HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 5THE SIGNAL,
Thur -den. Jai, miry 31, 11Y2.i• 6
Garden Court
Saturday Feb. 2, to
Friday, Feb. 8
We Are Giving Away
To the Ladies
One 50 cent Tube of
the Original Milk of Magnesia
Tooth Paste
For Chapped Hands
Garden Court
Benzoin and
Almond Cream
To the Gentlemen
One 50 wnt Tube of
Known as the Finest Shaving
Cream on the Market
Toilet Powder, jars.
Talcum Powder. tins.
Cold Cream.
Double Combination Cream.
• Toilet Water.
Above Offer With Two
Face Powder.
Face Powder, large.
Cocoanut Shampoo Cream.
After Shave Talcum.
Benzoin and Almond Cream.
Petite Perfume Vials.
Tins of Garden Court Talcum.
By all mens take advantage of this offer, but you must act quickly.
Picture Frans a Business
Nae developed byytlhes T. ail homed s
liee•aus• w,• tae.i.I'eastlh• deing
Nev Pr
our Framtn¢ artistically
Irfore. in al! ',qty. -ars' ee;• •rime c,
ant WC..tf•'n'l a better Dun• of
This i- a st r. oat •(ttenl••I,t. "'hat we
have the go" al', to Lu'•k it.
ilriont your Pictnree in '1n 1 ,«.* h rw
tia•y w'lll be improveIib
1 a a aloe
(mule. We gmtrante • oar work.
Smith's Art and Gift Store
Phone 193 East Street
while the family are home
for the holidays.
Phone 187
IIeave.'yottr order at The Signal for
1 Counter _Check Floats.
We charge no more for First-
-Class work than is ordinarily
asked for second -cines
Our pi rpose is to clean, press
and repair your clothes in such
a way that you n.ay regard our
work as better than usual. and
to cllarg(+ fou no mere tseir this
kind of service than pt' Ps you
have limn in the habit of pay-
ing fir unsatisfactory results.
There's a difference we want
to show you
Phone 339 Fruth Side !twill re
Try Us For
Fancy Goods
Novelties, Etc.
Month Side Seinen.. - Goderich
- i
There is
Genuine Satisfaction
to. us in selling Footwear
that gives satisfaction to
No Footwear can give
their best service if not fit-
ted properly. It is our aim
o give satisfaction in
Quality, Fit, Style and
We invite you to let us
supply you.
roe s4ew
Phone 43w
A group of smartly trim-
med Hats at
Half Price
They have a charm all
their own. In • rown,
black and bright co • s.
Girls' Tams at $1.00
Children's Hats, clearing
at $ I.00 and $1.50
Miss MacVicar
C. A. S. Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the
Children'- .\td SO4.1.•1 'W,11 6r 111•14 .011
I '1'ne.d41y. February 5411. at 1.1:1 p.m.. 1n
time ',Cana- eller the Follett (tank.
liood Trite for Horses
Ist.t week Mr. Ja. \f 4'Inskcy, hull
horse• deal• r. ,.bi1 lid a carload of
'good horses (rout tl,.derfeh. The 111"-
e5! ',rived toga Came front G.xlerleh
t wtothip. being delivered to 44. F. E41 -
ward. Tia. price realized $44)0. )Jr.
Wm. Cook, of 4'oal...rne. also de:ltervt
11 fine te.tut. This shows that good
lioness are stalky. iu demand.
Died in Detroit
New. re/wheel town on Weane•ad,ty
of 1 he death In i)4'4 i1 tie• previous
day from ptomaine pol.oning of
f'hor'et Riley, formerly of tloderleh.
•11r. RIIAv n•Ill he well remembered ai+
n s'ar ha -•'•bawl pitcher for the North
street ' !torch In the town league.
For wont,' star,. prior to raving town
in 1915 he was "leek In Charles
Ttlar•1;% gents furnishing stores'
Rabekaha insta'I Officers.
The t:nderlell Rebekah le..lge. No
S9. re•ently installed the following uf•
fleets for 19'24 the ceremony loping
i. et ndu. •• .t t t Mrs. Mary Thomas. P
1)1l.l•.. as 1 t:•.1 i;i \IraTinc ((leered
sen. P. A• D. P. and Mr'. Snsit. Mont-
er. grand Marshall: J. P. N. C. Mrs.
\fairy Pinder. N (1.. \iv Rude Noble:
V. G.. Mrs. I.IIy Vronman : R. P.. Nils.
Edith C:tmpb•it; F'.i.. Miss ismny
Thompson: tren.urer. Mrs. Mabel Hunt
warden. Mrs. May Thompson : r'ondie-
tAr. Mr Clarke. chaplain. Mrs. Lucy
Robertson: 11. P. N. G.. Miss Nina
Tail L. P. N. G.. Mrs. Susie Marney:
R. T.. V. (1.. Mre. \'iek'in: T. R. V. G..
lire. rnwnridut : I. G. Mrs. Mutat: 0..
G.. \Drs. Shore. ,
Co' to Appear in Court
' J. Reu"on roc 1: to appear in pollee
.}i(tnit ant
- .-
•001'1- Frtdny mot -flint nteX
�T eft'-
charle•s A. lipid 11 t the following
c1arge:-"That .1'. Benson ('ox on the
22nd day f December. 1023. to tum
tnwnr.hlp 07 Colborne tie the county of
119ron (114 inlawfnlly commit the In.
14i, tati a offence of commod assault
nrs•n and 41.1 unlawfully assault and
.'•.n• Charles Bolpltt."
To Pia), in 11 itn�-o; item 1 TL.• inf..rmati..ti icor .worn nit by
T11r luite•rmrstln:• _ ; 1'.w•rabh• .Th„mns Gnndry neon the
_�ri,y" 'an ebt .,f o1, cram • . 1. 1, 1111'r a.l:le of Crown At$ons`F (''Merle.
Friday •Bight of thin went. a lee un• i I4:aa4r, K. r_. who will condi#(. the
Ierenglt1 that the gamy was arer1y ,,l"i cane for the crown. R.' C. fiat's. jr..
41,'gh Mr. T. Thompson.offormerly o[ E is ncting ae rnnn:'1 fir Col.
the Britl.h Exchange lintel here. The ,folinwing wltnes.es have been
EVENLNG C1ASSES summoned to noncar and give evi-
dence: lir. .\ C. iTnnter. Charles
Th. )lillittery' l'la•.e•s wilt meet or I Rort1�•.aanWm. T.n'(tt. '11111+
Ginlr•4rt.:\rthnr,TTn.;r. AIplden Allln
,.rioniz:erfun opt Tnesdny evening, Fel, 1 Pr. A. H. llxeklln.
swiss .li 7.1 . .
To make room for our Spring G 4, which have already begun to arrive,
we must clear out the remainder of sur stock of winter merchandise. The
bargains are here for your conside ation and benefit. You will be the loser
if you fail to avail yourself o this golden opportynity- Our Mid -Winter
Sale of Winter Goods.
Ladies' Hats
Mid -Winter Sale of
Hats at less than cost
'room for our expected shi
apr+ing_ models. To a
values come in and
Ladies' Coats
Lad' s' Winter The few Ladies' Winter Coats we
p ce, to make still have on hand, we offer you at bar-
. ents of new gain prices. Our Spring Goods will
preciat, these arrive shortly and we must be' prepared
them over to accommodate them: -Dont 7masthrs
Ladies' Hose
dies' Hose, Silk and Wool, regular $1.50, for $1.00
Men's Overcoats
splendid values still to be had in Men's Winter Overcoats, Nobby
To be clear - • seductions.
1 Cls.•• a. on Wwl•
TLt Dreswtraking
.••.!lar attenwon. February (1. at 3.00
:11d Weetnesday et citing 111
, All intending to join these ein+•ee•
API 11.4.1 to 1.e present en these date'.
•.r .• w I atsl in timed names before-
II•trrd to Mrs,.- I'v11ua_ )1144 Makin.. ger
literary CaeM'y t .w4a1
I Con Frldar ec.•ninr the new'
Ses•h'te nperowl its w'a..rin n
holding an imnromptn .n.. 91
riding parity had leen plan
ave. -mid of the stormy con
we• 1 Ole ride was 1m
fun l.v i were prix
A d+Igh ,.4)•s of God was manife• in mighty , caged me so much suffering.
el Mit on ' power. Evangelist Torrie pr
Pon of the (old Gospel with no nncerta
t 1 r I411e. The the singing 'is hearty, and "0
i atYr+Cil nt fl .i 4)t with a goeft lug. This week In all predoa iltt
'tiering ttlr'� close the mission. :tent other
rpt g
est Side of Square •
Evangelist Torrie in Dreo," say. 'Nits. Sime. "1 Pep and
Chureh - ; eat splendidly and life is in a
Notwlthstandt tbue sate of the phasure to me. Meal time can' come
weather, and rot s, the erangeltstle quick enough, for my stomach pro tiles
w•rrlrre of list ,k were well at
have disappeared and 1 no longer f-
lr•ciatet. The for the agonies of indigestion. elys
tended nisi eery nue alp ala. nausea or cramps. My kidney
a w' t c s u', mne
three services last Su el y 111 linger are stronger and rheums 1 t i g
long to the memory .t thou' who and my liver f. art%ve, ending the
1l,g.41 to attera The pr's- bulbus attacks and dozy spells that
elms the
ty and "My eyco eparkli• with health and i
I Air• do not hesitate to say that it L: all
will due to Deere. It has made to new
et,. woman out of a complete wreck atut 1-
r- eeonnot say enough to praise it."
Dreco corrects and stimulates the
kidneys. liver, sthmaeh and dowels and
rifler the blend, overcoming all
rms of suffering tint atrolli1suU''"
eakened and rut down system. It
•1144 Principal owing to. Ia •k of oven- 1 amen•
at :nailohle for holding the ela•se. crowd drew•
i.ou¢h su many la ing used by thel weather. The Ota -fns Inned games of meats for Thursday,.-1''rldav, Pat
R..ketry- Knitting. Y.s,klae and i.nndun-nrid¢O" •. 4)k." and '.Pont ,pay and Sunday. Every
Ilome• nursing I I7lasys" although yes1 an often. 1094 with a song sortie beginning a
T year p.m. ('one andr.ring your friends. i
only sic u;rnees fare been bonded „ ., i.- intermit la1 .alto the mina •
CI a',s, As .
the kind was enjoy,' he all. The 0. ('. A high 1('a and
d I to l none of their r arm. .rap
tteereial non a+ 4)r n
1914 mP5
..Ing ng a
four more scud U1 tr 4)a •:w. w s Cain a• popular as the
n.+ wfii Is• bile rl $ Year hefln•`t 511 Sn•v..4 ns magician
The Automobile i'ln nap. are not t..y my.ti tel al ht. andienre.
e1 up: taw; nn The C. (` 1. luucL
has 1 'Cue's.l4l 1 tinter+ (1114
and \Celt• on Thur -day Ocenulgs t a•r'nutnti and this time it inet none
• { 1 � weltoers intended for r
7:911. o t. h
J. W. F'RASER 1' P'_ ipal
n rriursleigh -r' Pr.. were Crentle in 0tidence`My
Chairman j along •Ith the Hanel rolls and rafter J
and, Ike. The party broke up at 11
Curling Tournament I Web- •k everyone cowing they had a
The God.•rich Curling Club, with 1 wet derfnl time.
fhrty members enrolled. is enjoying a'
<u,enlsfitl . and eujnyable season's
Mart. )Gases. \ial.adm 'McKay. 11. J
)Iji'gaw and A. Porter were appoint'
-r2mmHtwe to arrange for• a ri
.�.t_taur1 Il••nt. The tnmpt(4' deei
tltlt the bigheat pin+ lwitto h
lowed would tee ,.ix points.
Int for n win. Any rink dr
4. 1+ to he allowed font. p0
It a- a win. While
'ory. are 11 -tel below the
alr.t•.• • �.1'ds good its oil
romids 111 4 l.:+ta,'�i.
i the• firs' ,mal gats'..=
I the +e'.'nd and are -
Fi -T 'iii'NI'
.1 I lrol.',n'r
\\'m \Vnllae0
-1 H. It. Fisher 1
11`: H. )lumber 17 1
j R..1 Ilega}� Bye
' Megan vs. Flither. - -.
'lumler ver Wallace.
Campion vas Rlmti tsps.
iaymunde vs. Reid.
Rropl,ey (By'+
bazaar under the
auspices of $t. George's ehnr•h Wo-
men's (:ulId will he held in the Mason -
le Temple on.Tuesdny. Fehrulvy 26th.
Kingston St. Goderich
For that
Cough or Cold
Ing a
is and
ale stated
ea. F'M11•
a".•I ,leak for
is mane` from herbs. roots. Lark and
leave. lural eentlli!1' tot uwrettry. pa.
ash ..r l�:tl•it forming drug..
(preen i. laving .pee i.tlly intrndneed
In Goderieh by I1. ('. Dunlop, and is
sold by .t 1;oM1 dr11yCi.t evrry'where.
Sensational Bargains
-tail# tit
New and Used Furniture
Don't to et the Store. This Is Your Stori,I Thick.. Use It
R'e like 1 nuke portrait,. of "1,414.1"7:, 1 Blackstone's Furniture
many men '. refer 4)a :k WP Exchange
)males (Jia faculty which a athle+v -
1s to fully hldng out character and
individuality. on phi• Broadway of (lode
yes Now Sparkle
ith Health
,o litos Mrs Sluts after Taking
All-stars Thr �Teiars Thier Bottle of Drero- Tb ' (,reseed
The All -Stars are the undisputed vie- RP1i1�), ha. KuBI lies Health tttd
tors in the f1ri pin howling tourna- Mads IJfr Worth. Ch'ing.
0)04)1 4)t ►he Pastime Bowling ('1,141.
F.neh un•ttlhcr of the leans. eon'dsting
Iof Hem: F.tltott (eaptnint. Wm. Big- Tile lot of Mr.. F. 11
set. Wm. Ftarlow. ('. Mc)fami.. and ',bine et., i,ondon, out.,
D. Gray. 1- the mintier of a ease pOPP,;hard one. till rhe discos
pre -en! ••1 hot• Mr. F 1i. -Wu ..._ ' Fier digestive organ were 1d
'r:,.. .111 -Stars won the first }heal{ of state of weakness. Stomach:
1:.• •.•armament, which wan enmplet• liver and bowels were all bads_
„1 .i,,. ,• rhrl•tms. •ins•. The T'Inmb- .order. h.'r blood elremlatiOn w•a4.,P°°'''
s a on tit - +n••onrl -hntf and the rise-! In feet. .h4) was onto w addy #rulir run-downg.
of 72 ,lose- I
*Ha' nighty
1 11reco.,
a pitiable
out of .
with Cod Liver Extract
50 Cents
Bromide of Quinine
25 Cents
for Sore Throat, etc.
25 Cents
Humbegs, lb
HorsI,ousel Dregs. lb
11.C. Dunlop, Phm.B.
The Re11a11 Wore
Phots No. I The Square
C. ('amtdnn 7
('.A. R''Ii 10
'iymmtd= 13
piggin -e4) 15
interkodee Carpet 1Mwitng
For the second 00114*'i'r114.-
(ktdfellows tore carried off the"lM.•n't'n
Knight shi.•l1 in the interlodge
pet nnd•ling League. Charles Griffith
wa,. skip of the (MdfeIlows rink '1:1+
year.whleh headed the list. Last year
Chnrhs ('hapman was the successful
skip. (:rtffttlI'e team wil < composed
of it. Wilson. A Straiton. M. spronle.
�• Stowe. and 3. NPwcemhe...- The
standing as given below 1s that elven
out by J. C. (Carrie. chairman of the
.ontmittee In charge of the tournament
this year.
Skip Lodge W. L. T.
t'. Griffith (Orklfellowsl 5, 1 94
M. Knight (Forester.) 4 2 41
J. \inteh ((kldfellnw'l 4 2 76
W. Abell (Oddfellows) 4 2 72
C. Johnston (Foresters, 3 3 (K
.1. afrNPvin. ((lrangemenl 2 4 01
A. Kitting (Orangemen., 1 3 57
J. Purdy (Orangemen) 3 3 54
A. Wilkins (Foresters) 1 :. 52
The three rinks representing the
(lddfellnws won thirteen games and
ar•ored a total of 242 points. Similar -
le the Foresters won eight game*.
"curing 1914 pints. while the Orange-
' men won alts Rimes and sorrel 172
off trek piney indicated.
. hli.'ng. who eur'ly kno
xs pre•cimi5tc inrlifated. the All -Stars I Let Ibis woman,
11-1.14 4)p to their name IIMI et,rri.d teff'•what ',offering la. ten yon of tiri' gra
the honors.' in doing so they playedl rellet that Dteeo, the famods eyelets
n sterling want'',„_ 'slaking a reeord Ij builder, gave her.
team georp for those part. of 3240 "1 am another woman since taking
mirth', --T1►ins-T1411--Ja-:nndotthpeylln'
perhaps as a record rarely sten on. .
record for flit Pastime Chili and stands ----,-7-
* -
1 M v ���Sss'0.00et10.1
whore. Barlow w4)', high man for
lowee ah- McManus
nu points. e:. eel MODEI THEATRE
dowel he licit (190 owith4)t RR4. ElliottF:e
had. the highest 'wore for any One II1 game .inrinc the match with 301+.
point. The 1'lnmber's team combo-
OF FEB. 4 To
Rai of Fred Hunt (captain), D. Mc -
Milan. IT. McCain', J. WoO(M and M.
" The fate Mfr. 7r:
Fo owing a protr•.Ieted ,Illness roe
twoeye; •. do ration the d nth aeras
red 4)t. S alny. January 13th, of Mr..
1►alcid Wi ,n, in low" •aventy•firet
year. The ,:,•asod. #rho 8.415 1r,rn
1i •nsilip, is survived t..
Wilson having been /I member 'Knox
Cemetery where interment ws. mad •
G. Jenkins. diesidis the member. of
the family. who were all here except
of town for the ftmeral included, Mr
'Harvey Canielon, 0( clinton. Mr. W.
in, of Crotohre.4t. Mr. 0. Login.
Monday and Tuesday
Mire Calhoun 1 rt Cullen Landis'
Ili the tT'trilttng TT11rrllAt-Sperit11
Larry Semen ins
"The Agent"
•- • •
Wednesday and Thursday
,hequeltite Loom
in a George Metford i'r.sht.'tinn
"1.4:11AIN% .DANE"
Sennett .\11 4(t;1 r i'um'-ly
"Friend j(n.hand"
• •
Friday and Saturday
Tom M %
in a eyelant.• action picture
"RO51.4NCE ;AND -
Sunshine comedy
"The Wise l'rackeers"
..Fox News Reel No. 107"
• • •
tf'rllnees.-Mon. Wed. at. 4.15 Sat. M
Nero Fiddled While Rome Was Burning--
' when. 1 that life was hardly
Burning -
COMIN4/-"My Wild Iri.av Raw:.
Vtivanda Ss- ISO
But we have to come to
modern times to hear the
Violin really played•
eifetz and Elman don't
to burn a city to get
inspi tion for their playing,
and can hear them,
-sitting in . y chair before
our little • !' fire at home -if
Hockey and Skatin
Boot Boot
For Men, Women and Children are now in stock.$4,ome
in and look over our big range of seasonable Winter
Goods, Felt Shoes, Moccasins, Rubbers, Goloshe.
Spats, etc.
Our prices are as low as we can make thern, CODS' 4.7
mg the high qualities of our goods. •
now. 15s W. 111,;(1 sHARMAN (1-0nARICH