HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-14, Page 54'i
• `r
Almond and
Cucumber Cream
For the prevention and
healing of chapped hands
and face, cracked lips and
roughness of skin.
Two sizes, 25c and 50c.
If You Can't Say
The tasty tonic, made with
Glycerophosphate Salts.
Fresh Beef Nutrients and
Extracts of Cod Liver.
Large Bottle, $1.00
Don't put off caring for that Cough. The sensible
treatment is
White Pine and Spruce Balsam
Phone 90
The Square, Goderich
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Piandiff Meowed SLiM Damage. ter
'Misrepresentation as to Soil of
GreyTow-whip Fares
Mr. Juetiee Smith. of 'Garonne on
F'vbruary 5111 gate' out Ide Judgment in 1 Ser. Niel Mrs. lien t:ni1.ro :rt tit. ',unhook, 4,u Thursday evening of lust
au tutrtwsting 411'4', w411ct1 was heard I I'eter+bur;. where tines 1111% i• been stay- ',eek In honor011T of his seen Thauof :toll
lit April, 1112.1. at the non -Jury alttiugtr', tug. els bride from f hie
ten e'ou lI'. i.•
.4 .the Supreme Court at G,skrlch. In i Mr. 'Wytille \:liens h•uulihell tit 1k- buns, Tom.
whkit Alexeoder Brown, of Grey-, sated I troll mewl lots friendv here will h• •or alt Fal. i.awwon risiticl her fat1p r
lir. and Mrs. T• 11. Ite111wtt, now ofIry to learn that a short time ago le. near Auburn.Esi.T lest Week. We are glad
wittgttam, for $'S.11f11 duuiages on 111• had iii, wow broken while emitting his nu report Mr. Young 'k sW are tsd-
,.eore of fraudulent mb.n•preseutetion of ear. 10r.
a form which the defendants Hold tr, CbutYh_\otetw —!+, rc[4r was held in
the plulutlff in January. ltrt'2. Juetke. Anther l/W Resident Passes 'the creh_ a timidity, though the
•ttmHJ+ 1a--111t_Ju•.h'uwfnte glluwed the ' i .. dcvtrh I.„1,,rh„„. au 1.o d..n made weer seep heavy and whether
p'arlutiff, nrow'u. <ltwagees ty the esMnr Witte $4,t y' —ter- Slim t•:rtharine. made . 11 1N•Inl( _ eavy and
>t otht r
of $1.01x►. With coelli In the raw, maiiiiath. laughter uf the lit. , l'itiratl►r ll)•mot-tementeof the Lord's 4upia•r
Chide* Seager. K. ('., and )d. U. ('an• Mr. and 'Mrs. John5... . ort4 ,1 e:,_ ,, 'sae dietw:teed lj Rev. It. C. Me'Ikrwll
I TI ds. eal.rl 4,l elders were
1 Hft while R \AnMIWt of Willie- • almuat iter 1NM1 . Of tele darner, th
Thursday. F.-Irnary I1, l9''.'4�
New* of Forster Karldeute are 4isilillg relatives lou Ashfield Mrs. 1). Stellar and the Lt,rw'a Millar, Milia Kate Hunter, of Kftc•heuer, who
formerly of Coodet'h•b *lel wow of Ile- formerly resided here to laid up with.
trait. are spending the wetter in 4,u attack of measles. tier friends
nitride. .t 1101e 14, a tri mel It, town hope sir a10 a run rtv'ver•C ark awl
intimates that they :ire having a Master Tale and Frei*
very .plraMHut tittle. Its fore returning sinter Imbed, from inose, *petit
north 1to.y may visit t'ul a.. They lave day evening 4,t Mr. .feet etitou's
Some in our neighborhood attended
sere Ur. atoll Mrs. end Nhel.lurrd wed tl , rare Riven at Rob. (:Melees, Slime
Try Us For
Fancy Goods
Novelties, Etc.
S•.ntb `•ir --man' - (:o,Ierice
Thursday. Feet lith
Shorts. per ton $.33.OD ' 83
MAaRI.M1Fy IN Eriyirr.
1Mnay Brides \re ()els 'Ten Years
Egypt is a iaud 4,l early luarrieg"s•
Many of the bred.'. are little lucre
than ten years of age and very few
are unwanted at sixteen.
f .7 1,000 of its 610,000 popula-
Ep ellen 'Acheloos are rare, for a per,
public opinion considers It dlsrePut- . tion.
Here and There
ManitoLa is Perhaps the moat
marrying province in Canada. For
instance, m Ontario, there were 24,-
871 marriages in 1921, a rate of 3.1
er 1,000, while in Manitoba it was
able for a man to remain single time
he has rea.'hed the marrying age.
Th.• actual ceremony 1s sln'plteltY
Itself. It Is performed before two
whiteners ly a IIkt that is, one who
mottos the Koran.
• The husband never sees his wife -
to -be before the we4dtlag night. all
matters, inaluding that of the dower)',
being arranged for him.
Where the bride to a woman who
has not prevlouelY been ws'srled,
there are great fe•alvlties, which. 1a
the case of the ripper classes. may
Eastbound steamship travel frots
Canadian porta via Canadian Pa -
edits steamships is heavier at the
present time than for several year•
past at this season, a recent repoI$
declares. Bookings in some instance
have ruts as high as 70 per cent in-
crease over those of last wjnter.
According to a recent official eem-
pilation, out of every 100 peewee ra
Canada 51 live on farms. The 70,-
000 farms in Canada represent a
toss worth of :700,000,0-.0 or atone
-run. K. (' • a * ,*'d On I.•halt of the rich tow ash p. u p of t.alerich tied. two new `
Intiff t. a r* life u� a, residentimri,. se•rylis It tans 8 last as long gas eleven days. and i10.� per Earth, and produce as
hem, aplsant1 4,11 15•Iwl[ of the defend- of (:alerteh. cuin-
g to Louden anis last very impressive service- and will lune:. nights. These rejuieings are timed •annual revenue uf nearly $1,500,0( .
mon .ltwnwr atter site ,hath of her ,la' ts•'reue•mle•red by thus.• prewmt. • • • to end on the eve of either FrtdaY an averafe iucpmr per rant Of 52, -
t I I t K�
17% iiiattlti$ it.....ij fur- 1.107 late 31L'&'.lelto'11' McIntosh,
The \V: M. k. will 11•,1.1 1ht• moa I • -ter Monday. 000 year y...
farmer in Thunder Itay district, Nis• Three brothers survive, ms 111110 's: nieettug nest w,e•It ar t1..• h..me 4,i St t.. The brld.o la then cpn +
,PNP 031 genera's
companied by her female friends, year, Septertrber.lat, to the Wiens .
• closing O
12th, the Canadian Pat ific Railway/ •
/*ported the heaviest marketing of
sin since the inception -of the rout
'I .flet Mr•I William
S McIntosh.Vit.• alar(.. all.), 7 , �ele•Ids• •wv;ttt r r .I. ruut•uuk.
ehsirollh yf •,+'tiling o4, u Gtnu in (t.d � i 1 to the• heeds h 4,a., ae From the opening of. the crop
Ontario. Sirs T. M. IS,viurtt owned Igen: \\'tlllam )tcIbrteuld. 1
Oregoe: Charlet+ al<•1nt.ede in Het LABOR QUESTION SOLVED ipn.4,15ns, and entertainers.
1 navigation, December
feral wee held teeth• - er rcllrs. :tel
day motnang trete the luaus a man four wives, lout the ria or -
I \\'tit \IeLNugll, of town le f Egyptians as do not take
I:4, a s '011 liest_lest rnlayswiuu u[
(;r4 township wide), on April 11th.
ltrk1 xhe lists 41 for .ale tthromgh her
1lnsdaId ata agent) eat' W. 1' Niftier.
of Wingliitm.- e.•ting 'Ent the Stroud
Farm Agetl'-y• Information given try
!hie 181 ltetls to 31111er w*%40 the effect
1 "the itiru•trr of-the's'114.wan
dla The fat d h FOR SOME FARMER The Mohammedano •
h J iC
.cal. ❑. , o gyD e
!tr.: loser+'i1 starch. where 1trc. Faller .. i e tipat:- 3,74,1 ••1.1 fsL1i'etlsl'• „ i,f. 1t gild are content with o,.4'. ( Cars loaded by the company else
P. J. (:,Iain ,a lig r
Ili;;), 135'. hour*" --a (nett -hi' Il,i....nur,r whet.• .1 . Wuntea are rega'rd.d as Mi icily in - —created* record for the season, hav-
interulent was made in the eat111111"' (torte tuck;' tout. n41111 of tw.•i'ry feeler In households where the Old in; numbered 116232. Grain mar-
rmrN•ry i4, (tlllorue. The isi1111eu•ers ' ears ('011.1 Ictc,• 4•ntlrie,y'uuyat for .thole. customs are still In •vogue. They do keted topped the •0o.000,000.'bushel
f tat ' n t
cl:'t loom prtiefi1a11), the sub -•sere. . overs -alta rs. It. J. 191to1an, Jelin J,1.•- tNu m•,ute. ts•Ln:nula the 1..- .n
00 jrrlv1 and ,•lay, and 1)1at the build- Fvoy.'- 1. Farr and 1'. J. ilacEwau_ )Lev.
Bran. per ton . •le 80.00
flay, Ise. ton (looser 5.00 --0.00
Ilay, per ton (baledI . 12.00 13.00
\\-heat, per bushel .93 -
Oata. per bushel .85
Harley, per bushel .... .55
Iluckwheat, per bushel .70
l'otatoes, per bushel 00
f'attle, choke, per cwt. 5.50
rattle, medium, per cwt. 4.50
argil ('alta••'. per mow" -het. -.4.90 -
Hides, per Ib. 04 -
flog„ 725- 7.
Flour, patent. per cyst. 8.25 8.
Flour, family. per cwt 3.30 8.
Itutrer, en auue•ry. per lite .. .4•i
Butter, dairy, per lb 40
Eggs. fre•h per dozen '...40
Cho k,•n. I.. r Its. 19
ti,•..•. 1s h. 1.
Friends Want Your
y..My--.will prise a rainy
good one.
You cannot give loved one. •
more acceptable remembrance
than your portrait in one of
our newest mountings.
J. Te'
Phone 187
hips erre a!i fit fire-eI1I s r,udltluu.” -� ---
(►n •lanuary 1118. lar"_'. Brown v Islt- Much Sympathy' with .1. Demon
td aflnlfhsnl and !'°l' l ager n tune xtise'usiel0n of the Cot-Itulpitt
not •It' in the preeence of their lord,
791•' )Quash haat it' 'l4,' '11 -'1 '• but attend -hint at his meals. TheI 11 116 • n."11%%11 • V" husband has but to say. T'7191ou ATP and travellers', 16 per -alit' n/Cfer
Mobiles in Canada are oweed by
l'er of farm: Nu.. Miller farmers. Ownership of the' balance,
ee‘w Het. Itrewn indicatisl to alitter that ' "61 " ' ." 1.1 • 41 according to recent statisties. is
iliailljeet and one. receiteel feint Rev. like 0141 holm. tinade-,isp a. follows: abusittes.s nuon
wimple it f here rem -rived etiveral lettere op tile
n t•nlversil, etU,F,•ut t,1 good tauu'. ii.0eher Ia the only woman who enjoys
('ox 'Bosses Itre nut ti',. olj.+'t- L.• tt'n.:r- . anything approaching equality, al-
ta+ 4,q etais rieII s' of +sanies life. Ile thou.), true compantonshtp between
euhi :sere t+atHiew)+►r, i.ut +e+(tt« ••L 1[4,--lltut_, I hinted aid wife exerts is certain
�}thte--}tentlrrt-:Arm Ns i► iarce-titu--i i IrfIRtIW letter.. toga __•
0.00 renin with
goes) cony is,l1.ni I4, the , 1Ir. ell•' .\:rat tar f (' Ilton town uitun'• - t Tee times the -.Tara/ion in con
5.00 i Strand agency's pamphlet rhe land 4,11
o_Uo luett Iarttt—nHs_ 414 scribed se - .•.._ 111u_a4 ll�l;t�t'xlr
O5 belle: of "a1 rte)i elay 1•s11u. 1• ' y the tea,' „ iului) that the tl+'uten•P at
:00' railing:"
Wont' visited the Kennett': the o s ions n t tleM one. '!'fee
50 Ibsen' on +1 dei .•'ern the Brained tvs` two tar have been II 11111/111 to .g1
50 , cucensl with w"Itc •nil Gaol-ft.ozou. type for this w'eek's iweoe, slid as
• i• Baer of •r r
air. \a dee el I borne .seok!ua but not unN1 Mete and the dowry retain d.
ship: take. up the ewigels in U lttlf salt lrurk. -
F:RYptlatl n1PIt exhibit a great Ilk -
e sses - slotonly_
tw•o #min • ins f*.r-Vot•HPe•At�-wsau.4 ,
ia.t rel 4,t nlghr.•do they leaky.. that marriage with
In The privilege of 1.1'1118111g the 'vows, them heightens their prestt.',•. hot _
little 1"'nn' from a ,t)18111(111 inudnw tet they also know that theelite, wife
tenet a mile away. 1 He is (4,11.1 of retains lei•beauty and. charm Much
10 r farms. tint 11,• would but• rho @ena'•it The ieet(tien to the Attorney etitier+l.48
l while before oh to les).
_aa (seen. cru Gunnery :Stith o4, aRn•iin,'ul going of o,anoying a Mohammedan Is heel
of 7t►r sea+ ex•e•1)1rd for a<`1 M1+1. int I for ('uv's release. signed largely by The hke. .0 ai slyer with w'ill..w' to ),ace embraced the Moslem faith
e'ullonut t+ncnsidp tanners. lass leen 1r.•.;: near°for ss.imntiug• and trust be ready•to accept the post-
lal-, Pr -t2. itroonii mooted on the .u'seuJe•d to .lttlente.-G,•nernI \ick le. The farm t'. be r eller a ff the now' t tion of inferiority' which womoit hold
mark. • ,
Thirty-seven per vent of all auto_
sone) men, 8 per cent; laborer!,
p4s-coat _ContraStoei Ind livery men,
3 per cent each, and- miscellaneous
and no occupation stated, 13 per cent.
'(lou January IMth ur 11111, Brown tri` ,s,d run sestet from further dhe(1ixslou
pheuel Meller from'-Peterloru.. where Ig vcalkitgr.) longir than the Fey tw,'nt1n, who is
of the should
•t we think the) curreeis,I1- .\ pont. prefentioty ,ever .Ile• bad. pant her, beauty at twenty'.
err reser K1ttt4• M-k+ak at tenth. 4,tlrer deuce shou!tI cease.
door, where he rnn'd 1,+ntrt;e• for x The European woman by the act
Asa► u
farm with his (Maley, as.) the mai,I s nett r+tlxsl that 11• a )aims the , that there would nor. he t+;
net ion Ka. e"otntdrl'rl h7 a.'''''' 7:
her u i road tar th under that religion.
limner i. not In his Jurhdtctitn. s4, ninny iw.sing.
We like to make portraits 4,f mets and' in May
feta ua.•ut:1.i 0: Mea. (‘'1.1„244 ' 1- 1,1,41 - No autumeildle just` nli•e Jlui1S•'1
man men prefer us as Nies 'ern' to I:rnw'u a+•idahntiff Oa Inlet! d:nna'• yA ceurel' one and n half 4,r tem/albs.
t s2.aria Yee fraudulent tai pre.enl71 t *I I1*- l,4, il,.sr In s)Il* a.1 r 1.i-,luunl'w
posnlr.s dust faeulD' tvitirlt ambles
I ti.ou of the (arra. the udsn•llr,.eutatl.o11 away.
'llie privilege of wearing a "cern"
4,r 1n fully Irving nut rharnrter and e•laim,el le•iatl that the butldirncs l
Tlsey Are Cutting err shirt itwteud (( a flannel or klutkd
IniIIehkulhy, - were hi firer -els -se ,.otnlitem. la
K K. S.%1.1A)WS.
We charge no more for First-
Clwn is ordinarily
asked foork r second-class
Our purp,ss• as w clean, pit*.
and repair yeer ck,ther' in regard h
a way that 3 . •' 1 may
work se better than usual, and
to charge y,,,1 n6 mute for this
kind of wen toe than perhaps you
have boson ie the hetet f 81
inRfor un•ati-factory repeat..
'teen'• a difference w• want
to show you
4'bone 339 South Side Square
Bought and Sold
Real Estate and
Phone 230
?demonic Temple s
I ail Wise 4•Iny loan. 'nIl t clay anti
ieott0111. +111.1 thatt the fnrut was
stet weedy. t.
Quoting Jns!i.•e Smith's judgment 1 I
Part of the fanin .s•11.ist• of sand I
• .at will Wow with the wind; a very
oh -Mutts' ).art is of ram! loam. an. •
• her portion of ea tel and 41113 Imam '
i. 1..4. and the 15111111',• of clay loam.
Pier.. 14 pr1 1141111y I. -.s than half the
farm tint could properly be claetierl
at+-a•tay loam. aumetldug lee.. tenon halt
emapoesl of Keel and ...tinily loam':
.1ustiro Smiths 1.'I,1lht.t ten• allegod
misrepr.•Peutatiun of the farm as not
toeing weedy had net been established
and oleo that Brower -had had an ole
iertuuity of making a personal exam.
ttion of the building. on the .ne•a•len
of hie visit to the farm in January, 1
119 2.
('ontitnthlg tthe; Judgment read:
"Tllere'w-n. false repreta'ntatlon mnele
the defendant's C.
agent IW. '
er) and the defendant. T. R. Ben -
Ming for bra- wife, as to the
e of the will. Ther mtsrepre-
was made knowlugly rind
'for the purpose of helm. -
to pnrrha"se the farm
into the agreement
n the strength of
elite fraudulent 11114r1.11114r1.Psentatton with-
out Inap'e•ting it or op rtunity of in -
spirting it owing ro wrote conditions."
The fes• harvest is t: Le -lie Flick Mouse (he would put on a Tight +•-opt
is.• in tyle 'lake alont :Nil for 811.81).
arils (roil' seen. tllnrtly Is'luw the F'Inally, though this 14 nut. 111101••••441111101••••44117.
ighthtse. Ile has t7. trams and ten be would like the farmer •t0 have
cru employed. Titin year Mr. Flick whiskers
marches/ea at 11 14114of aalout X500 Ti,.' ,vlitor of The Signa! is per.-
..New-K'ay" five 11 tr. gns4o!im4 1e• eat- ...malty n,gttaltitivl with this would -lie
ter msunfacturtl sly the London Con- farm workor. who is quite normal. of
erste Co. The machine ruts the ie.. 44 tillable disposition and ,vrrrct habit*.
in at depth of t,•4, inches. w•initn's the :tool (rig.'ntly iudn'trlorw. Any farm-
urtuer horsedrawi cutter cut ter a er whose pea.,' •vane•, within ren-on-
,k•iNh of only alone five Irx•hes. The aide distance of nlsn'e-i'ot,d ,vu libi:ns three days ),.fore the President re-
am MP, Of ern this year ie Wert is.applyf I tired :rem
There is
Genuine Satisfaction
to US in selling Footwear
that gives satisfaction to
No Footwear can give
their best service if not fit-
ted properly. It is our aim
o give satisfaction in
Quality, Fit, Style and
\We invite you to let tri
\ supply you.
The Smears Phone 43w
Sale of
Winter Millinery
Attractive Valle is Price, Qom.
ity sad Origisal Style
Our Clearing Sale makes it
possible to boy a velvet shapes
for $1.50
Loses' Trimmed Hata, E:cep-
tfemsl Value, for $2.50, $3.00,
$3.50 awl $4.00
New Veils in New Spring
Miss MacVicar
ll msec• St. Garai
Euchre and Dance
under the auspices of Wom-
en's Hospital Auxiliary in
Masonic Temple
Friday Evg., February 22
8 o'clock
Tickets :, 50c
Good musi'e. Good time for 111
ing the plaint
and he eaten
for such purebiiee
de Owners
Get Your Markers
,J. W. MacVicar
at Geo. MacVicar's Shoe
Store, north side of Square,
Post Office Box 414
RoueelltICt. _Mg Steck.
Net -all of the world's ttiost Inter-
esting relics find their way Into a
museum. Theodore Rooeevelt'ts big
*tick stands' 1n the corner of a very
humble little home In Washington.
D.C.; a heavy hickory cane, with . a
*tar in one end, gift of the Urtd-Iran
Club of California to President
Roosevelt, now the prized poas.rstun
01 James Bailey. colored-, footman
for one of Washington's department
An 'ordinary wnrkday became a
famous one In the Bailey family
when, on a morning In March, 1908.
art poetised- man's at fwd • 51*, for tjlr•yi ung ogee. yeeredare tei1_K
:rrty^clear, tlrongh the emk4•, Is are none's address and 1117 forth. l' ..r'1'- the beg at- down to Jame* •t hisk
;dwelt nineteim invitee thick. run farm mien we ran glvt'• work and presented It to' hems to-
'-.'IMI No •tat 'stoma's in weight. wether with an ted 11a to him,
('lurk is mitring ICP i4, tlto REEVE ROBE$T$ON REPLIES of Mee Re/Hewett.
harbor with three team and fifteen There a
men in his employ. The Ice in
w n no dramatte Incident for 1
Gorton is .11141.41.1.11r'ii 'Po the Editor of The Signal.— which Jami'•* was rewarded. It was
le afourteenf and six-
den inches thick nailla a talc camp,,, Although on the etntlre n mall- Jhe*t, as James says. "tor my service
of frozen water. 31r. James .N14•111111- mitre• of the
H1rr11n vaunts comsat. tele, and for looking atter the chit -
AI newt Moe:. of telt' edition' I should like it little - -lace in your dcen while MrsRoosevelt shopped."
nd I
t I.
Iloighte ;Miry, also are immuring their •'e:umns I4, man-neer.1ewvor to an -neer your When the day Is over a
ice from Mr. Clark Filuet nets'. any eerreetlondeitt who sign: himself Fiero. time for James to go home he can
drawing 200 loads to meet their heels, +oulist and who charges the executive frequently he seen sho+tideriug Om'
ie is wukrAwe. Thecont i the,•ontmltl(e with false *&otomy, big stick He gives -tete--+ttrrw env to
a1M r - ' thri tt pearlier.
tseginuing of the •week dhl not add to-
o eternllI ly Is to e*n down etil•n+tltum
the eo,nfort of the men rttplent In wherever possible. and there are eve
tlw work. provide
there igeiwas plenty e. fe•w of the payments made by the istme
a 1
• 4, 1 old,
r.t slei lou f Y
snow ro R k statute by-
t t 1 R 4 eel tluit are not set by. stntn and y
eeacy roaming. law• that the amid obvious thing for
a +vrmmittee to do is 40 ..dirt by cur-
.1SHFIELD tailing grants neer which. they 1111•.
.1Md1Fi81,1). February 11. — Ti,„ control. From your eorresp,ndeut'e
monthly tweeting of the Women's in- !totter the inference must 1e' drawn
tont the money to. be spent for eln-
At V :Meir:• street Methodist (hunch
next Sunday morellos. at 11 o'clock.
the (writhe) will be conducted by the
pastor, Rev. J. W. Hedley, M. A.. In
this evening at 7 o'clock he will be as-
siatetl by Rev. Walter '•Milson. presi-
dent of 1111. London conference. Prayer
meetitr4 at 1A ., el01•k. Bible sehxri at
w.•I ,• to -all.
,t' al c ,
3 rm.
At North street Methodist church
nett Sunday morning the Mods Club
will (Beetle; the subject What 1s twit-
ishne..s and how to overcome It? The
sermon subjects will be: 11 am., "The
1)clivi'rance of lerael from Babylon,"
7 pane "A City Restored, Walls Re-
built. and Altar Fires Rekindled."
stttttte. Kfntall, wag held 00 Thursday c•atlunnl and rariGrl4e purlswa in center 'mean hh• c:,rPPT a« a blaek-
hist 4,t the prime of arra. Albert Beek- •.'24i Its going to br ,Wiese nut 11lews !31 { ,t vee-' tide c:•Jlls eM air
the trophy no.
chance to collect the dlhat. Ile uses,
It, as did lois pee s( est ,ar ,e r ' hem, -WEEK OF
The Greatest Entertainer m
the World !
You don't play the piano—
The two of you are alone—
And you love music --
And the money's in the
bank !
Have You a Victrola ``-
Onre n ite.lik,ntsth.
One of the 1n..,t r. uuu•kabl'• p. 1-
nonalities who achieved [sine its a
result of 1i•.• w.11 Is Ur. alasarl0. first
president '41 the kepuhlk ,..t 4'zetho-
Slovakla. •
Thi "sl.uple, though dh:nitl•d.
statesman. w•eo ripped Londum r,
e for
eft. Tito meeting opened in the ulna 'instltntlons are going to suffer as a eon
ay, the president. 'arq. N. G. afar- a't uence while we_ squander money on
.IP. In the chair. The.. 1fittiineHet- _
par of the meeting ltnyltlg beim dia. rna<is.
I wonder if the people tamely really*.
torsed ales. A. 1tit,' t gnye a read what is spout by Huron county ,roun-
iu¢ curl ' d "On the Restd t4, Sue -
ell o4, education :none. For ethicist -
eves.' MIA Anna MacKenzie zf mad a' Ing county pnpi:s at. colligtiate• in -
paper upon the treatmitnt of the Item- sti(utvw and high sehools t11e' county
tally d A erne nd the mil -184' 11 1 leahl in 1922 the amt of *33,151 to
child. A wonimtul ttong by the in- the five seho.ds',Hunted in 11u' county:
North street Methodist cltnrcb will
oherrve its anniversary on Sunday and
Monday. March 9th and 10th. For
Sunday there will h' special r.rrmonn
by former past0ls, and on Monday
night a stepper, with a program of
music and atktr's*'s.
The Sunday school orchestra will no -
mist at the "service in North atrect
Methodist church next $utrlay even-
11*R. Mr. Ftcvl Ilolmes will Moo
render the solo "How Long Wilt 'Thou
Forget Me, O Lord," at thls aervke.
Just In This Week
All the 'newest designs in
Buffet Sets Luncheon
Sets, Card )Fable Covers,
Runners, Centres, Cnsh-
ions, Pillow Cases, Bed
Spreads, Night Gowns.
All shades in Embroidery
Silks and Washable
All colors and numbers in
Crochet Cottons.
Lessons Free in Embroid-
Mail orders promptly filled,
Smith's Art and Gift Store
Pion*" 198 East Street
entitle wn. follow'. y readings by g_,,3h;r to outside 1401001s. •tel 3.1.500
Mr.. Dnnean MMa.•i.eu a and Mins of n .+prise grant not provided for
'Tie melting by 'data... making n 4010.) of 342.338,
Katharine ah'Donnld.
veto or one Mill. In 1024 for all school
wN"s hoptirpresee tete eounty paid over $I'AlI00,
WI' the 1711 04 od this going for high .1'e.oln
And enntinmation work.
From a grant of 34.1400 111 11122 and
45*0 in 11123 the special gratlt_.10
was closed with '1;od Save
after which it dainty lunch
served by the 'tee tem*". The
meeting will Ise held at Klntttll.
Tek' funeral of stns. Donald Zor
McLes& of Lnehalsb, wax conducted
by Iter. J. S. Hardie on Saturday hist. to
A number attended the (vrne•rt at year out to 33,4101, or $500 apiece.
Ripley on Frklay night. All I+'lori t1 This to our ,'0rresls.ml•ot may lonk
good time. 118.».fat'.•e ret\.innm7. 1,nt w•he!1 con eon-
MIss Irene Maclloitald, of Wingham. seder flint 11 N o gift erre nese slIiIph',
..pent the week -etre nt her horn,' at at grant In the - sit place not provided
Klntall. for by nM4ttte:-A sett -not indulged In
Mr. Fred aleGregor. who spent the by any of the co Idles surrounding
winter in Toronto. is home again. is. nor In nl' prolsthll • by any other,
The monthly meeting of the U. F. if, 4— 001, -fafr-hr- or, 111• ttnln-
shoole in Huron comity Niam this
'Eft. 18 to 13
Moodily s Tomas;
Katherine Me Id
in by far her least chlceement -
Ctyde ('ook in 1
"Taw 'trencho E cline' "' f
• • •
Wednesday and Thursday
y Dalton. David Powell and
Martina Nansfkld
in a tet-' ;;11I'piug drama
"FII: BOC\l)"
Seiuwtt All Star ('omens
"Ley, Ian the Loop"
• • •
Friday and Saturday '
John (filbert
tle•n•n.es less popularity with
Sunshine l'omedy
"Hello I'ardoer"
Foe Newv's number 100
• • •
Matinees.—Monl*y• Wednesday at 4.15
and Saturday' at 3.M
• • •
CO.MILN(f :—.l Ilartheltness — Disk
Super Special "Fl RN"
i••••••,•. 11001111110
knowled4• 4, d 1...0 to , 511.1111 alt 1114
*11444• Gino4 tn. looming Ari ly Inassist-
ing the siting, 1chl,ohnnsfer, sir -that
by lest lo' had ink. n her: doctor's
'degree at Pt^.rn" (ent'.rrlte.
He was el, rt• d prrsidr y of Ili.-
new ltepu' 1tc in 191e, clot :,non
proved himself a strong l'- '1Pr.
When agitators planned a emit. or
etat aLalne•t h!ul. 1•e• 111.0IhthemI4,i
ru141 "\�^'•1 yon w: nt to c• Ayr!) s e
we will have A trial of fore. s v.. h• n
we have aer"ed 111,•11 the weapon. 11
is either ler •'tl.• n•,t..tenioIs.
They.-A.08e qts n'_na w_111t`1hl•r,•
suet , that Dr. nryk •W4s more
'firmly eta01i:' ,1 t •ti ever.
The services In Knox church next
i4nnday will be In charge of the min-
ister. Subjects of-senmome: 11 a.m..
fifth In series on the Lord's Prayer.
"Our I)o11y Bread." 7 p.m. "Anonymous'
Orettn.es." Sabbath School and Bible
classes at 3 o'clock.
' The services at the Baptist ehnrcit
next Sunday will he conducted by the
pastor. Rey. C. N. Dewey. Sermon
snbjeeb' : 11 a.m., "Cotnpled. in Hint":
7 p.m . "Jetets the Seeing, Seeking,
Searching and Having One." Sunday
11r41001 at 10.311 a.m. Service at Taylor's
Corner. at 3 p. m
The regular monthly meeting of the
Arthur ('ircle of Knot clinrch will be
held Monday evening. Fehruery 15th,
ar R o'eirw•k in the lecture room. M1118
Agnee lean rlers end Mrs. (1)r.) Hetet
will here charge of the meeting.
airs. J. Il. Kenney ism0 up from De-
troit Saturday std returned on Tne*-
d nr•r•ompeei.vl by her 0-311 Lorne.
1w•ho 181111 8Hee•11 ri.811811 with his grand
pamtns, Mr. snwl airs. NI .1 ISowler,
AmilesP, street.
Sale of Baking
The Alumni Arsexiatlon of Alexan-
dnt Ilospital training 1•hool for
nurses will hold a sale of home-
mode bilking al Sturdy'• grocery
store on Saturday. February lOtl
eommr•neing at 2 11.M.
W. 4). will he held at the bottle of -Mew ell 'credit for gt'twreeity alnsl•nd of
Aatnkn Man•Donold. Kint:1it. nn retort'. ,ensuring it. 1 kn+0v 1(111141) 1•ln1U!
ary 20th. 1s the ouiy (omit) giving don a the
Mrs. Hardie 1- home after •te•itlltlg legislnlive /mint t. .'e-8,5544 doing fth
the week at Loudon. e'„s• work, anti ell the nd)aie
Mr. C. .1 Me1e'1111, 0f Kincardine. wont:• (Ierkn wino an1,W1irvl my
visite) friends nt KIntwlI this week. .uery about -.acini grant to high.
air Archie atiealnrvhy. of Det0'e1. seh.olq a, n,) ediege:Fte lip -Mutes . reply
ie home visiting friends. '1 ,4 N1 410 not give nn). It took a
ores Annie a[aelem'I1 is i•isitiuit rues. of ,.e'•-.iinFiiJiiif nil! -4 iOl the
friends. at Weighs m. . ' \r(i)ots• , .s•mrut ft'r +•hails. 111
ftr.•t ••,.•t ,•111'y .the sante tete 11.
LEERI'RN I t.•r .,tete r mels in 11,23. r
1EF.Kt'R\. February 11. --Mho al. sal; 4i('tli . d1'(8 r:e.
\'etrd4ahnrg, feaster lit ILS. No. 0. I"" n cess r
spent the .y,.. 1, rn+i *4 111 h•lnli"P$ al Pd. - •• t:4
r „11 1••
'Mrs. A. It e'Inttn., I. t.-1•ing her \' i:.... n dePe•r•. of 1
Porter's 1111'
daughter, a:;.,. Ito \lassoo. at Tnron' 11.'Is• other r q
• ,co-ntive vomit.'onto.
air. and airs. l'h'I,I ' flow., an. son I ►a.t
Demglao hare removed frrnn .1',r neigle ,lire,( . , ..,
borhnal a1111 sre ,iouv':aeph)R le 4,a' 1111 • t„ 1...
Ilegent street. (:ah.ie•t, , I.fle.' ..4.
Nilo. -.rot lineae” ' ..et „n+' 4(141411 +� •nae
Farrls1t are ,lrnwine ;ra''"1 ' • 11..v \'.^r r •
bH' from rldge to be ''• our ores . rhnod -^• h>!„ .
this tmmr e 1'1, • d.. te
,r.. ' "'^"r .
hwy. the poet Seek 'author
!grain 41141 11 1,1111 ^ -
^ Master John Yarn ...1 •• • :t
is r'sten,err
w-inrIt t \r,
FEBRUARY 14th, 15th and 16th
85 Pairs Women's Laced Boots
4 th straight heels, in black or brown. Regul.tr :;5.(10, for
t'Itntto 1:s'' W. REG. PIMA RM AN (iOI'E111( 11