HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-28, Page 2_-Thursday, ) cbruary 2S, 1924
Member et Canadian Weekly News-
paper Asseeiatlon
Publlated every Thursday moruing.
Subscription peon $2.00 per year. To
United States and Foreign Countess.
$2.20 per year, strictly In advance.
Telsphee* 15 :: Goderich. OM.
W. 11. Robertson. Editor uud Manager
Thursday, February ' S, 1924
With two I'arliawents going at one
lime, thing, ought to warm up.
• • •
Bruin wade a slight mistake on
Caudlrmas 13a> it he didn't 'get buck
into hie hole.
• • •
The trainmen ata now :eil us some-
-thing of the deugers of a tint 011 the
bank (of owe' 1.
• • •
The Barrie town coulee' has re-
jected •0 reeomwendation of the fin-
ance committee for payment of mem-
-bera_e[ Ie c DUI ll.
• •
Oshawa ha hers 'granted a charter
as a e•ity and will er1.4)rate the mea••
�.,.. Near h het. extp Mer, desw11't
this make jnet twenty -fly.• class hn
Ontario?: • !i_ • 0 ••
'The Ssltford Sage ways he k going
into the weatht•r-prolih''yiug hostiles
He belie vice his rheunaatle leg _le a
more reliable pregnust ie•atur than any
of thew.. almanac.; or other foretellers.
• • •
-Protests•1er Tres. -neer fele.• .ups he
cannot find that nnrpht• l'e'er l UW1t•
She fernier Previnbial Treasurer. used
to -t.11 about. And Pele•r isn't in the
Parliament bulldipgi now to .Jeno hint
where he bll it.
• • •
is the best at any price -Try it.
Ile has not es much loose money to
throw away, or rather is not throw -
Ing it away. anti the may ones who
are hollering hard times are the °nee
who have been looking for esey nta°ne7
and ndw they cannot find it. Don't
think that I mean that a:evyo*e is on
easy street. They are not ; hut you
would he surprised to fitNl the num-
ber who hatr.dueed thel 14tb11tIleS
this List two yearn Yon have only
to .top and think of the enormous
amotlnt of money that the Inst two
crops have brought. Into the West, uud
1 want to soy that the people In the
mEast don't seemto realize that their
tnarket is in the West."
• • •
' editor Warner • of The Iturk's
Fahr Arrow (formerly with• hinting it was Roto) to M• done
-Thc- e-Ie1Leaide tg..snut
„atele the auitwtiun speeches were med.'.
as witn•te the following from hie .n.• Poet rloe,ti t know any good rea-
tdit.•rial 4taumn : ' ,•.•u why a mouleipsality should expeeet a
fast. week we. had on, following in man to.attend to council hnsIness for a
yvir simply for the patriotism that
this - Je open +4ltlrl 1,uiri* in big soul. (tt course IYs'-R
•.t }elltor, is like opgo' •o a bottle of
;rood 'schooling if a fellow's head is not
olive.=if you 11111 get one the reef an abnormal size before he is elected.
sown 4,114..i.-_ within a .Ito boors of 'M Pee should he graded however.
in their eufor.•ement of Ibc law. But
on this oc•asioa the tits detectives
contributed $13 for the relief of the
family and the employees of :e fjnu
which heard of tlw ease added f]10'.to
the fund.
People who may have only the haz-
iest idea of the rrquire•m0nt• of Christ-
ianity have so absorbed the basun
taught by the story of the gent Sa-
maritan that they flud joy In heliiful
deeds. They believe Ws. of the treat -
est fundamental*.
Pay Should Be Graded.
(Brussel.' Poet)
Soar lively dheusston over munici-
pal council hoards of towns and 1:110)•
.•s voting themselves salaries without
1 1Itw•u p•r suns nut of (-very hundred
thous.usl are killed annually in the
United States by motor .ars. Tbua
death by automobile begins to be regul-
arly listed among the fatal diseases.
-Toronto Sear.
Y14:: death hy automobile is usually
sur that the real walker. who Is always -them the ancient Episcop Palace
ish hand, with the editorial attached: n the Juh, would be reeongs•rred for
not add to Mr. F'erguaon's dignity or
prtr.tige, but adds to the Speaker's dlf-
fictulty In being fair to all members.
The Speaker has not given his decls-
iou regarding the recognition o1 the
1'. F. O. supporters an the official
Oppasltlon, though the Premier lets
eentewhat weeketwd and may r.M.4a
Mae them is an opperetton party.
though not the official one. 'rhe gen-
eral feeling le that brews brought him-
self into an unnecessary and inelefenei-
ble Irnritiou and one that has not m.•1
with the expected approval
The agrteultural committee bun eel
toted" Mr. Trowartha. of mouth
Huron, as chairman, and Mr. Wigle is
on several other lmpottant committees.
the is.pv.b..ing nailed this question-
naire came hack to ns in u held girl- o
'•Db you really think so? }lave you ,.* relcrs rendered.
had cxp•riteee!" To whim' we can
readily answer ye+. nliyes being one
of our -favorite-diehee. s '
Aud Editor 'Varner Is a married
mem. too.
• • •
Or'Ighsal Name of Chriettanla Was
In resolving to
revert to the
original name of their metropolis, the
Norwegians have a precedent in the
case of Russia, which in the early
days of the war transformed the
name of their capital, at the mouth
et the Neva, from St. Petersburg
back to Petrograd. The orlgival
name of Christiania was Oslo and It
was as such that it was founded by
King Harald Sigurdsaon 111 A.D.
1046, that is to say, 'near twenty
years before the Norman conquest of
Lige most of the towns and cities
of Scandinavia in those days, Oslo
was built to a very great extent of
wood and consequently subject to fre-
quent and must destructive confla-
grations. It was after one of thew.
that the Danish King Christian 1t'.
almost entirely rebuilt the city, giv-
ing it his own name and endowing it
with strong defensl a works, which
don not, however, pr eat 1t from be-
ing taten by Kent ries XII.. ofi
Sweden iu 1716.
et Several of the building of the old
time Cello period still rem , among
• • •
Toronto Star: .1n Opposition ion ?.roup
can tall Itse•If by any name It Ickes
wIthent asking the Premier's heave.
.1 cure •puelt•ut of The Montreal
\Vitue,.ta writing from Calgary, "says:
"Surely, 4 the tlovernmeut Is going to
help to keAep the people of Ontario form
It•ing cold. it (*0 also help to keep
the people of the Prairies from.eetarv-
Ing. The reference le to the agita-
tion for reduced frights on Alberta
Lights on the
Written for The Signal)
where King James 1., of 'rent Bri-
tain was bethrothed to Princes', Anne
of Deamark.
The city Iles at the bead of a fjord
at the entrance of which is the 'w -
called Hovedolo island occupied by
the picturesque ruins of a Cistercian
monautery founded in 1147 by Eng-
lish monks from Kirkatead in Lin-
colnshire and burnt down In 1532.
Kitts Christian IV. was one of the
heroes of Scandinavia. and he is
t famed in that grand old song, begin-
ning "King Christian stood by the
Silks, Serges and Crepes
Black Taffeta Dregs Silks, 36 inches wide,
finest deepest lustre, good weight; every yard
stamped and wear guaranteed. At $2.75
per yard, special . • • • .... • • L.. / t�77
Navy Blue Dress or Suiting, new Berges,
54 inches wide, finest botany yarn and beau-
tiful shades of navy. Recently $3.5O X75
value; at per yard g
38 to 40 inches wide, finest quality wool and
a lovely weave, in exquisite shades, greys.
navy, black, nigger, sand, china $l•60
blue. Special, at per yard V
"Spring -time Crepes," Vella Vella
Crepes," the desirable new weaves, 36 inches
wide, all silk, in blues, browns, beavers,
modes. At per yard
$2.25 and $3.75
llandkerchit ', 250 dozen ladies' hem-
stitched, white. 75 per cent. pun linen Hand-
ktrchiefs, regular value 1'2 I.2c C
each; uu sale . a7
for 25c
Tea Towelling
Heavy, purest all -linen, 24-iackea wide;
February days only, regular 38ot-silt e -
per yard ,., „ fid
17 -inch, red or blue border, heavy pure
Mien Rollrr�Towelling. ,regular 25c; 19c
at per yard 7C
Table Cloths
2 x 2 12 yards, heavy, pure, fine Irish
Linen Satin Damask Cloths: rant '01 pat-
terns and beautiful borders; regular a 95
$6.00 and $6.50; on sale ., ., ..,. •
Heavy. pure all -linen hem4titch buck
Towels direct from Helfa,t. Ireland. Site
i8 x 31; outer value: spec 6 for �Z•75
ial .ale ..., .
Linoleums Oilcloths Congoleum
Special February Bargains
W. Acheson & Son
Very Limited
Francle•ss Frank-"I.eud me a .101 -
her 1111., payday." "James. suppose' your mother mn.t.
Buckiess Itu.-k- "t'in't du it: I'w peach pie. and there w'rr,' ten of pun al
restricted to quarters "-lmerkeau the tahh.your py)thrr rod father and
Legion Weekly. - eight children -how much eK this pie
would yne get'''
A ninth. ma'am." little iAmys tut
. aw .red
��VICks is Best \n, no. .law.•. I'a)• altYttll°3-0
Best - •-wl nl tJu• t.wehrr. "TLPre ue_ tea -o[
you. Ten. remember. Doti t you know'
your fraction:•"
"Yes. ma'am." said little James. ••1
kids mr frae•ttous, but I know my
mother too. She'd ••ray .she didn't want
Kiwi. Ilk Mother
1..1't M• what yon ain't.
See' be w11:1t y011 1e.
.1 se•h.s•1 1014 -J er said ti. a 'tale b• .
which has become a \ for Croup
Dan►s4 national anthem •t�t to -day.
he Norw•e-
Toronto. Feb. lith.
The past week ass w)me*1i t quiet But his name recalls to t
D ni mast,"
but by no means uninteresting. The glans the hateful domination and 00-
noreltr oe[ the member." pnsltion with I f theD d the same
motives have promp
Mother �4
press ono Danes an of Tw
list eonsegnent elated self -Important ted the Norse- a0 111 ,any pie."
coal.' tt Th, floes rwwrnt nuilwnyp lints of rmiitrrnssml•nt 1. leen not'- 1 men to diesoelate his name from their Babies
are to trtn.eport coal to 1)nUtriu ut lteable Hist thee are twe»mint rcroncll capital as caused them to compel l
eel to the inevitable control a. 1 dlr- ( their present monarch, brother of
au unprofitable rate. the Federal tax- motion of the leaders. The attendance' the King of Denmark, to exchange
toyer.' will have to rawke up tin• delle- of members and visitors has been wall bit name of Ch..rles for that of Haa-
cted bim
it, and ml Prairie nehmen rill Ile- asstgoxsll a recordgh . i)r'Irtatihe Cabinetonsp and throne andnot kon when they that ofchis only son, Alex-
metal .omis•n.'utou In the wayof Ise- ander, to that of Olaf and which like -
low -cost
w•e•rr 'tot In e•t'idrnt•r, owing
low-cost rates ou grain. Similarly,
�a(r. Fergu•oa cannut justifyh1wat- l Neve )Ikotfu. N,.w urltnswia. Prince
tempt In override the law and the cos- }:4M•ard iefend. teacher. and British
stitutkon and the principles of fair ('oluml.ia will all want something, mo
play In his refuswl to recognize the that eventually the Ontario taxpay-
I'rogrs..ire group. .•r will be worm• off than If he paid
• • • the full prl.•.• for the carriage of Ida
A despatch from \Cinnl1.eg slates coal.
that inv}tationt have b•e•u is.nted for • • •
a national conference or fiords of .1n illustration of the way in which
Trade to inaugurate a tax -reduction it popular cry can Backe progress
campaign. Another d..pat.•h from the against right and reason Is furnished
'same city records the formation of the 1n .o0ueetion with the propels' of an
"On=tr the•Hay" Arsss•la-tiort. to peed embargo ou the:. export of indltweed.-
for the 'early completionlofthe lied -I The agitators .sold. Stopehw export of
son Ray Railway. iluw au Covent- ptilpwood and save our forms*. Again,
melt is to undertake new expenditures: they said. Stop tire exotic of pulpwood
and reduce taxation At one and the' anti the t'nite,l !natio mills wan
Ali In*. time is A.puzele flint the aggres- have to move to l'ansda to procure
$1re' 1Vlnnils•ggeto may Ise nide to solve Their raw•matprlal. These Injunctions
-perhaps• are contradhtory one of the other.
• • • for If the United States mills mose to
A report of the Chamber of $hip- ('abada the depletion of oar forests
t.; _eiengiitilw 1 luted Xtntdom. In dwell- will Ile eel At el faster rap: than. ever.
Dag on flees)* shiplenz (•fftcieney, .ta It lap, the manufacture of paper and
*nye that. seeording tr. a most eon- pulpwood in (•anatht le iner(aeing by
eves -Wee estimate, upward of six i tops and...bounds and require' no arta•
tuilliou tuna of 'hipping, under foreign ficial stimulant. In the north country
flag. is unemployed. of which at twiny of the settlers eke out a living
least tno-thirds is AIL titan. tyller•ns by selling the wood on their hosts,
ently 7x1.(.90 ten. of British ntdpping and if Its expert were. prohibited they+
Is ns•tupdoyed. teotwithstanding the would have to take for It Jiaet what
• fart that British shipping Is not artl- 1 the ('ntmdtan pulp mills would give-
fielally nssist.sl 1 y-.-uhsldles or "ghee! that le, they would haee uo Atte-ma-
teriel by flag di . -riinination" from un- eve market. The cry for 811 embargo
l est,1.•P lt -a-nrt(t ,.,.nls titlr+n meteneensade rapid progress. however, until
Oa still It mistress of the •PAs, the Government appointed n commis-
• • • cion to inquire Into the matter. Thr
The Farmers' 4un is un firm ground evidence. presented before this com-
w-hen it obJeete to 111(4 proposal that mission was +mets that it is believe,
the Government of Ontario tw given there w111 tie no leglslatlon for the
Power .to hold a t terendum on the restriMlon 1.1 export. Still Um great
nn doubt to 110• Inelemont weather and wise, led to the movement of re -
tee tlnnnliAlly 'wary tali ..f sunt.. adopting the old Norwegian language
However, the larg.• number of private, in lieu of Danish fol' °facial use.
hills already introduciel leads one to
exponent a considerable flow of intens.
ted visitors to the meetings of (he dif-
ferent er.nnnittecs and of tbs. Holm..1n outstatsling and perhaps en un-
expected oc nrrenre of the week wee
the Introduction by the Premier of
the 1.111 .•mpowvriria the Cabinet tot
fix n time and ballot for a refe•ren-
dtim on the Ont,irio Temperane•e• AM.
it was expected at one time that tht.
assort• would he Intoult e( as a
en -Irate till, hut as it ins -Mem an ex-
pi-Telenet.of poblik money it was
neisspary to liaise It a (:i)vern.ment bill.
The Premier explained that thin m
ure WAR merely earryltg out itis prom -
e. to the electors during the recent
campaign. The &bete will nn donht
iw lengthy. though It will he areeptld the e temperance element in the Goy- .
ernment. with perhaps n eon•esslon to
the rnrnl di'.trk•tn of 1Din l nptbn
should the vote 111r.•Irro.• fin opp,nitIon
to the freer Tale of liquor. The op-
poeltlon to a referendum will likely
weure wpm. Ruppert .from all ofthe
pertie•. In the frondend will likely
Pentre around the form of the ballot.
which being lett with the Cabinetmight mildly bee,me an unfair one.
The chnoel union hill will likelyva
came considerable diwetnetion in com-
mittee, though not .et much in the
Howse when it renr'hea there as seem`
probable now. The opposition AppeArn
to 1e to union At all. rather than 10
the 1411 Reel!.
Mnefrlen, of one of the Toronto eon-
stItueirn, hat. lntrneliw.d two very
denote hilae, one M robe. the amount
of exempted theme esubjee•t. to Recess.ment and the other repealing the
.Net passed hy the late Government al-
lowing the people to vote an Annual re -
liquor question wlu'ruer.•r it p' leases and problem of eonmery ution of the timber ,lnr•tion of the annea•ment on improve-
- -. -nay choose_ . This. remain Unsolved. We are told by an memo. NQone_ else,, *o spoken on
'tutu pnyp : i netlhoet}• ou the motive that [fir an- thesis titleand Meir fats 1st uncertainWhen Premier Fergusonsnbwit- a tinselly destroys te•h times se much tim• The Introduction of the 1mMmt perms
hili asking the hent., to endorse a Is•r as is ent down, this destruction In have (rs*t.'d a feeling of hilarityfuture ieferendem or plebi.+e•ite, the amounting to fifteen million dollars In
form of whichis left entirely to the value In a year. Further great destruc-
Goterument. he gee•.altogethel
er tee
far. Th.. hill •fltreued
l.l ix' redrafted. the tion is wrought by a worm. How to
gtxrstioes to 1.e submitt,•.1 plandy w•r 1.1...ie111 this terrible waste 1s a prob.
forth. 111111 the (:otermnent's Interpr.'- lent that should los among the very
httto1 of their peeper alien. Then the first on the agenda of our statesmen.
House. wish all the cants nn the table. for Canada's forests are a vital factor
will be Able to deal with the matter in the pros
prosperity of her people.
Oddest Church la the World.
Mrs. Frank Cox. R. It. Na 2.
Mountain Grove, Ontario. says: 'My
twin babies aged twenty-one 'months
were seized with e00vulsions • and
croup. They were so choked up that
I did not know what to\do. Finally
1 -rubbed their chest. tool throats
with Vele' VapoRub and applied hot
flannels. This immediate,. relieved
the spasms. 1 also had thibabies
s row a (In
in Yhis
Germany Is to have what is per- inhale 11.e vapor t
haps the oldest church In the world.
Archlt•cta who have seen the models
and workings plans describe It as a
"cubist nightmare."
A study of the extraordinary pic-
tures of the architect's working
models, gives an idea of what this
church will look like, inside and out,
when 1t is completed. It Is to be
built of steel -work and concrete. with
flying arches and curving tel .:rs that
will make the interior c: the roof
look aa if it 1s upheld by heavy
From the outside it w111 look like
a flattened dome vaguely suggesting
the steel and concrete forts of Liege
and Namur. The interior is a sort
of "mystic maze" of distorted Gothic
archer and pillars. In lieu of win -
de we a egular, triangle -shaped
openings which add to the sense of
distortion. The seats, chairs, pulpit,
and altar, are all constructed to re-
present the rudest, crudest stone.
It is to be called the "Stitt
Church," and Its architect is Otto
Banning, a leader of the so-called
"new school" of Continental design.
they grew quiet and slept. 1'
the bent croup rerm.dy ever
If the child seems croupy. app
Vicks over throat and efts•[ at bed
time. it usually averts n night at-
tack. In severe cases heat • 11n
cup, drop In a teaspoonful of Vleks
and as it melts hold the cup so vapors
can he inhaled.
Vicks Is a calve that gets like a
plaster and a vapor lamp at the
same time. It la absorbed and in-
haled. This makes Vicks the ideal
treatment for children's cold trou-
bles; It avoids so much Internal dos
Inc. Jost as good, too. for grown -
1 ds, and for cuts, .0 burns
bruises, sores stings and skin itch -
At all drug stores, :Nc A jar. For a
tree teet size parkag.•. write VMk
Chemical Co.. 344 St Paul Sf., W.
Montreal, P. Q.
'Though Vicks is new In Canada 1t
has a remarkable sale In the Staten.
Ove? 17 million jars used yearly.
• • •
A friend in SB•k:aeheenn. writing
to the F-(1iher, makee some 'mer.•+tine
comments upon conditlnns in the Weei.
Ne onght to know .enmeshing about
the subject. too. for last summer h.•
arereed from 1.:5I) to 2,000 Lilco
every month, from May to (k•tedoer. lie
Para' iN part:
Let me tell you something. The
Wept is In good spirits right now and
don't yam let any reports to the con-
,trery make yon think different, We
hare der own troule, and 1014 of them,
but WP will sunt* 11e4'm ant all rtg}tt
if we Pod get date. • • • Any fellow
la the Wept who Is getting down t0
nal brace trek• atwl -toheg 11.:• 1,•ry
beet he can in getting Ahead right here
The Old World's Not SO Bad
t 'I•.rulrto Star) .
I. the world 'assorting more klud'y?
The rornnrllttitc Is always A°pplie•d
,1111 throw w ho talk about the degt•n-
.•rn.•c of the age. YM fill about ue are
Indications that the world is hemming
broader In its sympath.lea and wiser
111 Its Judgments. Saturday's paper
told ns shoot nn eighteen year-old boy
In thi. city satin +t01r a hag of coal
fr the newsy An that his mother
And little lerotll-rt would not troffer
from the cold 111 4-:1rt dare the
nn.•t Me. e•1.• 1,,, l-11111.•13 wom:ef have
L. .•n nmol out to him. possibly :mod those hr lir. 1t,ln.i reeel'ing very
lug. by those elle telt .spry rtght•st.s curt and indefinite r.•p11ws. whish 110x44
rattier thou the hoped for feeling of
consternation. Roth wings of the Oppos-
ition look 111x)11 the dis.•lo nice of the
.npp)sed deficit as beteg more or less
of a pollttPnl nature. and this belief
was strengthens, hy the somewhat
fllppnnt treatment of the sublert by
the Flnanee Minister. .1 letter treat-
ment of the question 1.. looked from by
t'hn Attorney -General, -alto i•+ looked
upon by both *ides of the Howse with
ennit4enre and reepeet lir Doherty's
solecism nt the hndget and Mr. Priggs'
denial of the charge that agenic -five
nnnreesa*ry automobiles w e r
.kept by the Tale Department of Pub
110 Works,' show that the snppnrtrr4
of the late Government *re pre'partl
to defend their rmenr& and nn inter-
esting debate Is looked for. The result.
however. may not lead to any decreas-
ed expenditnre. as two Government
mensure'p nlready intro litr'.d the (ren -
tion of a new I),eartment of PuublIc
He•slth end n promieel burnt, nn iron
Orr. open vat ietet ton other avenues
of etpendihtre.
A greet dent Interreteo nnrstinn•
Orr being asked the Got -eminent.
People have seen things of this type
before in paintings, in stage setting,
and perhaps in German motion pic-
ture productions, but It remained for
Banning to adapt such fantasies to
the erection of a Christian church.
One of the most interesting fea-
tures of the structures is the tact
that Bartning, striving for absolute
novelty. has, either by accident or de-
sign, produced a result wblch carries
one backward to time, rather than
forward, and reminds one even more
of the ancient catacombs of Rome.
IPbillpptne Negritos.
The Negritos of the Philippine 1s -
lands are now believed to be the
lineal descendants of the original
people, They are racllly sharply dis-
tinct from most of the numerous
tribes of the Islands, and their intelli-
gence is of an exceptionally low
' order. They ornament their bodies
with soar patterns, produced by cut-
ting through the skin with sharp
pitmen of bamboo, and rubbing dirt
into the wounds thus formed In or-
der to Infect them and make good
big scan. Men frequently shave the
crowns of their heads "In order to
let the heat out." They point their
front teeth. but not by filing them.
as is common) supposed. A chip
Of wood Is held behind the tooth to
be operated upon, and the point of a
bolo is placed In such • position as
to slant aerose the corner of the
tooth to be removed, and a sharp
blow on the bolo chips • piece from
the tooth. The opposite corner L
similarly operated upon.
Townly : "Dr you often have to
rns,h to eeteh 70x1*' morning trwin7"
Pnhhl)1s: "oh. It'e abolrt an even
break. 1lnmetlmee 1 ata Mending at
the •tnllnn .yl*sn the train comes
puffing In. and other time. it I•
standing vat the At it ton when 1 come
puffing In." Santa }'e V egn•ziue.
If yen 1s nut what-yew-rm.
'rhea you sin 1101 what Ton Is:
you're just p elle tadpole,
)on't try to 1..• a fro.. .
.141.J11.111, the tall,
t_Io wag them Y• ou veva always l•a•e thesptale,
If you can't (short and
If you're lust a -ilius pebble. ' ... -
I•uu't try to be the bea'h.
thee! 1w what jort ain't.
Je,' be what you le.
For the man who plays square
I 1s •t gain 10 g..e "his..'
13y special arrangement with the Family Herald and
Weekly Star of Montreal, -wee are able to offer that great
family and farm paper at a veru attractive price
The Family Herald and Weekly Star Costs 52.00
per year
The -Signal costs $2.00 per year
We now offer
Both Papers For $3.50
In addition, each subscriber receives a BEAUTIFUL,
"The Wonderful Heroine"
his beautiful work of art, in ten colors, is 18 x 24
inchesin size, on a rich, heavy paper, ready for framing.
for this Club must be sent to _-__
Ladies' Cloth Dresses
In order to make room for our stock of *64 Dresses we must dispose of all our
Cloth Dresses, Serges, Tricotines and Po[ret•T 'ills, andlfl order- to &:i ie quickly we
are offering the balance of our stock at a big/reduction. This is your opportunity to
buy a comfortable stylish Cloth Dress at a very low price.
Now Is the Time to8Get Your Summer Sewing Done
Our stock of Anderson's Ginghams, English Ginghams, Ripolets, Gingham Ratines,
etc., is complete in all the latest patterns and colors. See these while the stock is full.
See our Drapery Chintzes and Cretonnes.
Men's Winter Caps
The balance of our stock of Men's Winter Caps clearing at very close prices.
Regular $1.25 and S1.35 for 95 cents.
Regular $1.50 and $1.75 for $1,15
est Side of Square GODERICH