HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-7, Page 2• 4 -Thur..lay. Fehmars 7. 111'_1 THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. Watch for It Next Week Owing to the interruption of Hydro Power it was impossible to make adequate announcement of our Great Removal Sale in this week's paper. Look for it next week. It will be worth waiting for. Walter C. Pridham Clothing and Men's Furnishings Phone 57 (;1 cl.•ri: h Kt 41111 LER ' .1!../.11, ou $titwlay. • .T..%( ST1NE ST Al ii1.14Tlxi:. F'e.ruarr tit' h. f tri,.. Itel.r•ite 81111 11r 1'ridi Thump. ...n were i❑ 11'iug11ui1, uu Saturday. Miss .M..r and Mr. .I..rlay Johnston nttmQel to. .,a ial e'aalug it& the I.• ague :1t .11lbnri, on Friday night. Nr. I1. Parks and Mrs. W. Begley .i -iced Mr-. .111. -son \l.•.\7linter on Sat- urday. Messrs. 1 and Masuu McAllister rt.•i.• !u I;e4.•rirh o,i \C,dire,da}. \li mart' .t. mit 'etre i+.112 Gal• siesta le.•pital ar p1..+•ut. KELFAST w•h1 nut he ..inducted or, Nile circuit ails guarder. - Mr. Jan, Tltumpmat has goer to Pontiac to spsmd as few mons h+ Mr. Robert h: hIIn. who ha. been irillt -frt. ink at't.1xfosse1 rout u.••l hum.• 011 Sanlydsy law, We are glad to relit, that Mi•+ \l. J. Sheppard is graduals:' iunp.r...lug in health. Mrs Jn+. .Iarvh, x visiting her dasgthtae. Mrs. Melvin lewd, .4 Lurk - now. tfakeNlne Soria l. -'feu• vaWilt lite Mn•tal and pala•si.,• ,uppe•r v.44! !w held las p'..111:41 on Th,rwlay evening. Feb- ruary 14. slipper will 1. ,:.erred from J111l.F.114T. F.•I. : -. lir.. F:.t art Tay - ler, of Luek»ow. .pent 1I f.•* days at ape« iwuw 1•.f her lerrruts. Mr. and \Irs; Jo., ph Iltei.'lL • \I-. Tow' lltawlcy is spending few w1"'.•+ at hl.. home here. -. 1 Targe number from here attended the play held it. 1.,M'knuw Friday night last. Mrs Will 4.ardn.•r and family. of Zhu,. ytsurae In the bur_ one day :net week. 1r.atul.Mr.' n. K..\ ton-w.iit.44 .1 day atthe_ianne_of Mr. .i awl_ Mrs. Ile - [Vali... ,. .1 Ma•trkimg. air. N.•I..in. and \lis;:r. Pearl :,u4 Haze/ Ileysenr.1. of Paramount. ci.ir• ed with their +i..to1. 4!rs. R'alter BENM11.1.F1:. rt•.. n 1'be t•rtl, ja.s s.•n•!een real resume t1o•ir regscily order nix. .' relay; Iktars -Woo- `! 4r* p 10.. R ramtll..r i to f tM, taiented and w1,1••ly 6n.o'o r1••lt•r. ' I Mr. ate., Mr. 44'!Ifr..4 1rr.•uuaa, ''f 4 'spare, riwitrd In the Imre ro,,-,t+ay lent eek: \Ir uud 11r. GI'Lrrt . Chu , stiff iaujllI$ r tsars -trent Friday' lea at er Ha•rh.srt St I i;. )aruLsuu••n. , rcr 1: ttj , it ,led l.t at Zion .leans! t1',.Un.rlat: Fehru:uy --- Mr. Norman .t"4r1.I, with •..:h• f,•ter. N I I.E. Feb. it. The W. 54. S. hold 1tl4 t1.•Jup11g_ folk , lr,1' 1122.glee..:. ti..:r .1;1.r paean;.; at the home of at a very ••rij..ya.'r 'kitty at •i,.. ,,.loos ler- l'lu.<. S44u.ppn rd .•u 11'..i1. -,la} ar- of afr. ,sus 41. •. Ui. h.anl 11•..•8.• .o. .erne •n. Tuesday: -of !.i.' went. `t The .ln .- .•r'Iy s. rrl•s• Nn.I -a, .'., ne•lit X112 A RARE BARGAIN He special arrangemettt 7itb the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. we are able tet offer that great filially '-arid Tarai papier-ata "•'ry`Attraetive-Pricer---- • The Family Herald and Weekly Star Costs $2.00 per year -The Signal costs $2.00 per year We now offer Both Papers For $3.50 YOU SAVE 50 CENTS 'In addition. each subscriber reeeives a BEAUTIFUL PICTURE ENTITLED ►� "The Wonderful Heroine"' This beautiful work of art; in ten colors, is 18 z 24 inches in size. on a rich, heavy paper, ready for ,framing. ..Orders for this Club must be sent to THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO. We have just received a shipment of lac ` -Nu-type Lamp Chimneys and Burners They are twice as good and less than half the price you have been paying For geese goods. Call and see them demonstrated at HILL'S HARDWARE CO. AUBURN program wit: lite r. mitred by local- tal- ent. a+•i.t.d Iy 11'•ss Margaret Pent land: s,doi.r. and al i•, 1.1!a Hlggilw. n•adrr. ,.f. Initial/nom, al... Mr. Stam pry NnyIer. of 1'.1}leitIM•. 'rLe pr•grauu will ..'u,i$l of .1'.0-. .11m•ts and read- ings. Instrnwenral ..•!,.hens by ,a f.Htre, 4..•. oreh...try. and a very lunusiug ota4,•+t.• ••utit4.4. "'i'he 1•rofr.aa.r's 1ill- et„ena." .l baratar. where useful an11 f, I.4 t' ',articles, horn. Made I..glug and It . at H'. Ita.tr'x islet Sunday. Mr. Juhu K4 ...trick is helping Stuart Nolwr. +,n thrash flax for Mr. Jolut Hlakc. )Ire. t'roalrr rlsltcd al air. John •Klipetriek's one day lane week. Mr. llrue. Shackleton la up North with T. turn helping press hay. \1'.• miss Hence from our burg. Mrs. Dace Mew'hlntiey xta•nt a few days with her parents, air. ams Mr-. l I Hasty. of Iluugalloon. Jr.SIla-r.% ha. Owen r, ry P1, hut aH ar glad to Jlear the i. letting !setter. 1 The parlor social held et thewme of Mr. Mauie inSha.kIetou s a greet ! u,..-.. Them was a gond attcndaut.• i1"14..r, '411411-1"324a"1"41-'"MN- KL'GRBkWQE K!XG�HHIiw4)., February 1 - Mr. \n -tin 51.4..rthy, who war .'1-IIiuR Irs father. Mr. F. McCarthy. ha. return- ed to Itriti,.h 4'ylumbia. Mrs. M. la.•an auMI Sirs. Juo. (',.Hilo.. ..f itt•troit. air. Thos. O'Connor. 11... - ,lose ...ay ,n I. .rill l.'s.. Is• n •feature. .l.11t'1111.14 .1SIIFIP4,Ii, F.•brnlr% 4. Til•• M' -- -ion Hand met on February _'nal at 4-hfl.ld Presbyterial' 1• oireli. There a, re' nineteen I r.1• -out alit! they hied a a spi • nils meeting. • Mr. J. X. MaoK. nzi.•. w he w:.- ten 11-4 .'1,. T«,T c4'rlT, ii brook;•* hip. grains along niiteiy. Mrs. 111,att \1,Keox1.'. who haul 1r•. 11.11. broken *nue time ago. 1....1..1101: a. .tell as`.stu.tl tat expteted. Mr:. Hardie, ..f the .l*shfl..hl 5Gul•.•. 'eft on Monday for Laudon. The funeral of the late 4Ir. Tort.l Main':1+ ,i.•aa 1•eudu•4ed fret.. 1111• f, his sitter. Mrs Cathcart. •.n Frl- day...lunnan'' _t. Her J. S. Hardie pre:weiled Ow funeral .erns'u. Her. J. S. }innlie held -eri its qt, !nu•lay haat. Hla text was treats ,'hrmielles ,"'21'3. 44 Ne spoke very 1.I .exhnrlIng the young people to i.-4'4. 111. i'lir..)* stnok. • t.4itJa►RNI•:__Fehr's*ry_5. - Mr .1:41+ frugal' .pent Snn4uv wiN, her .laughter. airs. It,/hl•rt McM1Han. of 1:oder!rh. : l number trams e'e:borne wt. nib -a the sorrier.. et the Itnptl.t e!tnr.•h hr t:.slerbdi .0 Siuulay. We are ..wry t0 twat' that'41r. N.1r• man :ttten...f the Maitland tion, lea. the's.•arl,•t fever. l\1• Mgse he will ...'un mover. . air, it'll). stec.•ns ha. leen !u t:,s11•- ,.•. o/sr.nas Mr. 44....,4u.. lowlier. who has been Ili. We are glad to say the lwil.•nt Is getting along fir.. Chart,. Walters has returned ,o her lion,.. after spending Aram' reeks its (:.wli•r-G•h ea rim lir MGs, Walter.. +r.. Wtto-is eonfiu.+l to her 144, fi mi... it IgesJuarrte «pont the wet -I: - eh,' in t:odt'rlrh with, her frira*F,alr.. Bober, McMillan. ails+ I:,.•',,4. Long. of taderirh,.rpx•nt Nnnd,n' wf'h her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 11'!11. 1..'ng. We are glad to hear that _Mrs. Coon. pietas .r.. Is improving in health. We isingratulat Mr. Jimmy Fen - gun on hating passed hie examinations at Tomatoes an mg/atter_ «--_---- CREME 1'itI1vE, Feb. 4. 11r 11l,0 Mr•. 11.•rbl.• !Mothers. of 141,grawon. and daughter I.i,rrl4.• s•lsitwf at 11'ilfra•d Ilr,•I1luIn'. la.t Sunday.. MI... 1,114. Me.).10ld returned home Jet.? Sunday after a1e•udlul .1 rt•0.•k with her shier: airs. Jano-a 1,'.trlee ia114 - Mr.. Iter), / urran. of llafekiug. ,'Is- Itr•.l at Mrs. John )1,•nary'e Inst Fri. tiny. T iti,th,•re and J. 4'ultiert, the hay 1.resewr.. premised duty for Sam Sher• wao,4 la.t week. Theme men have a new pre.. and are dulug fast work and paying weal pricer', Mies Mary Cook. of heli,, -t. (add ttuft all pl,•.,•i*( %%err Ir. favor 'of building a hull In time fur nest newt lug. Pat huul.terr are relu,•sttd to re, tura their declarations, before urLt „t ►'r.bl> was tweeting of etatia•il. wh. it•will !e' I•'a .,• it 4 ir,• 4n•nr:4ner tut Mare!' :ted. 1.:141 pap. • iery '..reedy attend -o. nun'h lu•nr_wu than a-n:t.. I.!t. 1y ;aril iud.•re.t%u: ills- I)t'NGA..N\ON.•us-ion :eek piths.. 1:v•rylMug sl.dtd up it: a good 11ea''1:: -"al 11.4u ander /DlttXGANNON, F.'b. S.--ML-.•impar tilt• pr.t•••tq mrna;•t1.11' The n•ilr- 11.•Kenele, of Loudon, Irl spwnding a !lilt off1..•r:' Mr. J. ateltt•avie, of 1►1n• f,'w. 11uy.' vl.ltaag her pmrwit+. 11r. ea/aline loud me.. J*... l:irrip, were vi- and Mr.. It .1.. ala•Keuu.i.•. elected for ,iiia' per term. Ur \1'u) sou was elected to f11, the 0.111•/: ...1all.•s 1...,/,,,,.Ifs box t:akr•1, a l"'•' !be 1..i.' 4 iiptatrr-ti.!ho.l., tsar. Ilion at Mr. It.. J. Crawford'. (1r:u9ern4 i to EnttftlahL-tin Thar.- Mr. TI....: swine fat foe fort silo .I,.. ''''/C. F'••Ll1ur. t i. 1 .' m• -ab.- on. on Mooch. t.. visit 111s tt:lulhtrr. .'! L` to 1. S';1 tr.• 4.. T :til. in the �.,setnw.+ .uta:.._ t••rlaa, ..urs( r.. 111.01.11, .17 leu i. Ln.urlitre Co:. lament/11x1 iflg,-- The ,aunts Wu• •: ! 118.! \lawap- Mr.. null uo'l..r,>- - ..t. ' l meld -in It,u h•..pltal there for his .d:urrlt int • 4. :1: t i .r,a:: 4`,.•a11Jh wlri••1., has leen *one%hat nu „r,l.•r. wi'i. 'r'' nlNp- pairei lately ...................................1,.!,..n}:.t .. l 1 Mr. .41.4‘ Culbert i.''bavin n uumle K 'r Kr r.r1 • rr' an...si pr.._ wt1:, of remit: •ug.,gel drawing lugs' to Ilia lit. a ,,. well n- .• :,n•. 1.f r;yi... mill this winter. ,... • 4.iud• •:.-I r.'r.-!ut.• c'. \•, sale, -• Mr.. 41':.Cam4aw'tl and ehtldrA.. we•ttietd. it r. vi•Iting her mother. • Mrs. J. I..rkh'y. 11te play witlt;e.1 1\•'nenu ltubl.o w 1'•:i ! o4 31.411. w. have• returned to their day t'%'1141.4.4 this week. •••uu!.l'.- toe•i 4.''111.'. aster attending the fnn,•rn! of Mrs. Jeremiah lirounnr.' ;,,,,1,;(.,.,, „f t4.;• \ua:h;aA^lthureh, Tlu ., fors are purely [,seal. i to Ohl Ik..itknt Panatela, -e h, Thur. St•ot, Whs Hae. -'slit si,•.NI!•' , .L+ V. .11th L4. at her hem,' here then' 1 rt t:ic,•p iu 1!..• pariah hail passed away our ..f .tshfi,.I,i's most ,y .',7ni11e wa. :. great •sw'a't• 1' ...teemed residents. in the person of 1,.,•,! w•er1-h troulr•..11at-e u, Mr., Jen :Walt IO'I'onnor.• T.•• dw•eas 1.,'1,0 arl,iu' !list will not tee for.: • 'td with her hnalmud. 41r Ifayes..•aw" The solo-. duel:. quartettes and _ out from Ire'..nd awl on the death 441 general were really a treat .', . f the latter ..he *settled in Hnr. u'f nn,.( ami:.• tie who, of the r.• -.I .;,;.-• 41nw nelltp: Laver. on her marriage rat a,,,t -tel.. lltTon by rannay _ and \1' ,i' air. .4. 4t'!'omm.r. she moved to r1' • . rerdle.. a-.4.4.',! ). Ilerhlr, who air 4 S''irti farm where she vein the reiniining 4a• mt r, 1w• t.•, IW141rrl". Sa4f4 .' a r. years of a sr,t•fnl life 414 n f:tpil!y or 1 =;ay- char' 4.4...0. seely went home 'se. loin •. ,'h1!'tr n.._.t1'o.. pr.'f1tr.,ee+1d flys.trlr•41a.1 .- ,ylu,..1Lc 1ri;•Lt• t'r utt_r UI1IIu•nt TN. ftnu•ral took ichor - A'wlnesde}•. l and Leaking forward to another Bobbie Janus rye air. to .St. 30,0004'. lruletery. Bev. F rl.r Dean sang the tuner:II i Intro. :uuah.rrsary st a future dais. nat..' a F' Mee: Fattier )toren .. ria- , t.•.? rte t.,• grave The 4(41Il.arrr• were ' tun"day o$ ..'i'- 4oa In IIs w•ay r.. Mc..,- : Literary' ;4' 1.cv rcn- sissies lust Fr 4, It,'l)ly. -F:. Fo1,v. S. \tar= tin. .I .1' ..n..r.' ,1. 4;urr.•y' :un1 T 'ata• 841 i : '190• f.•l4;.Rt, exrs•nr44.. Itary • \l r. 111%4,44.8. who ,rtr.--Ht. ; was spirftnt.-ii Frey. 1:. vice -pre it..1., hy•r _ -. , � ., e,mr, ws. .rel! 11rP�id•tlt .Art:'F' Iinv+: vice-president Is ,: a tlr• .1i.tr4.•n niers' le.. jjF-FL,» .tri?'etd1' \1 me'te'rs. tnw.ur• bright. cheery •mlae' and kind d loess i r= TTu• .11f�. fg7Mt, w! 1 add a e,rtttmit• budehr481 hers o. 1•'1 n .: . new -.t, 4 11) 1, (, 1•4401 fu be folly She laves to :.'rgtlnixrd it, n 4.w Qty`+• Ir 49 h,yM.l sones l,er io.. two danght.'rn. afar. John t'oittt, :rn, •fiat tar e,lannui,lrc. nilt tak.• t4.d4 lot 1 air- li .., 1111.4.- on A+sc r.. wleiutta- 444.10.1.14:g.....4 eri lip.,: n! Ib••rnit. and fire .,.n.:.let••nalah-.H) :..: b"ule.lrsaal • E•h, nr.1 and Ja tn.•• .Swi4-4,nirr-a'it : Thom.. -..f 140-s>.tm.t: _ ft. 1•:.14.1 Peter .f 1ir•gon. NIA .b.• - :es4 In !s,nr.•. 'i " ANY GARNE 1' OR DRAPERY Dres;e: Sweater; St'.. •. GODERICH TOWNSHIP l:.tl'EItfI'11 Tr111'Ni4Hll'. Feb " 51r. 44't!I4 ,,, J.•riobig; ytt.t daughter. 4i'.. .Uwe. entertained a umnle•. ,.•11f1•le.r. 14ud '.4IM•r frien.l. lot r4.,-!" hero.•. it.tcf.-I.1 r..•,.) on Frl.lar allies )'r.gr••..!ye aHtrhn wa- piny,'.. Ser 45'.stl:Md. .r.. and 41`r. .Iron.. Young w Imdur the prizes t.ule•I, was 4.•rt 1•,l 11,d .•r.•rrleeir inn'! a td»»t rime - Thai litalorkiall.lowuslaln Ftuaplt ,1, 1.11411h,ry ha. elunn'el .1111111 .o the 4:...b•r1.•4, h•.spltl.4 hnildL,r fund..dog t4.•• pnea.el.. trove the g,,r.h•ti. party 1111,1 tau' 8,4.1111 .•yr:.tng :. Arr. J... Jr•Irl,sr..u: hail ta•t 4Ynr. .1r th,. ten - ...lit it -tem loo..) .o. Thur..I(4. ..,ansa• .17-1. 1.1 1.1,,.14 .4 the 11ns1dttT ,tn en• nim.. was 'prat. 1 rieentiar 111111 i'tifartunate ares,! fit 4•.4..11 Fre.? 11'nhli+. the rating ••.n .•t 1\'airs wain,: or the }tayfii•.1 rued. '.lost antlrtlsy Iia w,,s working In tire ban,vnrjl'when n large pipe.. of 111« frnsetr-ttraw-.tnek fe'!! nn --him aml't broke hi. erg. 'Ile was ten .10i• to intik.• his way to rfw•..o11.e un:,'de.t and !1 w a, wets,• timc lwfore plc_ nus -mi enrol olohol dt-..)Vvred 4,, hi. nnhieptn pr.,li.•ra. mint. Council Meeting, -Thr rnwn.hi;. r.nm. it ori at 11.0mrssHle la.t' Mon- day. .l 44'45' & r:n9•! afw,nht<' weer •«11 .•red !east. T!'.• auditor.. E. G• ' and Ins. Johnston. pn'rented their r-r'nrt. 1s 1ti9t arm, a hiptj•4, _ Itra nt oL fro . m *as given 411 Clinton Sprint Atnr-�lnbi Show. The :11alit,r,, .elan• 4,f *,',soil (web was nrdrrnl 901'1. Teethe• No. r: rrpp,il114il,g S.' F:mtnereon rt9ad' sisper- ihtendt.nt. wee paa...e', nlsi, bylaw No. 1, pr•oriding for the. tyriveery othrer dltnr.n re o1• ertns,'tloh an.l'nlalnten *twee of road.. ',ridge.. rte.. • wit. sl• . ona thirst rading. Thr 131411 Hein Kidneys By Drinking More Water 'Take Setts to Flues Kidney; aid Help Neutra'ize Ire* tating Acids f' pine'; and bladder irritations often, n.:ali fftorn aceh v, sayr 4 a Ioted ro-. tissue•. The i.n r .4s help •11tcr m-• 'arid-trothe-=blood sad pl-• ii- nu to ,the b'•tdder, w•hrre it may remain. to irrit.'ete'and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting lop an" rrri- tation at the neck of the bladder, ob!ig- iag. you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The 'erectan constant dread; the water mese, sometimes with a scalding sensati at and is -very pn.h,.e: again, there is difF- culty in voiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks cal' 44 because they can't control urination. 41.1111.e it is extremely annoying and *sometimes very painful, this is ,often one of t4jm he mast ple ailments 10 04•4T - come. Beg•• drinking Lots of soft water, also get about four otmces of Jot Salts 1' from your pharmacist and take a table- spoonful in a Mass of water before breakfast. Continue this for two or three days. This will help neatfalile the acid- in the system so they no longero are a-•.rre of irritation to the bladder and urinary organs, which tbcn act nor- maI amain. )ad Sahs is inexpensive, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juts?, •seem with Mine, and is used oy-, thousands of folks who are subject to 1 urinary disorders caused by and irri- tation. lad Salts causes no bad effects 1 whatever, Here you have a pleasant. efferves- cent lithia-water drink which may Quickly relieve your bladder irritation. By all means have your physician exam- ine your kidneys at least twice a year. Each 15•e•r• Dyes" t•nntau,- r• .... - wonATI 1.4f1 .4"'?r tu,t ant 1.111.1, ,,.•; faded t%sing new•• ••u.21 if .4r.. has n• dyed I. lora thug. stores sell all s.„ Ah! Backache Gone Rub Lumbago Away Pub Paln frc'n back with small trial bottle of old "8t. Jacobs 011." Ah I Pain is gone! Quickly ?-Yes. Almost instant re- lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and ain follows a gentle rubbing with 'St. Jacobs Oil." Rub this socthing, penetrating oil right on your painful back. and like magic,.rehef comes,__ "St Ja0200_Oi1" is a harmless backache, lumbago and sciatica remedy which never 4isap- point: and doesr't .urn the skiww. Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop those torturous stitches." In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back. hccansc it won't hurt or he stiff or lame Don't suffer! Get a small trial botle of ;old, honest "St. Jacobs fiil- from y ur druggist sow and get this lasting relief. HydroElectric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity Convenient Clean Quick Cheaper than Coal or Wood flu Electric Vacuum Cleaner retuoves'til dust,. A broom just m the dust. '\'.elk in and wee the display -,t Electric Goods at the HYDRO STORE s,.,'t11 d-JT3j"sir Galeria' i�Ttia^M Specials in Men's Work Shirts 111 dozen men's black and tthite- stripped Shirts, made- of heavy black and white tttill9. with double oke. and double seams. Extra large sites, 14 to Iii 1-2. Regular $1.75. tar $1.35 cr two for .52.65 M. ROBINS The Square Goderich ,INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH I-t.t:lntiy! "Pape•s1)iapepsin" (.I,rrects Stutll.ut s0 Meals niti.t 74.« moist,..,: . t..hlet o 1'tpe'a .11iap111.11 '., _-11i4r..ti.,oti. 41r,ne. Nil 11 ' ', .T a a,wtr, .1111!. 114w81 t'.a.. !.. 11.duleate., heertlaarn, pslpitati.,,., ..r ml•ert•making yaw•+. 4'011104 4.,,7r .lilt.-•ta•;o iter a law oats;,• F;a.ii p,.•kage F1.reat.wl Kr drupirist t.. e!, ''*11" st.11:1.., h 1 rouble. Specials in Blankets for the Cold Weather Largest Size Flannelette Blankets and All -wool -Double Blankets fin•}' Flannel,. \lilitary Elnan,land heave' Cott•'ti Nt{itting, all suitable for winter work .hist- at 1111,1 Ili' Pri..•. 11. u'+Albs owsSock- awl 1'nderwear at ('1.0SJ' Pri••'. \1,•11'+ Lined \fork Gltt\'rsat •it4' 31, WO FI.'44'.•-11111•41 1'ndrrttear Ori clear tw•1or. ' J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town JUST RECEIVED ---spring Gnghams in Fresh New Patterns Fioest Scotch Ginghams in Absolutely Fast Colors it's Time Now for Spring Sewing Visit Our Remnant Tables -- You'll Find It T:ierc ,a. a Ism. 1 he New Ginghams The Spring McCall Quarterly February McCall Patterns For Spring you will find the most delightful showing of fresh new patterns in the best of Anderson's Scotch Ging- hams, and the colors are ab- solutely fast; the patterns are in small and large checks, over plaids, cross bars and small patterns for children's wear. The Spring McCall Quarter- ly, of _dress styles, is now on sale. In it you will find what is correct and proper to wear for Spring, no matter what the material you are making up. New and very smart styles are shown for misses' and children's wear. It is really a fashion book. Our new stock of McCall Patterns is very complete in all sizes, and they are so well printed that you will find thein very easy to use. This is the simple way of making your own garments at home, in styles that take away that home-made look. You will be delighted with your dresses made from McCall Printed Patterns. • ka .1s1 lac is ma e Idtara Id is s, Tell ■ 1 I '1.p OBI Ii If !t 1 41:4;;:s, Ili'.. 1,1 N p) y igiviiho i kg g4\.., a,: get Nero McCall Patterns 3004, 3012 Choose a Style From the New Quarterly GRAY & CARTWRIGHT II Mail Orders Sent Prepaid e_• n by a.eturn r ' • ,4 • •