HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-7, Page 3Saturday is the Last Day for
We are giving away FREE one 50c Tube of Mag -
Lac Tooth Paste, or One 50c Tube of Colonial Club
Shaving Cream, with every purchase of a Garden
Court Toilet Article
For Voice and Throat
Local Agent. u, Goderich for
Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup
11.044111M441 d l lu PAID' I) Inge,
1411a11n•r : nosy.--
Platt. Reeve elact:wau asked that The World
ld Had Been Searched
Ids volt' he recorded "IVO- uta the ! Forthe Finest aflet).
motion. .-. '
The unw•h-drlalted clause theta reset The U. A. 4
•. so. 21 etas 'Theo De -
ilea AimtforItlor. Ise hued at the I 'eloped From the \Wndschrurl.
1 nate of t(i fur filch regular Iueeting 1 Erma I1Ias la-�tatlyd /'rum •
and #'S for each en ht.. 212.22412#
111111 twit, in ,.Seale or naw•,,.... the 1 betide Seed et Guelph in IYu:)--
ah"•nte. .huuld forfeit 111+ ritdu 1" l. trc•ding los flacon.
the aDown n, for •44411 parttime,r
tConlrl.uted'L, (JntarlO L v,,rtme•t.1
agriculture. Termite.)
l.utw• un in etre •. rN1uU. *bee.. JL•,
1•1w•au Bare uotice of mutton that The O.A.C. No. 21 barley urs be. n
• the nest regular timottut: • of th•' stuch
a fmarkedewrdsregsuccess in; its odCanada
t»nunl► he wwid mote 111.41 Om.**I -
ttos of remuneration tel It.• un•u16.-r- lereatgla nd toahe lm nynfa uaersugro lag
of the council lie rc, •,u,t
. ,• 4 ; '•1 en,,that grain.
no other it'd ht %tee ice ,brine tali-. 1 World Seaa•cb for the Bost Barley
temut•ke,l the It's•..• •'1 wept .o giie
*hie Watters every c•,11-i,l••n1tion f.•r i Dui Int; tut: year 1888 the Field
everylaalyei ',wk... \,• 'Mule tion• will I Huab...nd:)Department of the Ou-
le. eetumente ,.m Ih: i.r..i.ct atel -see tario Agricultural College made a
ith411.- it %Olt net hurt u. 10 iu:,r ,v het world
122) inarc for the
e.lu best
ug of
ie....public bus 1+• ,Iy• w 1889, fifty-seven dlaeteot kiuds cat
ttT. HELENS barley were grown ,under test.. A
variety from Husain, under the name
--" "•n„,1 et )laudscheuri, gate-sueb good ie-
\. 1, . surpt.• u., .u, o
1'hur-.k,y, F,brutll•)• T, I924---3
To make room for our Spring Goods, which have already be
we must clear out the remainder of our stock of winter inercha
bargains are here for your consideration and benefit. You will
if you fail to avail yourself of this golden opportunity -Our
Sale of Winter Goods.
to arrive,
n• Thy
be the loser
Fancy Goods
Novelties, Etc.
Choir Concert
Ite11N•1.1111•r 111.' '•1.l.I111,.' colleen by
Knox querela cli',.r •01 >I••n11•y, Febru-
ary 25th.
Absaeek s Annual Miathis
West ,1 titUc ,-:. :n•• I,rrlaar• , . thur varieties 0
h,,;. for au o',I pipit.
\\•,•.•h. fur the bye year aterA6e by live bulimia per
ex ust•h.Fs owl 1.up*1. .1 111.• •.•bud. acre per annul, that .it was. ulultl-
'Ill. lirlrN iiu«I 40!...0,, t!,.• !•„uu• ._.,rhrr i plied tor dlatrlputlot. In 1193 tIil
tug will Lr .talc moi. \Ir• a1iF :'!1 variety, Jlandacheurt, yids dlstrlbuted
organization I- tat .work :,int ,n af• , In pound tots to co-operative esperi-
fort will h.•1111111.• 1•4 "c,rh"r +loni." i meater$ thrts toout Ontario and was
just it- w:u,y a. 1...41I.1.•,.( : io• ".dd I continued In co-opetrattrei teat for I
IN.y" 411.1 ",!4I -girt.:' of the h,calily. ; each of eighteen years. It gave such
ese wil:ilIi2 \l•Iltlilthr 1- -.••ret.ary-, good returns that from the pound
Theatlnual meeting of Alwacek Cbatt mid he ` will IN, ¢1:.11 11..3r feet, lots sent to the farmers this barley
ler. 1,0.1/v., will be held to the Bowel auyrme ittter.•.te Til 14-hnr ih. was npldly ►nereseed until it beelines
of Tide room* on Mote y, February 1 ,,Ilterprtw•. Mr:' V•-Itnillin reme.o. the most extensively grown .parley' of
11th, at 4 p.m, Kindly note this 1e one that these luty5,i the melees ,.f nay the province.
Werk xIN•aJ •d the lomat time. 11,..4
I ex1rni.14. r or )a114t1 of the ....hoot wilt 2 The Mend-when/4 a Great Mother
1 tat -+Ili- -i» Nt.-a..-him..,._the_ luts•u_L is . Variety.
Scottish 1,.rLaborers' V require d, tesla, 1;.2.,..„. and
l I 'krl,,,w !cry t-houi.lai a ad-
d alandlI banal bail y ter planted
-termer* '-by llan•1, at visual dictaapart
iV'1P are invited to •rMw! their names tut
Ode office at.onc'., 11. a number of Tea W. M. r. ••i 1 ,rtL =til.'i Med,-
reperiwental grounds. This
, oatg $i•litti+li Aero tulw,rl•rs-are method gate an opportunity for each
•e4't,-J 1.1 arrive here at au early d
for dh.tribnrion in the .mm.21101,�[
tow o•hft'
When you are suffering with rhea- ',writer In 1903 as probably the most
madam so you can hardly gel around outstanding individual was inciuded
In the seeding flat as number :1, s..
Pullover Sweaters
Ladies' Coats
t_ The kw Ladies' Winter Coat we
still have on hand, we offer you at b .-
gain prices. Our Spring Goods wt I
arrive shortly and we must be prepared\1
to accommodate. them. Don't miss this
Ladies' and Misses' Pullover Sweat-
ers, all -wool, in different shades, reduced
to $ I.49.
Friends Want Your
and they will prize a really
good one.
You cannot r.•e lo•ed one• a
more acceptable remembrance
than your portrait in one of
our newest mountings.
room lel Goderkh
We charge no more for First -
Class work than is ordinarily
asked for second-class
I)ur pvr1N+-•• 1- .1 .n., I•n..-
tri.sir your clothe- Ica -n, II
saythat )••n nts7 reg:41.1 1,rr
orkars better than natal, and
pr charge you no car •n• for /hie
kin. of gen ley tli.u, pr•rito st curt
harms leen in the habit of pay-
ing (.,rr tlsati4LN•tury n• -oat,'.
There's' .&OfKesive we want
show vela'
Phone 33P t o h fiiwl,• Square
u'7IT7iid :i ted lief •:.h- ••( plant to show Its individuality. At
•!baking ••n \larvIr "11.1. ' different stages of growth and -4 i.•
ripe the plants were promising
ex -
were selected'
the most pro hed. over ,
were selected and threshed, atter i
whit% the grain from the individual .
plants was examlaed. A definite , B
:.nether of velar from each of 1 LADIES' AND GENTS FURNISHINGS GODERICH
111 the
ata_ were . T .vont. i • RIC H
lei the eprtntrott"944 ThAbest. V' West Side of Square
:erulers. In decreasing numb, i.,
w,•re continued in the teats from year
to year. The plant seletteld by the
!You ..-now What We're Here
For ! We're Here to Give You
Boys' Mackinaws
Al ?educed pricca. -
Ladies' Hose
Ladies' Hose, Silk. and Wool, regular. $1.50, for iMac .00
Men's Overcoats
Several splendid values st`1Ttobe had in Mat ----_.-
styles. To be cleared at big reductions.
Now Is the Time to Do Your Sewing
Our new stock of Anderson's Ginghatns, Prints, C�lintzes, is�iere.
NEW AND USED FURNITURE lust try Ked Pepper Ruh and you will have thDm pros, fly. such excellent
thequickest relief known. If that it was i• trodueed Into t:.0•
Almost Helpless
After lntlue
\iIItloiI. and eery Jsen'utte. -My appe-
tite failed and I had 110 color. Know-
ing %bat lir. William% Pink Pills had
Nothing has such concentrated, pens , 's s done for neither. 1 began k fill them
o-op'latiy., uxp'rlweuts in the n7awith the r+�ult that they soon made
NEW AND USED STOVES tratine heat as red peppers. Instant re- i ring vi "et; where it has been in- I L nII aN I4 r ' and full of vigor the
lief. Just as soon as you a ply Red 4P
r Rubyou feel the tin pm auded continually since that date t other girh of toy age. 1 Way i•n.t
Prices are always right. cope i<� g heat. under the name of O.A.C. No. 21. It add that 1 Wink owe mother+ life
Thi• Is Your Store Use It. 1 In three minutes it warms the sore
;live such gaud satisfaction through
spot through and through. Frees the ,cat Ontario that the farmers ,n Left Weak, Nervous and Broken• nail lay I;oaN1 tallith to the pill. and 1
- blood circulation. breaks up the curages- I t„ .,,In,. other sutfrn•a"
f d theId rheumatism torture .eased 1t rapkdly and for the last j Down -Health Regained. j hulN• ,sur '•xy,•ru•nce will he u[ •
Blackstone's Furniture
1 Exchange
1 tion -an o r euma Ism
is gone. 'rw )ears there has been ecarc•• y a You ,yen Det thew• octan fere guy
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from t lead of any other variety- of barlee•1 testy y.ml., 4110: I++Iy` \Li"" tlle..uhnr 1 Det 11 . mall at ;inc. n
red peppers, coats belle at any drug 1 crown in the province. t•l ,,,,,, 11nr1k1,1• „f Plenty, Sask.. 1.01 from Tile Ur. 11'illisms )Ielirhu•
store. Gct a par all once. Use -starred /even a Single Beed In 1903.. :gut' �I, her. Mx:. Wolter 1Lakla. il4i',. ts,.t
or the *:1•41lwee ultiAkra14. t liita►bapo, neuritis_.barlrarhe atiH neck, !': py.. (,) A C No. 21 barley',•whlch ..recast with h,f*l1,llrsl whi+h NA++
ed In , wt �C1t�-tet
Isore muscles, colds m chest. Almat .,ryes started Crum a single se then ••pidemh . wNl ler ,l
inabtlt relief swath you. ase sure W 19.b3 is a al;-n,Ked, t)earded baric i a ,,itis:,* t.t,,dition. Khe upyuWrrrl to
get thegenuine,with the name Rourke with stiff straw atter white train of I t „r••r the prominetp symptoms of
.o.id`quality: In the exper1IDeats at 111, trou6l.• hilt did not regain her
There is
Genuine Satisfaction
to us in selling Footwear
that gives satisfaction to
No Footwear can give
their best service if not fit-
ted properly. It is our aim
o give satisfaction in
Quality, Fit, Style and
invite you o let us
supply you.
The Square Phone 43w
(ireeting Gena, all sixes
and kinds, in Hooklets,
Folders and Post cards,
from• 1e up to 25c.
Valentine .\pr'bna, Cil
Crepe Table Napkin', nl
new in the other any
!Hearts, Cupiel1 anal S+•nle.
Scatter sun idline among
your friends by gentling
them a Val(ntine('anl.
Smith's Art and 61t1 Store
Phone 193 Fast Street
Half Price
They have a charm all
their own. In brown,
black and bright colors.
;girls' Tams at $1.00 and
rens Hats, clearing
"$1.00 and $1.50
Miss MacVicar
.he College the common six-row..d
',strength. �ouu• wea•k� later her u,Nl
THERE IS ONLY ONE .,y the t barley has bee a'p riod of weakness developed hits.- sinking INl•n the itineration of many g.
th the ore years In a period of ; -pelts ice a hich -rhe wuul,l aimed .•torten,
thirty-thre years by an a4'erabe I i 1•erlul et the tw•a of the lot la mw•
GENUINE ASPIRIN'.mutate.. Note ''ontitine.1 el she
•w•Iita(I%e fn teingrl•Ne
VI" per are per annum cat ten aid 1*8r. { told by a• rept
. x•11. wnntiunr•1 and am• • from that Wale. It i. t.. the eff.'et
bus/lets, and the O.A.G. er 21. 5 k• trot u antic,• e. the region he .ef feet
Ito ' period ol seventeen years See
1 tons wee elh ticallyr uced s, until
eleven bushely •, According to re 1 were •"1• .W1111 h
Orley Tablets with "Bayer Cross" postef►- tee Sea
o Dr rte
are Atlpirin-No others!
he barley crop of
1 .1*' 'wee practically- reduced en skin
Then• i. a se•tiot In North ('aroltua.
s:,kl to 1w• remarkable byre:r.on of the
leneevi... of its,lnlV,bilnuh. wblt•it ba.
For riot"I printing .some to 'Die liignal.
Kingston St. Goaeriei
For that
Cough or Cold
with Cod Liver Extract
50 Cents
Bromide of Quinine
25 Cents
for Sore Throat, etc.
25 Cents
Humbugs, Ib
Horehound Drops, 1b
N. C. Dunlop, Phm.B.
Phone No 1 The Square
' nd onstinest th.• :me of
t of APri of the 1 of lana. Ih•r IIp1. and gime; ` r '41. ytwo, w•as returning with hl.
t of Agrl'culture: t tree f". ala• w1*66_, .nests, ani% ,su - I wife -aged ninety from the fum•.,11 rf
tare) has made-�erc,1 from y,„Ilgr.*k 1, car palpies-
1 i Ih' a
/Mari pa e
pa► p
.*h,lr elder .')*Ilea-dr'rliwl at the afi.'
,u actua.l'increase . n yield per acre then of the boort.. At t 1 s .•A or •lacy -eine.
Inthe last twenty-one years, in co:n- friend of IDo,h!•r' al who,liy,at x des- 'Aa 'they monrnfutly disr•tswvl the
parit,on._-with the Iwo rev lows d -- _t me.. ••nee t., was her anrt. etronglp �uh.I 't of theta grief the wIf,• -aid •Ades of 17.32 per centool en .%sage 111111414141 11rr to try Dr. 1Virthint• -Pink a ith n man.: i
1 Held per
acre per annum tour and t Pslta witch. •hr - 1Id, had Rrerlt y
en f Chelium! •ill ills ••• Wel ! '•Fre•kiel 1 allerr tbh• reit w:e'el n,•y,•r
'Aur, -halt bushel+--jlepartw t o ' x- j iher n, a dr! 'c, • .,tire teal ode,"
! Loudon, 0.A.College, Uuelph.' it f tf1'se oil' end uwdher Menu tale
at + fie=f. Isar we ...odd see that 'taw
Ila were growing I... ere a
,inept. mid thin .trotuffh-wets "'M 1T'T
tug. Thr treat Mein with' Nr. NII -
limn, Plnk Pitts was rontiuued, and
r shy_ day' health end str,•ulth r i1
nni1T-'•Tie -wile again able. te-
tt. and help with the work of ,
roar The improvement this
wade til her caw• All. AIM.
u l•h•. I
1••r +Inv:' 111111+ Mies Dank- .
my own (life the•,• pills i
greatest benefit. . Laa
Canada. growth during t4tr brat four months 1 winter 1 was i a lenity 'ramdowll .4,11-
Aspirla is the trade mark (regi feted �lean growth p+utinting ratter i'
-M-tan ids n;---ref--fkeere- eivelw,.'+re-uL hy- tC _- i
3f t ilei tester of S.111‘. yiir /rid. ' 1 than fattenTnK `' i ddl'D 1
n .lot.
in..; thorn The Improvwnrtlt w_as -
W don't see the "Bayer Crowe..
A the tablets. IL use 1 Week. -Selection as Important s.•
As t 1L
bi t them -they argeljseate'Litter:s With Sows .tor Lig
ant perm a a
Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablets n(! hrc••d--.Procure soil for Feed in
Aspirin" ',Win!! stamped with the gaffer' - \1 fatcr. t
"Barer ('totes -Mp;nn preacnM•d . 1 , •
physic ,n,. for nine•tcen y.'ara and tow:. • . At the °nettle Agriculture Cel- rah••
safe ha twi!ti'•:. ft,- Ite.:darh•'. 1 •-•t1•,- lege all litters ars; lett with the sow+ en.
ache, t' mote. Rheumatism, 1,4:.-n:g., i until they are eight weeks old. Skint m, -,ll •Du
Colds, Neuritis, and i':,•u •enol:ll;r. iAtik alldyniddiiu;s are the 1124•=*, 14.1- • 1 ttriy
gaudy fin boxes e; 12 t,tl,lrt•-aha t factury.l•raiduu •chich to 81.121• 1•.x: 3. char In
larger Direr" Latck::ge•. :delle is I newly weaned pass. itationi` pry
made up wick (h• 1d• a of promoting vv, l•,, of th
fl;yqnnoa.•e ,C
bile it is well Imre n teat Aspirin 1
cleans Bayer manufacture. to issist the
public against imitation.. the Tehlets of protein feeds and capable of buil ins
Bayer company, 1.td., wilt be slam bonelagnd muscle.
en at tlre When
old are
with their gowns/ -krtitt_ _ _ ration 11 eh -tinged for the anilbind
•Ita••v fattening period. Two-thirds barley
r and one-third finely ground oats
111 1' H ERI along with skim Milk has been highly
satisfactory. Tankage up to 1 or 1.
succraafV111 sad
profitably used Whelk 4
not available!
In the experimental (ceding with
swine ht the Ontario A1=ricultut:I
College it has heen found that Mu to•
is but very Itttle difference 111 the •
coot 01 gains with the vario.5 bre";,'. 1,
but there Is a dtftetence in the greet'
of product, which meant+ mote mon.),
for chi kind that er:lde "select."
Folic hundred pounces of meal or it..
(Qunvalent produced one hustled
pannds of gain In weight for hustled
breeds In the test. In cheapness of
gain the bacon breeds fully held th,ir
Defoe -F.11 freeses up store a wag -
got load cr_ W.P of t.94i, '1,1102 grcefi
sods awe. 1.1 the haru c -lar, pit fit 1
abed. Such wile he vete useful. to I
toss Into De: pig pets now and agate ,
during the winter months. The piss
need mineral matter and ON la an
easy', ch"ap and efficient wny to scene
It to them. -Department 01 Ex. -m-
elon. U.A. College, Guelph.
ate lave months aid. J i t gs, ua
milk whey, tankage and clover are te00.0,s•00.�00
Child's Best Laxative is
"California Fig Syrup"
I urry \inlher ! A teaspoonful of
"California Fig Myrtp" now will thor-
mighty clean the little howl. and in a
Ifew hours you have a well. playful child
grain. 1':vcn if crna4..fcveri"h, hilinua,
cdnetipated or full of cold, children love ylafim (..-Nr,twlay, N eflneaday at 4.13
I its pleasant taste.
In packing meat, put it la the altA titturrh) tl 3.M
Tell your druritia you want " w the amine akin .Ids down. rxe.,pt eke trip • • •
t rrmdne "Cnlifnrnia iF eprnp" 14 .,-i lar.'r. 44.141^h •hnld ue turned flea'.
.1a tllN(i-"RF:F'l liF:'
f `1 1
1 of -..'rPc. { f 1 . •4.t \ Moe 'in'e, '.
Iof all air. lria'.cd cat tK� e, f.tAe.r
you roust -•a: ' ('arl:orsl5' Reim* any (/ .�.' �i a wr
W 1':t.h of urn. 11 to It
- Monday and Tuesday
I.i rr) ?action In
" %n Weeding IfrIIJ'
• • • -.a-
1a'rdnr.dny and Thareday
.1 n (incline 1•ogan in the 42ruree 141.1 -
ford Production
eel %LI)M .1'NE"
Ilall Ko"ni ('ometly
1 in hniiehl. in a Hailrnoni"
Friday newt Saturday
Frank Mayo
in a virile my%ter) dranna
"THF: ItO1,TF:1) DOOR"
Worm/One ('anted)
"Hold Un"
Nutt and .MR in "('hewing f:,lsri'
The lights were off and
you fell over the rocker in
your bare feet - Hush !
Don't ruin your disposi-
tion. Buy a Victrola.
Newtown Incubators and Brooders
- Recognized AS among the very best the
world over. , •
incubator{ from Ste eggs Note
p ton0,130o Perfect G•m iiaatnm' g ntml tnIt
devil'( turns nil lugs in a few ter
i11 sizes of machines. lino can Ittart n Newtown Giant with one 400 -egg
ee•tion and add sections 714 4ptin.1, lip to any capacity deein'l.
NewtownCo•I-fats itg Brooders --the world'% beet value, from 1(s)
1., Icon rhiek temerity, t prices no higher than chow of Inferior brooders.
rite for literature and prices• •
Newtown Agent for Ontario ELMIRA, ONT.
VW',y: deet .ie -eseeseeteensit1 .. -
Il >W /ley w MIw .Ira( east In
• • •
Hockey and Skating
For M n, Women and Children are now in stock rater
in and look over our big'range of seasonable
Goods, Felt Shoes, Moccasins, Rubbers, Goloshes
Spats, etc.
Our prices are as low as we can make them, cons► 1' -
ing the high qualities of our goods.
Phone 158 W. Ri?G. SHHAIIMAN