HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-28, Page 7THE SIGNAL.
Thursday, February V3,
The People's Power
Gook byEtectiicity
ash by Electricity
iron by Electricity
Convenient Clean Quick
Cheaper than Coal or Wood
An Electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes all dust, A broom
just moves the dust.
Wally; "in and see the display
of Electric Goods at the
aids si Square •Goderich
Foie Director and
(11 calls pr ptly attend;
ed to daypr night_
lbw 93$
1ri�Mew M'ass'e
The News of the County
A Digest of the Local Happenings as Reported
by Our Exchanges
Brophey Bros.
Ilrders carefully attended to
at all bourn, night or day
bribed Puede... of White.•hun•tt
wto Laa been taking tltecorrespon-
dence veneer of the 'National Institut,•
of Art Worker. Toronto. succeeded in
carrying oft fourth prize In recent
J. H. Rogt•rm. who haul been the
Howlck .kgrkultural Society for the
pad fifteen years, has re•.lgmd from
that position, Ills place ham been as -
misted by G.•t.rge Ii. Jeffers..!..
Tt,e featbre'of Lk. last .r.itu s Dart-
ing of 414• Heiman le•ngm• esti ar`Je•.
fait.•, ••Res•.lved. that .aces. it. Ilfe
due more to character than to .'!r-
eumNtanee." The affirnatIva al le. up-
held by Ialyd Ju} nt and Mi... Violet
Whiteside. .aur de.•Iar.1 tit.. %tune•r.
'I'he negutiver sitar wan taken by S.
Ituegias and MIs. Nor. Voile'.
eta May 24th, 11471, Mr-. James Itry-
noldz of Hallett township. planted a
silver inapt.. trey outside her kitehen
dour. Two years ago the tree, was
-rather badly -flattered 1.7 lightning.
Last week the neer• was rut tkrwn. Mr
n,.ld., w io 1a herself eighty four
year: -old earned In the first armful
of the ?Records of wood into w.,irb
lite 'tee was rut.
Tile furthers in the vicinity of Wrox-
te•r. ..a• faro hinds are pertly in
int. c111agr limits. have •• •'•t-
(1. a 1., 11.• ihitarho alnui.•ipel and Mail -
way Poor.. to halve their laughs place.'
hail: in How irk town -hip fur tax put,
Bus meets all trains. ('a11s made for
passengers and baggage to any part Of
the town. Prompt service guaranteed
Telephone 51, Day or Night
0 -
Residence. r..mbhit Road. opposite
(arga n FNstory t 'bier
Itev. %Ir. Frrgu-,n1. pastor of Inc.
Wrmrt.•r I'rowybte•rian'clturat. ha•
b..s.i--4s•r.rrp _to tender bis tt•signa
I lop ou aewouttt of threat trouble. Mr.
Fergusetn Was granted ...vertu month-
prof, lett Itt11.• iluteroveun•nt has re-nl
, teal atd hi. vole•• t1' now aineeh
g •
Hry. %V. It. Ni foto.,. ..f Bruce•
field, ha. rip'oly+1 :1 ,till from the
1'r•-leyt••rtan ahitrval at Milton. The
tlpa•Iul.�,,-11:1-0011..._leer rustles.. and.
le month). t• )ollekay s. •
c--;'hatrt-gree•ers neon- at i4incar
tlt-ustt/ineel•,•,u'.,brable loss' one
nigh teeent1' wh,•tt ..(arum• broke
in tb frent d.. t and carried away
.Ill ba ,.f sugar. a quantity of honey
and nth r goods. It was n bold act.
as the gr pry `tort* i- .ittatd on Kin-
emrdin(s .in 'tress, and it would be
necessary t, make c..nside•neat ono the
hreskhig in the door. It is
burglars u a swirl, to 'drew away
flip goods:
Joseph Dorm ic.•. a prowlls•ut r..i•
dent ..f-M,•Killo
the ins 1., aNb fur, t
dropped dead
morning at Ill. home on the ;all co.-
..ea/don of that towu.AJp. Th.. ..,-
,paned, who .was a two of the la ••
',1'curse I)orrauee, wan born in ale-
1(Illop in 1S:,t5. 1Ie• was marrie•.1 n
1b145 to Was Annie Adam.., of Sea -
forth, and they bad rrdd.d on the
same -Lara ever since. Ilis widow and
four of the family •survive: t aro
of Orangeville Vera.. of Exeter High
School staff ; Hoy, of Queen's ratvcr-
Nity, Kingston, and ('unseen, at home.
. A pretty we'ldiug was celebrated on
Th.. Parr !hie, Hay towushlp, nn Mon -
limy. February lkth, when MIs'. ca fib.
iirine• Mui..•r. daughter elf Mr. surf
Mra. (.orad Mutser, wait united iu
marriage to Wm. (tender, .on of Her-
man !tender, also of Hay township.
R.V. H. Rembe. of Zurich, nttic•INted.
The judg►r'. 11. Loeklwrt. 11. Heuw,i.•k
and A. W'• IL'obinlan, adludg•il the fob
I,,WItig a.• prizewtniters in the various
,i ruts at stir earpival in Burlul_'s
rink. Blyth, on Monday eight of last
week: airs. M. Triter,'" MI.s Fera
.trinatrong. Mho A. Taylor, Min O.
M,•:111. Austin R►lafford, Jo •-.11ef-
fron, Jobe Cowan, Wm. Cook. M.' W.
Abt-- Fawiwtt:..1. Speffnrd.
Armstrong. .t. Bowen. I). Robin -en
M. Bainton..Mrs. i►. Tam:ur.
alio had Iss•n iu fail-
•• pest few y.sir•,
1,1.1 Walt esiiiy
f1' -
Cttyet•a- Prrll•ytertau .(4)111'01. Ex..te•r.
14 lteiltg T.nleva1 llint' TOliPeorlti "t:
The ciiur.h wets re -tingled and a new
furnace installed last felt. Surplice.
are being prsldtI for the•eboir, to
he used for the first time al the
reopening ',ereirn* on the first Soh -
day in March.
(loge jack•rabbitd have been fur-
nishing a lot of sport and exercise for
7 -ter -pirTnnd'ctt. 'Herbert Ford re--
reut 'dirt oi; weighing ten a mind-.
• Rev.. F. S. CIys.0ale hut. reeelv(d snit'
nevoided an °invitation to remain :t.i
pa►t•'r of Matta street Meth.xli-r c'hnroh,
F.*et•r. for another yen,.
Wm. Pfaff, of the Lake rood, has
pnrehased the reridenee of C. B. Snell
on Main street. at present .m-.'upled by
Its. Aitkinton. Mr. Pfaff get° 110. -
session about the middle of May. The
prkw mid wam i3,0M.
-Rowe. and (;tadioli' --wan the sub-
ject of a recent address fwfors the Es -
,•ter horticultural w.I.ty' by Pr. Ben-
nett. president of tete St. Thorium Hor-
t!rnitural Ssw•tety.
"fruit -a -tires" Relieved Both
Dropsy and Sick Kidneys
The Wonder at fruit Medicine
'Those who know they have Kidney
Trouble -who suffer with pain in the
bark -who are up frequently it slight
-will welcome the news that "Fruit -a-
tires", the wonderful medicine made
from fruit juices and tonics, will
po;tfive)q retleve Kidney end Bt
Troubles -as proven by thus letter.
"Our little girl had Kidney Trouble
and Dropsy ---her limbs and body were
all swollen. We decided to try
"Fnilt a•thes". Inashorttime,the
swelling went domlrn. Now, she is the
healthiest one of the family".
Port -Robinson, (int.
50e. a box, 6 fur VIA), trial size 2;s•,
1.1, dealers or from Yruit•a•tives
Liwlted,Qttawa, Ont.
few office room.. available. Awl t1.•
!plop/10w ay atom' • .w'it•bboura a1,11l
oats•,' wIII 'Welt gu there.
Ur. stud Mr.. Lyman alulolw heft
recently for Rochester. �Iiulw•sol:l•
where Mr. Mul.•olut will uti1.•ri;o
treatment at the list.'. clinic. They
will r'turu vat Winnipeg, where they
milt Is. the guest. of Urs. alale•ohu'•
parents. .
At the last alerting of the Lucknow
village council Bt•rt Held was granted
a .-notion picture license for the SOW
of 2.10 per annual. no. following of-
f cern were a (luted for the ensuing
ye•ur: R. Mille ries. a.stwwr;
Itopglas, village constable and sanitary
in•IwYtur; J. F. Agnew, pork ,and
Hydro secretary. .
Ne11 Maeltentahl. a retie, -k farmer
tieing on e`.mphell .:1'..•t, died Febru-
ary l"th,. at the age of ,A•eve',lty•five
yearn. Il.• i t survivc,t l.y hi., t He. The
funeral t..k place to KIM.... cem-
Mr. and air... Rosa ,tuder•on. +t
Itradw.•11. Sask.. are visiting friends
iu Luekn •w and eth.•r tarts et uetario.
P. .tm••nt • ha. .01.1 hie 100 -acre
farm on the :.th eemeesadotl of Morris
township to L. K'illinlwa.1. of Itno.-
sels. Mr..twent had tweed an,l opera-
ted the faros for the Inst twenty
Misr Kathlrrn Wilton. win has re-
signed from amm Tivhlug mtaff of
Brussel. public •.•bird; was presented
with n pair ..f ,andtcttrtet.. acrmzrparr
led by an: addn.-i by th.• pupils of her
Thr funeral of Men. .1. k. amirh
setae.- last Friday. She sae an
nl.l r -.bI. 11t. and .wag one of the find
lady t,ylchers In Senior's. She also
_bail Hu. honor of te•iug the -fir -t lastly
school trust.w lit the`t'rnvh.c.e. Two
sunt and two daughter* mrvir,':
Norman. Horden, .Sack., and Frank R ,
Rnt...helm. Mtn. a Or. l McRae. Bros-
-..Ls. and Stirs IbM, JInt.Ien.
The It:utestbury hotel, Clinton. en-
tertained fourteen traveller- a..'guests
of tit. -c. N. ft- while-torIuato:•'d In
Clinton last w '.-k.
Mrs.:.txon 1111.1 Men. (randier ad-
dr'•Iwd-rte. Hume and S.•hesd flub at
its last meeting on the .iiIt .1'1
The Clint.... "Me.. of 4 auto. '1.:ut141nis
A Co. I.tt., Montreal, was cloned on
TIs•.Ii111 111011, fug a1 last week, owing
to the death in Montreal of Charles
ianglois. po'''lder' of rhe Company.
John 4 Ibbiugm, Clinton - firsr .7rizen
to 1.• Fern there. took a, weak ..lieu
last week, tint has improved sinew.
Stirling NlePhs1I, of Porter'. Hill.
ws. gi.ru a chontIe for 91 fel:_:. for she
ty etlirkt•ns, which he delivered last
we -.d. to the Clinton hram•h of Gunn.
Langlois Co. The eherpie Ata- The.
large.* 1..u.Y1.1ty the Company -to gpiv
Individual farmer/ for a -iugle delivery
on one day. ^ '.
Over 1!a,.'tal F.tks w, re tr.rrow.•.1
front the ethane' puhli.- library in 19'21.
There are slier) book- in the librayy
altogether, 407 of which were purchas-
ed last year. The number of l..rrp4w''
cps totntl.d 7701.. with 174 new un •
added daring the year.
loAt 11irA, who has r.+igned - n.
manager of the t\ ingham plan operit•.
td hy. the United Fanner,-
erntirr Co. and is spending 'the winter
at Hot Springs. e'aliforuta. hu- lien
-u.•ew•deel l.y J. A. w'it..,t. 11 it
('ramm has been plaee1 111 ••h.nrge of
the hatter -marking d.•ptrtwent.
Rn -sell Hooper. empl„yv el by .1. .1.
Walker. n11d.•rtaker. ,of \finghnm. Itt-
.nn'•'wfnlly lass'0I the ,a 11ntilwlttot, t.•,
gt1011ft.atl.pr a- an crniratmer hrl,l i1'.
the nnatnmlefit se• tion of 'Toronto f'tr-
Richard Wilton. it. R. No. 1. wiug-
hnm.' t'pp •.l the list in the •.nubiurd
field irop competition hl 'stat., (►..t.
No. 72. under the auspie e. of tine Turn
Lorry .tzrfen'tnral So •Irty. His -11'.r.•
wa.tips i poltits. a. fuller...: Field
90.5.-1411 ItA. 110 peer. ct us -nf field
40 per rent of lin :1!e2. 31r wiLon',
i.iu wenn• wens the hi14In•.t recorded in
the Prost Imp. '
Tlfe boned of manager. of Pt. .1n
drew'. T'reehiterian church hits derid-
ed to Riw•nd a3.7.00 it, -repairs to the
rhnrrh hnililnf, Mein
tion. which has settled .nno'whnt.
The annual meeting of the iioen
and Kinloss Telephone ('o. was h •l.1
In the Winghetn town hall last week.
Thr nuditarri report showed that
erpw of a'1.?'- over Iiabilltle' 'vas
t211.5.33.73, the .p'''een being Toluca at
12.-,,ann. Pry ('911 Iwatterie' car,' to tale
*implied by the company in frim,.
The 1..01. gin te hn,. re-..I,.•ned ilii.
Iw•tliir closed f.•r .t•wtr1f" two w,.•It-
.nt Ing to 1111 epid,Utb• of measle..
There are still a number of pu1i11. out
of m•h..,I. but more tart/.!% due...4
colds than to wettal. s,
Mrs. W. E. Smtth,nt•. -r. is .em
1111 extended 'visit wit!' h.•1'' /laut(Il.
Ter,` Mrs: R.; .tttil•r.,t, of New lora:
Mia.. I.11ll.ut Krl::ttt .+die red the
sum of $1011 in the town .o t$eaforth
for the Upper 4..i..r.ta Itibl.�and Tract
The ti•siguec of th • e ladl:ut Flax
Co. 1• making pr'•I.ar.t and to start
stork -again of the. tic -rtil flax Hill!
T. t:. Scott' mat 31 et'h.•.• tvel•.• it,
feanlot recently to, Herr the fawns
Toni Brown •acophoue sextette. Mr.
Brown was .vudtm for of tit Kenforth
band nearly twenty peon ago.
Wiliam )slack. U. 1'. for Smith
Huron. will 1w• n•-'•onq.nui(d to Ot-
tawa fur the op eidr.g .d the Ttiemluion
Howie uu Febrlt.try ;9•th by Mrs,
}dark sod d:u►ghter, -Miss Uuri uerit•.
Mina-F.+re-main,- «( -'ihs _t'oUeglate
stuff. was in London tifleinitttg n
-1 jus 9l w" bit must.
A very w'rteina an'''ent happen.( 10
I:rorge illa•k-,ou. of the 5t11 eotf.•ewaon
of IL.-Kill.ya. rY•'•utly while oiling the
windmill .1 the top of u forty -few,'
tower on his form when to some man-
ner his right baud ...light ib the gear-
ing and was severely crush,•tl. Though
along at the Itinelie managed t.. reach
taw ground and went imm,-liately Into
tow] ' for medical treatmeu'. The
thiri finger war takeyt off at the
11,1 joint and the fourth finger
Good Color
To have Clothes perfectly
cleansed and good color, the
Soap must remove till the vis-
ible and invisible impurities.
SURPRISE will do this thor-
oughly. It is durable and
pleasant to use.
"Health Is After All
Your Biggest Asset"
EECF.SSIVE mental strain -worries and
anlfiettes consequent on the ups and
downs of businesa-
The difficulties in estimating what the
future holds in store-
Thene are some of the causes which prominent havee
hastened the end for many
during recent years:
Employer and employee alike have been
subjected to greater strain of brain and
nerves than ever before.
Too often the value of guarding the health
has been overlooked and the results are a
warning to the survivors to remember that
health after all is our biggest asset.
It is comparatively easy to restore the
exhausted nerves by the use of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food provided treatment is begun in
reasonable time. -
When digestion breaks down -when you
cannot rest or sl when you find yourself
nervous and irritable you may be sure it is
time to ease up and begin the use of this
restorative treatment.
The brain and nerve cella are not getting
proper nutrition. Nor will they ao long as
too much nervous enc is wasted in worry
and anxiety and too li left to coQtrol the
organs of digestion.
There is no magical way in which the
depleted nerve cells can be restored.
They must be patiently nourished bads to
health and strength.
This restorative process is best brought
about by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food.
This has been proven in so many thousands
of casters that evidence is to be found in
almost every (community. Ask your friends
and be master of your health by -using Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food.
You will notice that while the price of
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been increased
to 60c. the box now contains 60 pills instead
of 50 as formerly.
Likewise Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
are 35c. for 35 pills, instead of 25c. for 26
Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.
1 a%Il• ern -dash The :or•i,hmt wam n
..4•y (�...fortunate one. but consldering
the Attire "f it and the dlstnls•,• Mr.
)aick.ou 'wan from the ground at the
time he eotesioer-tilin+telt-!w I:y that
it did pot race wore .orlon. reau1ts.
• '11,e 1.••;..e Of Mr., n Mr`. Wil Ilani
Charters on the • still read. Tneker-
smltltr wn.. the scene of a happy
gathering Friday evening. when about
100 oleo./ n..w•nlhted to celebrate the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their
woldlt g. Mr. ami airs. Charter, were
married in item...field on February 22.
1st•!•. the bri•le !wing a11ss,Jean Jnmi,e•
sus• aid .want •ire r,Y.lde on the farm
where ?lacy have Ivd ,irer •Im•e..1ud
where their tiro •9.0dreu4 airs, 11.
r: Peeketder. - of wits•..n+tn, and soli
William Pearson Ch:refer, were horn.
.l toast 1111 the eonple n1,. ;.ropss•cd 1.y
\C: tttitrk. M. 1'.
Ph L,•n:e1' 4: ..
Hot, -
who has Jo,' ,..,-: , o ;1.. I.,.: ul, 1. ..1
(Minister tit Just i. a is ti .• t abiuet o:
Right Hou. W. 1. Mack. unto .Kit,, .
has had a, uutabl. carr. r. .
SIallifl.-he.• pnbitc -lire tilt al. aid.. '
nlan for the City of 31ontrea1, 1.e`,.
latter .•k-tle•tj to the Quebec Iw'141
lure et the general • lection in I>•1•:.
and war r ,elected at every nut:..-
quent election until 1919, on tin i.
'occasions befog electlei for two con '
stttnctteleve7--14+-1vwe Minister -44 - Pot -a-- .
iic•Wurki iu the MI11i11ry of iota. S.1
L. Parent, but rest::ned on No'., t t,cr'
3, 1904. and on- Marsh tn.-19111. he
was called Upon to form a Goeel.n.
went on the resignation of Mr. Par-'
est. He took to nlaself the omcet
of Attorney -General, which be retain-
ed until August 16. 1919. He re-
signed the Premiership and its seat
In the Assembly on July 8. 1926. A
few days later he was appolntrd :to
the Legislative Connell, but he never
took lois seat. •
Inning .his Premirrehlp, many im-
portant measures were carried
through the lw•gislature, including
the acquislon of Ungava to the oldest
portion of the province, the building
of technical schools In Montreal, Que-
bec and other parte of the province.
the Good Hoadn Art, and the stabil-
isation of the finance•s of the pro-
Sir Iwomrs was 9t•st .elected to the
House of Commons at the general
election In 1921, and upon the forma-
tion of the Cabinet of the Right Hon.
W. L. Mackenzie King, he was. ap-
pointed Minintt•r of Justice. He at-
tended the Geneva Conference of the
League of Nations last summer as
represe ntative of Canada, and subee•-
quently took part on behalf of the
I)ontlulon In the imperial and Econ-
omic Conferences in London. ------•
Sir Lomer was born at Grondines,
Que., un March 19, 1861. the son of
N. (Jouln, M.U. He received his edu-
statlon at Sorel and Levis, and was
called to the for In 1886. He was a
Winter Weather
Wm.TTow•ar-1(. ni' neer Tny+tlat••. ire.
dl.powgl of 'tis fiftyaere farm in flay
township to Ed. Iienomy, who secures
powaeowton Mareh 1.1. •
Fifty member( of the Busy Bee
Mass of the Evangelical Sunday
s91c.a1. Znrkeh, reiontly held a ten-
•ent tens at the home of their teacher.
N i Elizabeth Rennie. at which the
411 of 912 way realized ter tier eMarsh
piano nnd. •
.t v. y plea'ant time wen spent
one even reee-ntiv a1 the tame of
air. and . contail KeI1 r, when a
number of the intimate friend* gath-
ered to cclehrat \Ir. K.1!.t's .detictit
birthday. The a ning WAR spent in
many ways of am ent and %%A-
ntoci' enjoyed by all.
gnome' ileltz. who recently a pup
chased the va(lan't lot opposite Fite
Commercial hotel, is alma making
prem. ration. for the Willett' of a
new An.inetw' black. Thin will Ilk v be
1'••a 11' • r,o. for t'e• -fredoTr4.:'•o ?i
C,. Delis intends to have !tying qnn
tern on the weeny' Rtnry. where It..
wIII •r,oIde. There will also be a
Hard on Little On
Long Distance
Super Salesman
"All my sales are made
by Long Distance," says
an Ontario merchant. •
"My brother, who trawls
for the firm, strikes the
large. towns and sells to
all small towns in the
vicinity by lung Dis-
tance.. Even letters en •
A' gulling for prices. ate
answered by long Dis-
sance, 1 could quote you
hundreds. of instances.'"
Another nierehant says
if a customer is cot
when a traveller calls,
he makes note of his
stock, and a special toll
salesman calls him by
Long Distance and sellb
Experience shows - that.
Station -to -Station calk--
alla-can often be used with
entire satisfaction. -
former partner of the late Hon.l
Honore, Mercier, whose daughter he i
'Harried in 1188. He rrceh-ed the
honor of knighthood at the hands of
eS I 'lip then Prince of Wales at the Que-
bec tercentenary celebration, and
was created- 7C:-C.11.G., to 1912.
,fur Cann•lian winters are eSi Q
high hard em the health of little 0110+.
The weather is often so severe that
the Mother v:41144 111the little ons•
mit for .a a;rltg. The eounesI11e•ISY' is
that Intby I.' l•'altined 10 ny•rh•'at.Yl.'
villi 'vertuu TN*T•0111. Mkt. .1.441 and
'weenies eross and peeve.h. Baby's
Own Table + i,honld be given to keep
rhe- nine ...rue 1,•111113. They ore n
null Inxuirie widely reglllntr the
mtonlarh and 1.,wwl.. and thus prevent
odd,. The T111110- are si.1.1 by tuwll-
vine bhii 1'o oy fry mafl-i t 2't' ren *
box from the Pr. Williams' t1, -prise
Co.. Brockville, Out.
E .,r 4.1'! r.•I.phon, i. e
Lane llsl.ne• MaheR
Using 21 Pena at a '1 ono.
Signing twenty-one documents at
the same time, using twenty-one pens
for the Purpose, seer's impossible,
but in a small office in New York the
Consul -General of Atgcntlna rapidly
<Igned twenty-one atJlnte, the new -
,hurt term notes him Government, as.
--*Bering in that mar-ke•t,---Tl►le- seas
lone by a newly -Invented set of balk,
oubrne frictionless machinery wefth
wenty fountain pens attached, Nyn-
c;tt•ontzed with the master pen nerd
al• the writer. Thus N person with
name of seven or eight letters may
.!pin 12.000 or 15,000 tines an hour.
weight ofMce.
O'ne cubic foot of is • tvclgha 57 !,
pounds. As for the stcength of i1' ,
the following rule Is of long stand-
na: lee two tneheP thiek will boar
infantry; four nylon thick will bear
cavalry or Light auna; ;4z` Inches
thick will bear heavy field guns;
cliht Inches thick w111 hear a weight
not over 1,000 pounds to the square
- The use of this big new
200 page bookwill give
you a lot of pleasure
___ TM --sail fac{o0:--- it -cn11-
tains 700 recipes --a11 care-
fully selected by experts --
also valuable household inform-
ation. We will send you this
useful book postpaid for 30e.
Write for it today.
For delightful, flaky pastry
and big loaves" of wholesome
bread, rir•h in benly building
gluten and health -giving min-
eral' always insist upon
Purley Pfour.
Taros'*, Owtaal*
MIhbe The ('Iwnpare Notes With
Their Friends.
.1n.' Ilea do tw.nple• find out w•)tnt
Ills then. not. that Itle} fro.. .111.1
reading Iht,•, old patent utagat'ue• N-
thta;,.R? '''rill 'orad I ttgitirer.
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