HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-28, Page 8r I -.la! F, .. tl:t 2S, 1024 THE SIGNAL, -- GODERICH, ONT. MAN FROM OTTAWA INTERESTS THE HOUSE • • Harold Maher Saes the Great Need is Keeney' Toil* INTO, Feb. 1$. --While •lbaser- vett% uud Prugrensive % eeker,' were aboring nod atx•ttaing each other of extravagance. in their > reapectlte administrations of t'rieiueial affairs le the early stages of lite hq.la;p•t dtehate last week. Bandit FILltrr, K. ('., the Liberal tin - • I:.1 critic, In even tout, told the 'louse and the couutry that he believ- ed lath contentious.' Mr. Fisher said bt. 1:1tew _gem tete adminktratlons. lt. F. 0. thud Cotuervative. was worse than the other. but he did not know which. Hr. Fisher came luta the Legislature heralded- as a. decided 'acquisition- to the Literal group and to the Legls4• titre as a whole. IG is an ex -mayor of Ottawa. with a creditable record of public lerilee behind him. Although Provincial Trantleer Price and Man - Wag Doherty got the newspaper head- lin•s for the sOhemenee with which they denounced each other. it wqs Mr. I'•.her who was listened to with rapt attention by the open-minded element in the House. Whereas. it was felt, 'Meson., Price and I)oherty were ver• teectively condemning and defending 11 party. the Liberal critic had the .Advantage of taking an unbiased view- point and of speaking for the people of the Province who pay. - He Government flaying Polities! Che Llbernl critic cotx•odea that P otinciat finance-. were probably In Med shape, but on behalf of the citizens he demanded to know bow much of 'the Cuuseervative: newly declared de - :licit was "Mink "_ end 11e touched a tole of vital interest, to the Province •.s a whole when he condemned any ort to play party politics wtfh the alitof the Province. If the new Gov- -unseat bad deliberately juggled fig- , to create an unprecedented deficit th the view only of dlacredlting a I.. 'ideal group. on Ila eonecicnee must the real iujury that must accrue the credit of the Province in Lon - J. '., New York and the money markets e the world. Baking up the Provin. int Treasurer's , remarks wherein tie proml.e'd to R7.,(as1, non Moreau fo .•xpeudlturea and a , $4.000,000 Int•r.w..• in revenue* next yet•. Mr. Fisher deneimiel that then 'new t;oyerumeu1 make s•, W.• serious .1- ' fort to balance the budget. Too lung. he said. hart Provin.•I:11 1egi.int.rr. adulited 11 lr111t1 of it Mlltttlf'tt.•Ill of ' meeting obligations, the noel t of which had been a tremendous piling up of debt and annual lithe -eat charges l ou the taxpayer*. in moue respects Mr. Fisher fu .1 Treasurer leders budget speek'h to be unsatisfactory. For one thing he hall spent two and a half hours eowmeutlug 'on the performances of the lust admin- ! iaratiou and only seven winutts In T.•aTIhg with tine future. and what Tits 'own Government Intended to do about lit. Indeed. be said. MrPrice +seemed too proud of the slefidt. Eeenemy the Great heed I. One thing Mr. FI.her demaud,al tabors all others from the new. adtoin• i.trwtion wax economy. He did not think that the speech from the Throne t had given .any intimation of .nets a pulley. Instead. he Bald. 1t had indi- cated that host of new jobs were to be i made for political supporters of the t Ferguson Government. tAs thPunbia-ed party in the Leg- islature on tete subject of last year's I deficit, it is to the Liberal group t probably that most people will look for sane and reasonable dlaeuatdon of Provincial flbattses. Besides Mr.' 1 Fisher they bare some able spokes- men' -on matter of finance. whereas Ithe opinion in the Legklative cor- ridors Is that when Manning Doherty sad former LttorneyGener l Raney have spoken the Progresaivesill have .hut their last bolt. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs Robert Hawthorne, of Seaforth, is visiting miens -as in toss-tt- - Mr \Welter. Saunders. of WalkCer:on. i+ y.ieiting in town this week. Mrs. I.. II. DbMtaoa and Mimi Doro- thy Dickson bare returned to town after an extended visit with relatives and friends at Pembroke. Ottawa and Toronto. •Mtee Beagle -Murpby, of Stratford, It ie the ebb tide of lore that slows was in town overthe week -end. the. mild -flats of the soul. -Hamilton Mr. Lionel tMaeklin, of Toronto Uai-herald. t-•r..i:y, .tent tin wtr•L coil int town w Ith his parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. Macklin. Mies-f,mttut folotettMI at -St --_Melons. wet' -••11,1 guest of SI/44 Marlon Fi lel ngt•t. Ilr. Bert Mleyaw. of I)stroltI slant the week -end in (OWIt with hie ikontwts.1 Mr. and Mr.. It. J. Meow. Obis Hugel 'Phelan. of Winnipeg. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Phelan• ltritpuuia road. Ti tugh Mr. 11. H. Weston cannier' his new dude- ss (tenn4t of the alethoeli-t thumb,. Park, next Sunday. ]Ire. Weston and children will not re- mote tree tow n at present, Mr. 1-Ase.•t.-.h .a-:at:ing. dtn-ltleyt._ta _return_.itt tone' three .lays each week to carry on 11i• moss* classes stere. Mr. pelta-. K. Saunders math• a bloc (pea- trip tg Toronto this week. Iles', John Tebbntt• of the 3laitiand e.an-e•.siou, 14 visiting her mother, Mrs. Snyder, for a few weeks. Mss, Anuie Reynolds was called to Clinton last week owing to the lent..s. of her brother. P. J. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. J. aleck:wan and daiigIter, Miss Edna MacEwen, are visiting with friend, at "Toronto and Dundas. Rev. J. E. Holmes is in Toronto this week attending the missionary pageant in connection with the Metho- dist Missionary Soeiety. Mies, Cassel, Pros 'meal Board of lie.tith nurse, ten+ in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. .'t. it Anderson. of Bradw-ll, Seek.. have been spending the last two month.. visiting relatives and friends in Goderich and at various other points in Ontario. including Dun- gannon and Luckaow They are begin- ning to think of heading toward- home again to get ready for the t.um- tttee a work. • - Mrs. M. Wendle, of Duluth, canal on friend.. in town on Tuesday on her way to visit her mother, Mr*. James Dalton. Kingsbridge. •Mr'. J. P. Brown has returned from an extended visit to Toronto. Mrs. Wiggins is visiting her daugh- ter* at Detroit. i I THE NEW SpringSuits and Coats ARRIVE R So Fresh ! So Vivacious ! So ovel ! They seem to carry\with them a breath o spring -time. While While the collection will continue to be augmented from day to day, the woman who is impressed by the newest fashions will find much to interest her on Saturday, March 1st and the rest of next week in this advance showing. Sportive and dressy types, in the authorized and and .colors, reflecting all the accepted modes of the coming season. Novelty Plaids, Overchecks, Stripes, Plain Polo Cloths, Tweeds, Fine T&. tines and Poiret Twills are used to fashion them. Sizes for women, misses and juniors at prices that are most attractive. Our Advice Put in your Spring Order now when we can supply you with the leading shades and materials at the right prices. We extend a cordial invitation to all those who are interested in the advance showing of Suits and Coats. Winter Coats are offered to you at 25% below cost. We are forced to do this on account of lack of room for our Spring Merchandise.• ROYAL LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CO. - East Side of Square GODERICH, oNr. THE WOMEN OF CHINA REAWa1110 IMIRSTICE OF FOR. MEII trOt'iAL STATUS. Rare (teen Suppreseed by Tradition and Ohl classical Teachitytr, last With the introduction of Western Ideas They Are Learning to Take Their Place aa Mani Equal. Women iu China have for ages been subject to the will of wen. The) were suppressed by tradition and the flit clI41 teachings. Because they were aught generation after genera- tion that the subordination to mea is natural and logical. that men are usqueationably infallible and au- therjtative on all things, caused theut to believe that they must submit to the whims and fancies of their mate Mils without a murmur; and conse- Suently,they have accepted their lot submissively and complacently. With the Introduction of Western .'venation women in China hare aeakeaed to the injustice et their aoclal statue la comparison to tttelr Western dieters. Like their W eaters sisters they are now agitating for reedrage and social equality with men. The .writer, however, believes that It will take some time for won sit an China, not because he belongs to the male sex, but because'ot the plausible tact that women utust obtain Intellec- tual training equlvateot or nearly equivalent to men before they can ex- pect economic equality. It will take Um*, sapec(ally in a country like China. where women were Boated the privileges of a systematic intellectual training until the last few decades. Not so lung ago. there were frequent eases where girt* secured their edu- cation disguised as boys. ..The Western world has been pus - sled at the stagnation of China, and probably, the majority of Europeans are still pleated. It does seem strange that a country which consti- tutes one-fourth of the earth's popu- laUun should be unprogressive when she is credited with having originated the compass, gunpowder, the print- iaa press, the making of porcelain sad pottery, the raining of silk -worms sad the manufacture of silk, the making of clolsonnq whose beauty and workmanship is possibly unpar- alleled, the cultivation of the soil, and the utilisation of bolted water our as preventfrre of disease. There are relies of ancient engtaeering genius in China, some of whish are elaantA.d among the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. They are: (1) The works of hydraulic engineers, °beef of which to the Grand Canal, the longest canal to tete world; (I) Tite works of wall -builders, which include the famous Great Wall and the lees - known sa-wall, of more than one hundred and twenty it.. in length. along the north bank of the Telea- tang river; (3) The works of ,true- tural engineers, for example, su.pen- sloe bridges, arch bridge* and pago- das, among which la the famous elop- sadra or water -clock of Canton. Why V China so backward when she at tainea such a highly developed civil- isation when Europe was In compare - Hee obscurity? One solution which L of no little importance V that women have been kept down in Cblaa. Women, the mothers of the retie, have hitherto been denied adequate educational op- portunities, and lypotkettoally, have retarded the progress of the Chinese race. It cannot be 'lorded that wo- man boa a gnat responsibility in the building up of a dation for she watches over, twang sad gulden the child of today who will be the leader of the world to -morrow. The real purpose of woman In lite, that 1s, the purifying, the splrttuellatng and ennobling of society, oat' for the best that is in womanhood. To have a pure and elevating la luenoo upon pressntday society. ale must be In- oorruptlbly good. To maks and mould human character to the high- est level attainable, shit must be Ito fallibly wise. Goodness without knowledge V limited as u outlet of a useful lite. Chinese womanhood to virtuous, but virtue 0aaaot elevate the race to • higher level. Aa intel- lectual woman Is one who la fres in Judgment and sound in reason, who siva her leisure to developing new forces of knowledge, and who by a scientific study and a real under- standing of the country, helps to rem- edy the chief ailments. Therefore, it V evident that the suppression of women la China la in • large measure responsible for China's backwardness. Contact with Western civilisation Ma caused women to wake up In China. some bare entered business as stenographers, bookkeepers and secretaries, and it Is now to be seen whether It will be advantageous to hove men and women work together promiscuously. Some have gone into the medical professloa as doctors and barba, other" have entered the tsaohing prote.lon, while still others have taken up journaitam. Many col- leges and universities In the British lales and the United States are In- vaded by Chinese women students taking various lines of studies. Even politieal economy 1s not overlooked, and foremost (a this line of study Is Miss Ang L. Lee, Doctor of PbIIoito- phy, of Columbia University. Social suienee, of which child Welfare Is an latogr•al part le making great head- way in China. Before tin revolution Chinese wo- men considered It immodest to mingle freely with men and to asso- ciate with psrfsot strangers. New women are given tree reign. and as a corollary, young girls are groping for their way to the dark. Something is needed to steer them in the right course and the influence of their more enlightened and educated sis- ters will be • great aid In guldtng them In the right direction. Eduoa- Uoa is • (ores of paramount Import. anee to produetag a better type of womanhood in t7diae, sad with their admittance into aeaoeb much should be aceompllsbed- The development of woman latelU.stually, morally ata physically will tend to prod... • bet- ter typo of buena belag wbe wilt tackle the problems of the eeustry eeergetieelly with psitset sow - steadies sad Maarten et tamps. t. BORN vitt:I:I'1•: 1 )ie Sunday. February 24th, to air. and Mrs. ('on O'Keefe. --Melo 1, a duughtcr, HAMA. February 2711.. at St., George's Rectory. Goderich. to the 1tt•v. 14. S. and Mr,. Hardy, u daugh- ter- STI'R1)V.--At Aleaaudra hospital, on Sunday. February 179, to Mr. and Mrs. Iteg. Et Sturdy. 4.oderit•h town-. ship, a Mol YJame. Tull!). l`HUUI•:QX-In G.derlch township. ou TneAsy, February 12th, Ja Mr unit Mrs. Fred '1'honto ou, a daugh- ter (Helen May -1. DIED EDWARD -At 1Sa1tford, uu Saturday. February 23rd. Howard Eelwar-1, In his Seth year. ]le•(;JW.---\t 21 Summerhill avenue. Toronto, on February 21. Mary IL - Itor. wife of George H. McGa,e. ('1h..?$ in Gods -deli, ou Saturday. Fe4.ruary lard. Mary E. Macpherson.. be:evcd wife of William (bats. Gt•NDII S NUZ KEGLSTER 1Wt•.lnt•.day, Mereh 12th.-Clearin; auction pale of tutu. farm shock. im- 'demeuts and machinery at part, lot d. concession O. 1:. 1)., Colborne. 'Owen Moore, proprietor; Thos. Gundry, tioneer. Friday March 14 .-Miction sale of tarn' attack-, implements, furniture. etc., at E. H. of lot 21. coneeesiO. 4. West Wawano.h. Ja. W. Gih..oh. proprietor; Tho••. Gundry-. Auctioneer. • LOST OR FOUND i OST.-SOME%WIIF-RE ON (AMBRIA /i road on Monday - evening. a girl's wmait-grey jnnft. Finder commnnirntr with Box No. 2e) Thetb4flNAL. TIEPIN LOST. -QLD WITH crescent of pearls. Valued as a gift. Reward on Gayle: it at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. POSTAGE STAMPS WANTED \NTiirD TO PURCHASE FOR Iry cash, 01d Postage Stamps and Old Enveiopee wilt etampe attached. 01d Moues et Canada. United tltatea►, ,Grea t Britain. British Coioniee, preferred. No modern issues wanted. It may pay you to look up your old lettere. Reply to Box 22. me Signal. PIBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF AN APPLICATION TO PARLL4,MENT NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT al an Application will be made by the Board Of Trustees Of the Ben - miller Consolidated School, situate in the Township of Colborne. 1n the County of Huron nod Province of On- tario. to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its next Session for a .pedal Act dissolving the Benmlller Consolidated School Sec- tion and proriding for the restora- tion of the old School Sections, com- prised in the Consolidated School Sections. the Bald old school sections comprised in it being Public School Sec- tions numbers 2. 4 and 7 in the said Township of Colborne, and that such school sections ebonld be revived and restored to their original position, with the same boundaries as they had prior to the formation of the said Consolidated S'hool Section. DAT$D at Ooderieb. this Slat day of January. 1924. M. G. CAMERON. Solicitor for the Applin. 'Its. Scottish Fare laborer, Coming Farmers in this district who require help are Invited to send their name. to this office at once. as a number of young Scottlgb farm laborers are ex- pected to arrive here at an early date for distribution in the eurronnding townships. 8t Town of Goderich PUBLIC NOTICE In order to inaugurate the system of collecting taxes semi-annually, It is necessary to make out a program of the year's work, and to have an estimate of the year's expen- ditures prepared at once. Petitions for treating streets with road oil, or for the con- struction of sewers, must be presented to the Town Coun- cil on or before April 1, 1924. By Order of the Town Council, L. L KNOX, Clark SLOP REIJMAflSM WITH REO PEPPER When you are suffering with rheu- matism so you can hardly get around )wt try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene- trating heat as red peppers. instant relief. Just as soon u you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the congestion and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers coots little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis backache, still neck, sore musclescolds ds in chest. Almost kismet relief awaits you Be sere to get the genuine, with the saes Rawls' en each package. The regular Meeting o n o- IJnnen's Institute ',pill be held at rhe iiomo tit Mrs. 0. (lark. South street, ; EXECUTOR'S SAID: OF F un Thursday. ]larch (kb, at 3 p.m. The PROPERTY IN AtiIlFIRLD, feature of . the meeting will be a The i curio talk.. FOR SALK rat s.�I.l: - (•\i BEI)1{04Jt1 suite. 1,1, 1e.'1t11-eentury finish. large mirror One walnut parlor ,aIle, .•ia pit•.;.., thee eek outubina- tion writluic-dtuk• nod bookcase. Ap- ply to Miss I. H. 1W.U.TEtt. Iiritau- nia Woad 2t rill SALE .-In DU'NG:AANNON. A l two story six -room name cottage with kittdtt•ut and bath ; hard and soft water; cement cellar.. Apply to C. FLJ.RYIT. Dungantwu. or John Nevins. Scatorth. Lettit S-u):.-)LeLACGHLix CAR. !' In good ondition_ . inoelttuically. Tine and top In flrrta•lae, avnedRlon. ('heap for cult. Owner leaving emu., Phone 362.. At'CTiOX SALE riLEATUNI: Al'('TIUN SALE OF . • Altar. FARM STOCK. iMPf.1:• MINTS -]Nie M.t('HINERY. MR. OWEN MOORE wIU sell by pnblie aue•t1On at Pt. LOT It. coser.S$10N 9. E. D. COLBP )ItNE ou WF:DNF.SDAW. MARCH 12th. commencing at 1 o'eloek sharp. The fare-. rontntn:- l0 a -'r,-- Of the very best of land and Is in first-eluss eondirion. Thfere is a fairly goal Home: praeticalty new Rat'n. 45 x 50: a toexjnat.•r mutely, and place Le well loctetRl. TERMS: -The Farm will be • sold .object It a reserve hid. Ten per tent. of purchase moticc to be paid on day of sale. balance within 30 days. or twenty -fire hnndred dollars may rr main on mortgage bearing •interest at 51, 1, per cent. TIORSES I bay driving Mare; I grey Mane. 1400 the; 1 grey fielding. 1400 Ma.; 1lslaeek Mane: general purpose; 1 roan Mare:4 bay Mare, 1400 lbs, CATTLE . -_ • . 1 grey Tilidfer. 2 yeira old, milking, Ault' freebened; 1 bla,-k Cow. 7 years old, mincing; 1 Jeteey Cow. 7 years old, milking. just freshened; 1 grey Cow. 5 year,. old. due 15th April; 1 Cow, 7 years old. due in April; 1 Calf, six months old. PIGS 1 Sow to farrow; 7 Pigs, about 100 lbs. each. FOWL. 1 Pair Geese; 1 pair Duck.. IMPL'EMEN'TS 1 Binder. 6 foot cot; 1 Cockehntt Heed Drill. 1:t disc; 1 set Disc Har- rows; 1 Cultivator: 1 Riding porn Cul- tivator ; 1 S.uffler ; 1 Riding Plough.: 1 Walking Plough; 1 Fanning 1[111; 1 set Scale.,.2000 lbs. • 1 Bey Rake: 1 Mower; 1 Truck Wagon; 1 )Taman with two bete aha la. 1 set iron; 1 Wagon -Box with stock -rack ; 1 Bet Wagon 4priniot ; 1 Democrat; 1 rub- ber -tired Buggy, almost new; 1 Top Cutter; 1 Grain Roller; 1 Root Pu1p- ,•r : /lay Fork and Ropes; 1 Pump Jack ; 1 Fairbanks -Morse Engine, 3 h. p.; 1 Oilson yllo-tiller ; 1 Rhingle Mill: 1 set Sloop Sleighs; about 30 bubela Potatoes; 1 set Heavy Harness; 15 Panel Doors, 2 feet 6 6 inches x Oft. 6 !lichee. and 2 fee; 8 inches x 6 feet 6 in.. with door frames and ensilage and hard- ware: about 4,000 Lath; a quantity of Metro; home Studding, Joist and inch Lumber; some Cedar Porte; some Overlays: 20 bulletin SLtnglem and numerous other articles. TERMS: -All sums of =10.00 and under. cash; over that amount. 8 months' credit will be gtven on fern• ishing approved joint notew. A discount at rate of 6 per cent. per annum allowed for olah on credit amounts. There will he no reserve. es pro prietor la leaving for the Wewt. OWPIN MOORE. T. OUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. I AUCTION SALE OF F•AIUI irTO('K i IafPLEMI')NTB, FITBNITURE, ETC. MR. JAS. W. GIBSON will sell by public auction at E. 11. of Lot 21, Coatw.eloo 4, Weet Wawanosh, on FRIDAY, MARCH 14th, 1924 commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: HORSES -1 bay Horse, 8 years old; 1 black Horse; 1 driving Hone. I CATTLE -I Cow with calf at foot, , 4 Heifers rising 2 years, 2 Heifers, 1 year old; 3 Steers rifting 2 yeah; 1 Heifer rising 3 years; 3 Cows. PIGS -9 Pigs about 140 Me; 8 pigs about 60 lbs; 1 Sow. POULTRY -About 40 Hens. IMPLEMENTS -- 1 McCormick • Binder; 1 McCormick Mower; 1 Mc- Cormtek Rake; 1 licOormiek Culti- vator; 1 M. H. Reed Drill; 1 set four-obection Iron harrows. 1 Walk- ing Plow ; 1 twin Plow, 1 riding Plow ; 1 Scuffler ; 1 Wagon: 1 Buggy; 1 Cotter; 1 Stock Rack ; 1 Hay Rick; 1 Fanning Moil, 1 set Slings and Car; 1 sot Team Harness; 1 act plow liar -- nem; dol l a rs ; 1 Robe; 1 Robber -tired Surrey. 1 Rubber -tired Buggy. FURNITURE, etc. -1 Piano, nearly new; 1 cook 'stove; 1 Heater; 1 Oil Stove; 1 Washing Machine; 1 Churn; 1 Lounge; 8 Bedsteads; 1 Cupboard; Chairs, Tables. Seaters and other furniture. 1 Cream Separator, De Laval; 1 40 - gallon Coal 011 Drum; 2 bit. of Oats; 1 bin of Buckwheat ; block of Me; forks, chain, shovels, etc. 1 Gray - Dort Touring Oar. TRAMS or SALE :-A11 gums of ten dollars and under, cash; over that amount, (tight months credit will be given on tarnishing approved Joint notes. A di.coest of three per cent strilgltt allowed for cash on credit amounts,. Terms may be arranged on the piano sad car. J . W. (IiRSON, THOS. OIJNDRY, Proprietor. Asetleaeer. R. R. No 2. Auburn. Goderich. utor of the will of Margaret Sprigg• deceased. will offer for rale b: public auction on the premises on Sat• urda>, Mauch 13th. 1924, at 2 o'clock pe.m., the folluwng lands, namely: - The wart 30 tiered of the south SO acres of the west half of Lot 2, Con- cession 7, Westeru Divtalon, of the Township of Aahfie4d In the (:maty of Huron. On the pre•mise's Is a small frame house 22 x 28 fleet. The property 4 all seeded in grace and hie been seed- ed in grass for a number of years nail is well leeched lit a goal farming district about one talk• east of the village of Kingsbridge, and conyenleat for w'hool and church. TERMS:- Teo pee tentof the pur- se money to be plod on the day of sale and the balance within :Sul days thereafter, when full poeFeesi0n wad be given. The purchaser may have posaeaslon In the mea m e in* for the pursue• of working on said lends. For further particular* apply to William McCarthy. R. R. No. 1. Dun- gannon. Executor, or to the undersign, ell. PROI'DFOOT, & 110144E3. Solicitors for Exw•u,or. Thos. Guadrl, Auctioneer. (;olerieh. February l.th. 11124 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NI)TII'I: TO CREDITORS is the I:aUtte of John Rally. e Of the Tuwu of Uuderkh, Gentlrmaolat, doe! ceasOed. NTIt'E iak hereby given. pursuant IQ the statue.• 111 that behalf, that al persons having claims against the es- tate of the abort•'named John Kelly, wbo.died on the lith day of January, 1024. are required on or before the let March. 192.4en send In the same duly refitted to the undersigned alit. (tors for for executors, and that after said date the executors will distrib- ute the assets of said deceased among the venous entitled thereto. and will not be liable ler the said assets to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. PROUDFOOT KILIORAN" k 110LMII S Solicitors for Elevators Godericb. February $th, 1924. MEDICAL DR- F. J. R FORBTUR SYS. EAR, NOYR, THROAT Late House Surgeua New York Op . thalmic and Aural Boap1tal, asslaban1 at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Um- don. le .don. Eng. 53 Waterloo St.. a., Stratford. Tel- ephone 207. At Hotel Bedford, Ooderick, as[ March lith. at 7 n pm-, to March Oth, at 1 p.m. AL'CTIONI MMENd THOIdaS OUNDRY, GODURIOII. LIVE BT x,tc AND GENMIL L AUCTIONZIIR Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere add every effort made to give aatlsttat'tton. Farmers' sale notes discounted. t M STALKER, AUCTIONIIR for hoseebold effects farm .OMB, etc., for the County of Hama, Address all communications to J. ITALKIR, Auburn P. 0. LEGAL O. CAMERON. H. 0.. RAfiR1i. au TER. Solicitor. eaten /aW� Otllce Hamutoa street, Gods in= door tram Square. Tett leads M loan at lowest rano. PROUDFOOT, KILLS • MUMS, BARRIWTIRI, moLIOITOas, iia TARIB$ PUBLIC. iTO, Ogee en the &mars, woad IWO fres HamUtoe .treot, Oederlch. Mast* fends to lose at Mena rilY. J. 1. Killoran. Dudley B. HMaed Rape R Raps BAaanrrtaa, Bro. R.O.HAYS-R.0.11AYS,nt., B. A. Hamilton St., Ooderieh r IMAGER, K.C., BARRISTER, ao tiOLICITOR, Notary public and conveyancer. Office --Court Belles OodericJt INSURANCR. LOANd, Ila. WEJLLOP MUTUAL FiRS INIUR. ANOE 00. -Farm and White/town property insured. Olken -Jas. Connolly. Pres., Oetb. rich P. 0. ; J. Evans, Vice -Presto Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. meanie.. Bic •Tessa„ maatorth P. 0. Directors -A. Broadfoot, s. s No. 1. Iieatorth; John G. 0,1..., 11., 4, Walton; William Rink R. R. Lie. 1t, Ieeferth ; John Rennawl.a, Reel. bagea; Geo. McCartney, R. 11 No. Se $ssforth ; Robert Ferris, 1 ierteek Murray Gibson, BroceAeid ; Jams* Ivan, Beachwood; lames Ooasally. Goderkb- Agents: J. W. Yes. O s Sol* 3 AMG- Leitch. R. E. 14e. 1, . John Marne, meaferth ; 11. -� • 4 maafiseth. Policy holders payaente sad get their sty M at 1t. J, )reett�fs Mates; B. 1L Oahu Oium aaia S % Parboil `4e J.