HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-7, Page 4C Thursday, February 7, MA
Playing Cards
and Prizes
Valentines and
Valentine Novelties
Porter's Book Store
Sunday Afternoon
By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont.
t'uuna g.. t.r.ther: do cod sruwbie.
Though thy path is dark as alight ;
There's a star to guide the humble:
Trw•t iu God. and do the right.
Let the road be rough and dreary,
And its end far out of sight ;
Foot it bravely; strong or weary,
Trust in God and do the right.
Norman Vclnoxl,
our heavenly Father. we thank
Thee for the at«turauet we have that
Thou art not a God far -of but One
Who is near auto all those who ,illi
upon Thee, who call In sincerity and
in .truth- 114R -u' . » r' beseech
to face Ilfe s problems with eounagc.
believing that He who gives the
itasks will also give the strength and
greet. to meet and solve them. To
'Thee we would give lull the glory of
our life's servke through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Arnett.
though it were just another e1$pter
iu the Boot, alt !Neuter my. it waa
cnlbrh not lieanse Joshua was
the author. lint the promiueut figure
t hroughout It, patget . 11 ,.latah*
the hlst,try of Israel under the com-
mand and government of Joshua; and
eestablishing of religion among
Mem In today's leasaq we have
their ,•,tr:, ar into Caution begun.
Verse 1 -2 -The Call.
"\.o% Ortel rile death of ]loxes tuts
servant of the Lord. it twine to pass
that the lord ..pale unto Josluta, the
son of. Non. Moses' minister. saying
\he+w nu}' ,•moult is dead; now
therefore arise. go over tlds Jordan,
1l , .and all this peoere. undo ifie-
land which 1 do give to them, even to
the children °f, Israel."
"After the ,leant of Moses." In
i,uet :N '; w.• read how the chlldreu
of Israel wept for Moses thirty days,
so that 1t would be after this Interval
that the L,•rd spoke unto Joshua the
von of Nun. 411140•' minister. When
Mm:es ....elicited d the twelve men to faro
and spy out tike laud. out. of thou
W114 a ashy.,. t h,,• -on of NMI. It war
thou hi. noun., was eluu,g•vl to Joshua
m(w ring "(;,vi -,!p." From that
time onward he was in clove touch'
with Moses, tuconling his"aidesdt
Milli' as 'we would say. lied bad
spokes' to Montes concerning Aim: -
"Anti the Lord said unto Moses. Take
thee J,a,htra, they son of Nuh. 'a 'Mad
in whom is the' spirit, and lay thine
hand upon him" (Num. '27 :2S. s.
Now God spoke to Joshua directly,
saving. "Moaea my servant is dead."
11 luappa•ued just as Gal had decreed.
The children of Israel were encamp-
ed iu the plains of Moab by Jordan:
near Jericho. just in sight of the
promissl land. God had told Hosea
that .w1 eu he_1wd eaxn_tbe..land from
afar he would be gathered unto his
people (Num. 27:12. 13,. Gal not
only took notice of the death of I119
warrant Moors. but also of the one tit-
ter' to step into the vacant place of
leader. Honor and great power were
to be conferred on Jolum. but lie had
been in training and it is they who
have learnt to obey who are fittest to
role. The death of ou,• man makes
room for another and so the call of
"Arise" la heard again and again
1t was a call to particular service.
-Arise, go over this Jordan." It was
also a call to exercise faith. for at that
time of the year the Jordan was
flooded (l'hap. 3:15). Gal haring
said "go over" would open u way for
them to get into the land "which I -do
glee to them." When speaking to the
patriarchs it was promised, "I will
give it" but here 1t Is actually as
though they were in full possesllon,
"That have I gir'u nolo you" (verse
_ _ I
Bu, meets till trains. Calls made for
pases.g,•rs and baggage to any part of
the town. Prompt service guaranteed.
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Re..b•ati•e. Cambria 'load, opposite the
Organ Factory Office
Electric Wiring
We specialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let us give you an
estimate -kW wiring your It use
or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors
Dynamos, Electric Bells and
Burglar Alarm Systems
A;1 \V..tk G,••.r..utr. l
{',Nit, Iron and Toast by
We have an assortment et
the best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
Vaud St. - Plisse 251J
Cilia You Hear?
rel,eresboth Herd Norm sad Deaf -
sew Net rub a beck e1 era And
:asset is e..trila` Price 81.20
Fee Sok Everywhere.
interesting des riptove (old.r
sent Upton teetuese.
A. 0. LEONARD. ire.
7e alk Ave.
Note Yet*
1 —
S. S. LESSON FOR FEB 17th, 1924
1 soon Title-do.hua and the Cue -
quest of Canaan.
Leeson l'an,,,age-obeli. 1:1-9; 23:
Golden Telt-Josh. ,3:1I.
The book of J„shua begins as
:A Gleamy Mass of -Harr
35c "Danderine” does Wonders
for Any Girl's Hair
(.iris! Try this/ When combing and
dressineg your hair, just moisten your
hair brush with a little "Danderine" and
brush it through your hair. The effect
is startling! 'You can do your hair up
immediately and it will appear twice as
thick and heavy -a man of gleamy hair,
sparkling with life and possessing that
incomparable softness, freshness and
While beautifying the hair "Danderine"
is also toning and stimulating each sin -
1 gle hair to grow thick, long and strong.
Hair stop. falling out and dandruff die -
appears. (Tet a bottle of delightful, re-
freshing "Danderine" at any drug or
toilet counter and just zee how healthy
and youthful your hair becomes.
in lout. 11:24 we rind of'Gol tell-
ing Mores what the extent of the
country they were to Inherit would
be; and here in verses 3-5 that is re-
peated to Joshua. It is av though
God lad said, The whole land, not
excepting a foot's breadth." The
leading of the children of Israel into
such n great land way a great task
but God hastened, as k were, to assure
him by saiying "As I was with Moses,
so i will be with thee; I will not fail
thee, nor forsake thee."
Verse 5.9 -The Eneouragements.
The very arguments Joshua and
(pleb tried to persuade the people to
believe their report of the land they
bad gone to spy out, God here made
use of to encourage Joshua to go up
and settle the people and divide for
an inheritance the land, "whkh 1
.lie Point St. Charles (Montreal) shops d the Canadian National Railways bold tier h nag seat more NMI
~you titan tiny one industrial firm in Canada. Sia hundred of those veterans were irVse y by Lard w�
d ieg • wt to the shop,. the Governor-General shaking hands with And talking to Back man sdividaaiy with tb Dae d the
drawn up - tour ranks tate length of the erecting shop. The v pit shows Lord Brig staking Meads
WIC. * eft troop from left to t are: Majed P K.. Private Sees easy tate Governer-G"'�Ir
Ooprinterteknt of Motive Power. Canadian N Railways; Me. T.14.1 m D.C.M�I.t �s'-
PEll sae s( �s/a Caaadtaa National Railways, and His Eaoaibtey Lad Brag of Vitttt(y•
" Br•aeh1om. Ott. -"sur 1 web
to you for her my lumber why meet)
ty. wondered if
tees, would benefit
by your medicine. It
teas the most profit-
able action 1 have
ever taken, 1 heart-
ily assure you, for
through its results I
am relieved of most
of rely sufferings 1
have takensix boxes
of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's vegetable
Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia
E. Ptnkharn's Blood Medicine, and 1 can
honestly say 1 have never been so well
before. 1 had suffered from pains and
other troubled since I was fifteen years
old, and during the 'Greet War' period
I worked on munitions for two years,
and, in the heavy lifting which my work
called for, I strained myself, causing
pelvic infiammatlon from which 1 have
suffered untold agony, and I often had
to gin up and go to bed. I bad doctored
for several yea's without getting per-
manent relief, wbea I artedrtake
your medicines." -Mn. Mis-
EN*)., Brancbtoo, Ont.
Write to the Lydia E. Pinkhem Medi-
aneCo. Cobog O■tario,font freeoopy
of Lydinra E. PtnS kam s Private Text -
Book upon " Ailments of Women." C
IIIIIII111"- „trill
swore auto ti,elr fathers to girt'
them." yThrew tints,: le be command-
ed to "doe string and of a good cour-
age." To this kid he is told to give
good heel to the\law of Moses -medi-
tating upon it daffy and night. He
was not to make ne laws but to ob-
serve to do all that was written in
the niti. _Joshua had hown on dif-
as not lack-
fercmt otensions that heti
Ing in courage but having been rais-
ed to a position of great power sol
authority he 114441+:11 to know the dam
of God so that by his own example he
might maintain the honor and power
of it amongst hi's people. To the
common.' to ktep the law of God was
n,klttib the promise. "for then thou
shalt make thy way prosperotre. and
then thou shale have good manses
(Terse 44).
(coming as he did after such a great
leader as )loses. Joshua would be
doubtful of his own sufficiency for
the teak, wo Gol repeated and repeat-
ed the admonition -"Be strong and
of a good courage."
_"have not I vommande(l thee?
11.• will return with a atrauge yule•
Of hills and rivers and forests and
And for the refrain there is this aeaur-
ant•e :
"Be at peace!
You mutt stay with the mirk that
you do!
\1'e see the work that you do.
lie pt peace!"
-Jtan alaoKeusle
gas The Point?
don: -"What is a roost. fatter'!."
Father: -"A roost le a pole , on
which clleksets roost at tight."
"And what is a perch, pato?"
"A perch le what chickens 1•t'r"h
on at night."
"Well, paha, couldn't Chickens
roost un a perch?"
"W7y, bf courac."
And couldn't they petAt on It
"But If the chickemt needled on
a roost, that would make the roost
a perch. would'nt It?"
"0, heavens! Yes, 1 suppose so."
"But if after some chickens had
perched on • most and made it a
perch some chicken§ came along and
roosted on the perch and made it a
roost, then the.. roost would be a
perch and the perch would be u
roost. and some of the ' c'hickes,
would be roosters and the others
would be perchers, and -
"Oh, Ruane --Susan. take ibis
"lid to bed at once!"
God had called and erotnmissinn•d ,len-
hua to do tills work and therefore
would he with him. so there was no
nerd for fear or dismay. So in our
day if we keep the fear of the lord
ever before us. and study to do His
will. He will make our way prosper-
ous and we shall have good 1411(0.40.
Chap. 29 :1.3--sloshua'a Freewelf Ser-
"And It came to pass a long time
after that the Lord had given rest
tnito Israelfrom all their enemies
round about, that Joshna waxed old
and stricken in age. And .To,.1ma cal-
led for all Israel, and for their elders.
and for their heads. and for their
judges, and for their odeers. and geld
unto them. 'I am o!d and stricken in
age; And ye have seen all that the
Lord your God had done unit° all
these nations because of you; for the
Lord your God is he that hath fought
for you"
Towards the end of his life Joshua
called an assembly of the mighty men
of the nation known in after years as
the Sanhedrim and to them be addres-
sed himeretf. He spoke of his age.
veing that as a reason why they
should give heed to bis words. His
life had been spent In their service.
and be wished once again to review
that service and emphasise what God
through him 1ytd accomplished for
them. For the proof of this be says.
"Ye have seen all that the- Lord your
God bath done, not what I have done
or what you have done. We were on-
ly lnstrumentw In God's hands." TL
WAR God who drove out 'Tie nations
to make room for them, and In the
succeeding verses of this and the fol-
lowing chapter he exhorted them to
be true to God and warned them what
the consequence would be if they
should turn to Mole. In all of this
addresti, be !!rowed himself seafoua
for God and for Israel.
. noir
Gnat Heti
Mr. Gasemaan: "Yes, 1 suppose I
teen claim to b� a financial enemas.
and Just thlplt 1 started business
with a shoestring."
Miss (',teen: "Mercy! It's genius;
A man who could get anybody to
buy one shoestring could'nt help but
Somewhat the Same
'Been able to get any coal'('
"No; but I've aubscr'ibed to an-
other Sunday newspaper." -Life.
Vicks Relieves
His Catarrh
Any devoted mtwd(mary leads a
double life. He 1s two men; he iv of
his own tribe. and he iv of another
trlhe, dwelling in a stranger weather,
speaking of lone and greater think,. In
another tongue. and knowing other
fruits of the Tree of Life.- -than film
white brothers do. Standing before
a white andlesnn•, she map that is
hung behind him where he speaks can
never mean to him the little it (loon to
them -for him It Is n mountain and
a river and a aesw'n :.•;, rnvans make
trays upon it and roof.. are there with
each a Tell of smoke When you hear
a ehnrch hell he heart, a drum: when
yon tnrn en nn elertrie heater he re-
members in hlv lo.net n friend of his.
sitting on Ma heels mhhve an ember
that he blows to flame Behind an
audience °f n bite faces he' sees other
fates. -n Asan of brown f11erq-I1 1s the
tide of the people of the Tribe of God
that rises In Afriea.
This erten/don of Intimate hutmen
knowledge tin the treasure M a mis-
nionsry. A Ruth once bronpfht m. •
little song he had made In 11s own
tbnkne; It is shoot the adventures of
the Belo who have gone among other
Bantn Whole sin mksdonerlon Ben
It 1a:
"if Ood finds • straight nen
And sends him to a far eonntry
"The Beat Remedy Yet," Says
New Brunswick Sufferer
Melt a little Vicks VapoRob in a
spoon. Inhale the vapors. Then In-
sert some in nostrils, snuffing it well
back. Yon will be delighted to see
how It clears the head.
(catarrh sufferers seem to think
they have to endure It forever be-
cause the live In a "catarrh ell -
mate." The dlseate is hard to get
rid of, but Vick. brings welcome re-
lief and In many casein persistent use
has wrought permanent benefit.
Vickm is a quick -acting• treatment
for all cold troubles-abs0:bed like
a liniment and et the mine time in-
haled as a vapor.
Mr. John T. Payne, of South Tilley,
New Brunswick, says: "I have used
Vicks VapoRub for catarrh of head
and throat and found It the best
remedy yet When rubbed well Into
the forehe•nd and cheat and snuffed
up the nostrils it relieves the con-
gestion and makes brewthing full and
At all drug stores, 50c a jar. For a
free test size package, write Viek
(chemical Co., 344 8t. Paul 8t. W.
Montreal. P. Q.
Though Ykka L new In Canada 18
has a remarkehle sale in the States.
Over 17 million Jars used yearly.
the Y2 lb.
Always fragrant
Always — the same
Always—in good condition
Wherever and whcntver tau buy 11.
off_ ittvp74.
TEM Was Why
' No man can forge my name to a
Cheque,' declared Grey at the club
the other day.
"Go on!" said a member who con-
sidered himself rather a dab at writ-
ing in any hand required. "Ton
give me a pen and a piece of paper,
and 1'11 bet you won't know my
writing from your own "
The materials were produced, and
the signatures were compared. All
present agreed that the hyo could
not be diwtingutahed apart.
"Ah, but that's written on a piece
of paper," said Grey. "I Haid forge
my name to a cettpque"
"Rnme thing," replied the other.
'Not at a11, old man," replied
Grey. "I've no banking account."
Dottie -"Duo you love me, John?"
John -"Of eourne, dear!"
Hamilton Street
Hard Wood
Baled Straw
Fertiliser R,Kk-faced Shingks
Rubber -tired bugger.
Phone 165
'There's tie Cater
Thier wets great excitement In
the Adele) of Tootwey. A new
store had opened. 1t was to te. run
on the liner of those threepeuny
and sixpenny shops, which are get-
ting quite a feature of our big shop-
ping centres nowa,lays.
The store was being Tan by. a
mal c•all.'I comm. and k wee not
hard to tell that he oras aot'a Scots-
One dad , .r..uian came iu. chola
a toy and 1.,t - aperxt In the pr'o"
ptlerur'e l.usl.
"Excume m,•. tn.. bum," acid Conley
buthe 103- are ninepeaee."
"But I tboug!,: this waa a three-
hre -penny a d sixp.•nnr store," protest-
ed the tan Omer.
"Veil. maiam. _1 lean. It
was the repI), "Iloy mueh
pollee and sixp,ktce'•"
t.. yon,•
three -
For Every Use
About the House
Por washing, floors and lino•
eum—washi woodwork
and windows- the loaam
uses --about the house—
SURPRISE wears well—
washes well in any water and
is soft on the hands.
"Then why don't your chest go
up and down like the man is the
The Fatal Finish
Cynic -"Just saw another
with an unhappy ending !"
Jolly: "Hero low the girl?'
"No: married her!"
Flavoring the Cake
"Suede." said the girl's misrtrees,
"go and are If the rake's done. Sfick
a kolfe In 1t. It's done tf the knife
comes out clean."
Muni. departed . Some Minutes
later alae returned beaming.
'The knife eome out tie clean as a
',Untie." she said, "so 1 stuck the
rest of the knives In 1t, and the
forks sad eponne, iloo.—Londsm
1Rtdaied Jar
'Quo yon have sass Rresap 1's
wife? I hoar the 1s a oomph**
"Complete/ Why, she !'essely
tr 177�r)r,.d ,,n,II', ii, l t,'r :if
.111(1 l)( 11, ! 1'd',t,'t 1