HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 9•
will be commenced in an early issue
of The Signal. It will be a good'one•
Watch for it.
A New Serial Story --.
Job Printing
The Signal is prepared to do all kinds
of Job Printing at reasonable prices.
For your next order
Telephone 35
qugK on t
FOR J. B. COX an eppr ntk.•? 1f *it
Mr. lllo)'s. continuing. then point-
ed out that, according to seetfou Ci3
of the ('rimival ('ode. au apprentice
could be puul'hel within operant.t is hen wen
lout the
rlgtu to pnntsh him. (looting Mrd
Hakshury. kir. Huy* stated that apt-
pr•ntice%hip cvust►tuted learning a
trade or catling. Appr•ul(•rsh►p
became contract fur •ear ice when
Ilulpill the !ruining receival was only in-
--- (ideate'. Wee I(ulpitt on the Cox
is Found Guilt) of ('umrnon assault
.lgahpst the Late ( f
J. Benson r„c, 4 , U...r•v township farm to earn ;.5. or wen+ h4, tin
farmer. na. .,n Frida, morning last to learn terming? Beyond 44 doubt
he was .tbere in that home for the
found gniltc .n 1',•li„- ,court before,,purpuw• of !mining farming. (('-
4'lu.r ••• A 1:,•:d on theft -}aril Mr. Hay. 1A-110.140.1 ,-large
(+urge laid tozootn.t hien "that on Ike -lot iia morals and upbringing? The
comberS_nd la .t he del unlawfully
Hom•• had. but It „left it to Mr.
tam. That hay wan apprenticed to
Mr. Cox when it is alleged he re-
ceived 1111 11011t for lying.
Magistrate Reid -You don't deity
that. Mr. "hays?
"Had he not the right to punish
hire?" .ralnter..l Mr. Hays. "There
is n.) evidence that the panhbtmenf
was OPV en'." 4
"Well. there is nothing here to
• C., oppnnsi op behalf of the Croton, „how- that he tam au apprentice." said
---- while Jetties le-Kil14raa was pr -"'114 taw Magistrate. •'1141 was there to
in court on shat he tens' a "watch -
work nu the farm."
lug brief.- it ,L presume) from the
Crowia Attorney's Add ego
Al* Manua a lhmic.. reople•.
The trawl ra,m was only comfort•'
ably tilled when Cox end WS •eonnwel.
It. 4'. Illus. Jr. entered the room at
11.2) o'cha•L twretenty el
One m
1 appointed hl hoar.
' Dr. A. C. !hinter, who a. eomler eon -
Aimed the Mimes?" Into the death of
the Rulpitt boy. was on the witness
- eland- ('oa hiring Aortal to be trtpd
otteamarily before M.glitrate Reid. and
fnerltt{f-J91'eibd "moi entity". to' the
charge' as rend.
Only Fever Witnesses Called_
anter teatifled that Cox. of
• ltk , n colitbn. had told hitt - he
had w upped the Ratpltt boy •
morning of his death (L)sresher• W.
the day In gneetlof ). He aimod
bis he had often whipped Oml
for untruthftedies In answer to
I►r. Hunter's question wtwth•Ir he
had whippet' the troy every day. Cox i
had repelled : "Not daily ; frequently."
in reply to Mr Hays quo -alone. Dr.
flnn'er waw entpluitic in rtating that
cox In his .,.nversatlmn with him
en arriving at the scent of t11•• hang-
ing. was tlo' Brat to mention the
iiihfect of whtpptrlg. Cox. he said.-
aid.had not tole him as to 'now many
Onto he meant by "frequently."
44.111nilrtl,.• io111110blr..„tt-oc• of coal -
Woo a.snult ul•ne awl did tiniew'full?
a...aitlt and heat e'har:c- Rulpitt." The
s0Dte•n,s• 01 the emir upon the de -fetid -
ant was impri.un.ment in the county
jafi at ,;•sler•ich feu_t1 ._ pw•w of two
blender mouths,
Crown" Arrancy l'harlen Seeger, K.
Crown Attorney Seager, at
outeet- of hitt remark* before . the
court. drew attention to sections' 200,
and 201 of the ('rimtnal Code. where-
in common stimuli I
w ef(cN1 ea
intentionally applying force to .the.
portion of another. dimity or ID.
directly, without the consent of the
other, and for which offence the
maximum peualty is one year's tee
prdsoaaent or a fine of ;100. "bid
Cox do that? That he did is proved
beyond pe4adventuIT " amerced
-Seeger: et.-TAn:f_.te--d(Mied."
"Wae ('Ox master. of au apprett-
tkr? I contend not. 111e ern:ract
between Mit and the Marehmont
11011141 people speaks for noel-. Bnl-
pitt was there *Imply as a hired la.y,
a hire! man. No penton ean tee.
tent., An apprentice her.. except un-. Te Cut Ice In Harbor
der the statute., of Ontario. TIv' 3Tie,Eocard of Health hap received- roto
law states exactly what.1s to be the Institute of Public Health, London.
done" the following report on the sample of ice
Mr. Seager then read chapter cut from the harbor: "We woukh con -
147. woes 3, et the Apprentleo. ogler this ice, of satisfactory sanitare.
drip and Minor's' Act. "A boy „i„. quality ani safe for domestic uw. '
not ha apprenticed out to this roan- Robert Clark hap acconlirlgly teem
try at asybed/'s sweet will; it NIAfrrnndpermit by CIN Beard to rut
got to be _ dose in writing. accord: M'' from tie harbor.
ins to the law. and under the pro -
Merton of the law. There ha. not
The News of the
M. C. C. Activities / The Wallop et Keewatin
Tin• MenestnnisCauoe Club is plan-
ning a skating party for next Tweets,
night, with a. lunch at the club re"111144
a(trr skating at ala• West etrec•t (ink•
Aloe ter event on *lie Club's program is
a "kala year" 'at,hutne, to he held
apprnprtan•Iy on the 29th of February.
Twelfth of July In Goderleb
.tt the uuuuul (county Orange Ledge
uer•ting 1 1tL*t Exeter on Tnewllt_It
was decided to have the 12th of July
celebration In Go,lerich thin year. Tile
local numbers of the society are plan-
ning for a beg event and hole , hav
large number of lodges In • shoo.ea
Te Subscribers is Arrears
It wenlld greatly facilitate'
lett !rump of aerpullta het ween
-McQuarri. and The Signal _ 1'rinti
Cu. if all euhoa•rtbers iu arrears trout(
make payment at an early date. All
remlttanrea should he addressed to
The Signal I'rtnting Co., 1.1mit, d, Gale
'Minas Gundry. county ronstahk
aril deputy sheriff. was then called
to the staral. Hi, evldemw In regard I
t.. rho e•onrerwt(nn between the eon I
..nor and ('ox, at which he hod been
Torment. wan as follow.,
Dr. Hunter -What could have
happe0ed the boy to wake him do
Cox -d• don't know. 'though 1 know
.one thing:, 1 thrashed him this
mnrnln-" "You what'?" "1 thrash-
ed bpm this -morning." "Who! for?" 1
"For lying. 1 often had to whip him 1
ter Tyint"
Dr. Hunter -How often did you
whip him? "1 Whipped him tre-
gnently.". "Every day. Y041 mean?"
"No. not every day: frequently."
To Mr. ,Hays 111+ witness asld that
On had not admitted whipping the
boy for anything err than • lying.
nor find he fndleateed whet he meant
by "frequently. -
Charles' A. Robertson. Reeve of
Colborne. and a neighbor whom Cox
called In when he d(wtovered the
boy baneng fn the horn. waw the
next w'ittN•,'-. He gave evidence that
lie had heard Cox tall the meaner
that he had whipped the boy that'
morning "air. Cox told me himself
he hid whipped the boy that morn-
ing." remarked Mr Robertson. "i
dad not think there was any *coat
abort it." -
('rown Attorney JtMiar.-- tit-.
entirme there wasn't : not until now.
Dr. A. H" Markltu. who made J,hr
pxoat-mortem examinntion, was the
teat wttnem called. Dr" MA,eklln
tcstifed that there were no marks
on the body that .Died bare been
enured by Mating.
kir. Hays►-lt the ho>- loa.t been
given a Revere whipping that morn-
ing, would there not Meer• been
marks nn hie hands?
Dr. Macklin -I shouldn't think
that a broad. soft strap on the• palm
of the hand would dhow Anything
Address of Cox's Counsel
"This bay's death hn• berm the
means art stirring up considerable
pmhllctty thronghont this rnnntry
and England as weal," began Mr.
Hays. in 11144, address to the court,
"Perhaps hellos. come enthusiast!"
reporters have wnce•d eloquent In
melodrammtle style. romm.rebtlls-
tag the death of Iiulpltt, and ruin-
ing the mtanding of Mr. rex- In the
community where he lives"
At this jnnetare Mr. *.ager
whtaper.d .omething to Mr. Hays,
and, then rising, amid: "i don't wish
to go Into Ode nauseating affair
Magt*tate Reid -Well, Mr. Hays,
Ton might know that the Amemat of
pihlleity this thing has been given
ilea nothing to do with the twos,
nor ban it any effect to tuts ecurt"
'Torhapo not," replied 3tr Hay's.
"brat w'heu *ny °Wilmer els. of as-
sault la hoard hardly teen people
know anything about it whereas
this ewe has been very widely dls-
enosd•" This angle of the errs
was this dropped.
Seaforth {{ere Friday
w 11t be aa-rittr'roathrg--firer•
at the Wear .street rink Friday ev-
ening, when the Se forth iatermedate
O; 11: -1, term coulee to. town to ay
a ^lied 111441R amP The leadersl ' of
the group is at .-talo. heaver on e
dtlgg evut••st is promised for those
who attenit.
Rest Estate Changes
Mr. Ifartd Yonne. having sold his
'douse on 'We*: street to Mr" John S.
llodf°rd, Las reenter Mr«. 1V. 1.. Hor-
ton'a_-house at floe Cresernt_ln[ be
next six mouths preparatory to build-
ing in the spring.
Mr. John 'lucking has sold his house
on Regent street to Mr. Phlllp'C.
The visit of the Itight 1te•wercud
Daniel Dewdneey Itl,dhop of Keewat-
in.' to Goderich, and worn particularly
to tat. George'a parish. last Friday was
a notable. event. The Bishop spent a
buoy day while in town managing to
mddleaa four gathering,' during the
1 -
afteAloon end evening. beginning with
the Lions Club at noon and conelud-
Ing with a travel talk .with lantern
alidrx--in -the--ilarirh - batt at fright:
1)urhng the early afternwn Itiollop
T)ewduey spoke to the Women's .1ux-
Ilary and later *Mao to the school
children and Mission. Rand. His two-
some from "T1*. Great North ieend of
()Mario" with its Indian and Eakiuw
people Was large gh and interes-
ting enough to enable his to leave
with each of the'audiencra he addres-
,+ed a new ►mprealon of the tmprr-
tante of the great "hluterland" of
to arks
Frank Basehler'a Death
lativet unci Melvin of Franck.
4•111er were grieved on learning
,serpent -end uuexprt4'd death.
took p'o4••• at Ottawa all Watley.
« In tl
running ut of
'outlying nal
prrpering r a
^1 inhe 'Ii 1
rm ago rr hr
Hops t
1 lain again :at my old past as ma
- -•_. ager of Th. Sigtrtll. There see
to be fate in it. This is the Eiid
PERSONAL MENTION , time i have returned to. The Signal
Miss Edna Robin/Pit is Wine from'afterbreakingaway_fron) it. This
Toronto. • time I !tripe to remain a good long
A. It. Douglas, of London, Woe in town rrsturel by the teat 1 have had, and
"n Tncaday on legal lalnneeaa in Ills. sup j l ad
while. My health has been greatly
reuarle,,urt I -am looking (.)rware withpleasure
Mira Ito Elliott iaviniting with rel:Nivea teo the neswuption at the Old tela-
At l.tlmlee dour• with lite readers and patrons
Engineer A. M. Kirkpatrick. .of the Of Th. Signal• May I ask for a re.
f.oiuto❑ „trice id *Is- Federal eek. 111 newe1-0"4
of trio eontidenee, tale kindly
t 11',irks. too in e,ttn tIs1 week. oontiderttiotl and generous support
Mr. Frank tallow, who has been in extended 'to 111e in past years?
Flint reerntlr, was -in town over the.
With such e0 -operation 1 shall
week -end n on iii, way to take a ,ps.eition permit. with good heart my task of
in Toronto.
Mrs. Ralph Trow, of 'tratfonl, is in "'akitnR Th. Signal an over-w,-Iuo,lte
town for a ew days t 1 s we 4
visitor to the homes into which it
Mite Marjorie Skinner. ,,1 the (;ak- Roes each week.
rich Arteraft Furniture Company, is at The jobbing and otl►rt depart_ w. onded hl. motion) that the re -pool
her home inla/u•ina.at present. luiselg mitltmnf The Ri11tm1+till be cotton- 1"' taken up 'seriatim in committee of
been called there owing no the illness .MI the whole eouta•il. A rota was that
her norther. u,l as emote. Our ainl will Ise to taken on this motion, the yeas end
sub -
'Mks Itemed • Marphy. of Stratford iurixlucc
good work at r,-aaonnble 1 int s h, -Ing reordrd at the -request of -
Normal. was in wn neer the weak• prunes, And ae ask a fair share Of Mayor (hallow. The motion was sub -
end. ._ Ipllhlle patrnnugc , sepaeuty declared lost. only the
p R --vee Deyuty Reeve and Councillor
yes, Gallow, Reeve,. Deputy Reeve
and (councillor Platt Are
CI 10 of the !Mance cottstaitt.e'ts
report at tlw regular,eewtlag of tits
lOWIn ( until' !sot Friday evruing.
wherein the remuneration to the
Member* at. -the iODnit frac fixed it
I:tt for stllar meetings and V for
i toptor.iul n1P t•t(ngs. was the subject of
t.ntald,•rabi^ comment and dtausabu.
J [`pen the. (vmmlttlto a report being
f read by (clerk Knox. Reeve 1ladwau
motel llkrputy Reeve. YtmatDya
toting "yea."
Mrs. Jo.e )h Elliott and Mies Mary - The ru•wspa(s•r is n *ort of teem- .
Mtwara leave the Intter part of the public institution and can he most a ......iltom mimeo sad Humber
month ren :111 ,•\ 1,1•1”.1 trtji to South useful when Ch. people whom it , ten moved that the titan/a com-
orailwny mall mercies., America. - Itserver. maintain a helpful attitude,mlttee's report he adopted as road.
l)tntw•,t. 111141 had been_ 31r.. Eva Harvey, daughter of Mr. toward it. The editor and staff, no At 1111. Juncture. • while atilt In
ie.rniug E'n•ue6 And John Weston, lir •44 stre.•t. Is tmtki'Ig c council. • MA ur Gullow called aha
,• c t hot raluc y
n tt }
•r oar Zealous. . u
matte h
n- , ••ss(°u 414
'u f.. pro-
r •1 o n i t her n[
IuAt1n r Peleut n r.a u h
n rxAtu x R rc
! P lie a lot c air aha
p tea h be might be '
• r e . ul ,without
• t n lu. 1
most .sat
herr to rt r t
taw Sin. h .ter" Ic been x t
service. A
nurse. x i
11 lope1
,i uhlr to c•v Irea+s hix rl s. "
1 do not
dna .Pri°tts Hinges and rmparinteltdoat of the crywMting
room <rt l)pn•ruiiunOtt tie' purer of thccOul-_I•tn«ttuu your right to yonriwlrea
hrt'over.nnly brought : In HHriry ,hosjdtal, FIInt. 314.1. :1t u m(ltlity. t), frii ods, if you wilt,Io xj salary•.: began 111,. Woruh "not
or the malady. E'rank goo4 salary. (vttur palet -if udrrrti+••rs will -e n•1 Ip elu . 1 la little your wrv11ee. i dp
of Mrs. X. itae•hk•r I - ' 311r. Erie Wilson, of London N•rrmnl, 'their "cunt " early. if subscribers bot thirrk tpiat ate h a move world be
I xtrlP 70111tg man and spelt the week -end with Nis paarent. will pay their sub -eruptions prontpl- w:so ar Ibe pur.wnt tithe t)or fa the'
his way t-relitably 31 r. clod Mrs. W►Irtoon. Raltfunl.
11 wua in •hfa twellty- -' 1•y , If •every'lwdy .will assist ill the inter ntr" of ecdrt tu.0 R'he•n you came
nd w na)t nmrri•d. T1Ia • - Mr. and 31td. WT. Murne;c hove tollectiou /1f the al'N'` pf lite tr.Kk I here boa were working is as honor-
laen vl'ItInR frlrttix at Toronto and ' ' n1' h'').os1tAno Tn a hnnornry manner
ter is •other's home' will try t0 410 my part• 1 if 'you vote yIItr.PIPIV this salary.
Ihtmflton during the past week.
rts(tay tl f crap x01.71131'
1'. II. I101iF.RT•' l\.
n C'At1M11.' Mrs. J. N. Abrams. of Toronto. 1s the TI'( ) what about the members of our
i I ,whoop leant., hospital board. fail
r se
'too , guest of her patented. Mr. and Mrs. .1. - -
ueh' 11 Fraser. 1 fair Marl medic library hoard, and
Mr. And Mrs. $hortrerl.of l'Ittatlurg, all the rest? While we Ret no moor.
were In term for a few des duet tar) return here we get a certain
r patent work. HA,{ ID KAY - ount of- .dueation and we tho1,1d
. (L• M. Dutton, of $tratfortL Is value that. The motion of ti3 and ;2
The death of David Kay. x•pluneer means ;10 a month: rime member.; SAO
the xt this eek of Mr. and Mare. Of Algona district, occurred at Itruce; ■ month, or over ;1.00(1 a year, w-hteh
reesA at
C. A. el, Mines on January lSth, at the age of • ricers more than a half mill on the tax
where I Mr- ttn f Armstrong, familiarly seventy-six year.- The decried was
rite, While amp. of 70* leave your
c\ leads know as_"Belli." is hack in town at born at Ayr. Ontario. and lord for
work 1 can't any that any of you rose
r. the British Exchange: He lino been
several year. at Ripley. where he run
any more time than T do and T have
a eawmill. Inter he went to British no end to my day. Lam against the
('olumbla, where he remained for sew• poroptoto ltldn she• we Are pn•arAing
eroI years. and he ills° spent twelve •e'nnoniv. 1 think that this w Ili prove
Little Mies Eataal.Rh Itewson, , )'Para mining In Australia. Renlruing to la the 'sent of the wedge to
Neamark.t, is visiting with her grand -
to Camilla he bought a farm at Rydat .lentrov' our effort; in that dirctlon.
mother, Niro. Ii. 1. Strang.
Itank and after dlsltoslnlg of tido prop As for myself," cnnetudd the Stayer.
Miss Edkh Williams made a trip to erty he motel to Bruce Minas and in- ••1 «ball reins• to r,.rice one .ant
rnrntn one- day last wreak. - ver,tetl nevem' tI,ou,and dollars to rent rinring my regime."
as follows: I Mims Minnie Mogul, of Toronto. and imitate. He leenw•n u alfa, Ido It. 3.I • That IR sone privilege, Your Wm.--
deferred Minim /Pins °f 31 M . Jack Frrldland, of New York. Kay. of lune• Mine* (formerly °f this shl remarked Coundtlor liumher.
Humber dr .itU'd Wallace el'lu* of ear a week -end Bursts of the f,rrmer'a loeslity). also two seem*, Mrs. Frei R"
5) • ane . 31r. A. Cornfield. ' I Adatns, of Port Arthur and Mrs. A. '
Deputy Reeve Munnings indtratM
Higginson defeated Campion ficins E:. t. Wigle, 3T; P. i'., left Tune Palmer, of Klncardirse, Besides a num that he conwhlrrni it poor policy for
of 31 day „ ,ening for Toronto to take his ,inter of.- nieces an.1 nephews. As n
the rnunrll to Tomunerntr Itself, ricer
Reid defeated Symonds (rias of 71 carat .i, the Ie•gistatmrn He was se- young nun Mr. Kay nook part in the by adding holt-a•mlll to the tax rats
Br phey a bye (Pins of 5l I defence of his enultry during the•_ when ton many other thtnga erre want-
romtan rl byen Mrs. Wigle. ed. "We haltered last
The draw for the third round has , Miss glen Strang. who hid beet[ Fenian Raid. I - Before hes death It t " year to mend
been made, Fisher drawing the herr. vlslting 11 r mother. 3Ira. IT. I:Strang. had bo, -u 111 falling he.ith for several Arr It 1' 14tblwlto th. mnnleto hold p•1 papers that
The mMnd1'Dg of the nine rinks In lett on 1-'r day on her return t° New years. The funeral took place to the then this r Mlity Ind
the tournament at 11. MCT °f the York. I Ttru.r• 36ne•s cemetery. the merr•kv+ y ar we tarn around And
second m IIs as follows; Brpliey 31 r. Coal '11mpimt has xs.umel Che being conducted by 1k -v 31r. Andrew* vote $1.000 as remuneration to ono
12; Fisher 10; Humber 3; Reid 7; duties of to er At the Iku1k ,,( l'om- of tie. 1'nitel church. Among those 'elven For myself i rant do It," de-
Mrgaw' 3; " Wsllarr 3: 13lgglnson 3:
metre in to rs.iun to 31r. A. W. I prevent wart• Mr: - Adam Kay la claret the Deputy' Reeve,
Campion 0; Symonds 0. 'Scott. who lin" been morel to L'xrn
cousin, anti Mrs Kay. of Sault tele. "Other places are doing tt." dealer•
wrmutl. Jt r. 8c tt. who same to Bode- 3Larrte. Mle;h. rd Councillor TTgnlher. "For rival(
t ' L have come ab•olately to the point
Gnderieh-1 iesforth • rich about nim months ago from NE11. M.I '(►R
For the first time this :rn.on the Kingston. left ft wn last Saturday. where curry man is worthy of his
tine of tiM• curly residents of Oak -
S•vf,,rth intermediate O. IT. A. team rkh; ahs .lama levet holly his.whole R a1 a
tn.twl defeat last Wednesday night ('HCR( NOTES life to this town. wee. Nett Meteor, y •'gttiea.e'lt Ire
at Wrest street rink when the red and CAanctl M AnmTiers view of taw gltea
White administered ti, them a white alio died at Toronto on Sunday. Jana• tion. 7f you want nervMe you've got
rite Amina euro„. - of Soni- ehureeh cry 27th. In his eightieth year. Mr. to pay for It fhrRe days." he said.
wash pill, 1-0. While the ler was by Is t" be heartily co1)gratt' 'Y ....n Me'loor wAs a tether of ala• Is'anel+af ••( didn't 'ism tip with 11.' rxpet*tbe
of re eiving any money. Ind T feel tbat
the members of the council are inert/
entitled to something for their ser-
vices and the amount suggested 1a
only quite reasonable. in making
themselves an allowance, the memhwsw
of the council .141 be placing tivea-
s•Ives under an obligation and they
will be bound to render hatter tar -
vice to the town." Councilor ilnmher-
"Hear. Hear." -
- Fsoin the ebalr- Rewe-_-K 1c19(r(ta.;,
pointed out to Conneillor Humber,
who be Mid was the cedes, member '
of the council"' tn, point of service.
that he and his father before him
had given their terervleos grad, for
many year', The 11 -eve al*n elted the
fact that the merlon in the report
did not rend in a,vvtrd,ttoe , fth the
*have or intention« of the moor and --
hy Stewart n the aernm par .to. t r year oho viol• 'wdrdnder M the unetinn in committee more and Govenlock wore the' haat for North d la Sunday
church eta Holy son, (Heber. street. the Interment fain
attended last `tulnday mornilyt. Holy 1 R (Councillors Humber and. Holmes 1
the viiltors. elosely followed by Reg. communion wattaahninietereed to s good i1 Malthlnd ermeIery. Service was "1 believe that you are wet'. wnrtl.
Rct,l, who has not Inst all his spool number of the members of the chlirrh. conducted Ay Rev. R. (J.. McD(•tmW, all 70m are asking bot con aro in an
And eff,rtiveness.' T1e praetor, Bei'. J. E:.\Holme', 'OSA ate minl.ter of Knox church, and the pall- honorary position and rendering piiTa-
Thr group shunting has been tight• pistol by Rev. J. E: Font. Seventeen lann•rs were John Ntcbol«on, John \I, lie seet'vlce" Rowe M.,'Fe,an ad-
tened eonsklornbly owing to the locals' new•Mernber).of the C lttrCtlwere received Kinnon, John MacKay and Malcolm
aimed the wrttrttrt of puhai, nnrnyal
Will. 1f they can only turn the t.rkk by letter of tranrfer from several adjoin- McDonald. Mr,. D. Me(vor, of Winni- before taking tiny action. abler in nnr
In Senfnrth they will capture the ing circuit', having mond to lawn with- jog. and Slim Effie Mclvnr, of Toronto, ciao• the remnnrratIon emit.] M• wade
group bmors. the heart three months. They were wee erre among those In att.ndanc4," rntronetlro to .Tennnry tat lost.
The teem': 'craned by the chase !ceders and local; I , .
urea n r c arc ar 141 t Mayor (hallow and rleeny Reece
It Is
on a re
WOW the.
of cern r v
mishit lous to m
in the world.
et -nth year a
Moly was brought
here on Weal
took place to the
ce7uetery this _morning.
$t. Peter's church.
sympathy with the tar
PI'S and brotberm----
Diu Kett Go To Windom?
been one tktle of evidence' offend (►wing to the fact that aatis(xcb.ry
here to abnw' that Rulpkt was an *noel arrangements could not be made
apprenth.• and Cox hie master. The with•the Windsor hockey club, together
ea,«. (« proved to the hilt as far as with thedact that the G•derich team re-
assault Is enm'errs.l and 'fn+tuentic' lnaind very .much in the running after
The boy .hang. -0 himw'lf,' and the di, the victory over the $eaforth ,sextette
fertlaot. In ronwerwtlon. coronets that ^n Wednesday evening °t Ifst week, rite
with the whipping on the morning of locaI club did not go to the border city
true tragedy:' de tared Mr. Seeger, to lacy an exhibition genie last Friday
mild a. indicated in loot week's hour.
131r. Hops took sharp exeeptim• to this
statement and it rather lively word
lmtt'e t-nt,urd betw,•Pf 31r. •1111ys aril
the (crown attorney.)
"The 111 111. is ao plain As day light."
asserted Mr. Seager In concluding.
"Thio case has been talked of enough:
now Is the time for action; It dors not
.all for any further delay,"
Magistrate Addresses Defendant
"Mr. (;ox," hegan Magistrate
Record Number of Cadets Enrolled
A greater IIe111a•r ofcadetowere enrol-
led in military district No. 1 during 1923
than in any other period since 1914,
Brig, -Gen. W. B. M. King announced
recently. The total strength is A,3,i2 from
the esunties of Kent, Essex, Middlesex,
Huron. Bruce. Waterloo, Oxford, Lamb -
ton, Perth and Wellington. The G.C.I.
corps lana year e ('event -four cadets was
the largest munber enrolld since 31r. J.
Redd, eddrie,sing the defendant. "yen P. Hume became principal of the school
are charged with assaniting andltwelve yearn ago.
beating Char:es Rulpitt. The pat' - "-
dt'tt•. 1s very elem. that this happenwl. Hydra Fall' Again
Yon had not any color ,,f right ei
chestier him. be not being an. epppren- A 'ever• whirl and 'feet storm on
lice. 1 ddn't wtah to deliver any lee- Maniay- made haves with the Hydro
tore to you regarding this unfortun- lines from Sehringville east. ,and as
ate affair. a innslerpt1 -nsr- Godcrich w -n. without
"If yoil'hare a drop of rel bided in electric power all day Tuesday and t1u•
your veins or a .park of manhood in greater part of Wednesday and ecru
you at all I know that you have sue today the current is intermittent
fern! 1n mind and nerdy -during the Hydro .nstnmer have 1,4.11 badly
past few weeks more -than any punish- handicapper. but perhaps none more ear
mane tonin I eoDld 'Invisibly mete eat than the newspaper Dirket. no type -
to you here. The sentence of Ow vetting machines and presser are de.
mineapart-yon is that yarn 1►e impels- pend'mt on electric' power. The Sig-
ooed In the county jail for the space of nal 'raft ham done Its last tinder the
two cahrndar mouth.." clreumetanees, so 110 atwology•is nerve
nary for the slight delay in taming.
Cox COPS To Jail
On Monday Morning 11 C. flays. Jr..
counsel for Cox, served on, Crown At-
torney Seager notice of appeal from
Magletrate RMd's del.rinn to the Cntrt
of Cenral Session' of the Pence
Itonday 11fternoon Mr" Hays and his
client applied before Judge F. N.
Lewitt for tetrase on boll until the ap-
peal could be considered at the next
sresi^ni of the rsnrt in June. Hls
Honor refused the Applieatlon after
argument before him diming which the
(frown attorney reiterated his argu-
ment Not the only Appeal possible In
the cane mot he merle to the Court of
Appeal at Toronto.
Cox WAR taken to the Jail the same
nftrrnnon In enntody of i epmty Shrr•
1(1 Thomas (litndry to Serve cat h1m
monomer. of two months, which dnteo
from Fehrttare 1st Inst.
r' Frienda of J. Benton Cox, who wag
sentenced for smooth upon the late
Charles Bulpitt, are circulating A petition
for him relate from jail, There Forms to
he a great deal of sympathy with the
pmpo.al and one day's canvass, on Theo -
day, resulted in the arenring of about
371) signatures.
For St. Valentine Dray
If yon require card for valentine
tarots, call The Signal. W. can rip-
ply the eeorreet (blot.
Horticultural Society Premiums
The committee of the ITortfcultural
Society met on Tuesday night to dee.
ride on the prem1,ms to Ile obtained
for this year's memberas. Each mem-
ber will rendre two lilies, six ehrys-
nnthemnms and four gledi('l1. One of
tate pulley selected is the wonderful
(;olden Ray lily of Jamul. The gladi-
oli are four splendid varieties. Le
Nnrk-hal Foch, Lily White. Atpaerica.
and Mrs. Frank Pendleton At eat-
ningne prices this eolleetton is worth
over $2, so that 4-11.11 member Is get-
ting .xeellent value for his member-
ship fee of Al. The eommtttee also
k ordering it half -pound of aster need,
of late branching roulettes. all colors
for the entitle sehnol children.
m t un
ere is
m Ing moth
WI' the Cutler*
The executive committer in
of the rink tournament in pr
the Curling Club has ruled that
rinks ploy three teen a side th
shall play four *tunes melt. A fu
ther ruling has o given out the in with Mr. T. R. Thompson at the frier
caw. otw rink tit It patent fo a George hotel, Windsor, during the post.
scheduled eonfr.t the game shall few" months.
by default to the rink which is o
halal. and that for such default
hypes -ore of fire points will be al.
lip. results of the second round are
Marine Club Rsorprdsed
After a lap'e.,feight years tlse Gooier -kit
Marine Social Club ham been reorganised
with a memberwhio of over forty on the
roll" The informal opening in the chili
rooma over the Tinian Rank, North'treet,
last Thursday evening, was in every way
11 derided success. The pprise• for enehrP
were won by Mrs. Neil Maclvnr and Mr,
A. Burrows. it is the intention of the
club to hold a euchre every fortnight dnr-
ing the coming months, The °Ricers of
the Marine Club ere: Pra*ident, Captain
Malcolm McDonald; vice-president, Cap-
tain John McKay: Fperet.ry-tr(sanrer,
Walter McDonald; menthol, Captain R.
Morrison; chairman of the executive and
entertainment committees, re.p.ctivoly,
0. W. Black and Wm, Campbell, ire
nn mens fast the game was unite the •
Its eredlfnhlr Amyl
hest s,4111 herr' this year. the first order the pri.efdeta,v
herbed being imrticnlarly sparkling. ihlmr, In again Insall
tear, leek. of $eaforth. refereed the
during 192a, hewlo. Scotland (,,ming to tiode•ri•h-
f Mies Esther with his Latrrn(w seventy -flee years
ng the list of ago, As a poling man he enllatel in
rc nncillarle' the United State's army at the time
game. Little or, no fault could la• "in Hume 1'n shyGerinhl r forwarding
of the Civil Wnr and was in active
found with his *Delo which was quite 10 Mr.:, 11. ('. Dtlalop. 000l4'rleeoetos-- nervier for n year or more. Returning
Implrtlnl. The policy
work of "home byt,•rin1 treasurer. the gam of Pert, to (loderieh. h, ens employed for
referee,. has preen working out quite The Barbara Kirkman nuxlllary: of many years at the Ogllves & Hutehi-
satisfnctorily this 0? $ C. Draper, of Staf•rrth. wog swcnid. having for+svnl-' A11 flour milt and when the firm gave
Clinton, atsl leek, of Senforti, lu•ein ed the sum of t1If1A.,i, for I'rrsbrh•rinl tip 1)1M11a0R he•re-he•roelied froth a.eth•e
handled local games herr in capable funds duirng the• past year. in 1922' life. Inst October he went to Tor -
style, onto to live with( tti« daugltero, nod
Considerable of the credit for' the the Arthur Circle contributed etH7 find
the senfott7, pnclety. 1045. while not I i 4-011 1st health Ire, was ill
victory over tate fast -travelling Mark I only two or three days before hie long
and yelktw sextette falls to ifps Mc- church for the enysuityp rare 44 cc mof Krp,00ed life carer r1011efufly to its close. 1111
Donald'' in goal and !ox on defence. an followa: Pmeick'nt, 1 F. Natter; vee• wife. Effie Morrison, also• a native of
in the opinion of many the latter resident, Albert Taylor• wecrstary, W. Lewis, Girl in 1910. He le survived by
ire playing even better hockey tido year . McCreath; treasurer, W. F. Saunders; two tons and two daughter* -Donald
than he did lett. 'MacDonald as net executive, J. P. Hum.' Malcolm McKaty, , and Alex, of Winnipeg, Mia. Harry
gmlydisn make•. n *tang addition to ,lauuer Mitchell, Fred Weir, 11'ihner Mc- Meegaw and Mite Effie Meteor, of Tor.
'the term. Brmlgh scored the Only Manes, Robert Bisset and Harry F. Black. onto. The funeral took place in (lode-
oftnlly of the game when he Alpperl one The February quarterly service in eleh on Wedneesday peat week from
I 1 perkel. Cud- odi h 1 of 1 ill
S4,afnrth--Boal, Sk serf ; darner, react f th ! h, t get} with
Gnveminck And (halmore; centre, Rrr4- RPc.J.E. Holmes and Iter. .4. E. Ford. GODSRICH MARKETS
S Mooning. thin movei rhnt tt,c .1111144,
lake; wimps Haya and h. grid ; soh* ,' The official board of North /drat Meth.
Thnrwlay Feb
7th. I he referral hark to the rommltteo for
Reid and Smith. mina church met on 3ionday evening. Shorten• per ton ;4200 3300 fnrthor ,vmnmtdrratlon Cnnnei'lon4
Godrrlch - Goal, A. MacDonald;
detenee, FOX and Solomon; eentte,
Gernnx: wings. Brough• and Chase;
ale.. W. McDon*ld And Robinson.
Referee -O. Dirk, Sea for t h.
Group Standing -
W 1, G.F G.A.
lieatorth 5 1 33 10
Oo•1Prieh 3 1 12 12
Mitchell 0 ti 14 R7
LISTA ynnr order at The Signal for
Coaster Check ?kooks
arra:% sM f
..., •4011
Nearly every member wag present and Bran, per ton 29.00 3000 Mime. and Humber. realfxnc that
much important imminent. was transacted. Wheat, per boodle! .. , , 95 1.00`, they had not worded their eririnnl
The church snnivermary ire to he held in Oats, per bnahel3< 40' motion roar c•ly, In rerrmrlt, nding
March, the date to be definitely fixed Itarley, lar bushel .55 .80; tint. should n room -Dior br absent
when former "mon are heard from, It Bnchwheat, per bushel .7076 from any meting (swots! or regular) be tither the (k6 or 18th. The effort potatoes, per bushel 50 00' he atoned forfeit the allowatwre for
nal' Order 0.147
cht° 1414)4-h not ehp Pntilw (inti., choice, arch morning" titre moved in amend-
Cattle,deht nhrr the urcproperty ire expect• I per cwt. 550 A.I10
Pal to be completed within the next few medium, per cwt. 4.50 500 'merit that the clan*. be atnendc.t wnh
weeks.Hoga 875 7.00 wend.. "him right to" to he Inmertred
By a unanimous 'tooling vote the pas-" 11011r, patent, per cwt. 3.25 3,50atter the word "forfeit "
tor WAS invited to return for a second year , Flour. fatally, per cwt. 3.110 3 50 I The rote was then tetra on the
beginning In July next. The same was Ratter, et :leery, per 1b ,44 ,N 1 Ilolme•-TT,rmher amro,dmnnt, whk•h
accepted the pastor stating that it was a Rutter, dairy, per Ib 4A 46 I tam earrlcd nn the following division
joyto l*l)nr for the Minter in connec•tinn Eggs_ froth per dnxen ...404° ,4f1 ' yea,-Wotsell. Ryan 'Neat. Hole...-
wth North 'fret clinreh. ('hlck(n4 per lh. .1A .10 (Continued on Page Sm
• •