HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-14, Page 7•
People's Power
The News of the County
A Digest of tits Local Happenings
• by Our Exchanges
s /led/ Those
lilect ic Vacuutn Cleaner
all dust. A broom
just moves the dust.
in and see the display
Electric Goods at the
side a Square Goderich
Electric Wiring
specialize in Vilring of
nds. Let us give you an
te for wiring yorirli use
Telepissees, Motors
Electric Bells and
lar Alarm Systems
Work Guaranteed
hva and Toast by
ave an atisorttnent of
Electric Irons and
wade in Canada.
Mee LW
Waidi Dia
1)re-ses (iingha
aios Stockings
The S. M. Sounders (Manufacturing
Co. of Exeter. itt been usakIng mark
"i Prottreiei aince inking over the .)*k
son Manufacturing l'o. The output ha"
town eteloNly increasing and uew
ne t 1,. being imolai/eft to add to the
efficiency of the factory.
At it tuectitag of Maitlaudl'resloy-
tere the call to Rev. 4'. G. Jouies, of
Belgrave. trout Central and •St. An-
drew's chureless. lo the Preebytery of
Barrie, woe eccepteti by him Mr.
JOI1i'l4 preached his faresvell sermon
the fired Snuday jit FehrilllrY•
The Huron 'Weather Itionirersee Mu -
t -eat Company held t heir lt1111Ulli
meeting In the town hall, IIVOM4111.
The financial stateurent, together with
the dices -tore' report, was received and
shewefl the compaey to lw tit excellent
stan(ing. Tlw retiripg director*, 1).
Foilteringham, Moses 4 ;Alter aud
James Scottwere re-electoel. 4le(i. Pen-
' tut watt eleca ed president a lid It.
' Footheringlianc. rkw-preeifient.
Pays Heavy Fire Leases
The fifty -fine ai,i,tIAt report of the
Hawke Ferment' Mutual Fire
awe l'ompany. with teed (Mice at
Wroxeter, bus 'tea been leaned. The
number of pOlieleel '14444Ucti during the
year -were 14157. and the numlwr now
in torus 41,139. The homes of the
...anyone (luring the year were ex-
.emionally heavy and inellided;
Oti 101114114‘41 Anti l'Ontentm 4111110e1
loo lightning. 27,110.53; sparks from
chimneys. $1.424.1.1; Nuttier 'ripen.
stoves and stove pipea. $714.:4; comt
lan(ern., $11,470.15; lire stock killed in
fields by lightning. $3,61s.)11; other
411110W44. COI; unkterwn (-Hulse«. 332,-
/*Lilly year,. of faithful saervice were
fittingly recognised aud appreciated by
the befit...re pupils' of the public
and high wheals of lieroaill whct. llwy
preseured Peter Smith. Ni'll0 resigned a*
caretaker 011 February lat, .witli ati
oak rofeloog-chair, aerie pipe tiud,..roneb.
accourpauhel hy an appropriate aF
The preeldent, Fred Stewart, pre.
sided at It recent meeting 41 the
llosines Itoad FarmersCiuh, i1 chief
feature of which was a debate, "Ne-
wel -eft +lust it oisuirtrY • delP4.31119
for its adranceuseut on the natural
Is -Nouns* than upon the people." Tlw
affiruistive skk. Whiell was upheld by
J. A. Christie and Rimiest Itaticliffe,
was oler.arial the winner by Ilie judger,
J.olui Allimon, Edgar Monteith 51141
Joseph Keritick. The negative aide of
the debate was taken by Erneet l'ym
and ilorace
At the annual inectiug of the Illy
Townehip Mutual Fire lusurauee t'o.
Ib.' condition of Bo. company was
ehewn to he a healthy oue. Wililam
Corbett t wag elected presklent, whih-
the. following fliisactors were re-eleetral
for another term: J. Matt, .1. P. Reit.
Oacar Elope and ()oldie Grab.
F. C. Kalidlelech le aperwilag his flax
mill seutching the 1923 crop of ftbre.
Tlw crop .wal a fair one.
it. Mulheron, organiet loud Tiled -
cal director of tire ,Metithalist 4.1111O-11.
Paris. formerly of Bruiteels. has been
appointed meekest ilireetor of the Wel-
lington street chureh, Itrantfor I. Ile
will sesinne iris duties eraly in .Apell.
The annual meeting lif the East
Hertel Agricultural ehadety was held
in the town hall, with l'reeident Mut-
dorm leo Ow chair. The financial
yoreartited by Treasurer
litsek. sheaved receipts for last Yelir
Of $2.174.10, arid expeiiiiittin-( 'of
61.861.90, leering a balance of $312.70.
The following offieere were eleetrel:
Honorary preeklent, Atex Stewart ;
president. 1). 4'. 1141-s ; list vice -pro -el -
dem, 1'. 'McArthur; 2.1x1 vice-
president, Jae. Birrgees; directors, t.
R. Muldoon. R. Nieleol. 1'; Miller, W.
11. Itroafifoid. Walter Ruse, 11. J.
110iiver, James Meimmilii. A. 1'.
Meeker. t MeVittle and J. .1. MC-
eittriseon ; lady directors.. Mrs. 4. 11.
Muldoon. Mre P. A McArthur. Nies..
A. C. liaeker and Mrs. W. W Ilarris;
atelitore. Strachan end N. I' Gerry.
past presiohont to:. it. and Mrs. Iliti-
dan appointed delegates to file
Pairvi .104/4414-1114011 Ai Toronto
Walter 'tone. of Itrussela. is to von-
Rratitlitted 011 the fine showbiz Ills
pen of single comlo white le-gliorne 4.
making in the Canadian egg laying
being 111 141114511.
.1.1 the end id tlw eleventh week of
the eotitest 1144 11401 was in third plat*.
and ahead of all birds( entered from
the 1)oruitrion. There are pens enter -
r.1 from every l'rovinee but ow, and
trout five of the. Culted States.
F. F. Phillips, (.N. It operator at
Llidowel, formerly of lAwknow. has re-
eelved leave of abownee for a year. and
with Mra. IPSVO/4 shooed direct-
ly for Kan Diego, Cal., Phoenlg., Ari-
zona. and otJwr points far south.
ratter14011, M. for Isiti•
tier. R. 4.'.. 1111140 iu town for A few days
last 041 t Tilfif to his 110.1er,
Mre. Wen.' McKenzie. Mr. Patter -
was (eirly holUe was near Lucknow
and be snijoy**1 meeting tunny ,aid
fitietelm after on almoeliei. of Willy
id see
package of "Diamond
eent. .hroetions so simple any
tint any old, worn,
fut• .d thin, yore even if she hag never
bdur, elsow any color at dnig
Instantly! End Indigestion
or Stomach Misery with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
Nog ) eat a tablet or ten
A. .
Inapepein" %ow indigestion
gaol IlenrY rut, heartburn, Attn.
1..net, pop, palpitation, Of any misery
fru. a 1101r. sod stomach ends. Correct
%our skonsch and digestion for • few
rAeb package guaranteed by
drus• eirc
as. Ts• and auiphar Turns
Gray, Faded Hair Dark
and 01.117
Most everyone knows thatinSage
fro) and Sulphur, properly compound-
e d, beings back the natural color and
lustre to the hair when faded. streaked
se gray. Years ago the only way to
Set this mixture was to make it at
lime, which is mussy and troublesome.
',Nowadays we simply ask at any drug
dillere for `Wyettes Sage and Sulphur
CoomouncL" You will get a large bot-
tle of this old -ti ass reclpe improved by
the( addition of other k%grelMlItS. at
very little cost Everybody uses this
preparation now, because no one can
soa)iy tell that you darkened your
hair, as k does it so naturally and even -
17. you dampen • sponge or soft brush
withetrand draw this through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time; by
morning the gray hair disappears, and
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and
gtoosy and you look years younger.
Apply ZAIA-11111I at eight
• and the pais tees.
Whether your chilblams be *a ttm
Mni, fingers, nose or ears, nothing else
will soothe and heal the itching, inflamed
of broken places so quickly as Zamlink.
Owong to its 'shoed herbal character
Zam-Buk soaks through the tiny pores.
deep into the tossues. By stomulatong
healthy aciocotr of the skon Zarn-Buk
enables it to throve off poisonous secre
tions that are onipedong the functions.
--lillri A j Underhill. of Rutledge,
Main , wiotes - "For many winters mv
cholblaons were so bad that I could not
wear shoes for days together.
"To mv great aelight 7ano Book gave
the laming relief which 1 had ;ors
sought in an lienever a, teo-o leel
in ihe IcaM awe a loots /.am-Bulo soon
pot, them right I have al,c, found it
a No..th• ieinedi for chapped hands,
cold -cracks. etc." Um a box to -day I
metaled by the large number of doc-
tors present from ,Iliffeceut parte or
the csiunty and Province ou the woo -
gleeful emcees which be has achieved
in his profeeskon, particularly in the
line of surgery.
Some Practical Observations as
to Tree Planting.
Why Nut 'Trees Are Desirable --
Where They May Best be Growo--
The Kind to Plaint -The Trees May
be Top -grafted.
iCeautbuted by outset* D. 1 of
Agriculture Toren
positien at lilyth. Mr. 1.you le a Lon-
destofwo hoy anti learned the work un-
der it. it. Jeffrey. Avis° filled the Pos-
ition there for thirty-three years. Nir
Lyon went to Clinton after learning
the -operating and was operator at
Clinton for H Willie. From there he
weiat. to liurgessille. Willits -hued' and
Isindeeliero. lie mieeenti O. E. Mc-
Taggart ae aped here. Mr. MeTaggart
hackie lw4oi tranefernel to Watford.
At the annual meeting of the Myth
telephOrle MyStPM the 1923 temente.
elopers were re-elected: John king -
land. J. E end It. R. McGowan.
Wm. C. !Aldine. and Russel Richmond
were appointed auditors. 'phone
rate fur the year 'Wag fixed at $15,
the same as hist yenr. 4.'onsideralble
fliscuselon teok place as to Suudsy
phoning. the feeling being expressed
that there wns too much of it In
abuse of eompany rules. 'The decielon
finally arrived at was that any calls
pertaining t.. feturch tweeters, trickness
In either man or beast, accidents of any
kind. fires, etc.. anything, in fact. In
the nature of works of necessity and
mercy, wild he auswered by the oper-
ators at a fee of 10 cents. while no
tall*. of a gossiping or Inudneest nature
would he pm through ou the Seventh
Rev. 11. relear Allen. of 'Sault Ste
\boric. 8 fernier pastor ef Wing-
loatu Itaptiet ehureli, los received
stool accept...I n paetor of the
leifferin street Baptist chureh, Tor -
have heel' appointed as &A-
loes for Whighitufs second Old [tome
Week, wide!' is to he Iseld July 2711i
to. :41141 A141041 11111111K;
Vive-141"4.4idelit. 4'. It. Wilkinson; were-
tarytniosurer and woe -taut. A. G.
Smith stint T. 4'. King; manager, T. J.
bleleen. Ten committers also were
selected to have charge of various
oluisice of the proposed rs-lebration.
At the annual "open lit." et the
11'inglietu lligh School nto oratorksl
eoliteet wits held for the chip donated
by Nbr. J. King. NI. I'. The following
tandems prirtieipated with subject,. at
f411101414: Harold 'Nliteleal, "Our
('emain,' Heritage.' 1)orothy Snell.
-Immigration"; George Falconer.
-Citizenehip- .1reh. Antiunion, "Ilie
ria I It. -vol talon." 'flie Judges
a it toiled the first prize. goad medal,
t.. Miss Snell, RINI 4444440141 silver
medal, to. Harold kliteliell. Another
feature of the evening was tile wee-
emation (of prices vitti by the Wing-
lerm School Cadets at I,ondon
camps last summer. The boys won
five out of the seven toilette,. tem-
pererl for toy Western Ontario cafiets.
lesdflet4 medals and epeeist mention by
the 1.1111111 Isenatiflant.
The conservation and improvoneat
of our native nut trees and the intro-
duction of suitable varieties from for-
eign lands have not occupied a promi-
nent place in horticultural activities
In North America until just recently.
except le the Southern and Western
United States, where a great deal of
interest has been shown during the
last twenty years in this place of hor-
iln We northern and eastern Stater
and In Canada there is a growing in-
terest In this useful but much
neglected branch of horticulture. Au
example of this commendable move-
ment is seen in the organization and
acterities of the Northern Nut Grow-
ers ikeeoelatlein. 'this organisation
was formed in 1909, and is composed
of men and women from aimost every
station in MI. who are interested In
the culture of nut trees and the ex-
tension of the use of nuts as articles
of human food. At the suggestion
of members of this association, the
State ot Michigan has undertaken an
extensive program of nut tree
planting along the state highways.
and In other northern states good
work has been done to encourage peo-
ple to plant more and better nut
la Ontario comparatively little hes
been tried to Improve and plant oar
valuable nut trees, and unless some-
thiag is dens to interest the 'while
In this movement we shall lose a
golden opportunity to save for our-
selves and posterity the /foment of
the fine nue, trees which formerly
grew so abuagantly in some parte of
this Provincoe -
Tr.. name of James Scott !lays.
eon of Mr. T. E. flays.af Seaforth.
Wills one of nitieteen Wanes Ott rne
memorial tablet recently erected and
unveil...I in Westminster l`resbyterian
church. Regina, to tliose who made the
supreme sacrifice ha the great star.
The 'unveiling cerenNiny wail perform-
ed by Lieut. -Governor 11. W. New -
lends and Rev. 11. 1). 1.elteli. PRO1(1)r If
ihe church, in the presence of a eery
.4.1 a reeent meetin ..1 the 4%0 hulk
Wfrineto•s !Aegis*. qV Seaforth, Mrs.
I). Shanahan w elected president
by acelaination,, suceeeding
The other officers elected were vice.
presidents, Mrs. J. Daly, Mrs. W. J.
liuneen, -Mrs. A. O'Leary; reeording
secretari. Mrs. Finkbeleer; (erre*.
tweeting oserelary. Mtg. J. E. Iteynolde:
trenaurer, NIrs. '1'. Melady; melt -owe
seeretary. Mrs. J. O'Connell.
.1. (inlet wedding was solemnized ut
the twine of 'Mr. aml Mrs. Joshila
'kende:on. JUMPS street. SeAforili. on
Weduesday. 0411, When thcir
daughter. rettsi Martha. was united
iti niarriage to W. Lorne Speart•, fof
Palmerston. eon fd Jospeh, :epeeist., ot
Crouiarty. The bride. who Willi ewe
away hy her father, was prettily gcrwn-
ell in bine silk canton crepe and wore
a corsage boequet of °Ouija neves.
nu. ceremony was performed by
Rev. 14. Fulton Irwin Itt the presence
of the immediate relatives. Mr. and
Mrs. Stware left Oil the 3 o'clock train
for Ilarristott fed a ehort visit before
Biking tip their residence tn INtimere-
W. H. Lyon. who for the past viz -
teen years has been ('.N. It, agent at
.1A41111C1411011'0, 1111M aceepted ti illiallat
Panama Bathing Beauties
twenty-two ehildren are girls whom ages range from seven to fourteenyears,and they ars not
ag beauties. From their infancy they have played in and around the water at Panama. and they
althibitiOna 01 OHO aquatie skill. The girl on the loft of the roar row ie a back -stroke and erawl
Panama Canal Zone and .bat. to take part in the Olympic Competitions. The photograph was taken
before the punnets of ths Canadhsa Pacific B.S. Empress@ 04 Canada, now 05 World Cries.
Why Nut Trees should be Pleated.
Most people who are interested la
the welfare ot the country realise
thet trees generally should be plant-
ed in much greater numbers, and
some believe that it would be desir-
able to plant trees that serve • three-
fold purpose of food, shelter and
treea yield a valuable food,
provide shelter and beautify the
landscape, and thus combine beauty
with utility. Large quantities of nuts
are itnported every year from foreign
countries, for which a great deal of
money has W be sent out of the
country. - /Its believed that a portion
of this demand for nuts could be met
by growing a greater number of the
beet types ot native and introduced
The Institnte
learnt lins reorganized for the ensuing
pin% Rev. .1. E. Hogg Is *Weill dullr-
Dien. lir. Axon is vice-ptexident end
John Ita milord (+eerie ry -4 reit !alter
The other toelaherof of flu. 'went are
Meeerm. Chan, tiellyar, Evens. NlititinIng
and Wm rp.
Where Nut Trees Might be Used to
(1) As Roadside and Street Treest
Where the soil and the site are suit..
able, nut trees should form a part of
the scheme of beautifying our high-
ways and streets.
(2) Trees for the Home Grounds:
The grounds surrounding many
our homes, both rural and urban.
would be more beautiful and produe-
tive if planted with some of the best
types of native and exotic nut trees.
(3) Steep Hillsides or Other
Places: Area* aot easily or profitably
cultivated could be very well devoted
to nut trees Provided the soU was
(4) As Park Trees: City and rural
parka should certainly hone a collec-
tion Of native nut trees and sortie of
the hardiest and best exotic species.,
(5) As a Commercial Venture: 111
the warmest part of the Proviso* of
Ontario it might pay to establish, on
a small scale, commercial plantations
of the best varieties of black wainut.
Japanese walnuts, hickories, blight -
resistant chestnuts, and Alberta.
Bind of Nut Trees to Plant.
Nut trees, like fruit trees, are dif-
ficult to grow true to type from seed,
end hence have to be propagated by
budding or grafting. While It
quite true that one may get a very
good tree by planting nuts from a
desirable tree, It is also true that a
considerable proportion of the trees
so produced will not be any better or
as good as their patent. Because of
this uncertainty it ie much better to
plant budded or grafted trees of su-
perior named varieties.
Inasmuch as nut growing is a tom-
paratively recent development, our
Ontario nurserymen have. not de-
voted much attention to We propaga-
tion of named varieties of nut trees.
There le some interest being shown
at present, however. and it is hoped
that before long there will be a fair
supply of the best varieties of native
and foreign nut trees available. In
the meantime !looms who desire to
secure named varieties of nut trees
will have to pia= their orders with
nut nurserymen in the United States.
Thursday, Velnuary 14. le4-1
Don't delay! Get this
valuable new book now !
Dependable, well tested,
economical recipes. Latest
ideas in dainty cooking.
Edition limited. Chaly 30c
postpaid. Write to -day.
If you want the flour
that will give your chil-
dren the brain, body and
nerve building nutriment
they need - Usii-71trity
onus COMPANY. L11141110
Tense% Ontario
IMIlverton eliminated t he Clinton
Junior 0. 11. A. teem In home awl home
games in the second round. 2-2 awl 441,
making the wore 6-2 on the round.
The Doherty Plano Company is busy
working overtime on an order of thirty
pleyer-planos for shipment to New
Oddfollows gave a two night
performance of It minstrel show In the
town loll, the 'worse -11m to be used in
fitting up the Oddfellowee romn li, tlie
11034: 114114111, al.
Alvin K. Leonard. a termer 1'. C. I.
student In his final year bit Toronto
University, has been appointed a dame
am/extant In biology.
Charles Morey, a stir in Clinton
sports for the past fire years. has
been transferred to Mtrathroy se Mem-
ber of the etaff of the !loyal Rank.
Mime Emma Illgsrine. a Clinton. who
ill 004111111g University. ben 141441 Sp
pointed eecretary of the 44ermen 411111,
nhich organisation Ix undertaking 14
etudy of the fainotse Modern author
(hoary Ilanptmanand.
Wni. llnno, of, Clinton, was the
honored guest et a reeent pothering
at the borne of Dr. /thaw. when the
Clinton hospital wax presented with a
memorial tablet by a number of hla
former milli, and associates% in recog-
nition of hie eervIces in the Held of
01411C100 in the county of Huron sires,
18152. Dr. Gann was highly oompli-
It is announced that the Canadian
Pacific Railway will increase the
size of its irrigation beadgates at
Kimball, in southern Alberta, by 50
per cent in anticipation of an in-
crease in area of 40,000 acres in the
Lethbridge district. Water will be
turned into the ditches of tbe Leth-
bridge Northern project, it is ex-
pected, some time this fall.
Buffalo steak will be abundant in 1
Canada this fall. A herd of 2,000
surplus Buffalo wandering on the
range in the National Park at
Walerwright will be slaughtered by
an Order -in -Council, and the meat
and skins sold. For several years
the Government has paid special at-
tention to the preservation of tit. Blackstone's Furniture
buffalo sad the work has been so
successful that the National Parka Exchange
are now overstocked.
on the Briode ay of Uoderich
At a dinner given in hls honor by amiummior
tbe Vancouver Board of Trade, E.
W. Beatty, President of the Cana -
dies Pseific Railway, announced
that the Company proposed imme-
diately to add two large mod••rri
steamers to its coast fleet in order
be take cars of its increasing tour-
ist traffic over the Company's Pa-
cific Coastal lines. He also an -
*minced the early completion of a
mew pier at Vancouver at a cost of
several millions.
You Know What We're Here
For' We're Here to Give You
Prices are always right.
This is Your Store Use it.
There have been large increases
In the number of pure bred animals
In Canada during the decade between
the last twe censuses. The increa&a
is the number of pure bred horses
&Merton 1911 and 1921 was 44 per
tent; of cattle, 139 per cent: of
sheep, 75 per cent, and of swine,
yearly 44 per cent. The number of
pure bred horses in the Dominion
fa 1921 was 47,782; cattle, 296,658;
sheep, 93,643, and of swine, 81,143.
Nut Trees May be Top -grafted.
Should the prospective nut cultur-
1st not be able to obtain at a moder-
ate figure budded or grafted atoek
of improved varieties of nuts then,
of course, the only thing to do is to
grow seedling trees. As previously
stated, some of these may produce
very good nuts. If auperlor trees
are found in any lot grown from
seed, or lf an exeeptional fine na-
tive tree is known to exist, such trees
are useful as a source of scions for
improving trees that are not so de-
sirable. It is a fact, though not gen-
erally known, that nut trees may be
top -grafted 113, fruit trees. This
task is not as easy to accomplish as
la the ease in fruit trees, but If pro-
per methods are followed, very good
results may be obtained.--Jaa. A.
Neilson, Hort. exp. Bustles. Vtaeund
A Wonderful
• Convenience
Getting out of a WS1121
bed, to go downstairs and
answer a telephone has
its drawbacks. An ex-
tension telephone along-
side the bed saves many
a man or woman that
unpleasant necessity.
Extension telephonee
cost only $1.24 a month!
The charge for install-
ing is only $1.001 They
are a wonderful con-
Save your "better half"
many fatiguing steps.
Business a n d profes-
sional men find them in-
dispensable in homes
and offices. Let us tan(
it over!
Every ten Tolop4ame is •
Lan, ININew • Shelia
Red Pepper Rub takes the "oar
from sore, stiff, aching joints. It IOW
not hurt you, and it certainly Mope thet
old rheumatism torture at once.
When you are suffering so you as
hardly get around. jait W7 Red=
Rub and you will hove the
relief known. Nothing has eask awe
untested. penetrating heat as ref per!
pers. Just as soon u you appleltd
Pepper Rob you will feel the
heat In three minutes it wanes dm
sore spot through and through Pain
and soreness are one.
Ask any good druggist for a isr of
Rowles Red Pepper Rub. Be sera to
get the genuine, with the name Rowha
on each package.
Rub Rheumatic Pain,
Soreness, Stiffness
Rub Pain right est with Mean
trial bottle ef *Id
"et. Jacobs Oil."
Whales Rheumatism? Pain oak.
Stop druggingl Not tem ease in
fifty requirei internal treatmesit Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs oir
directly upon the "tender spot" and
relief comes instantly. 'St. Jacobi OR"
is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica
liniment, which never disappoints and
cannot burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaint:tit Get
gist. and in hist a moment yontruge
a small trial bottle from your
free from etteuniatk and sciatic cri
sorenets, stiffness and swelling.
suffer! Relief awaits you. Old. boson
"St. Jacobs or has relieved nailliotte. of
rheumatism sufferers in the kit OM
century, and is just as good for set -
*tics, neuralgia, lumbago, loadeadsh
sprains and swellings.
"Cascarets" 10c
if Sick, Bilious,
''They Work While r.ni bleep"
11 hen you feel siek, dir/y, nret, whew
fliif head is dull or aching, or your
stomach is sour or gassy, just take ow
or two &saint "re*eareta" to relieve
ronstipation and biliounneas. No griping
Octet. cathartic lasative on earth foe
sten, Women and Chibiree. Inc bows,
For good pel..nting come to The grout also 25 and 50c aixes--aav drum Satira