HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 4I
- Thursday January 31, 1924
For announcement
Great Removal Sale
in -next weic's
' paper,
Walter C. Pridham
Main. and Men's Furnishings
Phone 57 Goderich
MrSIORRRIDOR Carried. The .ehoel thank nee °Hirer
presented. his report se follows :-Out
KINOSPIKD14----"E, Jan. 22. - Mia11 of nhiel salami.. in the townslalp three
FruI lit'onnor spent a week with ustidosio report of irregular at teudanee.
iter dater, Mr.. Gus 'Mahan, of St. Two ebIldren of osehool age did not
Augustine. attend saw& at all owing to phy.lent
Mr. Geo. Drophey 1. viaitIng aiiint•Ht„ ont. 'mine pi.riwit *Its gi,t,tt
Sullivan. for .k weeks. One permit to 11 boy
Mr Jim Cummings. of Illuteher. over' fintrteen years: ...velar -eight
Sask.' who J. apendleig vaeitHon in St.
Augustine, spent one day. last week
among friends hilre.
S'r. Al fill'HOINE. Jan. 22.- Mrs.
Wn.. Bray visited Mho. R. Thomption
one day last week. 1
Mr. J. Redmond visited Chinni
friend's lath week,
Mr. 11. Leishmen visited at J.
Thompeon's tit.. 44141 of the week.
3.1r-itud fcrnees Duff, of 'Sun -
complaints were reeeived of irregular
litteadalsee: thirty-two on necount of
twihity for work. two for bad
nal& awl weather. one MUM taught
at home: the r, --t gave no reasm.
11`111 Initt1.111 of Mr. 111'1 and Mr. l'isher
the Clerk sok instructed to notify
II,' count -II lit West Wawanoeli (hot
owing to ttthe 'Mat work -"re-
ported" done under etatote labor ay. -
tem la not taiwoys done. Nis township
refum.4 to paY for work done on the
doom. Inhor lu 1923 a nil
In future. The following neeouuse
Ditagatinon palate library grant
$4,011: Manchester puha,- ihrary. grant
114011; M. lit. ens mi.ale library.
S : R. Aomtone. ad% 1.44 2.00:
It. $ Nayl*r. work 02* fluancia, state-
ment. phoue ete. $5.75; Moot. 1.01
World. supplies. $7.63: The eolineil
adjourned to nivel February 1111. AI 1
• EXHIBITION SOCIETY •• " .,...•• the iat i
DIVN(L4NNON ref tile 11 111111.11 Meet 11141. id ,1111' 1. -a -
'rive.. It a.. 3 very
.eni,, a%eektAir 4.12..„,1,1,,, , a th.• fair it. detail. itself T',e
• • .• , a 4aae 41.uttiow.: the ‘ •
..,, .... ..*% a isles b. thank rood .i: • • ;
, -.1; .a.:±1 :..s. if 4:t.....tigi trill:el 41 ; titi"..-stittlatooly iwat.rt
..,„ , _ , ;
y..e. treasurer's report .4
'lie t11.11Ve tieing OIL the
l'onsiderabla Interest liatafested In ."I''''''
Meetine on lottdai of
iNitsli)tuiligfeY.ttaarltil.tritut174:1!'\fis'illill'ri::::1;11:.111'illliss:711are. , ,, ;,- .,''..:, 17,1111:1:111,nrn't.tri-la.:1:1041":
.. 1P1*;NI/ANNIIIN, January; :a1. -1.1.e Tile- olciel.f litahie.1. on nee ion ef ..„. •.,- n ell Etc the jt..1g; • ,
Scotch 1..otierrt vahl.•11 no. to he given John t401e011,Y and Willlatil 4;1'";!;• I" ,• ,I, ' . I “I' 111.1r peramal ,...i.o..4.0 .,
Rev. O. Minton', D. .a..at tended the
11(1 10!h.. storm until Petition this year. preferaidy in latrita
. or failing that. In oat.. tr. A. t'. 72
tm,11111nim1 0.111 croii voill. ,... \ . ,..01.iii,"
Wirers for lilt I
in the Ptirish Hall last Friday mt.; enter the
rrslitliam;luomit t;hwi..11
ll'ar:tedzit7ky meeting held at Wingliam ttlhtarlti.ttY1O. wiettly".."11t*oultiveZ10311r.4). 1-'.1:1':-. W11'1' ":::irrl:'.4;14ii'r.211::.2:r:it"-elitil".1.;.; 'ANIN:1.r4111.
A.MM*11111011 4111411h111.11nlyirs.. W. r ' 3 W Saikriti. John I& t'llrk•
.11,1in.rt1.rui.:11:4:!::: jog11,1.7en itn,71111::: lipha,irria:ht iiirtwH.,1:,Clark and I. Stalkeld be delegatea to the '
convention In- Torano early in , Felan- Pro.iloto "-- W. T. Wanes.
EIrs-t rieepreaideat- Violin+ eit1114,
'AY night wa., %vett attemtea ary. The matter of grandatand ma•oti. • ,F ' .
range ilwir
• ale r. to or
te far 1. Ito,
rich Delmar a 1 In Ina
king Oa'
to It •
1 I was referred t he new '; SA-, 0,1 - viee-preshient __ ww
. • .,
1111e ilay part weekk. ing-, Totowa° and Hamilton $1..45; followed was also well attended. The mos at , n
• . CARLOW da tenuous mill advertioetnentta. $37.- the music. ni :1 1 Ilmiitilr.,for;.,...on.idertition. oh 111..tom of Green.. .
W If, Reherttion and Win. l'U''''';'''' I":1!le Silikelk
inimum. vialted at Wm. 31 ,Iii. were paid C. A. 11,therteen. tel. -piton. owl appreciated. The dant... w114.11
:A: Ilori•y- Merreatit, resurfacing. We :in. 1116 n.4...11 to knouvvuwtshlai- -t4Me'r ' 4."';lir":411:4."` re lew7a.r'''V‘81".101"niva".11111:::::.'.2.11f.11-21111.rui:114:4;',7; l.,1‘... ,,i...:';:....1‘:...4;:•'1!:Nnali,r;Sritit..:.vilwitt'iorr.heti'll)::ti..il".;:,..‘
Signal Printing ("44 printing finanelal 'Melody orelle.tra of [awl:
C.1,111.011% Jan. 2S.--11).? Fliti.1111130111 $121111: Riot Friteey. re-surfaelng, 14 I. Hasty who was quilt 111 im,,,,4 week* ing the fair. 'minding r
aihnialliniMred In Snaltbja11311 Pres- k/0/.110: Geo. Ferguson. re-.urfacing. ; I fs.e. On motion of Messrs. W. II. Ite,:. 1, ,. 14 7,„,,,„, J„in,....
two or three pressoh regarding the za!,- ,,s• ... . ‘I. ti .
• .; ,-. •." - , '.s. .• • ••
of the Is.r.1'4 ',Supper will be *12.41: Thos. Shields, re -surfacing. i+ notch improved.
la-tl•rian ellittelt Ilext ; iiiiiiihri War: E-.-Tattatone. re-atirraeiny, avin,i --uwkwity.„,_______4_eriaog am! Robert Rikvell tile 1041.111
Silrfaeing Unit breaking 121..,,,:clit. tiehtwar..- 4t'it.rmri.Iituit'is.1-"nthi:i.i titTWew garlei.'n1141,1 witilwri.-11 411,• '1.1 11. 4.' 14-11';'. r---."-\''Itl. r,‘ML4'1.'';;4-r---:. sTh.ltt:K1:4;1\ :
111aDleaantiranna.4.: aattennit -:tlit.itite.:
often:won. Preparatory hervicewill he :;Lx...War.11....,teirte:..fitt.re-iii:ersf2ita7..11,11r.wain20.1...;,,ni::,.
Win. Walters, re-surf:le another cent. reeommendation that, if 14.-sible -It 1... ..... i 1: k, ;\ 1 '11,, 1: . r
lowered. Ma%,o W l'. ....low.
he'll Iiii ' Fri,lay afternoon to 2.31.1
1)whin to Ow etornis Of last week these te-•liefftchut. $9-00: Wm. Bogie. re- hand's life lapse."
Jackman. re -ambition, yearn. DIrectora' Report
servie... bad 1,1 be poatponed.
road... $23..e.;;;
Ina. $1600; E.
WIfe:-Ell not pay • •
I've initi regular • for Mold
and I've hall 110 lack yet."
1311NM11.1X1t .1 in :tia -aim. • wiu. eoimill of Colborne township met a4 Awkwanl toe Mamma
t'.11tIPW, Jen. 11. Ti.o untnicipal
non. re-surfaeing $11100; J. Buchan- The report of :he direetor. to the ;
ser ebonite nt 11 a m. After Alen- °11. "'surfacing. 1124.90; A. lingror,a 1
Aar Advice annual meeting as Arrant I.; W. T.
Mum*? and Dr F. Clark ;wed- :,11,.i..iiiie
deta mud sceretarv. reapectively. wa.; in 011e of Oar 1110.•
Walter+ and ..011 Mr. ts.wald Waiters / .
re surfneing. $‘1.00: A.Goldthorioe, re- •
returned home last week aner.,.1.,,td. Ing the neeessary deeloratiisn the mem- 711-ei,,,,ing. agatn; A. P tyi
int „ mouth wit ti fri,.„&„ In .ra.,,..it hers took up the regidar busbies.. of , • --teppard. Sal.
Ole Opening .44`,..14,11 The minutes. of arc hws.11144•11.A.r{4,_/Zru:liciei:eln. `1,111'47.700• 1:10;/:,1:
Quarter y l'OMTIlltiliiin metYire N:111
I, held in itmito tte‘t "two. morn. lweember meeting Were read end adop.
Fisher, reasurfacIng. *13.25. Arthur
i„,t. e„,,,,,,,,wing tit in 3". Thew, will on motion of Mr. 11111 and Mr.
IfFielf4w4H'Im'e-r. 4"4relsnftarf4iteing*, 11.2.;.11.9n :1"E"z4Cta.
la. no otta r iireoehing sol.t.h.t.. et, the Fiste.r. A motion was carried -14.wer-
___ 1'rettit that day. .
• s ing On. colle...tor's 'noels to $10.1.00 and '
1 his ..shary to (OZ. Ilylow No. 1 ea. Fisher. re -mirroring. $21 25; Aaron
- II)e"wirrirrift1W-Allarteg nt nifk.4314 rtll'eliTrrfa'17;;:ur$f44‘0111111.• 1$.1Iii.r21-1c; 1‘4.'"4 -on.
forow.: "Tour Word of +director. --d'ate.
!n presenting their annual report of na. lust -over. „
!he 1.r.weedings of the soelety • fe..1 pleased and:satIsfied
• ha t they ean eongratnInte you ett lstesa, „t
attece.aful maintenntwe of the full hair _14441_14y...2,4 fet% •
11111kt In spite of tle• many not." neohsi tori;,g .„„1
vonfletinr nide P *‚on*lit 44 in, 44 innay admiring!. and seni.•
in' three einsSea. A .144141.14411114. Dessert area on the tah:e.
out to be. with the exception of two •
lfra. Youngwife. "Henry mtig-
geata Nutt I give my kissitunwe.
gown to the servant girl."
Mrs. Ohlun : •-I4 the girl pn•t.y?''
Mrs. Youngwife: -Yea. rather."
Niro. Ohlun: "'nom don't (h.. it.
lb.'s evidently banning for ow ex -
kis,. her IlliAtake for
The People'i Power
• AUBURN Artie fin )tisit Yen!' the "N-, „jut rtip.1 g$4,44- chi.43..to rttr -Tirol:et:lent over tione pra.vim.. year. rit:.1, Hate ,ree:t *64 ,
option of the collector's which watt 14. '1 ' 111,
• •
Allir RN. .4311 2.4.- The S'a.•ratuent redls'ed 1(400. Bylaw No. 2 was pass- facing. $4100 : Percy Stewart. re-aurfae-
- of the „bent'. S..1.1ma 'e •17 le. admin. ed oppohiting the offIcero f•we 1024 14.'- (M4
S4410._ John Tata., re -surfacing.
istersat in Knees Preohyterlan (+brat, --.-forowt1:--Anlegaor. Thoh. Wilami; col-
Poirt-Pnte;r.1T0T-sauttfhaerelni;."$1.11$1.004:11:gA• l*tart 1.1:Val-;-.
next Stueloy morning. Fehruary :int. leetor. Erneot Mitchell: shoe' attend- son.: ee„ilat.ing mutt hee,,,ktm, n.fuls;
• • Preporatory ....r% -lee will he- 1,1,1 en owe offleer..a. P. Sheppard: member;
g9.00; Closter Miel'hee. re-aurfacing.
-Friday .0 eisilln....ke' Intuar 1.t owing for 'loam' of Health, A Wilsm ; mini -
to the ...form ..f.lalt w.4.14 them. stoat- ' 1 • I W GItran lien g;
8$1144.°1100 itil""es'ii-y 11';ilimahe4;e. rrae-sslrrffni.Iiiitg.
res bad 4.. la. peinpuued. Glen, 1.- Taan'arrioh and Gen. Fowler.
Fowler. re-oaf:icing and
steam vatnatora -A. R. St.ranahan. Jas. -
. gravel. $.100; .1o1.3, atilion. n.-surfar-
Yes s-.411 la
.4. Quaker. whilst taking a 2*241441.
wa+ amended by a tromp.
"Gus 'nor.'• Amid the wanderer:
"this ain't the I.-111,1 4' Landon. Pi
"Friend." quoth the Quaker. "find
thou telleat a Ile. and then thou
asketh a queetion. k the Way
t.. Tiewlim."
-From the unnatial vonditiona- whirl., Nutot,r reedtis .,,,,,te,t. __,ene„;
prevailed it. the weather In the apring Mose pnrwtit :- lie with a hex Ont.,
and smuttier it W114 alltiViinteil that ! ,
*am eancalsively II. 'WA •1111:1 II init, ; .
the show of fruit would fail avroy breast. .
short of- the scent ge. Ian fortunately , "m„,11:,,r 4.. IN, 40.1iteri., lair,. ;;; ;
the show of trait was splendid. .410,..! .
i 4 -ain't love the pretty hea ‘..,r la
nearer., just a little fatting eff In- i.ame in Do „.,1 1 rnso..,.-
field root,. and t egeta ws. n
The 4mm11/01 may he h*' 'r
whole the marl.., were very foie With'
ed than deseribed.
d fairly generous prize list and the en- ,
• I • s
Mellow... M. E. Robertson Anil m.
GOINERE'll TtEWNSHIP ing Al 50 1IM ill road Inten- eouragement g
t:reen. note -viewers, FA. Shaw. Wm. 4,,ta...s24.6.1: 14, li.. yaung..,1 xrar ret. inIseed a amain
comp. -anion it Alta expected that the
di..r.lar -of grain and asesoia-• would k-
• • 601•ER14.11 ToWNSIIIP, Jae. 29.-- Jne, Long. It Moore and J. Jenkino. :1230; Colborne Muneiptil Telephone
SUlturbatilte--"TIta t cat of yotirs
The tieW assesaor jot 14r24 le nn his pontul keepers--Erneat Jaekman. Jas.
or pod 011 fletellf road. $9.00: Win. ykoeptwize.. awake all night with Ito much inereaned. but unfortunately the .
yst 6 na $324.35; Jno. Robertmot. limb-
rounda. . . McCann. Jonathan Fisher. and e. ‚4'.. (*041
r.» -facing. $1c.00: Wm. entries were not am large a. they
• Mr. E.I. alcoataatiery return...I from . 1 _ wa.. ta,....,1 it,,,,, SlIviler..nssorforing find right „I, way,
waNn4;latiolbsjitirl-1 418°. droTYYoubt?1:t• sheuld have ken. This IA a reflection
You (ino../. 11.1 12111c0.1 ipidlroolUnct.r:;11.111,04t...11.11striet. hut !
ters. All.ttliiT44-J410 Yonne and ,E.1.
Detnat Ind week. N% nit ers. By a w NO. 3 1
1 $22.29; Tobin.. Flatter, re -surfacing. ......0 lti easily re
• • pointing Allwrt Good. mad auperinten-
S39.45; P. Fidler. resurfneing. a : hut couldn't you get It tuned? remedied by milking It it rule that all
vidted at the hoe.. of air. Jas. Vatill
ltylaw NO. 4 WW1 passed providing
FA. Kurehenski. g`z .11.... Intrat. . Going Down those who ars- prizewinners in the :
klr. Stanley Iletningway. ef Calgary,
dent at the name miry AO loot year.
$2RJ1111; T.. Green. nantrfneing. $10.00:
iamt week. for inaintenanee and repair.. to road.. fi.-1.1 - trip eompetition should, a. A
eurfacing *400:Gedgort, , .. ,Ili 1 i I I 01 I Of receiving the prize, ez- I
Owing to thr mt..irIlly Wel111M•r the to the omount approxitnately of A.5.101. re -surfacing $500 Rowe Grigg.. re- 'Oh. yes." said 3.1ra.
. serviees in- the rountry churches were On motlon of Mr. 11111 and Mr. Fish,
r surfaudna. 11,0.75: reteher .rbilifleilli.: protully. "WP van 11.24,' our j*- haat a huehel or hoz of grain. 40 I.
cane...ilea 111441 '41111113V. , -et' the IteeCe and 'Treasurer were Hp- tors back to -to -area. I don't know that eempari.on emild be made, god
Tho Ladies' .tid ..f Taylor's Corner% pointed a ...omniattee to interview ti ,re-riurfacing.$4 50 ; 3 no. Treble, team. exactly who. telt we're itsn anotlwc et if judgment. 011 the thresh-
nil' meet ,re. \V.A....slay, F.1.ruory Mb. local hanks Oa to their term. 01141 other ing, 12-.511; E. Mit .hell. part oalary, ileacettding for eel.; urie.."-11.mton .41 grain wonld be :riven. wlikh would
nutry 12!h nt 1 30 1, in NIrs. tie:hi-ring- , he, or should he. of i,. Intel. interelt
at 2.30 u'eltsek. partul
ienra with a view to handling a75.00; Meeting adjourned to Fets- Tranacrtpt.
Walt.--Wilmat of. the 5tb eeneension tie. (inane..., of the township in 1924
ton. township elerk. •as tin. field crop emnbetithm. Some
14 working in the Ford ;slant in Ille- lind to make arrangement!. SOH 11 ille. Candid . return wouki time be obtained -far the
• trolt. On InfitiOn Of Mr. Feugan and Mr. 111(1110)-111(1110)- expende.1 ou this lartowli of the
Tramp -fat rho -doom "If ye plea....
Thai weather proiatet from Colborne Fisher the collector's. 11O11. RAP extend. ;\ lady-- work. In the hors-, ramie Masks
were extra goodin the agrlettitural
townahlp, vile, isr.slieted a mi:d winter. .41 one month' and the collector wens r5frq• Mow' •(1(terulT): '`There class -there were AIX etartes. The...at-.
was a long -war from the =irk laid instructed twainve all unpaid taloa In. that w111 do. I tired of the ever -t 1
wommu 'an-" f,',:e' "6.2.11nr7, were Mere nurnertata 1440111yenta 'Paid., sheep and- pigs
lasting '11.ady. lady: I'M jlIkt 11 ' plain
' not :finite no 'arge. Th.. cla4.e41 • In
Tramp: "Ton are; madam. Awe of 'edit's' werk. dom....fly manufactitre.
the plain, -at I've ever men, an' one* fine arts, flowers and retro:dile. were
.if the 110ne+t.+4 to own up to IL- weft filled. l'almer's, midway 'nttrac-
t tiona. although not iiiiite .... extensive
••Isiekey." said hi. mother. "when you i as In former years, wns quite so -
divided thon. five caramels with your . kfaetory. The attendant..., except the
doter did you give her three?" i last (lay when it rained. MAIM good
"N I h t tit. w 1 I 1 jt is a regre:table feet and tone 11111ell
-Say," he grunad...1. na he al:,
knife, in hand. ot a minute q.. -in
of coek.ey for ' two '
matter with the vokt of thls 4-
(4 doesn't hag inVer It!" The SquArf Goderich
"Why ,ilearest." answered
tinXiono young 'wife. 11+ ,11.e eallo
. week. If pos.11.1... by the 1.1.14 Meeting Wadi WAIV.VNOSII. t4 -1110
-Yew c..rresootelor reedits condition. Moved by Mr. Fisher and iseeonded by West Wireanoals municipal ...Innen
forty-y.4-ra ago when fnisli eggs were Mr. 11111. ttvit,:he eametery sexton awl hold first meeting for 1024\
.0411ng on the market for the Clerk be eaelli provided with new the above dofe. Councillor 4101e. the -
ten tents•ler doren dairy butter "sultnble for keeping M complete . member, Was welcomed by the
the boon'. A by.
foliOwing offieers
ruin Phillips:
n: Atierahlor.
twelve cents per peoutd7rordwo...1 $2.50 reeord ot Conan -tie cetnetery and to other members is
ower eord and 11.%en.Y person happy. have book.. Ampleted to date. low appointing th
wa4 ineaell: Clerk,
Treasurer. W. J. Th.
R. Murray; Colh.etor.
lister; Auditor,. James Durnin and
Wollner. Miller. Board of Health. Dr.
case, M. if. 11, 11. S. Naylor and D.
R. Murray ; Inspector, .1. Welder and
-P. Kearney: sheep inapeetort. S.
Ilrant : A. Anderson. W. Thompson;
Sproul. The tre...urer wa. giv-
en permission to transfer the town.
-*i*' from the Sterlinc Bank
at Dungannon to the braneh at
, auburn The elerk 114+1 Tneteal to
order the 31unicIpal World for the
Reeve. count -Mors. clerk and tren.iir-
1 of. Tit, fellowing amounts were read
land ordered pnid : Robe McAlliater.
Isalary, pogrom. ete. $.04.00: Thirnin
Phillip.. -.•lection expenaeo, s.75.eso
Thee Inglis. grovel. $04.00:.1 slain!
Printing printing *4350: G. ,M.
Elliott. grant Children'a A1.1. It15.•
We have just received a shipment of
Macbeth Nu -type Lamp Chimneys
and Burners
They are twice as good and less than half the price
you have been paying for these goods. Call and see
them demonstrated at
if, 1134, t ough . y ou 4 n .
come out even. so I ate one :fore 1 be- ' remarked upon. that the exhibits in
gen to .Hvide." • the lower part of the grounds.
' animals and fowl. attraet so little at -
Our Road Rap ' tention from the untiority of visitors
Driver. "Have 7$111 MA !mil 1p ._td the fair. althisugb the priFes for
-"1-1° these form 1 Mr the larger part of
,ire get t Inz - a bit ugly -tempered 1
lately?" .Abe prize ilmt. The judging of ani-
' mak alone poesces interst suf, '
Pao -smart : -Ye,. that lam chop.we
Mimi to draw •tt decent crowd. An
knorkell IMP!' V Vl. tin a dlatntefir .. . . „ , ,,, . • _ ,,•-•..
, anion stone.] De made to give to
nasty look."
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Convenient Clean Quick
Cheaper than Coal or Wood
an Electric Vacuum Cleaner
mauves all dust. A brOoni
just IttoYes the dust.
alk in and see display
.1 Electric Goods at the
"..,th side of Solidi,* GOIlliddi
Specials in
Men's Work Shirts
1-0 dozen men's black and
white stripped Shirts,
made of heavy black and
tv, ills, with double
yoke awl double seams.
Extra large sizes, 14 to
16 1-2. Regular $1.75.
for $1.35, cr two for
ni:4 gazed at It "1 ft...tight you'd ••••
pleaaol! Your mother .u.1.1 you tee -
why. Med tho-retter netber alturt
Do Or Die ;
Perkins had bee. n invited to ;
a smolt. but select dinner. She had I,
been looking forward to it for ....me 1
weeks. but unfortunately. when the
great night arrived. .1.e had M had
...ski in the toed and. In eenseonen.4-I
silte completely Jost her appetite.
Her hnsto pres....d her to 41111144.10
.variono dish.... "0. do!" they +aid.
for atom the tenth time.
ceilldn't e• she replied. "I
couldn't eat nny more"
They continued to try 10 permit/tit»
her to take n mouthful .64' thisor
that and nt lost she 'odd:
oh, 'aell 'f 4 lake 1 hum. "
Lady f
ed home
know what 1
Ilushond; '
Wife: "Why,
114111 1.1111411114l of 4*; 0britak..
, Echo ett up the pretniam, and preserve the
building. from decoy. The arningement
1. . 11111 display in the ('4-1111.4' of
hubby. who Inis_itt-t orris-. 0• 1 a.0 m.-
three cm. 1 : "Do 7011 the Minding once more wa4 greatly ad -
e it kr mired by all who visited the fair. The
e o'clock." fruit tables being1.13..ed in a new 4,04.
'a three &Meek." ition thi. year wit. also cons'dered at.
1114.44,014.1: ••Se, y,,,dear, only gone: improvement over pret ions )..sr.. duce
1 heard it strike one rawattedly." I it allowed the merehant. and mann
--ilk: AM-
MA1114111. .• •n14'. ••ist
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Specials in Blankets for the Cold Weather
Largest Size Flannelette Blankets and All -wool Double Blankets
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rey Flannel. Military FlannO. and he.tv,
all •-iiitable for winter wink sitirti• at RIGIIT Pr
NI. -ti's All -wool Sock., and'Undermear at CLOS I.: Pr.,-
Men'm Lined 1Vork Glare, at !;fse,
Men*s Fleeee-lined l'iolerweat to clear before ‘iiinig
Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town
JUST RECEIVED --- Spring Ginghams in Fresh New Patterns
It's Time Now for Spring Sewing
Anderson's Finest Scotch Ginghams in
- Absolutely Fast colors
lhe New Ginghams
For Spring you will find the
moat delightful showing of
fresh new patterns in the best
of Anderson's Scotch Ging-
hams, and the colors are ab-
solutely fast; the patterns are
in small and large checks,
over plaids, cross bars and
small patterns for children's
•••• • ••
The Spring McCall Quarterly
The Spring McCall Quarter:
ly, of dress styles, is now on
sale. In it you will find what
is correct and proper to wear
for Spring, no matter what
the material you are making
up. New and very smart
styles are shown for misses'
and children's wear. It is
really a fashion book.
February McCall Patterns
Our new stock of McCall
Patterns is very complete in
all sizes, and they are so well
printed that you will find
them very easy to use. This
is the simple way of making
your own garments at home,
in styles that take away that
home-made look. You will be
delighted with your dresses
made from McCall Printed
Choose a Style From the New Quarterly
Visit Our Remnant Tables- 11 GRAY & -CARTWRIGHT
You'll Find It There
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