HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-28, Page 5COUGHER.§ DON'T WAIT The longer a cough waits, the harder it grows and the greater the distress and danger. We want you to try White Pine and Spruce Balsam for a value which we think few cough remedies possess. .For voice and throat use KlearOids The little black licorice pellet. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 The Square, Goderich Try Us For Fancy Goods Novelties, Etc. MISS;S. NOBLE South Aide Square - - • .lrrieh Friends Want Your Photograph and they will prise a really good one. You cannot give loved,, ones • more acceptable remembrance than your portrait in one of our newest mountings. J. T. FELL Phone 187 Gdarkb (;ODFRI('H MARKETS - '(3,u rlay, Feb. 2's-. Short.,, per ton 832 W 833 00 Bran. per ton '30 00 31 00 Ilay, poor ton 1loowel „ S 00 it 00 Hay, per ton (baled' 12 01 13 00 Wheat. per bushel 95 1 00 Oata. per bushel 3.5 40 IBuckwheat. per bushel 70 75 I'utatoes. per bushel 50 00 Burley. per bushel 55 110 cattle, c11e14•.. per 4ea4J ti 00 We charge no more for First - Class work than is ordinarily asked for second -chis Our purpose is to clean, press and repair your clothe.• in such a way that you may regard our work am better than usual. and to charge yon no more for thio than .aha you of srrvae y kind lx', Ps have been in the habit of pay- ing for unsatiefaotory results. There's a differ..ce we wait to show you W. C. SNAZEL • Phone 33A Youth Side Square Cattle. medium. per cwt. i 50 •i 00 t"e al calve,., per fest. . t+ 00 L 00 Hides, Ater lb. O4 ft Hog& per cwt. T GO 7 75 !•'Mur. patent per cwt3--30'-- 3 00 Flour, family, per .•wt3 :ill . 8 30 Ilutter, creamery, per Ib. 4.5 i) natter, decry: perele-. 4U Eggs. fresh. per dozen . 35 40 Chickens. per Ib. 22 THV SIGNAL. ('Ht'RCH NOTES I At the Baptist church 111 171 S Lay the services w111 he conducted by the pastor. Iter. C. N. ih•w.•y. Sermon sllhJw'la: 11 a.m., '"rhe t'hurch a Fnrnlly" : 7 p.m.. "He Weet u little Further." 1'onituuulou w111 Ike oar eeryeJ at the morning ...nice. The rtuu<Iay wined meets at 111 a.w At the 11. Y. 1'. 1'. meeting 1n the Itapttst rhnrrh on Monday evenlgt, Unruh :int, alt Illustrated lantern lec- ture entitled. "A Missionary nary Tuur Ihrou&i Norlhertl thtlari a,' w111 1e given. Everybody Is cordially Invited to this meeting, whleh emensenees at e p.m. At Vtetorta etre,' '1eth.sltwt church next Sunday the .ery lees w111 he eon- ducte.l by the, pastor. Morning sub- ject, "The (Ad Theology and the New;' Evening enbjeet, -The . (leunmonp leee I t?{rIst1 S.•rdce." Prayer iDeet- hi,: at lu a.m. and the Bible who'd a1 a pone. .t .cedant welcome to all. Clearing Sale of Footwear February 22nd to Marts id This is your opportunity to purchase Footwear at greatly' ,reduced prices. Goods offered are broken sizes in all lines, men's• women's, boys', chil- dren's and misses' and all win- ter goods at clearing prices. Overshoes, Moccasins, Shoe Packs, Slippers, Etc., Etc. ','e invite )oil to Hern's Boot Shop The Square Phone 43w Sale of Winter Millinery Attractive Value in Price. Qual- ity and Original Style Our Clearing Sale makes it possible to buy a velvet shape for $1.50 Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Excep- tion! Value, for $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 New Veils in New tiering Desi g'.s Miss MacVicar Kigsto. St. f sietitb r A Narrow Eseape. Witt'XETER, Feb. 25. -Stuart Nan - denten, .on of 1). 1►. Sanderson, nar- rowly eae'ap"I .minus injury when a !barn ,le.or f.•11 on him, rendering him unconscious for twenty hours. He bas apparently recoverwI now. with theei- c ptiun us- several bruise•,, on the -boulder and bend. We like to make portraits of men arta many men prefer us as we .osis flm po.de.a that faculty which canna tea to fully bring out diameter atom individuality. R R. SALLOWS. Automobile Owners Get Your Markers from J. W. MacVicar at Geo. MacVicar's Shoe Store, north side of Square, Post Office Box 414 momoommom Are You Satisfied The serve.** 1n Knox church next Sunday will be in charge of the tele - later. -11 m.na. cnmmtWkru. Erelll)t! a11.J1.4. "High 'ILiisking." Sabbath seh.w.1• turd itible claw•. at 3 o'clock. 1 I'reperatory sers-lee Friday evening at !; .. ela•k, to he (•nlldnetrd t,y Rev.' W. K. Alp. It. A., of Auburn. _Tete .Pews a eul.jeets for the regular aervhe•s at North Qtr.•t•t. Methodist rintreh next Sunday. at 11 a.m.. :.td 7 pw...r.-yterticrir, will tr.: "Jacob at Petiiel,r and "The Glory of the t'uma►unpluee." . At the Men's Club. meeting at to n.m., the suhJeet, -Host eau wee h.•Ip tq lett.•r world roadf• tlonn.': ' q 111 to lutralu<•.•d by Mr. D. D.` ,Mooney. Church, .chool and Bible M clawata at 3 p.m. � [n (411100C11.111(411100C11.111with the Norio atree•t ento 1i•r church anal verwiry, to be oltse•n•(d Manch tell and Inth, there will be a ..adat ;:rtbering on the Monday. night wjth tol(lre•.M s and music, in (•e'Iehrath.0 of the tlearine off of the• mortgage nn the chnrda property. Everybody will be wekv.me tee tcnl- at tylia bimetal .isa.Jon - GODRRICH. ON T. TJrurrday, irbrtu,rr 2i, ItY_i--•d Actors' Rivalry Caused Riots 44.4.0% ,• • • rwNUV%-% vv e•• Lady DUua Manners and Princes* Matchabelll, of Italy, *met 1n New York a few days ago and tossed a ruin to de(•ide which of them should GOBBMN TAPESTRY. Mated Because colors Are Absolutely Peruraaeat. Thr r.ce•ut darir:y; theft mud almost equally drauoatie iecusery of two ea- luuslte examples of Oobellu tamest•) Trow Veraalller call attention to a tartar) which Is one of the oldest as well as unr of the most litere•tins in France. The odd point it that Jean tube - lin, atter whum the great tape•str•y play the leading role in an Important factory is uauerd. war not himself a moving picture for which both, tap..try'seeker. He ems a dyer. who through some wlaundrretandlug, founded dye work'. In the Faubourg thought themsrleee engaged. The Saint -Marcel about the rod of the a[ amicable settling of what might have been a most unpleasant 'situation ham recalled the memorable Astor Place riots in which the rivalry between two distinguished players, or rather the fury of the adherents of one of them, led to the loss of more Shea Thirty lives. Never before, or since, we presume, has • -theatrical per- to their already celebrated dye formance In any city been the cause'works; but it was not until a good of such a sensation as that which fol- deal later -namely, to the year 1693 teenth Gentry, on the banks of the little river Birvrr. The mew who first wade Cohens tapestry erre Flemish weaver* brought from Flanders by King Henry 111., us- France. These men were art to work in the year 1f0) . to a house belonging to the Oobelfn family, and quite Geon* lowed the appearance of Claritin Ms- , _that Colbert gathered the various cready, the Englleh - tragedian, a tapeptry weavers togetber and de - New York. He was • treated as ! finitely established the (lobelia man - though he were an agent of the Fug- ufaciory. Bah Government come to draw Duce , Louis XIV. himself was the moving niore:the American people under the spirit behind the .t hour, which In- Briltsh ) oke. Had the mob been 'eluded a treat crow factory for the able to layhands on him 0.- un- I a „taking ul furniture and metal work, - doubtedly would have been lyue•he14 as well a• Wrestrt.•e and carpets. • Deni ('rear lour Knees t►ur girls used to be told -and nmy mill be told. for all I know -, Gun It acus unladylike to sit with the kotes croswed. If tJtat were a11. the 1wrullellt century miss could :•1 uu scoffing at her gra tdm•.rther- but 11 Isn't. llet', le a doctor writing to the Lamle to eel:gest that eroartlne the kis.,. .•auww .arta-e velem I has- tily usa•na-seed my own as 1 reed that there is no position "letter eats collated to retard the normal flow of bland In tit, superficial veins of the (ower extremities,' (says r writer n t1.' Evening iltandard). And then what happened? Sit op etrelgttt-leggeei and listen. "The press- ure catches Ihe internal raphenotei vein where it passel, slightly hehbtd the knee joint, while the external rein ix . hi,. Io,I b)' rltn pree:urr in the pepillteal stare, That clinches the anther. new. ees•wt ku..tt. Nerves Restored eaaacne one Aa 1t fell out the only casualties' • The well-known Le Brun was the %. 'Grateful Ii►BM' Frau. a. Well were among the rioters and the Net director of this royal factory, troops that had been called out to and it was h. who designed the Bat- preservet Known t(sne.er.r Num.. order. tits of Alexander, the Twelve ed.wtee leading American actor and his ad- of surly Guhtlin lapt•rtry. tl•,ry 11111. ..f 31.4 Ave• meet. V i Edwin Forrest at the time was the of the ye„, „d uthrr famous owes if. tl„'-winner ..f 102.J," 'says It .nicer. B. t' , ••1 'weenie rery iutslou• mirers thought him the equal or Ida- Even at this date all the silks nasi 't treacly, though poetrrlty has reversed other materials used were died on 'il`"t' tat) "'ung 'hiit¢hter. heath. their judgment. In 1848 be had 1 �h.• was atteu.ling n e.mmeminl R the premises, mud rko work was all made an English tour, and on his re- piece work. That le, the brads of the ....teed. titin I.•Ieewn firer .lose .folly -torn he said that Macready had visit- different win -tedium. took over such caul ,•.teptt•tutll)' hoLweathe•r .,he he- ed the theatre one night and hissedmucectworeed• - --- ---- ` --___ down ' -' '' hien. Naturally his friends were highly Incensed when they heard it and wheu the following year Me- cready visited New York they deter- mined to have revenge. He was to give a farewell performance in "Mac- beth" Mao-beth" in May at the Astor Place Opera House, and at the same time Forrest was pltiying the same role at Wallack's Broadway Theatre. The rivals were advertised to play the same role on lbe same night, and this was Interpreted by the Forrest psrtlsens as a gratuitous offence. bey resolved that the performance of the Englishman phould' not take Place. An hour before the Astor lace Theatre opened a crowd of hoodums, workingmen, and men and women In evening dress had gathered at the doors and when they were opened rushed In and took advantae•- ous positions. They permitted the witches to pro- ceed with their Incantations, but as .son aa Maeready appeared they hgreeted Dim with a storm of hisses. is voice was drowned by the tumult, but h* persisted though visibly' angered, and presently a shower of eggs vegetables and more dangerous missiles began to fall on lbs stage. The curtain had to be rung down and the show closed for the night. Rome days later an Impromptu organisation selling itself "The Friends of Fair Play" induced Macready to give an- other performance. The friends of Forrest immediately announced him for the same night in the same role. As the date approached thousands of handbills were distributed bearing the following worda:- "Workingmen: Shall Americans or Lagllahmen rule in this country? The crews of the British steamers have threatened all Americans who shall dare appear this night at the English ati.Wcratio opera bouse. Working - meal Freemen! Stand up to your lawful right'!" gardens before. Tickets for the Maeready perform- gJenny,ardens who, unlike her Iron -grey *ace were sold only to those known spouse, Is tawny fawn and without to be in sympathy with him, but It his short, straight horns, M tor ever happened that some fell into the ministering to the toilet of her twins. bands of rioter, and when he NO - These are already almost as large geared on the stage these rushed for - as their somewhat older cousin. ward. But there were plenty of Itoe both inside and outside the The special muck al ee.rvIee In -North enact Methodist (4701.1 41k ounday even- ing was much enjot+tl1 by those Kee. eta. The dna. "flow Rwe'et the Name •4 J..oi. Sounds.' by Mj.s Hazel Bel. eller and Mr.. A..1. Ma 4Cay. was all thet could be dewiratl. The organ num- Ver. lv Mr.,W.•.tnri were given In his en-tnmary sympathetic manner. in thi• nh.enre of the pouter. R. -r, J. de- iu'wBaited - trprm nee. J F:.- -TorfiYnr a f.•i* wards in view of the fact that it was. Sar. Wewton's Atnlw.11 eer- viee as or8anlst. Mr. Ford ,v.mmente.l Upon Mr. Weston's splendid work le the wu.I -:a1 leader -hip of the char. h : has preludes and offertories,. Mr. Ford -lid, had been r.liginnely helpful to him ps•t•snnntly. simply because tIity were eto gentle. '.w.. -t and touching. The zermou' preached in North street 2.•thalst church last Sunday hy Rev. .1nhn Agnew. of London. were mm•h mppreclat.d by large congrega- tion.. morning azul evening. Mr. Ag - tin'" sermons were well mes- snr.d and forcefully delivered. bold- '.the attention of 111• hearer. thrnnghnnt. The.nhieet of missions was ensphas >rl-by !the %letting ...ferry- man. thOngh in the evenlnR his •ser- meu dwelt on the Interpreting of rr ligion and the n.resaity of Chritians'. training then-elre. to lead the relig- ion• lift•. You can get satisfaction by dealing at THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE in New or Used Furniture. If you try us once you'll be a regular customer. This 1s Your Store. Use It. Blackstone's Furniture Excha g on the Broadway of Goderich 41111111.11111111111111111111, THE VERY LATEST BARRETTES FOR THE HAIR All kinds of colored settings, also plain ones from 10c up to 7Sc. BEADS Ivory, Pearl, Jet, Jade. Ruby Crystal, every color and length 15c to $6.50. New Oriental Bracelets and Ear- rings. Parisian Combs for the hair. Latest hit. the new Black Cat Bar Pin, 2Sc. Drop in and let us show you all Our pretty new things. Always something new here. Smith's Art and hitt Store r, we 193 East Street The Reason for Aluminum. Because ten deteriorates very rapidly if expose to air many rests and ex- periments have been ma(k to find an efficient mtrtns of packing 11 sol ns to proeerre the flavor. The "Salads" Tea Company fleet ir-•d lead pack - ogee hat came years ago Adapted mite minilm foil. aluminum being more durable and lighter than lead, belittles. of ronrse, being' abwvlutely aanitery and air -tight. This method of pack- price from -the director. Lach m • - ager In his turn paid his weavers and i.u,urly 1lr.d. Was I.•pre.-.I over her other workmen. et -melee. and irritable and peevish This was the gulden age of the -i about the Wince. t tent several tunics 1 had heard well spoken of. but they .11t1 rltit -tt•Al tai hop .nir. .1r .alt,? .tuge :111 :olvi•rthen,ent of Iu•. '!111 factory suffered during the revolu- Hittite Pink Ville. telling of a •imlln'r Bon. The number of hands fell from tt4.ei., about 300 to fewer than 60. But 1t :fief • 1 decide I et ;eve alai: a«.lichee a survived, and L to -day as active and r•rl:tl. You two jedge of nay eurpri.e busy as ever. aiel .i.•lightschen i noticed an im L. It still has Its own chemical labor- 1ruvAment !u her eemitlieti.ulna Oo_belin, and the work produced was of the very highest order. Like everything else In Perls, the vlcee.i. 11..1169 We All like the Personal Touch in Business ---but my customers em- barrass me by enquiries such as the following : "Have you Dirty Hands and Dirty Face ?" "Have i you The Cat's Whisk- ers ?" "Have you Two Grey Eyes?" But this one , is, rather thick : "Have you A Kiss in the Dark ?" and I only made it worse by replying that 1 did have but it was gone now and .that I could easily get another one. story, dye works. and a department specially given over to the repair of tapestry. - The dye works remain the moat important of the whole business, for the (lobelin colon are absolutely per- manent, and while much of lbe ane tapestry made elsewhere has deteri- orated through fading or change in Its tints, that 1. a misfortune that tan never bappen to the products of the Gobelln factory. - Long.Legged Babies. Another addition to the large fam- ily of animals at the London Zoe- Jogical Gardens, London, Eng., oc- curred the otber day when two baby nilgai -the largest of the Indian an- telopes -were born. Their mother is Jenay, who, on ae- couot of her tameness, was a popu- lar occupant of the antelope paddock in summer. Her pretty lung -lugged offspring were strutting around their shed al - Most Immediately after birth, whllet Bob, their father, a stately specimen of the blue bull, looked proudly on from a neighboring compartment. Neat door to the happy tangly, Lucy, another nilgai cow is lending her "one and only," wbtch she pre- sented to the society a few days pre- viously. Save for a sturdy young male, born in 1811, nilgai bases not bred In the building and the theatre was quickly Why Touch Wood. rid of the disturbers. and the per- F,yera people who claim to be abso- ing i« admitted to he the most of formance went un without other 1n- lutely tree from superstition will festive known to preserve the flavor terruptlon than that which came "knock wood" when they make a of tea. All • Saluda" Is sold in rate- from the streets. The doors and raab statement or desire to increase right aluminum packages. windows of the theatre had been their luck. But few know where this boarded, and the police marched up superstition arose from. 1t 1a said to In the Family and dowu outatde. But the mob have arl.en with the ancient tree Two little ,bildrt•n coming out of mine upon paving stones that had worshippers, who must -have been Rauch •w•boetl, where, evidently. ref- been piled across the street -it seems wide -spread as the custom is obeen- erre.,.• bad been wade to Ids Sntmmdc that such stone. are always at hand able alt over Europe among mankind maj.•siy, weer dlwu.ming In iDeis when there 1. need for them --and of Aryan stock. The primitive be - childish way the lemon. `1)o you bell. ye there is a devil?" netted one. "Now;" said the other. "lt'e Just like Santa ('Inn«, it'. your father.' s•411111ross1111111111411111• WEEK OF MARCH 3 to MARCH 8 Monday and Tuesday IMuplait Mrl.ean clear. 111.• i-...,,, for riotous all thr.msh "TICE .1 NSHINF. TR.%I1" Ilo.Igkinson Star Cornell) "The ',Witte Fool" • • • Wednesday and Thursday Rete Daniels and Nita Naldi In .then i►wan'c imps. -i,,• . ht ..l, "GLIMPSES OF THE 11OGN" Sennett Comedy ..gym „3,e • • • Friday and Saturday Charles .lone'. H ,t tale of the North "SNOWDRIFT" Sunshine Comedy "The FourAusher" Fos News Reel • • • Matinees-MOMlay. Wtdneaday at 4.16 and Saturday at 3.01 • • • COMING :-"Kugglrs of Roll Grp." ...ss•••09r•S wttb these a bombardment was set lief was that spirits res ded In trees. Without this baric idea being entirely lost there came the period of the Sa- cred proves% and the Druid's Oaks. and then the dedication of certain sorts of trees to the earnest and sluipleat tors M the superetltlon. People touch wood to call the atten- tion of the tree spitlt to the fact that wounds. they recognise his Influence in the Then the order to load with ball good leek of which they boast, and cartridge was Riven. The mob again in- ardor that ha may not feel allght- attaeked and many soldiers were ln- ed and change their good fortune Jured and some of their muskets de- Into bad. stroyed. Then the order to are was given and a prefatory volley was }'isn.ingos Grow Scarce. discharged over the heads of the The gorgeous and stately flamingo crowd. This did not have the de- sired effect, for the [donee still con- tinued to be hurled. There was noth- fag to be done but to Sr. to .-..I t and at the next volley two rioters fell dead while many were wounded The up upon the doors and windows of the theatre and upon the poises themselves. The police found the job too big for them as the mob in- creased In else and the militia were sent for. The mounted men charged the mob, but were beaten back by showers of atones that inflicted -many is he danger of ext.•rutinatfon unless some friendly power steps to and takeaea handein_she_wnrk_nt..pea ere vation Once very numerous in Flor- ida and the Bahamas, their colonies mob then fled with the soldier. 1n Itavr disappeared and now 1t 1e geld pursuit, and soon the neighborhood that only about 1,200 0[ these safely wan cleared. Bul another mob had bird. air Ill 411114"" to the Bahamas An - rallied In Third avenue and the mil- and they are x11 on ltee Leland of An- itia fired the third volley, which put dros, the largest and most densely an end to the dote. When the cas- ualties were counted It was found that thirty-four rioters had been k111 - ed and many wounded, while 141 members of the militia had been in- jured. After the performance in the theatre Macready was hurrlt•d away by his friends and lay in hiding for two days, rat,, r which t made his way to Boston whence t,. sailed for England. l'hlnene nit's), Rights Paper. A women's dally newspaper in China Is being planned for eevetal prominent Chinese women. Consid- erable female labor will be employed, utterer -sal suffrage, extension of CO- , education. and the encouragement of lnstlintiana giving Instruction in ',ow :0 e:e•th:,da if Let.:.. work will be promoted. , flamingo is easy to ere, easy to k111 and easy to eat. The flamingo tongue was one of the meet -prided delicacies of the table in Roman times, but the whole bird Is esteemed In the Baba - Mae as formerly In Florida. :after such an oMeall just start one of the Vic- trolas and • -my troubles vanish into thin . air on a wave of -song. Who wouldn't have a Victrola? H. E. JENNER fore The tint i..t: ons fir,i-hc11. eontint..l tasking iia. H'illisnt. leak La-'lably t}•=. 1'IDs for some time, gaining iu health ter nide to amine and strength. 11.7 hea�laen.c,. back- they -t 11ii't ltIri• ache.. and .let.nv.slon . 1 -Appeared. tli.-m. and .he n•ain 1',oke.i wrM atnrl-happy. She -fins ,•1 .-1iu.,. 11...1 t...-ev:-kepet- perf er1y w 1 and passers her exam ivatiena wit credit.' "1 tnnnt ba a w•"rrltrta.r.. than T d.nigbter's health, for -irned my Ilring ns n for ale past 12 rear-. Sing •' tees did not e Until last fell. give ont snddeniy.- Bull 1 had to tie- («resl from lnmd- f.vling of de- f my e•ond1.inn knew over m) Month 1 have maternity .nurse even the most seem to t'xhnn•t when r seemed to I became nn uerton elite work. and 1 sin aches and It (•nnshs pr.•s.Lo. 1 ',tttMont to the fart that 1 was entering m rri- t(cnt time of life. 1t vine my ilairgl ter who wagered 1 that Dr. Wlllinm-' Pink Pills mig t do me as much good na they ,land done. her, and after . faithful way of them for a• time title proved to/be the tinea•. My nerves re- gained thele-etea<Iinese. and m)• ge•n- t•rnl health imprared •.(t mach that 1 felt able to undertake my nursing datives again. 1 hare tnkcn the milts •s.'ffatonally since, and thanks to them have been able to stand the strain of my work •plendttlly And et -111 feel a. well as erer. i nm eery grateful to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and mm thankful to hare found suet' a reliable me Beene far nee 10 my Iuome, and r ran ,ortw•icntiously recommend It le any _suffering_ woman or -girl combat nndh'r my e'ar., nr fnfluenere." vote can irt these pills from ant m,•.lirine dealer or by mail at 50,- a hoc from The Ter. H'llllatris' Medicine. Co, eronkrilie, 1►nt.. 1 r4I Iden .t. n:.l their i'wn livit.g ,f fat he tet- too support HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRIN tablets with "Bayer Gol e Aspirin -No othersl w There 1* ante fere A.y .. that nmehei--e-- with the "Bayer Cross" --all other tab- lets are only acid imitat'vns. . Genii ne "Bayer 'Ihbleti et Asp;ie" have been prescribed hy ,thysicinna tett nineteen years and protest .aft• hy ...W- iles* for 1'.t.n. Hra.nrlsr, Neua sip's Colds. Rheumatism, Lumbago. Neuei.s Handy tin Duxes of 1.e tablets --.ala larger "Rayer" p.a•kage.. .'an be cad it any drag .tore. 11ndc in reads Aspirin is tae trade murk (rsgist eei n t'an..dml, of Bayer Matwfsvtuuii,e. eL .Moaoachicaekmster of 11.,, 'yh.•acid: 1>itila it -is well known. that, Asi ie & n.eane Bayer wr:tut'tacutre. to aeni•t flee public agaia.t• imitations, the Tah:eis of ftnyer compass. 01.1, will k startled ,•ith their prueral fence Mark: 11s Heifer Levee." 011 on the 1t'atera. The pouring of oil on rough seas In order to calor them has long leen practiced, but a new device la a spreader that sprays oil over a l.age urea around the vessel. Pumped fin n a tank on deck, the fluid passes tor•I out from the boat to umbrella- like devices of canvas that are set sdnatipng in the /Pa. It can he used for large or small craft. or from life- boats while making their way through heavy water In the event or abetter. We Offer : Imperial Japanese Government Bonds, to yield over 6 1-2 Denominations1"...500 and $1000. We will buy or sell Bell Telephone Rights. Any advice regarding the new issue of Bell Telephone will be gladly furnished on request. 4 O. F. CAREY & SON Phone 230 MasonicTempleBldg. Goderich FOOT COMFORT • IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL TO HEALTH tihd'The surest way to obtain foot comfort is to pay a visit to our store and purchase your requirernents to that end. SOLID LEATHER BOOTS and SHOES FELT BOOST and SLIPPERS - GOLOSHES, OVERSHOES and RUBBERS SPATS and MOCCASINS in fact, anything and everything any member of your family may need to keep feet warm, dry and comfortable SH ARM AN'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE - Phone 1'.f% \1'. iiE(;. 'IIA1t'1:t\ i;O1)ERICH •