HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-14, Page 6,• •Y
I+^ ;y,resllwsL 1' 4_4%ureday, Pebmary 14, 1924
New Wall Paper
- 'A for Spring
A wonderful line of new
erns, including "Poly-
rome Duplex." the won-
` -4 paper of the treason•
,{ Tprit:es from 10c a RoN
`• 'Come in and look them
over, Or we will be pleased
to send aL_6- oli; t0 your
P«*'S Book Sure
3 Specials for
7Lis Weed
Men's Fleece -Lined
Shirts and Drawers
All sizes. Clearing at
75c per garment
Men's Sweater Coats
made of wool and cotton,
in plain blue and maroon
and blue. Clearing at
Men's Mule -skin lined
Clearing at
450 per pair
The Square Goderich
Foy fiat
COO orCold
with Cod Liver Extract
50 Cents
Bromide of Quinine
25 Cents
for Some Throat.
------25 Gentle— •
m ...............
Hwbatts, lb . ....."c
Horehound Drove, li........»»»....ifs
He C. Dunlop, MO.
The 13cxall ret„re
Pb~ No. 1 Tits Square
awocin a the punishment the boy had I sold my cow for nlaety dollars and i smaller than those above mentioned
M*eiccv with his rush act of welfde- 1 bought a better one for seventy-five b spoken of In Acts fill., 4 -"Aad
sIrue•tiem„ notwithstanding that t1u• (l'ontinurd teas l'uRt 1
'toy's nafllrully despondent nature dollars. This cow I traded for when he, (King Herod), had eDprn-
i getiter slid agreed nn dltr purehase of Plekles'." handed him, (St. Peter), he put him
waa amply mi w'noced be those who knew a bull for Ibe•ir mutial benefit. lir. OD, yely she laughed, "I forgot
Mm, aril by Rome repreReutative In prison, and drlh*rrd him to tour
itofctiffe took the (triply to Orange -
him to say. that Pickles is my saddle 4uaternions of soldiers to keep him'
who was pres)tst at the Inquest, and ' cillo slid they pur-han d a bull them.- herse. He cost me only seventy-five Intending after Faster to bring him
that not one ,wnrd of evidersw proved While not sprctocular we eei that dollars but you couldn't buy him for forth to the people."
that this lay wa abused lis ally way. I mtslt good was nc,.auplished by the that now, even after his many hard A ouaternlon was a military term,
ur had ever eo alne4I to anyone , Interest wirretl till among the farm- years of work. 1 rode him eight nun- signifying a guard of tour soldiers,
about his trentin at the Cox home. I ers by thiel, campaign. -fired miles once in ten days." two of whom were attached to the
It was sbovirn that had a eom[urt• liacotl Hog ('lube sora• organized Miss Garrison was the first girl
able mom, w'Nrm do tc a, and senna of a prier, was
or i might o
Rood during the year In /'ot►onto and Tltnr dew -puncher on. the rang* along the &aid, the prisoner sou ehatned tp two I
foexl : that tis• holy elft such work as , herr) towushli . For the 4*066rne -Red Deer river. Today she can sell, of the soldiers, while the other two
he should be well able t do, and t1Wt a clnh dee• secured a (seer from J. F.. U she needs to. enough stock to make soldiers kept guard outside the door
he, wain through with hix\work at an lir•thour at the Royal Fair. Both her Quite independent. of the cell.
early Jour in the evening. \ Two doc• clubs are doing gexxl work. 'ate of- Miss Garrison to an expert skater The headquarters of the Itoman I
- Smoke
Aber Of QUdl;cy
M . Iii' T0
Sealed Package 11
( i AR4, keep the tobrl«'U
\ in its origin( ronditiun
awo An
Frcot Fence FOR Hard Wood
Balcd Hay - Baled Straw
Holmestead Fibliwr Rock -fated Shingles
Pubbw.tued Buggies
Haariltoo Street rhoae 195 GOi ERICH
tors gave uneepdvocal testy!ony that 1 fice•re of the Colborne club ate as ful- and skier and an untiring rider. She forces in Palestine were In Caesarea,
tho' marks [ousel on his hods wrtr lows: I'nsideut. I:urduu Young; vice helps her mother with housework sltuate•d on the Mediterranean. it
caused by strangulation, an that I president, Hugh 1101; .secretary-treas- and is active In the work of the local lay to the northwest of Jerusalem.
thane on his hands (if([ not I icale over Arthur Fisher; director", J. A. church about 70 miles distant It w&8 the
that he had been whi{tped. inddl -
e- GODSit M
Fe441ing ('luh w'es .rguniz ep under
Now It W&^ w'otnpreled During Life-
the an outlined Ir) the
Mays am Rade a" (Mlles lial Tom
((lite Of ()atLord.
TO Uo• Editor of T1s• iKual
IAule BBZancbe Garrison was city
The army of Imperial Nome at
Lord's minbtry on ddrlttt _
It Is thus Indicated to be' down t0 the time, OI the CfUeadPn
:uul who had Ilre!d for flys years with
bora. It mail In Minneapolis, Minn.,
time of our
RarelyEdits the tragedy of a sulcid,•
1% couldonly muster fifty-three.
she first saw the light, and at Omaha.
and during the. lifetime of
enxUd *w tow -11 htterest, tNNh_ lurlly
It is considered to be probable (bine=* Legend.
Neb.. she learned her A.B.C.'s. When
Apostles, war divided Into (*gins(&. .
sad throughout the country. as was
Ent, Lydia
ship was ten years old her parents
much the same a the British army
ryWcest during the inquest over the
hotly of the late (singe Bulpl vt. r the ,
f this late
eF ed Vdt etabb
came to ('&nada. The drive from the
to divided into or composed of regl-
but a legion wss much larger
tc4•n-y lay rmlluyeal by i
COa ti d
railway was furl) -two miles In a
lumber wagon over fire -swept Alberta
than a re.riment. &t times sad with
Mr. J. Ikneero (o:, of Colborne fawn- ,
ship. The unfortunate or olbor le mora
termer employers gave against Mr.
prairie, where water was scan'*. Br
full ranks contalulag Y many u alt
men, bring therefore, about
tegrrttablr, both hecautw of Uw suk•ide•
b Oft-„Ialar4deeith ps
lug the oldest of the children,
* hehe carry boards and
one-half the strength Of a British
of the boy and because now girt our
moat respected citizens 1Yts 1x4.11 blam
and -down pdatr ut rho Ne *f
... ealls and Iwoui4lot annervwu
rralb wullr the barn sons being built.
Ali through a long winter the family
Each legion was under all trIDY01.
ed for the treRtejy awl has (sleet rr11-
tetuyd to Jail for Iwo months there-
1 ewY ►ar y ataJ in (tai. need l had
such pains that weal( @cromm and my
lived In the Dara.
"1 remember,” id Mies Garrison.
o commanded by turnip.
Dual are called "chief exptafno" la
for. I
a Ott
It may rlol b out of place at this
call tbo hater to dare tw
aomethartg to take. Meta l gnat_
have few children,
how the snow blew through the
cracks of that barn• and bow anxious
Acts axi, it -"And Y they, (the
mob to Jerusalem), went about W
juIt for oar who not kept
rigid, and I
but 1 still Dare pain! my right aide.
we were about my little ►rather, who
,111 him IBt. y*ul), ttdiago o4ne
his our. open fit the inquest slid mise,
at the tele(, but also to the rx{bn•s-
but elsion
I am a farmer's wife with more work
n I am able todo. I)n w taken three
was sick with =0&8100." I
When a school w&8 built four Bad
unto the chlefreaptaia of Cha band.'
that all Jerusalem was in iu uproar."
,dorsa of local from the 11001_
bottles of 1dMr Il~ P%tb&m's Vete
a hall tulles from, the Garrison home, I
The Jetlon was sub-dtvfded tete
until now, to review the c -use in ordt•r
table Compstm4 and I feel that It u
Blanches made the Journey ou foot
ten cohorts, a cohort being called a
that the larger rip pwbltc way form x
more =alter Judgu tic wayconcformrniug is
helping me every day. My sister-in-law,
who has been taking year medicine for
five days In the week. she had to
get the cows in the morning before
bead" to Acts x. The cohort was
dhlded Into three maniples. and rho
ire n the tleews of the suicide first
news, f the
Rome, timeandeaaeyoW Somativ@Wash,
starting .for school, and to do this '
menlple tato two centuries. contalu- ,
came out.
seemed to polut strongly nitshi t %Ir I
told me about It and I reesmmsand it
as I have iegs%vod great relief
she sometimes had to walk a db-
leave of five mile*. I
tag originally 100 men, me the name
implies• but subsequeutly it contained
Cox. The marks found on the body
from it."--Mrs.N=AmT*n. LL 1,
In three and a half years the little
from 60 to 114men, according to '
which might be caused by sat•, the
statement of Mr. Cox that he hall
early lour that
h'berta, (kit. -
l,ydia E. Phkhom'o Vetetable C nn-
Garrison girl did the work of seven
school grades, the regular time to- I
the streagil! 49_ the legion. but the
name Century was retained. There
in legion, and
whipprel the boy, the
it vt-ae necessary her all •►lands to ria
pound is a medicine, fir • is vom-
moa to scats&. It W bwee used for
being sews yeah. During"m all
this time she w&8 her father's "mala- I
this time
were tie cry wa u
each dentary w&8 under the command I
at on the Cox dairc farm. the germ- I
each trwrbkofor n*artysfty y*ara and
stay" on The farm. At the ago of 11,
of an oseer called& centurion. A word
gO ICC sum that l'ux
thomawdsof woman have found relief
during baying srasoa In the school I
that occurs several times in the Now
had agreed to pay the boy, sad
&8didMrs. lfott,bytaking this splendid
holidays, Blanche and her father
'testament, for instance, in St. Mat -
the fact that the Home had had
sucked sig loads of bay a day, She
thew vlll., r, which cella of a eentur-
some difffeulty In collecting the
if lOUW*-R-ingb—irregularity,
worked the horse rake, tramped and
ton meeting our Lord as he entered
amounts Mr. Cox had agreed to pay
boy's had work-
pa i.91 times, {{ttssrrvw esas hOO46che,
stowed away the hay on the wages.
the city of Capernautu; also at. Yat -
1. 111.
two former Home who
ed for Ww. together with the fact
baeksebe or molasddia, 04 should at
onf! begin to take Lyth& E. Phtkhem's
and built the stack.
When Blanche was a very small
thew gxvil , 44, and Acts a.,
In addition to the legionary ac -
that lir. Cox was known as a hustler„
Vegeta *Compottad It b exe*fleat to
girl in Omaba. Nebraska. she had
horts. or regular troops of the Its*.
to attach blame to
stren4then rho aterr t seed Delp West-
earned six dollar& Thin she had
Independent cohorts of volusteom
r,_ Colt for the death of the boy.
h /he jury and the peerN evidently
in this feeling. All
form tin fnaetleeea soil; *raw rad cop
laxity. C
,aced. and so, atter the family's •ml-
,gtatlon to Canada, she had money to
served under the Roman stmadat'd•
One of these cohorts sons ital
ahred strongly
thrr gh the inquest the Crown at-
_ _ _
"On my father's advice I bought a
&8 consisting of volunteers
tornri• did everything in hill {xtvtvr to
41:Ri('l'LTfItAL .►('TIA'1TII:.`
Calf," she told me. "Tour years later
A military sub -division ,much
awocin a the punishment the boy had I sold my cow for nlaety dollars and i smaller than those above mentioned
M*eiccv with his rush act of welfde- 1 bought a better one for seventy-five b spoken of In Acts fill., 4 -"Aad
sIrue•tiem„ notwithstanding that t1u• (l'ontinurd teas l'uRt 1
'toy's nafllrully despondent nature dollars. This cow I traded for when he, (King Herod), had eDprn-
i getiter slid agreed nn dltr purehase of Plekles'." handed him, (St. Peter), he put him
waa amply mi w'noced be those who knew a bull for Ibe•ir mutial benefit. lir. OD, yely she laughed, "I forgot
Mm, aril by Rome repreReutative In prison, and drlh*rrd him to tour
itofctiffe took the (triply to Orange -
him to say. that Pickles is my saddle 4uaternions of soldiers to keep him'
who was pres)tst at the Inquest, and ' cillo slid they pur-han d a bull them.- herse. He cost me only seventy-five Intending after Faster to bring him
that not one ,wnrd of evidersw proved While not sprctocular we eei that dollars but you couldn't buy him for forth to the people."
that this lay wa abused lis ally way. I mtslt good was nc,.auplished by the that now, even after his many hard A ouaternlon was a military term,
ur had ever eo alne4I to anyone , Interest wirretl till among the farm- years of work. 1 rode him eight nun- signifying a guard of tour soldiers,
about his trentin at the Cox home. I ers by thiel, campaign. -fired miles once in ten days." two of whom were attached to the
It was sbovirn that had a eom[urt• liacotl Hog ('lube sora• organized Miss Garrison was the first girl
able mom, w'Nrm do tc a, and senna of a prier, was
or i might o
Rood during the year In /'ot►onto and Tltnr dew -puncher on. the rang* along the &aid, the prisoner sou ehatned tp two I
foexl : that tis• holy elft such work as , herr) towushli . For the 4*066rne -Red Deer river. Today she can sell, of the soldiers, while the other two
he should be well able t do, and t1Wt a clnh dee• secured a (seer from J. F.. U she needs to. enough stock to make soldiers kept guard outside the door
he, wain through with hix\work at an lir•thour at the Royal Fair. Both her Quite independent. of the cell.
early Jour in the evening. \ Two doc• clubs are doing gexxl work. 'ate of- Miss Garrison to an expert skater The headquarters of the Itoman I
- Smoke
Aber Of QUdl;cy
M . Iii' T0
Sealed Package 11
( i AR4, keep the tobrl«'U
\ in its origin( ronditiun
awo An
Frcot Fence FOR Hard Wood
Balcd Hay - Baled Straw
Holmestead Fibliwr Rock -fated Shingles
Pubbw.tued Buggies
Haariltoo Street rhoae 195 GOi ERICH
tors gave uneepdvocal testy!ony that 1 fice•re of the Colborne club ate as ful- and skier and an untiring rider. She forces in Palestine were In Caesarea,
tho' marks [ousel on his hods wrtr lows: I'nsideut. I:urduu Young; vice helps her mother with housework sltuate•d on the Mediterranean. it
caused by strangulation, an that I president, Hugh 1101; .secretary-treas- and is active In the work of the local lay to the northwest of Jerusalem.
thane on his hands (if([ not I icale over Arthur Fisher; director", J. A. church about 70 miles distant It w&8 the
that he had been whi{tped. inddl -
Me and Herbert Fisher.
official residence of the HProdlan
tion to all ths•
is, reral entirely ar-
Thr Colborne ix,yN slid girls' I'ir
About the Gulf Stream. kings, and of Felix. F'estus, and the
orable testimonies were given y
Fe441ing ('luh w'es .rguniz ep under
The position of the Gulf Stream other Roman procuraWn or gover-
ueighbors and by former emlblcr y
the an outlined Ir) the
as shows on. Physical Atlwea, may non of Judaea. Caesarea continued
"u the Cox farm. One of these, A
se•llPme of aAA-4umv t" SWIl clubs.
be taken to represent its average I to be a city of some importance even
young man who had been ft'home bo .
Faghtewu toys and girls entered lou
It Is thus Indicated to be' down t0 the time, OI the CfUeadPn
:uul who had Ilre!d for flys years with
but when the time came to
some 160 miles south of Seatarl Is- of the Middle Ages.
Mr. and Mrs. Cox, gave particularly
1% couldonly muster fifty-three.
land, where It passes Cape Breton.strung
te4ctimony in OI r. Cox's favor.
,xty wax n minimum wr were un-
It is considered to be probable (bine=* Legend.
1 am cndthly informed that th1N
man --4W. man-. Farrant, now mar-
nslP in that we newiced no place
In the awards. llowever, our hogs
that the Gulf Stream may alter Its Then b no end of fascinating
ried -named his baby after Mr. /'ox,
addfor 19•75 leer cwt• which was
course to some extent at differentI legends concerning the moon, and
seasons or In different years; but one of the most interesting b that
which is strop R evidence that his fes-
very satisfactory to the ceyrwlRa,rm.
such movements have not been eye-! of the Chinese, who, to account for
ti=nny we" genulne,
Our ju ng team, composed of Rc►+s
tematically Isvatlgated. The aced I the presence of the tae* to the moon,
lir=e of the testimony which
Fisbl*r. Wilfred Fiedler and Fordyce
for such Investigation tame before tell a quaint story of hospitality and
termer employers gave against Mr.
Clark, srtireed fifth plave in the judg-
the International Union of Oceano- I heroic service. According to It, Sak-
t'"x was wanife,dly valueless, com-
Ing from the class of persons It did.
Ing competition at Toronto.
Wo home rden contests ,were con -
grephy which met In Europe last yamual, the. founder of Buddhism.
year; and preliminary steps are b*- b said to have been •bare In one of
A little incident at the inquest will ducted dur" the year: North Hur- lug taken. the early stages of his existence. He
tallow it", strong bias of the on with twent, -xis entries and South One point, however, should be lived in friendliness with a fog and an
C Ifuron with Awenty-four entries. O 1t St hd I d ud f the m1d-
rows attorney against Mr. (ox. A
witness for tlw defence wasCompetition
wait particularly keen and
made clear. -The u ream a ape. One my n ra, g o
no such *feet on climate, on the die air, the national and favorite god
to Ore very damaging evidence a.
many good gardens scored in cam-
American side of the North Atlantic, of Indro-Aryan tribes typifying
Cultist the character of one of the wit.
petition. Gertrude Foley, Elizabeth
as It has on the European side. For, hereto deeds for noble ends, passed
new w for the Crown, when he• was
O'Connor and Thomas! O'Neil. Gode-rich'
the prevailing winds over the North that way and besought hosDttalley.e
Interrupted by the Crown attorney
ranked tenth. nineteenth and twenty-
Atlantic In these latitudes are west- The tog and ape Quickly and easily
who said In effect, "you are prnJudic-
first in North Huron with 80.5,57 and
only usually between northwest and produced him food, but the bare
cd against the boy and in favor of Mr.
53 point” respectively' Jim Room and
southwest They are thus normally could find nothing to offer. Rather
Cox." although lir. Cox's name had
Fllgin Porter, Ooderich, with 87.75
*111' -shore on the North American side than be Inhospitable the hare cast
not been mentioned elther by (110 wit-
and 70 points, r-peedraly, ranked
in the
All the weather throu ghost Eastern himself into' the Are is order to be-
lie.. or hie questioner.
and twettby-thirvl
Canada comes from the west and come food for his eat, and as a
Mr. Cox is known as a man of 8"-
Houth fluron list'
southwest, its the daily Weather Maps reward for Ills sacrifice fade& trans -
Ing character, whose word In as good
The Farm Labor Problem
issued by the Meteorological Serivice ported him to the moon, where he Is
see him bond, and who has a strong
In this county farmers arP adapting
will show. It is diMaelt, therefore• known to denizens of the Celestial
sense of what is right. IIF* frank
themselves more and more to tbt labor
to suppose that any slight variation Kingdom as the Chinese Old Man in
and voluntary
ry admiaalon from first to
available locally. if labor of this k1
which may occur In the position of
y rho Mona.
Inst that he find whipped the toy for
cannot be secured they prefer, in many.
the Gulf Stream• can have any rep-
lying waa t1w only evidence against
cases• to get along wit1wmat and apul
oable Issuance on the weather pond*" or the Body.
adapting their form prsctice to dor-
'- stern Many' of the actions of the human
The tide of public opinion has new
rempwith ith this viow. in most casip
body are automatic and preformed 1e,
turned strongly in 'MT. Cox's favor.
farmers are offering wages totally
Wallace,Wwo Hardy Pbeeeera a manner Independent of the human
it is recognized that, although it up.sd*paate
to meet the demands made on
At a meeting of the Toung Man's will. Pain may be telt In members
peen to be, strictly cepoeking, against
the hired man's aa'ary. in most
Canadian Olub at Toronto reeeatly, which have been removed, such as
the law to whip these bon, the tad
cams the farmer mays be cannot pay
W. J. Smalley, Provincial Librarian of toothache In a toothless mouth. One
that the employers of the Home boys
more it is our opinion ttat he will
1{aaftoha, and author of "Women of man, for instance• was telling an -
still girls are In a limited though very
etther have to do without help or
Red Rlrer," related some tateresUng other• a heavily built man leaning on
real met=e their guardtans, and are
*Ise make his mystem of farming con-
Yaeidend V the lives of envoral I crutches beeaus* be had lost a leg In
Permlrted by the Home antboritfeR to
form with pr*mrotday standards of
Yr-oseer white women in the Red the war -how he had a friend who
days, I had lost his left arm, was left -hand -
chantbse them, iliac" lir. Cox's all
of whipping the unfortunate boy-gIt
ccmm*ect► it is alvnest impoevjble
to bring tb* laborer to the farmer
River district. In the early
when Winnipeg was the little settle- ed. Whenever I hand anything to
hove an Itultctable offenm
when hP '-porta ON to $W per
sent of ifbrt (tarry, these hardy wo- bin, he said, "his lett shoulder comes
A word with regard to the pay this
year and the farmer experts to #*cure
mea displayed a spirit of optimism forward with Its empty sleeve."
roc wall to recelve may be in order.
help At from $3100 to $400, or at least
Bad Industry, In the face of great ob- "Yes," answered the one-legg,•d man,
$75 and board seems like a mere pit.
offers that wage. A great deal of con-
stacles. which the speaker thought. "I can believe that. The other night I
tense for a sixteen -year-old boy. But
snlida►ion of forms and farm pracUce
ought to yet show Itself in some vig- boll to pt up to abut the window be -
with all green lade there in bound to
will have to be acnomVIDOW before
*rout Canadian library productions SAM the raja w&8 pelting In; and
to a Mrger or smaller debit am well
the farmer and laboror are brought
which would portray the customs and when It was shut i stepped down on
as a credit account. in other words,
characteristics of the people. the leg that wasn't there, and fol.1 on
he may do am much damage an he- in
Mr. 8tothers rrterred to Ill -health
Mr. Healey sold that in December, gay back."
worth, and It he 14 careless and tun-
Vuhis debit, account is likely to
during till, year on the part of hims*il
and assistant as well. He actnowlPdir-
1600, as Orkney woman, disguised as
a young man, came to this country on Honored Medical Hero.
vft WW--- j* mo many
ed valuable temporary assistanro frut
a Hudson Say ship. and. mottling is Tor twenty-five years. Dr. Charles
wRyR Rn 1ntHffemnt boy can do harm
several persons. Including Mr. F,. V.
the West, bomme the mother of the Valliant, a noted bench physician
on n farm.
8 tD IC to
Lawann, R. N. A., of 'Dunlop.
ant child bore of white parents In worked to make the X-ray sate and
th- Red Rlver district. In 1407.
u ce gsy the twrond Pr subjects urocom on In Yr. practicable. Many times he sou
- _ tbon ht of the local from Quebec, there came to WlBtil-
g pnD'ic in fluff Kr. 8tothPrR' rttamstivr rergort included : burned and his Ii[e wan constantly
Cox'm oerrfence was unwarranted, and Oour•aPe In agrtc111terP and home ec. NC a Madame laglmonbre, whose endangered by his experiments. In
Never Let that he to the tmflortnnate victim of onomi". junior farmorm' Improve- daughter, born a week later, grew up
P 1111 the little finger of his right
circtimstancen for which he was only went aftwcistionm• jutrior farmers' to be the mother of Louis Fuel. This hand was amputated because of
J et maghtly maponsihle, and strong pe- plowing eompniltiona, abort conwes In woman, who lived In Winnipeg till
a tltionm are being MrsNy signed for RPM Rad stork jud she died at the age of fi, was at one darns Sinceoas then De h&8 had rods
his m yred mleeae from Ove intrerco ars' flee y teen opnrerend of him
alvarious kinds
s the oral white woman la the
S} e.} { y goal. live mtoe•t judging, ilvestnNt brePdct•s' west during a period of tour years. which have rendered him almost phy-
aar ` REV. A. E. ALLIN. oil• agrMtyitural end tmprovemeet ideally helpings, but he world on. Re-
Goderleh. Ont. Rwaticiatbons, sheen mind wine improve eantly Dr. Valliant was highly bou-
ment. Prperimeniol and dPmometra Mootm.wnt to OROS cook. *rod 1n Paris. The French Govern -
tion work, Rod special me44ings. On behalf of the Hlslorte Sites tad meant gave him the Cross of the Le -
Raising cats and Dogs. Monuments Board of Canada the fa- gion of Honor, United States Ambaas-
Ibwk it up overnight I No country In the world is richer Rae* than Department has arranged A odor Herrick presented to him the
THaqukitdirecttreatment for cold* in mythology and legendary fore than "Nowadays," aayo s writer, ell Ramo from the [*for a of the monument
to Carnegie Hero Yeaal, and the awarded
d children and grown-ups too, Norway. The people are naturally rook "I refuse to do cony work ea- Reserve of Io for a monument e I dent of Perls City is gold awarded
superstitious and many of the old the actual B ash an to Capt. Coot tad the ) the qty of Paris gold medal.
is eaappscsdor+oCVickseverehroet eoeaitsg." And thRt British and :►panlsh ew=ers of the
mad chow at bedtime. Not only is people claim the gift of second sight. rery often, in not done --ldma (I,on- sight*Pnth century on a spot just
V1eta absorbed thru the skin, but its some of the strong@ Norwegian den,) ws.t of the village at rriendly Cove.Paper That (lttjt B* Washed.
healing vapors of camphor, menthol, legends deal with cats and does and - W -At Joast of Vancouver Island. A Japanese Inventor has patented
eweaypeee, tvpentlne, eta, era the weather. As the cat represented No NosuNwat its anoints& a paper that can be crumpled up and
tbP rain the dog was supposed to be washed with soap and water. so
0reatbed W night dlrecdy into the the wind that accompanied the rain "8em if i doe't unload that moorti Opyw Diderrsd. durable Is this paper that it can be
sNreud air pasmgera Read "wally I Thorofore, to "rain cad and dogs" less stuck oe Jobeoa" At the Zoology juvenile slags On a used as a covering for umbrellas, and
*emosbymorning• 109160gooA,100, means to rain tad blow. The dot "I thought Jobsoe waa an inli7000 6eottlsh **act the *tbor day the when sotled, can bre easily cleaned at
be ahs burs*. bels*, ednp and sued wolf were attendants upon Odle, friend of yemre" lady teacher prepenad*d the gens- home. The Investor says that as
WM dda ttwWr the storm god. In old German prints, 'I'm counting on that " Roatno dog. "plat V a ktd t" "Rleate, wrapping Vapor, It could be used over
wind b represented by the hood at Transcript. gW'ama," sold a little girl "We a wM diad ever. betas washed when settled.
CKSa dog or B wolf from whisk Igsu* laddls." A ,Hall bey is tate bNt n to -M that the product cram be
great blasts. English sailors still "M Only Way w Mw ky the Readier'* Sella r/ made at a reasonable price. It ban
soy that a rain comes when the ship's "Diel he ho an say money off Me 'Views, twature somewhat lit* eloth,
A OQ I sat Is unusually frisky. Witches fir, ""- bj % w m a j a*t to be oeatfo*d wit\ W1
g1 flew believed to sums the fors of I ,, rraw/ Hew can i tell onsgso UP 1i MM•
tt ftee1k at I cab ud ride spa the awr•o. yetnrw ItrPAW#% Traftem pt.
Specials in Blankets for the Cold Weather
Largest sine Flannelette Mankets and All -wed Do" twills
(fiery Flannel, Military Flannel, and heavy Cotton Shirting,
all suitable for winter work shirt, at RIGHT Priom
-- -XWt-A11-w•oo1 Socks, and Undrimmir tit UU)SE Priors
• Men's Lined Work Gloves at 50c
Men's Fleece -lined Underwear to clear lie•fore spring
rheas 46 Ge l& Delivered to All Parts of the Two
We have just received a shipment of
th Nu -type Lamp Chimneys
and Burners
twice as good and less than half the price
been paying for these goods. Call and see
onstrated at
Clubbing List
The NvA and Leaden Free Press .. ........................... _....._. "78
The SAirmA sad Leaden Advert!ser.................... ........... ......... 6.76
The Signal sad The Toronto Globe ..... ............ _................ ...,.. 1075
The Sigasl and The Mail and Vpiro....................................... 4676
The Sigsd and The Toronto Star .................... ..._............ »..._ 411.711
The 34pnI ani lis Forms"' Sae ...»_................ ._. .. 3.40
The signal ad The Family Herald d Wed y Slat .. in
The, Siad sad saterday Plight ................ _... ........... ...... am
The Sigma and Pr«67terian Wibess............ ......... ._............. JIM
The Siad and The CalhAk Record....»_" ._._ _..»... a.7S
The Siad and Mcl.asa's 4.10
The Signal and Red and Gain _._. ...........».... __»................ 3.90
The Sigel and Mashes) W111mssa.........-------- ----- soBewal aM
motor ...... ae10
The Sigma a" Wert Wide ........................ ......... .... veaewnt 41.26
naw ...... a.n
Chrbbintg Rat" With OtbW Periodicals May
Be Had on ApOkellim
.. `,0