HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-21, Page 5•
ale a
Make your youngster happy with a
This easily -worked, Eastman -made Cam-
era is just what your youngster wants.
"Simple, substantial. inexpensive," de-
scribes the Brownie, and "Splendid Pic-
tures" the resu:ts.
Phone 90 The Square
Ituw'eminent uMonday evening.
March :led. els total addressee .n
Bible study win lie delivered In North
atit.te lirtlurdh.t churelt, 1» Rev. i1r,
E. Thonws, of '!brunt.., and wlll tx•
c.intlnurd each night during the week.
exe.'pt Saturday.
Try Us For
Fancy Goods
Novelties, Etc.
N•glhBideElt�^ - slen.lt
Friends Want Your
and they will prize a really
good one.
You cannot give loved ones ■
more acceptable remembrance
than your portrait in one of
our newest ntountinga.
Mow 11,1
We charge no more for First-
Cla� wed Inc second-clork thaw is ass ill
purport is to tk•an, press
it your clothes in such
you may regard our
!tatter than Hirst, and
t no more for this
than perhaps you
the habit of pay-
work a
to eta
kind of Acerb(
have bean i
ing for un*att.tactory results.
There's • difference we want
1. show you
'Phone 3344 touN, `11.s.ivare
We like to make portralta of mea and
many men prefer us an we seem to
poaltesa that faculty w•hieth enables
us to fully bring out character and
1111. tiALLOW'S.
Bought and Sold
Real Estate and
Phone 230
Masonic Temple Building
MRI. W. J. t'utINEY
•t Stratford d.apateh, dated F.itru•'
a ry 17, says: Mew. W. J. Cttwe '. 40
Strachan strre•t, died yeeterday after
a 1eltgtlg• illness. Khe was born to
Poole, fury -four years ago. With her
Clue terries In Knuc church Is tt family..Ite lived lu Karate and Gods-
timtday will be conducted by the utileetch for ..tee tlmN, touting to Ktrat•
Sublet**. of sermons: it it m., furl threey.ar. egos 11,widea her hue-
,•Ist l In the males' aA the Lora '.
Prayer: "The F'urrh•e•sess of Pius."
7 µm.. "Thr Waiting l:ueet." Kale
bath and Bible ciaeses at 3 o'clock.
Sunday, Marek 91h. will he anniver-
sary day la North career Methodist
cburelt. The 'terries., will be conduce -
ted by former paetor,.. Her. 11 11.
Moytr,-41T'Qifihell:" ani R t'. w. r .
!lager. 1{...t., of Watford. Special
mimic will be rendered by the choir.
'rhe pastor. Iter. (', N. Dewey. will
have charge of the ser te+w it. the
KeptI.t .•hurrh next cauda}'. Sub-
le.cot of sermon.: "The Wound. of
•est ,lett--lalar;dlata.
Witte ..iurel and nrn•ier. ,1t Tayltr*c
r.0.1ters a. usual. Sunday reboot
Meet. at 10 a.m.
At Victoria street M. tho dist, rtiurdt
teat Sunday mornhlg, at 11 • .iclmk,
the Ne+t••r will speak' on the sutjeet.
"The Gr.tp.i its Japan," and in the
etening, at 7 o'clock. on the r•ubjee•t.
"The Gil..pc1 its (Slim." Morning
prayer meeting at 10 o'clock and the
Bible ..-had at 3 ti el.s•k. A ...ilial
N eleome to a11.
I At North etreet Methodist chur►•b
!lett Sunday the .enl.ws will be e'on-
duetvd am foliew•v: 10 a.m. Meati+
clah hurit tsetses and Illamlou
MIME .Ile. is .urrite•el by three daugh-
ters and three .erns, Mrs. C. al. Thom-
as. Bellevue, 1'a.; Mrs. C. riegeohrimrr,
Chicago, and, Mrs. Halbert Kirby.
Sarnia • Robert W i" ..e•s of Strut•
'Plwrathty, February 21, 11tH__.
'I'Itowargi of town. Mr 'Chum -.Us was Sale of Purebred teethe
the third son of the late Jame., Thom- Hy advertisement its another .olutnu I
non and ass lu his altti.•th year. It will be seen that a ermslgumeut .al.
With lila parrots Anda number of of purebred cattle' 1,. to be held at
other (,oderieh petple ts• went In 1t(el Wingham on Thursday. February 28.
'10 what was then Dakntu territory nlak'r the auspices of the litmus
Inow the $tate of North Dal:eta- tanorty Breeder? Aomori at ion. There
w111 b.• more than tatty animal+ on
elle and hfwyere. will' herr 5.1 op-
portunity .,f bidding ou *come choice
suck k.
and settled at Now'e,te, near the
preweat town of Buwewlout. la Pesti
h. was married to May Kpinuha,• ales
of the Newest* comuiunity. and a
few yt•ere later moved into BowleoutttIt
where with his father he entered the
hurdware bu.lu.sa. Later the buaine.tt
wise expanded tato a general mwr'hau-
diw• establishment and ,vuducted by
Mr. Thomson and his brother tleear.
For man rears Mr. Thomson was a
member of the drainage and bridge
board for Pemblua county• fie wan
a1.•o a member of the board which .up -
I riot rhe I,.due (Atle•rt
eutatiy.• : t to Tuesday. Jan
x quiet marriage was cru,
rd, .\Itlrrt and W1111am of t'bicago, y St. Anthony's church, Edmou
the R. . Faure Carl••d,n
when Mile Susanun Mary
MISS M.\TILIIA GALLU:HElt (:oderieh, (1nt., ouly daugh
.Titer 01 711neaft 1'9Rrltllit3i eget^ Thi- ervtsed the ttutttdtnr atnd erlulpPlrrr „t mer Tttchard f arnr•y and tt
years. M(Iss Gallagher',coot! away at th.• letat.• school /for the tllityl at ateigh. and Mr William O'N.
Icer late residents', Trafalgar street, Bathgate. Hr wee at all timer. actively of fedue, Alts•rta, were ugh
1:rclerlrh..it February Toth. The duras- int.•rseed iu pnblle uffairn and w•as matrim.tny it i. the intent
e1 had heron a r,tldenl of Goderklt •a member of the Matarnll jlexlernand ales. K'-'gh to' rr.L1e
for over thirty years, She was a meat- Wtmlmen„ A. 0. 1. W, and Tt•uat.•n• farm near Lwluc.
her of the Anglican e•hureb. She tease; Hr ire .urtived by his wife and eight
a !byres-
January _'OtL.
•hrit.•d at
Gas Knuth,
Curacy, of
ter of the
O'Neill Keogh.
:oa of Mr
nn thetr
rn,au s.
i• t of the
.e' a
, t urs u
\ r Tl 1 t.
. la ntul aux I:ir)r e u l'otr i-
.1ehd.ell. The funlrnal, w•hi.•h was h.•Id , w t a f nae cul
wt February 7th, was cuudmtett by- ; rumba. Thr •au.e ..t death was tt , memter. nn Tuesday to -claim for the
Rev. c. S. Harty, thea pallbarrrs Is•lug , stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Thumat• tad I unnnal meeting ot the t:.alerleh
ale,.rs, alunnings. Ihatrc, 714•irtnttr :nal' 1"eau +nff.•riug from h:eh hi..si pre.- : Trotting and Paring '.\-.,e•IAtton. of
Duty •• .t...a bratltee , . - bite het and l f _hie three brieh se.
borne, and a later, r\Ira I e•s.•ratuus of I (l.,•ar W of Dew...moat •lnmea of 1 Ware lI.t4-'J fly
Clearing Sale of,
el Footwear
Febriuy 22nd to Muck Id
Euchre and Dance
under the auspices of Wom-
Anxiliary itl
encs 11u.pttal
Friday Evg.,
at iia
Goal tune;(•. (:
February 22
afor all
Mi,•Er•oy. Itetalir.. _from Tamura,
Whitechurch, Auburn, St. H••t•u•' :net
Luekuow attended, the funeral.
The death ot.•urr,d at Detroit ..n
Weilnettday of last week of Oliver C:
llhitely, formerly of Go.l••rich. The
deeea,..sI. who ,ouductel a grocery,
store here prior to leaving town about
-ore fur ...versa year.. 1 which 1t was dw•Id.d that it ou.srlay
1 race m.et would be held by the At-
.IAN1Es t•c 4 •T f s.w dation this year on \\". dta'wl:. v, .Tnly
Thr Tata Jiltilw• S.•ntt, wt. t (s:•se,l _'_Ari. Tlu• ra.•r•+ s•hednlel amt per -es
way last Frict:u} at the+ h.•me of his therefor ;•Ire at• follows: 2.'10. trot ••r
only dau.hte r. Mrs. 1: A. 'Ni.•\alt). , p.o.e. tie111: 2.20, trot or leve, erne;
ltrua. str.-•t, .tuft: whom lie' nail Mrs. ;213. treat or peer. $.1110. The °Mke•r.
Scott had will.• their' house for the of i....I.e....baton for the ••usulng year
past three year., tea- a i:ativ. et ire- are: i'r••ident, Dr J. il•n-on
land. having t.rru born in 4'ouuty Wltit.le : t1.e.pretident, .1tdtu W.
Ituwu ninety-five year. ago. lie twine. 1 Smttl.; tr•a-nr.r. F H. Wltle• W. P.
hjevr - he dl ,,1 ju su..'n years ago was employed in Ile. to Canada t th hi- puree*. the late 1 Tv.:-e••r.tart. 1'r. W. F. ('hark.
Men's w a• .
v% f.• leaves to mourn hi. death ace. settling first tear Pr• -.•oft .11.d Fteise Stamps on 1'hrytte,(.
(:. G. Newton. The services. at 11 t his widow, formerly Mie. Hearn Strut- emitting to FInrou sixty years ago. I1. . rlI".\\\ .1 F. b nI'h'• feet that
tom. *eel T tint. n i11 to conducted by tots of town, one daughter. Mies \brma farmed urn the 1[h .•o:.ee+sion .•1 t',d ' . ,. a k•t•.1•. r 1 :mIv the r•guiai rt -
i lD.T. Jahn Agnew, of re, on, *card Britt l-14l►twlsr4,►ud cute hroepor., ][s- B' shoo; three miler tr •tu .t l .
he le t11v tuner-ts of mi..•ions, con- \Whitely, of Owotso, Mkh Mrs. St. baro and a1..1 near Port Albert. t
Gerrse i'rke, of town, who is a ,cousin a
day s4•b.ol a[ :i p m.
- ;Rte- ..i.-t•tie.e • r,rntti,sb t r --_-o •eased. went ever tQ iletroit
\ 1 Methodist ebureh for the funeral, which was he•1d ou
held to Nett!' street
. asset -.. 't..• to t0 er•u„ , ,
the M ' ('lub ill be •''1'1 High Crstftruit with the National Rieeint Cola- 3t>ra-trt3rrs': James r6•ott, at us:ta,tj -
ot Ws tin t t be 'ntralut'4 by Mr Isla } p
11 \I 11.1 tp digs- uu.l. ahltL-lst,tat:e
Scott, who was the .•Id•"•+;r cacti 1f' ., '
family of ten children; was nt.0 rt..1 •up. tin ,.t a.. • pt•'.1. Iur mode
in 1fc'J0 to Agnes V:d, , out; 1 er o n
. S<e• r.`4,3 ilts suet mots: tmre m.•trrlt n
Automobile Owners
Get Your Markers
J. W. MacVicar
at Geo.. MacVicar's Shoe
Store, north side of Square,
Post Office Box 414
This is your oppoftaoit7 to Ate -yonsalisfiefl
purchase Footwear at greatly
.reduced prices. Goods offered
are broken sizes in all li¢tes,
men's. women's, boys', chil-
dren's and misses' and all win-
ter goods at clearing prices.
Overshoes, Moccasins,
Shoe Packs, Slippers,
Etc., Etc.
invite )ou to
Hero's Boot Shop
Th. Square Phone 43w
You can get satisfaction
Jul} 21 (u s, tttx•luslt••1, lirl4. _t4
exceedingly able waft of leaders hue
been secured. which )n -tires a higgel
and beater '.shoal than ever. last
year the ra•gi.tratiut reach!., 143; 11M
ohjre•tiye fur tills },ear is .'t10, ,\mo1'igat
those alto neat,. teen engaged :t. t_rtd-
.'r:, urr: Iter. W. E. Mill+•.n. presi-
dent of the Iemtkat M.'tho'ist t'on-
Gaeli .•, in charge o1 the wur.hip and ,
wing I1erl.el: Itt.". W. 11. Kauentvht. lis
A. qt St. Jule'. I'rwhrt.rlto .!.trite
Hamilton. in charm. of the Itlb'.• .t11dy
period. his .abject to be ''Ti 1:arly
Drys of t•hri•tiuItity:" tet-. e. W. 11.
11111e, g. neral superintendent of the
Ontario Religious }Alien tion t'ouncll
In charge of the relg�i�1t,s elluentioe
period: Rcv. .1. al. F htlity of l'oart•
right In river_,• of recreation: R•e.
('. F.. l'rugtr. of \t'irlaham. in ,•har=e of
the}•retap•r .,'rvl,'ttt� 3JjariS(yhil ►
the.. of Clinton, Jalwln.t a mledozary
on furlough, \Vith •its. h leader. :us
ttp'we. and with the worth .,f the
atlatul well established Ly the fortuer
tweelane the ,neaesw of -st•i y.f.ar's
mummer s.h..tl is seduced.
The offlrrs a re ns fotlr.tt • row.
pt,•at.Trnt. Ree. h. P. anhn.ou.Z..iu:l.n.
president, tier-. G. W. Ituti, 1innkton:
et•president. Rev. .1. F. af1U-.ra,
Brow•n.yil In : vi..-pr•sid.'ut' R. t. 1'
S. Ilan.., B. .t , Aulturn..Jtev. J H.
(1.terhont. R:.1-. It. 11., Lnekiinw, tier.
J. E. Jones, Staffs, R•t. D. lle•Tnv-
isJl. rrwliton. Rev. %V. It. .\Ili, R. A..
Auburn: seereturr, Rev. W. 11. \1••.s,
M. ..., ib•nmfll.r: *ensurer Rev. J.'
W. 11e.11.•3. af. :t,. it: 11.. i:.sl..r: •It;
registrar. alba Fierence a4.mry, G "le-
: : dean. Ret••. D. 1\'. William• 11.
.\.. '1laeHurd.
.\ gore' 1itue i. promi.wl at 'Le
ell. for :11111 tint.•;• ou Fri,it(y .•scoop
nt ,rte Ma oval.. Temple ander 'rte'
aleph.•...r the tt',•nt. a ff.espital 1 i1.
it la rr.
• l
nn Thursday evening 14a, ander the Friday afternoon, The pa. teeters Lite air. and Mrs. John 40.1, who. t'• ere. wunlil.� 1 Lor its the rete
suspiees or the Young P, rnpk a League. ori''' Member. of the 1'nwela Club of getter with Mrs_ Mc\ally and .ua I
Detroit. am, Robert, f:,•ott, of Auburn. survives, tta<p of ttii._t l t'Y'• 'T'a• I':, 11-?.. .
a t4of ssful ect.in eightDuring the It,•J ipl- for -land.- vto 11., rn-tela•
fi t {nrt'nf IncreninR eighty-four •^ The detested, who was a ways u Leen
e' hr. Gear. o fe t ou u t u.• , nr4. e. .:race w:is a tl.trten , a• im •e
St.'pliewem, sec're'tary of tilt. Young Lan•i11R, Mich, web lc3own lu Gode sraltklnR np with Ile new •t=emp.
1"....1.1.-• Forward Wtv.•ment for, Ilia- of a cure .•n. rgetir type and to the
v, That The Innen••• hna lot. 11 lira cv
Al .1 }:x1.11.• 1h-parnneut 1..r S. wd.•nt
tote.. i •Jaya r, were lite and •'ns• REV. DR. Le GEAR with the Aubn:u 1'.ea•}t •elan church, her %sere 1y'1'laal. Itl IIctoh•.i. Itt
tofuw in Japan lumped rn fl.ttl.1!M1t►, ' hot 'Oil. In-
v Mr• F' (' the death of Rvr. Dr, J. T t
r. r
Bible atudeut watt •t••tiv• lv conn•••t,•0
•were spawn. - Th''''" Information, has been received Of
views w-hle•h were takeu h and took a prom,u• nt part 111 the er k t I ty, w •r•
• t f t •h •h huttdis Ft•' w s•
.Moa. On his visit to JapaQ, w -eery
:ur.•resting. Mr. A. M. Rots•rtkott read
a de'a'iipllon of each view aa it was
rt. h. A nett*. of Ire la lr. 'ear -- a maintained h:_ iattieet in aver
came With his,perent.i to Canada a day world affair.. in pnlftl.* he was
the age of. twelve.ywr. Fie attende41 Sa conservative. • The fnn••ral. which,
Kincardine High School, taught si'hoot was, held on Sunday afternoon to l'ol--
the fel
month.. o
placed upon the screen., Af"titr th.' for several' year", and the n entered the • TJa nnnry :
t•k•wn were "'hewn retrrabm••nts veer' Methodist ministry. He was at ,one Lorne owmrtrry wee latgrly artandel
9'Mtr'dny. Fetrit , . -1
20.00 30414
Hay, per' ton !loose) , 5.00 9.00 '
per - t..tt--41xt1'.l . : 12.00 --;TAA
Wheat. la•r Ini.h.1 .... 91 1.00
Oats, per bushel .35 .40
ltailey. per barbel ....
Buckwheat, per bnshel .70 75
Potatoes, per bnahi•1
('tittle. chutee, per r•wt.
tattle. mrdlnm.'per cwt.
i-..tYa'alv...,rw •r - cars . .5.011 1+4tt- •
111 h -in.•r ib. 01 fr.
.lt..g- G :el 75
-1rtmtr Tat alT. I �."curt . - 333. +
Flour, family. per cwt. 9.30
Itt,:;.r.,r.pemur.per Ib:.:' it Tat
Butter, dairy, per Ib 40
F.e_•,•: fresh per •lnzett a:. sip \
('bickers tsar 11.. .,..secs .iV 20 '
1:4 ,• j.•r
Bran, per ton
tte, lanerver'-- tet .•h..ww l..
iuR •teti.tles 'for the
Nne••ttl •r. 1h.•etnl,. r and
..erred. the menu fox whleh wee n by former frirnel• in the vicinity of
time Ita.to.r of Victoria street rhumb. •\utwrn and Ibrt Albert, where 1, r. Noeeml.r .tie
eerie+ of eoriundniark The pro.•eees Gorlerich. 1111,1 he flurried Mica Fisher Jhcrmher . , 4:Gt
Srtott w•as t-r•n highly estw•mrd. Mesa
rtf the evens were for missions. .f this town. who surv' '.4 him, with t .ln11a:11y
lu hie' mermen. last Sunda! nt St. Mary S.•rlmgeenur sang "Hoek ..
Sunday two daughters, Mra. Freta T oty of i \gam, at the funeral ...Tyke, able li it Is maculated t
George's church ills rector, Rev. R. K. Trruuto and an unmarried slaughter will mean a total ,proal incr.-az..
Baldy. dealt with the n c1 r•- g t wtls conduc•t••.I by • Rev, R. e• Mi'Der--•
►' "' living at Winnipeg.
in His mother ie. still . mid, {testae of Knox chunk. The pall -
the rernm:es of the t'nstoms J5'
union of the Church of Kurland With living at Winnipeg. M. Fie G•an and strtm••nt of between fo :and five
the thnr•h .f Rome. fie .poke of hwrete were Moewr.. (:onlnn lounge t
hl. family were reenetomel to spend John Robertson. Ttloma..►ndcrwu and million dollars. with a .o a+londin_
,i ire Lambeth ennfrle•n,s' and ..f the their •ummer vaa•ttlone in their verb• - low.. 10 the I'nstoffler Depart wet.
convePatifoa which have eine,' taken i Cage at Kincardine. Iasi summer he .lobo 1i. Graham. Th.xr•,?rom ant of
place letwe•u mwutm•r. of the tw.j wn. troubled with high. blotto .Pre"' tow•u w -ho were h.•re r the funeral
rintrch,•., T11..•' c.rnversatinu• ha./ re. • sure and had to elerMae,eantem, He
Included: air. and efts W. H.' )ie. Gettlerirh r Srtusrl
tented great diff;.-nlri.•s in rheI case .;etc sic years Of age.
Bride, Owen Sonnei: Mire. S. A. Irwin. Roe. G. \14'. 11.0. ..f \louktot:. wti.,ap�1
nay .d reunion, said alr.'Hunly: 11,.' : Ripley; Mr.. Ansley Nell. 4'laudntoye: R.uniill.- la.1 11•.•6 in ,•ontereuee wit14
d(re°(rttadl diftrrener•- to bel
s over -111 Mr. ;tout-MtNt111_r,_FIlut, aliehlganj Rev. W. 11. Mo.., eony.letiug turning"-
,came Ilrfetr.e union a-.•uld - it•..11-n-• T. .1. S. PE't. ! GT(1\ 1 Mr. and alt's T. 1:. t nye.•y. Stratford: m••ut+ for the fourth •.•slnn of il.'
isthln were Immeu.e. -meat . tab.," eon. I chasms A. Spyring Pennington. a Mr. Asa Mra. 3nnrrs itraughan and e=nds rich S,nu,n.r s, Insd., t., I»- 1.4.1
elnd.el • Mr. Hardy. "let ii. eontituu. i native of Devonshire, England, pn.•'e1 Mr. tither M'Btien. of Colborne.
hie home on Etgin street .01
11t22 , lttZt teat
(ai0 A 111 1am1 ... .
I:h l.f flO tr-1,Apn
t the ehnnge
to enitttate, that spirit of gondwlll and uw
brotherly love which animated the par-
tit•ip.anti in th•e.e epoch -marking eon-
versatfons. \Cirh tho'e.of the house-
hold of Rorie, ae with three. of every
other hont't'hold of faith, let us seek
pea.. and mosque it. Who know. by
whet devloua paths God is leading n+
not Into the open arms of any human
Lxet.ntat•', lint into the fold of the God-
man. JesusT`hriet?"
Vittoria Street Methodist Chutaeb
The regular quarterly .t•rrkr in Vie-
torin street Uethoeli.t church was held
on $mislay mornlug, February 3rd.
It w•a. well attended and a targe num-
ber of the member+ of the church par-
took of the sacrament. At the close
of the service fuurt.en nett member... of
Friday toot at the advanced age of i A .'ochre and chaste sill be he4d cru 0000
eighty-thr••.• yearn. The deceased came Ti.'s.lay. February 2011.. In the Odd -
to Canada and God.ric•h with . hit fellows 111111, under thean-plena of the
parent. at the age of fifteen year.. Catholic• Wnmeti s League. ('nrdw at
Suhsequently he lived in \ebranka 4 o'.iot•k sharp: Tickets 7A ..wits.
for thirty-five year., returning to
t;orl.rlch in 1908. He is survive/1 hy' PERSON 41. 3fJ NTION I N1;1;K IIF 14:11. 23 to 111R.
his wife, n daughter, Mr.. Li'.ter, a
-on, George Pennington, and a grand-
daughter. Mian Rnth Ie•nter, -of- I
braska : nl+o by three brother., Oliver, -I
of town. Taber. of Tee•water. and Jo1m.
of MII1I,m.tta. 'two si-ter., ter. Rak-
er and airs. W. Potts, and two broth-
er.. William and Henry, are fiend.
Her, James Hamilton had rharge of
the funeral, whf.•h num held on Mon-
day afternoon from Brop11oy's ruder•
1 whom eight were tu'ade of famillee, taking parlors- interment was nlnde
were received. Eleven of thes•tame on
profe.nion of fait;( and three by letter
from other churches, all of whoa) ear. Mnteolm McDo°aid• ehariee 11-ese anti
+w•rateel thou..elres to God and the \C, 11. ler. •
dealing at work of the ehnre . This was largely
In Maitland e.•metery. The pallbear-
ers were Capt. Msl.ylm McKay. ('apt.
: THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE amt revaft rut the te week* of erect - __ -t1
- UK.- .
ti.T_.RARKER -.
.tle .44'.'.•.' 4.•1.1 by the' p:4tnr ,3,fter an nine... ett.mdlne .o• r the
in New or Used Furniture. dnrinlg the mouth of January. at which tatst two t.•ara, the death took Idnee
Gree. presence was manifr"t to save hist Friday at tI.' home of her pur-
l' if you try us once you'll be a awl .Ipines% elite, lir. and Mr.. Amo. elutlt•ngvrr
regular customer. •(t a •ut.ntgtu•nt meeting of the gnar• of Lola (;hallenR•'r. wit. of Mr. Henry
terly board A uunrrfmnus invitation T. Barker, in her twenty-eighth year.
This Is Your Stonens nt feuded to the pMttor, Rev. J. W. 14...44.'* her ttu"tt,ud .h • leave, a .ix.1fedi.•y, to remain for another year teen•Alontbr-Old baby, Raymund. Th'
e........,c in only nett. A er..mutton .Iwraswl, wla was born at We+tfi ld.
Blackstone' s Furniture gee woe peed .en114 acing the board's romp to (iodericlt with her parents
Sale of
Winter Millinery
Attractive Valve in Price, Qual-
ity std Original Style
Out Clearing Sale makes it
possible to buy a velvet strpt
for $1.50
Ladies' Trimmed Hata, Eacep-
beset Valve, for 82.50, $3.00,
=3.50 aad $4.00
New Veils in New Spring
D'eai g t.'
Miss MacVicar
Legates St. Csderki
Use It.
Mr. and mfre tVulr•r alarfhtunid ate i Monday and Tuesday
tf.ring af'r,0 .,.t...
IlIss.init.. Strang teas home from Y'14 iu,•unquarttbl•. i•..11
Guelph •t ''r.ti,' w'"•k-.end. Richard Barthelntes% and tlnrothy
Mr. tthel Wien' rd.. auntie :e
bn+itir•s• trip to Toronto la..? week.
111•s tt' .n R rts'rtnn, of ('lienar:
tuns the wew•k-•cud ere -t of all+s' Dori.
Fi+her. •
' Mr, Edward t'urr"IL of Saltfortr,
Wednesday and Thursday
"F1 R\"
EInca timui ( 'd)
\bout }'arc"
on the Broadway of Goderich
Two men were fighting
over the possession of a
book -and neither of them
could read !
We can't all read music,
but we can enjoy a Vic-
appreciation of aur. Hrdley'w faithful
work, both in his pastoral duties and
in the preaching of the Goepel,
which has begun to
show In the increased numlsr of
people att.nding the nervlesse, )[r:
Halley replied. thanking the board for
their words of appreciation and anaur-
ing them that they would be of great
on. -in Toronto it few ,lays last wink
at wetting the funeral .of hie sister.
'Mr .flex. Crawford.
Ile.' at -Tel -We. Frank itrT..o' of
1:rand 1.'atb•y, w. re w('.'k-end tWale
(un roan. Mr.. Whet) rc•mainiug bores
•taint of a few day. with her parents.
aur. and Mr-. Jntne- Verr
Shot I olio Ait.n 'w•mi one of 130
gee+ts at tete annual at home .f the
P•l Sigma Phi }Tnt.rolty lu•ld in the
P,impi•lan toe•m of the King Edward
hat.'I. Toronto, last Friday evening.
I lir. T. I1. Taylor and little linen
Irene Taylor. of Rlyth, and Mr. Jahn
11 I t w.•li. .r , of 'West (kW, o ere
.gr.• t+ In -t week at tIwt .home of Mr.
Holl Mr•, -.i* lit Taytnr, Waterton
fourteen year.. ago. For nm4• yearn seat.
.he w•a' employed as heart clerk by ,, air-. itnlph Trnw. of Stretford. ea.
W. .1.heseru k Sun and later for two In town over the tceekavnl to sly llalinw••nd:y, ednrsday at 4.16
year. by Par -urn"' Fylr. I'rb,r to her „Im•n toyagl ' to her slater, 111-a (rhea and-Moveturlay\14at 3.1N1
marriage' in June. 1921. t.• her now Ulan, wbu left nn Tuesday. in rum' •
bereft pnrtnnr =inn woe i.r'41tia.•at
Intl valued member of the elm* of )eery earth TTi[ 7sanMh•r•:�rrlr-7iTt 1'tl\II\(.�-"1'he ',wahine '{rail." ---
t t Methodistrhsrell 14(r extended trip 10 New York and `tonttk
Eileen Perry :11.1 Theodore Koalof(
ltr__.a nDto.ditto 1.1 °ln. 1 .1,
"('Hii.UREN OF .1.1ZZ"
Hallrom 11431, ('on1.'aly
"Monike} lug :\rami"
Friday and Saturday
(.lady. Walton
its a 1;.1.. ,.t the riven-
"S.1N'I11 ST"
1'.adury Tamely
"Speed Bugs"
Mutt and Jeff i11
"Jim Jams"
• • •
tt0 do
74 7 4) i, 00 ..
4.50 01) •
- tee .\no•ricn.
Fiorito. Is4nR organist, .d . rieterta
muss 1{1111, Ifamiit.41, 11. N., .pent
help to him 1n hi, future work amongst suet liethedl-t church ids wife Jain- • th. w,.•k-end with friend.:u 11'unlvrr
the people. .'4 that choir, though she uta' eomp•11- .,1111 n'ttetxl..l flu• It. \. F'. t. all 4chli
- J aa
ed 10 give up the A+•Intton n .hoedh•• li'n1.r ('ivy.
Childhood indigestion time inter m1 a •viO its of ill -health John .lorhusnm 71n+ returned
tine sister and one brother 411.0 •nr- home afh•r •pudin¢ a month with.h4•r
vivo: Mfrs, E. ICehher. 44 1'itrheuer. 4laughter, Mr*, t=ens Lyttle, at Wind-
Nothlug I. more common in child-
1',s.1 than indigestion. Nothing t+
more dang.•reue to propel: Rrow•th.
mer. weakening to the eooaltntiuh or
more likely to pave the any to dang-
eruct disease. Fully nine -tenth• of all
the minor Ills of ebiltgos.4 ha v.. their
r.s't In indigestion. There is no noel;•
eine for little omen to equal Raby'a
(uw, Tablets In relieving thea trnnhl�,
Th.•y have prove) of benefit in tluou-
•band+ of iomes. Concerning them
Mr.. •1o.. • Lunette, Immae'nlate eml-
eeptlon. gun.. writes: "11y baby .way
a gr.•nt •nfferer freul tndlgwtion, hit
the Tablets -omits vet her right, and
new i would not M• without th.m."
Itahy'm Own Tablet. are +old by medi-
cine dealer. or itT mall nt 'l3 cents n
lox from The iir. l\'llllnm- M1eiiehee
1'e.. Itres•ktilie, (Int.
!11.0,..1. E. Ford lin. r•tnru.el from n
belt to Mn l.nghter, Mrs. S,t1tt, nt
and Mr. -Ernest t'hal!,'nteer. of Edger-
ton, Alberta. The funeral. which re.
held on Monday afternoon to Mnitlatel
4emete•ry, wie. largely attended. Among.!
the many floral tribute. were tokens
front the choir- of both lietorfa abet
North •trtr•1 chur•he.. iter_ J• W lied-
ley. who 11ac1 -harV' of the s.a'vtrw,
woe n$1•1411 by Ree .1. E Holnl.•a.
Th.• ptil ewrers were M' -.ars Fed
Barker. Chad.. Baker. .\ 11..•11 Ito rker,
it,,t 141.11,:'.'.taw•.. \I II,. 'A11 SO/111o.•
-i me and 11 Wel4. r. •floss w 110
o ere present from out .f t.nt n for the
funeral weMr. and Mr.. E. N'eht..•r.
of Kitchener. Sttutt•hen.e. of W.•t•
field. tlfr+. An e• Me1hnitglt.,.f Mit-
,'hell, ani Mrs. Ed. McDowell. of Tor-
HF)ns1!RT r. TRON1:40.N
The d al• ..,-urrd .1n t'•.hrnafy no.
1 0 It ermen.ut. North iniketn, .f
Herbert t'. Thomw.n. A native of thele.
-II and it eon•in .4 ]Ir. Janus F.
. 1
Mi... 11. Galaey awl lfnrthfa tin.• ,
sty ern• eac•k-•enet tisttort :It Tor-
unto. .
Mi.'. ' l.fa MItbelt. er Taranto. 1
'Tent the Week wa1 w-1th. Itis Ivy
}hiatus- 1`
Mr. and M•. \Cm, Ihshanan Ithe
Inner feruu••rly Ills. Mcl,••ntu,'of
Irby. !task., 4.. -re visitors at She
home of air. ,11,1 141;". W. It. Pinder.
I Gttb•rte'll. f..r ,, f• w days on ih,'ir wed -
aloft tort.
Mr. 1C. t. l'rhlh,11n is Its 'rennin, this
week, hnciug t.s•t •.111.41 there by the
enu1fnled eerionm 11111 -- of his brother,
Mr. Free) .1. l'ridtatu
-lir. Marley Vynmu, manager of the
L. 1t. 1(tie•1 star., 1• inn of town on a
II tau we41(11 busines+ trip...
! air.. A. G. M,.•ihoofd loam returned
from n m•'ntl'. 11.11 w Me Iter daugli-
t r. Mrs. U..1. smith. of Guelph,
etre. 1414'. F'. ('lark 1s. ti+iting tier
daughter. M1.•• ltetta, at Tolab, O,•
it ie: the ..bt. rt�f.• •4.1
tie.• 11111.11'1.,:
High Tea and Bazaar
Thursday, Feb. 28th
Bazaar opals at 3 o'clock.
Tea from 5 o'clock.
Program :n the evening •
New Wire Light
Shade Frames
All sizes, from the small Candle
Shade to the largest Floor Lamp
Especially good Shades for
Table Reading Lamps.
Secure • frame and make •
beautiful Light Shade at small
Smith's Art and Gift Store
198-.. -----East Street
50 pairs
Ladies' Brown Oxfords
and Strap Slippers
p '
Wonderful value at
50 pairs
Ladies' Black Strap
A good assortment. �i�•
2 1-2 10 7 in the Int.
We'll have sorne of these in our window. but mote
inside, so come in and we'll be pleated to show them.
N'.^ REG. SHAiIMMAN 1,olt1.:R1(II
Phone 1b$'