The Signal, 1924-1-31, Page January :i1. 1924
When Exposed to Air
tea loses its freshness and flavor.
13 AL 11881
Torthat rsssou is usvir.-sold' 4n bas#lam
ESTAIi1,ISH£I) 1$48 Tyre ave, n 11muirkuble
g,-utllrrWg. .1 at 21 roma
GODEKII'N :: CANADA fu Toronto 4111" 111)4111 •1,1.1 .week-: r«• •.'.t 111.• 1.nt4et Mr. Stt•wnrt Leek Winton 144 turn
111esuber of Canadian Weekly: News- uuarki114 rails r for it- ,el.•hx•!es than u1ea-1011 le, paint ant the ,tlielenee t,! ;.ire 1111• mo.-
4)1 irxludt.l in +4*.'le.shg 1'o
iu1dkitektuericau a•• the que:2 41 of 4 n.ervatluu.
pap•r.tssoeiatkrn _ ..___- fQr It�xsl . I'll i . 111u.,n.. 111 _uut�.-l.wtid:us ._-_Mrs-+k.-fleet-,.ta --[inns---r,t "111,0rs
1 ublished every Thursday morning. IJt••ha•.t I 14141.' . 1 1hits111 :ler- , 1:111.11, Owing to the Oland-ter:I.,,.nling to the Inst aorta*then lavait-
•+s••••••-•• ••••• •• aI the probl•p,I, they itu\,1v.1 :(4)d
:41.:... 1'11 uwda's fun•••.•s were
the fanning eunlmlltlitl*•.. f11'..t of one 1
country awl tlIt•II tt• 01the '.11.•1'.
Forest Commotion
Turning to the question - of forest
sot,. rvatiun air. titewart pointed 4)111
that: herr•agalu ('attada ttiumd her•.If
*4t once 4)u COM 1111114 ground with the
Federal Minister of Interior United States. The forest twaiserralIun
Addresses Industrial Club Movement 144 the Ihlmlulnu owed its
birth and vigour More to the effects of
of Chicago Stites eXperk•nce than to all
outer factor. i;outldu1ol.
7`aktut .1- hkt :1d,je.1. "1s,uul .0 I The deph•tiuu of the timber .)41ud.
i'ruhleme 1f rhe+ init-rl Stat•,: l4) ,.f the Eaaen. 111111 Lake had
1'ul.I,I. ,Ifuu. 1'lu4rtr. Stewart. alinl.- i had two un'shtndlug effect.. Ffrst: in
ter 41f the Interlur. Canada. iia ale 1111• the rutted 511444M It had 11w,a( na the
hl Thietg. li 1)(remla•r before
wind tun sate of (Yh Ii, that
rite Industrial flub. 1111urgaulsat oij of t 'old not Is. removed until the aanu
III.dhig f•uTr4 uteri of tion city. re -
r l'+rskri r.
KtI►t«t� twvwt- r..
:'b•N',41 so»h' of the lucre IWI},.rtant u(
1114 iruruuu'riitde .nl.J,r•t. 414) N;611h the.
Thornton �, making I•s•d progress In i4tioe.r. 1.f the two loltItritrt meet.
(wlta•111If elf!• r,ulhcayby deficha and h" 'the uddre.. r••r.trel1 with; field but
ealt more 1141111uh4rk' with (huge
1Q1111�11 +ltwth1,,11e let ,411.11er the dIwllticlaus. ,li,,,.t on. which hove to do with the
i • • development Laud ( Ilaereall,If of
fF. l'nnuth.'. fur
uaturol n•wwn•es.
.41ut\Y'.. was Ida veil on a more sati.fnc
tory lilt and se.•omdly 1t had turned
11411 1'11 111111111 tura. 1 111 (1111 fun•*•
44f war e( demands that could 110
longer hexon'. lye 1'11144.1 Ste,tw fore.:•
alone. I) mg to the spur of the...11:11.1 Seo • market requirement's,
,1 industries had ••xgaud
121'.:" ryte 11111 1Ile 111.
4' 1 it..df cutups•Ilc.l
t•rlous attvpi.14 1.1
.. Subscription ......., ....d
- $2.00
_ -
- gest pins 121dia.. the most ch:anuiulT the 4 4 -Operative arrangements, tier , -
United - 1wi14g hdu.d by alien .el•re•u billion
1. nited States and Foreign Countries
ShI, and !int though :Hutu•: nil sary to deal with them. arttrnlly r.•- hoard feet :inutility N'1 ch. If vomiu-
$2i'0 per year, strictly in advance. volved n great deal of pgidiclty'. tie ex dell. would m":111 their raetll•111 .•4
rtlIE sit %1 PRINTING ('4) L1'If w.ak.:4". Afe w re represented. 11ht• teasel Ilp• rice that the nu4.1 4.•r
u•w•wbing" ar,1, u th.• •run.• rim..
.•s- A 1-' hanstlon int n 1441..1 of alar t 11111 year.
Teele)honr 3i r,_- 1•odesieeh, Oat. __. fill fours linking the• 1'i lt*'4 S2:r••• 1. rtuu..tely' lilt British 1: pixie For
el 4i{ • u. '1"n""' I.• • Lot 1 . 1 Verse
1 m it I l v
e (•
tut au"I:rwe . ,
a were to l4). 0.014 .
Ina w that
t 1'11 le 1 r
Atbol Ycljuarrl•, SlxttagIng-EditoriX .
eslr4 nA•r.•uh•.• .{h It u t ,
{ • • *Mt .1101•1: with N too': to 111. 11ote,l; rust• to t' chain of en...Oleranly• meter' last .11141nl4r Uhl utaele I1.ha 1 giving
Thurs,114,. Janu:ar'. 31st. 19'_4 that the influence whichbrought tie brie!.:41"11: the 1o»mhary but rather a p4444 •til tenet In defillin4:tl lua•i•
thse that enowd the line- amnia! for 1111 al..mato [.'berry Ito Icy
ra>tirrasil►I. NOTES . ;tether :cel Milted thep.1ph--tiv itnrr..-t+ 2111. tuflut•nc4•s ninns.t , Power Phut.*Ina4wd •t t'
p+iris. fudred. 1t the .hula gnthrriug - inflate in number and rarlrtc. •
in rein htng oie rile eon:ummp 1
it .1 1 1411, love of .oiietliimt they hail d.- ' in this connection air. Stewart 111• lows .4' 1N' two coon ries In naar.
Spring's coming' ,Thr .red valyl• 141*a•:114.1y left i.•hhul thew.'` it ,was aaa4.d Ilii e14e of the agr1•nl4tlral III v:u'1.44144 eine.tion,.. a:•,. 1:aled' w'I
Pogue.. are making their ai'p(asrauci•• the annual ret=!tome of the Ithr.n tad -dt•'sloptueni_ief the I'uited_atutt•,t and . wnrer4eayn---Mr. Stewwrt-t.4.•trwl-- -
• ii• •Canada. spial the laltiets•e rb:44 eaell 4h.• grew variety of i.•u.t. di.alt with.
Boy.' .t44"•inti11 of Toronto' .'•nn11ry had everted upon h,•
Till 1s rut open winter alt right- • • • [ liber "b)the• Imt•ru:uion211 .Iu1411 comm!.+lou
a t'b' r.• -1...r to tie' ..,'. fir -l• -"1. -"'The T.,rfiuu .t. til'. 140.14 and the'
w•Ith cold draught- blowing 4hroIytlt Pioneer st•ttl. w. tit rut. later 1f
I. I.. nim. the Itt,•f: ie ellcldteer. 1:1.1.1.= i' 1•'r ,•n.ir11•utic wul.furlon rawer In
the opening.• t nwnrtt algricrllhrr". 4r.• 5'ew:irt r.•- whf.'h its (titf.•s hal 1....1.4lseh rgwl
• • • 441 off 1.1u. .sine. 111' wit. 1411 .,dint r ,.:11141 that through a long I..erle- of • dnrinu- :14 ex.ten .•. ..f -.An,. fourteen
Home .pal it Malhetiald;' 'titers all 4111. life toot the disorder .vhi.•h.,hcrlde. there 442,. rut ohm... eeti.1a111,y-..;Ir. bad uarnrnl'r'•unwed the 1uler•
(..11",%1'11 Ulf.. ..yerrhrow or tl4' 1'x44) .th'ntn of 4'rn.ndfsu Ginner. •.4' the 1.•11 t national Joint ('omm,ls•lon. to Is• n•-.
][atd,,i,sld. The prism. adinister' of ,•f pioneer -noel; flowing
(treat Itritain shuts his Mange alae. l4) 19 17 gave hhu rhe opisntt�l: y 1 g in. pi 14111141 op garde.] as 1110• prise Illnsrnitiun.of rhe
pulrlit •Ili: tb.•.rie. to lire !.•-t. It the infinen.,•:Igriculntral do unithof 42:*' amity :cul Ir,ss1w111 that had so"rked
Donald. • • • -„'•nrd r ,Ini.t.. ..:1 ••'••: r Welt-fT - ` rte: `-f.'.1dtions ' between • the rated
IL 41.41 l4) he Sr I'etl�rsbnrgT'1 p:cu 11,'11 ib , l.aini than Inn..i:, L.1. \It,r.g Th, r joined fore"• in 'if h^_r4). •end State. and 41n1a4b4.
-r 11 1egr.•e or 114x.
Rattan ` and Nebriseka H Ith the army f p tri.ver_the .
at th,• 1,•.gt ' g of the war they re- -h4PIM tnhtl'r-Yd. reit,- or 4.' 0•11 t r •-1.lauT•r7•l:rr. {Kam the (VC -e- alley Anil .' lug i 114141 • �WyatL_sYL_
..Hila untigable str,.snu and power site.
named it Petrgrad. Now, in use m.rry. wrrt Nutt the R,ny-.s1111) temple hn'. ..from 1'11.1 of the .4J1. Haul". and :\p. , •a:1ug tin• Irouu.lnry nus by' 4)o renes
of th*• 1 1','l eylk lmd,.r. 11 i. 20 !r' gained their thiannl. l'.111 1: we k , 4c p:.ln •1144411.. 1,414 r. not 14o tn.Iny ,4..•114.' 11,4' ..ole -factor-iink1lg ('tnudt.0 x1141
n11ro• eLwrly lose what h:1.'IsY•» jou 4,
o.n.o. 1111.• :nava-nee of 'land •ettlru ' Pulte., anise. letere..1. In the. lerrl-
ca11M1 Is ni11grnd. \grad -tint c2.44i 4- ) "we et northward to the prairie. of .r a114•nt of w:u.•r resources. • For In -
as it were. 4)u i.. IM•.iu the hrvl sere. year. It \\'rat.•rn 4'nua;ln had Ili, lilies . s1a114'' 1"I 14.44 States business rt u
• • • w'l1I 141• difficult to -.1y whether the, 5)11,'.' r Isrgme one ..f 414e ehl•f bad fltnlf.hw,I n eases rt in share 1.f
The Federal ..'I'e. tHY hew Ih.t twiny
Czarist terr..risw or the, bridle ter ffet..r. lit the e•edntllxatlll -of •.•hat ._th,;fpew• capi4al that had )well re'ptirld
friends. but there i, rpt 'vast one thio; rorf.m was. the w„rv. Is•uifl's .1. stir were now t!1.• pr..iu''''s "1 111Intt,I4l.: to [beide, the great 1' :arcs, that Ivo!
to' n. sold for it -It 'helps tenon. to .tidy Is• 4he signal for another 1...,.,:,1.:1'1.11). Ow I'.arde... .it.l \Ir. Stewart•1 h• orn made 144 Canada during hunt
.Na•katchewun. and .VI-•rtn. year. along reYtitze that nnmey..4ent by gore n" tlinurrc uu.{vuu tit. ant there ,eh• run' . 4 rcat as are our c.onmon h,t•4'. b the_ lino .,f liars -Isi"
ors that ...wetrdu_ ..f the .ort I. w• -:1te•r-paver. \lush of the eaprital re-
ment cover. out of tlte•irpxkets, not ready in beer..• " �lrn• I. nothing hl .err c.•-uts•rative quirwl for these nn.b•rt,ekhrg« hate Is•on
out of some mngleian's loot. 1• t lemalary undertaking• 10 ,c"tn•xare in ,•btlhlwl within the Irlmiuion or the
• • • • • • • • International tmpis.rtnruo•. •with 1he,- Empire but the bulk of it had been se -
1 , uultua! iuflne,oe. exerte,l by this rid..
$4-,_144..uu►w�.y«rr-lw-41,4. theft of -Tire p..rli•ty....t '.lir ...,t cttrert rfrominnr • for rated trot'..
cru.• o4* February 2o. nod-ff.w'. T 1rTirnwtr 4....a-rn Mal tip : tomb"mute. • hydro-eleetrle 1.1141 kind -
We can ti•lI nue better 414111 that ; We the .4'..11.11 i. somewhat . Later .11,au
, 4)o.•4)h• •.f prups.rtnrll rota -.•-,•r,• a
`. r I. development Wn. 1IkoIy to pro -
44.41 years
saw a -own delivering I.Y•.t11e tither tiny I :tonal o14 14/'4./.11111 of the abseil... of cell IIA a hart" arab• for man, ..4r
:lou. TIn• tnu1.R•rnhlr• vet... i• ,•1- to e.vue nud.,Judghrgc from the course
when it seemed to- in. -about the last i 114)• Premier mei .•tta•r 344ni.ter.. While ,taf:y le.ominn, w•.r.. erhfw,r. I- 10.14 e, of h,•ent growth. „,.there wpgld be 21
thing; In the .world anybody would 1 ltteudlhg the Iwls•rial t•'uufefen,••• :114.1 a 11..,'•sity in Canadian 114.1:21.'.. The ; further 11.4041 .if IM4)'rll'inus dollars of
want. the 111111•., " he \in•h•r of Fivain•,.. a'to toot ly,1. 11'cn112111ua1.,' 41( ,.1014.? fre.h ea 4111411 111 the 1114‘1, 24•11 yrnr..
• • • - I The "''111' .proud..•, to Ie an hater, 1.'`'. ''u _roups of elector). whose int- 1'1'!" faro: -ling .1f 111,'.. investment
In the hist twenty ,,urs 4.I'481 Brit f esthlg ow..Uu1uI th.• uwn4'n flute riess ii. Maley l4tlrtlenlar. are nllkr,' fluids constituted nor of the very in"-
i.ith the dominance of minority eh- I ps.rtalt mutual interests that is ordin-
al!' ha. hail .4Wele Priam Alinl.t"r.: w•IN le hronzllt ftp for coua,ortition tit. rats.:4. n dire•: r. stilt. 1.r a return 1- rily oyyrh.,lull •.*Ing to the f.erts-
Arthnr italfour. a Sent: ('ataphell• will ?w pincer development on 111, S:. t.. the 11'1 rev. -palely I.nL1., The follow•.11144 of public attention upon varfou4 t Scut : Awlnith. all 1':ug- 'Lawrence River. new ter.,ts-1, railway ere of Premier ilrury, I41 filling tee I homielyry problems where the Paterun-
lish,n:,n: Lloyd jleorke. ie \\'elauuaie;17h,,,. ii* the N...t, h•di.2ributt.'11 of 'ncl^•rt hi. -.ienh.r-ftthm of the tram,- 11i.,111111fro-titre rI'1 'wp d%M►r ennstth.
f••rnhle vote 11114 at1 l' )w•riniental ale- 44'ais:y.
Bonar Low. a1 !float l.hltauadkui: the ..1l'tltl,•Ih•ie•.. legf.lnrlop regard• pli,•atfon of hull "T'. 14_" hied. 1111 Op- Is crnmetiun the 441;4.r made
Ing the rated 1'hnreh f 1'11111111,11, plrhu4iq that -ell! punt ls, offered a print .111111, fhnu Nw' m. suer 4)L h.
Map•Ihum id- i1 Slat. the w,.tst1(4'»' lwnking'teggistirtton.- -the national fin. -:•caIti-ail, long a. 1114' present adnlini•-I rerpt1ou "vitee11tly 411.4•4)!4 imprcw.rl
seem to hove had a left More thou, aures. and. of ...nese. that hardy per- tratlon holds office. it is to he hnl.•l his hearer.. Few citiu•us of either
1'11nl.r. ICluit. suplort4'rs wHI nut,cumitry. he. said realize.! tient molly
there share. 1,•mhidl. the tariff. No doubt Ilk" (II► nuake a similar mistake. If the fight I,d the• mita .fraugk ps,lnrs along the
• • • - is,.ltion-Nlit attempt 41 secure some in No. next 1'e4erA1 .election is t41'
Canada . inv. hod net Ise hunk fail ;4n,144411,ition for the next general el. le one of lower ver-n.,hith.r tariffs. i l 414' 1timwl I4 -III - ry [rum the .\d-
onna it wants for n n hi't;'14114 e m .are 1aMf1 to tlge 1'Mcifl' N'rn• tsrupfi14 1.1144
I ecrionl :114.1 the g.•rte•ral "mind.. ..f the as iMu .t-rtlnr \14•ighrn ma the 1'rn- ,
lc hlsrfle •fortre..s•s, as. AIA.. we'n'd
4..l with Ila• 1'u}hrl Stotes�lhls tlnn4lry l'foctt:srlxaa. wit! 1.11. a.hsarst!d_ w Irr*•..!4' s are loth determined to nmke l... taw .ase h. .anular Wit ifattotw h.
%a4 n wunderfltlly clear record. Injnt•rt• t. it. ,./..will 114..1 n clearer and fuller ,Enrol.. Irnt Ly Mage hydro-,•I..left
hell th.re_were 7.1's lank frillnre. 1, - • • • '"xi.r,'*j"" 1.41"11';1'. opinitm than will; hent•. er•rtel with 11u '.1ngl• par•
tine States. T11,• uirat•r uuuds•r ..f is., 1.......0.2.. by any saw.ff di -1:.111m pest' of ndyauciut the tar:- of prate,l!riscussiug Ili. r'rt, .1. n'.r'4')(, 4 "f I.nrty f..34.1.** 1! and In, 111 -try in 1-11.4 trIlntlarr Area.
Go -se ,!ere of State bulks. The .,f air. )'rer:lr with Pt.•mi.•r KIu: • • •
total 11nlilill•. wet., over tw 1 hunter. 1 1'11.• attitude ,.f British T.Iterallsm I "m loth �i.le. of the lonndary. -
t i 1Y .. F.. twos' Stu, ...1.%.: NAfirnruSlnParw.Ike and ,M,1,4111„
Nlgrafory Ii1nM
Willow. Esiarltlly in the ,gricultur• 1f air. I'4444••4,,•• fit 1.. bring, the toward the 'minor 444.yen•m.nt wblel. yl . •rI w.•ot m t.. say' that
al State. the hanks have heel) severely policies of his Ilut-r•rnmout into line has Just Is4•11 ',lama In nfti.• may bet t Caul:ala "peel a distinct delle to the
lit ly•har. tines am.''., the farmer.. with 111..-0 ..f the l'rogr,•sslyes. no judgal from rhe fol;.•vine editorial .Untied State. in regard N• rine ph.vid-
• • • on111uete by air. ('urar. he will 4'S• ,'Npressf,.0 of Thr arAnehtster /:until- len of 'national parks. h" national the fiscal year ended afAreh pets. nrahlrn'ly enough. .npgert 111 the Iqt,: hark.. -emelt was rw•ngnfzwl 114
Ill i1)2.11, the Federal Anr4'rnment :red Hu11se to carry them through. Under 1'1111111111 to -dap ns be g of the.utmtst
There Are, of coarse, very real air- t; the present ele•rnrol system perils• f , natfnnai Important . Judged ly it,over !soh ordinary and
February Sale of Staples
Best quality, 81 -incl -unbleached 68c
heavy plain Siteesttng . • • • •
Best, bleached, 80 inch
English Sheeting, $1 _'') for JOC
Heavy, white bleached, pore and flee
from filling, 34 35 inches 2�5e
Extra heavy. circular 1 best British) 5Q
42-44-46. All at price;,
500 yards of I6 -inch all pure; linen
Towelling, for tea towels or rollers.
with colored border, on sale. Extra-
ordinary value. Yard 12 1-2c
Yard wide superior English Cotton,
heavy, pure bleached. suitable for
any household use. Regular 2',•
30c. February -Sale _ fly
Hemstitch, warranted all purest linen.
size 18 x 36. Regular 60c85e
At per pair OJ
,men's finest all pure wool Cashmere
,Heade, with wide Jersey tops, very
+elastic. Sites 8 1-2 to 10. $1 M
- Special $1!i. At per pair •
Entire sto'i, of, seasonable. stylish gar -
r.__._ _meths, at clearingbitgain-prices.
Alaska Beaver Coati, s•-lect, extra heavily
furred skins. Farmers' satin lined.
teratts' nvetted -and • strapped at all
points of strain. Sizes 38 to 44.
Values A50 and 1,60. t3[ W
Sale each •
Best quality black and white stripe, black
hide or galatea Shi zings. On 30c
Cloth Shirtings, 32 -in. wide.•in
nat pink and white stripes. for
children's dresses. rompers or
blouses, wear and sash guaranteed.
Our regular price 45c. On 254.
sale J
40-inelies, finest' -all -wool French Crepes
most correct and beautiful for
dresses. Browns. navy., black• tad.
blues. etc. At per yard
White Chinchilla, 54 -inch. for C2
child s coat. etc. At per yd
Coats' best 6 -cord Spool Cotton, 200
' yards. black and whits; num- 1 5c
hers 10 to 100. 2 for J
W. Acheson & Son
Every precaution Wats Is•Ing Mk.I by
('ana4)lapa Immigration atlthnrltI. t'
� \stet ver
h• I being done. .
.r {eft th s
4'ailn1111 11n11 A citrin Int4.h".t In 1
,serving the wu4jtt41g„O t of the met
nils teketl by Nu". fulled 51,11, . 1., nn
tad immigration nod 40.110.1 .in the
highest possible-tandfards of citizen-
hIp. 1':i411da• .I t 4r•o.t 111 Nth. prob-
lent was a 14.1.Itn1Al he,•aeise ('an
Milan statesmen realists! tient . tar
growth of the 1londiti.n .luring t11'
nluY+.•tit t•'itfury was 1114.1, to develop
many of the same feature. that char-
nct"t•ised 4'1141.11 State- growth daring
the Lest Iwo 1.r flirt.. D•uerattona.
• Mr Se -wart avoided Any ,Ilse.$»+inn of
the fanrti*i, ar phase. int, wide)) the
problem of assimilating millions of
p•r.enls of Alien birth nod ',arrange
re•w.ved Itself, but he said that Can-
adian authorities- would .tinly the• re-
sit t, of rated States efforts to (14.x1
tele!• IIl!•. r.rol.!• W ::e 44.•:4),1 the m,at
valuable guide for the shaping of 4'41-
. 144)1,14, policy along the so11ndt•,t Mira.
, !hiring 41ot ends?.. of Ila address 31r.
Stew-nrt toktoiro•11,11 to refer to the
1 vfslt of the late Presid*ut Minting to
V21 111.11/1111'r at MI to express (',4nndn's
profotnd 41trpreeintiarl of the pest•
less Iegto'y of goodwill conrnhhrl In
I'r*wi.k•nt flnnlIng s speech h during
that visit. ilia tragic drntlr, follow•
ing nlmna lmmwliat••ly. lin. brought
I a een.e bf arrrrow h. the Dominion
hardly less than to IIs own country.
a snrplrr, of netirly fifty
ehlx•ea triw.•11 the•Twta irtles: nn.
tnllllnns ..... .44•rr_�,p•r.,tl..0 is•tw-reu ten ped there err difference -1 re n• e s w ithil.. tit., l.stt k"'. cr'411 -salix4e ler,e end math 'f
capital 4'x- ItI.nI. groups+ must 1ra.T to n «4tp• credit for the pruRrYxs that had
peudflure. . This .Hegar!. however. me•nwnre of .o-oix•ratI,n In the ridings pens: one great interest in common:
14.1• more Wan ah.orhlrl 1, Illi. teeflelt If 44 ,,liylsiou of fore". Is not to play "nu•Ithe•r cru, dispense with too/ old 1.{ I traced to the Influence of l• lilted
luta the hood. 1f n rotnrnon opponent omeoll !flares ''"n2111"
And sentiment. At the
the other. It is not a gnestlon tit the mania. time• ar. Stewart nm,trke/1 that
one dntilhuttlug the other: they 'an. I
mutually dependent. The calor Canada had given something 111 rc �� --- ,
elder of envie of them, but they have at
Well Known 1
la'4'n made in this direction 41.1)1(1 Met Abstemious (;.ntl•num: w'an you
tell me what the. ht IsY'
4'onsinble: They'll be open in
ten rnlniih'
in tf,,714.lm11114 of the natlntln.l railtyay
'system. and the not re.ult 142144 an
nddltinn of thlrtylane millions to the
pulrll debt. This is 11141 smallest ad-
dition t4* the today .1i•M in tell ,hues.
• • •
A❑ Ilttaw:1 - (101444 telt .2.4 . that
The 114'xt step. whether Iolltl.htu, pian
It or not, le a return 44.
air. ('rerar, however. ioekea A
'1i:1,1441 111 the electoral! system ane
of 111.4 major proposals. and he 111414
In min,!: of conn,'the adoption of
Of the (:root 44'nr are 141144 there nn
(In lnhrl; 11. a lora,. ninnls•r 1r ens.•
- they bail. been sent out nn.1 hart'
been returned 111*,),') 14144.1.14 mt i nit t..
lack of "orreet ad.lrM., per -1.:w 141
,•tltlel toeither melnls or memorials
"are requested by the officials of the
Department of So'41er- 1'14111 Ile-..
tab'f.htnen4 to mike Immelint' tip
plication to the.ireputy \Ilnheter tit th.
1'Mpartmeitt of National Tlefehr*•.
In connection with the .upsets rnn
question Premier ,Ferg11.on is .1,
gagged In the gond 4)ld game of "pas.:
Ing the buck." If ther.• Is n en 444 f",
hovernment intervention. ?he Got-rern
Went. of the Provinces 1.f trot/1.10
and Alberta 141,011141 handle. the nut:•
terif a special favor Is granted to
thee.. Prot -'m'.. lei the way of An na.
profitable 1.1te for coal on the ('an-!
adlan Nallotull RAllwbp.,•ea.h 1.f tic
other Provinces will demand cum
pensating advantage. and first thing
t.w know the natlnea riliw•at• .�.
tells will 4,. a .4 reek. HIr hello ,
.ITS L/11E
f r
parry 1114
1112 "41111 begin 4.4/111 thew.', for 4)o arumger hind tyre 1.••
1elr in;
entry Int its policy W4114/111 1•1114.111 frit -oiled the Parks .\d ministration inl i the States than that of the lute Frani;-
AM. and this best hopes of !Aber Mon I
in the present Parliament are of tilt iC [.ant•. 1'Amlefian ley birthole,
n.'e.sltp e•ettt rt•d 14) the .1114414410
storerooms --
with Liberal 1114, Idtt'rattsm
IWill share tin• ,'relit. nit 1t will
have sharel the responsibility: If it
halls. i•iberaali-m will also have hailwl.
:1114) will pray part Of in. penalty.
mkt,. tux• broom fact. It would she
easy to misrepresent It : on 11.' Ln141.r
side as 11 kind of nlbwn-lror•. on the
Liberal b•ral side a• n snrren,l•-r of Its .11s• nod its n fore,. for International
tinetive chitmetev "and tradition•. It will 1111.1 aa•11a•ration, Itp that tr,':»l
neither. it la p1'rfe•e•tly-,Yansisten1 the two et -motile. had agreed to ex-
ult]) an honorable independence on tend equal prot••-tion to the wild 104
4x1111'.14.'. Of eonr144' If the, only,thIng 1 lift• w•hIctl sojourn. It. the Dominion
which labor cane. aloud 1. the Waller- .hiring the ne•tin41 s4Y4son and In the
tion of the 1111 haste print'lpies of 1 State. 4)nribg the winter. "The metier:
tl,x•lalh'tle deetrine it will get nn *141 I taken a'"ng thew. thm•." .Apel ?4r.
froni the Liberal party III wider Slfe't ' 51,.w-nrt.-perhaps divot more wind
totem. TG on the other hand. tire 1.r•441)1 th the spirit 1.f our Intternntlmi.
2.ilerallsm of the Liberal party i. 1.f 1I rela`Inn. than ilea•s the erection of
-hat paltry and pedantic kind which i- a power plant. the joint protection of
nse•1194 of no affinity to the inrg,•r 1 A I.nnn/,ry fishery. co' Arty other 4.o•
elms and ideals of T.ab,.r-well• It 14.1411 np••rltiv(I Imsine•• undertaking from
better hug itself In Isolation. welting! .bleb we loth reckon 011 hrehl11tf an
$ for the not distant day of Its own elt• I a,). ante 11111114.1111 • In 111•• Mem or
tInctl,n. But If. lis w--• believe fo Ise ! anotlwr"• ^^
the sleuth, there Is" a deep affinity of
ewx•!nVIVOl aspiration between the t' 1 Dian Problem.
parties. and n great field of prnetleal "Touching very briefly on the sae
reform on which they are practlewllr , jeet of immigration. ]Ir. Stewart 114•
,•s// a•'•'�"- '~0f. agreed. why not ,$4111 fort.•o and travel wired his al1Atet4o that Canada had
n g. rue r n• far n.:Ley 1 441..11 1•'1 par: 111 listen;inn wiclt.rer of '.an n:: nu
Solt) in G0(4,41rl, by Campbell's Drat ."mp.ny on'y when In ho:u-:ry they anteenom for the 1111,1? hitt"da flint of
Store and N. C. Dams,. .- l thatl lmmlgraala„ toil the I'nl:e.l iItatea.
filled one of the large places in the
mean gn44IN Mie ef-bis ihkr.
Mr, Ist*•wart .xpressel .othernetien
In !relief of mole to joint nut that the
httsitieap In•tlnet--the dollar and cents
ceusiderdtion--had not teen the Rote
nl"tj1-e behind the ('aft dint*-.kmeri'nn
program of -conservation. Ile cited the
Sligratory Birk Treaty as n tribute to
the spnrt•tiutnshfp of the two peoples
Use Grandma'. Sage Tea and
Sulphur Rollo and Nobody
Will Know
Tbe use of Sage and Sulphur fog's- '
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color dates hack to grandmother's time.
She used it to keep her hair beautifully
dark, glossy and attractive. 11'henever
her hair took on that dull, faded or
streaked appearance, this simple mix-
ture was applied with wonderful ef-
I But brewing at home is mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by 'Liking at
any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will
get this famous old preparation. im-
Iproved by the addition of other ingre-
dients, whish can be depended upon to
restore natural color and beauty to the
Well-known druggists say it darkens
the hair so naturally and evedy that
nobody can tell it' has been applied.
You simply dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
,)1lt hair, taking one strand at a time.
By morning the gray hair di.appears,
and after another application or two. it
becomes beautifully dark and glossy.
' A New Kantor •
41.--"k\' at 11 1 1
1'11 t m r I1. eb u Memo •a
stalling mr that stuff you called i , •
restorer 111.4 telling no ii wou1.1 n•
410re my !WW1 !I, it. orixttall .•nn-
('hem:a--"fridn't yen Me lir
(lu.totner--"No. I dktn't.' 1f t
kept on moot longer t --`oath.
"Cascarets" lOc
if Sick, Bilious,
LY•c. ••ntin•lV 14111111 /original eon-
diti1 h ,I'•"
•' . n %l...t Iw•jl.• are I,. r.
14(44 ..r I,..lrly Los se 'I1tot 1. the
eerie/le-Ai .,nptitiln.-
hast• .
•.'Clw•y-11'4.::: kl';tii.r-l+w-�t,ay..••
When you fegI..,ek, arty, up,et, when
your head- . is; 41111 or a11i,:ng. or jour
r•tomach is se':r or grassy, just take one
or two pleasant "(.'asearet." to relies•
nest i tuition and-Lilionsncss. No griping
tieest cathartic -laxative on earth for
.len, Women a -.r1 Children. 10e boxes,
also 13 and !,tie sizes-anv drug store
K121)(4105 1 lr s i c ries
presses 4:n7hams
Sweaters st.xkings
ilnn't Render xi1.thrr .4414 can dye or
tint eucr eefulh. because pet tet home
dveiat is guaranteed wah-Ihamond
Dyes even if you have r.• • 4•r dyed
fore. Druggista have al - .. Uuec-
ti. . early palka1 s.
Money Saved Here
"Necessity Knows No Law," and Necessity
is at the Bottom of This
Our policy of "Never to pack away goods from
one season to the next' makes it imperative for us to
hasten the departure of present stock before the arrival
of spring goods.
"But it's too late to buy winter clothing," you
Not a bit of it providing the inducements are
great enough. Winter is not over by any means.
We can expect plenty of cold weather - more than
likely the coldest of the year.
Vi'e are clearing up a lot of splendid Coats,
Dresses, Skirts.
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
East Side of Square GODERICH, ONT.