HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-14, Page 2.C* .A.r.s.O.44V144 4-140'4. 4 4 11.4111ffirid1y, February 14, 1924 • •-•;rt •••;4,,74'1 • ••••44.444.pt,...••••,,. Y'Vtfl 1414.: .. • t tt,•••• :Oat art The conomWOK,y - tte M 4 GREEN TEA Ils in the larger number of cups it • give• per pound. - Delicious* - Tr, it. Done olle day lost week by a fall from his horse. The Prime has had a ILUII FeSTABLISHED 1848 OODERICH lillember of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association THE SIGNAL, Wet 'Mhaisters are involved n kr 'scandal will be a heavy handicap for any Republican candidate. on tho other side, it look* us If William (. Me - .%d.)°, former President Wilvens sn- in-law, were piminated am a lkomo- erotic l'reerideutial p000dbllity. Hie connection with the affair wag, it seems, on'in his professional eat/. atity. as an attorney. and perfectly legitimate. lout 1114. people have been worked kip to stu.i. 14 piteh of exeite- mem ovec the scandal that Wu listrty would illre 10 itu,o 111 !Humiliation a mau for %%loom 4.xplasintione would it'.' to be made. • • • IMarumaing the aiterta cost toot, - 'Die (untie Packet gys: When Mr. W. AY. Meltain wee In year age, getting the move- ment tinder way, he told The Packet good many accident, but so far he he feared It would not be pnacticalote to bri( Allwrta domestic coal to -Isy---Anke-and-estil-" -Vise 'coat; hi too friable to stand the hataillitig. But it ham been proposed that instead of screening at the mies. "run of mine" coal simnid be shipped to Port Arthur and from there by vessel to Ontarios lower lake pors. end should to briquette tbe slack. and extract tiu re be arreened le then propumed the hy-roducts. ithk.h 11 IV MOW tii he about thirty in number. running from oil to flavoring extractl. It is cleansed tbet those by-products wood,' limy for the coat of handline. 'sreening. (t. This plan, however, will take time and capital towork out. se it will Involve large plants at the lake ports. *IMI finding a market for the by-products. CONTEMN/R.411Y OPINION Should .lnother War Caffire Hower.% Ferguson. wa.. opsited 4.00 Wol,e4(nr_airtthh (Toronto Star) nooday la.t. Ti..' teem this 'nor $10. The Mayor shortly before It ntay be recared that.tbe late Thron'. nieutioned. in the formal yet had had the tenant in eourt for toiosult Premident Willem at the gime of ilte hidefinite lang111,R1' 1.1111"ilerstie of and the latter was juet "gerting even." great war declared that in event of such lanother war there ought to be conseriv- ellverance., a number of tnal- It takes ch'Vr man nowadays to Hon. not only of young Melt fit fer tern which wouid be lorought to the ..vet- clear of all the it that lie Nervier in the field. but of every man •ttentiou of the Holl'.( -4 Among rho" in wait for him. to the repuloile--each to Nerve lois ateamurem foreshadowed are loins to • • • nomory -for the duration of the war In whatever capacity h.. happeped 40 make proviskm to enable the Govern- At the Landon alsizets last week Mr. find himself "or to which the nation' Meat -taa secure au expreamieu of uptio Indiee Lennox seuten4.,4 three men might assign him. lle proposed that ion from the people with referetop detail. the tiate of -execution fixed when the nation makes /war every in to,..Provitielal liquor lefsholon;" and being the same in all three camehabitant be called to the mobilo. some "io modify and Improve the elementary AprIl 10411. In other day. tile hns- to fight. mettle to man the lines of comminication. some to make IlaChOols Oh as to simplify emirses of ingli would hare been, a public epee - non.. some to provide food, Rome to do, randy and to bring them Imo more taele end the occasion would have the work and chores of the country - direct relation to the needs of the been of the nature of a public holi- bat notie to stand aloof, none to pnrstie peeple:" the apledntuu nt of a tsomtnit- day; but we live iota gentler age and their own private gain, none to take are i advantage of the. nation,* nevesoltotas toe of elle li11011*'emomider memo. for affair', ges§ only aufficient itandition soul greaily vlle uo fortnnee the Improvement of the agrieultural inthikeity to guard against abuse. for thenerelves While others lose industry; legislation' regarding 'high- • • • everYrItin. Including life Itself. Wood- Premier Fergusons attitude.towardstrnw Wilson had opportunities retch am was: asmigance to the iron ore in. Premier "wetm" is' reminiscent oof ow few mon poommeoml of seeing what a olustry; .with other measures .11411 less seonibil it le that while braver men definitely indicated. "Ilarkbo decaration. lit. 11e. In war another breed of nem, Joseph E. Thompveni. naember for steno' not etatthit the D. T. A. 1.1 111.' rrn about the -war cheet ef the Northeast Toronto. was elected PrInie uniews there elsonid he a strong natl.?, and extraet seseryilting they ton public _Aletaarad. away. s:Lth. 41e--44adasset-thies- anellter war name the whole natiop masiniiiit Doherty. vrho is leaoplatithipatem the demand 4.y making pro- mhould be conscripted and the job of -log the l'regressivea. or Farmers. at 1 vi-lon for a referendum. When a war worked at by the entire moon, ressker, tiedk an en rly eppoi toothy. man has to be on horlt sides of v. prover and l'114011111.14 of the nation un St Thursday's sitting. of registerieg an question at once his iltioiNi. of course. til it was done. are opt likely tio he entirely consistent. Labor and Brains I Toronto (lobe) The general opinion t ha t lie members' of the I.ahor party11, t lie liritighHouse of l'om s hare Oen ty of bain. lo confirmed by an tinny yells of their educatkinal qualification. made lit the ['owlets flpetator. Of the 191 member*, 134 were edu cated at elementary Reboots', hut while twothirds of theme left day ochleol at ages varying from nine to thirteen year.' 0111. 11PHrly ail of the 134 contln nisi their education by correspondence els.es mid lectures given loy thy Work- ers' Eduentionel Asenclation and the labor college.. and also by jawing trade union P4110111rP111.1144 111 Ii1111111111 Callege and tford. Twetity-mIx labor members' have had seesinelary and higher education, arid the remain- ing thirty -ono members hut.' 1.41,1 edu- ration's at nitiversitlea. Including mili- tary and medical colleges. Thirty-ele- en of then) are members' of prob....Mono. eight being teachers, meven itourtialists. sweet' barristers. five allthors. four lee turera. four doctors' and two ministers. It Is quite likely that labor members Who obtained their nitration under great difficultiee appreciated it 111111 profited by it more titan many who were bOra with "direr spoons Iti their months. lam emotion' the most serious; of all. CANADA The t'lhaton News-Itesvord. with text weiiks experience, iliseovers that Hydro is met exactly im.rfect and ob serves theit 'if this keeps Up Well have •,Publiehed every Thursday Morning. to (.011Siller 1111 auxiliary plant of some Sablicription priee 32.00 per year. To United State, and Foreign Countrietk • • • 3130 per year. stri-ctly In advance. efirtinems investments in THE SIGNAL PRINTING. ('0., LTD. bentk. the eitvitig, threene in east_ Tdephone 3.3 :: Goderich, Ont., (Ilan hanks do not elecrenee.'siya The • W. H. itittiertson. "ad NI:onaer Globe, 11tlkh cowhides that many PeoPle must be doing very welt in thew rime...day. February 14. 1924 ' Illteettled ton«. or etre thrift is be Caelkeeent• coming ninili !Dore general than It was. 4.41WWWINOTWAPIE --anizegagggypw THE LEGISLATURE • • The Mayor of Owen liknuad was The fir -t 1.1`,..i1111 4 111t. filhed $3 for not affixing I revenue Legislature of Dutari•, and the first ,,timp to at receipt vrhieti lie had i(4. tsesielon ttuder the PrelniersiliP 111'n• stied to -a tenant for rent. the payment A obkoibui to Premier Fergoasems avowed intention of recognizing the • • • • ratherfhau the ProgresAves, The St. Marys Journal -Argue figure.' as the official Opposition In spite of the that l'anada- thho year still purehame feet that the Progiewives are great- about 372 worth of United Statee 'nods for each moo. woman and child in er in nuneter titan the Liberate. An Bois eountry, -while the I'nited State* attempt to distil*. this matter brought from lLr, Speaker 1(Wfirst ruling of the, win purChase about 13 newton on • point of order' rakes' by *ellen goods for each penman in that former Attorney -General Raney, that country. It doeen't look fair. does it? Yet titere is another way of looking the Premier was not in order in dig - sr tr. Caoada ewer to *Ire Shiites cussing a notice of nintion Mr. about $40 worth of [4)&1i4 for 14101 Raney wag stitaied. the Speaker person In Doke country. while. the FM. ruling tioit Mr. roreo..... would have ted Statist melte to CH 11111114 iknly iihout ton defer hi. defray.. or explanations 33 worth- fat each person in that to the 'proper ocaion. country. .After all, the trade between the two countries must be profttaide t' It Would not he done. h • • • Over the wee,k-end ottawa was agi- tate(' by rumor). that J. R. HOPI IL the !moiler King. had (114s1 on the. eve of the wedding of tee granoldsoghter to a 43 EDITORIAL NOTES Prinee of Denmark. The rumor start- ed :441 tn./flay night. vies spread by Spring' work hag sheetedA Alberta. radix,. .4414 vt nd ith no newspaper on Sint - not perhap. .lberta wonid be glad clay to 4votitradict it e -aa opreed all 10 line,. some of our strew, over the eity and boycott, Monday's noiimpeoers gave it the quietuo. And Coneratillatiolta to lletikulla em"' yet some 949)4)1.. gay that neatepepers having a lowlier tram that riefented are not dependable. Nobody claims the beet team Goderielk-has lied for several years. __Tbc_delitte on the address In, to the vent front the Throne w comtuenced. and was adjourned Tues4lay. On Friday the House sat ler Jeoat APVPII minut et4. • • • that evorythoing 141 14 ibewspaper absolutely «mural.., Ilut it can be maintained that newepapera exert an Tile Prince of Welles broke hie maliak-r• influence toward.' accuracy in the chnolieling of eveuts end that with out them the air worth, 1.11114*) m, WRIGLEYS a ter every meal CI nouns and teeth and aide digestion. Relleve• that over- aten feeling and acid month. Its 1 -a -s -1 -1 -a -g naves, satisfies the craving for sweets. Wrigley's Is double value in the benefit and pleasure it provides. Soda es Re Plait, Package. wild elution'. • • • Mr. Taft Iii the only surviving ex President. Ur. Taft some what eorptilent'llii'Ii seem; to knoek a hole in the theory that thin inen are the hardest to kill But Perhaps Mr. Taft La alive today for the same reaaon that he ix not thin - that lie "took it erly." comparatively pesking, while he was in the White Howie. declining to 11P dr1WPID (4.9111 )11111 1)(4111114P lie was choosen first man of the people President Coolidge ta not a fat man, but 111. PC111114 40 WIVE` ...oinewhat ttie same easy-going temper- 113ellt av Mr. Taft. If he survives the ordeal he may estahlobeh a standard of Premidential conduct that will permit it man to oorupy the °fare with some degree of comfort and ronxideration of health. STORMY WEATHER - GODERICH, ONT. LIBELS CANADIAN GEIDDIL Itkliculon• Mistakes or Editor.. About canachast Wee. Have the writers of mode-rn Brit- ish encyclopedias developed a grudge against Canadian genius; or la It just Pure cuseedneas? Recently my spare time has been devoted to a search through these storehouses of knowl- edge and some of the tempting by - Paths have been rich In revelations about Canadians that were hitherto unknown to me. While meal were but mere slips of the pen, and might be found withfriliteffiletling of ther ntost geverely4dited •olunie, others aro so ridiculols that it is difficult to understand host's,* were passed. Canadians with pr4e the magnificent work conducted for the British Government by Prof. John Cunningham MacLennan. of Toronto University. He tt Wag *ISO commer- cialized the production or -helium and opened the field of aeronautics to the use of this wonderful -gas. He. and the Governors at Tomato iniesereity were thanked by fhe British 0overts- ment for the work which had been conducted. His nano. and efforts are well known in England and there la no possible' excuse for the bril- liant (?) record of ids work which appears in thelatest Britanica. The pamphlets issued by the Fed- eral Government, at Ottawa, clearly point out that Prof MacLeonan and his associates centred their work near the city of Hamilton. Opt., and near Calgary Alta , the latter place re- eeloIng much more attention. The professor Is given no direct mention In the latest Britanica pub- lished in 1322, but under sernautics, the following Interesting information is given -(Page 60, coltwo. vol. 30.) "Helium. The main supplies are. tOweVer; In the natural gas in Texaa, and In Canada, near Ontario" But the richest yet discovered try writer le 4 the third volume the latest Everyman Encyclopedia.411 le herd to think that modern British men of lettere would he unaware of the delightful poems by our fellow Canadian, Robert W. Service. He. like Prof. MacLennan, Is given no item in either the Britannic* or the Everyman, but on page 267. at the end of a fourteen column article on Canada, the writer is Informed that: "There is no doubt that a great hi - hire awaits Canada. Consult the Poems of linters. Bliss Carman and; Robert Surface." Toronto Star Weekly. tes•s•WWIIIIIINWestraomffiewONIIIIIPWWffiellad oS w FEBRUARY LINEN t7',44:: ...._,. -1',:7441FirrP'"-- ..c. ..4 Floral, chintz -covered, quilted and Table Linens Comforters 60 x 62 -inches wide, extra heavy. well made, white cotton filled. Size all -pure linen unbleached Damask; will bleach beautifully and give almost end- r..95 and •$4 95 ICU wear. Regularly worth $1.2 6esc6 x.Ei7d2e'r At Downornforters, English . $2.00. On sale, per yard.... make satin covered. At each Bleached Satin Damask Tahlinr _ ' heavy, all pure linen, 70-iches wide, neat patterns. February sale $1.50 Dual Official Languages. The rule respecting the use of the English and the French language to the Parliament of Canada and the Legislature of Quebec, in the courts of Canada and the Courts of Quebec, is laid down in section 133 of the which is tke written coitstitutton British North America- Act of 111671 the Dominion. Section 133 read.: "Either the English or the French language may be used by any person! In the debates of the House of the! Parliament of Canada and of the' ,-.Houses of the Legislature of Quebec; 'nd both those languages shall be, used In the respective journals of , those Housee; and either of those, sin languages may be used by any per- . on or In any pleading or procems or homing from any court of Canada established under this Act, and in or troprob.ael.i. or any of the courts of Qu The effect of this section is that either language may be used In de- bates In the Parliament of Canada and In the Legislature of Quebec, but the journ•ls of these bodies must be kept In both these tanglazes. And either of these languau-s may be used In the courts of Canada and ia the courts of Quebec. By the term. 'court of Canada," is meant a federal court. of which There are only three, namely, the Supreme Court of Can- ada which is a court of appeal for the whole Dominion, the Exchequer Court, In which the claim of the in- dividul .•inat the Crown are tried, and the Vice -Admiralty Court. All other courtp are provincial, and in all these provincial courts, except those of the Province of Quebec, there is only one official language, namely, English. Mercerised Irish Table Damask, 62 inches wide, heavy fine quality, washes and wears splendidly and fine ap- pearance. Regular $1.25, at per yd Irish Linen, for Drawing Plain, for lunch cloths, tea cloths, doilies, etc., in 36, 38, 45 and 54-nch. At pEr yard $1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25 F. tt. Gingham, for Dresses 32 -inches wide, English Gingham., --slikiidid-quality7-ii a new exquisite range of color effects; plaids and broken effects in all size checks; colors fast, pinks, blues, mauves, reds, grays, pur- ples, orang, pumpkin yellow, etc, floc etc. At per yard • ,Spool Cotton 4."%.19 Coats' best 6 -cord 200 yards, Spool Cotton, black or white, every num- Underwear ---, ber 10 to 100. 2 for I JC Sheetings s l prtisn. Stanfield and Penman s Underwear ormen and women. Select choice of weghsad qualities. All at February . 8I -inch, best quality bleached Sheet - Blankets plain or twAl. Oniale 984. White Scarlet Grey quality. Two specials on sale this week at per yard 19c and 23c Bleached Cheese Cloth or Butter Cloth, 500 yards on sale. Re- / 2t gular 10c at per yard I 40-ic bleached Pillow Cot- 30c ton. At per yard Grey, all pure wool, with fancy border, largest double bed size, $6 50 extra heavy. At per pair.... • White, of ptIrest select wool; fancy blue Or pink borders and whipped singly; large size, best quality. At per SQ 05 pair.. ,, - - - - Butterick Patterns for early spring all now in stock. Butterick Spring Quarterly is, we believe, the most instructive magazine in publication today. Every infor- mation given in it as to materia!s, quantity required for any garment and how to proceed in making up. Butterick Spring Quarterly and the Delineator on sale at Pattern Counter. aim HARD ON BABY - The 'stormy., hirtsterv weather whirit we helve Febniary and March -is extremely hard on children. rendi- tion* make it twee/nary for the mott.- er to keep them In the 11011/4P. They are often entrained to overheated. bad- ly ventilated rooms and eateh cololoo which rack their Who'e asateru. To mord Against this box of 'Rally's Own Tablets vl id he kept in the house and 11 04•411.10114 I 114P1*' 011.11 II., baby to keep its st lllll itch and !ample working regularly. Thls will not fail to break up voids and keep the health of the baby in good isontli Pion till the brighter dap. corm. along. 1.114'• TIC11'01 are sold by medicine' dealers or hy mall at 23 emits a box from The fir. Wil Ma ma Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Almost Never. fir IAN, of the fnct that many a politician m111 mit Ills foot In his mouth. it seldom sfoem the flow of gem - New Orleans. 14(1414*. • • • l'rel dent hal prospects are a [feet ed by the oil arm'eso eh ?ins become a A Willing Worker -Afoy unemployment In this pert of the emintrr?" il .- sitit•nt•r441 1:Arviier l'oro- leading Penie 111 Voided Stitt,. politics , „The only 1.1-1.i111.111 Coolidge is not pereeonally at.; In nn MI ttimlin'e p'eles. Is a barrel of ifelled, but aa fornier Reptib:Ican to e44;"-Walidngton War. tiling therm 'refl.- 4"".1'''ITE•.`3,4191iio o14,,,4<r- 4. or Radio Lh(ka Taken. Wireless telegraph stations at Dawson and Mayo in the Yukon Ter- ritory were opened for bgloss. a few days ago. These are the first radio posts established north of Edeaconton and are a part of the great system planned by the Government to link up the vast northland with the rest 01 (11. Dominion of Canada. For the present. the Government telegraph land line forms the con- necting link between Dawson and the outside world. Next year. Govern- ment radio stations will be Installed at Fort Simpeon on the Mackensle river and at McMurray. Alberta, to connect up with Edmonton; and the following year it la planned to estab- lish stations at Fort Smith, Fort Nor- man, and Aklavit, thus completing the chain to the Arctic Coast. Gold Commisaioner 0. P. MacKen- zie, chief executive of the Yukon Ter- ritory, sent the first message congra- tulating the cltizens of Mayo distrlet on the achievement, and a prompt re- ply was receIved from Mayo. The first message from the south was from cam. George Black, MP., for the Yukon. It was carried over the land IIne, to Dawson and then transmitted b dio to Mayo. Wiser* Braking Is An Asioet. Out In the Northern Rockies aad the Coast Range, where trains are driven by the superpower of white ▪ aa the engine tops a divide for the long descent Into the valley. the mien In the cab makes a few careful adjustments of levers, and the train glides smoothly down under perfect eontrol. The engine.* motors, which drew the cars upgrade, have been transformed into generators. The foreetf that downward moving train Is making electricity and Miffing It back on the power 'las. On any steam railroad braking is a liablIttv; If costa Ironer. But nn an electric road braking IN an *moot So omperpower nooks. protil out of waste. por^F707.701.144+4r, Ir ---14711P, 17,5ijr.Q1 • q147:44. ;14,7 ••••- Feels Fit as a Fiddle C. N. R. Man Gets Quirk Relief from Long !Vending Ailments and Gives .%Il the (rdit to ')ree°. Your holly clemande two thinse to he really PO 11'111. Nourishment and sleep. Dreco will tone and regulate your systein No that these two impor- tant demands of Nature ure yours in full measure. That la whet It did for Mr. T. .1. Woodcock, of 340 (ale - (Ionia Street, Stratford. Ont. -The first bottle of Moro brought eiimierful termite.- eays Mr. Wood- ( !.. "The p.tizi. pit of mf stomach that annoyed ale tet utuch. disappearetLentirely and now that ray food in digesting properly. I eon feel mreelf getting stronger every day. Anti another big thing_la that I van novo go to bed and Atop "Ike d loaby. m411.4110)(1 all night. can truthfully may that I am feeling like my old tiff* self again. Ths nks to the wonderful corrective propee.. rtiof Dresh. which I do not hem. Nate to recompute! to all who are weak, run down. nervous and wafter- ing' Dreco contain,' no mercury. potah s or habit forming dritio. It 1. 11111111' moiety front herb". roots, bark and lessees and is safe told reliable. at ail tiillreePs‘. o Is being special!) introeloced in Goderieh by 11. (' .1)uniop. and is sold by a good (huge,: even u here. The Secret et Sows. hatTweret ar-suceesir Nike the Spinx. "Pugh." paid the Button. "Take Paine," /Will the Win414-m. "Alwayos keep cool." said the lee "Ile up to date.- .411111 the Calendar. "Never low your head." maid the Barrel. "Make light of evrthing.•• the Flre. "Do i driving bulginess said Ilse "Aitplre to --Yer things." AM" the Nutmeg. Find a good thing and slick 10 It." wild tin. Glue. Such a Delicate Instrument The little girl. with ehildlike frank- ness, atom talking family affairs at the nelgthie.em. "Mamma wouldn't pay the telephone NIL " she sold. "and palm 'wouldn't pay it, and olio now the phone in mit of onter."- Boston Transeript. lloihing to eokal A NAP b' - KING P C flratristflfruisz -1 TE fee AIM sods elms tow 4'w..". isry, Urrippi 44, ifted'O.L.:'ier•••,, le so wm.4s:14 email" sod pro L _ . o.• r..! ear el the oot Volum poem ; • to -s ess:'..r.e 1 inKaLl the's.reslimerr L. It 1.1•4..• se opr sie41 1 CHI ,1•44P. •-• I Eas Ammo a .....4..J.11tnruai. 1r • sea isaitatos.' r.:11.75 1.COIENT Unr:3 Vionnewth, t" S. The Month of Bar ams ! • February is the month of extraordinary bargains on winter goothiriita ladies and gentlemen. Spring merchandise must find space on our shelves; that space must be made through the clearing out of winter goods. We may have just what you are looking for. Call in any time; you are welcome. Men's Sweater Coats All -wool, check patterns. Regular $5.50, For $3.95 Anderson's Ginghams We are ready to meet your wants in Ginghams, Drapery and Chintz. All at reasonable prices in stylish patterns. Just a Few Ladies' Coats Left! - We don't wish to carry over any of our Ladies' Winter Coats and our stock is getting low. If you are in need of a coat don't fail to come in and look over those few that we have left. The prices are indeed attractive. A. CORNFIELD- LADIES' AND GFNTS' FURNISHINGS West Side of Square .yro11,r,14 41111•9.31, ",747A, .• s•r • '044f,r.„ GODERICH fti•A 1,,Vire,Yr-.7WPAAV.r. ktrr:4:20mmisammaimia, limumusisio, • • 4"