HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 7J. R. Wheeler -,
Funeral Director gad
Alt calls promptly attend-
ed to day or night
Store 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Gouerich
Cars overhauled and re- f
paired by an expert mech.
anic. Agent for
Batteries; re -charged and
,.Wet Me BLL
A Digest of the Local Happenings as Reported
by Our Exchanges
of ,ru .aged 01111 respa.•ted citizen In
the pertttal of. Jane 1'as*.nwore. wife of
1)1.41. -In Toronto. on January Ifni, Mr. Ih.nttdd ('. McInnis. In her 79th.,
IG•l,,.rt Johnston. formerly of Bre.- year. The deceased vela her life In
..'�. In IIIc 7let Fear, .1stawe ltaIla u- I'siwerae toarnaltIp and Exeter. She
.cls. on Janary 211.1. .bore. Raimo wag married to her nuq• bereft
In hie attl, year. husband sixty -me years ago. Three
Thursday. January 31, 1921-11
. ItlugdM jFlosjm e. -•rhe Itauk ut Noy* sister's ala► survive. • I
loixou's rtsi11ennx ou 1 rhs'esa street, • BO
\ H
fnUure yea re. Mr :nal Mr.. lriiton IHed.-On Jsnuxr)• -11411). 111 Hallett
:aro moving t,, 1htrolt. township. .1. W. 1Mnl ee•y% lis. ld: :At h
pereenala.-Mr. Enw1t Plum. of year. • • • In Hallett. January lith.
V41 h,hV'•r. It. 4... Is on n Viat with his Williitl tt'atSon, fu has t1. year. 1
brother, Mr. ft. T. l'Iu. It Is over. School Wordfleeting.-.tt the ute•t-
ti.t'nty yetre slave Mr. faun) was here: ing rt.-4.110ytirs.Oil ar,Iiiwt was 1111111•
• • • fir. Jame% Ireland. of Saskatoon. sreta•y- 4 nnsnrer .tf 1he'selio l board
i+ ating in Rnus els. after many for 1924. Mr. l.e•ith's saInrt was
i veers' atnre
ae. • • Mr. J. Gilmour, of ilw•re:nw•d $25. Trustee Mendes was I
obyre les purelut t 1:
7iF.'.'A.' T
for a hour 'for their manager: la '
' Witt*-40."-11&41-4,00.urlmr_. retlrued i_.�Tne.tee
Fast street one 243 r
Brophey Bros.
Orders carefully attended to
at alt hours. ualu or day
The old reliable nm.•.ly dor rben•
matism, neuralgia, core throat and
• Best Liniment Made
Ita.A F. LOtt, t wt t(nu•.xT,•.writes,-
"Ifei Irma, garde--+rttwhat
�.• ,lector e..11ed a very
.a sprained unattested
Ise tsnot out want
I� n it for 11 :-e week'. I
it alaT aro:. on shifty, 1
t ■
out t•, work" in.
1 think ft tae belt•
yS spent made."
Weevil's Llnkmeat
dap. a,w S MIN -
1r"" faction. For ear
ache or eels. 11
give. mmol rood.
Minard's Liniment
from the West was in town a few
ileo* at0tt calling 011 friends.
Died. -flea Easter "f1 January 1710
.,duo.. Pn-.nton'. wif.' of 1).1'. McInnis.
hl her 79th year. • • • 1 1 Exeter. 011
Jeneuiry .20e1. Julia Smith, wielww of
the :ate. Henri• Makitis, aged 74 ci•ar••
• • • Ili Stephen. London road. 011
.laxn:ery 17th. Minn affinoin'd. hr his
filst,y( er
♦loretired : fir: H: itnrttne hitt pqr-
, eha-eel from Mer+r+. R itt'Kenrie &
' !t..n. the general store end fast !frier•.
In-Rxrt.r North: ---Mr: 'Written max
po-ees.loit in atprut three weeks.
(Moth of Mrs. M'Isuds.-Tlie death.
9 nrr.vl in }:aeti r nn January 1711t.
Only Tab vt•ith "Bayer Cross"
ane • ' nine Aspirin.
Ifyou don't ere the yer Cross"
on the tablet... you *re- t getting
Aspirin --only an acid imitatio .
The "Bayer Cross" is your o ly way
of knowing that you are getting •enhine
Aspirin. prescribed by physician for
over nineteen year. and proved s*
millions for Iteadarhe. Neuralgia. Co
Rheumat.i.m. Lunihagn, Neuritis, and
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
Handy tin hones of 12 tabieta--also
larger sized "Bayer" packages can be
bad at drug .torr+.
Aspirin is t'•e trade mark (registered
in Caradn,. of Bayer Manufacture of
Mnnouvt ...,.Metter of S'a!ievlieattd.5
While it i+ well known that Aspirin
means Rayer manufacture. to assist the
public against imitation+. the Tablets of
Bayer Company. Ltd.. will 1* stamped
with their general trade mark, the
•'Darer Cross:',
Says Creast Afflisd in Nostrils
Relieves Head -Colds at Once.
voted to the chair. after tuaklthe
de.• xruion of qualification.
*tion Mode-ltefore /his \de-
rertnre for Watford. where by w111 act
,.. 1': X. 1t. agent. citizens 11w't , Iti
Years of Constipation Ended
By "Fruit-a-tives"
The Wonderful Fruit Medicine
• Anyone who suffers with miserable
health; who is tortured with Head-
aches; and who is usable to get any
real pleasure out of life; will be
interested in this letter of - Mrs,
Martha de Wolfe of East Ship
Harbor. N.S.
Mrs. de Wolfe says, :%1Totjylzlgt'
was a dreadful sufferer from Conatips•
Hon and I Ieadachea and I wu miser-
able in every way. Nothing in the way
of medicine seemed to help me.
Then I tried "Fruit-astaves"and the
effect wag splendid; and after taking
only one hoz, I was completely
relieved and now feel like a new
50c • a boat 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At dealers or from Fruit -a -uvea
Limited* Ottawa. Oat.
1 House of Refuge . Ma t agt•r . 1100 00
Mn t rim 4410.(M) '
Atwt. JL/rroll 40os1►
lnsparlor :i1Ml,ta)
I'hyaklanC , 1j1N).4 )
beaus' Insp.•tur.+ (for teepee -
:, Ki Uel
see) ►
It,,turd of ('rlmhlal Audit (per
day and 10 cent* a mile mn
wry :. tai
,'uuxty .tudituiw (eta.'11► :'s1.1111
caretaker, taker, Court iluuee and
Registry office
1'oi uty 1'011110 k 1 ier .fay and -
10cruet per mile ofx' way) 5.00
.utter were Hutu two hours mad a
yuuner of debate 1111 Ttturtday atter-
wa.ii and again hi the evening. after
1 auleniluu•uts and atone lmcite• to the
and some rural Litt- •es. •
Fire Destroys hose*. -Firs• destroy -
the Nick part of Mr. and Mr-. J. E.
R"binsrm'e home recently, MI.* An -
Memorial )hail on January19th: and dersntm, o_t••lg1t1• r iiotie•et the s(nuke
Presented Mr. G. E. McTaggart wIth tool got tic's ltnhtnwm'oUt faun leer
n. addr.•s' and x slay. f ,ha Merviw•• sick bell. Kthd friend. varrted the 1
I apTrwdatlon of has g..M1 cilizei. I,I 'rtirnitere out mill I01411Pd t1» fireuw'n
in Rlyth. Mr. Jf,Tat ort made a to get the blaze ander control.
suit Mr reply. Young-Nael)ooald.•-•'.t pretty we'd• i
1 Meeting. -The uuunal meet ling took place lis t'h.eluu•r'14 ciunh.i
lug'! the Manurial 11811 subw'riliers
wag iw$.1 re+wfly latrine the peat
year It 1 had bei•ii twill on the nowt -
it', w•iII II Ili w w4atile rat ::t+lMl(1. The
urigitaal os f: VSuit- Mat. 11011er
1111.. 1111 lav I raker, tvlthout n cent
front' 1110 VII rutin! taro,. 4lffieers
for fire year sire: I'resid,•ne. 1'.
Gar,Iner: 1 s rer: 4'. N01'14411a1141:
ne•Iph: dill 31itl1111ry 1710, ti %.
McKenzie offeint log. *11.•14 Ik'ttIr-Ii
Merits'. youngest daughter of the late
.tles andar and Mrs. NIauDhni8Id of
1i,1� , .-_t_.1.ri,h' or Mr.
Gor.lon 'M. helmet. $11n of Mr'. S. •f
Young. Toronto. and the Irate Air. Alex
Young formacre of LVtitglixmafter
oho' c, rentotuy the guests part 041k of
secretary. Rl, hijui11d. 1 dinner tit the bride's home. after withal
If your nostrils are clogged and your
Lead it stuffed and you can't breathe
freely because of a cold or catarrh. just
Ret • small bottle of Fiy's ('ream Balm
at any drug store. Apply a little of
this fragrant. antiseptic errata into
rour noetrils end let it penetrate
through every air passage of your bead.
mottling and healing the inflamed. swol-
len mucous membrane and ion get in -
'teat relief.
Alt! bow gond it feels. Your nos -
rile are open, your head ig clear, no
mare hawking, snuffling, blowing: no
Wore headache. drness or struggling
'or breath. }:17 a 'Cream halm k just
what ane - from head i. .Lt= and a•
-..u, . r,..4 74'. a d.•light,
Ease your tisht, aching chest. Stop
the pain. Break up the congestion.
Feel a had cold loosen up in just a
short time.
i m -
Red Pepper Rub s the cold. re
dy that brings Quickest relief. it can-
t hurt you and it certainly seems to
+. drive the c
the tightness and Migea'
ti nd soreness right out.
N. ing has such concentrated, pene-
lratin eat as red peppers, and when
heat pe Crates right down into colds,
congestio aching muscles and sore,
stiff joints elief comes at once.
The mom t you apply Red Pepper
Rub you feel tingling heat. In three
minutes the co sted s t is warmed
through and thr. gh. I Vhen you are
suffering from a cold rheumatism,
backache, stiff neck or sore muscles.
jest get a jar of Rosales Red Pcr pr
Rub, made from red peppers, at any
drug stnre You will have the quicjtest
slaw Mows.
Have Kidneys
Examined By
the happy coup:.' left for a trip to Der,
tpAf og 'n j t rok and other 'pnlnti . On their re -
tarn they will reside in Toronto. .,
Bort.-Ii, M.Klll.yt. .0t Jexetxrr
I;,th, to Mr and Mn. Willem H.a'gF.
Al Memorial Itre.gdtal. Sea-
f.trtla. net Jprinary 211yi. Pater Kenny.
I overt son of 1'ratl! s Kenny. in Itis '1Le -late-.-*rs.r-.:ai1s.e - d tier mor. -.T.
4149111. has claimed one of the pioneers
of Moron ..runty in the parson of
ata. hn.•I Tbompwui 41ri•ve. widow of
the tette Alexander Neilnus, in her
Pretty -first year. - The iltre•nsed- was
born in al.Kil'op township. 4th con-
ia .iaign. :ludo reeich 11 t hen. not 11 her
marriage. xttty--threw years ;Igo. after
whichshe lived at Ito% Niro AI ul 111r-
pwrla•y. until fourteen years ago.
after the death of her lin-Ionia. when
she cattle to steafortp to live. Sloe
is s iryiv.•.l be two ams .and tau dough- '
tyre _Alexander. of (nnton t.
E imli:•tb and Mr.. W. M. Stewart -all
of $,' nforth.
,Isonal Merlltlg-Thr minim meet-
ing ..f the Senforth Reil /'rose Seelety
sus bead nvrntly.' The tren'urer's re-
port ..)cowed n balance of 111.20
.tmn.nts were went dhrhig the year for
Your Doctor the 1'ex hnuw• Relief:. outp tea work,
• Jnjuin Relief. t'nnadian\\ationnl
Take Salts to Wash Kidneys it i title for the Rlhtd and waforth Mcmor--I
eep Little Ones
Well in Winter come the handicap.
Use the Bell to Sell. Nay
Liven up the
dull weeks
The early \weeks of 1924
will not be ull for those
who go aft business
with special ffers_ 1Jy
Long Distance;
People have ni
enough and confi
enough to buy now
-You will make it wo
their while.
Snow, and later Sprint;
floods. will make it dial--
ial-cult for travellers to call
on their trade. -
Long Distance will over-
Winter lea ihtngerous Slit for
the little The day*. are clangs'•
able --cue :bright. the next on,, cold
ril l
ataa-slern►,e.--Haut_t1u:�tut7L'r is Alf
10 take the children .out for the fresh
air and exercise they nevi wt much.,
lis r,tesenu,ne'se they are often 'cooped
up in overheated, • badly ventilated l
MOMS uud'are wast% .clz,vl with pro1.1
or grippe. what is u.rle•d to keep
111t' little . sic+ well is . ♦tab:'. t 1w n
'f Milers. They will regnlnee tl.c
,utnntaih owl bowels owl drh'o tint
coI.ls. and by their ase the• teabv will
be pile to get over the winter ,.n...n I
in (a•rfect wefety. The new .ab': tat 1
will 1101 twreits• the prier of I:abv's
own - Tablets. nc the comitnuy poet'.
jilt' Ute. You can still obtain •he 'rob•
ham through any twalbdw• dealer rat
22.i rents a box. sir by mall. pout paid.
from The 1)r. William.' Medicine
tt•p•kvtl.:•, Ont. -
We help you?
Back Pains You or Bladder llo.,pltal. 'air.. T. Holmcred M
prepident, Mr•. T.. 1.. 1A' Lamy. were- I
Flush your kidneys by deinking :
quart of water each day. also take salts
occasiunali). says a noted authorit), who
tells us that too ranch riek food forms
acids elaisaz almost paralyze the kidneys
in -their efforts to expel it from the
bh.od. They become sluggish and
weaken: then you may sutler with a
dull misery in the kidney' regiolf, sharp
pains in the back or sick-beadachr. dizzi-
izzyness. your stomach s.,ur-, tongue is
Mated, and when tier weather re bad
you have thenunati-• twinges. The urine
gets cloudy, full of sediment, the chan-
nels often get sore and irritated, obliging
you to -seek relief two or three times
during the night.
To hip neutralize these irritatin¢
(Kids, to help cleanse -he kidneys' arid'
flush off the body's urinous waste, get,
four ounces of lad Salts from any phar-
macy here: tike a tablespoonful in a
glass of water before breakfast for a,
few days, and your kidneys may then
act fine. This famous salts k made
ooithe a iii ftf•grtpcs and lemon juice.
bined with it ia. anrhaf been "'nse'1
fo years to help tlush and stimulate
sit ss kidneys.; also to neutralize the
acids 'n the system in thev no longer
irritate: > thus often relieving bladder
jad Sa.
jure and ekes . i delightful
Ivry. t-i.iid Mrs. J._ (:.Mullen, treasurer i
for .the coming pair. The exec
consists of them ladles chosei
melt of the ehurilu•a of town.
is inexpensive: caa not la-
. cent Lithia- ter drink. By all means
have your ph cician examine your kid-
neys at last Brice a year.
fromi • (('ontinnet from Tatra Iti
from $11Mr b) cath agr "nit ura1 society nail
- i Councillors 1'..1. M . dlswm and Wm.
.. CLINTON • Il. Coait,'' $1111 to Luton show. no
taction be taka'u. That. ltli regent to
tat•'' motion of Council] if T. "Inglis
Itnrnr-in Clinton. on Jenunry :►tb 1 and F. .1. 3lctjwdd gram lug X25 to
to Mr. ntul Mrs. Airnnly Gnrre'tt. of ea di SI fair. the gram h.• male.
lenuk•141a�nr. a elaughter. hat. with regard to the n tion of
Married. --In Detente on Jnnnury• 4'(uus•ilh'niJI. Shortrersl nn.l 3 Arm-
1fn11. 42Inrlyt, only 011111 of ler. 14001 etro11g granting $25 0. rack lblic
Nes. 11-. E. Watrmrl. 0f D*11' 1% tr-e ii11111ry. nn netitm he taken: at.
Tbanns A. Trick, son of Mr. rind Mrs. l with rrgnrd to the motion of Coo
Lexie Trick. of ',melon, for:ncrle of . ,Libre at., Armstrong snit .1: Melton-
town.hip. all gr.i10I$F Viso to tate Children's
Badly Injured.-WhIle getting c•osl aer, th gOlitt b• nuide 111 ildrenr-
for the fnrnn.-o at the Ball Panndry. • 183.1";; ll-t:tIli tt?t. Tint with r,ganl tui
*recently. Mr. Goo. Bolton oto town. who the uncal„(n elf (buuctllors it. 1'. Jlun
to w•orktrtr Ther' ems atrnek h1• n ruga and (.:,\Ginn g)nitini 5244 for -.
trio. n toles a . "a'^ wit1.14 iw•c•31111.1 flowers 11 r011/14,. 11111 court house. , no
hrosnel. nn.1 brought other e,1. w WI action ton 1.' 4.,ken. ` Tius1 with regard to
It when it Mi. Nr. it ilon w•.a aur � the mn- rat (u,l or. ('. 1:1)41• .
01111•r'ous when found null had loth e1 tet m1otionntl .1 3'.'.'ll'i.'Mtillbl.'tl 11.11
.3 a
lames ht one leg I..ken nal n bows hi special grout of $: 1s''made to t1p•
the otter one fntetilred. Ile Is In t1te high 4e1i,nds .14111 lletr+asee Itt.tl-
"eftf+irtis--tln" 4ori•--mo4 4o ata=eruii-.-Mitenatf-thou--t+,uttiy_ +._ Illy idol on
as can is' .'ap eeteel. I the he'I% of the xttendnt4ct," of 1vm11ty
Trairli Collide. -r linen
n Jaunary 21st. , 101111114 .:4nnd n ,itnitlnr \ 101 Icy
while the 4'. N. lt. train Toru Tmm�• rotinefilonr 1i. J. .t. Mn,}:w•nn�nd
to to Gealerleb was tnking wearer herr. ' t••• A. lteld•rtson that the grunt
the northbound London Huron. Owl diril.,l equally♦. no aetlon he ttk
Brom hacked into it. The prnk..man That with retnril to the neaten of
on the rear rtwl . of the northbound (•oniocilbrm .1. W. 3114iihhon and 14. 4'.
train could not cc.. tete engine till Snnhings grunting SUM to each int.
Every don Teteptere• if to
Long flavone.• Sle1wa
Rub Rheumatism or
Sore, Aching Joints
Rub Plln right out with small
trial bottle of old
"at. Jacobs 011."
Rheumatism it "pain" only. Not
one case in fifty requires internal
treatment. Stop drugging. Rub tooth-
init. penetrating "St. jambs Oil" right
into your sore, stiff, aching joints and
situ Iles, and relief comes instantly.
"St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu-
matism liniment which never disap-
points and cannot burn the skin.
Limber upl Quit complaining) Get
a small trial bottle of old, honest
"St. Jambs Oil" at any drug store,
and in just a moment you'll be free
from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiff -
twig and swelling. Don't suffer! Re-
lief awaits you, "St. Jacobs Oil" Ms
relieved millions of rheumatism suffer-
ers in the latt haii century, and is just
as good for sciatica. neuralgia, lum-
ber). backache. sprain*,
It wais too late. ewitlg to the %corm.
Ne primped Into a- snow -bunk lw,,s. ver.
rt'aped isturs. The_renr coach of
the i.. it. and R. train wens billy dams
*peat -ami the trek! crew had Jur get +t
on the skiing, then return to limas
field in get another coach. A11 nlxll-
4.ry from Stratford was called to ass
-bd. The wngere received a severe
.lurking lout no nne wens seriously hn-
Died. -1n �t'Irullem. all •inmulry
1St h. }Alas Turner, beloved wife of
George Wrnith .In her :..111 rear. • •
In London, ml •lntmnry 21.4. Mail an
Maude- Nettcrfirld, ekitighter of 404'
tate .lames Netterfield. "f winglMm,
an, hwln.ed wife of Mr. TirrIw'rt
Wads In her 4.4rd year e'
• • • in R-
glna. Jnnnury !ith. at the home of
hl. l,ln ter, Mrs. R. T. Jenkins. Rob -
est 1'nnll In hi. aloe year. formerly
of �Vingha and Wroxeter.n
Marries' 1 ?osite- in Toronto,
on January 1Rt1i. Vlt'tta Hill. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hifi. of Pleas -
nor Vaitey, to Mr. Harold lanae'. son
.f Mr and Mn.. R. 0. Halm of 1.1n-
tow•etl .
flehool Niteroi Re
i edgt .-MI.0 Robb
toil '4.0111 i,l her vitt a. *Awn
nurse. uwhtg t.. n lwa11041 lodlffetlxln n
to her work on the part of parent
111 101. oto aetlon M' taken. That no
:teflon be token mem the requests for
. aml from the Salhniinn .army. Nation-
al Institrttt•" mr tete }Mint tint aR'!:-.
l'hfelretese 11..y,llnl.. That the tender.
for printing of it: 11. Townahenei be
eyx.eeptel. That the tender of .hdue
A ntt for grocery jninillas at the .14111
be :tempted. That 110• taneler of E.
Goldie Snail for bread at 111
cents for" 4II: elemnil los f for OW in 11
ie accepted. That the tender of C. i'
1 .tllknn for good bulling beef sit 1
1 teens per potful he ar:•rytbi'd. That the
tender of Jatucs M,•Mannc' for tuilk
at the Jail at 10 cents per inner? IW
nerptel. That no action 0.' unkeen
with regard to the request of .4L. Jit 110.4
+ r. That
• n his star
se t
for an hs•nn
with regard to the mutton of ('onnell-
tor*' F. J. tl.afnehl and J. J. Me.
Outgrown gemming $75 to the cnauty
inlging trans. no nation Ir.' taken. )I'ha,
tite sn'eales of the allele's. rat ',he
rnanty he nu follows for the yenr itr_I : l
•r n IP - 'Pro,
reals 111111upkeep of ear .^s11t1111I
county rosibi ......... ;swot',
floater. (with fuel, light tie.) ,air.,,i4-
.n' Matron of goal 22
Tical l'hystcla n 12'14 tier
et Turnkey lite peri uls'les t " t11Ni1.I5)nn
Crown Attorney
4'onnty 4,11g111(4.r (designated
One Week Only
Halt Price Sale of Overcoats
20 Men's Coats ' 20
20 Boys' Coats 20
We still have a few of those Negligee Shirts, S2.50
for $1.39
Agents. for septi -Ready Tailoring and ('arhar;t Overallt,
By.special arrangement ,",v'itli the Family Ileral.l and
Weekly Star of Montreal, We are able to offer that great
family and farm paper at a very attractive ltriee. '
The Family Herald and Weekly Star Costs $2.00
per year -
The Signal costs $2.00 per year
We now offer
Both Papers For $3.50
In addition. -JAI subscriber receives u
PICTT_ItE ItaTiT1:Eli -
"The Wonderful Heroine"
This beautiful wl.rl< of art. in ten 'colors, is 13 x
inches in size, on a rieh. ii.'i :y paper, ready for fratnin
- Orders for chi, (1.11 mn-t be sent to
, �llu, conk
acumiTns•nt- pn:i'a elst.intt sure-i.r-twa-f-44XM
by 41.e chairman. the excentIs,• cent-' 1:.4111 lie ,Mole. to
niittsr'. re')_s.rt M'as it odea as fo
lows : That n grttttt of $2:a he made
to the Ui•nsrtl4 ,geed -{tow ; meat a _raft
rat ft:A► Is' mal" toNitie!' ngri.ultnrut
satiety it the ennui's :\ that a grant of
#.'f► tae made .o i, pa,hllc
' 11Wl_1a grant of
xch"ot the four hos-
pitals hi the eco tlty; that a grant of
a:.lar be anuli• t each .1 the fire High
Schools and ` 'iolleglate Institutes In
ti.' c.Wlty a. nt the cum of $20 Ire
animist for lowerlids ala.ut the contt
We got our Exercise
at the Wood Pile"
I N the good old. days when we • were
boys in the cotantry there was no tack"
of exercise. -
When other jobs ran 'out there was
always wood to be cut and there is no
denying that pushing the buck saw and
swinging the axe are real exercise.
Rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes told of
pure blood and an active liver. There
was no lack of appetite those times arid
no complaints of indigestion.
Rut wood Wei are not so
f they used to be and the tendency to •
...ay *dexercise is continually on the increase.
For this reason it becomes absolutely
to resort to other means of
keeping' the liver active and the bowels
Partieulaly in the cold season when we
live so much indoors with too little pure
air to breathe and too much artificial
food to eat do we require the use of
medicine to regulate the vital organs:
• In the great majority of homers Dr.
Phase's Kidney -Liver .Pills are -constantly
kept on hand for this purpose because they
have proven to be the most dependah,
regulator and suitable for all the family.
Neglect to keep the liver, kidneys and
bowels in healthful activity is only courting '
trouble from such ailments as appen-
dicitis, Bright's disease of the kidneys,
diabetes, high blood pressure or other
dreaded diseases.
.r t use -one -pill a dose at he('
time once or twice a week you can be
sure of the healthful action of these
eliminating organa and the prevention
of such ills as naturally develop in a
poisoned system.
Please note that while the price of
I)r. Chase's Kidney -river Pills is increased
to 35 cts. a box the number of pills in a
box is increased in the same proportion.
Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.
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