port Van Order, Part Port Maitland; re rieh rm*a's tea r mle$Ion'rs tutu' (,enrol *s ted uud'rtn4.' the canalug :illm.• ,Ile -t subs. 1118,4 took place with lutosh was dealt with: til extract t mei• In Owen hound In Jun,': Mesa IN Ines) pr r v'ry few' days. Ile claimed that Ma ing. Mr. 1.aithwalte painted out that Kation, :Mrs.,Ad son Alar. Dr. Fletcher, Ferguson an Itnmi tot.. and elders from Blyth, Me Klllop, ('limon and 1i1111'tt. Dr. Chirpier McKhmou was nominated for the uwde•ratorskip of Asw•mbl1'. - The• t•otna-Me are the etnnding cren- mitre•-dor the year 4:✓2t. the nlnlst:•rs mentioned having in '11 11 resew• their elders a.,soriated with them alai the first mentioned in '14'11 committee to \be' convener: S. ft. and Y. P. S. Meeusaa. A* -Telford and McNee - h' Rell Ctrde, mid. co pit nn. 4'omely " $!.ring Cleaning" ' .y r" '.' n e what might to ter opposition erre s ones: mem ith h e hleynsdsi amnia- 1 tte eremite' nuu.iof that op tionato In' lNnminion Canners. l.td., and told the picking• fake: pecking, :4'0(•: cartage, and Mrs. Mcintoah but made no op - mems with 9111• vele}'n•. In ',rawest- • crraws out of all proportion to the ,~,ting that lie had associated with 1(k•; freight. $1.00, and spray- position to their removal and blessed (Pel by the WC; I' piny--,. growth In papilatloa. him 1n the proposition a broker, who ing and thinning. 3:14•. leaving alsrot them in going lir. McIntosh a( was w4'11 fixed financially. Mr. ('hear al S3 1ser burnt for the (troll its,•lf. '('pte''1 t' roll and the Pr.'.•bytery declared that th,•rt• was no tache- 11 r. lnithwait'. AN, ha, purchased a granted the translation, to 14'come IS WI lying out-of-doors for the• growing I Vast spraying machine for nae in his effective after the 23rd if March. 1014. orchards, foresaw .Iiffk•ttltlea, however, air. Hogg was appointed interim mock• It im expected that Mr. Cheer. „,:tio I erector and was given power to moil- SMALL o( - SMALL ACCOUNTS WILLINGLY HANDLED TT is the aim of the Bank • f !%ntesol 11r ss ► b lt& thing, as wed as terga -4O be generally Wesel too Its cos - omen regardlleas of the alas sod otafstat of dash dealings with Bis Bank. Mir ,s the Bonk oflldootgesl has cawpsalased with is camase % assn• in various wow in aostmas et �a and br.h.. & Ile" X11` arty other &miltg servkir. hove merely to write or at tiodericll itrarw'h: E. 1. LF '.SI,lt:, Manager • BOK OFMONTREAL - Established 1817 of tomato.w than in Huron county left for Toronto early in the week, will .•turn within a few days' time with more 1 In co-ofa•ntiee markrt_In of apelg.. cram in a call when the congregation wetre our member � ass(s•i$- the :40th of 'Starch. T rgTn it to his) an me ser mem- will de•Iar.> the pulpit vacant. t ' detailed information as to the bees tall In 4111 sae x11 yet . The rel14o' of the general interests price per bushel he is prepared to pay I sant" pries• for their fruit. ,..The n•' was read by Mr. 18,•Ir In the In Ib.• formal acreage contracts and - - - - - -- abs•n(v of Mr. lfeTlermid and the a1 - tornas to the seed and varle•ty of location* of the budget were accepted tomato plaints to be grown. Mr. John jNNOVATION ON THE and adopted. Graham. of Colborne, and. Mr. Geo. C. N. RAILWAYS .1.1i,' milord ..f the enmmlttoe on s(s fatithwaite, of Goderich township, have _____ dal The wn,4 carried as follows: offered to accompany Mr. Cheer on letnrh ('(wont-- :(sire lirlween Tor- Resolution on liquor Legislation his cans -ape of the farmers toward ,Mho and 11'itmi(trg Whereas the -went progressive Mg the ',Naming of his requirement of ^_tet) 'Alin with the vires of tomatoes the to v v1 the Canadian National -Railways are liquor truffle la practically effecting spray t- la prepared after t d s?cur' the when he be grown in tette For the con\el,o•o.e of Its patrons, 'elation in Cana.hi dealing Insurance Payments Systematic saving is an easy way to meet life and fire insurance premiums. taxes. and other fixed expenses. Deposit in a Union Bank Savings Account each month one twelfth of your annual premium and and you will have the full premium in the bank when it comes due. plus interest. SS SON BANK OF CANADA • Goderich Branch. F. Woolbombe, Manages deity fir the town. ' - On motion of Messrs. Albert Oke RIM now np•rattng colonlat care caul a revolution, Inasmuch as 1t is eradi- Rklv,rd (►k. 1t 'was carried unanim- with lunch counters on "Thu' NaitTol - oualy "that • hearty vote of thanks al" between Toronto and Winnipeg, be tendered Mr. ('hoer for his 'Menet: leaving Toronto 10.43 p.62. daily. gr- and effort In eat,ablishitre a canning riving Winnipeg 4.10 p.m. the third daland from Winnipeg to Toronto leaving Winnipeg 12.30 p.m daily. sr - HOUSES - HOUSES riving Toronto 7.20 a.m. the third dal. Hot tea. coffee and bovrll. sandwlehes, All kinds for sale. If you intend bol- phew Jammilk, bread and butter, bak- ing a hem' it will pal you fo reed beans. Ptc., witty be pun•1Nw'd at the holier.. I have for sale. 1 have the lunch counter at any time during them at all prices, from $700.00 up. the day. Some rent g(o.xl hargnlns on easy terms. Thi.. service is of course In addition Drop in Rud see me. to the regular dlninge-ar, service opera - l'..1. RYAN, tell on the shove mentioned treble. 1te•al I:stRte A Insurance Phone 50. ',unasked Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $:1 per single cord, delivered. THE GODF.RICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Angle'lea St. Phone aL.l-- Real Estate and Insurance Houses and Lots in Goderich and Fames for 3.1e Many cheap properties offering Some at gi.tighter prices for quick s•le. I 1-2 story ons', with all the furniture int house, including good Hsp¢f Th( gilt Range, net up. One acro land, with a number assorted fruit urea: Rick street. Price, 03141, $000.00. Cottage and lot, 1out1 street, $900.00. Good sued 11-2 ..tory timer, stable, 4 lots and orchard, on Huron Road. Price $1,000.(]0. 1 1-2 story home,practically new, electric lighte, toilet and bath, hot and cold water service: well located, west side of town. Terms, small amount cash will he accepted down, balance monthly payments same as rent. Large number of other properties for sale, including many of the beat houses in town. Ask about them. 1 W. ARMSTRONG Above P•nron'a Fair P. O. Box ftp Ooderich, Ont Conference " Ferguson. Ma, fnrlane and Statistics M.•*eirs Tfamllton. nogg and Grant. General Interests Me•.,.*rs. McTl,•rm1d. McDonald. Foote and Ch4dlep. present w Foreign Missions ales.r.. Lundy. McDonald and Ferguson. Home Hieeione )H asrs. alacfarlant•:. Ahery and Hogg. Students Itra. Fletcher, Larkin and Foote. Emergency Messrs. Foote. ("Willey and Telford. A. & i.)1. and W. d Q. Fund Steens. ifogg. Dr. Fletcher and Ahery. ('n -operation Mossrs. Telford, McDermld\ and Grant. Auditors_ Ma(darlan,• and Weir. Lake Erie" Mon. Port Stanley: Burwell; C. Frank Reid. Aaaocda nun. Ctat ion? Mr. -•A fine of ?plat est; yellhare! Why, ttttrttant brother o TOO* called m' o foo1 right to ay - la the niece to -day. etre.-Just like him, Always ,Ing away family tweretn.-'dew Tett. Bun and Globe. \ A LITTLE GIRL TAKEN Many friends here will be sorry to learn of the bereavement which has come to the hum' of lir. Garnet Sal - lows, of Dunmore. Alberti'. formerly of Colborne township, in the death or his little three -year -ole denghtcr, Marion Jean. The foll.ewlrtg retentive is from The NI/4111'1M' ll,t News: The home of Gtr. and Mr.. Garnet 0, $allows, of Dunmore, was madly bereaved on Sunday, February 17, when their .youngest daughter. Marlon Jean, aged three yeap1. one month. and seventeen -lays. died of diphtheria, at the 4stntiou hospital, Medielne Ilat. Little Marion was tekr'n dick on Wed- nesday morning and on Friday was tttiigL46 the hospital. where .despite the -Est of medical attention anti iov ins•eare she peened away on Sunday afternoon: Of a bright and happy dis- position. she was a aprlal favorite with an who knew her and will be sadly missed by all. Although co young, one (if her chief pleasures was In attending Sunday school and Joining in the singing of the hymns. iter little white coffin, Cf'CTwl with beautiful flowers, was taken from the hospital oh Monday morning and ly'r body was laid ito rest In Hillside cemetery. The Rev. J. W. Marrow .•'.ducted the fun- eral service at the grave. Floral trib- utes were received from father, mother, misters and brother, Aunt Mettle and l'nrtr Bob. Dunmore Sun- day school. Mr. and lira. Wesley Earl, Mt. and It's. Floyd Walker, Mr. and Mn. ,Graeme Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W1111ihe eelrney, Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander. Yr. L. Stockwell and sister. • Sea1tlak Laborers Conning Farmers Is dlstrlet who require help are invited send their tames to this oftlee at once. as a number of young Scotttdt taros laborers are ex- pected to arrive here at an early data for distribution In the commending townships. Where Is Warren Street, Anyway ? The other day we installed a telephone in the house of a resident on Warren Street. Does anyone ask where Warren Street is i It is that short thoroughfare in the far western part of the town running b4tween Thomas Street and Britannia Road. Well, what about it, you ask; what is so wonderful about that ? Nothing wonderful, perhaps, but we call attention to the way the town is growing- always reaching out farther and farther as newcom- ers settle within our borders, and new citizens grow up and begin keeping house. Take Goderic'1t's teiephone development as Rai index 1 Five years ago, on January 1st, 1919, we had in service at Goderich Exchange 335 telephones. Since then new cables have been laid, new poles erected, new wires strung, new switchboard and central office equipment installed, until today we have 442 instruments in service here. And each of our 8 operators is glad to give you prompt connection with any one of these 442 users of our service, perhaps a little more promptly, due to constantly improving operating methods, than was possible even five short years ago. And so the value to you of telephone service is growing clay by day as the number of people you may talk to grows. And each of our 8 employees in Goderich is anxious to help you in getting the most out of your telephone service. MISS A. McDONAI-D, Local Rprw.etativ.. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA