HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-21, Page 7st ,rte • THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. llydroElectric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity Convenient Clean Quick Cheaper than Coal or Wood An Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes all dust. A broom just moves the dust. Walk in and see the display of Electric Coals at the HYDRO STORE North Ode of Square Goderbch J. R. Wheeler Funeral Dire.tof end ki balmer til calltipl'oull,tly •ttt. n•l; ted to day or night PHONES Store 335 Resident 3uM - Hamilton kreet, Goderich . Brophey Bros. TIRE LEADING Ft SERA'. DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day GODERICH The News of the County A Digest al the Locati4ppanings as Reported by Our Exchanges Andrew 13eott, merchant uud twat- 1'rvoc luctal hlghwTy.._ tutdi•r roust rac. master of Bruiefteld, •pipit 1 w itic tion 111 Bruce county -Aldo cast tau cooing out of him ..tor.• one evening or three y.•11r•, host week and fractured his lag alsoe the knee. Brutstfl•Id has host one of its oldest reeldente by the death of William Dlz• }it, \'alentlue's Dny• February lith. r.a wtrAbe age of eights-rf:Y ►.-Esse. r.,•.e the birthday tltuth•erury of For many years .Mr. Mixon eonduetutT Jowl* Wheatley.-\\ln. Cuntrlmt• v. 3. the Brueefleld hotel. Plumstet•1 and T. If. Leppington, .our A quint welding 'w414 •olemnhaed at of elinton's prominent residents. clic manse, Bluetale. o„ Ttwrs.lny. Pilton, 1051 one of its otd••st and February Tth, whet; trios s Ruth hest -km -own rirtzens nn Frhlay, F•hru- Florence. daughter of Mr. :Intl Mrs no. �tlt• 911 on. p•rsln of N'illtatu \fi_Cheedler of Torok rry. was nub- lti,M•_ntt_ wauu(flt lifer' of organ. 1i4 to the bonds -tit.uutriuiiiu)` -tet :uul 1,l a os. T. Thubertc m iliii7Ti Clifford Elgin, son of Mr. and Mrot was du.. to stubs pneumonia. Al - Win .leukins, of Turnt,vrry. The erre- 11 gh 111 Lls eighty-fourth year. le. many was performed by Rev. Crawford had ••ujoiell fairly ••,ssi health wet,. 'I'nte. The young r.mrple mill re/44e anrns•eut y. Ile -turret! hi. career tie n the Groom's farm in TurtrherrY• • miner lu furuiture and r• presentative of the Bell organ. About 1t7a he HAYFIELD ,ommsl efesthey wauutaetur.• of organs under h1. ewu name, building a =mall II .w. Erwin, village clerk. will fa.lory on Ratt•ubnry street. Proos- .p•nd the r.nuuiudcr of the winter in ,Iw rite isni. *lowlc, int with lion e Florida with his daughter. In 11)s air tlet!•nminntlon the business w -at. exten- w•m•.• Mr. Reid will dita•Imrge bis .e11 nodi the Doherty organ had made dude as clerk.- a namefor Itself, 1101 only- In ('an - Thr animal Forel pieta.. is .lat•cl for ada. int is •onntrl.•s beyond the •sea. Ie.1 tet jape 1.11. laid Mr. 1h.heftf tut.] at "rte time the $EU YEARS OF TORTURE Headaches and Indigestion Ended By "fruit -a -tires" e Marvellous Fruit Medicine I.ike thousands and thousands of CLINTON • other sufferers, Mr. Albert Varner O ` civ f Buckingham, f tried many remedies and went to doctors and specialists ; but e.tbbag did him any good F anally s Meedadiitri�t►to to try "Fruit-souses"-sow he le well. As he says in a letter: "Fur mt•teu years, I suffered terribly from lived:tchesand Indigestion. I had belchtug gas, bitter stuff would come up in my mouth, often vomiting, rand was -terribly eoostipated. I took. Fruit -a -tires and this grand fruit medicine made me well". 50e. a box, 6 for 62.50, trial size '25e. At dealers, or sent by Fruita•tivse Limited. Ottawa, Ont. rt Ayrll 1st teat. Mr. 1.a;n• and family' are %leg to tandem. . David Itussell, who ham eoadn••ted a blacksmith Mishit.* in Exeter for Set - eral years, has sold the business to Wesley Sim s, who learned Ila• trade to that drop. TTN• hhew proprietor, who lute bs,•u In tee West for several years, Le already in i*,s•e••ion• SL1ss Stella 14ou1)ssrtt presided at n westing of the Literary Society in Senior Hall when the feature eta• :1 debate, "Rt'aolted, that the child wore developer) to tt• school than it tips 1iome.•' The judgett del•idel '.. favor of the affirmative *LIP, which was upheld by Miss Madge Ii.upe ant Owen Amos. The it.gative side was taken by ?Iles Myrtle Ih•o and Sam bit w eon. 3: J. Millar. of Exeter North, .ut- daughter..: 11114 .1 11. o'Connell. Mrs. Frank Devereaux anti Ma. Frank 14111,., all of Nen forth, au4 1.1m, eon. 3olt11 F. Daly, also ..f $,eforth. tins' .i.- rr and one brother also survive, a- .i'te•n graml.hildreit s. John M. \Vtls.n, ..f Seaforth; vat visiting her dmighter, Mrs. who n Id the date R dt_titictkil s.( livingthe laret•mt ex- Mother tri t being takwt {u ttN• rte ming trap Later the imitate** witch w the Ired. and tiler. was a g.t.st attendaltanes• meantime ed been 'cedars.sl for flet at at lane mrrttee seen there utas a ruttuitfaeture of pianos were destroyed tLalnat..,_ 1Le ttttble•:i lw'iopt "Ttr.olvM. • Bay e . �TetP ttrwat a p • lett• rtri•utlorgan- chtsire organ manufaehlr.•r in Tannin' -Il J s 10, , y nd. at Owen wound, dltd there tap-- from._ ..art trouble. The remain them for interment. as n daughter of t'he t of Roxboro and ye * u attack of were lnotg Moe. Wilson lute Jettec. k _-- by fish tittx- ..s •o. ing -+wine.--- Rut Wel tits ere o t is of a country li'- ert Mr Doherty. with commendthhbe pinrk, was .izty aJrt pwruls mere on flat natural r•'wnibIv, than on Its pealAe" Thr affirmative ...mein .1 the refit•.• management of \\' MIafar hotleek thenegsuss• when the se a... taken oe r by ass taken by Co n raupbell. John the -lata4tHee-usitil-e--few __ ears ache. awa.n by ieut SLat'Kenrie, face IMw•. r and a r0uuyuuy.:►ud .at, -r by the Fherlee k-- 1 arold licot.ttmer. Exe'llent addref- Manning 4olt an%, of London. Mr. r. tier.• git.•n. TIse.judg.•s.dc• ided in �tolewo ytwrwag ilwmayor or itf the lifelong n fwn for • L, t,.r .f rhe u.h:atiy••' letho- ,I:.t. In addition to ills wife he leave- t"nr daughters anil tfive one. Fire in the bakery of F. J. itr..wn & 1 n..m Friday mooring dill damage '.•.Timatesl :tt a1.tnn. Tb• fire startel frr.uh the heating .It:t,- and matle+01141- w'ay .., rapidly that the hiker had barely time to r.• 11ie before the whtde interior sa. in nsIN•v Ti.e,do■t i• covered 1,y hr•urant.. - - LI CKSOW spies F1:uteelt t'nin Ila- t.ib. n t ios- itlon Ju the millinery department of Replied Mack 1'0., 1w.u01011. 1{d Ma.•1es11, formerly of Lnrknow-• is ti•iting in town after ntirte'n year,. resident,. in the 't tee Urs. Robert Webster, sr.. Ica. re= ecus, word of the d,•ath, at News Vork, "f her sister, Mrs. A. Smith. who ff.,- BUS AND BAGGAGE RE&VIOI1 gnlrotly tlsited Lnekuow during the -0--- summer. Bus mets all trains. Call' made for Wilfred Anderson ha. been ttppoiuud passengers and bagging.• to any part of on the laddie library hoard In place of the town. prompt service guaranteed T. t4. Reid. who re.it:u.si on n•.'.'unt Telephone 51, Day or Night t 1••ing 11 ne•utls•r of the toll1 1 calla. bI. II ly Gordan has gone to Detroit. H. R. STOWE I hitting taken it position with the Resldt•nte. Cambria (toad. opposite the' tlb-higalt State Insp., Ifo,. Bureau. organ Factory Office Slr. Gordttu was an 1tsis•aor on the DRECO • SEAFORTH .Pial Scott lin. returned from an euiende•1 trip to Regina. leskat.he- eau. Rer. Father (:.sax. .of St. Jame.' Ica. gene to Florida for the r. -'t of the winter. Him work In tlt.I,rtlt le beteg taken hr nes. Father Nellie.. of i."nden. .t rink eel..lstiug ••t T. Jackson. Geo. lteilutu' 1t. H. %Croat. and T. .tohn•ton 44110 went to Paris on Monday -.4 -last-Week 0{01 won thirst prize in the carting 10•1 0.001. I;. W. Spencer. principal of the ('ol- !vitiate, has purchased from Miss Luke-, b•r fine residence en tfllw'n street. At the fast regular m.r•ting of the o111, -I81 bard of the Metbotli't chnreh. w•nf..rth. a committ•'e was appointed to look into the geeetion of erecting tneno.riai tablets in me -more of the crani. niers .4 rho eongregatinn who made t41e supreme snerfiee in the great war. The .tenth tank fico. ••l, NattttslxyT F'••brnary 0th, .f Ally.. Allen, wife ot• Thema. Daly. a resident of Sonfortlt r over fifty year.. The deceased was evout member of St. Jame: Ro- ma. l'atholte ehnreh. Tiesidee her hive band. Mrs. Daly IA survived by three The Wonder Kidney Liver 11 Stomach Tonic as Nationally Advertised Sold b ZCRI est wo ter upset while driving Into town one day r•,ently. Fred Wttwer diel at his home In Exeter North eu February 1:1th. at the age of •r-centy-three year... For •a number of year* air. tVitwer conducted ii -latch ry a'i 7urT15." •�-- Sfl.. Hurry t'aseou- -1. lying et her lent.' badly- bruised as a r. -alt of a Tell through a trap door into the ,mbar t.elaw. It.ihe Ian. sh ..awe iu contact atilt the cellar steps and 'hen roll's! try the ii-i••k floes below. r.r•eidng a number of lssly breiree. together with, a bad cot in the hack of b.•r h•:h.l I 1,1.•11 r0.1111r.41 e:•ternl-tit.•he. Paul , .'sant.•- 1••f: h.•r,- oil- \b o ,1•: for England a ittt three car• of ch„ice rattle.. %Mete l by Bret. flick.- 'I'ttey *albs!' f:•.•na fat. Joluat. - Thursday, February 21, 195-T • Georg.. Coe an. jr.. has goer to teens. t..n. Where.he heft takett a position in the flax inletinlet31r,..,.1: pc. . ra ell her mother-in•law. Mr•. _tile•rt Col.', during the week. t'lar.t t• bI..tfyuhln, . t she .:alt last week attending the funeral of 1.• • Terrier hoekey t k c teham vette boas ---"mor brother, thin late Mr. MI., A Yonne People'• fin,'•1PtS has some days .with it .ad'afnM 'boulder. While unable to play any more key formed to the Myth Methotltmt char.',, this '.,t -.'n 110 wan abie to reit ' 10 with the following ofHrere:--3Ion. Ids work, in n departmental 'tor In president, Her. A. C. Tiffin; president. tLe 10w11 of ht. gtlopRio11: Sllss 1L.•ttt tV",sell; rtes -presidents. Mies Leila Siebert iham return. Harold SViglrtmau. Nike - Florets•- from a visit of .everal weeks. with her eater. Dr. H. A. Melntyr.•. Harry in -other. "Babe' Sieben. aud_-othet ker; secretary. Moe friend.. at KitcheliPr. - iFa •'en: n'Orr4'iipniiding 500botrre: Witt _tndreti Turnbull, of the Rouble line. ! Bilin : t•rasnrtr. Mts. hazel Petts: recently pnreha=eel from the estate of pianist, albs Meldlt McElroy Loggia - the Ik I'file the 7:ra.rc gra... antiitaut pm et, \Time bailey. - bush faro en tins' Bah eons,.+Ion of Blyth f endo w111 Ice pleased to lisp u.wu.hip.. ,learn that i.,ad- of le.an.e :are I'•ing uuarkete,i J.1 and Mr... IT the farmers and .fuse the prig''' w io en has advaa,•ed the beans have Men mac• , S• ing more, rapidly lately.The funeral wag The to g Non of Mr. end Mrs. liawt week of Agn• - J ohu .t. 1t irh of the_ t,oslN u 1 T mu[ .oath, lad t to have his sleigh loaded wa her etKltly-711th )sass she OH Whit the Ind fellow was riding, upset and a portio• of the machine mime -years n resident of Rlyt hit his leg. •to rjtnoring to Toronto nearly t five year.. ng... mod was always ardent .ehftrch ,tori . , . is•[pg I.M•r 'of Daum a5,•une 1'r1•.byterian chur'•lt, 1'arkdal.•. She peaces Due itru:- daughter, airs. F.. 1'. He■., and ten .s1 f• sans. %Vttlinm tV. t;lonn trod Ile•nry C. Id a SIO:u,. all of Toronto. :that four grand- ee children and six great-gr:utdrhildren. ..n ► The ,ncll Is figuririt( on pawing Queen and Dinsley streets, as they fig - EAST ST. GARAGE Cars overhauled an& re- paired by an expert mech- anier-Agent for. McLAIJ�HL1N CARS Batteries re -charged and stored. W. M. BELL East street . Phone 243 'mote. as -managing editor of Win. t_ul gate. _ • Iter. Dr. p.•rrie Ica• ....winded thirty ry. daughter of Rev. R. years Its minister of st. Andrew'', Iter .tmlck. ..f London. Irre.btteritin church. t\'inghnu. 'alto 111, 1. improving a Shipment of Pleated Skirts Just received, a shipment of stylish, young ladies' Pleated Skirts, in navy blue flannel and wool crepe. Priced very attractively. They are the latest models. WOO- Crepe Skirts Regular 55.50; special for the week -end serge $3.75 Ladies' Wool Sweaters Brushed wool Sweater Coats for ladies and misses. The very newest style, grey and camel shades. These are priced to sell. Men's Sweater Coats They have to go. All -wool, check pat- terns. Regular $5.50, For $3.95 WEEK -END SPECIALS Men's All -Wool Underwear Penman's ribbed two-piece 1 shirts and drawers). Special for Friday and Saturday only. Regular $3.30 per suit. Special 52.75 per suit. All -wool Combinations, regular $2.75; special 52.19. Sacrifice Sale of Winter Millinery Our stock of Spring Millhitery is here. To prepare for our formal spring opening within the next few days, we must positively sell out the lines of fall and winter Hats we still have on hand. Rather than carry over any of these Ladies' and Misses' Hats we intend to clear them out at sacrifice prices. You will be the loser if you fail to take advantage of the bargains we are offering you for the rest of this month. • A. CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHiNCrS GODERICH West Side of Square .old on Tuesday of eras. widdw of w-Is.me dealli revinns Sun- : tit,. the lure Dr.R'tn. 1;1' • *'.fort0n,• recently occurred A " a 1110 fraetur.sl we,.n a day. Sire. Sloan. who was tn..l.resect $nut•tiuu•.1 11 111111 las wo many frons h a Rrah' erin.k•r. 1.y ?,.•r, husband two years a o. w'n' to in cess fire that he I-a,t : get :any of -ns f..r them led. Mrs. E. A. Itrot'k who fell down- .aalre semi. weeks age acid-4itjnrt•d her hwt.l. diel SVeuiegdat might' of lust w'e•k. i BRt-MSELS 51.1r1lir 1'n•abyteriaa chart . I., of whb-it Rer. .1. 1'. 'Mt pastor. has over 200 famtli.'s - tuetnheratip of 445). flat.' :and e els• .olle•tnnw iast y.ar eatamtwl i.3.3721r find missionary off••rin r;II•.'UM,4TISM LololaElok eu/ Ow utas tti' . M ethl s . - .. ti .e'',d t N,.4k tepid. we is t. Th. n ,1hiasto wool it. 0n e.t. everywhere i Yarmouth, N.S. r, • 1.1aS.tat At the annual meeting held tet in the end it will be it great deal rose -101y M'.sr...5. eremite. H. Tamont. ,. raper thatl graveling them etery few N. t'artliff and Titus. MrlJonalrl and yP, s it+ades the sarins of $1100 Mte•h Ste•.ekam••s T. C. McCatt and R. T. year w-hlch-t "y 'spend in ofl{ig the >ltraa'haal-w-er,: e.CS'.t s1 tn_ tIMMoard of ntanag.nleoL A..t- Iomout and AleiT The lyth Choral liotiety, w•1Jth 1tewart. sr., ars s crt•tary-treasurer ha. teem rraelt.ing the ermine.. -W- and a-sTstaut treasurer, r•spc•tiv.ly. tishazrar:' the past few months. albs Tlazel Stewart. of Itnts'.'ls. prrw•nt.d It n the MemorialTIn1I nn sm..rsls Miss Kathleen 55 i'ton as a Friday rcisliu .- an,t, although the leacher .'n the ltru':'.ele public who'll roads were vet% .bad from the recent staff. i storm... the h•til ' Irteked to Its tit - Mr. and Slre. Teton and .on. 1:.,.rgP• mn.t cataeity. Th. P were fifty char - have mated to Detroit to reside. air. att,•rs in 'the cantat and 1hcir Dixon'. potitlni a• manager of the _inn'- were gorgeous. 'pmwrttag the )tank of 'Nota ft. -011a lots been .taken old Ih,I.ylnuhlu days of 'lug (•yrns of • in F. 'M. at ilmntt. h i mn1 t'o kt•'an A. H. Trowell. 'director of the town 11,•L••.1 of Music. wag In Brno.. t,i tttly _examining the pupils _,train- ed by Sllss U.t. Wilkinson In .tmnee. Nott with the 1'..11.is' of Mndr, ion• Atm. niglnn,l. The r-.n'ts of the ex- Th aminal ion were-ps follows:-F:{em.•u who tt tory. Niro.. Mildred Tetuan. Velma on Jordan and Mary Ritchie t tir•h.•lass sago dangerous uertifireter : Intermediate. Ws.Erin*. itI*Im.sl that 1. N. t- xnd riotous King of Bahylo,. .511 tea t.nrts %ere ,•aceptionsily well acted. WINtiH.AM • as 4'usemore. of Tnrab•rry. ut•r.•b'ted here en•eral days •large 1.1 being insane nail o be at Targe. and who lie pati... hod Leen look- tine Seller.. -honors) and Slier Janet iIng through ht ttilslows at tight, was Itrown.)trfaltPtel Isd,;re Stagl.tnhte Reid. of Brit..tcitizens .tizens weresh.weed nett • t:oelrrich. here, a Dr. 151tor. ,of grieved when on, Tiered y. FetaaatFiirmoet.tt. wxa - '• ret rzatain hits 7th, death emimed Arum Slci'udzenn. as to hi. mental still In euljnn.tion Mnt•tw•n-yPnr- eI dn.'.ln 1r "f Sir. and 5th its. Ite,lmon,h 0f ittgitam. 11.'t- Sirs..lumea NcSchool. and n student ,,rel 5in,essew wore call,• rhe raw• ret Listowel Bitchit School. Demi snob' , was vtllarg.sl for a week a Q he *115 sg to. tee-_joutlS- girl, clue to tltkrwerf_-mfrtww its Nle- • tri tlu+- s<''nrinrlet fever. I meantime. Jn•. l-1'ounciCor W. 11. Haney. foe's* 1 ret hos- soil u Fertrnmon. Rntsw•la, died nt thethe Slae L. an planing mill, net deal• London. on \VP•lttr.dnc of I tofonnnate nig-Went when he had his --_t with • 111. mother. .-._ !,.o r. lirnso,.ls Hydro debentures. nm.'nnt•\ -rink of tNingham carters,, coa- g to $21.000. have been sold to Bird. Tees{ of (diver Thompson, 1011104 F. 1 eels & Co, Toronto brokers. at per. Mttrrttyl ("are crntford. and A. M. Th run for twenty years and Issas e'rnwfnr,l as skip. monk port In the an - The r cent. Inten•a• nn;11 Isnhsplel at ienuha, nus reached The d11os cur the eo rimes e i of the finals in the Tecumseh trophy. bot the Hyde) *pets* for a tem.' emit- were defeated , by \t:. K. ('amcr.ntt's Mem pnrriNhst•d from the tem.' remit- rh'k of 111. Thoth•. bell 4' *par r. Pre -ton, at nn average .t slllpmetll 0t hnftoto nM{11 teas a, cert of $.1.52 pule delft. rood in Rrns- i seised from the wai.nrbQht hnffab e els._ _ -_ (leek. Ats.rta.-ter iLe_1utfbto haw mei ' of Ow Irs•:tl lions ("nh Inst Friday EXETERI.nfgltt. Ahmn ('tryett' calls the 'speak er of the evening, (ollhlg the 1.1on'. of Norman Tnrnhull, who resides ea, the .ifs '51w nh•n.•,•. for ,these• years in 1 akF' B?pt N r t,t 1 north ,f Port N okP .LttI. t'. q. and *ho Ra1ped w. much n4;orlety by •1. ('. llmnon. ;1 %tell known former bit mysttt'Hous 01.Ppb: thio -'•'from ifs 55'hlgbull high *hoot 411.14.10 and home reeentlS, xnd wM. it was 4).107. Itnow atteeding the 1',dv.'trlty of Tor - Hawed had b0011carried oat •,itto, took the services In St. Andre'w's on the lee of Take Enron, retnrw•d th 1ra-IL� Irian ,.oterlh•nt ch i.st-itt.wrinot s, and hie home font arty',. later to o we ,k- i' eaelie {for v Itennett and airs. ened eondltlon, having been atl that time withmtt-food. He event* to hate It ninon, of t\'inghnm, while (rel 1h.•Ir had a !epee of memory and does not wan to California encountered the sly wl','re he .pent the rine of hta worst .now•dtnrm in Mu. history of ,It.aigw'erain••.. •t'Iti.•,tQq tyhen they reached that t•1ty. (Tort.. l 1',-.,. I. 1,:,, r4.11t.'.1 r1.51::,t, otoph..er v...0'B.t, rich',tt, fin., former t tali' 1•x0;'5 inn -acre' farm the 'S re the con - ,i -.stun of Stephen, to take eweiwe.lon for of the ;wiper, teeing to the resig White Good Whiter Colored Goods Br ': hter SURPRISE loosens and tis- solves all impurities from fl - or coarse fabrics. By its gentle treatment and thorough -: cleansing, the -- pattern, color or fibre is not injured and • kes on a new freshness. . ...., ``,`tete..., , cl,PURITY FLOUR I "Mot'. Bread and better Bread- I i irld Bott.'1' Pastry too - USE 1T IN AL1 YOUR BAKING '4e.,. • n,,n, .1,810111 ,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,embun,n,,,em•,_,n„'e,.•,n,,,,,''t,'' ,.