HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 8R HURON PRESBYTERIAL Annual Busters Meeting of Society Held In Willis (btrr'dt, Clinton The annual bushels., mer'thlg of the Huron Presbyterial Res•lety was held in Willie ebur•lt. Clinton, nn Tues- day' January 15th. There Sias a goott attendance of member'. The morning sermon opened 10.30. The president. Mrs. J. I. It g, ocellpltd the chair, and i'on,Iiu'tcd the devotion- al exemi..,,e. Iutereting reports were preeent.d by the various .rcre- tarks, w•Icich showed increased inter- ew and activitiy in all departments. The Huron Presbyterial now num- ber* e4 auxiliaries .with a member. *hip of about 400. contrlbuting $4,11411 .50, and a Ttmng Women's Aux- Iliariee and 1 Awoeiate Society num- tering 1St snit enntributlng $1,977.45, also 16 If Bands with an offer - Ing of $1351.14. the total sum mim- ed by the Preebyte'rtal Ming $R.303.114. Twenty-seven tie•uler and 43 Junior life membership certificates lulve been enrolled. also one in Memoriam from lies W. McQueen. of Brucefteld. In memory of le(•r. eon. Albert .1, Mc- Qtleen, Who peened away August, 1906. Fonr hundred and ninety pon-Ids of excellent clothing, valued at•$840.10. were ahlpped to Portage la Prairie. Sixteen agxiliariex. two Young Wo- men'; Auxiliaries snit- eight Mission Bands sweet -did In reaching their oh- jeetire, There are 331 )lame Helpers, eon- trlMutng $4140.57, an increase In 'nem - bee -hip of 106 and In contributions $53.00. Huron Presbyterial stands h hest In, the province In this depart - ▪ t. r• subscription.. of the Missionary -Me ager for 1924 number 749, an Inerea: of eighty-three- 11 response to the 'ial appeal. There are 23 prem secretaries in the Pres.vtertal. The work In con- ner-tion w h the striver -re depart- ment bee a.'.ost donbleel this year. A moist 'I. ter -.ting report of the work of the onng Wntne'n's Auxill- erei was give by the Seere'ary, Mrs. G. Telford. Illy , and also one from the Literature etary. Mra. Nahel. Ooderich. The "fon Band Aec•re- tare. Mrs. Lundy.: Klppon„ reported Mission Bands _Tic 1 of the 27 con.- g regation! In tile' bytery. hiss Ilrquart, Klrktnn, LIb ary Secretary, reported that the wor - of. bee de- partment had grown mu during the year, 1.5ee paper% and book,: for atndents' library having n sent to outlying (Petrels. M Lundy urged every Band to nrga 'se with a full Ilett of offteer. with et:lrk's ler -211 departments. She also, show- ed the newt of grading Banda into two or three departments. using the hooks prepared for each. Each grade ray organise separately haring one tre►s- trer for all. There are plenty of any - Marko eager to send material hut Brent lack of addresses of .those In need. Mfssellrquart however, hopes_to have more of theiie to Mad to quill lariek. during 1024. Several valued anxlitare member. have leen called away by death dur- ing the year. among them Mrs. Cur- tis. Clinton ; Mrs. McLaughlin, Exe-, ter: Mrs. Cooper, Reaforth, andrw. Clifford. Godertch; Men Carlisle, Ma- sanl. The teat books, ."Wonders of MIs - dons" and "The Building of a Na- tion" hare been generally nerd. The auxiltarles rlslted by Mise Herdman a retired missionary from India, speak of her inspiring story of the people and work In the East as a real source of blessing. Several auxllfarics referred to Mrs. Reddltt's full and interesting report of the procineisi meeting at Windsor Other speakers were Miss. McArthur, Social Serr►re. Montreal; Mrs. (Rer.i Alp. Auburn. and Mrs. W. Strachan, of Go•terieh, The following officers were elected : Honorary President. Mrs. Jas. Ilam - Ilton, (kxlerlch ; Pr'sident. Mrs. J E. Hogg, Clinton ; het Vire-I'resh►e'nt Mrs. F. 11. Larkin, Sesforth; 2n1 vice President, etre. R. C. McDermld, God- ertch ; 3rd vier president. Mira. C. A. 31cDonell, Hensen ; 4th vice presi- dent. Mrs. J. (' Greig. Seaforth ; Se- cretary, Mies II. I. Graham, Seaforth ; Treasurer, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, (lode - rich ; Mlaelon Band Secretary, Mrs. R. A. Lundy. Klppcn ; Supply Sec, Mrs W. D. Fair, Clinton; Assistant Supply, Mrs. 1t. 11. iliggine, Clinton; I.Iteraturo Sec., Mra. W. F. Naftel, codertch ; Preis Sec , Mr.- W. D. elc- Donuld. Bgmondvllle : Stranger's Ser•reetry, Mrs 11. Aruuld, Iielasall; Unitary Secretary, Mile L'iquef'y Klrktnn; Serrentry Young Wumeu's Anxiliary, Mrs. G. Telford, Blyth; Messenger Secretary. 3(?ss Jeckell, Exeter; Social Service, 'Mrs. R. M. McKenzie, legmondvill e; Forward Movement, ML's. .t. Henderson; Au- burn: interdenominatioal. Mrs. W. It. Alp. Auburn; Fluanelal Secretary 51rs. Gardiner, Blyth; ('uuvenor of Nominating (committee. Mrs.. More. Klrklon; ltomne helpers, Mrs. Mon- t rsmb.17tppetr1' Convener: of Program Committee. Mk Kydd, Thames Road, Mrs... Chldley. Thames )toad. mit. Jickell, Exeter. Prayers were offer - let by lire. James Hamilton. Mrs. F. H, Larkin, Mra.•James Scott and Mss it. P. Graham. • Mrs. 11. C. Dunlop was appointed Preshyterlal delegate to. the prove". cal meeting at Hamilton. awl Mr.... It. C. McDermld, president's eubetl- tute. Mrs. F. II. Larkin was appoint- ed president's sutlwtitnte to the Gen- eral Council Meeting at Montreal. A motion of appreciation of the se'rvlrna of the retiring Press Secre- tary. Mrs. W. D. Metntosuh, of Bruce - field. was made by Mrs. R. A. Lundy and seconded by Mrs. James iTamil- ton. Rev. Dr. IArkine who repre- ,se•nted the Presbytery, spoke on some aspects of the Social Service depart- ment at the noon hour. A hearty tote of thanks was also tendered the ladies who so kindly provided lunch. Treaattrer's Report .tubnnt $ 224.10 Bayfield2222 149.25 Bethany ..e.28.00 Blake 120.00 Blyth es.45Lllt Brutetleld .......... ..... ...• 288.54 Clinton 303.00 legnnondrine - 264.24 F.xieter 4. .. i 175.00 lloderlch �.' 332.31 )land Bette 100.00 'Hensel! 363.00 Hillagreeb 157.80 Kiplrn t 290.00 Klrktnn 235.00 Leeburn 72.75 Londeaboro , . . 120.50 McKillop, Duffs Chureh 100.00 Beaforth 105.00 Smith'" Hill 94.00 Thames. Road 200.00 titian Codetrteb Township , , :.4 (I0 Varus ... 47.00 Winthrop 142.00 $4,946.59 Voting Wesson's Auzlleriee Brucefield, "Kelly" $ 342.80 Egmondvlile, "Yeti Shaw" 254.63 Exeter, ."Logic" 178.48 Gode'ricb, Arthur" 002.00 Seaforth, Barbara Kirkman 499.55 Blyth Young People's Soc. 75.09 Smith's Hill "AaloeIate" 95.00 A'.urn es R.. $1.977.46 miss 1 20.(x1 field, "Lon (Benham" 5.00 B1a Blyt Cunt° e 64.50 , "MeLmn" 305.00 ie'!d, "Little Disciples" 90.68 "Busy Bees" . 154.26 Egmontiville "Little Helpers" 62.60 Exeter, Sunbeams" 23,47 Goderleh, "Mat'Oilllvray" 200.00 Ifennel Clag's Own" 56.00 1 OWN SIF GODERICH PUBLIC NOTICE Citizens are requested to keep their ashes separate from gar- bage, tin cans, glass, etc. Good. clean ashes are always required for filling purposes, but dirty ashes and garbage must be taken to the town dumping grounds. By order of the Town Council. (Sgd.) B. C. MUNNINGS, Chairman Public Werke Cor. • THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and London Free Prase The Signal and London Advertis*A The Signal and The Toronto Globs The Signal and The Mail and Empire.,.,. The Signal and The Toronto Star ...», The Signal and The Farmers' Sun....,,» The Signal and The Family Harald and Wetddy 31.,.....».. 3.60 The Signal and Saturday Night 6.50 The Signal and Presbyterian Witness 'i;..""�„-""�. 2222 3.90 The Signal and The Catholic Record ....... 3.75 3.75 The Signal and McLean's Magazin* .,„ rs',,, 4.50 The Signal and Rod and Gun 2 ..................... „.„ 3.90 6.75 6.75 6.75 675 __._. 3.40 The Signal and Montreal Witans,. This Signal and World Wide _.seweYesl ERR seep 3.Y0 grew,$ 4.25 new . 3.88 Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May Be Had on Application Hila Green K►ppen. "Gauld" Kirkton, "Anna Fletcber" 44.40 McKtllup, "Detre Church" 28.00 Themes Road. "Busy Bees" 15.25 Seat forth. "Su ushine" 154.00 ':W DOMINION ALLOY INDUSTRY BACKED DV STRONGEST MEN 41,381.14 Armdal Statement Receipts February Murch _twit May June July $ 10.00 32'5.97 33L5S eere.81 208.711 4fn._e_ August 24x.:41 September , , ... -T.... , , 507.7: October 22,22.. 879.45 November 1431.40 Ikrember 3638.71 Expense Fund 23.00 • $8,330.18 l)Isburuements March 27th $ 244.00 May 23rd 0143.011 July 25th 750.00 September 24th 800.00 November 21st - 1800.00 December 20th • 10110.00 January - 24201$ Transferred from =pease fund ... , 25.00 $8.330.18 Recapitulation of Receipts Anxlllark.. x 4940.50 Young ‘Women's Au‘lliary .. 197743 Minion Bands 1^r1 14 .............. 27..00 Total $8,330.18 • .t Musician Wanted In a .certain country parish a gen- eral meeting w -as held to consider the desirability of putting a chan- delier into the sehoolromm. Every- one seemed in favor of tete idea. "Do you think we ought to have one, Mr. Davies?" said the wheel - master to • renerable parishioner. "I agree to it," was the reply, 'but there is one thing I wed' to know. If we have a -a -a-" '(Chandelier," said the schoolmast- er, helping him out. "If we bare a chandelier," the old "Man- cotrtinne,l. "nhn'. goieg to play it?" • CHARLES EDWARD DAVIES Formerly Assistant General Manager! whose appointment as Acting General Manager of the Canadian National Telegraphs has been announced, follow. ing the sudden death of Mr. George C. Jones. late General Manager. December 3lst, 1923. Mr. Davies received his first telegraph experience with the Western Union Company at Helena, Montana. On January 1. 1906. he commenced his career_withthe Great North Western Telegraph Company. starting at Ottawa .as Chief Operator. On September 20; 1909, he was made Manager at Ottawa; and two years later was given charge of the electrical equipment in addition to CapitalWs ie Duties as Manager at the city, Oct January 1 of this year he wit made Assistant General Manager. in charge of electrical engineering. plant work and railway service. Owing to the sudden death of Mr. Jones, however, he only held this position for one day. when he was trade Acting General Manager, Mr. Davies is • Fellow of the Ameri- can Institute o1 Electrical Engineers. and • member of the Committee of Direction of the American Railway Association. He is also an active member of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario. Mkt FARM LABOR Farmers requiring help for the Spring Season or year 1924, are requested to apply at once to II. A 'Mason.)), Director of Colonization and Immigration, Parilament Buildings, Toronto, Ont., or to the Agricultural Rep- resentative of the County In whteh they rookie Applicatloos should Abate whether they regnire experi- enced, partly experienced or in experiencedsingle men or ex- perienced marr4M , ten with or without families, length of lime services will be required and este of wages Appiteatona will be filled as far sa possible In the order in white. they ere received. prefer - ears given yearly engsgcmenta Ey authority of the Honor- able Jobe 8. Martin. 11IIe1/tfee of Asrictltare. e New York Financial Paper Speaks Kindly of New In- dustry at Sarnia A current Issue of the 1'onene'r- tinl and leituintial World published iu New York .arriele concerning tt.. Duwinlun -\llot steel CorpuratLul, Limltcei. whk•1+ it refers to as a "Mime industry ss 1- badly needed." Some exempts from the article fol- low: '•1)ne of the most encour- aging eiglls of the time. in et. ▪ is the uumis'r if important new industries which 11 re twine, established. The prevent art itit> in thio direction i. healthy IUM^ directly to line uith legitimate bus - blew .xpan.lou. It has uulhlng cu common with' the opt r tions of pre -,I netters who were IAusi1v engaged in the formation` of lndustrtal, land and other enterprises during the boom ier- iols of the past- This Indicates tlytt new projects 10 secure any degree of popular support must tae sponsered by Influential men and have behind them assets of a tangible culture. Strong Men Behind It. 'Amine now Industries now being established to which eonsiderable sig- n►ftean(•e is attached may be noted the 1Mminon Alloy Stee4'Corporatton. Lim- ited, In our Toronto curreepondence at the present time. As ite► name lndi- eates 1t will devote itself; to the mann- facture of alloy steels for which there is smelt a keen demand by the industries of t141a country. The sltuatie,' is more remarkable from the fact that thlea is the first I enterprise of its kind to he establleb- ed In leatwda. "As no undertaking can be stronger than the men behind it we take pleasure to emphasizing the personal strength of the company. In this connection it may be stat- ed that the president and treasurer te William B. Boyd, II.LE E., of Tor- entu, one of America's most success- ful . electrical exper.and consulting electrie 1 engineer to some of Canada's largest Industrie'". He was formerly electrical engineer of the Illinois Steel Co . Chicago. former chief ele etrloltl engineer of the Dominion iron and Steel ('o.. Sydney. Nova Scotia. and has done much to advance electrical science in many branches. Rig Market Here "This, as the pioneer alloy steel manufacturing concern in Canada, will ware the manufacturer and consumer in the Dominion an enormous sum -:of money anunally and greatly ispedite delivery. as compered with present conditions whieh necessitate tbe impor-_ tation of this produc,•t from the 1'nited iltetes at n 'heart coat of duty. - "it is perhaps not generally known that Cannla is the second larg- est maker and uter of automobiles In the world, over $600,000010 being in- vested in the industry here. The great stresses to which the power plant, Matt line and frame of the motor car are subjected make absolutely neces- sary the use of alloy start" and it has been due to the developments of such high grade special etee'a that the Ford ear has achieved km prerent univeraal- ity. Within • radius of 200 mile, of Sarnia there is more alloy steel im- ported than tlu• company can produce when its first unit i* placed In op- eration, so from this it will be seen that it has a market already waiting for its products." Recommends Vicks for Pleurisy Quebec Mother Thankful She Oan Now Get Vicks in Canada Mn. J. A. Lebiond of 114 Rue Galt, Sberbrooke, Quebec, writes: "Vkka VapoRub is not a new remedy for ua, because we have used it to our family for four or five years. We got It from the United States. This shows you bow much we think of ft. We are glad to get It here now, for there is nothing better for pleurlay, cheat wide, etc." Here Is the last word to fronting cold troubles --rub Vickie well in over throat and cheat, get into bed and have the coverings loose about the neck. All night long you breathe 1n the healing vapors of Camphor. Men- thol, Eucalyptus, Tnrpentine, etc. The appltcablon also nett like a heating liniment or plaster. Usually colds go In one night and croup is com- monly relieved In 15 minutes. Vicks comes as a salve -the exter- nal direct treatment for all cold tronblea---ettsorbed like • liniment and inhaled as • vapor. Vicks 1a the ideal treatment for children's cold troubles; It avoids so much internal dosing. At all dreg *force, 50e a jar. For a free test size package, write Vick Chemical Co, 344 St 1 cul 8t., W, Montreal, P. Q. Though Vkka la new In Canada It has a remarkable sale In the 8tatet. Over 17 million jars used yearly. Board of Ambit The Board of Health held Da in- sugursl meeting nn Friday afternoon of last week when Mr. A 11 McLean was re -appointed as chairman of the Board, the memberchtp of which re- mains nnehengal, including Fars. McLean, W. F. Naftsl, Mayor W. F. Callow and Dr. A C Ranter. M. 0. 11. The Board derided that as last year the meetings of the Retard daonld be hes on (be first Monday of the month at 4 p.m temples, of tee from the harbor are to be forwarded to the institute of Pabtk Health for et- aslaetIw sad report. HURON OLD BOYS' HOLD AN ENJOYABLE AT HOME Varied Program l'omprixitlg Concert, Dance and I'rgressive Euchre - The 2'4tlt annual at how. of the Hue. 011 Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, was held in the Oddfellowe' Temple, College street, Toronto, on Friday ev- ening of last week, *eel was largely attended by old boys and girls repres• eating almost every cuneessloe line of the county of Huron, Many happy greetings wer.• exchanged. and many old-time associations were redewed. -- a &aturev. et -tbe- cewiDJ--ware-u- coucert and a dauet+ et ..lateen uum- ber., progrc.sire euchre and refresl.- mem M, The hall was appropriately de.ora- ted, curd. repre•.e'ntlug the different mnule'Ipalitles of the *Minty of Huron is•ing hung on the wads. Mr. W. Proudfoot, the pre/elem. act - eel as clutlrmal durlug the eOntert, when the followlntt artist* took part; Mr-. Pearl Steinhoff Whitehead. con- tralto; Miss Nelly. Gilt, eopraso• Miss Edon -Melee aur, vlotheete .Mi!'. Mayne 6111. plaulst, and Mist Manny McKinuon. pianist. All the numbers is.were well rendered, and were highly appreciated by the audience. Immediately following the eontext- the dance program m w as commenced p and continued until 2 a.m.. under the direction of J. A. ('uwrrou. I'rogreeslve euchre• was a parted the program, which was pnrtielpated In by many of the older members of the atnoclation: valuable. palatal being given for the suce'awfnl eompetitors. Some of those present were: Mr. and Mra. Proudfoot, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. E. Flood. and Miss Flood., Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Klug. Mfr. aud Mrs. N. B. Cohbledlek, Mr. ant Mra. W. H. Ferguson, MT. H. W. Tim- mins and Mrs- J. -'S. Timeline. Major and Mrs. J. Beck. Mr. 'add Mrs. S. L. Seott, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Mr. and Mra T. G. Smile, MIs. M. 1.. Flynn. Mr. J. A. Cameron, Mr. John Robertson. MT. R.S. Sheppard. Mr. R. 8. Tenney, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Phil- lips. Mr. and Mre. D, 1), Wilma, Me. and Mrs. F. W Irwin, Mrs. R. 6. John- ston, \Ir. and Mrs. W. E. Floody. Mrs. iI. Meath' and \Ilex Martin. Miss alma Freeman. Mr. J. R. Lyon, Mr. G. A. Newton, Mr. E. J. Willeh, Dr. and Mee. J. T,. Houston, lir. and Mia. S. 31. Wickens, Mr. and Mrs. A. ('. Mnc'icar, Mr. F.• I. W. Hodgson, Sir. W. W. Sloan, Mr. C. C. Ross, Mr. R. Crocker. Mr. Bert McCreath, lir. RntseII Brawn., Mr. snit Mrs. .7 It. Burnet. Mr. and Mrs. Jne. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. A. ( . Maehav, Mr. 1 . Stewart. Miss Stewart and Mrs. Tydell. Mrs. Thom- as, Coderich : Mr. Loftus Stark. Mr. Jas. J. Doyle. Goderkh, ler. Geo. E. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. -trm- atrong. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Mother.. Dr R. B. Stanhury, Miss M. Ginn. Mr, and Mra, J. N. Stratton. Mrs. Diane Brown and Mies Brown. Mr. A. Andera.0 and Miss Anderson, Mr and Mrs. A t. Hod. gum. Miss M. i.amprey. Mrs. 3. John- ston. Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. W. Wheatley. NOTES Mr. Proudfoot is an ideal President, 3. A. Cameron make e n good Floor Manager. J. J. Doyle met Goderieh people he hadn't /teen for twenty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. Moon won the prize for the "Lucky Number" dance. Mr. and Mrs. S. IL Armstrong won the prime in the "Spot" dance. Hunt the Caterer gave entire satis- faction. Honorary President .7. A. McLaren secured the artists for the concert program and reeeired many congratul- ations nn the splendid array of talent. Mies Edna McFarlane. who enter- tained with the violin to the tine. - faction of the audience, just came to the city from Goderich to reside a short time ago. Bert JtcCrrrnth is a hustler and made tbe program go With a ru"h- ('HU•RCH NOTES The services in Knox ehureh next Sunday will be conducted hy the min- ister. Subjects of sermons: 11 a,m. fourth In the series en The Lord's Prayer: "The Will of Gal;" 7 p.m.. "Anonymous (;rcatne•es." Sabbath echoed and Bible classes at'3 o'clock There will le a fellowship service in the auditorium' et aJiorthesta et t Methodlat church next Sunday morn- ing at 10 o'clock. At the \fen's Club the subject, 'The Benefit% asel Dangers In Having an ideal," will he Intro.! third by Mr. H. Breckow. The Miselon Rand will also meet at 10 a.m. At 11 Holy Communion will be dupe -new' and reception of new mem- bers w111 take piace. (church school ; will meet at 3 o'eloeh and in the ev- ening at 7. "Two Weather Prophets" ww11.1 he the'ggstor'uauhject. A solo "The Less Chard" (Sullivan), will he sung hy Mrs. (Rev.) Wallace H. Moss. Strangers and vt*Itore welcome to all servlcee. Evangelist Torrle is leaving (lode - rich. Iiia closing sermons will be preached in the Baptist church next Sunday. Tine 'tubbier' on Sunday are: 1 11 a.m., "Consecration"; 8.30, "Judas - whet went wrong with him? Where is he now?" 7 p.m. "Conviction" rs (bnreraton." On Saturday night Mr. Torrle will 'peak again to atndents especially on.the subject: "The secret of happily and "ltcoeasfnlly living the Christian life." Everybody .ssellome. `aesata-��e'e. - Gcxlerkh, on Su. Jaala 19th, 11814, W Mr. andtunt"7))lits Zobnry Vickers, Bt. Patrick streete a eon, tJohu Donald). 11Tt'Fs�lu (;,t ericl,. uu mouldy, Jae. nary 28. 1934. to Mr. site 'Mrs. Wil- fred Et.a sous TL1FFORIuy).- In G.alrrkh. .•u aatur- day,' January 20. 1924. le lir. and Mit Ras. Tedford. 1i daughter, DIED McIVOR.-1n Toronto. oo tlunday, January, 27th, 11.21. Neil Mclvur, 1u hie 8 18 yeysr. KAY -At Bruce Miuee,- uu .Friday Jailtury 18. 1024, David Kay, Mine - are Of Ripley,- eget' 0 WANTED TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED until the 15th day of February, 1924. for the erection of u new bre school in 8. 8. No. 9 Ashfield. ).owes) I'.r any tender not ue'ceesarlly *0 ('opted. For plane and apeclticaUot>♦ apply to WM. CLARE. It- It. No. 1, Lucknow, phone 81 r 4, Dungannon, >M WANTED. -BOYS 'lei isI.l, THE Detroit Sunday I're' Pros tided eeommlesloe. See Mr. F. Crate, at Cralgte's Billiard Parlors, Nest .I, Ir of , Square. 11 PUBLIC NOTICE MH'PIVE.°-_ flier PERS444.--x1-110-t /n took the ....,p shoal fruw,my' tarn recently et •.k'e'el to return satue at tete) mare -further trouble le JAMES GAI.LAGIII:K. R. R No.. 3. Goderieh. • • • NUTIl'E.-A MEETING u1' 7111: rat: -)oyer,.. of 14'bont Section No 8; :'olttnrnr, will 1a• 1M'Id lit the Scheel house uu MOND TENDEIt4I WANTED 24 -INCH WATER INTAKE PIPEGODERICH, ONT. Sealed tenders platply marked 'Tenders for Intake" will br' received Icy the underdgned up to one o'clock P.m February 8tb, 1934, for the pian Ing and supplying of 1300 feet d '{inch cast Iron and 1300 feet of aced Intake Pape with Intake well ad crib. Plans and specifications may bs seen at the office of the Town Clerk. Goderieh, Ont., or at the office of le11. 1)arltag. M. E , Consulting Engine tees 47 Home „lank Building, Hamlle ton, Ont., or a set may be obtained from the Engineer on a delstait 01 twenty r fir � e dollars re ($..5.00 I as guar- antee for their safe return. Tenders mutt be accompanied by a marked cheque for ftve per cent or the amount of the tender or an ap- proved hld bond. The lowest or any tender will not neeeesartly be accep- ted. Signed: . .• n. T r M o &ey •3.Y, FEB C1117 11(8, at s p.LiiChairman, to eons►der the advisability of re- Waterworks & Electric Light Com - modelling the upper room ut the s(•laed `>dtaslos ()Wretch AotY' ire iuse a community- hall. - _ , 2t R. .1. WALTER. Seeeeaarc.1 • I - APPLE ,TIONS WII L BE BE celved by the undersigned, up to Saturday, February, 2nd, for theof- fle.e e. of Asseor ' for the. village of• Bayfield for 1924. Applicant to state salary wanted. By'order; IL W. ER - WIN, Clerk, - - Bayfield, Jeu 222nd. 1924. 2t FARMS FOR SALE es FARM FOR SALE CONTAINING lot acres, sheeted on the Hnros road e15 miles from Goderlch and Ste mile. from Clinton, On the farm there is a good batik barn, 55x65 feet with (r•tueot stabling. a combined PIS bolt.,• and driving shed. also hes bon- Clouse is a story ami a halt -home both bard and soft water 11 lrou.. sod running water in the bare -yard. I':.rm hand Is of gold clay Imam. s.•een screew of fall heat sowed this fall: twrrtt3 acres am weeded to sabout leet*. abt twenty-five scree 0f fall pteeing dole. A11 the farm NI d well 5-ts.. For price and terms on this Al yr..perty apply to the renewon tee premises, MICHAEL FLiCK. R. It: No 2, Clinton. A PP'LTCATTON 1H PARLIAMENT, � Notice- Is hereby &erre -tbat an ap- pllcatlou will be made by the Purpura• Coned( the Town of Golerich. to the ' Legislative Assembly, of the Province of Ontario, at Its next *elision fee a Special Act to empower the said Cor- ation to raise by way of loan on. the credit of It. debentures the sum of $25,000.00, to pay a floating debt of the said Corporation. amounting to the said sum of $2.5,000,00, and which has arisen by rescan of yearly deficits on curre'ne accounts from time to , time, and which have been entreat by the Town'. hank, and to empower the said Corporaton to pass a hy-law for the purpose of raising said money on the credit of lots. aid dt'1►e•ntta'e•s, wlthnut obtaining the consent of the electors of the sold Town of Ocsle- rich. M the passing of said bylaw `or observing the formalities in relation 1thereto prescribed by the Coe/militated Municipal Act, 1922. The proceeds . of the eald debentures to be applied 'o;ely 'to the purpose of discharging the said floating debt of $23,900.00. 1 The existing fetenture d.4.t of the "aid Municipality 'la $218.94.,.42 (ex- t ela•lve of local Improvement debut secured by special acts, rate' or aaee,ts- meek 1 whereof no principal or inter- test Is In arrear and the reasons for requiring a further inane of debentures are ns above set out. M. (1. Cameron Solicitor for the Appll.-ant. Dater) at (toderlch• thea 31st day of Dec -ember, 1923 Sharp Countryman : "Euston, Wane." Clerk: "Change at Cha ?lac Cross." Conntryman : "None o' that, young feller, 0'91 'ave my change 'ere." HORN Mc(3REATH.-At Cottage Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday, January 23, 1994, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert H. Mc- emelt. o-Creath. a son (Rosa Gregory.) LYTTLiL-At Grace Hospital. Wind- sor, on Saturday, January 1911*. 1994, to Kr. and Mra George Lyttle, a daughter. VIC1ti1111-At Alexandra Hospital. Dlt ElEDICAL F..1 It I ORSTER E i 1:. l.‘ it, NOSE. THROAT Late }louse Surgeon New York Oph• thalmlc and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moore1.44i Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lose dun, Eng. 53 Waterloo St, 8., 8patford Tel- ephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Ootlerlcb, oa February 311t8, at 7Jp p.m., to Febru- ary 21.t, at 1 1,1s. AUCTIONICHING I 1 M. ST.\LKER. AUCTIONEER for household effects farm stock, etc., for tbe. Conary of Huron. Address all communleetions to 3. IL STALKER, Auburn P. O. 44-d • LEGAL II O. CAMERt ie K C., BARRIS- 'l'ER. Bolleitnr notary public. NAVIGABLE WATF:itY' I'li(YfFy'- Office Hamilton stn -.-t, Geeerkb, third door from Square Trust funds to TE('TI(►N ACT. loan at lowest rates, R. S. C. CHAP. 115. ANI) AMENDMENTS THERETO The Corporation of the Town of Goderieh. In the County of Huron, in the Province of (►ntario, hereby gives notice, that it bee under section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Min- Ister of.Peblk Works, at Ottawa, and in the•Regletry Office, of the Registry DIvislon of the County of Huron, at Goderlcb, a dvs'ription of tlee site and plana for • twenty-four Inch. Intake pipe, proposed to he laid In Lake Hur- on, at Goderfeb, and being a portion of Harbor street and Harbor Quay in Bald Town of Ooderich, ■0d portion of the Lake Front redeemed by the Pub- lic Works Department and now In part the property of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, &leo part of the Harbor and Lake Bottom, vested In the *aid Public Works Department and in part rnvered by the Canadian Paelfic Railway's Water Lot, from bald De- partment and which aid parcel may be better known and deecrlbed as fol lows: --A strip of land 30 feet wide, lying 15 feet on either aide of a centre llnd, said centre line being described as follows: -Commencing at & point in the south-westerly limit of running Lot No. 1044 of the "aid Town of Coderlch, Canada Company's Survey, said poln being distant 38 feet, 0 Inches S. 60 degrees E. of the north- westerly angle of said Lot No. 1044; thence 8. 70 degrees, 40 min. W. 36 feet 0 inches, thence N. 73 degrees W. 292 feet, 0 Inches; thence 8. 70 degrees, W. 220 fret, 0 inches. AND TARE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this netice, the Corporation of the Town of Ooderlch, will under section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works, at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans and for leave to construct the *aid Intake pipe, sa sect out in the preceding paragraph hereof. DATED et Goderieh this 16th day of January, 1924. M. Cl. CAMERON Solicitor for the Corporation oat the Town of Goderieh. PROUDFOOT, K I Li GRAN b i I O 1.M F: S. BARRISTERS, SOLIriTOR$, NO. TARIES PUBLIC, ITC. Officeon the Square, woad dost from Hamilton street, Oodsrteb. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. J. L. Killoran, Dudley E. Holmes Nape R Lave 11Aaae•rxan, t•,n, R.C.HAYS-1.C.HAYS, JR., B.A. Hamilton 101., Galerich C SEAGE1t, K.C., BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Notary public and conveyancer, _._.OfficeeeCoust Hooses Oodertch. INSURANCE. LOANS, ETV. McKLLLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- E" L'SSURANCII, LOANS, BTC. ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property Insured. Oftker,--Jas. Connolly, Pres., Qpde• rich P. 0. ; Jas. ll)vaes, Vies -Presse Beechwood P. 0 ; D. F. McOrligor. Sec: Treaa„ Yeeforth P. 0. Directors -A• Bro•dtoot, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; John C. Orleve, No, 4, Walton; William Minn, R. R. No. 2, Seatorth; John Benneiwiee, Brtd- hagen ; Geo. McCartney, R. R. Na 5, Seeforth; Robert Perrin, Heelotf Murray Gibson, Brncefeid ; Joann IEvan". Beechwood; James 0ennone. Ooderkh. Agent*: .1. W. Yeo, Ooderi& Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, CU244s0 John Murray, Yesforth ; iL Ht Yea forth. Polley holder* ern pay ap payments and gat tbeir nM* rak- ed at R. J. Morrtsb's Clothing SUM Clinton; R. H. Oott's Oroesry. 3�j�' doe rel -reet, Goderich, or E. RgYlr The Lowe the Meer `Agnes Is looking as young 0 ever " "Tee, but the gays it casts Mir 00 every year." ,2222 _., ' *+sear. rt. -_-"'-- - - - - -._ _ - --�. '.