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read by the best people in Code -
rich and district -the people who buy.
Will Give $12,000
For Town Hall
Robe. MarKay Wants to Sea
Something ne uta Way
OIt.ivie Tm
The Signal is pleioed to announce
that Mr. Hobert liat•Kiy, Nelson
street. will contribute the sum of $l
(Ilse towards the erection of e1 new
town hall. ,This 1s lu 'lieu of his
offer ,nude s,we week* ago for the
building of a community hall. Mr.
MacKay still ts-111•res, rightly enough,
that a t,mUnunity hall such as lie had
plauued would it a very desirable in-
stitntlon for the town, but as there
appears to he better proepeet of early
ae:1011 it. the matter of a new town
loll. nod us \lr. MacKay wants some -
tiling Boni• vrithout linnetewaary delay,
he Is willing to make his gift as in-
dieat.sl. It is understood, of (verse,
that the municipal buildlne would in-
clude a large auditorium for public
Meeting purposes. and It is this pert
of the scheme in which air. MacKay 1.
,..pscially Interested.
Mr. MacKay stated to The Signal
that he approved of the artk•le in this
paper last week ou the subject of ',irk
improvement and wished to do ••)m.• -
thing that would assist hu working
out the program therein ind1 -attd.
Ile has given the matter a good deal
of consideration and he thele that a
definite start should be made at an
early date, as postponement WAS.: 41s-
couragement and a cooll*g oft of the
entbnalasm which is a requisite for
any such undertaking.
While discussing this matter Mr.
MacKay expressed the opinion that
local capital should be available to
provide the funds needed for the erec-
tion of the proposed town hall. He
calculated that $76,000. in addition to
the $12,000 wbtch be is prepared to
contribute, would provide a fine mod-
ern civic building. People sleeking in-
vestment for their surplus funds) are
more and more turning to municipal
and Government bonds, and he believed
local investors would be plating their
money wisely in the purchase of the de-
bentures that would be issued for this
Mayor Gallow and other civic rep-
resentatives, Including Reeve Mac -
Ewan, Deputy Reeve Moaning',
Councillor Holmes and Town Clerk
Knox, called on Mr. MacKay during
the week and were greatly pleased
w11th the spirit which he showed In dis-
cussing municipal matters. In spite of
pts tong illness, his mentality is vig-
orous and keen, and he mantains a
remarkably vivid and fresh outlook up-
on current affairs.
It Is proposed -though Mr. Mac-
Kay doers not make the suggestion -
that should the plan above outlined
be carried oat the auditorium of the
new bnUdtng +should be called Mac-
Kay Hall. in honor of the donor of
the handsome gift whkh le so gener-
ously offered.
THE "mRQ1 The News of the Town
To the Editor of The Signal. -I uotke• March 5th
that Mr. T. Burns and 'One of Many"' AshWednesday
make strong objection to payment of Next Wedeesolay, MarchIl
will be
members of the town council for their Aoh Wednesday and the beginning of
nerviewr;. and -Why. it !ser -7 t 41141 -tbs,v flltu-I enten-es•ason.
not be paid? T'he county t-oune•illore
are Id; our members n
pa M f Parliament
Children's Aid Soeiely
Mr. Harold Young to Buud
\1r. Harold Young has, purehaw•d
a lot on St. Georges ('rrstent from
\1r. Itoy Lloyd and Intend* building
a modern bungalow -the -*south. -ssea. 1
are paid. and well paid. too. In the The \larch meeting of the Children's
Federal Moue,. they raised their own Aid Society will be held 0n Tu„•day'. Former Resident of Port 1
salaries from $2.:+(00 to $4.0810; the ieg- alareh 4111, at 415 p.m.. In the supe \t'ord was received 1n town title
istature. fn a,ror.lnnec-and no Burns, erintendent's room over the Union week of the death of Harry Martin of
or "One of Man}," net ••.,•n • corn.,' 11ank. Fort Wayne. Indiana, a former rest -
says a word. Don't he .e n:ur,e.•you
fellows. It', a man's jot, :111,1 r man
Auction Kale of Cattle
should be worthy of his hire, no mat-
ter In what bu.lnees, 1 believe, and
su do the right-thinking people of
the town. It has been mentioned
111H 117 thieve in the last few years that
the councillors .should be paid, but
apparently those moa, who are DOW
locking after the affairs of the town
have Lite courage to speak their
mitw41, and I for • commend them.
I can fully understaud the attitude
of the three top men. _They no' doubt
are looking for higher honors and
want to be able to tell the electors
of Goderich. "I didn't do it: It was
the others." So doubt we may ere
Burns. "One of Many," and "Com."
all In the municipal running. nett year
to work for nothing. (Eh! what's
that?) if they :ire afraid of the extra
4.steer•'. get the assistant assessor or
the chief of police to get their salaries
from the uneelleetcd dog taxes. which
are many.
Otherwise Entitled, "How To spend
the NiAtt is a Stormbound
Distinctly novel if not altogether
pleasant was the experience of a num-
ber of Goderich residents who on
Tuesday night of last week were
snowed in on a C. N. R. train near
Petersburg. Iirs. Wm. Patton. Thom -
Canadian National Railways
Assistance to Farmers
The forty -five -old head of cattle
dbplose(1 of at the . A. E. Towns-
hend auction sale at 'Allman's hotel .on
Tneaday afternoon went fairly cheap-
ly. Cows mold at from .$50 to $moo.
while two -year-olds for grams evd•raged
around $40. Thomas Gundry was the
Lloyd's WIssiseale N 114111141V.4
!loyal L. Lloyd, of James Lloyd, &
Son, wholesale fruit dealers. Code -
rich and Stratford. wilt remove about
April 1st from Its present premises
on Easi street to the Jackson fac-
tory building opposite the post once.
The clothing machinery of the former
Jack -011 plant 1s being shipped to Clin-
en Au sebrook, W. C. IPrldham. M.
G. Cameron, K. C.. B. Wenger and
Wesley Walker were on their way to
home, sweet home about 9 pm. Tuee-
day night when their train became
stuck in a anowdrtft and being un-
able to budge remained there until the
next morning about 9 a m. Having
been rescued from Its predicament
by snowploughs and gangs of shovel-
ler,, the train arrived at Stratford
about 10 o'clock. The Ooderlch
people were the pontos of the C. N.
R. at various Stratford hostelries
until 6 o'clock Thureday night, when
moat of them left for home on a
train drawn by two engines and con -
eluting of but two eoachee, arrtving
at Goderich at 8.15 p.m. While Stalled
all night to the monumental drift
which by morning bad crept up beyond
the car windows, the sixty odd pas-
asseaters whiled away the hours by
Intermittent conversation and "dozes
off to *leap." Everyone was Inclined
to make the best of t'be situation.
Wednesday morning Conductor Bend-
er escorted his passengers to the
dining -car, where a delightful break-
fast wee courteously and ezpeditiotsly
served to all aboard. "An incident in.
life," remarked one of the travellers.
Ph -en to Mr. Anes4trook, retired conduc-
tor, the night's hold-up bad a touch
of novelty. *ince he had not the res•
ponslhillty of the train on hie Moul-
ders as on other occa,fona lir the pest
when the trgin of whlch he waw the
pilot in ('etee had succumbed to a
wnperabundance of nature's own
Stormbound travellers at Clinton
took to the lee Thursday afternoon
and trimmed a pick-up team from the
"Hob of the Universe," in a game of
shinny. 15 to 14. Th. line-up wail as
Travellers --R. McRae. E. E Barr,
R. Sheldon, F. J. Maclardy, W. Carr,
J. E. Cantelon, .1: McIntosh. Clinton
-George 161ttott, Walters. Cooper, 11.
Williams, McGuire, ()realist Referee
-R. Cbapman.
Two or three Goderich gentlemen
stormbound at Citnton were anxious
to get home Thursday night and when
they beard that there wee no chance
of a train getting through that night
they boldly attaebed t'4emselves to
one of the fanned London, Hnron &
Brace toot -toots as far an Blyth, in-
tending to slip into Huron's Golden
Gate on one of the C. P. R. mogul -
propelled through trains -fiat slaw!
they were five minute* on retard for
the noon train. Having to watt In
and &taws.
11'DNTREAL, Feb. 25.-A free em-
ployment service, whereby farmers in
need of labor wUt be brought Into
town with newly -arrived immigrants
who are looking for farm work, bas
hese organised by the Canadtan Nation-
al Railways to preparation for the
opening elf the coining Immigration
season. Ry means of this service im-
migrants arriving in Canada will be
advised of places awaiting them, and
farmers who require help daring the
seat few months will be able to secure
sorb help from the newcomers without
cost to themselves.
When the lmmlgratlon policy of the
Comedian National Railways was
dawn np It was eonaldered that an
dmportant feature in the success of any
Immigration policy would be to as-
sure that the immigrants could find
work when they arrived in ands.
With this end In view machinery has
been organised by memo* of which
farmers may make application to the
nearest Canadian Natlontl Railings
agent stattag their requirements, and
old arrival of Immigrants to search of
Arm work there men w111 be directed
to places awaiting them.
The influx of immigration is ex-
pected to commence by about March
lith and farmers are urged to make
their applkstlons as early am par
atble. The service is free and M de-
signed to assist both the immigrants
and farmers w10 are In need ref labor
daring the Pet list season.
Interdenominational Day of Prayer
The anm1al interdenominational woe
me•n's day of prayer will b• observed
in St. Georges parish pall, on Fri-
day. Man1t 7th. at 3.3, p.m. The
various auxiliaries of Hui ebun•hc, are
contributing to the program. MI the
women of the town are urged to unite
with the women of Canada and the
i'rlite' States; In observing this day of
prayer. An offering for the inter-
detominattonl leper misaion will be re-
Euchre and dame, at Lan•n's hotel,
Haadlton street, tbdl► ('Ibslreday) *v-
enital, ardor the ansmicsa of Cathol-
ic MMan'a Leagtis ticket. $5e. Hetwybody ems,
Hospital Anxdlary Euchre and Dante
The Women's Hospital Auxiliary
held a very successful euchre and
dance in the Masonic Temple Let Fri-
day evening. The prlsmau for the cards
were won by Mrs Simpson and Mra.
/*auto° and Messrs. J. F. Button and
Roy Sperling. Mra. Bogie was the
third lady to cat for the prizes, but
was unsuccessful. Each of the fire
player. mentioned won seventeen
games out of twenty played. The
Blackstone orc'be.tra supplied the mus-
usIc for the dancing. which was kept
up until the wee oma' hours.
A Dry Root
What might easily have been a ser-
ious fire occurred at W. T Fellow's
residence, South street, about 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon, when the root of
the house caught 11re from a burning
paper or spark from the chimney. For-
tunately the blaze was discovered be-
fore it bad made mach headway, to
that the fire was extinguished with-
out very much damage being done., by
either fire or water. the stream of
water from the fire hose 'was only
about elgbt feet, the force being very
poor. Mr. Fellow reehtngled the south-
east corner of the roof on Monday
morning, considering himself fortun-
ate that be had escaped as easily as he
had. He's/aye the firemen and the
neighbors who aes4Rcd so promptly
in extinguishing the blaze deserve
pratse for their good work.
%Ingham Papers Merged
Wlughaw t* hereafter to have only
une• toper. The Times having been
merged with, Thu• Advance under the
aulilut+kip--Y: d 11--_Smith.-ish4. lo.t
soon• year* ha; been the publisher --of
The ,\dcance. ('0111tul•ueing nett week.
the paper will "-appear as The \Ving-
l11atu Advance -Times. The Times was
rsinbll..l ,d-lu 14172. Mr. Smith 14 a
lice newspapa•5teman and The Signal
wishes him /u11•ce.s 111 his larger un -
dent of fort Albert. He Is sunlretl ,b•rtaking.
by hk- widow living at Fort Wayne.
and a brother, Joseph, of Maitland - Dents of Howard Edward
road, town. I The death took place at hu: home at
Saltford last Saturday of Howard 1 d-
At Osgeode H*U _- I ward, in his fiftieth year. Prior to
The case of Kennedy v.. ('lark wase moving to Salttord Owlet wren months
before 1'. /;arrow, K. ('.. Master at ago the deceased had farmed In Cob-
Osgoisle ilall, upon It motion by .1. borne townahtp for several years. Ile
S. Beatty. for defendant, to change le mtrvlved by his wife, formerly Miss
vetetw from O:oderich to either Halley- Now LIppatt, daughter of Mr. and
bury or C.*•hralw. W. Proudfoot for Mrs. WM,LIppatt, one daughter and
plaintiff. Judgment: Roth plaintiffs two sons. 111. father, Joseph Edward,
live In Toronto, and If venue had Iwen In still living In Goderich. The largely
laid there in the tiro pinee there' attended funeral, which was held on
would have been no ground for obs, Monday afternoon to ('olhorne (em-
jectlon, the admimion of plaintiff"- etery, was condtw(sd by Rev. N. It.
tutting been made. Part les could probe.Alp. of Smith's 11111 Presbyterian
able get an earlier trial at Barrie on •ekurebt
agree the re
April 14. and If they age nim
may be cbaugwl to that 4vulnty town.
otherwise it will be changed to Tot -
onto. In any event the order will
provide for undertaking by plaintiffs
as to defendant'a evidence. Costs in
Catholic Woneen's League Entertains
Some thirty tables/ were occupied at
cards at the euchre and dance given
in the Oddfellowa' Hall on Tuesday
night under the auspices of the Cath•',
olfc Women's Leagrle. Sirs. Wm.
Bowler won eleven genies out of eleven '
played and won the lady's prize, the
rousolatlon going to Was Anna Wild.
Mestere. Pat. Farr, T. Craighead and
Melvin Clark cut for the gentleman's
prise, each having won ten games; Mr.
Clark was anccesaful. Four gentle-
men cut for the consolation prise.
which went to Terence Hussey. The
music for the dancing was supplied by
the Jeffreys and Goderich Novelty
orchestras alternating for square and
round dances, the Inst being kept up
until 2 o'clock in the morning. 8o
aueresvent was the event that It was,
decided to repeat It on Thursday even-,
Mg of this week at Lannan's hotel, I
under the *tame auspices.
Blyth for the tate train, wh1
NM town about midnight, t
you home"- travellers arrived
only to. learn with chagrin that
had been given a false tip at Cpl
and that the Canadian National h
reached ()cherish aiout S.1S In the
ening. In fact whit. they were .til
cooling their heels at Blyth.
One of the most attractive brldee
of the season was Masa Elisabeth Sul-
livan, formerly of Kingsbridge, whose
marriage to Artknr Wesley Rlbar was
solemnized at Detroit last Thursday,
February 21st. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Father Schneider
In the pre/once of relatives and friends
In the church of the Holy Redeemer.
The bride wee beautifully gowned in
.and color B11zabeth crepe, with bat
to match. offset by a corsage bouquet
of pink freesia and llllos•of-the-valley.
She was attended by Mies Leda Le
Febvre as bridesmaid, who was at-
tractively attired in brown (satin crepe,
with hat to match. enlightened by a
lovely bouquet of pink Killarney rosea.
Frank Sullivan, of Kingebridge, broth-
er of the bride, acted as beet man.
Mr. and Mre. Ribsr will be at home
to friends at 6733 Dundee avenue,
Detroit, Mich., after April 1st.
Farmers desiring to ',entre any of
the young Scottish farm laborers who
are to arrive shortly khnale leave
their name* at this oflsee at ones. Thet(
dletrihntlon agent is expected here i
a few dolga to clone np the business.
Remember the date Mareb 10th.
Oomo and see T'i'ke Pill -bottle" at
North street Methodist areh.
le Old-time Consort
The lecture room of Knox church
was crowded to its capacity on Mon-
day erening for the "old-time concert"
given by the choir under the direction
of Mr. Macdonald Gibbs, organist and
choirmaster ci the church Every mus-
Front Froa Former WeU w
Dr. W. F. Clark has received from
Mr. flurry urArmstrong. formerly of
GoGoderich, who now lives at Pasadena.
California. a hook handsomely illus-
trating the thirty-fifth annual "tourna-
ment of roses" which is one of the fea-
tures of life in Pasadena. The event
this year ens in the nature of a
Jubilee celebration of the completion of
fifty years since the founding of Pas-
adena. It was estimated that the
tournament wan 'slimmed by more
than a quarter off a million persons.
The decorated floats and other fea-
ture. Illustrated in the book were very
NOTES OF SPORT Canning Factory
Town Hockey Logue
The schedule for the towu hockey
IeagUe Wit/ dawn up this week. It
Is understood that none of the Pier-
layyrs on the intermediate O. II. A. team
intend to participate in the loerlea, the
prize for whkh 1s the A. M. Robert-
son cup. The schedule ls'a double ane,
Feb. 29.-41. C. I. vs. M. C. ('., Mat-
thews vs. All -Stars.
Mar. S. -M. C. C. vs. Matthew•i, G.
C 1. vs. All -Stara.
Mar. 7 -A11 -Star. es. M. C. C.. G.
('. 1. vs.,,,Matthe•wa.
Mar. 10--M. 4'. l'. re. 0. C. 1.. Mat-
thew* vs. All -Starr.
Mar. 12-,M. C. C. r*. MattiV'v-. All -
Stara vs. G. l'. 1.
Mar. 14--Ali-Stars •vw.- aL C. t' G.
4'. I. vs. Matthews.
' Desalt of Mrs. Harry MeGsw
The death occurred last Thursday
night at ber home. 21 Summerhill av-
enue, Toronto, of Mra. Harry McGaw,
formerly of this town. The family
had been living for some time In the
States and returned to Toronto last
fall. Mrs. McGaw had been In poor
health for several yore. Besides her
husband she leaves two children, Mary,
aged eighteen. and George, twelve.
She was in her forty-fourth year. Be-
fore her marriage she was MIAs May -
me Mclvor of Goderich Her father,
Neil Meleor, an old resident of God. -
rich, died on January 27th last. The
funeral of 'lira. McGaw took place
Monday afternoon to St. James' cem-
etery, Toronto.
Mrs. Coats' Death
News of the death hod Saturday
ical number on the program was d*some morning of Mrs. Coats, wife of Mr.
lightfal. Mr Gibbs at the piano proved Wm. Coate, regletren of demist for
himself a sympathetically splendid tic-Hnron county, came to her friends as
companiet. while 41s offhand witty a shock. T4ongh ahe had been ill for
comment** as the informal c4slr- a year and a half and 1t was known
man of the evening added much to the , that recovery wan Impossible. the end
program itself. The choir of twenty -1 came with unexpected suddenness. She
two vekcee aang three choruses: "Carry; passed away quietly In ber sleep at
Me Back to Old Vtrglnny," "Darling an early hour in the morning without
Nellie Gray." and "Massa'+ In the edge of pain or struggle.
Cold, Cold Ground." The rendittpn ; Mrs. Coate was born at Fingal, On -
and interpretation of these three i tart.), to 1S;+7, the only daughter of
quaint old «sage was well-nigh per -the late Daniel Macpherson. There *be
fes, was married in 1884 to Mr. (bats,
-n.h. hazel Belcher and Mrs. A.; then a resident of Clinton, of whleb
.1. 'MacKay ung the duet, "Alice, town they were residents until their
Where are Thou?" and responded with - remoral to Goderich twenty years ago
"Annie Laurie" as an encore. Singing upon Mr. Coats' appointment to the
"A China Tragedy," the 'youngest" regletry office Tb' -ugh of a quiet, re -
meg of the evening (twenty-five years eervrd disposition, Mrs. (trots mad.
old), Mims Either Hume quite caught for herself a circle of warm friends
the fancy of the audience; her pretty and waw held i0 the highest esteem.
little eneore wan entitled "Mighty Lek' She is survived by , four brothers:
a Rose." Mr. H. E. Jenner, aecom- John K., of Windsor; Edward D., of
panted by Mn. Jenner on the piano. ! Detroit ; D. L.. town clerk of Clinton,
played ae a esrnet solo, "Just a and l'harles II., of Toronto. Two
Wearyln' for Tou." The audience wen grandson•, "Jimmy" and "Billy" Stith-
.* taken with Mr. Jenner and his fine- erland. emus of their only .laughter,
toned Instrument that the applause In-- Marion (Mrs .1. A. Sutherland), wile
dfcated an enrorn, which was genermw- . diad at Toronto nine rare ago, have
ly given. Miss Hazel Belcher did full been living here with Mr. and Mrs.
justice to ber solo, "The Last Rose of Coate 'Miss Lily Macpherson, a eons-
` For Goderich
Meeting at Town Hall on
Saturday Afternoon to
Discuss This
alines Colts Fed
Mr. Norman Geddes, manitger of the
Clinton junior ho'key team. maid he
would stand lasts for the team at the
Th.n. *some to be good prospect of
the resumption of the calming ludu*try
in Goterlell. Mr. Blake Cheer of Tor-
onto,. of the firm, owning the local
apple evaporator, Is in town and 1s
negotiating for the canning factory
formerly op•rue•el by the late D. F.
Hamlink. if the deal goes through the ('
next step n111 be to ('11110 material
for' canning. and with thin in view
Mr. sheer would 111.• .to meet
fruit and vegetable growers of the
district, as well as any others Inter-
ested lit the establishing of a canning
rate of •r goal In the 00400.4) factory. at the town hall on Saturday
h pergame. The boy* wore," just sev+•n f afternoon next,. at 2.30 ciclo'k.
goal. find thus the ptutng.•r will have It Is t0 be hopl•el Mr. Chw•r's et -
10 supply h prevly good "ford" to the torts willwith auexdrls. The
lesya.--1'Ilnton New Ent. , canning bturieees le good for tooth town
• and country. It gives employment to
Clam In the Big League townspeople and -affords a market
Jack (scurry, eretwhlle Zurich re- for a variedlite• of farm and garden
celver and well known h1 i ktdericli. ______ is for which otherwise there li
hag reported for spring training t'1 little sale. Farmers and prdeMrru
Manager Bill Killefer, of the Chicago
National League Cubs. last /ear , should he present In good- numbers at
('hurry was on the play roll oC the the towu hall on Saturday afternoon.
1.004011 Club 1n the Michigan -Ontario
League and played neatly games In the
outfleld. 1114 well as giving fine a14eC'-
tante te.hind the twit. ('hurry. who
is twenty-two years of age. five
feet nine Inches tall, anti who weighs
170 pounds, batted Wet
average of . and fielded far a
percentage of .116.1. The !lest wishes
of local baseball fans will be with
Churry. whose home I.. In Congo,
Ohio, for him to make good. In the
"big league."
High Tao at Knox
A. usual the "high tea" given by
the Ladles' Aid of Knox church,
which event took place islet Thurs-
day evening. was largely attended.
When full justice had been done to
the thinge provided for the Inner man
the following program, arranged by
Mr. leek G. McDermld, who presided
at the organ during the tea hours,
wag much enjoyed by all present:
Dohs, "Night of Stare and Night of
Love" (Hoffmann), and "Annie
Laurie," Mr.. A. J. MacKay and Miss
argil Reicher; cornet nolo, "A Dream,"
71. Jenner, aceompanled by Mrs
Jedtner; solos. "When,' and "Wake
Up?; Mrs. W. F. Saunders; organ
pon, "Angela' Serenade," (Braga),
and "Believe me, if .11 those endear-
ing yore' charms," J. 0. McDermid
140105, "TheCarnival," and "Caking
the Toll," Mrs. McNabb A. J. MacKay ; read -
Ing. "Sandy McNabb at the Front,"
Tom Y. Cott; solo, "he Barefoot
Trill Ones Winding." Miss Basel
Scotch Doubles
Looking over the scores to the first
round of the Scotch doubles tourna-
ment at the Goderich Curling Club
one would be Inclined to say that the
executive committee had been gifted
with an unusual amount of foresight
in limiting the plus score for each
game to four points with an addlt'on-
al point for a win. Otherwise there
would be • number of also-rans right
now. Here are tbe scores for theun
opening rod of a ecbeduled four -
round tournament :
R. J. Wheeler W. Symonds
J. Brophey 14R. J. Megaw
Summer," and for an encore captured 111 of Mr.. Coats,
the gathering with a short humoron* her of the bereaved family circle, hay -
reading. "Iwo Scotch ladle; haen a Ing lived for many year* with Mr.
wee deep o' tee." Mrs. W. F. Saund- and Mrs. Coate. The funera•1 eervtce
era and Mr. James F Thomson were wan conducted on Tuesday afternoon
W. R. Pinder
C. H. Humber
J Bowman
13. J. Fisher
0. 4 Lander
G. L Mean
P. Bleed
A. Higginson
M. ,McKay
C. Thomas
F. Megaw
Wm. Wallace
.1. Purvis .
C. Campton
' 1 ITT.tW.t, Fe'h Federal - iatee-
_veaoma, to grant. c y-to3,-JL Os. -
a farmer from the Goderich, Ontarb.
distnlct. recently sentenced to two
months' imprisonment, f* Unlikely.
It ie stated in the Justice Depart-
ment that no petition bass been re-
ceived for a reconsideration of the
verdict which Imposed a punishment
on Cox for his alleged mistreatment
of a iu.y named Bulpitt. who hanged
himself while in Cox's employ last
December. The boy was brought to
Canada under the auspices of a Brit-
ish chnrltahle organization which
superintend. the settlement of Brit-
ish boys on farms In Canada. Thee
has Iwen eonelderablo talk of Federal
Intervention on Coxes behalf. but the
eu'ltomary petition teas not been re/
mired here and the usual machiner'y
for the granting of clemency has not
been set In motion.
5 --
Rev. J. E. Holmess was in London on
Sunday preaching In Ridout street
Methodist church lu an exchange of
pulpit. for the day with Rey. John Ag-
new, who Is a Clinton okl boy. Mrs.
Holmes aeeompaniel him to spend the
week -end with friends in the Forest
Misr M. R. Tear h attending _
the npring millinery openings at Tor-
onto this week.
Mrs. Esther Carter has returned to
5 town atter an extended visit at De-
Mr Thomas Uauley, jr., had the mix -
fortune to have his foot badly (rush-
ed taut Friday while engaged at un -
10 loading plank for the Goderich Menu -
factoring Co.
A. Porter
12 G Symonds 7
J. Hunter
17 Wm. Powell 3
T. R. Patterson
1$ F. Hunt 5
.R. I.. Reid
12 A. Goldthorpe 5
T. Boyce
113(*. Blaek
Wm. Webster
11O., A. Reld 0
F. Weir
W: Mnriton
Fastest Man on the le.
Humberstone Northern League
juniors slipped one over on the Kiteh•
ener juniors at Port Colborne on
Tuesday evening, winning 1 to 0,
though looting the round by five goals.
Goderich fans will be Interested in
reading the following comment which
refers to Will (Hopper) Mountain, of
town: "Horne, Cuthbert and Monne
Lain starred for the winners. Moun-
tain at centre being the fastest man
on the ke."
equally splendid fn "The }tinging Lee- by Rev. R. C. McDermld, pastor of Knox
eon." They were vlrtnelly compelled rhumb. Those present Included Mrs.
by the prolonged applause which greet pallbearer*, H
; Mr. R. . Cost., of Ot
ed them to repeat their "high, taws; Mrs. Robertson, Mr. E. J. Archin
The eweetneea with which
Mr8. A. J. MacKay rendered that won- bald and Mr. R K. Robertson. of
derful old song, "Home, Sweet Home.' Montreal ; Mrs. (Dr.) Morse, of Boa-
osheld the audience so attentively thnt ton, Maw(s.: Mr. J. A. Sutherland, of
the ticking of the clock on the well Toronto; Dr. W. Guhn, Mr. !Geo. Mc -
seemed loud. Her encore Ane "('olein' Taggart and lir. William Jackson, of
Thru the Rye." "The Bong. My Mother Clinton. The interment was in Mait-
i!aed to Ring" end "Bonnie MI, ry
of . land 'cemetery.
Argyle" showed Mee. Frank Saunders' I Buys Ripley Bort
lovely voice at lira very hest. '
Medley of Song." was the title given RIPLEY, Feb. 25. -William Lane, of
by Mr. Gibbs to the quartette splendid- A.hfield township, hen pnrchaeeed
ly rendered by MIs. Adelaide Nairn, the furniture imminent of A. M. Tre-
bles. H. C. Dunlop, Mr. J F. Thom- leaven Mr. Ione w111 also succeed
son and Mr. C. K. Saunders". Thep to the position of manager of the
encore. "Poor Old Joe." was In Ite•elf Huron A Kinloss central telephone
a real tit -bit of humorous; melody. office here. Mr. Treleaven is re
The introdnetory part of the pro., tiring.
Coati four brother.. who acted aa the
Know Coverecd the Windmill, et
STRATFORD, Feb. 27. -During the
recent atom an enthusiastic cor-
rondent from the vicinity of
Logan broadcast a story which
several' morning newspa,sers featur-
ed. It was said that drifts were so
bad in Bile section of the country
that in one tnetanee a 40 -foot wind
mill was completely obscured from
view, In fact the snow was piled five
feet over It. Ex-Ald. S. C. Cooper,
filled with curtostty, tnve„tigated for
himself and on hie return to the city
reported that the wind -mill was in-
deed completely covered. but that
lame time ago It had fallen over and
when the snow came wan lying on IG
Little Girl Injured
BRUOEFiF.LD, Feb. 2S. --- While
playing with other children to her
father's barn on Saturday afternoon,
Beth, little daughter of Wellington
Elliott, met with a painful accidenthe
wn ale' fell sus-
the mow, su
taining a dislocated eboblder.
gram conslsted of a pNy, Rox
Ong." In whkh Mian Adelaide Nairn.
Mr. J. F. Thomson and Mr. F. G.
Weir took part. The andtenee wax
mach intrigued with the plot through-
out, the coin -matching and dice -throw-
ing being partleularly amusing
A really splendid program was
btoagbt to • close with the singing of
the ?taffeta! Anthem.
Death at Loeimow
i,UOKNOW, Feb. l5 --M re. Jack
Watson passed away at her home here
Sunday morning. following a lingering
lllnes.. Rhe was a daughter of the
tate John McKenzie of Paramonot.
and besides her hottest] and two child-
ren leavPa three brothers. D. 0.. N. D.
and W L. McKenzlP.
High-grade gold-filled spa-taeles and
eyeglasses ,with hest (flat spherkal
lenges for only $4.00. All other .tyles
of framem and lenses. at lowest priers.
Eyes' examined by Mr. Itnghwro. form-
erly ()pleat expert for Kent., Toron-
to, and later for Henry Morgan & Co..
Montreal. The best optical work to he
obtained and at moderate prleees.
Three days only, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, March 13, 14 and 15.
Come early. Smith's Art Store, Gode-
rich. 2t
The choir of North street Metho-
dist church was entertained on Fri-
day evening by Mr. A. M. and Mies
Robertson at their home; Victoria
street. The event was partly • fare-
er.-, well to Mr. D. H. Weston. the nrpnist
and choirmaster, prior to his de-
' patine, from town.
Houses for Sales --P. J. Rynn R
Euchre and Diner -Catholic Wo-
men's League 1
Special Optical Offer - Mr. Hugh -
eon 1
Japanese Government Bond. --O. F.
Carey & Son.
New Spring Suits and Coat. --Royal
IedlPS' Reedy -to -Wear Co.
f.adlew' Dresses at a Bargain -A.
Cornfield ..,. .... „
Barrette. end Beads -Smith'. Art
Store •
Bargain. Still to Re Had - W. C.
White Pine and Sprnce Balsam--
Campbell's Drug Store 5
Viet mine and Records -H, 10.
BanksJenner far Winter Evenings -Porter's
Rook Store 11
Sale of Men'. and Hoye' Cloth-
ing -M. Robins 6
Foot Comfort-Sharman's Shoe Store 5
Anetton Rale of Farm Stock, etc. a
Jas. W. Oibson
Bedroom Suite for Rale -Apply to
Miss L. It Walter
Stamps Wanted -Rax 22, The SIgMI
811k Rale -pray a Cartwright 4
Auction Rale of Farm, etc. -Owen ,
Mullf hoer t -Rax 20, The Signal •