HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-14, Page 14
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of The Signal. It will be a good one -
Watch for it.
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Job Printing
The Signal is prepared to do all kinds
of Job Printing at reasonable prices.
For your next order
Telephone 35
Present Deficiencies in Service
10 be Eliminated at
Moderate Cost
Vi'at.invorke development In Ontario
with partsenlar referenee to Goderieh
was the subject ehoeen by E. H. Dar-
liug. M. IC., of liamiltote for • brief
talk to the Liens. Club at Its regular
hlaeboon last 'Friday noon. At the out-
let of hie remarks Mr. Darling potnt-
fed out that any lorge waterworks
i. Usually undertak-
en at the Initiation of the Provin-
cial Beare of Heleth While the deris-
1011$ and orders. of the boom! may teem
Vitality, h.. said. the board le doing •
splendid work in Ontario today. No
Individual militielitallty could maintain
the laboratories or @staff of experts
that -the Provincal Board doe. and
thus real eerviee hi secured it cow• -
partitively .mall coat.
ebiltinning Mr. Darling pointed out
that lioderich woo a port of entry
and a dierietaing point for Westeru
riled with what ease a
• typhoid tatient on one of the bunt
entering the harbor might be the means
of taneading the di...lute throughout
this portion of the Province. or how,
vice ver**. n typhoid patient In Gale -
ria' Might remit in the spreading of
the dim:Ilse up and down the lakes.
Thu., it watt in the interests of the,
Province ao a *hole that the water
and %unitary eendition4 at Otelerich
'should le correct.
The .peaker Hien" ennMeratedfrom
tee prat -deal knowledge of our writer
• ,'item five deficiencies in that eyntem
a. It in at present opeested. an fel-
lawn: Lack of eater. the supply ti
!laded. with all. the lake there to
draw from the intake is Ito email that
It sloes not pre enough water to feed
five the intake Lad hem hum
to invite trouble from ; the intake
had ,been located ineeie the brook -
'otter arid thus we. euhjeet 10 .111 the
drif. from the harbor and river, testa
of the water have shown that at any
time it la none too pure while at
ether. it le even contaminating; the
intake bovine been rived 00 close
to the shore the water secured wan
e nvoy. !middy and full of 'sediment,
the nedimentatIon basin had lost a
large part of 'Its efficieticy In thls
✓ e...wet due to the lowering of the
lake level; the water pressure is var-
iable. unlees the immix are going al-
most contimumsly the pr....wire droptt
and there 1. n.• reserve in the etand-
pipe. for when the pumps' are stopped
the water fall., twenty-five or thirty
feet in the pipe and the pressure
is off.
The rebuilding of the Intake is
then tbe fir.t step In improving the
renem, declared Mr. Darling The
24.inch pipe being installed will mop-
- pia ten or twelve times aa much
wner as the town ever t.,.& even
were the lake level twcor three
feet lower than It sr preeent.
The new intake is to he placed out -
tilde tbe breakwater at a point, from
a elope study of the existing eur-
rent... that la freest from the effect*
of the currents in local waters. The
design in the very latest to over-
come troubles with lee, while tbe, feet
of its being placed beyond the break.
water will. to some extent at leael,
eliminate the roily and muddy con-
dition 'of the water Further filtra-
tion ironid purify the water and get
rid of the turbidity, so that the town
could be supplled with pure spark-
ling weter. The conetrnetion of a
new tank tower would make possible
sufficient reserve en that It would
not be necessary to hare the pumps+
working practically all the time aa itt
propene. Thum tbe peak load would
rates vmuld time be lowered.
be lessened end the light and power
Mr. Darling then quoted from
INftires_siven film by Town Clerk
L. lia0x and otber 1 lure. of his
own to /how that the cost of carry-
ing and paying off the debenture
charger' on *60,000, the erttnated
core of the new intake, would amount
to 10 cents per mouth per capita,
the price of two kw cream cone* an
be pot it; for a family of five this
w ould amount to 16 or 17 per year.
The water rater' wood bet inereed
from about $8.50 to $10,60or ap-
iiiev°eraat that the rate wouki be erY 1'
teary twenty-five per cent.
low In comparison with wbat other
towns have to pay for their water
tropply: Preterits $14; Kincardine,
$15.50; flmithei Tana. *10.60. The
lait-named towu. Mr Darting said,
P • had recently made lanerrovementa In
Its system at a core of between
$180.090 and $140.000. whieh it was
carrying with an Increase of about
twenty per cent. in the ester raters.
• Tor $18 or 819 a year, what we pay
• in Hamiltondeclared the 'meeker.
you In Goderich could have the new
intake, now filter system and new
tank tower. Within a year or two
debenture* expire which will relieve
the kcal commission 01 the sensual
payment of $700 0 yon nave 31
a day on the cost of operation of
the •waterworbs plant. asserted Kr.
Darling. It is equivalent to paying off
of $4.500 of debenture* in a year; if
you can save the salary of one man
at 95 cents an hour for a year It is
equivalent to paying off SIAM of de-
benture,. The operstMs of ono a
the nvw•till* liallabie mean*
flee poo Mat. greater ; on
1010 'AulPOWOr that ammo flee to
ten bonteperrer; Mum ladies $400
per leer. sad that SWUM Meets the
peronista or sumac bad awl Inters
• 't."
eat on • debenture issue of 15,000.
The gasoline pump costs $2,600. In
seen • way the commission (amid af
lard to inertial the gasoline pump and
then be 32.500 to the good.
in concluding Isla address lir.
Darling expressed the opinion that
In another generation water I./serum
and sewage treatment would be per-
fected In Ontario towns and cities and
at tem coat than they are paying to-
day fur my imperfect 'Irma,
An opportunity awn iti.eldoin
Comes to the people of Goderieh and
district Ls presented by the great Rye
times' Sale announced by Air. W. C.
Pridhesu on peer 4 of this hawse of The
Signal. Mr. Priebe= removes alhortly
to new premiere on the wast aide of
the Square, sad in order to reduce
him stork be la giving the public creep-
tional motley -saving opportunities; In
the purchase of Suite. Overcoat... and
marry other Linen of elen's And Boys'
Furnishings. The Pridham store bars
always had a reptitation for the high
quality of its warty. so timer who
take advantage of this sale will find
superior quality mated to low prices --
a combination which should be an ir
reebetible attraction
Tide sale commences Saturday next.
February 16th, and clues Tweday.
February- 29h. Ison't 11.',s th.• theta*
to mike your dolhirs d. lonble duty.
Crown Life Insurance Comptes Haa
Gratifying Retard fer Peg Year
The annual meeting of ape Crown
Life Neurones, Company wile held on
Monday. Pebrnary 4th. at the l'om-
penyas head office at 59 Yong'. atreet.
Toronto. The president, Mr. G. T.
Somers. presided and the financial
otatement was read by the general
manager. lir. II. R. Stepheneou.
Applications for new polities dur-
ing 1923 totalled *15.123.290. an in-
crease of nearly fifty per cent, over
the previews year. Policies' were M-
itred to tbe amount of $13.840.920 and
the total hisurenee In force at Decem-
ber 31nt hint was $42375,180, being an
increase, of $7.715.134 mere than
tsventy-two per cent. dining the twelve
The 'poets totalled $5,472.066.94. of
whish first mortgages on real create
amounted to 32.527.895.21, and on this,
large amount only $7,311.94 of interest
was outstanding. Government and
municipal bowie amounted to 31,337,-
The east premium income was ale
362.37R.31 and the cash intereit Weems.
C237.46202. The average rate of in-
tereed earned wu 7.02 per cent.
The sum of 1554,0964.00 was sdded to
the policyholders reserve fund, whieh
now amount* to $4,41S7973, to addition
to $76.381.20 of allotted surplus
allotted surplus etando at $470.277.-
43. Dividends paid to policyholders
were $70.452.52
The Reale of policyholder!' dividends
has again been raised, the 011ie ad-
verice tieing made as was made a roar
ago. Profits paid in 1924 will accord-
ingly he twenty-edght per cent. greater
Ikea were paid on corresponding
Iciem in 1922.
In moving the adoption of the re-
port President G. T. Somers said in
part: "Our Company is growing very
rapidly, the net increase in insurance
placed on our books during the pant
five yeerts exceeds by almost fifty per
cent. that of tbe years 1901 to
combined. Lest you should fear that
thin large amount of new business has
been obtained aLan exceenve eoet
harden to siesure7ou that our expense
ratio, which in recent years has been
quite low, has again declined and le
in fact one a tbe low
•"Our *mete are well distributed
and In excellent condition and our In-
terest yield is certainly most isatInfac-
tory. Tbe peer-increesing returns to
policyholders; by way of deldende can-
not fail to be gratifying to them and
helpful to our field force. We are con-
fident of continuing during 1924 the
splendid progress reflected in this;
BELFAST, February 12. --air. Jae.
Henry left for Toronto one day last
Mr. James Alton ham eetorned home
after spending a few daps with his son
Charles.. of Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. James Cook spent an
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dwart Taylor. of Ieseknow.
Miss Tillie Flackett spent a few days
'fiat week with friends at Ripley.
Jame,' Culbert. of MAI/PkIfOr. WAR
prefixing hay for Roy Irwin one day
last week.
Mr. and lire George Renter and
family, of Zion, /Tent Friday late at
the home of Mrand lira. Joseph
Stews Robert and Irwin Henry
made a Airiness trip to Westfield last
Mr Robert Nelson. of Currie's
Cornersvisited at John Ifnllan'a one
day recently.
Mr and Mrs. Will Lane and
Of TAMS, spent a day recently at the
home of Mrs. David Hackett.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Minter and
danabter, of Zion, visited with her
game% Mr. sad Mrs. Jekm oenetonen.
lest wee.
tillilkineese -0 74'1 7,
e News of the Town
'Me Dates et Helblays t t Attended Heuer Opening I Humber Lulus Like the Villamer
The holidays in 1W24 fall on the fol- , Mr and mra W. '1'. Murie-y elille In Th.. rink tournament Nang held by
lowing date*: Good Icriaay, Apra 18ed
; , Teronto la week attned the op- the Goderien curling club will be vow -
Empire Day, elaturdey, May 24 King 1 Nang of the Legialatnre. in el ,1011ii IlY Illei ed MK week. Chartee Uumber's
Birthday. Tueeday, June 3; Dominion i wise Mr. It )1. %Vials., M. P. l'.. and rink looks to b.- the winner with a
.10:, -1
I ir."'"vr,...'
SEMPORTII ARE I gether and Govenlork found the teas*
16•shvia G*** --L1111416 I/6 Ili Saddel° the swore at five all on guar from die
Death et\ ----i-aisi Clinton
gROUP WINNERS behiod ldleDonald for hie third Usti sit
clotting mInntee i the mrsech and tied
sticks of Chase •nd Pex.
the period. flocktrIeh rallied In that
tindertb Toe Streeg
i Though they ha the yeeiferows sap -
After about five muswee' piny in tea
Ilisi'tretrined.1 eateh.7. lvetIA'w. ntesirimam'eetnhteuindts.eval final period Fosun a fret Mot. twat
to Seaforth in a eudden-deeth cane Snewart for a gut and the Gedericti
at Pintos Monday night to devisee a tans again perked up on the urea.*
Day, Tusteday, July 1; Labor Day, , Mite Wigle.
_Mentlal. September 1; Thankegiving '
oar. MaltdaY. Nevember 10; and Nor* Hares WM1 Cielite Herr 714.:r.l:iehD4f.r.1,""rnintkyS ii?"1:"1::;nnlin"g-
-•-d-r"-14--0.--44`--1"-•41"` 4•410416--v90"41. 11.--trennecherdesinteteritlem-Vbr find"- IllWeeterser .Ilkaiforth on what took -
basing group winner by the swore of $ to t3. ot a enelemi wee. Hay, 4,4 K,,,,for.
'le""`11 ech ?sextette we, leading :by one or two .4t1 like a glaring offaide inv. A. Kent
t•hrintaaas Day. Thursday. December Repreeenting 1.. 0. L No. la'.. with fifteen potato: be thus neseits a
tang vieiteei North Huron (smutty point.. to top the live Oahu on two or three oncsione but
and Hays west does tottether and
linews. Jos. V eNvorin and A T. Keit- vis•tory with a ph.. -*ore of five the ye.now and Mace being a lieuvier ,ii.," 14„‘,1 in what prowd to big
teem outlasted -them on tbe stk•ke iee the winning tally in moocher ono od
Kate Meeting Adjourned Lodge at its antt00l meeting en Tue..: , The more. for the third roiled were faGeorge Hiller, of linetwoer-those there scriromagea" fto
'The oseetiag of the Goderieh rra. stay withn • invitation to join South n., follows:
attain handled the bell. He caught n• make le look better Reg. Reid. Melte
suree. , eet
time and Peeing Aprocietion, which Huron in eeiebrsting ChiP 1201. of July 1 lligginsen 17. Iltophey itt numerable uffelde Oilv. and likke. but captain of the yeliew and Meek, Korea
number eight.
WAR Tipli•Risy evening, sa4S4 ad. this year in Goderien. 'The invitation . Walters 13, moraw
Allan Reid. playing on the defence for
ary 19th, when it in hoped there win membere of the local lodge at to-uignes
was aerephel. A tali attendance of I sy.monda 17, teuele„n 1. Seaf
Humber ln, Reid 9. ert h. re away with altogether too
\jourued unit! Tuesday ere -ming, irettru
be a (niter attendance of the member, meeting le tleaired• no that PrePara The draw for the fourthe
rtunt is'laaree
trrftufoh '
srk1. ta.oerivrgirblinsewhoia
The election of officers fur 1924. at, tions fer tbe celehratiou may be put a, eeiewa:. • aol Kerslake were the limed for tbe
well as other businese twill In- toa
wrd. la bend Wallas*. vs. Fisher.
ed with next Tueetlny night.
Known in Goderieh
Th.- brick building and newspaper
pilot of The Norwood Register. own-
ed by Mr J ('. Keefer, was deetroyed
by fire last week. Mr. Keefer i,
known In Goderich, hi. wife being A
sieter of Mrs. A J. Paltridge of
town, and both having %ieitssl their
reletlue busk, 14j, tkelerieh frienns
hope he will aufee no +writes. interrup-
tion of bwaness
• "The King'. Eaglieb"
• The annuml meeting of the thine
and flehool Club of Victoria school will
tw held on friday. February 15th. at
8 o'clock, in the kindergarten room.
Mile Ross, or Exeter, will give an
address on "The King's Engli.h."
and In addittins7tberetyr1ll 8..mime
musical numbers.' A hearty inritatiog
ie extended to everyone. _
W. E. Ellistt Is Seeretary
The Press Gallery of the mtario
Legislature. at the annual meeting
of ite member.. hold laet Friday after-
noon. unanimously re-eh.ted Sir
Adam Beck an honorary president of
their orgartization. The following
other oMeerwere elected: President.
N. M. Meleod. of The Mail and Em-
pire; the -president. C. Sabiston. of
The Evening Telegram; secretary. W.
E. El tott. of' The London Free Frees;
treaeurer, Paul Dowling, of The Tor-
onto Globe
Pollee Court Notes
There were thirteen caeca In
Police Court before Mairistrate C A
Reid during the month of January.
The total amount of fine-. was *145.
afagetrate's fee. totalled *17.75:
eonatablee tem, $02.76. Of the noes
aftveseed 3110 went to the count!'
treasury and 35 to the town of (lode.
On December 23rd last while driv-
ing hie car on the main atreet of Sea -
forth Peter Itegenell, of Mitchell, ran
into Mr Brown, injuring him oerious-
ly. Ikgeo.1. wes fined *100 end
comm under sectlon 247 of the crim-
inal code It is understood be paid
Mr Rrown'e hospital bill and damage,
to the extent of *250.
Water and Light i'omnMeeion
At Its regular meeting last l'hurs-
day night the water and tight com-
mission passed a number of apptica-
dons for electric light **Tyke., and
transferred the account of the eater
department frees the Hank of Hamil-
ton' to the Union Bank, where ie also
the 'Agin department account. The
two aceounte Are to be kept separate
as before. however. The Commission
decided to teecure from the Olobe
Indemnity Company, through its agent,
John W. Cratgle, public liability and
property damage 1nm:trance for both
water and light departments. under it.
control The annual premium for the
Insurance being taken out by the corn
=legion In this connection amountto
about $275 per annum.
Over 295 Enrolled
The evening clause, under the
atispieen of the industrial 'committee
of the G. C 1 hoard and the personal
direction of Principal J. P. Hnmeare
now well under way for the winter
term for the ensuing tbree months.
The week of the CilOPOR in witch in•
"(ruction is given end by whom. the
;hotelier of <stamen and the number en -
toilet in each case are a* follown:-
Reektery. (leorge McLeod 4 85
Dresamaking, EreW. T 5 40
Cooking. ban F. Potter 1 16
Home Wareing. Dr. W. F Gellert 1 8
Fincy Knitting. 'Mrs. D. McNertn 3 24
Automobile Mecharrke. Reg.
Williams 2 15
Millinery. Mien if. N. Making 2 18
18 206
High Tea and Bazaar
A high tea and bazaar tinder the
'Inspirers of At. George's church Wo -
melte Guild will be held in the Mason-
ic Temple on Tharoday, February 2Rr1i.
The Women'., Miesdonary Society of
Knox (hutch will hold its regular
monthly meeting on 'Dworsky, February
19th, at 8.30 pm. An interfering pro-
gram bee been prepared by Mrtt. Mc-
Dertnid and Wm Fergution and the
executive are looking for a large at-
'Me Rome and Reboot Club of
Central school will bold its regular
meeting on Friday, February IfIth at
4 o'clock.
Come to Root "meth eholr concert
on Woodsy, February 25th.
'Pr "els
M. C. ('. Meeting ram} ,
The Menssetnng t'anoe Club'e mime-
ingparty on Tuesday evening was * ilunilber a bye. Goderieb's Period
very enjoyable affair. After the *kat- , The standing. of tbe nine rink. at
The firnt eerie!, a. LI1 the game here
ing the party adjourned to the CIO the coneltedon of the third round. and Friday night. was alt GotleriAlk (hitt-
roome where members anti their lady Including Ilumber's hyeecore 01 five scored unaesisted. follow -lag up his
friend,. to the number of Sete or point. in the fourth round, Is at. fee been ethoundafter hardly tlirsa. min-
sni‘s1 liatndhlountsr..b Thande agsf,tne"wraal reoinds (m141entert- 12; WHiiiiet‘ 9: Relit 7: Iligginson .4 essonds loner on low idiot et the
lowe: limber 20; Fisher 15; Brophey .
_ tees' easy. liaym tied the vomit an fen
ea. that the retest eliould be repeateueefeameeeee Arum& ''• oisteplusi
af art flirtydale.
Symonds $44 litulniton.
Brophey Megaw.
Reid r... Canapien.-
e inners. while Genetic and Itronfth
starred for the loser.. Angie Melbeutid
iu goal puliset off at number ef stew-
eseninr eaves..
implies* Raring Amendment Calegiate Mani Inaugural
The inaugural meeting of the (lob'
rieht ('idlegiate Inetitute Board WAR
11011.1 u,i WPtilteNday Art11110011 of list
week. when the following officera nnd
committees were appointed: Chair -
num. Rev. J. E. ford; secretary. J i
I'. Hume; treasurer, Willie ni Lane ;
property 4%onimittee, j'. M. Itolterbion, '
Itr. T. Etunwrson, J. J. Robertson.
Rev. 1. g„ Fedi; supply committee.
1'. J. IfacEman. .1.. L. Killoran. J. W. ,
Fre.er. Dr. Harold Tnyier; industrial
smittee. J. W. Fraser. J. L. En-
terer). Dr. A. T Emmerson. P. .1.
Ala. -Ewan; finant. OMR111114*. Rev. .1.
E. Ford. 1'1- M. ftoberteen. P. J. Mae -
Ewan. J. W. Fraser. Mes.re. ('. K.
Saunilern. C. A. Reid. John MurItot •
and T. H. Mitchel! were sehlett as
members of the industrial i•oinrolitee
in charge of the evening claws as
repre.entatives out -.id.. tite 1Pclaril
Important eatenduiews to the
comstittition of the 41.111110i14111 'Trot-
ting .1nd Paebig Harlot.. Rorer
seriatim' were effected of the annual
meting of the membersheld at itt.
l'rinee George Hotel. Torento. tart
Friday night. After conakierable
cussion the meeting resolved that In
the twee interests of harneae rasing in
Canada rule Mk of the constitution.
amended in 1920. should be re-
placed in It.t original form. Thin
provide.: "In determining the eli-
gibility of horses to compete in pub-
lic ram'. only the, record. of win-
ner. of races. %hal be coneidered.
Record.. made in perforommee
stgainst time. or trial,' of speed et
agricultural fair. and at other
meeting. where no publie betting
in allowed about' constitute a breed-
er', record, and ,hall tea be con-
sidered a bar to eligibility to race
Tide must be t way we looluke
Olt the weary frit from the rink tie •
the sietlea to take the train for boar.
The penalties wer healed sat1.
thusly: Pridliatu, Ge ux. Chase. r•g;
2; fereenlitek 2. A. lie .".2. The gutkt
. %ere ecore4 sus follows: \ Drone). FOE
2. t•hase 3; Kerslake, IL eitoiu 2. Hass
2. Goveuluck 3.. . ileore-ehy _perkier:
Seafortie 1-3; 5-5;' 14.41. The tested
lined up as follow': Gieterieb--Goel.
'Melton:1bl; defence. Fox, Prialiam; Ter-
mite:is, tferoux, Chase. Itrotigh; subs*.
airs. Redditt, is to he congratulated
Man Trotting and Peeing Illaftless that the plans &rut *petrification., for
carnival put on under Ito auepicea
eotially large number who Wcfl` not in of North street Methodist chureh. Le
costume. The judging of the costumer leaving ton -ti. having received appolut-
previded that -tee ageheiltural we
nociations an, .mernher• of the (NMI -
at the West street rink Saturday af-
ternoon. The event was R very happy
one. both for the many children who Mr. D. H. Weston, for the
comic. ten to fourteen, Gladys Shore, Mt` departure of Mr SN'stn from.
Mew Asestsele• on." fthe
torte school. under the pr.-aldency of meting of re town e 41 od s.
were "dreeled up' end for an Rh:00V
prite winners were as follows.: (Arlo-- : Mr. Weston, who came to North ,„
upon 5)4 entrees of the, children's be present.
wan done by Miss Powell and Mite ment a.t oreiniet of the Methodist ..
Hunter. of the G. C I. staff, Mr. Wm. ' church at Paris. Ont., where 'be am- ,,..._, ,e,,,
Weir, and Mr. -C. -en. Nairn. The , sumer,' bis new duties. March tat next. ''''''''" f''''''' mi"114`41w gegi`AIF
teen, Dorothy Walters. Erelyn (.1.1aric: 17010PO.
Fans -7, under ten, 'Mabel Edwarda. :tempt churee from the Presbyterian 11."'
Peggy Pankow; : comic, under ten. 1 church, Fergie., will hare under him
wing Itoggarth; fancy, ten to fonr- ' direction in Paris a choir of over forty
- •--- 'Cbildrma's -gangnio
The Hume end *boot Club of Vie10
_ and ertetion of li two-stery addition pi. --k Hera,* Ha, weencoe-repeyink to . A -epreiel----c„----ae- ie. won
1 A eommunicati.on wile received from
gated the chairman to arrange si joint
Wife beets completed. The board dele.
S. B. Coon. of Toronto, intimating
board at which Mr. Coon eine would .
three years organist and etioIrnisteter rPaPINIae 11.) "Idel''
Me. D. H. Weston Leaving
_ g of e present n an
tx.1,4 kirk by rapping his Ntlek 4/11 thY lt% in
1 nuinter two. Drone!' got the third tiantie,
Chair who on • high allot nobly"'
goal himself on a -high shot which ho
(1 his own men with. him. •viovite
promptly plowed pwaseision of the puck
end Itrough combined nieely. Browder;
tomer of :the net. Atmeit five.mlnutes
elapsed before -Itroterli *upped tbe th•orge ifiller. Kitchener.
let fire ferns the corner of the rink.
The period closed with Seating!' eery
to les "friendly 'enemy. Itehinmon
Tile second GODER1C11 WAS ON TOP-
Senfortit (''entei Bark
stanza in its opening
thinking It ?AA one,
A. Is -ant tied up the group last Fri-
day night when they trimmed Sea -
Loral Intermediate, Tie I p Group By
forth, 5-4. 1111th the exeeption of ten
rink the Goderkit internenliete 0. EL
lake; .ib.. Smith. Hays.. He nen--
wtly MO front r 11..; 04# rk 11 e0 1" . el.
tingent on laud. .
Stewart ; define.% Cedmore, A.\ Reid;
forwardm, Govenloek. It. itelid.Kene
5-4 Victory in Thrilling Exhi- ..
In one of the •faetest games a
14..r.rta also bad a large -
Ammar -tir-Arosr serest
,•%.'"Mtill.1.. 7
P lit - ter
e '.....
scrill".:0- _
Robinson. lieck. rinafmals-4j.5
Helen Itaechier; fancy, over fourteen. Goderieh means 11 die:tine inS41 to the minuteri wait -featured by end to end minutes; In the second period the red
and white were an over the vieitore
efeat. • erase.
Jean Ilathieson, A. McKenzie; nation- mustiest talent of the town. The '11Dilly the brilliant goalttending of
der ten, Douglas Clark. John Persona: in North street church under his per -
al, Olive Young. Bort-Comic, un- Trovatore" and "Famt" coneerts given d
fancy, under ten, D. Middleton, Ted I conal direction will he emeriti...red for 4 Wiliki
- Stewart saving them from a criesigIng
A Splendid Settee,
Plant: comicten to fourteen. J. Black.' some time by mutssiveloretas as being at. .11111er. uL littehener who
Ian Whey; finer, ten to fourteen. :of a very high order. The promising
Willie Halter, Harold Doak; fancy.' six -piece. orcheetra which- Mr. W,..ton . to the malefaction of players and RPPC.:
handled the genie me referee. did es
over fourteen. Jack Salkeld; boys' I organized gild trained during his stay tittorm alike; his work wits splendid.
skater+, notked woe Mr. Alex Saunders. :cal ability. Further, he had the rem-. 44 iAit Winded out it was not so much thit
While there were thirteen penalties
national. SHIA Wakens. Among the; here is anot1.'r indication of his toted -
the veteran chairman of the school ration of playing most delightful tiw content wax rough an that
ever. While
little roluntariee on the organ.
cwit. determined to. keep it absolutely
and Kanter Haydn Weettin starred on tel penalts
\ . lean . Hiller's' work was In every way
edit quite yonng Mhos 1.011iAP 1.
The 0041Pfiet1 mitolle library hoard oertts given in the church or Sunday rt." \ ieand offside pla.
Public Library Inaugural different oceileionts ay pianists at eon- -1.-- impartial end without a fault. both
held its inaugural meeting liattirday echool. Ilnydn showing marked ability Goderich'm IFIrst Period
Met -dente Hell- end Mr. Terence Kidd
re -appointed chairman of the boardmuc
. h wired . _14 m.3.5 when Hiller dropped taw puek beKerslake
I'd n furl Gervux. Gude.
evening. when Rev. J. E. Ford wan on the chimes. They, too. will he The game got started late, it being
- .
rdeb preeeed the yellow and black•and
a -ere re-appohited treasurer ands.ere-
etry. reapectivelyThe follwing co
. ome Wake Contract LS. i
. -
fkeoux wan rilmoet through for ii goal,
A. 1tPifi. J. E Tom. T. Kidd; 'novae. a Toronto. was the euceeteeful firm P.:2••
_ _:---„,-. but Stewart sat on the puck. rive
• minutes,leter Brough slipped the puck
mittens; were appointee: Flamm C. The Federal Conetruction Company.
over to Gomm, who swiped It In for
R. Stotiehouae, Miss I. E. Sharman, in tendering for the contract of in -
r• the first tally of the Kant. Old -
Mr*: K. 3- Phelan: book' Mien tibia' stalling the new 24 -Inch 2000 -foot in• --BUT YELL IX/WN
ma'n and the whole board. take pipe and crib into Lnke Huron more wile given a minitte's rest for
Th repo of the reasure
r gave P fleet spring. The water Nen wedult ended In eovonitekm Himwizen Me Seri fort h goa I *as
light .-- i playing football with the puck at a
following information an regards; the commisaion. in conjunction eith Engin- el ' meet-
ing in a acrimmage. Ile repeated just :
',seriously :In danger.. Chase went
board.. finances : E. H. Darling. St E., of ilansil- a fewueemineet"------ater'elL Reeeeid Itell°'!"1
Total rewire., 82.34972: ..pent on ton. opened the tendern`Friday after- su".*'"•,---- "•""' - 7e•
-Ty-through Orme for-- goat -intmtser-tve- -
purchase, of booke $5‘2.74; ealarien. neon and awarded the s'ontrect AR 'n" Govenloek went down to- on R pretty piece Of Individual work.
From a check off near (entre ise. Fox P -s,'---- ---1
beat Stewart for the third goal fee the i•
home team All 'hie, time the visitors
were bottled up in their end of the
rink. and 1111 for their defeuce it wan
wide open; they seemed utterly he -
wilds -eel. Jusl as the period closed
R. Reid and Heye broke the ice for
tienforth. bulging the twine behind An-
trum McDonald for their firer eonnter.
Sesfortb's Second Period
l'ete Solomon didn't appear on thir.
be at the heginning of the second
period and when after two mintitete
piny Senfortb elipeed in their see- .:'
end anal OR re three -nein eonatenatioa
pl A y hy Hers. Reid and ftovenlock. fie
I,,eal wetette stemmed ternpertirey dip-
oreettired. McDonald nerds i RPIIPA-
.?ick A. minute later Reid !leered. hut
t jou! .111-.• on a shot off R. Reid',
the play WAS called beck by the referee
a. being offside. When the visitors
tied the sore Jwtt a few minusea later
on R combination play by Haps and
iteie shine. lesiont to look not so
bright for the heeds Alet. !trough
,teamed np, howeverend hod Stewart
hadly worried during the last flee
minute* of the peritet taylne fire
Stet* on his Tiede In (pick ancteeielork
(Continued on page 10)
• .•„,•,"
On two oseseionn (hiring the Period
Remelt. 11/U4'11 to the delight of the
'spectators, teased a pew from Goven-
board. who "ems to be as young at
8619.72; fuel. $405.76; light and water. abore, the tender figure being $52.750.
411385; insuranee. *42 10, repairs', The work le to begun hy the Comore -
$107.19 ; total erpendituree. 821A639: tion Co. upon t he opening of navi-
balance ou hand. $183.33. ' gation and is to he completed within
The•report of the librarian, Mlss a period of neren weeks
Rome Aitken, eontainett the following 1 Information an to the other tendert.
etatietke for the year 1922; Ntnnher submitted in it.. follow... Robert ('at
of borrower,, 1413; new names on enn. Midland, $5s5s50 ; Roger Milier
borrowing Hat. 299; hooks added. for A Mons, Toronto (114 weekte. 892.2149;
adults 248for juveniles. 152; hooks. WPdP11 & Sounder!. Toronto. Is
donated. 12; hook. withdrawn, adult'. weele.), $41.996; Dunbar Sullivan
100, jnyenlies 110. The bnoks. taken Dredging Co, Detroit. (14 weektO.
ont during the year, 2597?) in num- $05790: A. (' seovart A Sone. Port
trerr,arwere.clar:tritfted as follows In the Dover (Pi a-tekse, 812480
ithinrim re
1 The fact that the Ft elera I Con nt rue
Genersil Adult Juvenile thin Co nntliertnok to have the work
10 completed in *even week'. time es
1'1111°e -oral, 154
1 artainnt eigh.een week. tin prep -eel h.,
Relleione .r: 98 76 A. c Stewart A Sone led the commis -
Natural Selente 70 80 Rion to award the contract as. it did.
lbefnI Arts , 74 468 1 though the tender ttf the latter firm
Fine Arts .0, 171
Magarines (home nee) 2.964
tAterature ..
Biography '
Reference, ' i` "'' 130
4,1 R44
4,913 was aseettated with the contractors in The some picture will do for the
116 previonsay retirnated the cold of the
106 ingtallation at from $55.000 to 300 000
Mt 1 Darling, who prepared ti plane and
71 mpeeleicationn for the new intake, had 1
48 1 monetary point of view. Engineer
75 we. eonmiderahly lower from 1 purely
r An intereating fart Le that artent ' This. picture reprementa the floderich
twenty flee yesirs ago A. C. Stewart erowd at the end of the firm period.
i,. .,,,,, ,
.10,,,,,,, 4,,, ,7:ri:,,w0,77,7 c_h7ares of the re -building +if the River lereforrh crowd fit the end of the
.-el" P" '44 '
S,005 Maitland breatwatt,::,%, 0,,,,, pubc,
. „ , ., , ,„. ,,,„, „„ 41,4 fi,144$ ,k $i
i ry.yr..+41.4' 4 ,1
$ 0F.V.,',...,„,,C,',..1".."...''''.'"
00 • 7.. *
r:"*" lr111141''P'"
7 It