HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-21, Page 3Job Printing
The Signal is prepared to do all kinds
of Job Printing at reasonable prices.
For your next order
Telephone 35
Read the Advertisements
in The Signal. Buy advertised wares.
It is a safe and sound policy.
PRIVILEGES ASKED oto r a porion of your property 1 :uttu
FOR RIFLE RANGE dumping gr und), with permission to
tenet runt tlri pointe at 100, 2114) and
for bah :w Oyards. If ou are willing to grant
Grant of $7:o to Orangementhese privilegesefor a period of twenty
of July Cele- i years will you kly till in the blank,
bratlon on the attached to sign and return It
e, to lee at r earliest cony. 1-
l'mtix II!or J. �. Piatt wag 115-e-at11T wee, )Once." Reeve Mat- wit: "They Qon't
absentee from the regular meeting of way what they'll da\ Tete (vmumni.
the town ,uil last Friday evening. 4.ation was referred udk the public
.•e1 b t thew luto and re -
being mote
chlor Rya'.
SAVE, Because ---
Thrift begets independence.
'1110L.tND, Feb. 17._Sev('ral new
entt a• being introduced
into the new hulk freighter for the
6L.r, Lakes Transportation t'om-
puut). for which the contract hae beeu
pectin,' by the Midland Shipbuilding
Company.The vessel will be 560 feet
over nit, or only 34 feet shorter than
the largest freelewater freighter afloat.
Isle a ill have a 00 -foot beam by 32 feet
deep and will be built to tarry 12.000
tons on a ^A -foot 6-tneh draught. She
Unlimited Quantity of
at $3 per single oord. delivered.
I Foot of Anglesea St. Phone 51.)
• • • •
The People's Garage
• Victoria street Goderich, at present
occupied by Win. Craig. This is
a money -making propo.ltion for the
right man. Apply to
P'bone 50 P..1. RYAN
will carry three Scottish marine
boilers, capable of developing 1144)
winds of .team. Double bottoms will
extend fore and aft, with side tanks
carried all the way up to the spar
deck to provide space for steam and ee-
haunt pipes, .leering gear, telegraph,
electric wine. etc., and so ellactel as to
clear all cargo. making them ae•ea4slble
at all times, whether the veosel is
loaded or not. This will eliminate
shovelling from top of side auks while
unloading. Four separate tanks will
bottom on each 1-
The aeslon. which last a 0u works committee to 1
quarters of an hour, was rather a ,rt. a motion to this e
rinse one, however. The council ac wl by. the ltw•ce sad Con
easel to iiia -tt'que'ct orf tA1t.:�►1 .TYpin lxamhm01 Ot .
Orangemen for a grant of $173 to Yr-. IS a blank t, be filled41 in h_
slst them with the expenses of the 12th evil as to the•
aunt to 1
of July celebnatinni hereL this year• the cepa tment for the pelt
A eommouicntieu from the fire eebri-
gade retuenting a meeting with the l tu•stdd.)
N441.) Pons Again
fire committee War On motion of
tempt -Mors Humber and Holmes re- Under the head of new 1411
fared to Ow fire committee to report t ouneillor Ryan. ehalrmnn of . the
at the next -meeting. Market committee. presented to
The request of W. C. Pridham for council plans for a nese market bel
permission to use part of the sidewalk trig on the lotto the rear of the tow
on um Square .while making improve- hall. Councillor Ryan stated that the
me•ute to the front of the store phbns were thcae prepared last year
at present occupleep t;v Cralgie I(rnt. by Councillor Worsell as chairman of
WOK referred to the miteie works and the market committee. He indkutcd
fire committees jointly, with -power to that 1M• had looked them over and
act. con.idered them satisfactory and asked
The request of John Gra hum for per- that ()thewcoundl �o *beadthis year
miction to utilize the large upstate' with the matter.
room of the town hall for two weeks Councillor Holmes and It4cye Mac -
fur seaming fish nets seas granted on };wan then moved that the market
motion of the Reeve rad ('onnetllor psnn<, n. prevented by CouneiIlor
Humber. procidett -shat he leafy the hymn. ler re -teemed to ala• worker cow-
hall in proper tsondttion.
A cuutauuie•ation from T. J. Han-
nigan. seere4ary of..tbe_Outeri, MIuni-
clptal }aes•tri.• Association. requesting
the council to ender,* a resolution pet-
itioning the iominion Government to'
enable the hydro -electric Power Com- I el
Incorporation .1.sked for ('ompany 40
Carry Out Great Waterway
11u. deepen. t.
St. 141%114'111'P from Pr..wott to Kings-
ton and Lake (near* from there to
a point in Welland county; to build a
canal 33 feet deep through Welland
eettety to l.uke• Erie. and from there
,lllddieswI. Lambton
and Ituu
ron conU .tie u pt tf �t on the
east shore of Inke Huron -ouch 114
part of the ambitious project of the
Coufe•d.ratiou Canal end Power
C,rmpanl y, which ho- applied to Par-
for Inrptration. 'ith a
capital of halt a billion.J. . Mc-
Evoy. K. C , of Lenulon, on be If of
others. makes the application.
The 40t3'1 y proposed to but a
slip ennui from Montreal to Otta 'a,
tio•nee ity the Rhkent River
K.•mptvllle, and „by tenni to Pr
with an alternative route alon
!Hertel -Wu River near Sorel by
wa)• of Lake St. Frew -is and the St.
La once to Cornwall, and by the
Corntt•all Canal to Dbokinson Land-
s', ng, t 1t�-fbrther carats to--Iro-
quola o Free ott.
he built In the water
side She will terry two centrifugal
with 20-i t suction. with two
nitre.. to bring In a full report
Reconsideration of Salary Motion
Feetpotre d
In view of thee �ettaba4'o, a of ('ount•illor
hitt. Reeve Mae::wan asked that e•on-
deratjon ot,his notice of motion re -
Would Develop Horsepower
EveY, ltd -'e -of Landon. la-
esyspap•r represi'ntative
me•nts have- been mm-
!l..... application of
!louse and tie ate the app(
the ('onfeleratton ('a0a1 and Power
Company to ,forms a $500.000.000
corporation with h gigantic p '
car o
t Lukes to the
2,000,001) honte-
J. M. Ml
termed a
that errata
1.ONDO\, Feb. 17. -Lloyd's New*,
In an editorial dealing with British
boys on farms In Canada, says it has
no doubt efforts are bring made by
bnt_1LBrltlah and (anadleau authorities
to ma that hots *recent only to
suitable homes, 141x( that probably the
percentage of fniluree is not above the
average which might be ezpectc.l. It
Is quite cleat, adds The News, that the
liulpitt boy, who committed suicide
epal *t rkl>,--atautintter inlet' t>
scut to farm work at faIl. That anxiety
1s -dilated on the matter in Canada.
sayts The News, 1. shown by the request
of the Ontario Government for stat.. Shinier.
nupervisinu and by editorials iu the Monday. February 2.5. 7.43 p.m.
Canadian. peas declaring that the Urogram of tex-rl and instrumental
whole. gustation of immlgretlnn of or- music by juvenile entertainers.
Phan is.ys requires imestigatlun. 'Tutedny. February 26, 7.45 p.m.-
Anye versa ry of WGI. with special
REEVE ROBERTSON REPLIES program of muni -. vocal and instru-
W Y 1•Ivgraut fu brief tor week
of February 17, 1924 WOY. M&'henee-
tady N. Y. General Electric Company.
7110 Kilocycles (3R0 Meters.)
Eawtern Standard time.
Sunder, 'February p1,
Service of the First F.nglirh I.utleente
church, Schenectady, N. Y.. memos b1
Rev. Herbert D. $hlm.•r.
3.30 p.m. -Program by WOY 81111 -
phony Orchestra, Iwo KIIw t4. noi-
7.:10 elan:-- rw-a "LT 0
EugliWe Lutheran church, te•hene'etady.
N. 1'.. sermon by Rev. Ilerb•rt D.
mental, and addressee. Radio drama,
i "The Wulf," by W(.Y payers. •
To the Editor of The Signal,-- Wednesday, February- 27, 6.30 p.m.
"Adventttr14 stony (courtesy of
Although nut on the executive tom• Youth'.. (',mpanion).
itteee of the Huron county munt•il, I Thursday, February 2^t. 7.43 p.m. -
should like a little epee in your
mos ill an endeavor to answ'e'r your Musleal prttgrum tp' ndid Or hertra
anal cnnxert by the 10endeloohn Club,
pondent who signs himself }con• --
uud who charges tlw executive
Dr. Frank 501 FebRoruary
ter_ with false economy. Friday. February 29. 7.45 p.m. -
telco, direct way to practise Mello drama, "A Taller Made Man"
W 1, .cut duan eepsexliter' (Harry James Smitillt} presented by
herrn e
w possible, and there AR (at W4 Y 1'Iwye' •
few ofIhhe,pousymt•ntsmadebythe your- 103(1 p.m.-Mnsle•aI protram and
ell that a not sect by wttle. and by- reading.
law -Watt t tweet otwieate thing far Saturday., - March l�930 p.m. -
a committee o do 1.e to' start by cue Dane pts -ie by Rontano'a Orchestra,
falling granta'eover which they have New Kenmore Hotel, Albany, N. 1.
pampa u t , control. From", your eorreel s.ndt'ut's
Duplex tank punnet. ng a will glue ..+gram to letter the infe'r(11n'r' must 14' drawn
mbsMn of Omarl° to develop power on' leading flee reconsideration of the p for oe tun I that the money o he spent for edit.
CIC[ the la [sett pumping arrangement the• :u, I,*w r•n•e, was tettered 10 the 1 h l•Ottet rut's A e
special committee. a motion to this ef- ; and develop
e 1
feet being moved by the Deputy Reeve
and the Reeve.
The following Inter from the 1)o•
minion Road Machinery Co. was refer-
eed to .the finance committee, on mo-
tion of ('ouncillors Worsell and Ryan:
"We beg to acknowledge rweipt of
yours of the 4th. making demand pay-
ment on us for t'he amount of our
bon(. $2!259.t)2. which matured on Jan-
! nary let, and we shall govern ourselves
it was carried on motion of Vette
MacF•wan and Connelllor Worrell that
each committee bring In an estimate
of the amount required for the year's
expenditure. the ewtimatee to be an on
or before March 7th, and that the
wchool boards and public library boated
be requested to wend in their repuire-
menti by that date. The Reeve remark-
ed that since the rate has to tie struce
at such an early date this year, on
account of collecting the taxes twice a
year, the matter should receive Immed-
iate eon.idtration.
Some Tax Warrants issued
Tax Collector Wm. Campbell report-
ed to erne council at follows: "1 paid
the treasurer slice }'rhruary 1st $650.05
of taxes. of which $400 was on nr-
rearm. Collections have been cowing in
very ^lowly. I have plated a few war-
rants with Chief Postelethwaite
against those in arrears more then two
To Purchase Large Grader,
The Dominion Rend Machinery en.
wrote- the council quoting a price on
the Big Winger grader with unrlfier
attachment that the town had been tie-
ing during the part year on a rental
basdw. The pries quoted was $390 levet
$30 for unwed mould boards and
'$W►10 for rent during the• veer and
of any boat on the Great Lakes; theee
will be In addition to the usual feed
and sanitary pumps tared on such
vessels. Three dynamos of ample
rapacity for lighting, power and re-
frigerators will take care of all galley
'applies and drinking water.
Very complete arrangements are
being made for the act ommodation of
the omcertr and crew. The steel for
the boat has been ordered and work
will commence as soon as it art( c
Reptimus: "How 1s your little girl.
Mrs. Smith?"
Mrs. Smith: lily 'little boy Is quite
well, I thank yon."
Septimus: "Oh. 11's a boy! I knew
it was one or the other."
of the series dealing wtt.h tha=establishment of the
$A14K or Meen.LAL- at representative points tet CANADA
and elsewhere.
Tlsr��li 1yF!
rr -
HEN the Bank of Monbesl opened its fust office
I!aebsc fs6 vas ago. of -1etweent "lifoonaeal and
Quebec was mainly by stage coach, occupying three days
in the journey The difficulties and exigencies attending
travel were such that funds were only conveyed between
the two cines "at the first safe opportunity."
With the opening of this O ebec office, the Bank of Montrcal in.
troduoed into Canada brach banking, one of the elements that has
contributed to the remarkable elasticity of the Canadian bar.'jlig
-_ gp wionwg for Dominion finance an enviable reputat:.,n 0. -LI
pens mf the wood• • .
Of the Bank's 567 Branches, 83 are siauted in tit.,
Province of Qubo�
Established over I00 years
"IItaii Assets in excess of 66so,000.0oo
salary eeting be left erre until the estional and elea tette purpose in
liners from the G
next meeting. .'r a, op 1926 in going to be oleri out and that (•(►LItORNE TOWNSHIP
Councillor Holmes rising enquired px.wer of electricity along the St. !Institut loon ate going n suffer 14s a crit
pone his
the Reeve was whir to teat uen•e while we sq1 tlt1.•r money on The munkclp cal runnel' of Colborae
pane oft motion unless with the con- Lawnne River route gsq
went the council. Mr. McEvoy outlived the naviga-
(ouncillot Humber Councillor
the tion scheme of the company. but de -
that rheic not
Platt t'lincd to state in the meamvhlle the
was ahsent it might not be unci( best -banes of those associated with the
for other members of the council to be Pr^je't or of the members of the
present to 1(001(1 tht4r voles at the Commons and the Senate who are
next atwting of the courlt11. to intrrxluce the bill American cap-
Tfiat'w m' lookout. Your Worship:' 11n1 is largely interested. but a e•er-
remarked the Reeve, tato amount of Canadian support 1s
"Show• us your rule that the motion also concerned in the undertaking.
can stand over," said Councillor !him- The plan, Mr.- McEvoy stated. 1a
her, appealing to tete (emir. "Yes, your to build a canal to carry ocean liners.
Worship," interjected Councillor leaving the St. Lawrence River at a
H)lmes; "i rise to a point of order on Point near Sorel, Quebec, and to in -
that ptoint." prove and deepen the Riehelleu
After perusing the eted tha rule River to Chambly !Mein, at the head
book His Worship remarked that while
there was? no spte'ial rule covering the
point the matter had never been
pressed. The Mayor then ruled that if
the Reeve wished to bare consideration
of his motion held ova- until the next
meeting he had the right to do O.
The matter was then drop!*d.
Committee Reports
A Growing Bank Account
Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager
Is an incentive to greater effort. and a stepping
stone to success.
For 58 yrs ,the ousanion ds ofd
nk of Canada has
helped manypeople to save their
Open a Savings Account NOW ; acquire the habit
of saving regularly ; and you will have that feeling
of security which comes with money in the bank.
I wonder if the pyo
what Is 'spent by Huron
townshipmet In the hall, February
really realise 12th. at 2 p.m. Members ell prow
unty conn- ent. Minute'.' of Mot meeting need and
ell on education *1,1114. ' or e•elra•at• on motion of Mr. 11111 and Mr. Flsber
ing county pupiet at collegiate in- adopted, with one eeorreetlun, vie , Jno.
stitutes and high school+ the connty Wilson auditor instead of E. Walter.
paid In 1022 the stun of *45,1441 to The auditors :Mr. 1'onng and Mr.
the five oat -hoot'. situat In the county ; Wilson to -gave their report, which was
$2.333 to outside schools, and $4,A00 res•e•Itn on motion of Mr. Fish.•h and
of a epeeist grant not preview!for
by etatute, making a tote' of 542.836, Mr. le•apjan. The treasurer's books were
or bne mill. In 19n for an *.•howl certified correct, aeon with the excrp-
purposes the county paid over $60.000, tion of a few mins ('.err (10IW of 44'
the most of this going for high eehonla tails the flnanelai et*tement tested by
and continuation work. Ow treasurer in December was also de.
From a grant of $4.4400 In 1922 and c'are'd enrr.ct. The eolleetor's and
$4,000 In 10223 the •facial grant to treasurer's bonds were examined and
of, Champlain, In Quebec Prov -'high wheat. in Huron county was this found satisfactory
Ince. The canal the proceeds baric year cut to $3,000, or *.''e00 *pica. Move( by Mr L'isher. oemieled by
toward the St. Lawrence to Hungry I Thi.. to your correspondent may look�fT. Graham. clic the ass.•a•or be in-
• Ray and. Francis, St. Frana, oa of the Inky. tale• evnnmy, but when you eon- s1rueted to exempt ten acres of land
wider rons of the St. T.awrene. I meter that It Is a gift pore and temple,
used for refOrtstnUon by Wm. Hill,
The deep poaswageway would be cut a rant In the first place u01 provided sr, upon the applicant's complying
acmes the lake to the north tide of for by 'statute, a grant mit Indulged In with the -pr elisions of the statute.
the - St. Lawrence, there adopting by any of the countlelr surrounding Carried' of two optional plans, one us nor in all probability by any other.
calling for the dw poring and. fm- it seeing only fair to give the can- After them p.nde'nee was d►spree
trn•14ment of the existing
canals, ell credit for g••neroolty instead of ed of the toldnirdng *emonte were
The puhlic works eommitt*e report- 1 d theother for an entirely pew, erosuring It. I know Humn eounty ensued and orders drawn for the same:
t he 1 1 I cin hI rat a p d ctAcit of wchool {ser,
et that the Bell Telephone
Co. had 8O s paralleling the St. a t oa y county g v ng n e he . .aw•son, e ,
meta:led wires and pates on Cameron canal system pa iegiWiative grant to raehrrols doing fifth $4.h o ; .Toho l'outyt. s.vvie*s as soil•
and Maple stretets and on Britannia Lawrence and slightly farther to the class work, and all the ad)aernt tor, $7.00: John �t ll.'nn. se•rvk et as
road as applied for. The eemmlttee north. The channel would proceed county clerks who an teed my auditor. $7.110; T. Clark. drawing
recommended that since est{fbates for
rhe year's requirements are t0 be
made earlier than usual this year an
advertisement he placed in the Intel
pap'°" getting that petitions for road
oil and sewers must be presented to
the council on or before April 1st.
The Tiniest* committee reeommend(d
that a grant of 573 1* tnade to the
L. O. L. No. 182. Goderide to be spent
011 advertising and decorating In con-
nection with the county Orange ce1P-
se•14rifier teeth which lad already ben hellion In Goder4•h next 12th of July.
purchased. The .-tmmunicatlon wan re_ The commimre recommended that in
terred to the Mawr and public worka
Committees jointly, on motion of Cnun-
cillorA Holmes alnh Humber.
Privileges for Rifle Range Desired
The following letter was received
from the London oQkt• of the Depart-
ment of National Defence: "The p o.-
sibilttp• of constructing a rifle range at
Goderich in being considered. It will
be nee.ssary to obtain firing rights
Real Estate and
Houses sad Lots in Goderich and
Farms for Sala
Many cheap properties offering.
Some at daughter prices for qui
I 1-2 story house, with all the
furniture in the hound', including
good Happy Thought Range, est
up. One acre land, with a number
assorted fruit trees; Rick street.
Price, cath, $000.00.
Cottage"IHid1'9ot, South street,
Good sized 11-2 story horse,
stable, 4 lot+ and orchard, on
Huron Road. Price 51,000.00.
11-2 dory house practically
new, electrtc - lighted; toilet and
bath, hot and cold water service;
well located, west sloe of town.
Terms, small amount cash will be
accepted down, balance monthly
payments tame as rent.
Largo number of other properties
for ask.. including many of the
beet houses in town. Ade about
Above Parson's Fair
P. 0. Box 89 (ioderich, Ont:'
tete matter M the Improvements to the
Collegiate institute the board be asked
to give the eounell at promptly as
poeslhle a written report Allowing all
assistance new. received from the
county and Proven,' and how the
amounts are arrived at, alto a ntate-
went shoring w'hnt additional asela-
tance or grants would be received In
glee of capital expnditure nn"•1m-
prnvementles proposed. A number of
*000nnte acre passed, intending twee -
taking of fire tote, Gen. Renenm.
$12.50; snowploughing. Geo. 14144eom
j44.4-.1..•Awier-, *24. P _lhneton._ 40
and A. Stevenson, $690.
thence to the St. Lawr.•nee and into
'lake Ontnrlo. The next step would
Is' a large came at Welland.
To Connect with Lake Huron.
The new canal new under con-
strnetlon. which 1s said to ls' of hi-
outtleleM size to accommodate ocean
query about speelal grant ,to high grovel $4.00, breaking roads, 51.50,
schools and co11eg41te institutes reply $,7150; Jus. Green. drawing gravel and
that they do not give any. It look a breaking made, $5.501 W. ,1'. Reed.
sate of one and aJalf mills on the treasuof Ashfi• ndary c•
county asseesament for srhooly In (..unt, rer $510.50; T.
eldR. Pattersonbou, Paa-
1921, or practically the same rntr aw gincering Rhatp•'s Creek bridge. $flo:
ens leveed for musty reads in 1923, 1 0(1; Jno. Fowler, breaking roads. $1:e10•
am not going 10 rrlticlz, either *x-
ve.'ereh) could he utfliz4d, but
Saltford Sunday Reboot
The annual meeting of the Snit -
ford Sunday school was held on .inn
nary 23re at the home of Mrs. Bother.Ilan territory and that would e11m1-
ington, the /superintendent. Miss i'
nate any diversion from Interne-
ti,mal waters. -
The alternative rents . wants fie
from Llprairle haat below Montreal
to the Ottawa River, which would
be improved and deepened for 0r*14n
traffic rap to Ottawa. A cane) would
he made of the Rideau River, thence
to where the Kemptville creek rums
Into the Rideau, running hack to
the direction of the St. Lawrence
River. Near the jlnrtlon of the
Kemptvlle creek 1s the highest
point between the Ottawa and ,.St.
Lawten••e, with A watershed SCI
rh direction. A lock would lie
the dlture--130th aro very mcestwry: 11111 lima, gond and IunmDPr$31.40:
promoters prefer an entirely new cut ,fiat I do wide). to print out the unfair E. 'Mitchell, odors of error In roll,
through to Lake Erie. The final pen
neve of your correspondent's criticism. $16.00: S. B. i ntb•re, hw•hcxol fair
p1,a1' would be a Banal from Port Neither am I Ruing ihto a eiefenw of shield. $9.00,. On motion of Mr. Hill
11dhet; on Lake Brie, ten miles west their attitude towards other grants and Mr. Oreham the meeting adjourn-
of St. Thomas. aernns Elgin, Middle- . but i do knew the executive commit- ed to March lltb, 2 p.m.
ter were honest In their endeavor % 1t7ttt }L}rl'i1P7RiN(' MN.
This i. the fleet and last eorr.'spon- i Township Clerk.
deuce for ase on the nnhje t. i am not i --`
*fee newspaper publicity; but If your
1orrespondent is not satisfied with this • lbe Little Hale
reply let him attend the June et eaainn
of the county council and I will , 1t would be "inch a little bone*
Rex And Huron countlee to reach
-take Huron at a point -between
Kettle Point and 8t. Joseph. Thio cut
would hay. a length of forty-three
nautical miles.
The company would derive Its
wme-tr by collecting tolls on the
WMCI'er fand! mewwy. which would be cnlhj4'('t Promise him n merry halfJlonr with 1 d build or you .
to'itnve•rnment control. and also by the executive committer.Within a gaol all abloom
generet lig about 2,000,000 horse- I C. A. ROBERTl9ON I With rost+e�a peony;
pnw.•r. largely In the vicinity of 1 Oolborne township. And all ahtdut the low -roofed parch
Mon not. Thio would require an The tall .treys looking down,
International agreement. High Tea and Bazaar With a swhtte gate, to swing for
"11 is 14 crime." said 1dr. Mt•Evov, thnae
"that 2.000,000 horse•pwwer should he A high tea and bazaar under the Who wander Ont from town.
ling dome-.. the St. Layrl'eticv_, auspices of St. (l'orge'e church Wo It wou41 t.e Ihtth a little henna.
year In and year out to waste
Ricer" menet Guild will be held in the Mason-
Ic Temple on Thursdny-, 2Stt
February t I Awa> from elates' din,
if (tan1da and the United State's With blooming plant.. and jars of
ore unable to come to an agreement flower.
to a1'tept this plan, he said, there is seal doh Fares taborer,Coming i
nn alternative that would keep the
un11e'rteking entirely within Cana -
Evelyn Fowler w** appointed nrl;nnlst
for fbere►minR year; other officers
end teachers were re -appointed. The
number on roll for the past, year wan
7S, with an average attendance of
i so.
Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1924.
, Collections
'Christmas Concert
• Bible Society fund
Rally Day offering -
Sale of home-made baking nn
April 28th -
Rent of halt for June eiretton
Total Pnbllc*tions
Car t*ker
ChrietmnI tree exp►elaw0
Ineura use
RIM. Society
Rally Day offering
Illinlance on hand
For good printing cormto Its Signal.
.$R 93
20 05
44 67
30 00
5174 37
29 43
16 00
38 fits
Pe 600
4 50
20 Illi
8 67
5151 11
526 66
eonetrueted there, and it to claimed
that unffh•Ient water is available
flowing northeasterly In the Rideau
to operate tine canal to Ottawa. fill
the look and the canal from Kempt-
vllle creek to the St. Lawrence at
Prearott. without using any !Verna-
tlonal water,
it I Thnt bring the garden In;
Farmers In thin district who require With cartatns idly Mowing
help are invited to send their name* to In every breeze that wends.
this office at onee. as a number of Wltth rows of shining sups and
young Scottish farm laborers are ex- plater,
pected to attire here at an early date, And broad to tweak with friends. ___„�__
for distribution In the surrounding -Elizabeth Evelyn -Scarf in the - `-
township'. 8t New York Sun and Globe.
Choir Coasert te�)
Remember the old-time 4bonc.rt by
Knox church choir on Monday, Febru-
ary 25th.
First Ang*:--"How'd yon get here?"
Second Ditto -"Flu."
Mr. Wrigley Says :
believe in newspaper advertising. I spend
about a million dollars a year for newspaper space to
tell the world about the goods I have to sell.
Nearly everybody reads the papers and they
are the most effective medium to reach the buying
public quickly and often.