HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-6, Page 2Frr... , ...zest __ - _ I .r t-'ILursday. March Q 1tYl4 THE SIGNAL, • • •y a, r^; GODERICH, ONT. ' 410) k:STA141-lSIIEIJ 11341 GODERICH :: CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- ' paper Atra•rialles Published every Thursday morning. tdubacriptiuu price $2.00 per year. '11s United State, and Foreign Countries, $280 per year, strictly In advance. THE SIGNAL PKL\TING CO,. LTD. Telephone 33 .: Goderieb, Ont. W. H Robertson. Editor_andManager Until You Try te v LAD GREEN TEA )Pots have not tasted the best. Fresh, fragrant and pure. Try it. 14 ` 'Tburaday, March Gel 21 AN EVI NT?UL UNION The Federal Parliament opened on Tbur.dsy lain for a •.•.,4lou which promises to be eventful. The "speech from the Throne" Itdicaues that the Oorerume'tt has put w1 Its fighting clothes and. tft.•r n period 'during which it was quietly coneolid1ttiug Its position. hdeuds to 14rlset•d rigoruuay with its program of reform. First atld foremost. to the first time alt0•e 191:1 revenue will balance -expenditure and there will 110 nee ad - lion to the nutlona 1 .4,114. Furl Ler measures of economy are pttomlttis with a mtn•11-d.rin41 r.luetion of ti a{Tui ti cw, 1 row as -lies::ora ' that "$ u c 11 reduction of taxation as it may be twesslble , ef- fvet- should aim primarily at re ming the vieed a the nw rumen • duction in the Industrie' i. on the -__ ural t��... ritstttr4rs of 1ii_1_k• r nit))) :' -1t is takenl1hat it is the 114, -emotes inteutton to redoes- the dot •4 1411 agri: cultural implements, altholgh it may le that the 1 .ureril10(111 will lube 11 wider r1'411 .'. e•.mml.e4on 1R To 1 Light's on the Legislature ,1 oleo to chaos.• it4 rates. Under multi-. Opal ownership (of the Hydro brand 1 the munit•ipality dtx's not warm to pare mu• to say, about its own at•,� faint. •••. The 'rovluce 114 awaiting an auth- .rltit v deliverance on the status of the mint -int finato4s. - When At= torn y'licuer:al Nkckle and the Progres- ,lr leader. Mr. Doherty, are twelve w lion dollars apart I1) their valeula- t .4114. the ordinary citizen has reason or believing that some 4o4•lderalde Joggling of rigor,- is going on. • • • Plated states fluor millers admit the ten-year period. 11113 141 19x1.- aetly twenty-two ter lent. Alec- now en- gaged in farming. - • BRUSSELS - Cecil Hall. of Bruase•I*. litho 111 at - t. -tiding Stratford Normal School. was at Toronto. on a ha -key t,4aw that met. the Quenu 'city Norulnlites. The Classic elty was second lies( when time was called, int a splendid time was -enjoyed. Miss Marjory 110,414, who is a stn• dent at Toronto l'nlrnr.itc. won a life- saving medal i1) physieml cottnr4' anis now bolds le Ieertnanent instructor's certlfiote She Is a lire member of ,'.\'ritten for The.Rigual t Turunto, Marr11 3r41. As WAS .x414414(, the alidrt•w. of 11ot. Mr. Nkkle on the budget watt the outatatxllug event of th1.. week. Though a masterly sprach lull 4 livered moat ;flin•Ih1y, it did not '.lead to any clearer' understanding of the financial po.ltloa of the Province. nor foreshadow any lowering of cxlr'u,4l- ture. The whole effort '.41414 to ills - .credit the late Government and to clear the way for a .(miler rugag.mcnt be any tuore favorable. After listen- ing to the ..pte:het of the past threeweeks. 4W mightt well wondt r it any benefit to the Province comes from the diseto144o41* (4n the ad11res.t from tie Throne and on tit• budget. .\11 m inu.•r of subjects are intcrj.•tel Into throw debates and the whole •d.Jeet is to as- sail or uphold tire- ret•ord of the "inn" and the "(4nta;' end hl4ideut:'ay to show the debating qualities of Use members. which sometimes I. 1u4 4,f.11 '.cry high grade. The vote on these ,neet14414. Is always a fore'gous• con- clusion and so much time 1e. taken up with them that more imps•rt:.nr ptner lions sir not receive the attention 11ia1 they should. No Curtailment of "Fr.penditure 1 k 1 II T \\'ith the• e"rpl1 1. of tau• 'expendi- ture 4414 new I•ruvineia1 hlghwa)14 be enrtaltment 1)t expenditure Mr.: ttt4•n disclosed. though 10:111} other a 4141 have lss'n opened. The eat 'Mate. nut !welt hronght down. (+111 when they are the. will llkelr show Iwo -cased lesponditure. and if we- will be opposed for not showing enough. as unfortiei a rely each member looks uplut exp endi- IiiPe..1rstb•ni iii i 1 *iniac;-assuiui4'11 •-1)41,4411 1.1 hi. legislative ability-. The ,ridsism 0f the late (iuvernmenes ex- i 4x nilitnn• was nor ns startling a+ el, pect.41. with the exception of tit: wale of trem*nrr notes by. the !VP/. -ur••r. -rµ1444411 s1.paareutly w..r.. maid_•tt-a_-1)r•):_ 1.11.1 bargain The plea of one of the. L1h•ta1 melte_ ir'rs fur a more nnder:n:rti lal'le had e.•t '1)s 10210 at» only eon -1l met Pre_ Drr4' • . i'riticlsnt gin's.. ,rod Cll. ,l. .`old be e now effected It would ,.11t the• se- on in half. The •1.bate will p.r•.11ably c'o..• 1early this week and Mr. !limey ie e.- . o ,'lose fon the I'. F le, 3t r. that Canadian flour is crowding thew •Ar*Ity ass eta nw m. mtT- of •-roarkrt..--Th.• task of; find= -L- 1 Ins, .1. T.. 1'ntlnn, fnrnierly of ,-,' I •. Pear,, w•a 4 ere, ted a school trustee ht lug an our!, t for their product will Sm rht'4, Fall. 111 the r.44•nt 1•le•r40ns. 1«• r,u.L•rel-.till wore difficult by the proposed higher ditty on Canadian pro- wheat entering the Culled States. proposals than 1111s. 'r1Waulattd tai inquire Into 1natters tn'rs,nurvtiom with the lion$, (tank crash. In e,.tnneetiuu with the-r•distrlbuti,tt of repro...ma ,ten, provision %(-111 1s• Made for the use of the tranafl•rable VIIW114 Kirkit�mrmis't eon.rllurncMi'? (other I.gisla1ioti 4.roylised will deal with the .1,tlstra,tii.0 of branch rait- way Ilu.•s, hielu14trlal disputes, roc. - track gambling, (l,rcruwent annuities. freight rates on grain.' and other nlat- offering n 'bounty or 1)e nu gee .s'.r•,.44m ,eel hA'.e an 44'.1 rwhe m• frig urn313iy -fn tTx' ICmty, stet wlav,� emote .T *. ern edertl� �n 1te> hoar} TinetitQ.ud ow the proposed ref• • of iron ern era rnmiitimr The hard Cauadia11 wheat is . repulr- (•d fur m:,kln�flotr of shy th'a-grade' and the United States' millers worn I have It. 4' • •-'• 1 orf tw,'144' tli.nwual harvesters what twine ti, 4'0 nada. from Great itriu4in I lest -}"sir.' e1i' -1•s. - thofsand remained to ('atadn. 401 the Hiller flnm.and.-1 seven hntir.-,I ever.• _found 10 1.x un- fit fur farwt work This information Tint home of the late Mrs. John iloward. Ts.______ rr greet. lirn.wl'ts wntr prru•hw.r4F-Tyre/Mtr- by - Alas. \nderson. who has been the I: sant for .omit' time - Robert 1iabnuto•---,af:--=-l:.ea -_San= on 1're.11ne.• Emporinm. jfrussele. has deei,led to d4scard 11...111.11411111. let• nq1- age for .rammer are' and will 41441 In a mocfern eo'd storage p111114 that will able hien to keep the rt;FF stork arnt txalltryt In up -to -.late ennilltiun right nu lira own p .reml.'.. n roti} sale+ itr{ tnalTr: 4twtetof of shipping to T•r.1etb or else- where for .tnrnee perp. s T1ti4 wilt m.•lin 44 4144iug 44{ expel.. 11) freight gTri'u 4' dilly 11 a• 'r A .employment of additional heir llptise of tinumou' and slwuld defhrleere.f.ir the merchandlee by - hely- rnrreer-nfn•-110111 t s..lon that , hr methMr . (lild ('-1•ntr-w.•u douudwrundltiotlr ;1.- . - - - t Cuuada not to ttmtr Liking, W INGH.2y -J $I11P(.1441 Sinclair for the Liberal- ou.l the • • • �_, _. umicr for the Gnrrrnm'u4. 11•.1. Arthur Heud.rsoi. Meme 1444'- .\t the F.4.rnnry meeting of the Mor- Mr. Speaker's Knishes retard• in the MacDonald (:ov,rnme14t. i rix (rnnr-11. y- .ronn.ttl was made to \e deH.ion ha. Ia4•h given by the tens. - . - -_ __ _ _ ___ wa e,ele4•t(41 to 1 arliament_for Bttrn-i hire the noire, extended ' neer the SI., ver as to Mr- 1Aoherty's re•gltl•a limit of the program that 1s tins 1 In u bye-r•h4tion` held East T'rnlrlr ronfi.tI(=r south of OD' town for .• 'position of .ttk•itll opposition, �Y e o d ee Wln n I rA a f hm nn r t 1 ht 8 ghe wile • w• •h1 t 1s. a Is exe a Ix I t is fe.l•e4'al,4tell is inlinewith the d4'sin's of woe►, de•ft:4tiug the ('ouA•r. un- �• n ih�• coed. whl.•h Is one of the• .h 0 g the Progressive members, and the Gov. candidate by i1 4:.rg. m lyse- .,,,..t .1,ngerena ire•s of rood In the f(e, bus, . the rxrlVe• IwintR a.ompan- p i.•d her hl s risible hl even his ,'one ernmeut no doubt retire noon l'reer.•s- ity. Heuder.on, who has for }•ear. . "linty of Tinton on ac00nnt of It. plexlon. 4 d0eisiens s.. Ilir ha v.• SILK CREPES WOMEN'S NEW SPRING COATS �ilack t':wn,❑ crepe. pun• Sllk. Frrueh uutkei' la materials chosen for the 110' ,wart styles Rxtra quality, 114 4141( 4U .inches 11144.• "Itlg4iluw valor.. Flared rltvtra. Patch pockl•tw, Regular $4 no. .\t 'sr aril (i��/•JJ37.22J5 et. -.,'•t'• Itellghaful style*:1)t each $I$.N, $12.N, $13.0p and 118.00 Fmn•11 4'r.yr• 14. 4'h41)e.. JI' .4%y 1411( I.f e4ga14itt44 f 1 Ijualit4 111414.1‘,411y., 14ruwu+. Maui PM (141.1 Greys. At ►e t' '2'3° a'Y" $2.85 FINE BROWN HOLLAND Itlaek Freueh `silk Pailctb', 1x••1 qu11113.64i 4 wide•. 5111uple 1011110:1 to 'buy u11dre•1w 1f 11::::,11",;':. . 3'1 •Metre wide. Ital hares w,lrr•,tntwl ,111 faro to call. Regular vain.: :42 50, At per yWr.I C l.inrn fur l'urWlu.l Bblttlt Dn•Wrs, N'ulaa. TS1•ud =1.75 101 wimple. Itlgular otic. At 4wr ylln4 . •J9c Nlltunl► P4411gM• Silk. :41x1 :4I inches wide. _•JJG Spxrbll 4s•r oet•et 1131 and $125 ' \',•1W Vella and-Sewhig-thue Silk 4'1.•1444.44 \4t e� 1..t' I lard E�.2S :ti1,;$3,50 e $3 5 WASH GINGHAMS 32 inches wide i1) .•h•-•ks :1n.1 plaid. Fiery uetr color eff...1 told .1}'10..\t par Yard 3Ye •35 and . "Pie new Milk Workings are all i1) an.l lain.•,, an• • better than ever before. It!mwk. Steel., 1•1utiuuul. Biber. Fawn and \\'I1i1. $1.311. $1.73, $2,W, $2 50 New l'at4,rus and improved qu111113'. Floral Wood ' •fLr new pyramid (4r pointed splie.,t :„.,.!• ,,.,.I Win and Tile patterns. • 1'.•r rnn1.iuk y.lrI. lttu.k and \1'111,. "MARVEL" SILK HOSIERY FLOOR OILCLOTH lryard wide ,. .55c Iii yards wide ... . _ . , .. .82c ' Y41Va•a•I JI .2 yards wide $1.10 :: or I yard* w•Lk•. Neat eilitera. tile -lir floral 11) br, y gnalily. \'•err .I..' sal. 141 sonar, 2't yards wide' $1.38 .95c W. Acheson &\Son • regarding the oldier awauh ease her,. Premier that tltie was u,n•ulinl, .•, J;. ' Interest and the amanita at King.ton have. been ,lir eumndtp4• will 1Ik,-lr 444.1 as Iuu41 ' .•\ „t ie • . 1. • ' nl 1.1 1 take silt' iliw•teated in the House wit different is-- as '.Ler Fa.ate. t , i. r. s tiro t oto a l ••4.14 rgsi0111. but bare met with general ap- '.tin• h .. 'wood. excepting that of (411. 4',rri.• 14 4 Is nun.. 'Mn4 Apr: M ('antland. 'Chtar-twn-z.'n• bail N Great? .tlemen. by the w'ay, are mostly in the .41.JliAht • i'I*.si41g 11w l;orr•nlml•72t.'. though without inflicting nine!' Injury. -The aetlon on the assault ease.4 4u -bar- racks herr was no doubt taken by t,..• -V ter1e4-(leu.•rn1 to forestall eritickni that he '.coni4 by unfair in urging in- vestigation In the lhtlpltt snide, and hushing up the toddler..-4u1s.•orel4, t 3Ir. Niekle, Ilk(• lir• late ,\ttotney 1;4 neral. Toa+ the har,4e.:t position to fill. and '.wing also chairman of the private Mils eommitt.e he 1s pr+hnhh' : he busiest. The Old. Old Gaspe ' • third I No bills have yet rem -hell., a. reading. thought several. be and Government. have Is4s.1' strived --her natal: 1, tat - •statl:ticialr. iei dint ,.( iter.t lata . soak.•, al) lost tdgh 'auel wuud' 14.4 Lace (list•uretid that p•p444'r .,. w hat ...It putt In .Gott last at.k4' tout el.e.tta't.72(411 that. it was int 194 At fe:i'k' ' ' ' t,rsr 14fe'.. -�/tt 1--' - ndyne , . . 'w • Fapress.. - ` For turd printing come to- .Iltgeal. h private 'I the we »•Ing c r r• .104• e Int entre the 441 y„„. , rS' ,.. it', PURUTY r FLOUR 1 11 Irk• nice support i1) carrying through the been ort. of th.• leading figures ht the earrnw•n.•s. and 111.• fi.-1 tint one '1114 not '.get wl general approval: even owl trading. none of them I •-s •.+ • f the al has 1144 vont foes.. Ree• p1•nj•4•te.l r•a1nm� l.ilw•ryls ural I's.,- Luber prarll',.tuilel 111 get u seat t1) -tau•{• 1 41 r 1Tay+Telegram -vales that he is near- � Important. unless px•rhalls the t��, i combined •I general a 'eel uhtomnhlle'. hive gene °ref till'II 1 fin f tl L .n. •, ills tw44 .in. are } u sac' oro Itt•ral and I'r.lgrt ssia• 4oliey cru loci cemlx r. nod they 'ittrodu. 041" their A. IL \\'1'ford. a farmer rnr 141ent readily harmonized it would he a great father in the !louse on Moudny. waste of opportunity not to,makeus' • • • with the T'nlrr41 Farmer. of Ontario ('aerie and 14,(':11x1 o['thr Cott -n pronilst in the .ptr4.Rt from the Throne �9 C I `_ steep if! }dnr•t•s, - erects. Um nn the r. T. A. Iwo 4welt .T" 1 F',4lrra1 a;ov.•P11014 nt--414:1P4kwia--=it-X" . .t,urtt4) and a tune' has I.tu .Irongly 1 01.1411res relating to agrici,lttlre.have of \'. Ingham, ha_ 4:4,041 :1 position Itrged on the Goieru .cut hy- 31e4ars. ' teen introduced. thungh there I. a A I of that Jorge majority to fnanenrate and Witt or_nntxr 'got non!. th,nnlgJl•. s,•rilui'.ew and Ilageen of the Llher to a o dot a emend...Ion to inve.tl• The recent railway blockade is re-' 1!14 w1' 4into: ;.,, mak' h: R'Llgiam hid' Is, the latter geutlemgoing s.o pile economic conditions. Welt will reform. that are urgently 1114.11.1. i 4*111111 memories off the fan more ser- homy. r as to •ay- 111/11 A•wm r -five per I make a reportmett year of what every- ee of his constituentit - vor the one knows no* and the report will Progressive members Imre a duty, no Ie'. than Liberal members to Plow a spirit of compromise that will allow the two parties to work together for t4emmo11 good. 11U4 1,114• of h4.•Ilty years Ingo. when mato* towns i41 this part .if the Prov- ince rovlace wefe without train. ..r wails for the' a neek ..r flour ton 1.1111, Kiueardhle hail no railway sa•r'�ete•foe nineteen _slays 411111 ,for ta',, darn n4.. wituuut small. The late Rev. Dr. Irrigg-. who J&III gone to Kiucurdwe to preach on Sun- day. was bhs•k0d in there by the storm -prubably the worst puulvhntent met- ed out to an iuu.xeut 10,411 I1 modern times. • • • EDITORIAL NOTES 3lareh rani, ht like a lamb. • • • 1'I11.1't' are .4,1141•t•$px4'illly Interest- ing 11.14ertiwellie011 Ili th14 • 1ssue of Tie- Signal. head .t3a•m. • • • If the le•gLllaftue bus to listen to Every tuanitlaeturer•. -11)-tll•_auutntr}a 114 tura ruuetllutic by 11v.jmddr•m of wuuy spr4.•Iu.a by 4144 Jr*. 4'urrh4'. the reducing Tiriyruduillen eviiiix:'Tf Tie mentla'r' will flare 14(4014' illMti'irwti'n (•au sur(. it dollar it Is Just-a.l gond a! M Crawford's rink won the \T.•lklej._hn trnnbr at the resent Har- i 11aou tersu14.1. defeating 31artIni, . Fergn.. In the final' ley one 111104. •A *won't Winghnm rink skipped, by - Donald line- wax eliminated kr the first r. to d of the-trnp1r mtrtt tins. neem,. Thi Ringhnm Citizens' hand ha. been reor1nn1z•41 through the combined effort of the town eonie•ll and Lion.'Club. The newlr-,1e•t,d oflb. rs art- A4 follow.: Pre-hleut. 3fnrnr w . IT. WJlll. t rle'e-pm.i.lrnt. N. T.. Fry : sew• ` Warr. r, R. Wilkins.n : treasurer. Rowe W. J. 3f (:ibts n : ^xe.(yvttre } e omm4ff 1sT" TT, r. \fn.- e•nt. P. -John I - 4on..1_-Hing.tnn.. T. (i. 1 $141•, n: urop- erh- ,'.'mmltte.•. F'. .Tohnw s.,,.1. 414 ng• ten .11141 4'. 11. Wilkinson free side of liquor by the men'.. \ Those in favor of the AM have-not been *t. olltsp0keu. of the Farmers, however. asked the Got•eru .eat glee the enforceme ' ""'m " of TM Act a\T'Ir trial L:Ti,l5 takh the rote. An address by th1•"1lon. Mr. Drury At the euhvention of the Royal Tempters prol4ahly di.e104'14 the atti- tude to Le tnkeu by those favorable to temperate... He did not nl/J*•t to the sore being taken on whether the pres- ent Aet styould be (sentinel or not. Int he did object to the Introduction of a plrldsite On (government sale. - Ile. also foreibly and with arpro.1,1 of the'ateli.rnee vt.te.1 strong di.app.raT-- al of the Government 1.111 leaving the formballot and • time of { of the la t a 1 tM � • lug with the Cabinet. 41f eonrtee. IC i4 Mer soon `to condemn the Govern - inert. 1414 It may be guided ht'- the opts. - Ions of the members when the -bill 1. tip for discnaslon. Cbureb t'alao Biu Before the H9use The church union bill has te'4 ' in- troduced and will soon be reached. tin- iest. the action entered in the law court* Interferes with it. 11te hill may be clear to lawyers. 'but to the orippitree laying* Isle 1Tatinee denlltig with the property of Individual rhun•h.* w4•m.1 very indefinite. In the pity both *Idre& are actively ad- '.-aneing their cause and have mem- orialized the different member. by pa The actions' of the Attorney -General :Quern I • sent (Me p1) nskfug for on ila'reaael indemnity, the dollar he may caro. That nc•1 • • • There I. a $neat [re before the Legis- lature to 1nerense the qualifications (fur un•mb. rs 441' mon'. ;oat emmeils. Are only '.c.•II-141.410 4114'11 to I4• alllw-e•l to enjoy the salary of a 'ouneillor? • • • 1f•tber.• is ,unytlli(14 i1) the old fra. dlttot that good'creprr1htllow u w•Inter of much Lurnr_ut._,iT. adepts nave. 1a1d a heavy haul o1)• in-\SiiPIF:1,nave.dustry ie (41st1trio e41m4s'nsntion for a. -in- this Pr.olo e- is dollars each yew,. must caleulale 041 i.+ realized when ,idents 111 industry e4aatitg sift million 114e IIlaillltaetiare•r this .•.st with Lis other proil4'lns of ma72ufa,'t,1re, Mid a mint -don 1n thew 14,14,41*. mean. Plat that muc11 snivel to the ....natty. i'•1 -B1, $cows 44T to the Workmen's ('onlpensation lh)ard here averaged over five U /Uwuld 41,'11 mouth fur the Inst several Mout Its. 19,14 means roughly two hundred n.1141,'ut$ every working .lay. Ito oh ing a heavy lass to both employer and 4'tnployee. An extension of the safety idea *414.14114 a 1.44414.111 and legitimate means of c•ut- Ontario xhonld by full to overflowing next fall. • • • .4 Japanese statesman who (% he- ]lees 10 Ix' 414.811 has ,'om.- lack to Ilf,•. Perhaps he -just wanted to find out what the lrpp..eltl•,tt papt,r- ((,111(1 May of him. 1 If reports are true, the ItolJlrt-lk r...lerii e•nt of Itn*sla is following the 1.•.rrihle example or the czarist regime 441 sending 4s,liti'al opponents to rot. In Siberia. Perhn1.4,the United State* is w'i.4• i1) refu'lug to t'e•ogntze such a gill{ ernment. . ' r • • The papers tell ie. Uolt CLlua 1* Im• . 1$4rt IIg large qunntitie. of cows' .Olin - bene. to mike mail jong AVIA. Here'* au idea : 4%'i"•n your favorite crow dies you earl 1A'rtsduat.+ her noemory by 9183 ilia ninh Jong with a w9 carved from her shinhnne•. • • • Lion. 1'. J, A. Conlin. recently ad- mitted to the 34,ekvnzl.• Kltlg ('abinet. 1A* r.-.1441ed a. member for Richelieu county-with/Intl a contest. 3fr. 3f1igle•11'. wooing:nf th4' (fuebee rate PTldently ha. nok progrlaw'd far enough for him to r a (conte*t at the polls., • •• fitretfnrd hn,l A 134.(U) deficit in Ma Hydro oIw'retln- r"nnnt las year aid 1. a c::14inr t' '•'•'s4 ,: f-e.m Tor. President Be}'nulds of the (►utaylo Agricultural College. when asked as to the eorrectue•ss of t stutetnent thatonly two per vent. ofthe stadeuts at- tending the College ever return to the land, Bald It WAS 'very w1Ae of the mark." .Ir: iteyuulde went nn lo soy : "Of 1114'11 hundred ex -students of the (1..\ • 4'„ front iSM in 1917. w IIiOh Is the only periof steal which I have definite Piguri's at hand, fifty-four are farmer,, thirty-Irl'o ate In airfoil - tuna work other than titian! farming, and fourteen are In occupations not r444117e4•t.l with agriculture. Of the thirty-two, of ,ones,• many are man- agers of creAtnerles, teachers, re- search workers and Government of - facials. Of this typical hundred only stzty-fico came from the farm In the first *lace; ss. !hat for every *Iity- five men who came to the college from the farm, the colleen oast fifty-four hark to the 1^1411. if we titre to the grad,ales. poet. who 444444' tAl-iv the 1 ?nil four year ,ones.•, we• -fled that for (•nnn.•il met F,irultry 19th:all tn.-inborn pr. -sent. %limo... of January meetlntrrend and I.1i mmotinir o1' rrnm• efllor. Ferri -l4 end Sillilran adopted. On motion of Farrislt and Stillh-nn the clerk was ln•truoted to write the clerk 0f KInM., requesting n Joint meeting of all parties Interred/AI _ln"thetHender- son drain to *ruing.- settlement. On motion of Campbell aid Jamie:non the 4)'RrNly amount wn. left over nntll next meeting. The Auditors presen- ted their report. whteh was duly re. (rived nn motion of F'arrisl:.unt .1a - .om. The following nremtnt* were or- dered mild on motion of Farrish and .lgmir••.nn : Jas. Lane. gravel :44.110; Manielpal World. app lies. *.4.13: TAX' al Hoard of Health, L'hft0: Dr. 9lmp- 1112e,(ln: rnest Carvin broken buggy. *44.001 fief). Berger horse injured In broken culvert. !12$1111, H. Carpenter. gravelling on road 4. tlln.(yl: treesllrer Huron township. Iratn.IAry *eeount. 842 20: Donald MacLean, salary ' Ate auditor $1.1.00. poo.t.ge .3 . 1114.35: Wm. Mi-Carthy, .alery A. motto -m.1414.00; W. 1'. Bred, balance salary. supplies. end 4.x4.1*e .tamp'. 841.11: Stanley list'• den. shovelling .new. ronrl 4t. $A.00: .Uec. Dubber. repairitot culvert tont gravelling. road rt. 87.(el; Bain lb- Ik.nald. gravelling Take !binge. 14.00: Nell Mellonafd. axle gre**P. .45: Wm. 11AIdw1,t" 'horelling *now. road 2. $11.$0; W G. Geld. repairing road 2 $2.1141: (len. Drennnn, shovelling: snow, road 2. 82.00 Bylaw No. 2. to borrow money to pay Inttreet nn We.t Shore Railway Co. bowl* now 1111P, waa duly passel. Also bylaw No.. 4 and 4. *ppxdntlne rand overwe r and eettmat.l expPndItnre for the rest. ('00154.11 adjourned to meet March id. 114 1 ppm. ( E.•MI•DON,AOTT, (Peri. ObiandaRY •'Too rmir 1111.111.1 er4'r distr... 4010.. "flometImes pelt.',. I'm 1.8}41141 th.' cheek. Motto!) Trues, clot. t reeeire a decent burial anti the com- mitte resolve ample reward. The ap- pointment of this committee UN. op- ietted by Mr. Doherty: and Mr. 3lag- eau wanted it widened to .onsider nu- employfli an was a nretTTry the 1 After Every Meal H's the longest -lasting confection you can buy -and ft's a help to di- gestion and a cleanser for the mouth and teeth Wrigley's means benefit as well as Pi • •• More Bic :1 ,,nd (ictterBrr.1d and Beller Pestry tt1(4 USE IT IN ALL YOUR BAKING • I1.J r .tp,...ho4y'r'rhwe•rhe.- proof r.i, for renege. et pre se. :hole ale,• end general del:very Panel bn4y mounted nn Ten cher,, for rel.,l pp•ek.ge delivery. meet Lander. hardwer...d.r•e.r,e• All gum**, farm beds for ankh'', -•. M/k!1 pr•dec•. hs', a S4lut4, etc. PI.14f.n enrk 44.44•rernn'.ble n Geer.lwn,ekney� , type for , H. Pre.., h.Ies&en, Igmberm.n •n,( leen use. 5L*dnd hoe bed* for •rhoel or 'ewers! p.•w..ger week. 0143C CARS . My lord Predominates Used In Every Field of Transportation Truly amazing is the versa- tility of the Ford. in passenger transporta- tion the Ford car has achieved unparalled popularity. In freight transportation the Ford One -Ton Truck'` has proven yylt==ret laeat ly - successful -so successful that it ha*heen adopted in almost every conceivable line of business. Its adaptability has pro- duced a variety of bodies, type' of which are shown herewith. As a result of this remark- able adaptability, plus consistent economy, two out of every three com- mercial users in Canada h 1•-e chosen the Ford. `r•c Any Authorized Ford Dealer TRUCKS•TRAC I t' \ llf 4 An,l.nn .•eel d,. M,i sn,.1 .J,. r Ile amp gale I0, .fin hum�er. •upp1K-L e..rr.tmn •nd mune pal . for g.rb.•e tet. AAll Iwtertee•prr.• canopy boils newer. end elsgynatia .•. 11.a1 and peer/he/4k produce Penn 44.rf, 4 .r •n.nd.rd eat shares I sghl delivery work foe baker.. sen• lechow.e•• 'MUM and Morse. seb„rt..n 44.(4 i.t passenger work .' n I .n n. andeeu� ev rt/Me ler fordo end ammo. I tett .,peer .lip-oa bods fee r 1.., halt (.bels, ..•1k. TORS •