HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-2-7, Page 1Advertising
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Macdonald Gibtw. teacher of Pian°
and ringing at Knox church. Sat-
urday", 10 a m . to 00011; and 3 ttto
5 p.m.
. • • • •
The People's Garage
\'fe•toria .tre•.•t Goderich. at prevent
e.rcupled by Win. Craig. This 1s
r weary -making proposition for the
right man. AppIv to
Phone bdd P. J. RYAN
Under the auspices of
Masonic Temple
at • „'clock.
F rcry hotly 1'..to�* . Good )h[sic.
i owl
Read the Advertisements
in The Signal. Buy advertised wares.
It is a safe and sound policy.
The Horticultural Society
The directors of the Goderich Ilor
t'cultural Society met at the Board of p year be
Trade rooms on Friday eveningp Campbell reported
and r bylaw prepare
of ('oust Hoops Park to Memorial i
The fin+ committe reported having CAMPAIGN CLOSES
:teemed quotations on fire hose from I v
a numtirr of rubber rompatrin --sed -
TAX COLLECTION re nmmeuded the purchase• of .'(lo feet
of Dunlop, lr lhO
trolat treated, 21,
inch fire ho -e from the ltttnlup Tire
& Rubber Co. at a cost of $1.70 per
Local Orangemen Ask Grant for sour, coupled eompletts f o. b.Gods-
Twelfth of July Celebration rich
rake romanlier ree°ID
took the words of hia text (rum part of
verse 61, Mark 10: "Lord, that I may re-
oeive my sight." Some people are pique
icslly blind and to really understand tris
kind of blindness we muat� capow'd to
it. 1t is said of Jesus "tato many He
people- *re- sot
Kaes aytht."- Some n•
no. Revival Services Conducted in hyaicalle blind but they a tally
Baptist Church Were Well Ibleundthings ythat erebeautiful do not again therefore the worst u: tom°
s besot to fhem. And not only wafter is over. The old "upergtkioa
are some people physically or mentallythat on Candlemas Day Anila
Attended , blind, but they are 5 irttnally blind.
They are Mita{ to Hod's love. 11 tp odd awakes' °drum his long Winter Weep
1"l Ihe11rtir duoeittul above all thing:: Chonotwbe knowe explained). lemarg °1frout his
den and looks around. If ho )sees
his , adow he goes back to ht. den,
.tor there will be six week* of winter
still to tome If the sun is not shining
-sad--b.--dee*-sot...aee _hia__ttleld4lr be
know" that "the taekbone of winter _
le broken" and he strikes out to fled
Csnd1isiaa Day Was Cloudy
Saturday last 1 February and m was
Candlemas Day, awl those who neural
leered and observed say teat the day
was et•uudy throughout ; therefore !tae
bear did net ._la'o' •hir .,gysdew, . and
The publi.• wo t * ilelpGtl and inspiring Gave been the w
in Godench. 4 Helphettc inq c {sated in the end der reply wicked." To illustrate
Infrl fist the fret on Ilayffe:d road this saying the p ekes n(ernel to Adam
!nett of Barker's garage be n` Bhil,tist church by Ecaug.•list Alexander ant Eve the irlath of Eden. Every
1'Ih, n• ..ns a fu l a:temiau.�- of the
moved and alai) that dans* Ituok 1"' Tame, B.A., of Toronto, during the hast
natural ratan DI a hypucree. He le not
exgn>,^e d to look atter the town dump' two weekm. TIhe rervicra, which sem all what be shaukl be. Are our eyes ,•lien
metui5•r• uf-S)?•�.yo,w•u e•e,uuei! for the tite hvawlr.duidL.-.lp, -�_u rennin- j tpndtd and highly_ apTnriakd1.tothufact ? Remember isa.lr►•ll..aa.
Iver wetting lawt'1 riday'evnT[TR fieR on of =i0. were broug tit to a rtn,r nn Stu awren. well as aheaven and every (iodine than
The "home of contentitm during the tog lest. The week--- - h"•rvt(ts, coup- and woman sill rarely Ko u. (fell. Have
(Moeveuld was sissies the councilunwra- The finance cummld been
ed that mencmg teach evening at 7.45 u el ck, Your eyes open to the fact that Hell.
ied I something to break his loug fast.
should vote ilw memlxrN a remunera- the stem of ¢2:A had b,cn rewSved opened with a service of w cotxhucu et to save you. If you are a sinner Jeans The wenther man sometimes re- '
tion for their sercl(va+ or whether. as from the ,Perfection n,t F� ;apUIIlfl I by Ute elrangeliat, followed by a Scripture l'hrist tan ve y„u• The w'ur$t "in in UN• tlt.e a to allow Bruin to regulate iiia
in the past. they should continue to Machine Company nwding by Rev. C. N. Dewey, taw pastor, w,.rld is the on of iugratitudr., the sin of weather for him, and although the
31 t 1f124. The committee reported and an addrew by Mr. Torrie. ' of rt' sting Christ. I'ttleew Aar
give their xervi'es to tate munl(•ilia . " , g lin Tuesday and Saturday tcemnga of unb Ile t a M
gratis. •Referen• a to the debate on having sec eyed a letter dated January I last week Mr. Torrie spoke a veninlarly yell came 10 Jests Uhrut and accept lion
this particular -suhjt'et is !nude ego- 24th from the „audios tenserui st.
the to thh atixlentp a( the varioitp schools -I. as your Saviour you will be Le
where rt this; (sant. I formantlss required In n bylaw to
provide fund" for the new waterworks H' add T 1 ev •ning wIw an It11rtuua(ut sat by the tiighway-side
The cfrrf lwytte'. re'1'o - intake awl ns ummended that the rut-
object lesson on Mr. Yeasts t'"'1n�'thNway he may aadd
burin) of four feaster and four males . icitor be Manacled to prepare the
during the month of January. as *ell , necessary bylaw. The vommktce also
as the sale of one plot with two recommend)sl twat the 1laclduery for
His res) on Tuesday a ,r. 1( he h not
"Sin.",ewas vet. 1n fate, there w ,t lifts coup
as the objects twu apples -a good one andbeen fiat- ce mise yet.
f e people In this lite :coup
a worm-eaten one. In comuleneing, he follower of Jesus Christ. 1It mitth4 • t- more sen..• than the Bruin trifle ha.
paid a tribute o. the Ontario apples, in finest thing that cuukl happen n you h you
that he thought they were sequel. and were to Lose your eyesight. Tyllia n'sti was It is this:
1 ' • cr tog' Just half of your wess1 and hili of
your hay
Should Is. n•mad[rtng 0e Candlemas
ire y
hear did not see hie slatdow lust -
urday we would advise people not W
'throw away their °vermeils or let
their lurnneer go tint tor some time
A 50(5. I the collection of taxes twice a yt
ra a Tax Col actorput into mnt.t.1m a probably superior in flavor, to any ether not cheerful, or )t was
letter from J. Cockle Wilson. N As- that the texts collected daring Janu- t at -cording" ' rtU taxesto De• co:)ec- apple grown in the world. "I have twoTorrie,
he lwanl Jesus cooping he cried oft now
tary of the Ontario ploWilsonety re- apples hem tonight," said \I r. Turrie, Ilia. Them are tour things about that
}Ind, t them is the cry of conviction,
.a teflon. stard fere
thin theoexte was $igh<► a 'matter la arrears for ft's+' to extent of Tt � by t 1 taw love uitrel
$IM.ro. It was derided that the mem-
ber.htp fee of 52 in the Provincial Ae-
sociation be paid provided the.e sup -
A com-
poorer arrears were cancelled.
mittre, consisting of Geo. Gould. B. II.
Taylor, Gro. Laithwnite, H. T. -Ed-
, wards and Chas. ('.woke wets appointed
to conduct a vigorous canvas.) for
members for 1924. Another committee,
consiwtfug of Messrs. ('oeke. Lsith-
walte and Edwards. with the provi-
dent and secretary IJ. 1'. flume. B.
and W. S. Bowden). was apps
whet and order premiums for the
me'mberw for 19024. and the sum of $175
tree plead at tie disposal of this com-
mittee for the spring supply. The mat-
ter of fall supply was fat over for a
Tater date. It was suggested that the
matter of seenring'tome equipment for
conducting flower shows should be
considered. and Charles Cooke and
Secretary Bowden were asked to try
to recnre some Information regarding
this and report at the next meeting.
As -
art, amounted to $2 1_+!' 1. of which ltd July est uud December 14.1, the .•a worm-eaten ohs and a good uuhe�. try. tri ,
w son aft@': taxes. Pills fah „f dl>, tits an •
d 1° ual1he to Ts• "Doer the worn) make the holt. t for he saki "Je•sus, Thuu ",on of David.
Intention:' wrote )!r. Campbll: '(A •
dealt with wlheu ,utrikiug the rshtc. re Into the apple or . rain,( cut o
penis rnllcction from all Chow' who committee 0.,... fed having arranged a Iappfe'!"'he •asked, •to referring to the condemnation, feir Ilse lai„iik' who hefprd
ought to pay." credk of $ts� Ilhl with - the 'tank of 1, worm-eaten one. "Well, those who say hits said, '11011 crypr anel peace."
y It lin
The auditory retwr, sous 0n motion Move rent at a rate of 0 err cent 1 by eating out of the apple are correct." ' also a courag
of the Deputy Rare and Couu. lllor interest ani , Nina{ di.,uunted 011e' The worm got into the apple when the ed. Jesus Christ wail on Itis way to Jer-
Turnei-ref11're(t to the finance eons- neap for •t1.Rnono and• having paid off blossom was stung by an insert. This usulem at this time on a great errand.
mitten with power to have it printed. f4«dp0•uf demand loons, being the I insect deposited p germ in the blossom He was an 5515 way to Jerusalem to die
l letter Erna the Ontario Good balance of t:., 1923 locus. T1u• cow- and as the apple Know', N. did the germ, I for no. Josue s1)011 still and commanded
Iand ellen the germ grew to be a full- him to be called. Bartu55aeur then cast
mr w e ea tog
• on nae." There is the cry of
The Strength
OVER one hundred and I(ilt years
ago the Bank of Montreal was
office and .
established with a single. �' '•
a capital of $350,000. •~�,E-.
Today, after more than a century of
conservative progress, the combined
capital and reserve of the Bank amount
to $54,500,000, its total assets are in ex-
cess of $650,000,000, its five hundred
and fifty Branches extend to all parts of
Canada, and k has Its own offices in
financial centres throughout the world.
The full resources of the Bank
are behind every Branch
LA. 1lESSLIE - Munger.
Established ver 100 yesrlt
Roads 4ssoeia: teen :.shies{ lug the coon- millet. report 1 ''tat Vie town solicitorell eiud worm it started Wrist its way out of
f $1
the 't it was quite legal 1 u the waysin gets into
away hie garment and caluc 10 ie•411a.
to forward mnuloerslhlp fit u Ind a h the apple.T That
p, Thie beggar had W throw away something
r5 o y t in order to come to Jew's. What is it flat
A communicartort from the Bell Tel.- memis•rs fo," '; ' ,r atte•ndsINr and res. Bible teaches us shout stn. Here t w you are allowing 1' J iota your soul,
phone Company requesting js•rmiM$ion onmmended that the council vote them -
speaker referred to Adam and Eve and I that which is keeping. you out tit the
to place eight 'Toles: nn (ahte•ron street, acices the
ns f.,„•,wing : For each cam- how they were overcome by sin in the Kingdon? Barttnmae is was tri ; hal-
Maple street and Britannia road nos matt.,•. fie".• • 52. for each eouncil
IJ d unto Uhew.
on motion of Councillor Wars.•II and meeting 53. me tal:ere absent from
the Reeve referred to tiie public work+ either to forfeit the resp eottv4e
committee with power to act. amouuta.
rdersd filed: for e,uu. 1!., ✓1 town$ to remunerate aur heart. The very first l er,h in the
A tone application for a building Projects screened to ('ommisees
permit, received from W. ('. Pridham A's a sp re - meeting of the town
for a new store front on the Square. (•entneil lard .r ',nary 24th the question
also interior redecorating. at an (esti- of the peopoe d improvement" to the
mated cost of $1,500,was referred to ('ollerriat.• Inr trate woe nferred to
the Etre committee. the finance committee to look into and
On motion of the Deputy Reeve and report. motion to this effect being
Councillor Worsen the further colter- n -,de by cent.' 1) E. 1101 and
ton of taxes was left in Mr. Camp.e•".'" 1.'. W. Worse I.
hands together with instruction" to '11'.' ono ton of building
, nn aloes C
make every effort to collect hack taxes. gall Will on o n•ferre (. I ein and the third coeur (wine) steed for
I a clean and pure heart. To have a clean
garden til Eden.
"You don't have to
wait long to Lind out if there is something
wrong with a person's heart," declared
the speaker. �Ir. Torrie cited several in-
stances showing how sin is in the hearts
even of childmn. "Which would you
rather have, a heart that is full of sin or
one that is pure ?" asked \1r. Torrie.
"Of course you would sooner lave • pure
heart. The only way to haves clean
heart is to give yourself to God and linea
Christian life." i to Christ.
Mr. Torrie produced a small booklet of During the final service Mr. Torrie
three colors. The first color I'alack) re-
took the opportunity to thank all those
ptear•nteed sin; the second color (esti) who had assisted in the campaign, e•e-
reprt aenttd blood, which is the cure (or pecially thew who assisted in the choir
and Mrs. Dewey, who played the pian
et all the servn'ew. Owing to i laces
Mrs. Torrie was nnabie to 1 ,repent to
assist in the metric, but splendid assist-
ance was rendered by members of the
choir and the music was all that could be
wished for.
Iengcal by Jesus, for Jesus sat .
wilt thou that I shoo o
and he answered saying, "Lord, that 1'
may receive my sight." Immediately he
received his Night and followed Jesus in
the way. This Gran was not only curd
but he was consecrated, for he followed
oul w d
God. If there is anything that y
today it is to have your soul raved.
Mr. Torrie closed the service by asking
how many were ready to give their souls
• •I: and I•• J.. It
counell to
Mnvor Callow pointed out to
chairmen of Ow Mending commit/04s m
s to mmi.tee of. the wltol
the neeseity of getting their tam- look Into and report.
mltlee eseluta tem prepared right away. • e -
so that they might he dealt" with be-.
fore (trlklng the rate for the year.
Conn.-illor Humber eonsidered the
purchase a' a patrol (art or dust -ear- -
tier from M,asens Ltd., at a e,st of * WGY I'ra_: In in brief
for week o
5341 or i3'.. a mighty good investment February 10. Ioe de.
in caning time tor tali' public works' N.'Y. General El rie Comport
committee and accordingly mdved' that •-Silncyc'es 1:1', I Meters). Eastern
the matter tie referred W the pubic Standard Time
works committee for eonslderation. fSnnday.- Fel
The motion was seconded by the Service of Jl•
Nerve. ('hutch. Alb:
IG Dt; 1
teary .10. 11.00 a.m••
dtson Avenue Ite•formed
my, N. Y.; sermon by the
'hard Earle Locke.
heart you have to come to J&sus.
In closing, the rpaker said he was
strong believer in child conversion, and
made a strong plea to the young people
to start now and live a Christian life.
Final Services on Sunday Evening
The Baptist church was crowded to the
rr on Sunday evening with people
este to hear the final service conducted
by Es n !list Torrie.
BI[ Bartimaens" was the subject of
tile petition preached by Mr. Torrie, who
Under the head of new busiue-s 3.3ci P' -program by VP(lY Spm
Deputy qu Reeve )the advisability
lbilitytt iplane ( •hestra, 1w•o Kltwen, eonduc-
the que10 tl the uinh4erilo7 of in- tor; 1.I11 an Roventlal, eoprano sololst.I
citing the Federal Mtnlster of 1'ul►:iof 7.4., .10.-'itervice of Madison Ar( -
Work", and also the GodaMlch In he nue i•fnrtne1 Church.
nearfe. future come tok the In harborthe M,n,ley. February 11. 7.45 p.m-
wlth toer look over the re Mu heal program by WGY Orchestra.
with ars winter Meet c twenty or more, A ,ha .Perl",nfng. reader; address,
boats. AO that the or might
of further ,hetrieity and Papel':Making." by R.
work at the harbor might 1* more 1. Rogers, lnduxtrial Engineering De-
leve NfN••el upon CM Govern- pnrtmes,t. General Electric Company.
meant. Ith•ve while
expressed we the Tuesday. Fehruat'j 12, 7.4:, p m. -
opinion thief• while thea would be t•' Marisa! progratu he Turner Male.
beat tin* to impress the Minister, a Chorus Frank Klnum, director;
harbor of the work sin hand at he Wilhelmina Schneider, pianist; Mrs.
harbor was pretty well in hand. art- Gertrude Wemple Craig, reader; ad-
orer, It would cope considerable one ad-
', "Itsgen•rative Radio Receivers,"
to entertain ti• Ministers. � by R. 11. Langley, Radio Engineering
'Vote of Thanks for U I Itepartme•ut, (:)neral Electric (um -
The council erpreseed a, ,txeiatioh, i panp.•
by way of a vote of thanks of the eom- ' W(duesday, February 13, 6.30 p
mendable spirit shown b the Lions' Adventure story (courtesy of. Youth's
Club in entertaining at nn'r recently CoulpNu:u,u).
the members of Huron county council. 1 Thureciy, }ternary 14. 7.4:, p.m -
while sasemhled here for tilt Jylnelary' Program or Rice -String Quartet. Ma
erosion The D.pul Reeve proposed!.thda Bigelow Itgp, "opreno; address,
the vote of thank , while Councillor' "A Few Momen[s wth ''yew hookas
Ryan seconded t. motion. lohy I.. 1. Ilopkife,'Assistant Librarian
Grad for1 . Cel.ehration° Genera Electric Company.
Friday, February 15, 7.45 p.m.-
A. T. Kaktl, , W. M., 1.. L. 182. Radio drama. "Anne." by Lechmer4
wrote the Heil re'puesting a grant l'Worrall, roduced by WGY Players;
OM or '+' 15 11d t1w loaf a� mn"Tc 11T
e-�- arc -Tied:._. . __.._...__
men in t,tting on the orietnation I.1030 1,•m,--MU4.te by American
which y are proposing at the nest Trio; soprano and contralto duets.
ettsttect • : tot to be held In doder'ch luabelle Franklin and Merolla Rer-
ead ' 'uth Huron dlstrlete. Falling a Saturday. FeAntary 16, 1.30 p.m.
mo - y grant the fetter requested the Jack Symonds' Orehc'ttra at Hampton
P cflege of placingbx►ortut on the. hotel. Albany. N. Y.
uare and fair grounds free of
charge. The communication was re-
ferral to the finance eommtttee. on No Duties Attached
motion of the Depisy Reeve And Ouun-R hon l'hillipr. Brooke xaL'el from
cillos Humber. hen
on his iast ttlp to Europe, a
National Ship Inventory frieed jokingly remarked that while
Deputy Reeve Munning" Introduced abroad he might d waver some nee•
the subject of hurrying up Mr. b.Pvs, religion to bring home with hint.
of Toronto. for the inventory of the "Bnt he ears'fie of it. Bishop
machinery in the Nstkinal Shiphutld- Brooke" remarked a listening
Ing Company's Planta "It ' coat na . friend. "1t may be difficult to get your
51700 to tarry over these plants last , new religion - through the cnatom
year," contlnned the Deputy Reeve. , house." "i 5550x• not." replied the
"To my mind we ahan't be anything blshop laughingly, "for we, may take
ahead by wetting three or four pear" l It for granted that any new religion
on the ('Lance of getting more than we popular enough, to Import will have no
would by taking leas now." 41111.5 attached to 11."
Mayor Gallons and Clerk Knox ex-
plained the situation. Indicating that
lar. Levy had been sick. but that the
Inventory of the larger , machines at
least could be expected in a few days'
CenamIttee Reports
Tia (evoker/ and parka com'mitltee
recommended that no action W bikes
on fin soopo toe to dna.** Iasis
Little Girl (viewing he elephant
at the coo)-"fle'ahu•, Mr. ' pCrrpKrr'.
would It hurt him if 1 gave him a)
raisin out of my t'oukier
Real Estate and
Howes and Lots in Goderich and
FareMIs for Sale
Malty cheap properties offering.
Solite at slaughter price's for quick
51.2 :tory house, with all the
furniture in the house. including
g.esi Happy Thought Ranee. set
up. One acre land, with a uumher
assorted fruit treee; Brock street.
Price, cash, 5600.00.
Cottage and- .10t... _South st stet,
Good sized 1 1-2 steel boost'.
stable, 4 Lots 11111 orchanl, on
Huron Road. Price $1,006.00.
I 1-2 story house', practical)
tic*, electric lighted. toilet and
bath, hot and cold water service;
well locate', west style of town.
Terns. small amount carie will bre
aeeeptel dawn, balance monthly
payments same as rent.
Large nunabt't of.dher properties
for sale, including many of the
beat houses in town. Ark about
Al,,ce 1':oi"„n• I :or
P. 0. Buz lila e;,.tcnrh, 0111.
Success Begins With Sa'ing.
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Canada will give you the right start
By systematic saving you can lay the foundation
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Do not wait until you have $25.00 or $ .00. A
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(root of Angler* St. Phone 61.
Dominion of Canada
Guaranteeing the
Canadiafl National Railway Company
Irty'Year 5% Bonds
Dated 1 February, 1924 Due 1 February, 1954
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Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, egina, Calgary or Victoria.
Bonds may be registered as to principal only, r as to both principal and interest.
Denominations : $1,000 d $500.
Subject to Legal Opinion of E. G. Long. Esq., K.C.
These bonds are secured by the full credit and taxing power of the Dominion of Canada
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PCE: 99.50 aridl interest
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Orders may be telephoned or telegraphed to any of our offices at our expense. Bonds
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