HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 31
it wits carried on motion of (gout -
are not up t0 the stnndanl in methods
cors J. Hate: and (r. Geiger that the
and personal influence. Thr; gator'^ I pleasure In tips county. Motet' car. routs must he s raped while dry 10
council memorialise the Provincial
Influence is the main factor In making i travel on an average 3800 miles per level them, noel tilt file .mall rots and
Gmcrrnme•n! to Amend the plrpporty the school attractive, .t•lerntiug and 1 annum fur whieh about $15.0) is q*ltil Dol.'s made he the .elft -moving
ipa1111. ti0us of All nn.mb•rs of muni- hom4'11ke, in 11422 the .,18rteo of tin fur A license or a tax rate (f •4 i yehirle.. To p.•rmipnt this being done
tipal comietls or other 'offices remote 111 rnrnl slosh teachers amounted to rents 1x'0 mile. The rnsts of the roadsthere mast be n (erp4er of tram gravel
sad.• for 4110 sprmfinK of large ^nasi *115,x25„and in 14421 to $113,8862. The' I are threw. times its grout s4) that it on the snrfae• of the orad. which in-
n) mane}, which I. the duty of All
salaries of the twenty -tire te,ehers in 1 wou1.1 appear thin car owner., are not' dl. -nt.'s n need of more e.0-svrfaring.
municipal cnuncillnr1, so nett a council (he nrhnn Abels xmmwnte.l 10 t2:. _e1Q paying till equitable share of IURIt' I The quality of gravel on the meld.
for most be the Owner of not lees than in 1922 and x211.37:, hl l e.2{: way costs. . however, nffect1 the enrnlltinna shore
SUMO propIn ills Own name. And Sellout Houses and Glnfuds-A +nil- There can be no doubt that there de.crllrvl. Reads hnllt ..f crushed grnr-
tbat s eapc of this 44* sat to each of stantisl 144 retool hotline was eom-I are more automobiles In the eenittry .,I and Krncrl. containing n pxr•e'h,gr
the county re p,re,xentatly(es. ' pietist in 9. 9. No, 10 $tattler. The 1fnl1ly than ,,re justified by the wealth' of clay 110 not ircnme pitted daring der
pie. w, that 1
It was carMe Id on motion of roan' eomplctcness and cnm•enienee of the I and p•rospenty of the pe'0i w.athrr ns do the mad. made of the
Mors J. 1.. McEwen and 11. S. ._building relle•t t-rnHt-.m-tlue-betiding tn_allow car 0w•nerA to continue t9 cicancr aaarietG.. To secure better re
that the council memfrtallxe thecnnuulth S. R. NO. R Colborne. Ievaalr there share of th(t'osts of rand .alb from unr ands made of beach i 0gfslature to grant twenty (Sanford WA' remodelled. It is the in. I improvements will be to encoun,ge this gravel It ja proposed to Add to the -a.
of '1411
lot to the (oft
the year 1i123.
to mortgages r,
yedr were as 101
(onsider°tion was
to secure bonds or
corporation. 1;' cons!
51(111. 22'2; emtdilere
510101 44n.1 52000, 177; -
between 5.000 and 55(11).
eratton over Eye• 3't:
amount of all such mortgagee
as 4(e. orporililnll n,rt14gage x1,4
00. 'Total nnmher of Instruments
inter vt and ferw therefor, 21430-14
54732.70. respeeticely. Gross emnnn
of fees earned daring 19'.vl $51105.4.5;
grass. 'mount of fees • 'during 1922.
Impeder laid * Report `tel
Dr. .1••1•t•ML }'geld, inspector of pub- h•"se
110 schools for East Huron. reportef tivnal In
to (hr •roundns
', fa' which. reIr
port the tunny 414following excerpts are taken: wok of teat
"During the -fall term there wits a
larger nntnla'r of schools with a «mall num11tofote
t their work t11
Hite lrlallees re
. in some cases' MI I h'loco '401'44'4°0' work
alnico° to the vuulshing point. than in
Anv previous y(Rr. While the small better for the pnptl
Payers to have thy
school with nn attendance of Ateu or ceyel to nn ntlj14rnt
under lois for «01111' time been looked there 41, *4 lie n Mir
011 /IS n problem to be dealt w4tli. 4)f• r ould li Web Sc Ino
f0n11ng little return to the community rich Cm1lee etor had n mere.
or teacher for time or money expend• and 'oregi)worked •nrce.s dnriup
eel, neither the haul nor Provincial There was no nektons i4) eons.1
1t nos carrl..1 on mnton•of Coun-
cillors .7. Hayes and 0. Ginn that a
committee composed of Clerk Holman.
Reye Alex. H. Nmt, and R*.•er Mat-
thew Armstrong, he ' appointed to
.vplatize 1114' ex 01.0.11111 r'" rel the desire
Tinted rand• of the comity for the year
19'21-22-'"1. inclusive. and report at the
.Tune sr,,1oll.
It was mauled on motion elf 1'oun-
cillo••. 11 .1. A. Ma•Ew-an and .1. W.
11eGiblou that wher(a,. Wingham etwl
1;,sb•rlch are the only urban aunt -
is telling 4 prospective customer what
you can do for him. For this purpose
'Use The Signal's advertising columns.
The Buymg Power
of a newspaper's circulation is gauged by
actual results received by advertisers. The
reader interest and influence of The Signal
is a known quantity --and its quality of Well-
jreu-I' lotion brings advertisers satisfactory results
Huron County Council
410114t,' in Om county of Huiron not
part 'Omit Mg in We. supplementary Pro-
(( vincial grant 011 et•rtlftcutes and sal -
iaril'.. 1111 the None Ialsi$ as the rural
stela mils, 0 to a 11ntr nnrworla4L.e the
A Digest of the Business Transacted at the Ianuary l f e•securing rIlI a (alt •re h stIloll with a `ie"
Session it was carried 011 motion of Coun-
cillors W. J. Mtlte'And 0. (:elger that
the council wemori1llxe tine Minister
of • Education, and endeavor to get
other county councils to ('o-olr•rate.
to Immediately make larger grants to
Continual ion. thigh Schools and ('lol•
1eg1144' Institutes and in Cave o1 140
more grants being given to restore the
fee system.
gill the up 1t was ewrrld on motion of Coun-
mantty, the %sons -wing of the cram- elllors A. H. Neel) and J. Hayes that
mutiny. and the relief of suffering. In the Warden and Clerk !x• instructed
f usefulness his to memorialize the Provincial (:oy-
Ilurou c.,unty ,a.ulI it art last
week and completed c• t•inioeal of the
u a
r w•M
Goo. lit
I,•. which
til ,
Ja u
y k
found time to hold th.> usual «muk.•r
on Tueeda} .eyesiug. to be entertelu-
ed at the home •it (clerk and Mrs. 4i.
31!'. Holmgn 1A _51'e.lnrw . evenluK•
at tote jolt, re.xG•1(• 1.\' t:Dater and
Mrs. J. IS. ryas, ds of 'Thursday ev-
ening and at in.•I.w.0 Friday noon by
the luteal '.ton Club. t ,441
The eoamil' )'eel nnttt'c• F4
nation of
• n resignation . Id Ike
• f ! t
M elf
f the
s matron r«. J.
Mrs. J. C. Griffin
x•Ilt of
, .hit
and til
. n
'Nowt). it appointment 'p4)
)Ira. J. B.Reynolds ',. that position.
The seie rlon of $..•ter .t. i:. I rwlll.
of Itayflr!d. 11 Warden w4). wad.• molt
ItarmoNonsty. the d.'f••nt„t ,',. udkiate..
Beeves -A• H '(s'4.. .0' Stephen. Win.
H. Coates. of Pshoru(t end F'..1. Me -
Quaid. of McKltl•g.. ne'e+'ptInC the dr-
rhdon to Valens with adinirnble. Raul••
The sele Ill i --of the w +lInIIttees and
*Ppo III?IP••I,ts Ito. ('ruminal Loi
-of An -hit -ant cossr' Reads S_tw(m stip
also proree .,l q1,..t:}•, e•.ntrar) to fiie
!met ion. y•:4) et' tw'., winch after the
Worthy ilii •»,•i, ap?Isdntel the coun-
cil brukr x444 Ikea' their .reel ie' of
many year. .•,u:•ling i4) t1ls e,.h4e•-
1 inn: -
.wolf $4un t'('ondalentw
The f,, 1..anl.g re-•,:tltiO1. as pro-
posed by l'.•nn. 111ov, 11. J. A. SIacEwan
and e' .t. IG,I rts.aa, Ails adopted by a
stabling rote of the ,'oilmen :
"That we. the Inviable -re o1 Huron
("entry' 1•.ui4 U iD .44•+"(,11 a.Nxemblei at
this our January meeting.leeos,` isli to
,! the
place on n.,.rd our keen geom.
s . faked
great Ica.s this e•441nty
In the death of Hlo Honor Lrw1s
Henry Dickson. judge of the county of
1lurvril,, w hlell sad event took place
with startling steicien11eee while at his
desk in his office in this court huu-o
..n the afte.rn(x,u 4)t Dec. -miler 17th,
1:e.2 p.
"Ili, Honor Judge Dickson. who
e.44•ot nearly the whole of 111• attire
publle life In this county. w eo 1pre-
eminently n man among mon, 1 p
With all ellIs.••- and ■ w,aaimeakt•I xra.d
*Ons•ienttous Judge.
his -duties wt11 singular ahllltl' 411.1
arreptattee. 411.1 we feel that the judia;-
iary of this Provtnee•In his death has
nM loos.
suffered a dtatl
"Nut only un the bench dill His
Honor render signal and useful ser-
vice, tint also as a eitizen he identified
hiwseif with church, andluue[ ldtae-
and every other grxxt
tiviy_.aall•ulut forh lift of hu -
all these 51r11and o u a•ratlan ernment to give local magistrates
t( ('o1I
.0)444"•1 and
ae v0 ' ower to try and dispose. of p>t•tty
aarce.•xgerly tonight and cheerfully ren .with n their Own jurisdiction
tiered without stint.
••lt'e extend to his bereaved widow
w m 4Athv In
daughter our xtn(*•rn y 1
lb4 gr.•at los. they have suffered. and
dint that a eopy of this resnlntbu
be forwarded to :►ors. Dickson. and
also that x 4op1 of the same 1x• enter-
ed i4) the .e.nlum11 Inl194,w o1 this
cn,nctl." cion .
. Important llulions of the tier.
It ata- enrriett 011 !notion O
when It Is gem.' there. is nothing to :tn. i4) many w:ee.+ emouragiu5 tilt'
«low• for it ; had {Mart of It been basest I tru,•hing and studying (•f agriculture
on buliding and equipment some
ACItool would show a higher grading
for their ae,vlmmislltllolls. This yenr
one purely r111111 w•h(il11, having only
one teacher. with bulIding and e•p11p-
went of the poorest drew a grant of
over $.'00.
"School fairs are retaining their pop-
ularity: : nn account of other duties
.that eonflietel with school fair date... work po.ular and concrete.
1 Was aIle this year to attend only Engineer Pattesson's Report
two. On amount of ttnfacorlh'e gr•sw•- i e ou'ly }:agfnw•r 1'oltrrs,o4'. report.
Ingweather during part of the sum- r earl nue tuformMicr at
the -ewe time, to quite toti'mortify for
in all the schools, both rural and ur-
ban. It la found that pupils are more
readily interested In agriculture pad
borticultnrt• than in any of the other
subject.. 'rhe normal training fur one
year gives the teacher a working
k,iuwledge• the subject, so that It
is made Inter,•stlng and educational.
The sellout fairs help to wake the
Maintenance :,7517.67
Machinery tall roads) 1071x.53
Supe rinteutk.nee tall roads) . 47+.3.55
$143,675.89 Mr. T. H. Miteh*tl Now in Ctlargs et
Tott}l (all roads) ....$187.144.32 Plant As Managing
Tido expenditure has been met as I$rMor
Balant.e (tom 1f.2 $7111$).4M Considerable re-organluttoa has
Highway levy 1!e. 4 1.5
mills 1K47:.4. Ott
been a4fe•tet recently at fixe Dominion
Spx.•ipl 14vl,•s 10314.06 Itoad Machlu*ry,('um4ulny, Mr. Thorn-
nrfaipts 2't`tL its Ii. Mitchell is now !n charge of the
Due from boundary counties 41:11).68 plant A+ managing '- director. The
should 1f has
duced grantBoard from seven • to five , members
consisting of Prestdrnt. S. Jones Phil-
- 8.,236.,,,,134-88 lips. Kennett Square, Penn.: view meld.
$ 4x.U00.5111 deur. t%'. G. Harrington. New York:
secretory treasurer and uatrogfug dir-
es tor.•T. 11. iitchelh It. 4'. Hays and
J. R-: - (Irn1R1e. The appointment of
Mr. Cr*le=le was make In plaice of Mr.
E. 11. 1114 w'110 11ea removed front
town. '.
]Ir. t; .B. llubtenrd, furnirrly gra
w 44410 int' r ng
Ines; some of the exhibits w'err not as
good as In ' pret•tol1a year^. but 11e 1 pool) :u idn In Its 1•ompyp• term. so ltnlannr,
Intermit was jolt ,as keen: tltrlr .line that purta of it Daly are glyti•n below. SI'PEItIN'TE'Nii};NCE
rational value cannot he eMulltevt• 1ta eonatrnetion and nualetelrance
"A -(',Intintiatien school w'as'►prrrett ill many -shied lrildi ap and TIM num- Salah .up•rlut0udence. ....E -'! (it/
Is a mane i p
Fonlwleh in September with two, moue conditions which arise require Railway fares 4.311
leacher,. a full' course pp to %tatrieula•• the consideration ,.f a great many e[a••• Ilatel bills :.4.711
tort. President (a1Wge• ewiil fn a Auto expenses
re. .L. ce.
Hon and Normal E:nlr,u+re being' pro -
hare fair dem rorxn
ha 1 tits (*lyrical us. uu1
They \ expenditure to video]. T t .o
dee regia that I recent
atld i>rti
este til/• penile from beinget "truths' all guar he to the he est wi of ono tt the 1 of puhllc m•.ney cuutrilint" .o mu,'c . Poatabe, atati(uery. etc: 319,04 ails manager has severest his tron-
oter'elhr muntc" for petty offelx.+. shun hes. it 0gaelx,l with s4) attend: to fixe uatbanrl wealth qts the buCc4 . Telephone and Telegraph .... mitts ne.•444 with the etmplauy and maim-
. Ipe 1 1 9. S e
whieh was c41 n Rd -Supt. Confer. 1 K ', fwd.
fifty. 1 4)u o Rd• Su 1, oil R
. ofDurr t .' a this , F.x name t 1
• 11 with t
d n. ) ad 1 er•ti11n h le.
• an n•cr n 1
ra xl De ram
' ••s.nof Is
I1 allotIn 41 WI 11
and thereby entailingIt cwt to R
st los. of time x14 money. expo''• It t test' dare. 01e JGu n
hl ery Co. Srr,o nse, with whieh
firm h.: was coupe -ted before toning
to I:,Nlericl( about a year ago. Mr.
r • e 141 ---^
will •the•
« it is depression annul
u ten rxr ►.
t n I
1 1
d l
n for the
. eletl n
e a' . hl
on la
It a carried on motion of Come I provide ,we f.former.. } Iwltr c 1
that the rx ►•'ditnh• (47kp.55
courts H. J. A. )LarE:wnn and it. C. rhiblr.'i of toast mf the tawnshlP' or the county taxes. and on that 4)e-1 Alaintenanta• .--•
NnwiUnKs that the council memorialize \luny pupils who Ind been in attend- ..„)tat the ex;wilditure of an (*4144)1 },.r the year that has Jost eud,vl the- rtfiur S; 14rink, who was as..rtnnt
the Ontario Goveran«v1(. {otntinK out ,ata) at 1) rriston and ('Iiffunl mane ,Inn11u1t I4) 4 01ernmelt ,;rants. has road- of this (Dunt}, edtlwugh tory factory m4nnger and i4) cls.+rgr of the
the advantages o[ 4 04101ieh as n port to Fonlwieh. It shmAd he reyt4,•nil.•r been til.- means o4 saving litany` farm)
have lest" In fairly good condition at. mist ek gtnrtup•nC hn. n•nvrnd to
Pc of transfer for the Ahipmeut. of Al- wt that in 1922 this rolttrta 1.1111 (114' .•r. from bankruptcy: moreover the all timers. have not been quite up to Frankfort. N. -l., to re..uax• Ill( con.
,regi ( 1 Dun
herrn cool int•. Ontario. urging their to three shrrl« as fes for Iluwi.1.
expenditure. are neceswr •• the standard :.t 441 previous names. nestloin with the Arai• Road Machin -
to e'. A U..h.•rtse.n nod C. B• Ilan PArc' ail hisptttinw of tier doek« 81x1 pu4ll!y (i4) floe other 1luinl tp i4l rr14 4. In This has beet, eechle(Ir to lack of ern Co.
ley that R. C..ilnrx, Jr.,. be apgx.dntwil 1*.11ities of this port for the biatltng 11.perhor Tone, Report tile road •'.4 iitures of the p1 14)1111 (omelet.• maintenance. although ;rluteadent
-county s,alrltOE In D(t(r lt. (; Hay.. ul also .,, l,, t.. Mr. R (.- Johnstetn Is A►n[M
y heir et'.«taxi a4 sit K .hu E:1 a Tutu. 14nspe904 ..f 1t'.• -t , der at'.• entirely due to mohn trot. tr Atli t et'[ the plant xt poen_ l
oft I J K j T(i the
T -1 i 1 1 IF- t \ i lir 1 6 nli-i aerie
Ill t
and DANCE -
Under the auspices of
Masonic Temple
};veryi.4ly t'. •ane 1.•441 141,1.-•
in con
li.x-1.•t y.
Minces Tia
afftr• a he dry weather -
nwigne/l. - _ -__ __- t w r.
Ohl a W.
iT ems- their nttentiou tin antral ;oration 4)t Ih)Nal puddle mime's. made ids re.• I fie. .tn alte yr shut trn(have "1.111 carry tat u4) !s m. • e n.. i')Carlow is ahlpphiR
clerk a n t
it was earrlWF on motion1 the. tu.h a Ror ted°. G nl dla[rllwtlon poeg to the council. excerpts from ' highways shown twork herr ate) thereon the hil,hw'a}s'
rN J. A . '4-41Ihlan nal F. •J. Mc- - a 'i• • as follows: "Te neln°rs . and , oft 0141 e•xu)ty- roads alnnt._Li.000.000 • (u faMnry' toots. red ing o of the
thrv+non ii * nuceon -.. _- - r.111•11 labs file rfteN «f -flee 'i 144f h pen ulnae• i
d that iw•puty Re.•ve 14. 4 . Mon-comptrnr`ie mtt` of redwing over -
It Ie +i cud 1144 nuolioa of (loan M I Thtrhlg 1'M""'i there was lin I 'rclrlyjr4Uilr. per y••ar. wldeh is done anre4a nine' by stainR the rood and by e...at.. Mont twenty halals are being
1 •t ti I f 1 t $1 elOf1) or about
keeping h h rf I ft l ich It
w . ( Rx r res-- --
x• 11M• w'Inty's r0pt!+0,a•11 a ve rlhirs ('. .. olsertw,v and F. J. Mc
verba with the (Tlldra:n + Aid namtrle oppplr nt ynolltlec) teachers der !rt m cost u n r4) e•p ng that .moot sullies. which cntptu}ed moony,
if stn w 1
Q'ald glut 11411(41 runuty ((4)111411 1+ nil Cllr sc14,,4 \\,• IN`Knu 11 4. with) I 1 ..ruts p.•r s*l b.le•mllr•• , modern traffic. requires. gs'414)10 owl by the nonnaKetex•nt will
Still f the opinion that it ( adeisabl'' 16 i11'1 women even of whom '1'h,• automobile t raffie• represents It wunld appear from 'U1,4exl•er- i,e'{ cpt bolt' Cron, now au.
rrl.vl /in
moti,•n •'f 1'o41n• Rt e. e o t m n an
(*mint P • n int rend ifi ler nd , x•r (ant •of This theft) blx ee that moor den Rgu+K with t,0
Inglis and (:.o. Hubbanl
that Reece . J. A. MA.E:wan be the
county's rep' - 'dative on the Nord
of 4:weerrsirs I AT=andra 11044gfltal.
It was carded n motion of (loon -
1(. J. A. M •Ewan and 11. e.
illumines that Dr. 1 roll Tayh.r be
appw,lnted n member the Golerich
Collegiate institute ' for the
nue Board for the years 'L4 21.
It was carried on motio of Co11n-
.•Illors ('. A. Robertson and 1. J. A.
11acEwan that J. J. Robertson. .t Col -
!entitle township. he appointed a n10m-
her of the Goderielt Collegiate ati-
nty Iteard for the years 1024-'2:..
It ens 111 04011 014 motion of Cou
chlor. u. (:inn and J. llayes t1U1t the
(;o4sl Roads Commiwton he Ineteur-
4, d not to attend the Good Roads ton-
yeuton at T•tronto this year.
It was earned on motion of Conn -
W. Tl. Sanders and F. J. Me-
Quaid that it he the duty, of the
Count' Engineer (0. elneult with the
level council Iwfo.' making any ate
test etments ..f pat rot men.
1t was enrrhd on motion of -Com•
(lllors 0. Geiger and 11. A. Naylor that
the Warden and County Engineer.
with the Goxxl.li0nd. ('0mml1s1011, see
that all weeds on eonn47 i44411 are
rut twice etch year by the patrolmen.
It was carried on motion of Coun-
cillors J ,Hayes 4'd A. H. Ned) that
til `a _tio*ul_ Roads Commission and
1'etaitity Engineer be 4nstnieted to Pee
that the expenditures on county roads
be regulated in such A way as not to
4'zecel one and ono -half 11111111 on the
dollar fur the preeent'yeear.
'' ' -_• a and .1 • 1
to leave the Durr'- ro • Dare first-ela.o Certificate', 127•, - i ,• *•
from Geotel Rend Pi And Hey under ,,last and el0rcn Kludrvgarta•ni.nrvey iae 1'.uuxrticut sluttt e,.l thio r►o. n(*•wsnry thraughont the snu4lrrr E'asses IevMlal State Roan' Exams
per giber of the automulil e• traffic' months, en. heavily travelled toed.. Ad- sties 1(etr:4 4'Inrk. Alio ha. been On
there was' for pleasure. However, :111 vantage must 1..• taken of every show., the (Its nursing .staff of Toledo. Ohio,
1-1er meat-tn--e- fair eestluu(f+,_ett .-11te-P ft, foitoo4k 4he roads and during- hn* gran-stastesstul to paw1tg the
amount of auto traffic. • devoted' to prolonged dry spell. heavily 'revelledMedical State. Ruanl of examination
for nurse registration at ('o!umbus.
Ohio. `The examination was held In
the second week of D,.•emh.•r meet at
whlrh )SIMS Clark received a standing
of M..i!;,por rent. Nurse ('lark Is til
Ise rnngra44Intel on her aehl"cenwnt
hilt 11 k to b• regretted that stu.h a
hrillhlt t number cif the nursing pro-
fession should have chosen the emintry
to the smith as her Bel.' of operation.
1'he 4•011tr,i of 111e county 81141 lint 11111(1•'. Primary. Netrlc n'1 tin's• ,4,4(l(/rs
a I'ranrilxhtL mown",ax snRR"`p.l b4Y are doing extvIlent work. hieing dill -
the Blur Water Highway _tssex•Lation.
gent. efficient and intereisfi4T. i felt.
Real Estate and
Life (Sun Life), Auto, Accident.
etc, (Insurance) Houses and Lots
oderich and Farms for Sale
FOR SALE venal very
fine homes, among the Hest in
Goderich. Full modern equip-
ped, a large number of houses
and lots in almost any part of
the town desired. Many of
them very cheap and easy
terms. $S50, 895(), 81000,
81300, etc., will buy good
houses and lots.
Also a number of fine farms for
oda. Aglow as $100 down pay-
ment will be aces ted.
Above Parson's }'air
( (:..lentil. (Int.
I'. O. Box 4.1
nt. of the cost an•I maintennne.' genthon Of the Retool trustees ,to eon-
' hrblges not un de.iguntes) vert the tippler stoney of the building
y mat+=r's Report communityinto a suitable community incl. moat
n 1e
f the gr 1• erre kept tide' • GooseGoose
condition to emit woo, rather than to ileht npplienntions of pit grovel con -
right it„e•Ir. The time appears ripe' ,,Mels light appllcntlono of pit grnvel
for tthe(mpesltiott of gasoline or tire nntalning n !whaling material.
tax.-- I.. the Provincial G aeruin, 4.4 Snow Roads
14trar William ('o8ls sent are more flower Mils than formerly, .amount of Stoney Solent o__•
ell his annual. report for In n few se•tifnls the grass Is not cut The expenditure on county roads for))Tool thn.'r ce i,indoHt fe 51 414?.J' •1M`dr'-
noel 11,x1(111( we.414 producing se..l« the year 1923 was as follows: I tag the whiter oof 190'-$3, whichAtatbtk•a with regard
daring the give the grouale n neglected ap4x•ar' I 1'ROCiN('Ltl. ('Oi'NTY R(►:t D$ expenditure was little greater than the
ws:-in aldch the once. The 401111 gronials 411on111 1weI ltridKe• 4'.a+strnrtion
$ :;481.4.1 minimntn'regnlnvl for keeping rands
how -
mina.. 19; given w:1de flu•"lxeauty sps4t" of the school i Roal'l ('ullstrUetion /1UsY./11 (.,'ti 11 would applear equitable.
eloentnrr. of a sertiOD. 113px•ial grunts 119(•(11.17 rrer. to pay more attention to snow-
ratioll under ,
School grants - The Ieglslutire1 ku(lutenuuce 211L381s rand. 444 the fntnre. The farmer herrs
on between
the grmtrst part of the highway taxes
nslderetloul grant. paid to the public. itehoo14 of I 43,41kS.41
;; mshd- West Huron In 1923 Are as follows: E And 440 alone moat usd the winter
(414 N1 ec and certificates of COUNTY R(LtDM I roads for about 22 per cent of ihr
(*hers • • •$•i•'' '13 Bridge 1'onstntctlnn $ 4244.21 time. it areas rather 'nattiest to that
equipment and a• • m da rid giro on•dr e.ti
• . . .
The People's Garage
Victoria street 4.1114Th-h. at present
cm -emits' its' by 11'm. Craig. Thla •11
n money -making proposition for the
right man. Apply to
Phone .sn P. J. RYAN
Kriegel t e
room , -2.5 lit
tion .:.. 1.02-"..5s rants
:t earinad of slightly damaged wheat
for .ale.. cheap. Goods delivered to any
part of the town. A..1 Cooper, Ware-
house. Hamilton street. 2t
flint spe•tnl efforts at economy should
be at their expense. •
flhservatlon of work on snow roads
bode to the enneinston tint Continuous
ploughing of snow roads 14 lint an econ-
omical nor efficient practice to con-
tinue. Special snow ploughs must be
secured. whieh will have the effect of
r•x(•4rinting the 0x00.5 of Ul0W. form
the tracks and pushing it a number of
feet outward. Then by rolling this
the whole 1s parked down. making
n whir road neer which the drifting
snow w111 blow, and .. wtlfficienfly,
(C.ntiuel on Page 61
4x244.57 hat per cent of this .•roans ands „r good printing come to, The Signal.
14140.'46 Should he made nn these roads And i
1.^2 2.on filo• IAI R
1111 Fifth cla5s(e.
Chi new• library hooks 44.52 --
o i onrds and teachers for Agri-
culture '
• 839.375.04
01 nttend*nee-The'overnge at-
of scholars wn• higher thou ,
:3. The number of pupils I
Ions Is so small that the
•r 141111 11111411• 114.'nm('s
411 Ir.se thnt Interest
Is necessary to pro -
sults. it would Ise'
and far the rate-
'w• pupils con -
(dead where
and f:nde- i
tendnnes ---
• 1!a4.
-"-Unlimited Quantity -of- --
'.D53 pe sin61w d,, delD ivered R SALE
(Foot of Anglesey St. Phone 61.
Capital $ 8,000,000
Reserve and
Undivided Profits2,067,074
Total Assets .... 128,299,679
The Bank's Annual Statement has just been issued
end copies thereof are available for anyone, on applica-
tion, at any branch of the bank.
Goderich Branch, F. Womb Manager
Chateau Frontenac Team Leader's Long Journey
authorities lave been diligent 144 ala' of lwlt►rr1,c to this county. 1'I>er, see
plying x rem twelve
now in operation in Ontario nt le _t
"There are twelve nulla teachers4411 out sixteen (•nntudl(Mted 'whish..
of eighty-nine In the rural In the
end "Seh01l Surto-0-1%o two school
three not of Onlytytwo in ihr air-' nurses, who*)' offices are nt God -
hen s(h(o1a 'ehl public Athol rich and nt Exeter, are doing vnln-
tea(hey have cher first-class ployed lasttes. able work for the pnplls of the s•kooi5
term e e without
s employed last 0181 they visit. They not only ills-
term- were without prevlmis wiper PDA or clefee 5, wh•icll need
tenter : With ly c few 0x4w1» ' imttt/'l ThiP f acre 11 •
tion.. With only A 11: and Instruction they Aselst in keeping
tions, rs liAs ,the work done ti these the scholars in rigorous health and
teachers brick Men highly rrelltable. Alert for their mentnl work Thnir
"A Nem 0,G y. aol was put up in visits to the homes hate lura beetle -
0 Na. lo, Grey, at s mer of al long 1111 to n11 nlemhel•i of the fnmily.
time . The ratepayers r1( were t whe1 "Seised Fabs -Twelve w•14.,'4 fairs
time (444 build
the prof u. but shoe were held to till* 1n4petonat.• In 19'25
they did main they put rep a echoed nt which the attendance w'4• large•
that i« Certainly A (redht to the mm I The exhibits of mnny kinds were ex-
muBry. eellent and reflected credit on pnplls.
"Brussels staff added two teto theer% to
their staff this year; 04x' to the Oral•t0Aeli4'rs And parents. Th.' District,
on Retool and one td the hrI Representntlre and hi. nv4wnnk are
lit school, The (11'eforth pnhlte seheool to be commended for their excellent
board expended about 512.000 In tm•' work and mnnngement of these poplin-
provements. or RathoringR.
"The average attendance of the lir- "Fifth (1neers-There nrr ie•n fifth
Mn Achools during the fall term was' el*RA echool1 to Wrst Hnrnn, Dungen-
ninety-three per(0nt, of the enroll- Ilion. Kfngshrl'ge. St. Helena. tiny
meat; that of the rnrnl %shook weal field Zurich. 1h•nsn11. rieshw•a4xl.
righty -five per cent.
"The salaries of teachers, have in
general undergone no change since last
year. As long as the high grants con-
tinue 1alarte1 w111 be *tattle around
51000, that amount being neM1Aary
to score the highest percentage of the
tonna grant. it le very donhtfnl if
the present government will tontines. 0ennty (outwit.
'IAgrienitnlr and }lOrtl(mltnro -
ttors grants it expendiinvolvedture
In Ole {1,600. A itnre being the bailie indn.trr of
tarn alone It 114) 14 hots a 591,600. t? entinfry (`n end Province the depart•
1 think that k was a >t efek1 rito bate meets of Agriculture and Education
411, grant solely on the salaries, M
Crediton, Mount Cannel end Wlnr hpI-
M•A. 'Thea(*' Aehmis enable the pp11R
of their own adjacent sections M pre•
part the work of high *chord. Farm i,
while remainingti1`v.'
l omeT h're were
about 2511 p p a
1929. Their work is .nth tot me fltr
the continued llhernl sap ioart of
monocle. teleran hour, Maalox the team,. outside Chateau F•renten■r. levet. Mountie.
winds o
Af I Sergeant Grennan of the Royal Cana -
breath from the freezing
the Canadian Arctic, with some-
thing of its loneliness, its savagery
its call upon the elemental qualities
Of courage and endurance and a dash
'of the romance of the long trails are
embodied in Mountie, veteran hero
of the wilderness and new leader of
the Chateau Frontenac dog -team at
Mountie is a husky, in other words,
part wolf and his wolf strain shows
Intel( in his handsome head, with its
sharp can and nose, its steel -hard,
flaming eyes, its gleaming fangs and
its great ruff of fur. He is a dark grey
giant, almost one hundred weight of
muscle.ilbone and sinew, ferocity,
grim determination and unwavering
fidelity. He w4) born away up within
the Arctic Circle. at Lac-du-Rroehet,
bought in 1919. when very young• by
dian Mounted Police, and trained by
him. He. pui in nearly five years as a
member of that famous force running
patrols on His Majesty's Service
with the red -cowed heroes of the
The journey from Le Pas, in
Northern Manitoba, where he was
purchased, to Quebec, a distance of
well over two thousand miles, was an
exciting and extraordinary exp*riepre
for Mountie. He spent Christmas
Day at Winnipeg, where the kind-
hearted officials of the Canadian
Pacific offered him seasonal fare,
which ne did not like mush, except as
a dessert following a moa of his ac-
customed fish and hiaeuitaa made
friends with the baggage.
were more than sorry to part with
him. At Montreal. he bad a day's
rest and there adjusted himself com-
paratively easily to the strange tur-
moil of the great city. His driver.
Arthur Beauvais, an Indian from
Caughnawaga. took him for a short
stroll, through the streets, where he
created a tremendous sensation. And
no wonder for Beauvais says he is
without exception the finest husky be
has ever seen, while the Mounted
Police report that he has always been
greatly admired wherever 'he hu
been, hath for his appearance and
his capacities.
Now he is at the Chateau Fron-
tenac, working comparatively easily
at giving visitors • ride and is one of
the Dig attractions of winter -time
Quebec and will no doubt shine
brilliantly at the forthcoming carnival