HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-3-6, Page 141.14.4•
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In view of Latest developments it
,,Ls cwt beyond the range et[ probabili-
ty that .J. Benson Cox. Colborne town-
ship farmer, may be released from tbe
Goderich jail atter serving about one -
Wilt of lila term of two montio for
aa.end fug the late Charles Bulpitt on
Dtseinbeer 22nd hart.
la.t Thursday Palle Itagistrate
.1 Reid wax ogled* by J. P.
of flu• rembaeien brunch of the Federal
loepartnwat of Justice to (forward a
report at the ca•• with the complete
rsidemr of the Police Court sitting.
Till. Magistrate 'telt' did.
It h• understood that the otdrt for
l'os'e relwsr awaits only the algae-
- tun, of the G....-rnor(:••m•raL Lural
11y u_ ..f Vimy.
.t• 'haat. )larch 1.1 marts the re-
opening of navipll n.act„kt y be Gk1erkh harlx.r: ifikadeed
coietik•refthe activities whotty cease,
for they !bait. To become atgttaln-
•d ,With .0114 fact ,all that ineed-
- t.- :o 7l1rT a leg-' down
helos 11111 and even the most casual sight -
1.e•4 eituwe: fait to ie impressed with
the ,sigata of 'renewed activity wbieh
everr•tlere greet the ere.
Thr\local ice -harvest has heel. cum-
pl t.•d.`\approxinaitely 1300 loads hart-
artlag tweet cut and lacked, as follows:
R. ('lark, 500; 1.. Flick. 4ma); itiswet
Brio. 2209•.1. McManus, 100; C. E. .t1 -
boa (:ll; it. McDonald, 40.
C. G. Sie rah I.onaln,. tengineer. ha+
.1t Victoria street MIt•thoxliet
church next Sunday the i.'rvlce4 will
be conducted by the pastor. Morning
subject: "Witnessing for Christ." Ev-
ening subject : "David and Jonathan."
Prayer meeting al 10 o'clock anti the
Beide school at 3. On the evenlug of
atonal 17, Rev. Ii. F. Irwin. of 84.a-
i.wforth, will .give ilia famous lecture,
Ireland and the Irish."
There have been some fifteen ap-
plication. for the poaltlon of organist
and choirmaster of North street
Methodist church. Muer distant points
as Brandon, Man, and l'inelnnat1. (1.,
are represented in the applicatlnth.
I.aet•$nnday Mr. W. 11. Jackson, of
Slmcoe. presided at the organ, and
Mr. H. E. Wright. of Toronto. will b•
In charge next Sunday.
Some 4'J9 weapon attended the cone
munion **rider in Knox church last
Sunday. Eleven joined the church on
profeselon of faith. while (eight had
their certrficatcs of memherwhip tram. -
ferret from other churches. The total
number now on the church roll is 707.
At the Baptist church next Sun-
day the services will be e•nndtfctd by
the pastor, Rev ('. N. Dewey. Ser -
mm. subjects.; 11 a.nt-, "The LL lli_1
of Christ "; 7 p m., "Obedience Krings
Iil'ssing ' law latter will be a
baptismal service•. The Sundry school
Meet. at 10 a.m.. and the service
at Taylor's 1'orners will be conducted
at 3 p.m. ,.
Ti..' lantern iecture. "A Missionary
Tour through Northern Ontario." was
b•autifilly illustrated at the.11. 1. P.
U. meeting in the Baptist church on
-Monday evening and wa'.-
cotspleteM the sounding of the harbor. joyed 1.y a large nnmher of young
and channel out to the breakwater. people. The R Y. 1'. 1'. meets every
was assisted by about six men, the Monday evening.
being completed in abort three Next Sunday will he adnhrrsary
weeae' time. •
Thottlftt there has been little lee
fishing aat Goderich this year, the price
secured ter what was shipped out Nn
an high as 111 cents per pound. which
amouat.d to at.ont 13 cents net.
Grain shipments during the pad
tillro months over the (' N. It. and C.
R. Lines has been truer than usual.
ein now about h(:S.50.000 bushels of
1n in oderlch Elevator & Transit
pany'a elevators. The Elevator
moony In this week .protteeding with
the unloading of four vessels: (:len-
aannox, Berrytoa, Saralee a Home
Smith. '
A. Valencourt. of Welbnd. Is
son deet with Lie marine eieetrie
Ing and boiler repair outfit. Thome*
Sandy. of town. 1.. even better equipped
thou last year in connection with gen-
eral boat repair work_
Considerable boat repair work hae
already been begun by crews on the
I 'nota. Berryton. 'Laketon. lloytbn
and the Jolly- Inez. A. M. Mcinnis is
in charge of exteswive repairs tieing
made to the Turret Crown, whk•b boat
w as recently purchased by the Toronto
Steam.hlp ('o., of which be is a dir-
Acting on behalf of the Norris Grain
Co., Maple Loaf Milling Co. and the
Richardson Grain Co., Captain Ed.
Bobtrenn, aaalated hy Joe Barton AP
foreman of eight teams; and about
thirty men, is engaged in cnttieg out
the ice around • w•smber of the boots
in the harbor to rumble them to move
about to unload their cargoes at the
elevator. The ice M very heavy, being
•s thick as five feet in swine places.
1.not year five weeks' work wan en-
tailed et the harbor to thin connecttoal,
glace, awing to late frosty weather, It
was swearer, to cut die We three
Morro. The grain eompanleo .pent
56.006 on Mettler work at Port Mc -
Nicoll harbor last year and eves thin
were almucce• tfal in moving the boats
as desired. Wm. Sproul and "Jap"
itrindley's home am mentioned in de*
ratchet for hotting taken a dip In the
Icy water. Their pinnies which did not
occur at the same time. stirred up con-
nldirafile interest wbile they lasted.
. to wow
(Following is the report of 8. 8. No. 2.
Goderlch township: 8r. 4 clans--yHar-
gam Grows (ionors), Reginald
Thompson 4bosom). Jr. 4 claw -Jahn
Holmes (hoaora), Robert MKS be,
Kenneth !Solute" Elrej Rodgew. Jr.
3 claw -Robert Groves, Olive Fuller.
fir. 2 ohne-Itediiy Prowse, George
lteeCabe, Harold Chamber., Varian
Ilolmew. 1 class-)rarjorte Prostate
(bonorsl, Jean Whitely, Olive Yornge.
Sr. Pr. doss -John Proust. (honors'l ,
Helen Whitely, Gladys McCabe, Ken-
neth Chambers, Jr. Pr. class -Clifford
Sandy, Alice Chambers.
C. E. RARTW1(K. teacher.
S. 8. NO. 6, Miff' WA*A OS11
The following Is the report for S. R.
No. 8, East Wawannab, for the tests
bold 11.e month of February. Those
taarked • were absent for some or all
the testa: V. -Warren Bamford 70;
TV. -Plaine B a m ford 72.5,
Evelyn McDowell 70.4, Edna Walsh
67.*. Jr. JV -Lenore Million 67, Har-
old darter 66, Madeline Walden 63.6,
Irene Carter 68.3, •K*ry Rodger 62.
!Mtnmerson Rodger tiff Jr. H1. -Ray
' Vincent Alt, Benny Walsh 66, *Marten
-IlieOullough 69, Norman Rodger 62,
11.--iklyttie Mellowed 77, Marjory
Campbell 7(k Thaddeus dower 66.
Orville Tanney 60, *Greets Hunter.
ter. T. -Albert Thnney, lancet Snell.
Jr. 1. -'-Loyd Walden- Pr. -Mary Ann
Gower. Meet in spelling--Itelya Ye -
Dowel sad Blains Bamford.
B. U. SOITIIRBT. teacher.
The News of the Town
Elected Grand Superintendent
.1t the annual .•.,ttl,a•atfou i the
Grand Chapter of 11w Royal Arch Mas-
ons of Canada held at Toronto last
week, Rt. Ex. Comp. II. ('. Dunlop, of
Goderielt, was elected grand aup•rhn-
tendent of Huron district, No. (I.
day at North, street iIPtlrodtarchurtth.
The pulpit will be arupled at the
reviler. services by former pastors:
toy Rev. W. K. Bogor. It, A.. of Wat-
ford, at 11 o'clock. and by Rev. 11. D.
Myer. of Mitchell. at 7 o'da•k. At
the evening scrvive the choir win be
assisted by Mrs. S. Wyatt. of Stratford.
The Sunday school in- the afternoon
will de addreaeed Ry both of the
former pastors. The subject for the
Men's Club, meeting at 10 o'clock. will
be: "In the estimation of society what
place does the diurch occupy?" to he
Introduced by 71r. W. S. Bowden. in-
stead of thea church claa.ea, there wilt
be n rally for prayer and praise in the
church anditortum from 10 to 10.45
o'clock. Mission Band as usual. On
Monday evening and each evening of
the week special Nervier,. will toe held.
conhu,.•ncing at R o'clock. preceded by
a song service s! 7.45 p.m. On Mon-
day evening the mortgage will be of-
ficially handed over, discharged. Rev.
Movers. Moyer and Hagar will give
addr.wses. On the following evenings
addregw'a will 'ten by Rev ;Walter
B. Millon', tjosdnn -('os-
ference. Mr. 1 also will preach
at the morning 'teethe on the follow -
Ing Sunday, iltlarch lath.
For Fruit -Growers and Gardeners
Orchardists of this dlatrict are fuvl•
teal to attend a meeting to 1a• held to
the town hall on Friday afternoon of
next week. when an addre.s will be
given by Professor L. Caesar, er the
O. C. A general dlw•naslon on sub-
jects related to orchard and; garden
work should be a valnabl4ieature• of
the afternoon's program.
Greyhound Here June 9th
Word has been revived from the
White Star Line that the date of the
Greyhound cxeursion crow Detroit to
Galeerich will ie Monday. June th.
The usunl moonlight trip will be nen
out of Galerk'h that eveninx. and
011tac'Tli.' i:rrt iiilliet went tub,
the annual excursion from G.al•rich
to Ihdr..it. The fere to Itetroit wilt
the same as ' Ia.t year.
ad -
J in.+h cable .velem. mfr. Griffin ad-
chlldr'will join him them later. 1V.• •dress W44.....11 real treat fr. for 1111'. ue
els to lrbt(- 3If Watw.n +s++nt n•,arat. -
Godt-rit , but how he will do well in i
hi. new t' ation. ice has hid •a cal-
Stable bits Peas "At Homeebits pees experience In the line
which he Is atilt following and we cum- One of the most enjoyal,le• social
mend him heartily` to the people of affair. for the sea.on was the "leap
Buys Business at Ori(lia
r E. T. Watson left on Friday last
)r11118. where he las purctias.d a
ore business. ales. Kateon and
Graham-MtDaS$Y l Will of the tittle Judge Dickson
The marriage took place -on Monday , The Witt of the tate Jade.. Lewis
of Mbs Florence McDonald. youngest 11 ivory llhekson , which son- file for
daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. John W. t'prohate• last 1(attirho. sou. e•x..•uted at
Milkotaid. Cambria road. Galerich, to I tlealerl•h 'On ), wit 251h. 1917. and was
Mr. Donald Graham: of Detroit- furor• aItuawsl by Mr. 1,1. MaMlaonald and .ts•ut her ynunge•r days in. that tootle by the same tore, 3 to 'y While lbs
lhorely manager at GalPilcli for the lite late ihr. 11'. J. K.• dlultraw. The ship. afterwards residing ,'In Detroit. hockey was not of a brilliant order..doe
Mr. aua.I ;Ronal. and only om of will X)...disposes la an estate valued at (.ler hmband predeceased her some t•hietly 10 lark of combination play aad
M r. nod Mrs. Art lour Graham. of mood
•' of which $i!a.71k: sou. i11, year. oto. She is sunned by thre•P Poort.adc.leektng, the game. were let-
Ca e.I;I ford. The bride had loan on- mmol ef,(ets 'anal R1 5.:et real estate. t.rotbrr. ; .1. 1'. H•9tt+dd., of Clinton ; i'. 1,•r•gtlug wtmugh, the teams b tug
gaged as bookkeeper at (:rk' d'art (raring h{: his
the late }udtt•
weight's. The many Gosterk•h f edwiobarllauet to his. wife. formerly MIfs. .1 Iteyun.11s, ut Mullett, and lo. 1). fairly ryeuly hnlancrtf. A snap dPcu-
wish the Janet Starling Mae•ih.nnell, of Fs- Iteyne.l.t. of Xew Liskeard; anti two
fou on fhe night showing would tar-
ot .'h floppy young couple I „irt.'ra: Mra. E. .1. 11 rn.' of ('1.•y,•- or the All Star, as this rear's winner
where Joy. 'flea will live at Detroit. eter. stooks rad Moi-.. to the -value .ot land, and Mims A. 1.. Itryn,,01*. o townl of flu• cup.
Mr. Gotham Is employed w•Itlt ala,,.1t7. and to ba. daughter, Mht The pa1111oewr.•rs were abeam. his. •',i q, M. ('. C. Two rotated
Dorothy o Kathleen n terms to the Flynn, ll Reynolds, P. Reynolds, s.
sof 11 theRobertson tro by was first sap -
Signal Advertisements
are read by the best people in Code -
rich and district the people WU-Illy.
a9R11 NEi.i Ik. ]IARC Bankers and Alk Stara Are taw Sus.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Nelliee.s fol Teams on Night's
)(arson. of !h•trolt, woo held from St.
Jns.'ph'a (-hunt. ('llntou, on Wtslne.- `! Play.
tlty morning. February 27th, the ser• The town Hockey league got under
vk•e beng eonduet d by Rev. Father way at West street rink before 150 -odd
Gaffney. Interment took Meow at the fan. last Friday tight. when the Bank -
R. C. cemetery- In Mullett tntvnahlp. ,ors defeated the (1. C. L. 3 to 2. and the
Thr.. • eceas.d was Mont In Mullett and Alt Star. won from the Matthews use
the Ford Motor C'ompana.
Mir. Griffin's Inter attng Address
Muth 1:den-sting and Instructive was
the talk given at the Limas flub luudr
.aro lust Friday- by Mr. J. J. Griffin,
of Stratford. district manager of the
Red Telepl • Comlwlnv. on "The Tele-
phone, the Greatest Servant on Earth."
Motlew.t1letura±t IIlustrating the inye_w
Hon cif the telephone in lett lc Alex-
ander Graham Bell and the later
g1'owt't.. organization ane aper ihrw-+f
the 11.11 Telephour Company held the
audit -nee in closest attehton for nowt,'
three -garters of an hour. Ont. of the
most striking comparisons pit -toothed
was that of the old pelt- system with
MOW. :ilk) siren strung on thirty-aI,1
erossatins. as compare! with the up-
tu-duBe.and much more efficient two -
Itself direct that This household fur- Reynolds. M. Reynolds and A. Flynn.
oared iu 1lr- by the (' 1'. K. loco;
niture. wearing apparel. Jewellery and Amon; th...e• present from a dtstancr coat year the alrne+eh g ('snot ('tab
were Mr... lawyer. of I4. troll; Mrs. J
all his Itis insurance go. to his wifeM carried off the honors. It is a matter
who afro has the lase of hi.t biose dna 11. Kelly. Mrs. .1. .1. Starr, Mrs. ut regret. as well as general comment.
ing her lifetime. l'pwro fly death or lora Mr. and Mrs. .I It, R••ynuld+' that the ('auoe Club failed to Ilse up
n'tdtrri•ge of hi+ wife the Polite estate of (:oder'. h, amt 11r. I). la. !t••ynndda. it, advance iotte••s and the schedule as
of New (•'.locoed. Sir Leo Iteeyunida' last wee In
passes to Ids ill, 11 ter. The preen- 01 11Prreiit. a nvpty'w. ,HrnmjalUlel iii.• hllbtiwlll•11 l.y The Signal 4t
_tors of the will. the Canada Trustnot entering x team to endeavor to
n•mntrt. from LW• " loll the cu In itis-posseession.
( ompoiny, Londsan. oa whose behalf the_ __ e. - D
will was flied dor probate by Ione -- - I The Ranters Win Opo e;r
it. Carling. solicitor. k:xi•t••r, are die I l'ER.'ON.tL MENTION Taking the phare . f the'nrtgtnai"
e(•ied fo ry t oyer , h1F.- broritrt rorrott'-•
M. C. C. tonin. which wee withdrawn.
II motument to 1w Pa4ected 1.y his wife. Mrs .11.n.... ('lark to- returned 'Moue the hanker. Jumped Into the gap and
hut not to imemol the mit of 5160: the AT r--ineooling the win'te'r vi+Iting in doing ... won dole !lest tame.
sum of f11a1 is a1.,.. prnaldet .for the stoma-, 11? Ilrtuelou nod lt..{un'
though it mart he admitted that the
114-rpe•tusl upkeep of 14.o burial pint. M{ - M. It. Marl'io•ar and Miss Mary G. 1'. 1. had cunsideraloly flu• Iwtl. of
The, real estate includes reeideritiist M Vicar have returned from Tor- the jday. F. Thomlaa.6 ,coed fur
pr..1crty in Goderl•h- nil ('olbnrne . to. where they attended fM' spring the ...hoot tenor after shut eight
-tre•t, ra11..• $7.5110; Lot No. Lt. Blue millinery openings. minutes of play. E. Roldnson, erwt-
alr. E,R. Jones. ,of Ki:4144.:ir.trens n iiie junior and 41. C I. 'student, who
a recent visitor- with Mr..... M,_1111.-.1 up with
the lleukerr. tlee'tl,0
score midway
In the 40011(1 period.
nater Be'at'ti, $7.'(i: a nor-sittll •
year at home" held by the itetwwe•ttlng
Canoe Club on Friday evening. There
was a large attende•.e
anof members
jjt(♦tkey Euchre and DatwP
The benefit euchre and donee given and their Indy friends and the "at
by the Goderieh hockey ehth in the home" atmosphere wan In evidence
Oddfellow'4 Mall on Monday evening throughout the evening. to the enjoy -
was ate am-..pm/dui as It was largely at- m.•nt of all. The winners at five
tended. More than thirty tables 1.111- hundred were Mrs. Roy Starling and
ed earda, the prizes for which went to Mr. Jack Felker; Mrs. W. F. Naftel
Mrs. Elmer Bel) and Robert Foley. and Mr. 1'h11. Carey taking the,.naola-
each of whom won nine games out of tion
tp r es. After furnlMinch
shed ththe Itl e k
ten played. Sproule's-orehemtra sup-
plied the music for both round and dancing, which was enjoyed to a
square dancing. whist aria snnalde hour. Ap iroprlatrly t
until 3am. odd day of the par (keituarr
the .Morn Wan eonductel jn
4 Clerrr Mem fashlun, tate demure and tau
being led tont --on the
Monter Leslie Evans. one n Mr. An- 'gallant ladies.
cterton's pnpil'. nil' in Lon last The nett event on
week to try the elementary pia n Px gram Is dated for
amination of the Toronto Conger fort', March 17th.
of Magic. He hag since re'Piyel
of rooming the examinntinn withDot
oro, and Is to he congratulated
his st)Pc1ss. having got up the Platte On Fri
ination work In four months Instead of held Its
a year. as Is nebat. Mr. Anderton preeld
must also be congratulated on the rat
emcee's of his pupil.
(:ladle will the people of higher
musical and literary taste look for-
ward to the entertainment on rowed
Ow Monday evening. ktareb 17th. in
St. Petrr's church, North street.
T.ertore by a brilliant professor of
R[enhop Vnllon'a Seminary, Loeddo :
Subject : Nt. Patrick. the Apostle of
Ireland; irelesi and the Character -
Intim of Her People.
Musical program .upplemented with
imported talent. Rawl -lifting melee-
eleelinos from the Lathers of liturgical =p -
le. No change or departure from
the original Latin harmony. of the col-
ostral must• mentons of the world.
among whom we line up the inimitable
Beethoven, Weber, the soul -uplifter;
Chopin and L4dt, ever dear to our
memories is their solemn Requiem re-
trains; Ilgosart, the martellous divine
of ecclesiastical music ; Bach, ate.
angel of the choir, called the nastur-
tium of the mimic garden -the more
the blooms are plucked the more
abundant the blossom. Then we de-
scend to /be more modern reboot of
mumlet5hons.' equally sublime but
withl iceMatte et fairly talented
choirs. Among these, Haydn, Gonnnd,
Rossini, Lembllotte, Ferrate, etc. From
among these the musical program will
be made rap. See announcements next
Guild Ras Sueeeeesful Event
The !idiom of St. George'. rl)pcch
women's (lajld realized over $S(10-trom
their bazaar and high tea held in the
Marinate Temple last Thursday af-
ternoon and evening. Mr C. C. MoNe11
was the chairman for the brief but
delightful program which followed tbe
supper. am follows: Violin selection.
Keith Morison: mein, Mrs. John Felker;
reeding. Mra R. R. Durnin : colo, Mr.
Fml Holmes. and piano sb'trh. Mr,
A. R. Wilkinson. The last number wall
a Eartimiarly enjoyable 000.
Beginning on New intake
Repr'st'otativea of tbe Federal Con-
.tnutlon Co., of Toronto, who scur-
el the contract for the installation of
the new intake to he complete with-
tn .PvPn weeks after the opening of
navigation. arrive in town on Tues-
day. It is the Companj.o intention
to begin Immediately with the eon-
structton of the land end of the work.
W. .1. Ilse will toe the resident engin-
14'r in chafge of the work. while S.
McKenzie will act am auperdising and
consulting engineer on behalf of the
-The crow and the robin, harbingers.
of spring. have mado their appear -
Mr. Jeremiah Dalton i. recovering
from a very severe attack of hlood-
Mr. FM. Montgomery entertained a
number of his friends one evening
last week.
Mr. Whitfield, of Knox Coliege.
Toronto, occupied the pulpit of Union
church very acceptably fast Rgnday.
Next Rnnday Mr. Taylor of Toronto
will conduct the service.
Mr. R. Porter went to LMtowel this
week to attend the funeral of his Me-
ter, Mrs. D. Nichol, who died In a hoe-
pital at Calgary. The mooting wee
brought to Latnwel lot Interment, the
funeral taking place on Wednesday af-
Mr. H. L. Italkrld entertained has
friend' to cards aad dancing at Rest
Garland Hall. Reyfold road. on Tharrr-
asy iambi; of last week.
p year
ing males
.or by the
e M. ('. C. pro -
Patrick's Day,
at the G. C. 1.
. February 29, the 1.. 4'. I.
•weond "Lit." The ,vk'-
t. Willie !taker. mode sire
tietory remarks. Then we were
ored with two piano duets hy
11a and Fred Be•ver', who proved
that one can to a mnskian and An
orator, ton. Next the G. C. 1. Journal
was 'read by Dorothy Brown. it Is
sufficient to say that Dorothy 11. fol-
lowing In her sister's footsteps.
We ha P come to the• c•onelugton that
spring is re. bemuse n nightingale 1 pre•vioua number. at Iea+t to the eat
visited aft, 'ridgy erening.in the form • Isfaetton of the audlence. Ile led eery and that on a 'Toll rush" he Y. Me gsw.
of Margot Wil.nn, who gang two I aeeeptably in the singing of s number
solos for as. of the sweet and catchy old tongs, in- 11ry.1,$TFIY.T, March 3.-A mtmherl l'Pneltt" were bnntied not to F. M.`RAw
The play .'n Girls Admitted- Wilt. eluding "Tier /'rood Old Summer Time,' from around i 14 0 -Wok In the cantata and 11. Megaw. The work of Doak.
acted by four rhe and four hove of "Annie Roonle," ••Daisy," and "Where entitled "1lrlsbsraai';' Rivet In Blyth Meek and Felker miseo IS worthy of
the Lower Sc 1. The gtudenta I Did You Get That list?" The take- Mulled l Hall lest Wednesdaytnight, eekcomment in the .bund gam.' of the
played their pa s extredingly well, off ..n the F.nRllmhmnn, "with my e7•` and report that tt wAs n great (relit evening.
proving once more a well-known fact glass in my eye." wag quit' welt done. to the' Choral SoeIety - eniAll Rtarw-C.wrl, Black: defence.
that girls can't be kept nut of any its sons oleo the e•terndingi'• humorous The chole .pent a very en)oyabI .Afnthrsin, Kestbrnoke; forwards, E.
evening at the home of MIRA Elva Wel- Doak, J. Randall, E. Allison ; -mho.,
thing. especially a ..>(ret srxlety. gkit entitled "Thou of my Tl ou." Stowe, Wtaomfleld, afcl'ItNP.
The auh)ect of the debate between somewhat in the game veto, at which ,len M(,odav last. M'l', tloo n foe <.Mal, L.TTAyntvr
11 i. A and 1O. forma wad "Resolved. Mr. itr:azll seemed At his lost, was his; WP Are pleased to report that lir. ka- decor, M. Mae nald. T. Meow • for/
that the miser does n1..re harm (0 , ppgs rwwnulhn and representation of I We
Taylor, who has been on the sick
the quartet e, "zephyrs Mow t•' oust- wards. 1'. 1.Ancaate . W, ALMzeI. FPIk-
Humblthan the spndthJtt." B.ev Charles, 1 Hat, is around again• •; subs., 11. M.egaw. fl'-Uayoaa.
Humber, leader, and J la Ti.Teed- 1loeedty given g a inT-41t --SW rt. berr(vehittlidd tMc{'n1lnnAh, who` hAm ler Refcna --lL. rQ-e..
l-eletT i i ! aT 1 Tti Tf'iff Po' n hla Twt1 tar gnmP limp
let Carlings.,surrey. Main at .4, EN -r MIs'. nt rine aineitnmrit`Lt- 1,,,,,,10,,, :rirnagain put the Collegian*
titer. $5000: and a one -0 int, -rent I Ing Mr. and Mrs. iters Smith at one up. when he scored on a high
-In 104(1, sl:reet. Edm. on. $1.000. Gurlptht. - corner shot early Ia-fhe final stanza.
('ash in the clank (mmtSrrc•'. Mr. Robert Tiffin. of Detroit. Mich ..
.‘bout seven minutes later N ',redone
Gatrrlch, totalled i *Rd In the o silent p1111 of Last week at the home knotted the score on an easy goal. and
11.01.ons (tame. E ter, 5747. • Bonds !of his alto?, Mrs. J. 1. Tiffin. Itrtc•k two minutes later, wlesn R. Simian'
and insurance t 11141 $11,219. of 1,,tr.et. come nut from the neetw to meet him
which $7.wS ns Instil -amp. • idolise► 1 Mr. and 111s. A. R. Anderson left Robinson scored the final tally of the
Mold furintur ens listed at $2.000 and 1 yesterday for their home at Bradwetl. game, putting the Bankers one up. The
Chearole c r at 5:.00. Judge Dickson Sask., after a visit of several weeks only penalties of the game were given
hell eta in a number of companies. In town. to Barter Mur tripping Allison anal to
the a int of stw•k paid up bdog : Miss A. Shirley t'b.ducker, of Stmt- Grieve for hoarding "'nipper" Mae -
i:4.3;' The fair market value of , ford, is the guest chio week of Mr. i)nalel. The 4:, C. I enn Attribute
th stocks was given am ;'=437.and Mrs. harry N. t-tolack.r. their defeat to very loose tuu'kcbcek-
hulk of the stack controlled by 1 Mita 150117 McManus. of Niagara Inc. particularly In the closing period.
e.c deceased (•nnedat.'d of $23,374 In- Flinn Business ('o11.'gv, was the guest Wlatle there were 110 outat•ndin1 stars
vested 1n the Dominion Canners. Item- ',for a few days during the past week .the work of George Atli.nn. W. Mac -
Ilton. though other companies in which !at her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Donald and Charles Nairn le worthy of
he wax interests --Ted in varying degree. Mc -Monne. mrnttnn.
wet.-}lets•'le{ eTtntie ComTatny..Csfl't..-Mr. Eric Wilson, of London Normal. Bankers --(:(nal. J. woods,: d.•fPn(P.
ado Steamship ('o.. Canada Kirkland ' epe•nt the week -end In town. Precious. Rel.Tnson ;-Toro-AMA. Bar- -
Mines, Hollinger Col.!hL{n.•s, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Dun- Milkmaid. of her. Weir. C. 11. Nairn; sub.. Grieve.
ituffalo. are visiting this week with G. ('. 1. Goal. R. Snaze•I; defence.
Masons Entertain the former's woollier, atrs. atelson*all", Fnwlie. Thompson: forwards. D.
Thr annual "at home" of Maitland St. 1'atrick:s street. Nairn. W. MacDonald, George Atli -'n.
Lodge. No. 33, A. F. end A. M.. which Mr and Mrs. Charles Iktty nod Yum• Referee -R. Turner.
wee 1eltl in the cadge room,, West fly,' of Toronto. . t.it..l with, friend- All Stan 'Mm Ib. tailors
street, on Monday evening• was at-
tended by nearly four hundrtl mem-
Iwrs 411 the lodge and their frlendN.
Jules ltrazll. Toronto entertainer, pro-
vided .the .' tire pr ogntm for the ev-
ening, the exceptionally
large mail a sate) in the assembly
hall for upwards of an hour and a- Mr. Reg. Pinder. of the inion Bank. in the scone period F. Doak broke
ball, with a "running fire" of eonverein- Islington, is home on two weeks' 'gist through the defence and arot.d number
tion, .tortes and sones. leave. two for the Stens. the puck peeping he -
Mr. Brazil covered a lot of ground. Mr. It. T. hick ea. In London for tween "Dings" Hay -nm' pads Earl Al-
ar to speak. in his pr.'Kram, which was a few days Ian• week. limn worn! what proved to be the
a stweessinn of number. In which he Mrs Free) Crwig{e• 'Is visiting her wlnning tatty for his tram on a bound
waned to past on to the next he- sister, 11r'. 11. J. Strickler, at New ing shot from "away out." which
fore having quite fhnINud off the I York.
caromed off Haynes.' pates. The hull-
- ' ors worked hard in the last period.
tjpTlj;IeF'I$I,p - but were able to notch only one conntee
Water and Light Commission
11 nnmbet of applications for el`
e•trec light services were pagsed at tate
las'- regular meeting of the water and
light commlatdon, an wan alta the ap-
plication for an eleetrie range from
Robert Wlnt.rn. Cedar 1treet. The in-
stallation of the latter service is ew-
timateerl at Approximately ;300. The
eomminlon, at the request of the On-
tario Mnn(eipal Electric AAont•lttlen.
approved of n resolution urging the
Ooverrnmcnt to develop power nn the
T,nwrenee River as early as poe-
slhle The commimmton slimed the in-
tako contract with the Federal Oon-
ntrnctlon Company . of Toronto, as
prepared by Engineer E. II. Darling.
Hamilton The deelajon was mRde to
pmrcha•e A LIneoln portable record-
ing voltmeter at a mat of 5131 an
r.rv.mmeneled by the H. E. P. C. A
eommlmleattnn was received from the
Ooderk•h Elevator & Tamed Co., elatm-
Ing that they had been overcharged
nn their eervk'P charge The matter
Mitring been a4)nstel by the Hydro
anthoritles, the ewmm1i ion granted the
Elevator Company a dlw'nnnt of ten
per cent- on the a*.ilmam demand
e.rvle. (barge op to January. the ems -
piny to make the naeeaaary altera-
tions to ehe4r awn I..talletk+e.
In town then week. The second game on the progrem.
Mn. Harold 11••Iemn. of Toronto' that between rhe All Naar, and tfiP
formerly mail clerk out of Galerkh. Matthews 1,fne. opened with a Hush and
.15.111 the w•,s•k.,' t in town an overplti, of slashing. chopping and
Miss Nellie RHO. of I`latt.vill•• other wtrennoug tattler.. Stnwr wore'
.pent the week end in town. the guest nuudor one for the Sears In the fust
of her brother. Dr. harry Hall. period W. Nnazel tied the score early
were ddJentget by Tom And stn. The enter(. nee a nr R n a
er, and Eugene i)nhk. WP have to tremble foodco
y on pn•srnt-day aonge I+ not revering mm quickly a. hi+ Thornier,' v. (bikglaaat i
remark that there 1s "
The (flee Club, under the
ship of Aileen 11 . ehlet •.snit the
happy ' was another of has beet number.. The
concluding piece of his program was a
(Lader• i very pleasing piano reading. "An Air
T)lagnnsds " picturing a mon et twen-
ular song, "Mother."„ ty. at forty and at sixty yenta of ars.
The audience then 'Owned ancie t Mr Brazil's final encore, exeoptlnl
hlatnry in tam moat plea*Rnt form. the duet, "Sweet Adeline." with Mr.
play. In 18110.' composed by Tom lone! J<'armons, emhrard the interprP-
Anderson, depicted life in (:oe1Fettl IS 11mi- err Ae P -TR a ftf -
the early days, even before the town T soh and Seottlah music.
had a railway. The aMars, boys fromJ McEwen.W H end the other
per and Middle &+boor were amn.- onin with their jokes and comical tricks Inn
The` old-fashioned tong.. accompanied her w
by Tom Andersen on the violin, were for hrf
greatly .enjoyed by ate enthuslattic known r;
on quite 4
Ming divide
pert adjourn
proper, the nth
semhly hall.
bra supplied the
many friends would like to hear. The Banken have heti considerable
Ruotiel Carter and Rid McCullough amusement trying to g••t the beet of
are busy cutting weed fol Mr. R. one or two sextettes representing the
Redmond r G.•(1. 1. Same few dais ago a team
G. Snell and holy Vincent and Bottle picked from the Tipper S,ha'I trim
dog "(Addle" were .ormsma1fo1 In nap- mud them 9 to 1. ThinklnC thnt
taring n fine fox halt week. rather too much of a Re1esl thing. the
Brotherhood Elects OtM'e+ra- The financier% hoped to {Hill something
,sroth.thund met at the ho.me•ol lir. - olieg _l a 1• ' a► team
F. Campbell Friday last for the our- from the Lower Scheid tie lite
pore of electing new officers and nr- game in th1s consolation series ens
a of Maitland Lodge are dPI 1' ' 1 ranging n program for the year. The *Iwo sop by the Collegians, though the
the thank. of the large num- ,,leettnn resulted ns fnllowa: Rev. I'. wore was -only 4 to 1. Iloweser. en
were present at the "rat home" 1 Banes. hon. president ; Bert Taylor. the next game the Bankers came into
Ing to Galerich snot a well- I yfcepre.fde•nt ; Wm 1Vnlden, presl- their own and showed a clean pair of
tertainer.dent : M. Stotwhnn•,'. secretary trees- heels to the .whorl Moya to the tine
e ?mirth degree'', will, put I liter; W. Walsh. musical director. of 2 to 1. The argument does, not
Following this Mn Banes gave 41 abort seem to have been settled yet. M
erewefully, 41*' gathering
for convenience mike, talk on what the Brotherhood atood mnrnething further may he heard from
to the lodge rooms for, emphasizing itm motto: "Every the affair de glace. 'The:`tipe-np for
ei remaintnc 1n the Rs- Church n Brotherhood and n Brother- the Inst game waw ss follows`: I.. (' i.
Itlackutone OrchPm- hood in every Church ." Mrs. Campbell (foal, Mnthe'1nn ; dofener. 1r. two,
,u sic for the dancing, then (dosed the evening with R dainty Marriott: forwards, Rnnze►. Sturdy.
both round and ware, which was luneh, - Fowlle; soh.. Longmire. Rankers -
kept rap nnt.ILncarl;s 2 a.m. Follow- - _ Goal, Woods; detente, Grieve. Stokes:
trig lunch. PnchrP and, 1500 In the de- elorwardg, Weir. (barber, C,.Nalm.
Iightfully remtfnl lodge room ocenpkesl pettrntRRe of butter fat In milii NMI
the attention of any %%3115 did not earn trrnm samples was presented to the
hoard: menta t..r free va„ !nation
to donee T)nlrymnn Milk Cream for h,-lh -•I children a n el
W. W. Fisher 4 22) 29 also for any : i i!ts desiring 1t.
Beard of Health Notelet 11. Seattle 3 en the rae'•In,• hero.' aelpplk'd free by the
At it. regular meeting on Monday J McManus 3 95 20 Provincial hoard of Health. The vm^-
afternoon the Board of Health pawned Oke Bros. 3 0,5 23 3 elnating, which will be done under thn
a motion that the council be Raked to J. Bell 3 50 23 5 'npw'rvlston of the le.I medical health
Amend the town mlik bylaw no an to t'.. Rtasr'tt 3 00 iR effic,•r. Dr A (' Hunter. wall to begin
1 this wMk. Though
The "Lite" are far exceeding ex-
pretatlon and the etnAenta are all
looking forward to the iniMtrel show,
to be given by dile bays In a month.
to whleh all the rents and friend.
of the students ere netted.- ,1 W.
All citizen'. ere requested to
call at the Council Chamber
and inspect the plans for a
new Town Hall and Audi-
torium cotnhined on exhibit
there, with a view to intelli-
gent dillcuNioo at a public
meeting to at held in the
near fntntiC-
provide that milk wad In Oodrrk•h
shall contain 328 per cent. hotter fat,
Instead of 3 per cent as at present. and
that a copy of the bylaw when amended
he forwarded to each tank vendor In
town. The following report se to the
A report was received from the in- In the schen.
.tihite of t'nblie Health as to a maniple vaccination Is 1n no way compulsory,
of town water. fntic*tlng a water of anyone travelling or coming ineonteet
otcellent sanitary quality. with a bora number of people
Owing to the .,sre if tnnallpot at hp well advised to take advantage of
Windsor the Board la maids' amour- this free raeeotnatlos.