HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 61
II -Thursday, January 31, 1911
Steck-taking clear -out of
these lines :
Holland Linen, regular
25c. Special 12 I -2c.
Gages' Kid Finish and
Gages' Linen Lawn, regu-
lar 50c, special 20c, of
two for 35c.
Porter's Book Store
Bus menta ad trains. Calls made for
passengers and baggage to any part of
the town. Prompt service guaranteed.
Telephone 51, Day or Night
Resid.•tee. Cambria Road. opposite the
Organ Factory Alffice
Wet or Dry Storage
1f laying up your car this win-
ter. we wish to respeetfullly
remind you that your Battery
needs iii hal Bare and attention
during the winter months to as-
sure its being ready for duty
next spring.
We are Battery Experts. and
have the necessary equipment
and facilities for caring, for any
make of Battery.
We handle Radio A and B 13e-
chargable Batteries. call and ask
us about them.
cor Colborne street and Square
Electric Wiring
We specialize in Wiring of
all kinds. Let us give you an
estimate for wiring your h use
or garage.
Private Telephones, Motors
Dynamos, Electric Bells and
BtlrglarAlarm Systeas
All Work Guaranteed
Cook, Ina and Toast by
Electricity '
We have an assarltllefr Ot
the best Electric Irons and
Toasters made in Canada.
Went St. Pbone 254J
Apply Wlphur as Told WieM
Your elfin Break* Out
Any braids. out of the skin otq
1tsf. 7t17A! Cr Is ppm
est byapplying Mentho-Sulphur. The
pimseem to dry right up and go
away, declares a noted skin specialist.
Nothing has ever been found to take
the place of sulphur as a. pimple re-
mover. It is harmless and inexpensive.
Just ask any druggist for a small jar
of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur and use it
are cold cream.
j4�. w-iRa
Sunday Afternoon
By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont.
Souls of met, molly will ye scatter
Like a crowd of frightened sheep?
Foolish hearts. why will ye wand
From a lore .o true wind deep'
Fur the lore of t:td is broader
Titan the memeur s of man's mind,
awl the 'wart of the Eternal
1s most wonderfully kited.
• -F. W. Faber
A'mlghty God. help its Iu. under-
stand thy law and to d.. It obediently
and lovingly.•; that we tiny enjoy the
happy leml . of such action. and find in
e♦p•vience a light mar many n mys-
tery. Amen.
(Joseph Parker.)
S. af. IF.$SON FPR FEB. Loth, 19:4
Lesson Title -The Failure at Ra -
Leeson, Passage -Num.- 14 : 1-111.
, (:olden Text --Nuns. 14:9.
01 the five blocks of Mnaes only one
e.f them. Numbers, has an English ti-
tle. Thi' others are the original
e:reek. The word "Numbers" teas
ms what. in addition to histoy, is con-
tained In the book. The children of
Israel had (avtiomre as "the stars of
heaven far toultitnd"." Twice In this
iook is there mention of the nttp,her-
ing of the host ; the fir -t time wljls at
0,111 cud !IV. second thirty-nine years
afterwards. in thus plains of Moab.
wits'e •'among these th.•r' was not a
'man .1 :11eni whom M....•: and Aaron
nowhere'', priest nowhen. when they sum-.
I tiered the children of Israel in the
1 w htelenasss of Sinai. For the lord
i hail 4314 of them. they shall surely
die in the wilderness.' And there Wan
{ not left a man of them. sae" Caleb
`the soil rot Jephinnth, unel Joshua/stile
sou of Nun"
In to -day's lesson the children of 1a -
real had reached the lorlers of the
1 promisees land. Wel had told muses
it,, select a responsible man. a ruler in
each of the tribe- and send them as
1 spies into Canaan to hook over the
i (and and take note of the nature of
the soil to see. whether It be gond or
A Gleamy Mass of Hair
35c "Danderine" does. Wonders
for Any Girl's Hair
Girls! Try this! When combing and
dressing your hair, just moisten your
hair brush with a little "Danderine" and
brush it through your hair. The effect
is startling! You can do your hair up
immediately and it will appear trice as
thick and heavy -a masa of gleamy hair,
sparkling with life and possessing that
incomparable softness, freshness and
While beautifying the hair "Danderine"
is also toning and stimulating each sin-
gle hair to grow thick, long and strong.
]lair stops falling mut and dandruff dia.
appears. Get a bottle of delightful, re-
freshing "Danderine" at any drug or
toilet counter and just ser, how healthy
and youthful your hair becomes.
"Pape's Diapepsln" for
Gas, indigestion or
Sour Stomach
last III Btomsnk correctedl
never the slightest distress
iadigeation or a .our, acid, oro
ash, after you eat a tablet Ps c
Diapepsin." The moment it reeacklw-•Je
stomach all sourness, flatulent', be r'
bora, grew, palpitation and pain I
appear.guarantee reek p e#
age bearr odigestion at once. Ishii a
rein afaoat• trouble for her emote.
�a11'�'�� ��`•k
Child's Best Laxative is
"California Fig Syrup"
11.,.r • Mother! A teaspoonful of
"(abfornia Fig Byrut" now will than
°sept..e clean the 11111. bowels and in a
fhser11.,,e, , you have a well, playful ebitd
matt.. Even if moms, feverish, bilious,
cc•sstpat.E or full of told, children love
11" p:ars.et taste.
Tel, your druggistou want only the
gperntti•,• 'California Fig Syrup" whisk
Iraq ' Boss 1, r babies and children
ee6 r• . e to pt •••1 ea bottle. Mother,
ens. •.h et toy "t-literaia.1e Ashes say
hill. fat or lean. and in order to oaths-
fy thy people they were to tiring back
,Vow, of 111e fruits. They were alma
to observe the people as 40 their num
hes net strength of Iaaly -flew, o
many. strong or weak. and slit whe-
ther they lire) In moues eer tents. 11
villages or walled (•INes. These d
„Boit,• instrue•t4nK were carried out to
the tetter. they spending forty day
travelling'througlt ('steam lhi then
return two reports were plesented-
a majority and a minority report -
ten ngallt,t two. As evide see o
what the soil was t'almble of prxluc
hug they brought figs, pomegranate«
and n Natoli of grapes as large ant
so heavy that it required two men 1'
carry it hanging from a staff. find
their report ended" there. all w'i'th
have been well and the eltitdren o
boost w<onid taevr gone In and promos
Med the mmol. 'tut atter sayln
"Snn•ly it floweth with milk and hoe
ey alai this is the fruit of it" the
prose tkd to tell Intw Implsldble h
would he for thegs to attempt to con
quer the Inhabitants. who were nut
of a great stature In whose sigh
they were , ns grns«hopleers. The
Ju.tgueut of the ten was -We Ile mo
nhle to go -hp against tlg'm.' lIn tet
'0 tar hand the Minority. ('*deb out
Jashun .said "Test lis go up at once
and posse'. it. for we ars well able
tit oyt•r,•, ne it."
Chap. 14:1 -4 -Effect of Minority Rs -
Port. -port.
• It wa►s a« dbewgh the people were
already In the presence of these
-giants-the chlldn-ii of -hick. Ter
ror filled their souls and they cam
m'etely' forgot Ctxl's l,rPw'tW4 with
them and Hjs promise that Canaan
was ':1 hind which I give auto tin
children of Israel." From erring out
weeping they passel to murmttring to
each other against \loses and Aaron
The nest step wens op,4•n r•omplal'nt
11'urds took• on form In which they
prol..w•d to throw off the Icndersttll
01 Moses and select n calan111 for
tt,esineelves who would tend'them hi9,•k
to Egypt. in their frenzy they f.w
got the task•maaters and the drudgery
of brick -making. Neither did they
take• into ac•ount that on the return
journey there would I 1 nn pillar of
fire by night or pillar of cloud by day
nor would they lois fed by manna n1
the way. 14 might he haul to ermquer
Carman. but It wunld is. hadrer to re-
tort' to Egypt.
woo mom,
So &pars. MacPherson of
i• Lydia E. Pinlrkam's Vege-
table Compound ,
" Brantford, Ontario. -"I was slways
% dead ani the least enaction would pot
one out fora day or two. I bad a
Ipressing pain oa the top of ply bead,
pain in the nape of my sect. and when
I stooped over I could not get up with-
? " out help, bents of pain m my back.
- ' I did not sleep well and was nervous
at the least noise. I keep house, but I
1 was such a wreck that I could not sweep
the door nor wash the dialogs without ly-
ing down afterwards. A friend living
I ' sear ms told me what Lydia E. Pink-
( ham'sVegstable Compound had done for
her so I to take it With the fret
• bottle I felbrighter and got so i could
wash dishes and sweep without hying
to lie down. Later I became regular
again in moi monthly terms. I have
taken ten bottles all told and am now
' all better. I can truly ay that your
n wonderful medicine cannot be beaten
t for putting health and vim into a wo-
man.' -Mrs. JAMB 11. MAcPggasort,
t 309 Greenwich Bt, Brantford, Oat
11 you are sufferingfrom a displace-
teem of female weakness write
to the Lydia E. Plnkhani Medicine Co.,
Co Ontario, for Lydia E. Ptnk-
ham'e Private Text -Book upon "Ad-
amants Peculiar to Women" o
lifted. Thos we hail the first per--
nianent dwellers in unr "Horne."
The restited .speedily hewer re -
suer . 1 ilw.el the iu11ate. to spread
the new. of a le per charity' to the
• numerous levet* lm the city. The
ward was suou flllwh and 1 built four
enure omit houses within the two
pairs that followed.
The 'Thrum" is nue of a number of
kindred Institutions •-4a1t.•rel through-
' out India, ('1(1nn and Japan. The
Mission has btru blessed ley God. to
the pltys�ra1 comfort and spiritual
salivation of mane thousands of suf-
fering lepers in the Fast. -From the
v I Annual iGelort ut Mindn'ny Moine for
-By Rev. A. TL Wagtail.
Tortures of Sciatica
Verses 5-1i1-Fyiends Try to Leave
Messes and Aaron, instead of being
angry at the people for mnrntutdng a-
gainst them fell prontr to before
Mein as though pleedlug with them to
be reeoneile.l to clivi and so flare thrm-
,a•It,-- and their wires and children
from Alii. M1 101* then p:end with
them staying. "Rowel not. neither Ir;
afraid of them. The Lord your (teal
winch goeth before y1 1u. he shall fight
for you. according to all that he did
for you in Egypt before your eptid a."
(Dont. 1 :29:30.)
• t Ilii nod Joshua then tried what
they could do to dissuade them from
turning hack. They had seen more
Than rite others. for the people were
not as strong as they apeen red -"thee
are bread for ns; their ele•fenee is de-
parted from them."
They slloiepd how anxiotes they
were to (•nnvinee the people for they
rent their clothes, them indicating
their holy tndlgttstiott at the sin of the
people and their fear of the wrath of
(:ori that would ate anre to follow suet
apostasy. This but lnereaaed the an-
ger of the people so that the eongre.
gatlon proceeded to stone them with
mtoueu. They had 'Token for the
glory of God and now tion they are
to suffer for oo doing. 'the glory of
the Tort appeared in the tabernacle
of the congregation before all the
c:,iitren of Torael."
Christiana are in our day am afraid
of stopping out as were the children
of Israel In their day. When es- face
giants we quail, forgetting that
"All nnseen the Master walktth
By the -toiling servant's side;
Comfortable words He talketh
While Hie hands uphold pod guide."
In IMOD on land granted by 410r-
ernment. my eolleague, the late Rev.
W. It Wlmrttm, erected a ftlain bam-
boo -mat shed Capable of housing
twelve lepers.. Having eolleeted a
Ram of money for Initial purpntyeo, 'Me
handed offer to me the task of filling
the ward and prosecuting the work.
The flrat duty was the In -gathering
of the fleet In/utters. A bullock cart
.. 'tAli#fiF
1n company with a native helper, T
pfoeveeded to the pagodas where i
knew rennin ptttable came* of disease
and suffering were sheltering.
In some respects the first day's
work was ns hard a* any in our his-
tory. Tt Was by no meant easy to In-
duce the first leper to ascend the cart
and frust himself to our care. Sus-
plel,n filled the minds of all. Many
wondered what we meant, and all
were fearful. There wan a general
movement away from the vicinity of
the Intruding strangers hut it must
by remembered 1t was the first day's
work In the "leper field" of Mandalay.
Parma /don wan egor only weapon, and
bottom passed ere, at evening, the cart
entered the gates of the "Home," lad-
en with seven stricken )sperm.
A promnIM' was Mode, that after.*
week's experl"nee of the Rome, all
w'qo wiati d to do so might return to
the pagodas. The week passed; m1m-
pie remedies were apptiM to ease
their sgffertng; plain, who'esome diet
was dinpenmod to them: clean e'othes
took the place of filthy rags; kindly
°Distort wag given at all times. On
the eighth day 1 rMeemed toy prom -
lag. and, calling them together rre-
attaded them of the eolglaet, "Mande
but no
bandaswas raised. "ou wish to All veto* turn " wish to
stay, handl ap;" and every head was
Relieved by Enriching and Petrifying
toe Blood
Sciatica i= neuralgia of the sri.ahr
nen•" and tine .1r.•stme•ut -14.,1111 tae
the same as1for other forms of neu-
rnlgla. $eIarI3i, is stubborn I11 rem
silting truatmett nuul the nuinn t fre-
quently suffers tar -Venni
So many eases of .«•laths hoc•, been
helped by I)r. \11IILtm Pink fills
that every sufferer Is Justified In giv-
ing this treatment h flow nigh trial.
)Ir. Williams' fink I'tlls •10 not simply
relicv.• pain - they correct diastase..
caused by weak, watery 14100(1. T1111m
they are beneficial in the treatment of
even the' most severe dlsOraers. Their
t-alne in cases of this kilt, I. shown
)q• the experience of Miss ).,Irzie Free-
man, N,.gie. ('reek, (fat_ who ray.: --
"i was confined to bed for set+ n
weeks with Sciatica. What T suffer-
ed is almost Impossible to realize
The ,Irx•tor did all be ctnId for nes
and yet i was not getting any Netter
and he told me the trouble. was Me
to leave mP crippled. A nelgltb r ho
was In to sew me, strongly acyi.. me
to try Dr. Wlllismo l'Ink PIIIs 1 de,
edict to do so and after tak .g them
for a w14 a (mind they w P helping
me. 1 rrintinuprl taking tl pills until
1 heel taken nine twox.•s when 1 was
able to walk *a well a ever, and felt
that i was folly res rel. iii view of
what these iills It e done for me 1
strongly reomme d them to all suf-
If yon areuttering from any con-
dition due t• poor. watery blood or
weak nen . begin taking Dr. Wil-
liams' 1'I . fills now and note how
your -lr ngtlt and health .will improve.
The new sales Mx wilt not Inx•ratee
the ice of i)r. Willitm.•' fink
ns the company pays the Mx. Von
c n still obtain the pills through any
it'ine'dealer at :0 Pent. n box. or
by mail: post pail. at this price, from
The !tr. Williams' Medici M.
Brx•kville, (lift.
1JAMtI.TerN'a (:RAND (1L)) MAN
Mr. Adam Brown, who recently,
at the *tinted meeting of the Can-
ada 111,•, mored n rote Of thanks
to the employees for the 11eventleth
sureeneise time. Mr. Rmwa la now
ninety-.ight yen?. of age. and re-
signed three year* ago from the
poet of Postmaster of Aamlltos,
after occupying it for thirty yearn. .
(('utltiewd from lege ae
solid outtalde of thus runlet truck. to
faetlltate turnouts.
The t0lk'7 of the Bounty las. been,
for the past two yearm, to hare the
roads surfaced with crushed gravel,
widened to the required standard and
properly hw. \Chen oads
wen• floutdltcecu+?lrtx•(tnl throughoutthertb'
moody, In many claws eareful attention
Was given. to the matter of ditches
and drainage. but through long years
of Indtfterence to maintenance these
ditches have been blacked from various
eausta. so that it la a a,antmuu. uc
curentw to find wester %lauding on the
sides of the roads walking into the:
fouudatons of the road and cameing
the surface to break up througb leek
of support. It is to an effort to ne-
Ileye these conditions that our roil
cunstrnetluu is (errieal a1. When a
crushing plant Ie In up.ratiou it Is
ne•eseary to operate It to capae.tty to
get tht• greatest eff!c•Ieocy, and
moreover it la necessary to operate
forty' or fifty; tiny., In one pit before
Moving to another pit as (•exits 01 mot,
lug are high., For three reasons It Is
not profitable to awe a crushing plant
for applying gravel In small quantities.
but the operations of these outfits
must ie an continuous sections of road
requiring thouair Ms of yards of ma-
terials. l'ruslrer plants are of advan.
tag.. chiefly in that: Its utilising .Ie-
I«,sita of stone and worse gravel. stip-
"plies of material may be secured claw'
10 the w.,rk,•and In many easy miles
of hauling dishltar is saved; the
screening of gravel permits of build-
ing up the foilnc4ttion of (-'owe ma-
terial and placing the fine material ,;u 1
tum, which is the proper 0omd1111.n :
crushed rel 1s superior to'nncrush•
art mate.�rtu in 1111tH}- respects: me•han.
1hemi loaelin
1 Labor Preferable
We find uree acrotint or day lalalr
pr•feueL;e f, the following reasons:
1,04111 teontrac ors are not properly
eplipttPtl to c rry out the work to
the best adroit gr ; inexp'riene•e nn
tin• part of tau contractors lea.la
to errors ♦1n eonnotion that .eon-
uot he remedied, owlelge of the
proper.resultsto be bMlned is lack-
ing at times and. in ase case., tin'
desire to carry out the ,ntraef to the
letter, is *leo lacking. it few eon -
tractors have a tendency �, try to in-
crease their profits 1n th . wily; in-
spection a
xrt,n co. s
1 t are e11mI .
1 n11 the
roots of advertising. tendering nil eon-
srnn fico bond". ore not epee tPrel :
the work may be started with more
cvpelition and complete! a rely
within the proper time. while ny
change of plans or proeeechure are t
into eftert witlr,tt difficulty; prafl`
are belt with the municipality: eon -
(Mons in this ,•runty are pe•ullnrl
favorable to day work as there
men of character and ability to ace
in charge of the inflow. Joh., and
valuable aweletanre is rends by
most nw!nls•rs of the conn
l'ontrnct work, of Pones* has many
advantages, but they are ant of suf-
ficient importuner. In f m county to
offset the advantage of day laMir
At idents o Votaries
titan.. much tun nil
There eontlmt
ambient. to r:
due to the
pxerienee of
' hotness ;
pair: dr
in fo
to tae n great many
Ices on the highways
Mowing causes: Ines -
rivers; car.
riving marl
ring with lm
: Ponds 1n. a
melts nark•
r4 oma of re-
am•r lights and
ndition unwire
a rel. Very 'few accidents were
to ate w.tnt of-repmlr of the high -
t .1w. 11111 0114- (•1*inl for .damage of
.00 boring paid during the year for
an Ambient which oenrred on a hy-
wsy. However, the condition of the
nod is often blamed for the accident
without (•HUPP. Threw fatal strident«
on -eared dnring the year on t 11 county
roads. tiro. .tom• apparently to rek-
ltsm dritintr. an..lner due to Etas driver
of the ^n r !o.ing mitten! on account
of. t',e. aeti.Ities of a bee, and the
Hord on aerostat of the vit•tim un-
-fbrttenntely "dipping in front of. an
approaching err.
The danger pinto x•maining on the
higl(wnys require 115 * rule the expen-
diture of considerable mime to im-
prove prdperly, hot nevertheleee it
would appear thnt many should he
glen :Meat/011 next year.
Standing Committees
The standing eommittpr for the
year were nomad as follows: --
P:x.rntive-John Reyes. Gee. 11.
Hanley:' John Jamieson, Elmore F.
Klopp, Matthew Armstrong,
Sudo)--.T. W. tfoKibhon, Owen
Geiger, C. G. Middleton, J. Wesley
Beattie, Thomas McDonald.
Flnnne--A. iT. Keph, ('. A. Robert-
son. John Dmlglna, IT. '.f. A. Mite --
1:0'11 n. f;e Pse if11IIMlr1I._.,1
tn?fiinttlnti-Tir. W. J. Milne, Robert
If. vhortrM, J. J. Mcf'ntcheen, R. C.
1 Mitnnings. John *Naughton. '
Road and Rridge ,T, F. Jo on,
John Hayes, R. S. Naylor, (•.
thinker. J. T, McEwen.
county Prnperrr-,A. tT. A. Mee -
Ewan. C. A.Robertson, W. D. $antlers,
John McNnnghton, Oneida Ginn.
County ITome--R,lxert Rnehanan.
Owen Geiger, R. C. Munninges, Dr. W.
J. Milne.
B'urden's Committee -U. J. Mc-
()Nnld. Wm. H. Costae, Thom. Inglis,
F12E. F. Klapp, A. F Barker.
(;ond Roads (7onrminmion-W. H.
Cenetre ,7... MPQttmld, Thomes Inglis.
deod Reads CesimIsulen
The Good Ronda Commission recom-
mended that, in aeerrdanee with mo-
tions made by Councillors C. G. Mid-
dleton and G. R. Henley, R. C. Mun-
ning% and 11. J. A. MaelDwan and J.
W. Rsattlo and M. Armstrong the
towns of Clinton, OOdertch end Bea -
forth, rempeetively, he granted ¥limo.
9110110 and 910,000 for road improve -
men. The commission ecrordingly
prvpsred accordingly. The eomlmtmmton
reported that to have carried the
emotes Plat with the Workmen's
Compensation Hoard would have cost
the county $lacus dttrlag the past rots
years and that darts' that time the
rousts bad brow called sees te pay
et this
new book
Think of it! A big 200
page book with 700 well
tested recipes and house- ,
hold pointers for about the '•
Dost of paper, printing and -
postage! No wonder they
are going rapidly --edition
limited. Send 30c for
yours to -day (postpaid].
For -ell your baking -
for big loaves that rise
right up out of the pans --
for delicious pastry, always
insist upon Purity Flour.
-' Tested, econonricalrecipa
you can depend upon.
Weights and measures. '
Household information.
Ontario 105
only about *loot elam"ce. 10 yr•,ti' t.1.wt• . being fwwacoiately deal,.
anent. The. commission iu.',•orelinec 1111.1 tial the Jailer was 'toeing fore
recommended that with ur.lIt ry pi's ,.std t,. a Towering of costs all round.
caution the county ...ultimo/to c.,rry The committee recommended that the
its own risk in this regard , request .•f Judge Lewis for typewriter
Fittaatw ('esasaitter amt ie', pla►tie hw laid over; that nor
taction be taken with regard to the re -
The limon-,' ,vnnmitf,e r.rom_ ns•nd ,(Itwt of Andrew Porter with regard
ei the Myment of hi nnutls•r .,f uc- ta- th. r..latag of tt a I4wn el.&;
•ronut". 31)11 that- with regard ht the that the n"peat of the clerk fur hand-
motlon of tbunelilors ('. G Mtdtilro' 'bent
asst chairs for the witnew room
end G: c:eiger, oconw►uiug tlw di• 1.e grant.'? atrl flat tat request frons
riolon 0f county MI".Soros equally Is- j the chairman of the Law iJbrary cof♦-
tween the hank of ('omnlerce WO I shoos, t„r supplies for the witaeae
Sterling Bank such action le• taken
r.►,m. Paige... room and lighting oyes
providing the mervie• render...1 'Chet tem .f the Law IJhrary toe left with
t'onnty Is• aatisfar•t.rry. The commit• 1Gwi '. lL. gwan. /arta' and Roberts'
etc reraomwen,I .t 'no nctfop' tont.•rning wllh iMewwr t''act.
the motion of Conneillurs F. J. ale- Everudve Cee minae
Quaid anti W. 1). Seeders, favoring a
quarterly audit during the ensuing
year. -
County Property Cetemittee
The comity property eummitte.• n -
ted having rialtcd the jail and
tui ng made* thorough dnspetIon of
it. - e »ainilttee funned that every --
thin \\was In perfo•t eonditioi. the
Th.. ex•npf l.•,• committee made the
fel lemur t•.ommendatlotta: - That.
with r.'esat •,, Mie motion of Coun-
cillor. It Geiger and W. J. Mae
granting a:•: t., tin• }lensed need show,
m, mien tar takr,'n. That• with rem
grad to the motions of Oounefllora A.
l'. hooker and E. F. Knopp grantlie
•'on ions -I on Page 7)
Clothes a
' 9 . -.
To have Clothes pe - - tly
cleansed and good color,` e
Soap must remove all the vi
ible and invisible impurities.
SURPRISE will do this
S. L ortel.
Frost Fence wee FOR Hard Wood
Baled Hay - Baled Straw
Homestead Fertiliser Rock -fid Shingles
Rubber -tired Buggies '
Hama* street
Pte.. 199
Especially mnb for Infants and Children of All Ages
►t Mother!rn in for hen'sover > a aha ►always as*ad It. TIN kind yea laid
ItMasast harmless substitute for Myb dean signature of
(and SePething nges.reg,Te MUM. se
sareetied. Snow directions are so
!ask vamp p. Physisi*aa angtdisee