HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 1011 -Thursday, February 7, 1924
To Obtain the Finest
uncolored green tea procurable
Superior to the best Japans. Try it todo,7•
i:sT‘1:1.1SIIEi) 11148 ,
Member of l atwdiun Weekly
paper A..weiation
Published every '1'hurse1.&y morning.
Subs,•rlptiou price $2.00 per year. To
L'nited States and Foreign Countries,
$2.50 per year, strictly In advance.
Telephone 35 , : Gederieh, Ont.
W. 11. Robertson. Editor :usl 1I:u,..:;.r
tenll.•r. 114. The score of . t.. 1 w as
quite sail fzoIury. The Canadiatw it
.all pOpal five enures :against five dif-
ferent tenor.: and u,:ade :111 aggregate of
lit• g..al< while only thr.ee goals iter••
scored slialit.t
• •. i • •
titled for years to come As It Is. they
may dull they have started something
that will hair considerable eonswtmet) i
(tett. For our IIMI& Ie+. to go no further, j
what a i 1 they sly if the fire brigade i
should dl'1I1a1NI a 111•14" ,hear. ',V. un-
der -root that „ Mom or more. mlvu• i
Lir,• of thv brigade receive among thew
as their yearly +tI1»•ud a total of
*mealtime (time like.t14W). 1t is probably no
rare ihug fur them to have their
.1 .41 ..' •ia11 (41. to ,ay nothing .of the
nwreserious risks they take. No'nat-
ter wllat i+ done ata.ut (le ,4►un,'fllur,i
",calarit•s.•• the amount voted• 40 the
tire brigade should be *Ubx(ientially iia•
,•reaeanl. We bellere to economy. Ind
there Is :1 'Withholding that is not
.4..uormy. J'erliaps the cotue•1dors will
turn, that into an argunl.•nt for pay-
ing* themselves.
� r
Frletdly Comment
(Clinton New Era.
After Every Mea!
It's the longest -lasting
confection you can buy
-and It's a help to di-
gestion and a cleanser
for the mouth
and teeth.
Wrigley's menus
benefit as well as
-Thereare real heroes and heroines re -1
°yearn .1 on Sunday. Neill be la:1l•kw1 bumped fnrluently lint after taking the ` -
1:x-lq'.'sitleut ya'iis•m. whom. death siding iu (he county luau. They can be
in history :as one of Illy great figures ..1'
olio war perks'. Many *41.11441 p',a,'•
lriw •..••,ud .illy to Li114•n111 In the Ii -t
of the 11.1Nabli:••- ;trent st*4tsaneu, 11ad
tti.a ha.tltlt not failed 1' at the critic
cal hour be aright have 1».,•l, :able to'
tirtrir-tits- rte into time -with hits 4t'
Thur:alay Februay, 7 1924 support of the League of Natiuu• and
the serol ditu'gauisaiiou .ablch has
EDITORIAL NOTES J toltow.•d the star might in large
m,1141.• hate I»4.11 averted. tiretut
oleo have their aeakte•.m.ri uud Wgitoll-
raaw WiLMtu hail 1►ie__llut- lttx _iij'nlrn
w,r, uul.le. and Is. strove mightily to
(five hail( praetkvl reality In national
A town councillor ,.iglu to Ate
woitli tial -a year. - _ I
3/r. Taff is uuw the only living es-
presiideut ..f the United ata
• • •
Mr. Manning Doherty is t
tardier group in the Lcei.Ia
erosion .ols•niaig thl. W,91.
• • ••4..fhie,ee Is .,till strong. Unfortunately! tu1ve Io4u fioalel with corr•.p„ndene,• this (-Mbit' furti*M•s *snorter.- for tl •
Hydro were on; .•.nnlrwimh,ry' e! faruirrs in general
u -• ooh h,teru:atluual affair.. 'Ile•
volt•,• 1.( lI, Irarti.lu 11141 nit ,-*circ him.
count cone•• back suiting as if nothiha
ru,n• thsnonlinary had happened. 'We •--- -
a/autirettheir' .luck'. Probably their per-
•evennce' is largely due to (lir• training.
tlwy Iiat-e nr. ivid in p•retlnially tinker-
ityt up the harbor and proving to the Do-
minion t iovt•rnment Haat Iia.1.1jell eunkl
only be kept tot the clap by "anon
$b11,t�' The genera
they g') after. They
we n•ally• believe
if good jolts lural .always been done in
dndging, she harbor 'night leave extend-
ed to Auburn by this tirne. We are not
residents .d lioubting Carne. however.
and are Rill uptiu,istsc. looks as if there
might Is• a hot time in }futon's capital.
though, as ae noticed one of the, parsons
took'- as ata* topic '.f a-rreenr-'taerntY .
Iaes.a1m front Hell to ole' -e .'t1 the
way." •
cons -(ruction. typo'. having eighteen
hltri..-. twelve rod- wide. 'pard
I'twenty-four-felt centers. with latest
improved steel hatches, and straight
"mother stay tanks t.steteHng from, the tank i
life an Ontario Farm.
u lead the but froom• his sicklo•el he aa, aIle to ten cert by the stew:1rd. firemen. deck
(Toronto titan l':
nate iu the f ! 1 illi i 1. ,� i ha t t 1 coal pe •s(•rs n%-••
Table Linens
60 x 62 -inches wide, extra heavy,
all -pure linen unbleached Darnask; •will
bleach beautifully and give almost end-
less wear. Regularly worth $1.25
$2.00. On sale, per yard...
• Bleached Satin Dam-i-sks Tabling•
heavy, all pure linen, 70 -inches wide•
neat patterns. February sale $1 SO
Mercerised Irish Table Damask, 62 -
inches wide, heavy fine quality, washes
and wears splendidly and fine ap (l
pearance. regular ;t 1.25, at per yd ✓C
Irish Linen, for Drawing
top t1. taw spur dark. Forward. the
vessel is rifted --la; the at-enmmn4ll- -
thin of twelve lrew.et/germ. having six
I+latero nr4. f.it..54 ager dining room slat
r. k1Leheati w• ,Ieh has an electric range
i and an eieetrically o4a•ratt4l ice plaint.
The piss -diger staterooms, ohm-twil-
1 tluu r,».nt and 'captain's gamier..
Weir are finished in minded tualu'g-
- - ----
env. and awl. ore l(to•abaT In lb.. dnnh'e
Texias on the forecastle deck. The for-
w:ud er•ri'4 room, latssenger dining
room loud kitelien. are la.eata•,1 on tlte.l
41»rr-de•k. The. :aftrr. t•abiu will he co. -
set ..gra u :a n, vii 'fou a pl .' ti tee the su s ide of the tat '•hewn' 1"11.' 1„r rte's n i.
boys on (Iuharlu fail(;: news a kitchen. crew'.- dining rutin) :and
I f cling In lois favor and in death Ills newspapers 1»s. A su •
1o'rlmpi..4t•d 1 s• 1.0 tin) .t
Query: -Was the II, I ; thah..• to La• no
i ,. sight to I , ugulw r. and 'alter.. a 11MpiMl room
tf a •.if th.w ou ,u S1
nr us, , 1.411'
than u a ▪ nr Ins mouth.. Tao• Star that 'Mindy -nine out .d one
r hired a carload of furniture t.,
.t Itrtmlttun t4,rre•.4?n•amh•m- wrIrs to and -aware room all finished in oak 1•
dal ni,ltlit: 4'i • ..aye-' h,1te 11.
• • •
1.11iu fa sten. eta d /IA Rn.sla's 4.441,4
ruler- by Alexis It•a nut itch' Rykoft.
Can he be any relation t.. the• - Rake-
off frequently wenthe...I In r -Goo
with loll iths on Was 4.4ttiucutY
_`_• • •
Th.. uttaw* (iovernweut la setting
to work to clear out some of the super-
fluolls bather in the tivil service. Mem-
bers of the (;otcrnm.rd reed not be
afraid Ad going ton far fu the use of
the pruning -hook.
• • •
the lanoline of an editorial ank9e fu
vigor. but isn't this going it a bit too
N'llena Skunk Comes Around- is
The Toronto Star. 11'.• like 'lite Star's
r yt
• • , • banding' formers will work 1:111.1
--` ---- -- T -- - -_ _:_-1.--,, _. ... • _..-.,.-.. man. the vessk, all of ahirh a:.-
• ,Th,••n•uwrkw ort 194 41iuta,11 New :ouse! -uwt•„u,• a -tea .child frailer .manuhunrrd in Sheboygan. 41'is..
Fara niwm rel»•uditnr•s at (:odrrleli, than they wall their lior+••.: many areal the gr,Mlfer attar( o! it by th, Nurth-
•v,o .k. 11 trt their own vhLdr.•n' The ern 1•'nril purr ('o.. a itei..-os•ne.l fac-
iaarts.r. reproduced In :undth,-r'06144wn. tone ..f olds letter is t1tat of 1411411) torr,
are hardly fair. The expenditures of otla. r-. Th.. reader would loather full „1t' electrical piano. tuanuf:u (urea iu
reeent years. at any rate, have Issm I the- farms of Canada fare Lsfalatwl l.y She•1».)gar. wi.: Is iti.ta444 l in thr' ou-
Plain, for
doilies, etc., in
At per yard
$1.00, $1
lunch cloths, tea cloths,
36, 38, 45 and 54 -inch.
.25. $1.75, $2.25
Floral, chintz -covered, quilted and
well made, white cotton filled. Size
66 x 72.At $2.95 and $4.95
eat: h.
Eder Down Comforters, English
make, satin covered. At each
Stanfied and Penman's Underwear
for men and women. Select choice of
weights and qualities. All at February
sale prices.
)us.iflevl, by ole• c, tetrt- of tare traffic a race a people different runt t n..••! serration room. The vessel is wptlle
!whoi 1 bi 1 i 1 h•
n w 114 t la• , 1t ew---a sort ss 2', -ion i'1,o'*,Ix nnmmnt-
wilf.11 they lulva• wash• 1».-siblr. If , re- whi.:. deagltt is to torture the 1741.-'7..1.:1,!1.' any criticism mar lie- mate it i.: that •-iaihlr. 1*'couiwitrd to 11a•1r charge: ing
I '. writ,.
tE Plaut ami a
the cows+-..s,iry work lit 11'4 pns•,441„ 1 , No sensible person wail ru.wl't 1114 c" „,n) t4 ontie ti F:ohs it hot
a h,d1-:ale coudemrutlnu of farmers as r».m bas . n nlnir R oaths. with hot
With as raphll) as it uai¢In i»•. the rem • and ertll nurnhle :t mer. :and sanitary
onslteiug. no 1111111((: that during the a '•l,r... -19yy defer from earl' other drinking flonnhaiu. are pr. I'.l for-
. t+s' •ity folks ti. . TI {twat.' R•',i I iva,'. and aft. I.
car ouch works w.•ae nrgll.t.+l all
White Scarlet Grey
Grey, all pu wool, y
border, largest don bed size, $b• • 50
extra heavy. At per •r • .. .
White, of purest select wool; fancy
blue or pink borders and whipped singly;
large size, beet quality, Aper eaihr
$18.00 and $22.00
0 -Whams, for Dresses
32 -inches wide, English Ginghams,
splendid' quality, in a new exquisite
range of colon elects; plaids and broken
effects in all size checks; colors fast,
pinks. 'blues, mauves, if grays, pur-
ples, orange, pumpkin yellow, etc , 30e
etc. At • per yard
Spool Cotton
Coats' best 6 -cord 200 yards, Spool
Cotton. black or white, every num
- bee- 10 -to- ►va_.-_ __ 2 for 15C
81 -inch, best -quality bleached Sheet-
ing, in plain or twill. On sale 98c
36 -inch bleached Cotton, splendid
quality. Two specials on sale this week
at per yard
19cand 23c
Bleached Cheese Cloth or Butter
Cloth. 500 yards on sale. Re-
gular I0c at per yard 1 �2C
40 -inch bleached Pillow Cot- 30c
ton. At per yard
Butterick Patterns for early spring all now in stock. Butterick Spring Quarterly
is, we believe, the most instructive magazine in publication today. Every infor-
mation given in it as to materials, quantity required for any garment and how
to proceed in making up.
Butterick Spring Quarterly and the Delineator on sale at Pattern Counter.
:1 n, i' 11m1.DR tem. as 11 mate o ler
..tor the,ofu1try 14144 ,,.•w" Uw (;acro-. •.41114.1111.11.
111.•114 filals it diffl.11 t to proil.1.• sof-+ 11114 fart. Tito t4 hard. 1R 1s hard
firk•trt floods to Inver the im. for
i fur (lar furw•nr. :tint his fatally gnat for
•may by th,. Lord••+[ ,.f work tlwt
The macititwry ,consists of a triple
_expansion ,tufo.', cylinders 2.!1x4li
117 iuertes. with 42 -tach stroke. fitted
pubitr work, teasluin4l ill :all parts „f' hi. hired hands oil . yotnn Ir
the ih.utiu1mi. The cotrwptela•e is tl* 1 ih.• ;vernier. f1run-r :in.1 lila' y,h
the ase•.•. -stet
vies* harbor im s R m
..f . arm•
, wrhi a bore algin fro the• soda In
with a 4urf14(4' condenser anal a
11•h„•Ier•E.Iw•ords indels•1de•ttt air
!»IMI.. two 1:,he h c,•ldrifur14l ballast
pnngol+ HMI trio In-hs•h ree:pia^athr¢
strong? Later-tIu reading the article �ure,l to hrr.l h' ri, tnwidvrs r.me• t'nllnst The Lady Auto Buyer .
f 11 m nt w tv .term it. the out -ilei tlo 1»• 4e Vr .tech Is,. ,•r- 14 feel ti inches 1
j+11wp loam is sn4pliwl by
W. Acheson & Son
w,• M,Y• that it i.. out, after nil. n - tree • ' '
reference to the colter of The Star's' prvs.•.. .14 •'t»•r•rutal sAivining." If farmers may
full to make aliowa "Otero
haavneter turd 11 feet a mile., lnng.I The auto ttalwemnn talked mud talked
for the trailer r4m+titntinu• of oth,•rs lul.•hig a wurkii.g pressen• of 1!'..i To ('ell ]fYas Jinks tea ear; '
ih•• ,4lirur of 'he• N,•w F:na,(Fonld ri+it., But to d,•tur theta as fiends wise ie. 1`.
ev,•ntng tontemporx;v.• I;,•derlch halhor, however. h, would light b tort are their o•ugr,oyeefn a i"'4411.4.4 per -guar' 1t'/h. Ea,h boiler lie talked of mars and four -whirl
• ,, fitted with two Ilorri 011 furiiacrsa
The furmera of the 41'estern State's .11.cover that n systewnril Plan of inn ¢rosy III») 'tram the n444141 44)44-t. of :,) inches in diameter. The hollers brakes
In provemcrt is heiuR carried out and 1 Ontario• are fitrttl with Ellis k F:nve•4 in- And .prangs that dldli t jar.
evidently ><
y were sin.er• in expressing
that Lb • 'Vac forming under certainly not before it is needed to _. - lurch draft :•micas(, Itsdny & Hopper: i Ile talked about the body lines
the bell
worse conditions than -Prevail In the
til dpi n to the hart»,r some do
take c11), of for tnofflr. !teller nntk„ I CAPT. ALEX
(`aend inn Wert. It I. .x1.1 flint
suds of tMwm are prelatiriug to
CRAIGIE leiter. L,•anraruth purifiers. tphcrlstaay find (hear
The Field mill Ire ,vur,lrfed and The,en/titre. the inagtufo and
a v li[All{ FINE NEW 180�T id bore.
thews- p rsld) for bnsuu•es at the opening of g
1,,teel (seat salon r. 31r. Editor. and «•r for -- - -
their homes in the Mateo anti fah.. opt your'4•:f a hat Is going iia.
land on the Canadian side. • • •
• • •
. We are not Melbas! to be eenwrrlon+
The 1.ire•olu county Jailer d.»•s not"? of the number. of bite town t.(amell
like wnnii•n :r prisoner... Inc says tl14, !*4114, lilt throngh the a,Mt111Y• wTiii l{J
air banter 1., handle than mint. The!. I"'1'ul+tr leIrLuice will pr41atb:y__. 10'
wows "n, rete mem to s,•4 dawn to the
termed -the salary grab .They pfit
tM•nrrwlr.- tn- ntttc•h He.1nr•ntirtee -4t►-
idea that they are Ilykr as prisoner.
-- -II n¢ to tle•fr QnH,•s. :ud_
The William K. Field. nuiltil 'th-nam. 4 4441. Ale2. (rrJohn
Wa+ lea( 4 4th taw .4saaeJohP•
'hkde. Will He in Charge of ltd.- for eight years, will bring her
Gaeh'rirh Oki I
le) mit. arid .lies. S1eLaten, who was chief
('npt. .1:cx. I'ralgir. whip ons nh thio 'r'Ritar.•r of the itelrs fit five year..
.c ill 1u1v.• lharga• of her maehlnery.
Meattrer Jein*--P:-14.4... leas +•41«01. Si 11
brine oat the 'new 4teaue•r N'i!llain K.
Fk4d at 1h ,)eating of the nar-iir tion
-season Of 1tr_14. The tt'Illlaun K.
t'k Id, 44-bilh ha. leen under ,..anon.; -
tion for the Reis. Steam+hip r'... at
the 'nrd ..f the Toledo Ahtphnllding
'to be l.utti-hid." Certainly mit; no
times, if they are a„u+kh•mth►Us, they
wo nap yet ever w oat to jail except as
the 4.4tult of nK unreasonableness.'
serve til•• town's interests to the In-
jury of 'their emus However. they are
• •. • t 4lke'y to find tln•y have made a nu•1kal
eau l'unr.:a14 .has 11:1,1 ti .error. It world have been much mare
n'•on. 111041„ •t '-4-1lIn)or• of .o poly if. instead of rot hr. 111"11e)to
n h•a'i14 gathered together to
r mh:i+, •u,rs. Among the ulnr this year's (sam(1I-(hal is. to thetn-
selra.-t.h,y had parsed a rtromrua'n-
dation ghat next • )bar's council be
is*ld. allowing 4144' t,axpayetw to have
a May in the natter nt the text eleetton.
If in' the meantime they wen• able to
o feet ((trach (.otauui4. a:a In allow• of a
nriuction 'hot the tax rate, the elec-
tors Wight ...mil- them back to the
couuetl in goal standing and the ques-
tion of remuneration would be de -
teen Was lar ('..1. Ilantlltnn, n Code -
rich -old boy.- who stone years ergo
as hind of affairs in the flown dawn
the St. law-ren,e and Is still n
tliti it citizen then..
• • •
tan, of the first important acts of
i(ritain Labor (;ov.•rnment has been
to. goal( foetal rmngnitlott to the
Serie( (io neat of.,Ruw41, which
shier the u caval of 1917 had been
treated as a outlast by flu• leaJlttg
powers of the old. Th.•'h.IV,'I poi
tertained that
'yew move ail be
followed by a rete vat of tni.k• with
. • •
Ifni( F:rmeat lepdnt
Lower (ionln as Mlnlst
anal -'1'. J. A. Carlin, If.
r►ihvl. beeflee•a a m,•nfher
('w!•ine•t as Minister of Ma
Fblieries. Mr. 1.aisdnte's form
lupi. Au ehr•tion will M. nw4r+.w
Rielniie'u and Mr. Melghen. who
tsr'n (.edu:ottaly emitting the quell.
rote. will have an opportunity of toot•
lag his atr'ngth in -the Meter Province.
• • •
There wog great regimens to hepar
the result of the final 1pn•key Raine In
the Olympic coute44. it waw not
*edited that ('anads would wan' on»r
the I'nited States. but every Can-
to-sdlon hockey °fan" wonted K to Ise
a dm -Wye victory. If can (*stilly IR
bialieud (hat the Iftame writ 110 parlor
errgiti•1 affair. and th-• rnhlt.l report.
ih'idhste th.,1 M,;I, a:111, had their)
succeeds Sir
r of Jnsth•e
for 1 t•Il-
of dle
e• aunt
p in ▪ I;
Read this tree statement
"1. Mrs. Clayton, have suffered
from Rronchitis for years and
found relief only in Buckley'.
Bronchitis Misture. I consider
this t• h• a w•,nderfuht4medy
and -wouldn't be without it in the
house, end I am firmly con-
\ winced that it saved my life."
Are. W. Clayton, 90 Uxbridge
re:, Toronto.
Illunkl•y • is suarante•d to
relieve with the eery first dose,
coughs, eels• and bronchitis.
Get a bottle at your druggist's
142 MUTUAL IT.. envonwr4 ors
Kahl In (.Mlerirh by Campbell's Dreg
Store ass 0. C. Dunlop.
�txh thin • ws stroke oma
ile talked about the hearings and
Transmission. mot area -park
The driving •haft. the pump. the
The lights with which you park.
lb- talked to IIER on all the point'
That count for three long hours--
Itt►t she bought another auto -
••l'1'Z 11' 11.11) A VASE EER
We like to make portrait- of mem and
many own prefer us a- we seem to
psa/ess that f,rult) which enable«
Ile to hlly bring nut rturaetor sod
bdivie•akr• K R. ti11.lAJWB.
('o., was launched January 24th.
('apt. 1`raittie is one of Go»leri.'h').
boys • «Ln have made their way to
tae• top ,in the (;rent !sake. navigation
business. Ile la g •011 of 11r.. .11,x.
('might of town.
.l despatch from To:ado has the fol
looting nceottnt of tate launching:
Toledo. (thio, moi- '2;=-ilefore a
launching tarty ut 2.0, including ooh
rasas of the 1te14. Steamship Co.. and
(Other Ink.. tran.porh_tkm lines rind
more than 2.000 sport*Mrs. the Strom•
ter William K. F9e:d w -as lams( d
today noon at the yards of the Toledo
$hlpbnllding Co. Slit -year-old Haas'
Keleit I'age of l'olumhus. grand -dough -
ter of William K. Field, preai.lent of
the Pitt.hnrg ('cal ('n. and a director j
of the Reiss steam:hip Co. for whom j
the carrier Is named. christeneel the!
ship try smashing a bottle of (+Mord '`
water on leer bow an oho• •tartetl
flown the ways.
The launeh[ng party included the foal.
Inwitvg: Mr. and 31rs. 11lilia'tn iC:
Field of Pittsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Itelw, Mitt (;citral, hers and 11'. A:,
Rel.,. of Sheboygan: Mr. and Mrs.
.Perone F. Page. MIs K••1.1., iMg••. Mr.
and Mrs. (1, h'. Johnson it. E. Sheldon.
34r. ala' Mrs. F. liar's. Mr. and Mrs.
4:. 1'. Mortem of Coluntlrns: Col... M.
wfi,xmrasker. J. 1t. Yohe. II. .1. tier -
room 4'. F.. 10shr•r. 1ktn Rosi ami' Fla
1►. W,rtlake of Pttt..urgh: 'Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Smith, Mr. and 34ra. C. L.
Redford. Mr. and Mrs. R.. (lam .iw4i,
Ilr and Mrs. W. C. (tarlisle and MIM
Marion ('rtrlii a of Toledo; A. E. Corne-
11t1s of itnffa4o:.1. W. Simpson of Mil-
waukee; Mr. and Mrr. Jame% Dotter of
St. ("air. Welt.: Mr. +4141 Mrs 11' 4.
- oloslitae and Mr. and Mrs..1..'•n Witte
of Tn i'do; F. 1 Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs.
.1 11. Wools. I1. SI t;,- gga. Fred Meal.
11 E. Ilnmhr•1, Fred font. 'mincer, .1.
1i. Wolfe. Mr. sod Mrs. V. 11. rnlmet'.
John T Kel'y and W. C. Dressier of
('levelami. -
Th.- 11.14. ahteh-4. Mi led 1••41,¢
siltfy f..,t (mosso nn,l th'rt%'-tae feet
deer. has a vs lw•'il,y of 14.1619 1a011
whin ful:y twirled, and Is of the argil
Your share in
N. •
Will you get a bigger
share of business in
Many more people learn
ed how to get the most
out of their Local and
Long Distance in 1923
than ever before. Our i..'
study of their business
enabled one concern to
increase its sales by tele-
phone from $200 a
month to over $8,000.
Will you not give this
subject of properly
organized and properly
manned telephone equip-
ment serious considera-
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Ford of Coma r rowani-
(1 w Soles •nd Sero...
Sioni..• In tin Jelleornr ear.
m.. r..w.r.
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Llamas of Small AMo
Konya t ;•Mer
Ten myna
C.Id Coon
lrt Leen.
tram !w,ldtnrne
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M.ariN and Rennie•
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&Moat N<-... Guinea
Why Fatted Peo iomiasitees •
The Empire Builders
From time immetnonal, Briton. have gone forth and pioneered
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In the face of seemingly insuperable difficulties they have
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Ford canies the burdens of Empire trade on the hill -trails of
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Universal usage under all these conditions has stamped the
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ivory Bel( T.I.ma•». is
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