HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-14, Page 34 Advertising is telling a prospective customer what you can do for him. For this purpose use The Signal's advetcising colurr ns. Zhe Read the Advertisements in The Signal. Buy advertised wares. It is a safe and sound policy. Tux MORAL R INT!N0 00. I.ORTW1•PliYsaa. umA CHURCH RF,LORTS SHOW A SUCCESSFUL YEAR Bir. 0. A. Naim Retires tram aaaj�g Board attar Thy - five Years' Berries --- There was not very large atten- dance of the members at the annual mertiag of Ku,$ church, which WWII, held in the le tun• room of the church' on Wednreday keening of tart week. The meeting was a quiet one. no mat- ter+ of an argumentative nature com- ing up for dasnsebn. C. A. Nairn add H. J .t. Mack -wan were appointed a. chairman and secretary, reapective- Iy. of the meting Church In Reat.hy Cuoditian In Bonding the motion for the ad- option of the report of the mention Mr. Alex Saunders commented favor- ably upon the whole report for the yreer 1911, stating that 1a lila opinion there had never been a better report of the ebureh', activities.. The healthy condition of Knox church. he Raid. was a matter for congratulation, as was also the het that the young movie were bereaving members of the teturrh In goodly numbers. Creditable Showing el Sunday !School 11e pastor. Rev. R. C. McDernsid. remarked upon stbe attendance of a large number of boys and girls: in the Sunday •rebs.!. ''Y'ou will see there." he east. "-•.me real a-ompliNhmenta." Tw,•n v -nine members of the mehool had :irr••ndel fifty Sundays daring the per; awn others- forty'nlne Sundays an•t sit others forty -,fight Sunday'. .t second liet of tw en t" -fou r boy* and y S twenty three girls attended the Sun- da, morning servile at church forty - Mr,. or mere Snnklaya, while teas. and six girls attended from forty five to forty-e•Igtu .ervkeew. Th.. chairman. Yr., Nairn. exprewsrl 1..- i•bu.ure with the very creditable nq.ert of the Sunday «t•hool and po110- ..1 out that. nbereft s formerly the Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE ;it $.1 per single (ord. delivered, TIIE GODERICH M.LNUFACTURiNG Cu.. LIMITED. t Fant of A ngte'tiea-lEr- phone ,a• I had been accustomed to receive a grant of $ ;rout the managing board. any balance gelid to mutons. last year the Sunday Witold had sup- ported itself, and beklue Bare quite aNmum t semessdeffsm F sbatons or St. Andrew's Club Mr. A. Saunders. who b. at prep- edt in charge of the Bt. Andrew's Club as teacher, naked that some plan be adopted by the board of managers, to provide more pletaant and adequate fuartere for tide clams of teen-age boys. The vestry, where the class meets on Sunday afternoons, la not large enough to provide comfortable room for the nineteen to twenty-five boys who at- tend the clasp each Sunday. remarked Mr. Saunders Arthur Circle a Tep-asteb Society In serrating the motion of Mira Edna Maciawan that the report of the Arthur Circle be adopted as read. Mr. J. A. Hume eougratulated that organa - nation on being the top-notch eodety of the young women's auxiliaries' In Hur- on Presbyterial during 1923 In for- warding the sum of $000. to the Pres- byterial treasurer and antro sending a donation of $50 to Mra. Donald Mac- tiIIltvrsy fur her work at Shanghai. Mr. Fred Weir referred to the fact that the Arthur Circle had ontrlb- uted P1) toward the punhaae of the new Plano in the Sunday Reboot and suggested that other luck tea in the hurttittiren, might well fonew the example. / Real Estate and Insurance Houses and Lots in Goderie6 mad Farms for Sala Manu chap Ierope rtien offering. donne at-e)aug iter prices for quick tale. 1 1-2 story house, with all the furniture in the house, including good Happy Thought Range, set up. One acre land, with a number assorted fruit trees; Rick street. Price, ash, 8600.00. Cottage and lot, South street, 8900.00. Good stared 11-2 story house, stable, 4 dots and orchard, nn Hunan Road. Price $1,000.00. 1 1-2 story house, practically new, electric lighted, toilet and ilath, hot and cold water service; well located, west side of town. Terms, small amount cash will be accepted down, balance monthly payment,' Name as rent. e Large number of other properties for sale, including many of the best houses in town. Ask about. them. ♦s gI • ASaw6.7 s RONG Above'Parson's Fair P. O. Box 89 Gndericb, Ont. .4111 .Adviser Repairing Ou tsiide of Church Mr. Charles K. Hauudetn, rongn•- gatiruat treitelrer, eteted that the amount of $5,s77.70 received 1q .1923 for current aspens •s was about the tame as received the previous year. wlwn the sum of $,i.49 .1I1 was contri- buted. The treasurer ezpressead the . opinion that the special offering MM. ally taken In April for the reduetdon of the mortgage should thin year ie spent on outside repair work' of the church detilrting. Mr.Saunders commented upon "Cir disreputable appearance of the outside of the church" and stated' that !something had to be done In em issetlon with` the brick -work and reef or a great deal of money would hnve to 1e spent on It. An it was, he thought it would take about 81.000 to effect the net -agars, repairs. C. A. Nairn Retires frees Manse's( Beard Mr. Nairn asked riot hlq name b• dropped from the managing board. as be eonaldercd it was time he was dropping nut after thirty-five yearn' vie in, the hoard. thirty-four of which he had been chairman of the hoard. He expressed irk. appreciation of the confidence the members of the emgregatlun had shown In him by re- appointing him from year to year. in urging him to reconsider 'hie 14.0141011 to retire. Mr. A Saunders de - flared "that Knox rhumb would not jest he Knox church without Mr. Nairn no chairman of the managing Nord after «o many- veers of faithful ' and effit•ient seri-Ice." Mr. A. Saunden-. and Mr. A. D. Me - led then moved _ that__tse-_ four. managers to retire th14 year (Me.ettre. C. A., Nairn. A. .1. MacKay. C. K. Saunders and 1. J. McF)wen) he re- appointed for the ensuing yewrt, When Messrs. J. A. Hume and A. Tarter moved 'fn amendment that names bre placed In nomination and a ballot taken In the usual way, the motion was withdrawn. The follow- ing were then Dominated: C. K. Saunders. C. A. Nairn. A. J. MacKay. Malcolm MrKa , Andrew Porter, Jos' kph Whitely. H. 3. A. rMacIlwwn and Wm. Walla... When all had with- drawn their nine eveept Metiers. Saunders, MacKay, McKay end Wal - 1 lace 1t was carried. on mutton of Messrs. A. Porter and W. F. Saunders, that these four be apps,int.d to the managing board for the years; 1924-25-20. I On Illation of Mears. .1. A. Hume and J. E. Tom. Mr. Nairn WAN tender - 'el a hearty cote of thanks for hie • splendid services to the congrega- tion as chairman of tho managing hoard during th peat thirty-five years. The motion was carried amidst ap. planae. as was also a similar one in appreciation of the untiring and effic- ient aertkea of Rev. R. C. McDe rmtd during the year. whkl1 motion was by e Mese.ra. J. 11. Mimeo and e. K. 'Saunders. The appointment of the nsherq was left with the snstlon, a motion to this effect being moved by Mears. W. F. Bounden' and J. A Hume. Menem. J. E. Tom and J W. Fraser were re -appointed *editors; on motion r of Mestere J. D. Wilson and R 11. Cum t. Over 112,475 Robed by Caogr epltioa The amount rebel daring the year by the congregation for all purposes GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1924 WAN 812.4711.52. There aretYitl on Un• roil, fifty-one having been remove) drone the roil duelists the year by death rind eertifidehe, and fifty -Nix laving been added by prufeenlon of faith and by certificate. The num- ber et nou-u-ti tett under pastoral over - eight tutu's. 334. The number of bap- tism was teensy three; marriages. thirteen. The amounts raised meant. and organizations church were as tull(rw'.r: t'urt•eat Expe-tt•N'.. .Ml*donary offering Offerings for apesial °Mesas . Plate collections Forward Movement payment 4 Arthur Circle biles' Aid Sunday Reboot Women's Ml.e.ionary Society Maetiiltivray Mlwion hand Choir . Adult Bibb• Clay. 544,97 Young Ladies' Bible Class :.7.47 by various within the 8 3.172.70 2.419.0e W22.71 705.00 421.75 713.1,1 4175.411 531.23 4'5.01 200.00 173.10 $1'2,478,52 The total amount expended through the congregatlona I treaeure•r was $7.277.111. The following balaneea are carrhd forward into 1924 In the cat - lou; accounts: General, 1275.1111; mortgage. 11,00; relief .'uud. 8390.001; Outstanding tiabilitite total $3,:100• with $1.0(10 on hand to reduce the amount outstanding against the organ In April nOer. FOR SALE • • • • The People's Garage Vittoria street Goderkh, at present occupied by Wm. Cralg. This (s a money -making proposition for the right man. Apply to Phone 60 P. J. STAN One Dollar That is all you need to start a Union Bank of Canada Savings Account. Don't hesitate if you can't save more than One Dollar at a time. The savings habit will help you increase it. Small deposits are the seeds of success. Start with One Dollar and save regularly. a w UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch. F. W RADIO PROGRAIIS Agricultural Activities in Huron S. B. Stotiiers, Distrirt Agricultural Representative, Submits an Interesting Report of the Year's Work Under His Survey The report of lllatrkt -Agricultural Itrpr,t entative it. B• Stothers, of C:hh- tou, to the county council at Its rec- ent e.e+alon wait au ezceedingty inter - rating one. k Is quite too long for publication In complete form, however. no that only parts of It are given below. During the past year we hare hail considerable demand on our time for offkw work. The following figures will give Some idea of the extent of this branch of the work: Letters re- ceived, 2.000; letters written, 1.822; eireiilar letters sent out, 3,600; incom- ing telephone rails .800; vteltorwe 700; bulletins distributed, 1.500; miles travelled In auto, 12.000. Seventeen meetings were addrettel during the year, which were attended by _1.340 people.. Sehool Fairs The past season Lae seen some very set•tt:sfu! st•hose fairs in the county. The quality of exhibits during 1923 wae not up to the mark owing to the unfavorable season for many roots and vegetables. The exhibits of grain were never eo large and of sunt good WGT Pegram In Brief for week of 'tttallty as laat year. Twenty re•hcol February 17. 1924. WGY. Seht•ne•- (alts were held last year. The eham- (;eneral Eleetrk• Company. I lunshlp fair at \\'lugham was on a tady, N. Y. 790 Kllocyeleesl Met Meters i. East- par with the 1922 fair there. Some ern Btauelanl Time.Lthiety-rote tchocd* amt exhibits, out Sunday. Ft4druary 17. 10.30 .i.da.- about slxty.ftre that were etiglble. Fk•rrke of the First Methodist Eple'o r Th *school fair at Itlyth was bald In c In 1 regular fall fair. 1Y/n un t u with the r j rat pal church, N. Y.. sermon Dr. 'hI tad Fi In this ease tilt8P11001• e1 fair exhibit and 1) by the Rev. Dr. Philip Frick. fechad parade were the real features 11 p.m. -Program by \VCT gym. of the fair and brought forth much phony Orchestra, Leo Kllweu, eon - favorable dominent. So suctuxeful was doctor, etiolated by John F. ch0ialan• our experl oke with this fair that baritone. we would like to combine more of our 7.30 p.m.-eert ice of the First 'hath- ethcol faire with agricultural toclety Mist Eph•o .pal church, Schenectady. N. Y.. sermon by the Rev. Dr. Philip[airs. We believe that this would he Frick . good tactics in some cases as we have Monday. February ]4, 7.43 p.m-' twenty school faits and ten fall faire. Address, -Broadcasting. Ancient and This means thirty-one "days off" in Modern." by John R. Taylor, consult - to fall and really looks like too many, hag engineer. General Electric l'om• • ttto many of our people. 1t IR affee- pauy. 1 feting our a,srtkln(ea . hongil this Program by Schenectady CJamb•p is not an unmixed ��de c,d►g as we feel that more effective wrk could )Lusk Bee Irty. % be done had we no one -pre nt Pi. Tuesday. February -19.--- 7.45 p.m---- Program by tit. Johne (student Sere- rept the teachers tial pn • k. MI- nader«; Mrs. Edward O'Donnell. see lerwlpg statistics Will ape t; for t em• Kano; Frank Davis, tenor. wives. Wednesday, Fhbruary 20,43-30 p.m.- i Adults Child "Adventure Story" (courtesy of Aehfleld 800 Tooth's Companion.) I itelgrave 700 Thursday. February 21. 7.45 p.m.-- Itlyth 1000 200 Wekome to new citizens by Schema•- Colborne ,. 850 ' 250 tasty Post. American Legion and Cit- Crediton 000 200 ize•n Committee. Addressees. musk by Clinton 1300- 440 tmeriean Legion Band and a chorus of Dashwood 500 125 fifty boys. Ethel 600 175 Friday. February 22. 7.45 p.m- (:rami Rend 600 200 Address, "George Washington." by Goderlch Twp. -1100 250 Reneelkt llatmaker. Radio drama. Howlek 700 300 "The Gamblers," by Charles Klein: \ erne 500 200 presented by WGY Players., under Walton 000 200 the direction of Edward H. Smith. !West Wawanosh 750 250 6,10 200 eted co-oprratitely. 10.haye_bt'en.larger titan In any prevlonm year. What new bualness tame in in film line was un- sedlettel. as no special effort was made to iudutw farmer* to sell their wool In this way. 1t is the result of the co-operative idea finally sinking in. Farmers as a coaly are beginning to find that cooperative marketing 1s the imolutien of their market troubles. All teeing well we hope to make a special effort in 1924 to encourage co- operative marketing od -wool. I1sari g the year we sent a county team or nine men to Toronto to the swine •oures at parking plants in- troduced by the industrial and I)e- relopmrut Couneil. These were chows from the young men who had taken !tart to our short t•ourses at Wing - ham and Auburn the previous year. Eldon Stoltz, Auburn. won third prize In the swine carless class and Addison Fraser won eighth in the same class. In our poultry culling work we or- ganised seven mebings at which ad- dressee; and demonstrations were given In the culling of poultry by J. '4' Francis., of the poultry department of the Ontario Agricultural ('olleie, Guelph. We sire continually receiving requests r for as.l«t,tnee along this line. Farmers are taking more inter- est In their poultry. PS it has been one of the more remunerative liner. In the late yars. With further refer- ence eference to ,gantry culling wee wish to rt - Port the work done. by It. 13. Caldwell. of I'etrolen. poultry- judge at the school fairs. aris During t b • fairs he W118 III constant touch with the fanners anal had a large number of requests for this kind of work, the result was that he stayei in the district and culled the flocks 0! farmers wishing the work dour. During two weeks he wails able to cell sotue 2.000 birds. We quote this as an instance of the farmers even tually coming to look on departmental information as of technical and dollar and cents value. As this county is organized from one end to the other with t'nittrl Farmers' Clubs. it has been uunereseary to do any further work along these lines. At Clinton.:berseth and Exeter live - Week almlppdng associations have been formed and are functioning very suc- tresfulty. These associations are get- ting a large shore of the stock and are Entrieal giving exeegent satisfaction to those 540 selling through thorn. In these ship. 600 ping aamociatiomo the farmer agrees 10 522 .h h all his stock through the a4socia- 5r,0 tion for a definite period. usually a 580 year. In this w•ay definite progress to being shade. 10.30 p.m. Program of dance musk. Winchelsea Saturday. February 23. 9.30 p.m.- R rozMer 500 150 407 Romano'* Or bestra at New Kenmore WI ngh a In 3000 400 325 Hotel. Albany. N. T. Zurich 650 2.50 408 Two poultry breeding Rtations are Id operation in thin county, on the farms 4. 4: 456 500 506 382 900 580 572 > cmc of W. F. Finlay, of Lueknow, and L. V. 84111.1 et Hogarth. Exeter. The poultry breed - There being no criminal eagles on Ing stations are becoming more and the docket at the Rupreme Court sit• more a source of hatching eggs to the tinge held in Gotierleh last week, the ,.nmmunity. •Mr. llogarth must have traditional pair of white gloves peri diatrlhutel 500 down eggs to farmers presented to the lion. Mr. Justice• for hatching purposes to his own Wright. of Toronto, who presided at neighborhood. He also dIRtribmted the sitting.. Crown Attorney Charles hundreds of day-old chicks. Seager, K. C., addressed Justis. Wright on b•lualf of the members of Co-operative hies Gaining the bar present, congratulating him The sheep industry was on the up- on his resent elevation to the Supreme grade in 1923. We bare had a great Court °bench. Justice Wright replied many enquiries as to co-operative ■t.some length. congratulating the marketing of wool and were able to citizens of Huron eounty on the ab- - intense Rome new men In this work. Bence of crime of any g;ase impar- t We beileve-tbs volume of wool -mark- tane e. Owing to the lflne.a of Its. L. E. it Dewey. solicitor for the plaintiff in three of the eibfl eases on the docket, the (hurt was unable to proceed in these particular vitae., wide' n,cord- ingly were formally adjourned. Judgment in a fourths came of those tinted was entered are ording to the terms of settlement tiled. Isat Feb- ruary Jamar Lloyd & on whnlenale fruit and grocery dealers. Goderleh, purchaned 660 Nage of auger from the Dominion Sugar Company. of Wallace - burg and Chatham. When tho sugar company delivered but 400 hags Janke Lloyd & Son ensued action agaln.t them for damage, of 1900. The cage was settled oat of court heyhe parties'. the settlement being favorthte to the plaintiff. James L. Killoran appeared on behalf of the pinntiff, while R. Is a Rraetln, K. C. of Chatham, acted NI tehall of the defendant. Chair Consort Remember the old-time concert by Knox church choir on Monday, Febru- ary 25th. Scottish Farm Inborlra Coming Farmers In this district who require Help are Invited to send their names to thin office et once, as a number of young Scottish farm laborers are ex- pected to arrive here at an early date for distribution In the Jturronnding tow•nahipla. 3t. Macdonald Gibbs, teacher of piano Sad singing at Rove (burro. Set- ordals, 10 a.m.. to mon; and 2 to 6 pas. t! Improving Breeding Stock Our scruiv bull campaign last year -as carried `tet most Intensively Ir. rnberry• and llowick tow'nshlpe. Pub- Ik ,metinge were\ held in both town- ehips, at Itlns'vale and Fordw�ichL The matter was laid b re eat.t meeting. at which it was r ue+ted that n committee be appoint of ke•y men In each eonimunity through ut the town- ship. Thhece commiittetw w therm, the informationand aa1isted toe lead man when he wept into the town. hip. 1. N. Ratcliffe, of the Livestock ranch, who took hold', of thin work, cit • vas- s.d both town.. fps and Interrie •e1 every- bedbow•Iter fq t'he district. Th ready to part w•Itb poor bulla we awdate•tl in securing .,new ones. When the "better Beret -self,' train touched this diatrict no les; than five bulla were purchnosl off the'*rain for use in Itowiek and Turnbrr -. The eam- paign also brought some 1i -era to the sale of purebred Ilveat Meld In Win ham In .t \orch. tine !elderly t goal piece of work was the ganiza- lion 1.y !Mr. Ratcliffe of a a dicate neer itelmore. Four neighbors •t to - (Continued on Page 6) SZVIDITTHEIVIENTH YRAZ NO.1 CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED Annual Report of the Board of Directors TO THE SHAREHOLDERS:- etar Directors beg to present the fourteenth Annual Statement of and financial position of your Company as at December 31st, 1923. In the Balab* Sheet presented herewith all accounts due, including Governmeak Municipal and other taxes have been paid. Provision for the *meet of the Dominion income Tax for the year 1923 has been mad. by adding s sufficient amount to Contingent Reserve; all other e ssaemb net due have been taken Into the statement under the of Amounts Payable. The volume of business for 1923 showed a slight improvement over 102. but Canada's consumption of cement is still 20 less than is 013 and was in 1923 only about 48% of the producing capacity of Canadian mills. The demand since 1921 has shown a slight increase and we hope it will continue to increase, but this depends on the ggrroowth and prosperity of Canada and undoubtedly the present pro- ducing capacity will be sufficient for many years to come. The cement producing capacity of Canada and her present con- sumption by districts aro as follows:- Districts . - Preterit Producing Capacity la Barrels Present Consumption In Barrel. Perces/4M et Producing Capacity Is Egress et Coawpei a 2ss% 4411% 6491. IIMI Columbia -- -- -LISS, ea Lm IM LIeLM. 11.0110.0114 11.120.000 34.555 slt.ela LIW.SSS 2.340.040 7.013.100 Sottish _. -_. _.. --- Alberta. Sashatebwaae ss. ii _ _ ___ -_ New Butmewlek. Bova Beads sad Pelage Maud lsssaa_ - _ - 18 11% The situation shown by these figures was brought about by the fact that prior to the 'war, your Directors; in common with others expected that the increasing demand for cement would continue and prepared to meet it by enlarging your existing hills and by building new ones. 11 this expectation they were mistaken as there has bean a decrease in demand instead of an ilerease with the result that Canada now has a producing capacity more than 1007, in excess of hes requirements, Your Directors have from the formation of your Company adopted the policy of replacing the production of your older and less economical mills by building new ones, enlarging the capacity of your existing economical mills and installing labour saving machinery. The results are that your mills are to -day thoroughly up-to-date and we believe, as efficient and economical as any in the world and that you are to- day in a position to meet any condition, which are likely to arise. We have before advisee) you that 'our Engineers have made a •r thorough examination of the Maritime Provinces to obtain properly of cement. Eventually located suitable material for the production tris they were successful, and in December 1921, your Company purchased a site situated at Havelock, N.B., with the intention of erecting a mar when conditions warranted it. We regret that for reasons, already given, it is not advisable to increase Canada's producing capacity of cement, therefore, your property at Havelock is being held in reserve. Your Directors think that with your large modern mills wen located and web distributed throughout the Dominion, and carried of your books at a cost very much below what they could he reproduced for, and with your income from investments and other sources other than the sale of cement, your Company is in a position to retain its business and do business at a cost v.hich will leave profits sufficient, we anticipate, to meet .dividend requirements. Your export business, thanks to the duality cf "Canada Cement," has been maintained, but under present conditions it does not appear probable that this can be increased to any come>iclerahle volume on ac- count of freight rates from Canada to the markets, of the world being very much higher in most cases than the rates from Europe to the same markets. What your Company requires is the growth and prosperity of:- Canada, l:-Canada, and as the consumption of cement increases, we feel con- fident your sales will increase and as your sales increase, we expect to be able to reduce the price of cement to your customers. Your Directors hope, considering the light demand for your. product. results of the year's business will be satisfactory to you. All of which is respectfully submitted. On behalf of the Board of Directors, F. P. JONES, February Jewellery Sale From the 15th to- the 23rd 20r% Off " in Gifts That Last 20% Off Diamond Rings Ladies' Fancy Rings Signet Rings Bar Pins Ivory and Ebony Cut Glass in Cornflower Pattern Umbrellas Wrist Watches in Green and Yellow Gold Cases Gents' Watches in 18 size, 16 size and 12 size, in plain and fancy cases. Watch Chains Tie Pins Lockets and Charms Cuff Links Mantel Clocks 25/ off in Eversharp Pencils the President. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET, DE( EMEER 31.t. 11211. PROPERTY ACCOUNT:, ---- ---__ - Land, Budldhna•. Plant. Enuiptreeat. att.. at wished etas with .ub.equent additions. low 44pr.elatica lo date, the provi t.., for the year 11133 haeing aggregated. $1,547,273.13 1NVE3TME.TS: Bonds Stock held in, and Luso. is O110 Companies!- $ss.tes./iS.4ti _ . 84,347.7441.24 -- 11.11211.433.411 CURRENT ASSETS: Inventories - .._. 52.31.3,031:7$ - • Accounts Ker.ivable .tae Rad Debt Reserve) - g'..1,207.13.$ 13 Bins Receivable - - _.. ._.. 1212.621.53 1 4.51 24 124. 3.300.30 Cash - ._. 130,2H.4T 16714.334 Ili DEFERRED CHARGES •1 0 OPEII41ON1 '-...................;,,11 12 r.Os $33.1.113 11oe 1.4.• , LIABILITIES CAPITAL STOCK: Authorised: Prr4erence--110,00.1 Shares 7^,e m CuulatlVs at ,100, race $41.010,000,00 \ OnliShansi41 -190.000 Shansi of 00. sack _ 17 oke W \\ 8•io I. in ha ee-106.000 Shares 7% C31m811Uee of 51'00. each. tan. '08,,000.00 -I36,000 83.rw of 8100. each -. - Itge0,0110.00 $24,000,040.,0 GAGg SIX PER CENT TWENTY YEAR GOLD BONIfd: i.. Pre Ordln FIRST 110 _8 4 „0„ Authorize da't and Imo. - • . Less: Red•imed through Slaking Fund - !. 0.l4f.si MonT(:Ae;e ON CANADA CEMENT COMPANY BUILDUP: CURRENT LIABII.ITIFK: 8,1,'.171,4114.19 Acco.nu Payable .. - Bond Interest acct d at Deermb,r 31,t, 1923 0•a 00 Pref.rrd Dividend 'Air, 16. ;N7shM Febenary 11111. 1321 14,1.720.00 Ordinary Dividend 7$ tie paid January 10th. 17.21 - ',:M..d .l RESERVES: Fire Insuranea --_ -_ -... - ._ .__._. _.._._ $I.7 3. , nn Mid Estra•.rdtnary Repairs d ne•wab _ ... _ _ , 41,1%000 1.1 \ Cotton Sacks. out-gardina - t;n,na•.fl0 '\Industrial Accidents r.r,301.00 coil tent Re - N r• portion cd which is ■snilablc for Government Taxed•) - - .. ......__. .. .. ..0.19 Balance 0e December 31.1, 1922 Income from Operations and Investments for yM, 1923 alter making provision tqr deptr)tiatloa ._.... _.__.._.._ _""r•-'.$2,'2 ,1;1•79 Deduct: Bond Int8717,644.811 Fite Ines Tyaaafer to.Ee.erve 10,161.72 Account ._.. _.. _ Cootinrent rvg .._ . 150,010.00 Reserve for Eil r.o5laa', aepuIrs 10.640.00 and Renewals ---'-..-_.. Industrial Accident- 21,000.00 ---- 1134,01':.it Deducts nivtdmds • 1; On Preferred Stock -tees-- 11773,000.00 On Ordinary Stock \ /110,000.00 1.144.M40.0116 AUDITORS' RRPORT TO THE snanenOi.DERS Ws lam e.amload the Seeks sad Arenunta of the Canted* Cement rt •.en imatd tett the year ceding December 21.4. 1/23, cud ha'. obtained s I •r•r n.. , ma hnv •aary�l osplanati.ls0 .rkleh we have r•gdrml The profit, of the ve-e. n arrived •t after d•d..rtien of Dq.elet4nn and other pros ueio.ly dnrwn up r•aitn e.he lw s ths our Opinion. tae Balance Sheet at December 11et, 192x, 1. roperI r., w n u •• n • trees sad rnrr•rt vier, of the state of the Ceampaay *moby the hosts nt the of ser hefervnatien and the expluatb•t viten to re. mod a. dh He Oea.Nar. mum. walbl H01'sz a CO edilera gJamleeal, I.nuary stat 1114. 11,117.41•1•111 1,113 421.14 2,730.;"6.19 74 704.1:.0,50 itto7.4; Ap5n.d ea bhalf et the Board: P. P. 305418. Dtreetr. R. L. DORM Dosses. twee s Visa Before the ceremony he wants to know when he can base bar for h1a own; after tie eereasass he wants to know when Mauer will be ready -San Francisco Chronicle. Quite Ns deosble Another big difference tight -wad as good -fellow a the (termer sever MAY 10 we've dta/ roomy ofd the flatter Wag bttilk - Raaaae City Star.