HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-31, Page 1�_ Read the Advertisements to The Signal. Buy advertised wares. It is a safe and sound policy. SEVENTY-EIGHTH 1 F; ►Ft 50. s THE PEOPLE'S COON KA1 SrECONOMI• To The Editor of The eignal.- Ikar 81r: Th.. i'z'eutive coronitis of Huron .ottnty tot 9 bee in Its bonnet and took the be In frit teeth last week when it waled the county grants righteted left su that 1n Its report the only- two grant 00 survive .u,nlhilnttn,) were One of $1000 to the Children'. .{id Swim). and a sec- ond of 112:. to inch toehold fair in the eounty. With al! their .'milling the commitfe.• wit, nnty at•(.. T...are 14100. The ire of several e•••utet14.rs was promptly nesse neon !h.• rending of the .r.mmine.'s report ...ch the result that It the eonanittew "sat on" the majority of the grants Q. council as a whole in turn 'oat re tTie'eommit- te•e for it.:siraatir- utsasures. which they pimply were Not able to put aero.e and rightly so. Rut the coun- cil cot the genet% in .half neverthe- Itws It wit. (sew ..•ostomy from the drop of else hunt Loa year num] (notify roads r the attention and benefit e! Liz exp.'nditure of *174.0(w.. of ,vnr.e. all ..( this sum did not enaw, directly out of the counh'.r , cci.q,H r..but nevertheless 11 remain: a fart that that amount of Inon.'r was cienr all the roads in 1ik. 1.e , ..he figures use rr tel n to detail iu the .•mote engineer's re- port) the .';w nt ot. the rewei4 wean gl47Jskl nid t!... angioses claim.. that their %%n• n,.!-etfi..•nt money for malntens:,.. of row.[• daring the year just .feast. 1. the c•.uneil not penny ,, wts.. -anal :see! .10611111? The' ewi:: • .in I:, eeisnortile moist - 4,m est ,Min on gran/ to fall fairs, a.pi f an. WtTT1 Referee, end school a. II worthy isiatitral.ms to whom the nt from the county. email as. It wow fn h .n.-., w,as In -the nature of a Itte w ver in !seeping tit.. wolf from the - doer. ;('.,midst ft' it Is bad enough as. it (newt it would have been very laoliwh-in.1,e.1 hail_tbe executive cora- mitt., 1...n able to g.•t away with 1t* • rewtumen.l:ttinn "no melon." •'no anti tion," "no action." 'it it dearly ul, to tis' p.oplo to et. prow. their oplu.nt an to whether they i as mtisfled wit•, •im-h toothed.. of ef- fecting trtrnomy. Why not be mneis- ?.•nr'and eff e. t w-nnnmy 911 round s rattler than m:,rn•* paltry 14100 q the 1 expettee of orennirwtiont that can III • afford to lose the measure oPeouuty assistance given them In the past? MCIONONIIST • Why Why waste time in useless "shopping around" when the advertisements in The Signal lay before you the choicest wares of every progressive merchant in town.' GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1924 RADIO PROGRAMS PORSONAL MENTION - For t�ta lftarit ear'imtai 3. ill WGY tichwKetady, N. Y., General Yr. Wel Johnston, of Toronto, was • Electric. Company, 790 K'loe•vclet (3't) Trailing bin brother. Mr. (Feorge Jahn- Meters. ) ton, Rayfield road, this week. i Sunday, February 3, 11.00 a.m. -1 Mr. Charles 11. Humber has henqa t !terve.. of 1t. Peter's Flee:opal of town during the past ten days,�tts- Church, Albany, N. Y. on, i . P. the Icing with relatives and friends 10 Bev. (en30 tries C. n. rt (.3' k 15. Toronto, Hamilton and Port Rowan. i Symphony � IOre-eetrrt ai the MW ; - t Orch,wtra, a,+alwud by Yay- Mrs. A. Cornfield and ,laughter. fn'd Spooner, contralto. Miss Edith, aro out of town visit- 1 7.45 p.m.-Servke of A:hasy Street Ing friends in Turonteemse New York; ellethodiat Chur:h Schenectady, N,.Y" Mies Josie• Saunders its hefting with address on "Near East Relief." by Toronto friends. \\ Monday. , Foranr 4 -. - PMnAr her e/icelittle program by Creek-a-Jacklett ths Werk to r1,1k tslativ.t atFour, 'wile ra'alists; Frank Bentz, ituffeta and Port Iluron and will be 1 yh.ut • 11.•iiii Sires mu:1er. away for a month. - 1 Tue;thy. February 5, 7.15 p.m.- .dtr. F, A. Sparr has twin transfer- So.•otwl of aeries of dancing Icsoious hy red to the offke of the Menem,' Caw' Arthur blurry. N. -w York. adz. }'lour Mills Co„ Limited at Mont- 7.43 p.m. -Addressee on "Caneerva- r.ez.l. Ile has been appoluted account. tlon"'by Henry M. Sage and Seuator not for the s,roviuee of QueIne. }:Ironwood M. 1tabonokt Mrs. A. W. ]ender, of Ali.. Mod.•1 ! kilt p.m.-14e'sslon of American In - Theatre, 1* out of town on a -.three • *tituto of• Electrical Engineers at months,' trip to ea:lfornia. Philadelphia. Pa., with addresses by A tarn[ issue of The Toronto Daily;railroad exe:utice.+ of the nation on Star contained the following item of ii.,eitwl Aspects of Transportation." p, on:' local Interest, Mrs. Armstrong, who. il•'"]tn•wtay. Fe:hruary 6: 6.30 p.m. - was formerly Miss May fiueha nen of p.m. - Adventure Story courtesy of Youth's Gal.'rich, fa • daughter of the late. l'om]ranlnn.) Mr. cud Yrs. Jant•s Buehauan who, sk'..l day, ret•runry 7, 7.45 p.m.- w•ere rrttident. of Golerielt for many, Muekal program by Edward A: Rice, years: A most ell a •able ciorin : Fa11•i A. Pete, piano: . ear - 1 M tea was g1v' Burleigh, w''to; Peter Schmidt. clar- e•u this afternoon by the members of lner: Irene Nagle. soprano and Bertha the University Women's Club in their , (•b,we Rankin, reader. , attractive rooms on fiber street west.' Friday. Ft'truary 8. 7.4.5 plus,. The ghosts of iwuor for the .fay were' Sele`tfon. hy 1\'GY• Orchestra and Lady Falconer sad the elves. of the addre.ts nit "Wonting." by C. A. heads of the colleges. 'and the facer: Gammons, ltegionnl Boy Scoot Exerts - ties of the university. Mrs Charles tire. Armstrong and Mrs: Edward Ardagb s.13 p.rne-Radio. Drama - \V(;1' rceelved the quant.. The tet table ',eyelet will present the 1(123 Puitixer weft dome with ranee of daffodils and 1'rl.••I'lay, "Icebound," by permi.:slnn Hercisse and tea was .erred by a of the anchor, Owen Davis. number of the club m'•inhere. I 10.30 p.m. -Program hy WGY Or - Mr. and Mra. Henry elartiu have, t'hestra and Mollie Sttw'kard, soprano. gone to Toronto to spend •t few week6 •Caturfey. F'ebntary 9, 4() p.m,- .islthrg member* of their family, Jack �tymnnl. Orchestra at Hampton Mr... E. Young. Mn.. Drinkw'ater and 11"4"1, Aitvtny, N. T. , Getteval M.' -op Azzap.'pian. Mina Kathleen Ih'lnkwater .of Coe!). I rano spent last week with Mies :eh,/ step on the Gas Inge 1 handy little a(remory appeared at the motor show in the form of .fat,lonall Gibbs. teacher of piano a cane eontnlning a eompleto first - 111d singing at Knox church, Rat. aid outfit. This happy idea disp.•nww ;Maya10 a.m., to noon; and 3 to with any Irritating need for caution. 5in. • - tt 'white driving. Lt. -Col. John A. Varcoe Has an Interesting Life Story SmId in Colborne Fifty -Five Years Ago -An Enterprising Agriculturist and Live Stock Breeder -An Active Worker in Church and Fraternal Organizations Varied and various lea.'• been the Ing %Ixh an office In the Bounty to be/ iesivltioe of Lt. -Cod John A. Vareoe. re -appointed hr the Conservative (iov- of the itch cotwrmwina of Colborne town. ernmcnt, which come into power WI shlp. 1{'hila he 1.. nit on aid men, hnv- th.•tt year ander Sir James Whitney. ing been born eer.•nty-••'•ren years ago. Fraternally Col. Vareoe 'haw been he le in every news• of ti.' surd a ernuietesi with various wwHeti.•a In - pioneer ..t the township in whl•h he chiding the Good Templar*, Patrons rankles .iter' there are but one or two nt husbandry and Marione. He first other men in the tunni.ipality today join's' the Masonic order at Gtw1erich who w. -re rcnld,nts o' the time he, in 1v7_. The following year Morning - settled there nearly fifty five years, ntar lodge was organized at Smith's ago. Hill and Col. Varcoe became its Mns Col Vnreoe, who was the fifth child ter for three years. 'Ince which time In a family of oeven children born he het melntatned hit eonne.etlnn to the late John Vas..." and Mary' with tide indite at s.crrtary for twenty- i Arts Aesoelatfon of Ontario. During the past thirty years Col. Vareoe hag bean one of she foremost breeders of pureered Polled Angus (Aberdeen Angus) cattle in the Domnlon. For some yearn, with minety bead of cattle. he owned and eontr(llltd the 'largest pttrehrnd herd of the breed in the Do- miufort. At the Toronto exhibition in 1004 a three-yeerold Polled Angus hall [red by Mr. Velem. carried off the sweepstake prize for hullo any breed ny age. Because of the high atan- lard which he ham maintained in hit rd a•hi iorieh. had his first glimpse•.,of the -;pork' nt Cornwall, Feetiand- He came ,11b Verged* with his parents at the of three years, the family settling A farm near Port Hots' where they yesi.1'•,I for about nineteen years. In _lie t (col. Tame* htm«.If .•aro,• to I- ,.ler.Co•it and wattledon .. 200-a're farm in Colhornr te,nsltip. lo'. 4 and 6, where 1(e has (Pei ever •.ince. Itev. Mr. eleveright performed at (;odr.- rich in 1877 the ceremony whk•b united the chief organizer In 1871 of the Col- in marriage Mr. Vsreoe to his wlte, borne Township Agricultural Society, formerly Mfrs Maty Jane Motwiy, of whish he was secretary -director for daughter of the Tate Mr and Mra. John twenty-one fears. He was also the first Nieeell• The family ennalate of one secretary of the Weet Huron Agri - daughter and two sons; Mn. T.C. Tee- cultural Society, w'hkb office: be filled ' thewey, of Gne'ph, Mr. ('heries Varcoe, M Toronto and Mr. Per. Vareoe on the homestead. John Vareoe. tr., died to 1886, Just twelve year* atter his wife had crammed away. A airter• Mrs. Rob- ert Young, of G(tieriele and a broth- er, Mr. 'Mani henry Vane*. of Pomona, tpaitfornia, are now the only 0 hsl\snret\ring member,. of the fam- ily. - 0o1. IF•rcoo reer'fved his education at Port Hope Grammar School and Me- Glll University, Montreal. Re wan forced throueb. ill -health to abandon bis eourse In medfeine aftert,attending tmiverrity for three Teem. In religion Col. Varcoe, 1s a Pres-- byterian, having been en attire MM. her nt (Imitat'e Hill t'htde(eb for a great many years Together wltb the late Mr. Dart, who waa eupertntendent, het was Instrumental In otganiaing the Sunday aettool of the chrtre!b and was himself fora number of rears teacher of the adult Bible class In politka Col. Varro. 1s a Maui** Liberal. He was at one time off* the nomination an (andid*ts for the party to ()entre Huron. 1His aetivi in pettiest were mainly eonfined, how- ever, to the campaigns in which per- sonal friends, Col. Roan and Jostle* (farrow, were (engaged, wino be would Min' lite matap as entropion of friend and party alike. For a period of about tun year'* Mr. Vareoe acted as school treetops et S. S. No. 1, ooltelase. in TIN As was appotntesd • Jof the einem at Russo esnaty. !a Mt he ire/ the any one ennse. ntice Span erni latterly at yet num re nearly Senior ePeet.' -u Master. His connattertyi no fifty head, Col. Vareoe has won dipinm- with the Patrons of Ilushanetr last- as and prizen try the score. About y 11100 he was e'trted rice -president of ed for a remparatively brief period of the Altrjkeen lAtlraa Cathie Breed - six or seven years. The Gown Tempters!' Ors' Ararnclatnn of Canada. From lodge of which he was at member [net, 1004-11 he had the honor of 'bolding at Nile, the preeldency of that emaciation. Col. A'wnyt having taken a keen Interest Vareoe ie also a breeder of pure bred in farming Col. \'arers' has done much rF-gist ved Berkshire hogs. In his day on behalf of agrienittare. About the year 1864, while he WON Along with Mr. Gordon Young be was still attending school, Col. 'Forme joined the Port Hope Light Infantry. Then fame the Fenian eampwign and during 1865.66 he spent nine months on the Satdwk'tt, Windsor and Niagara frontlern. For @seven months he was tamped with troops stationed moose from Detroit under the commend of Col. William,, Skirmishing was the chief aetivity of the volnttteera, who paid at the rate of 25 cent* a day for their aervkrs. Col. Vareoe roomed his second t.I*a, and first-class papers will-itetending Witter? -wheel at Tor- onto. He waw___ at different periods attached to the Royal Canadian Light Infantry at Toronto and *leo at Iondon, veleie dnritw one mummer he wee attached to the 13th !Inman, the relict of the beret., regi- ment of Balaclava fame. Haring at- tained the rank of captain he wee at - tithed In 1877 to the feled ilnron regi- toont with headgnarter, at Goderleh Pleven yeara later be was given the rank of major, and in 1898 was. given eominand of the reg ntcnt am Lt.- Ciol., whleh partition he held until he reached the age Hmlt for retirement air yearn Later. Col. Vareoe holds a medal given for ;onkel') the Fenian campaign. along with a gratuity of $100 and a 160 -acre section of nitocenp- ierl land in Northern Ontario. He is also the proud poem..nor of the Vic- toria Decoration for Merttor4(n. Per - 'lee in ret'ognitfon of hie services in the Milltia. Iieeanae of lila varied intersmte In the oast and because of Ms genial per- sonality Col. Vareoe fa a man with whom It is both interesting and prof- itable to meet *ad mavens The Eng - nal extends to him, and to Mrs. Var- eoe as well, its beattlest wi.h•e for many mon years of b*i h and titp- Vasco• wan a bronze medal for the best managed farm in Nortb Huron, in a comeStltion conducted thronehoot the Provines by 4110 Agriculttual sad ter fifteen pare..i, Soar Itis! ORA. ♦ FAREWELL MESSAGE_ CLINTON WHITEWASHED NEW INSPECTOR I8 HURON COUNTY BOY THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO, UMiTED, Publi,bera. With Ell* lame the apaluu,•a,.. „ notch R hTc h T a11 -vi oi* ewiel Ttte Signal since August 1.R. 11121, will be terminated and on February ,1st t'bei management will revert to Mr. W. fl. Robertson, my puede error. As 1 make this annuuneeme'nt, wbleh mAus the severing of my tonneetlon with the bestrews community of Rode - rich, I wish to take thie opportunity of expressing my appreciation of the vete.- hearty er;`hearty euppurt 1 freer received retie the many bead friends of The Signal during my residence here When 1 assumed control as manager, two and a -half years ago, I made the state - meat Thi t "bt lutmankr. __ 8 _ �li►t_ than promise," and thus it has been my t'ndearnr to publish a newspaper which not only would be received favorably .by our .subscribers but which would reflect the prugrewtdvnees of our com- munity as well. 1p this latter under- taking I feel that 1 had the hearty co-operation of the merrh,tnta as. a whole and I trust that they have profit,d as a result of oar uhited ef- forts. That • I also have enjoyed the ttienfldence of The Signal readers in a goodly measure has Leen manifested In the many tomplial.•tttary mesergt•s which I have tlaeeired from time to time. - I h:•trtt Geek'rleh frith regret. "The Pretties Town in Canada:" is indeed a pleasant place.to „Bice anti. were It not for the .target opj orfunities which are off.•re.l the tit another field 1 e would Ice content to remain here in- definitely. For your R••nprott* � patronage 1 a thank you and as for my stieeewnor I wish him all I fortune. m 131 lesdericls Juniors at West Kink oo Monday I�t The Junior Northern League flit a West street rink on Menday event is whteh, the ideal Jualora whl washed Clinton 2.0, larked the pap an fleet of the contents between then (same last year, but was tboroughl PnJnj•.d by the dotal fans neiwrth low.. ('art -Draper, of ('lint) who refereed the game, . wa e,naMerd by Rome to he almost t. *trite _In penalizing 11,.. player-, finer. _being-COntinusi lare11 to -tee penalty box, not that there war mw'h *ten ttonat rough stuff, rather it !erased to be clumsin,' and aw'kwardne'ss. Moth teems offending in this. regard. Tee,first period of the PM.. was, 1Li1:e.-111rather1 w Beck relieving frequ,yttlr with _end to to end rushes. Roil gnaltcnders had fw-o or three narrow ew,•apos. F.arly In the second period Clinton thought they fund 'scored a goal, but the referee aeeepted the emiphatie assertion of the goal umptre that the puck had not entered the net and no goal w -n,. allow- ed. Not long after this incident Itob- insnn :mewed for the home beam and Ktaefi ' Talijeeior J. C. Stotbers, of Muskoka, t ; is Native of A..nfield and Former � � G. C. I. Student d Hr. J. ('. Stoth"rs, who ora br n al' TO PROMOTE THE BLUE WATER ROAD DURING SEASON t pointed inspector for Muskoka DI. Owen Sound Will Likely Take Y trk•t, is a brothel' of Mr. S. II. Stuthors, the Matter up Moat Agricultural Representative, of elle. Energetically. ton. ice is a natire of Ashtkeld tow n- ship. and atte•twittd Goderkh t'nNeg- lute Institute, (loderleh Model school Yin ha fi itad.L _ m 1 a,• g Lh Ne ntu ht h9ol_ x - � for five years In the townships of Ath• `field, Colborne tel West \Vawanoah, flu securing his first -.•lass certificate is 1913 he war appoint.] to the staff of Toronto l'uldie Schools. In 1914 (plot wt»( Iettl e• went overseas, w nervi.'t. iq 'France with the 15th Batten -in " Std Nott d lii.ghlandere." Ice reiurnel from over- ' seas el 1911) and completer( hi,. course h for 1t..\. at Quern's 1'nitwttty 111.1920 1111111 in 1921 nblalnel his M. A, degree with specialist *lauding In Eugtiah and History. ]I.• has eevetei him connec- tion with the Toronto Board of Edu- cation and will take over his new duties at olive. 4 Iatnbemonium relguaI f e'w min- Eltt.w.d Thompson rarriel the bulk . u k r f the work for the hnmesrers 1u the +rt.( steam. during which the %lie [tors were hard premed throttehout the entire period. The Red and Whitt( forward line hroke away near the, fit fah and on a pass from Nairn, Rob- inson scored the necond and final gnat of the game. and the round was tied. Clinton haring won at home 4-2.: (Its the whole the lops? hops made a •redltalde showing and are deo-trying of z. nee* stronger support from the ftfzprs., the attendance at the game lacing less than 300. The Clinton team is undoubtedly cakened from fast year through the ►.tent's of Freddie Elliott and Chick owden, "Hopper" Mountain, "fum- y" Young and Earl Westbrook are A FOOI. McQUABJtiF, aheenteps this ynerfrom the local line - BISHOP OF KEEWATIN TO VISIT GODERIC Will Address Thr Nlereings In (isorge's Parish Hall On F riday- Speak a,' Lion's Luncheon At Loon Andlent-es whish hare taxed to - achy and overflowed the halls the parishes which -he has visited ha gn.•ted the Bishop of K•ssvatin on 7lho he held on Saturday afternoon, Feb- itinerary eb trinerary of Ea,dera Canada. Bishop's diocese extends from the of ru9ry 9th under the auspices of the A.{•lcrnrla Home and Retinol CI h. The edmfswion fee will be 15 centro A of number of prizes will be g1 np. the first two named tieing rieident i in Port Colborne and Detroit. teepec- tirely. H (itnton--Goal. Elliott ; defence, Ned'. ger. (Tole• forwards, Roberton, O'Rorke. W. Hovey; nubs. Mutt*, nig- glnn. Goderk b -•-Goal, Sanderson; defence, E. Thompson, Beck; forward*, Robin - ton, E. Allison, D. Nairn; subs, At- (1- itoen, J. Allison. c' I Referee -earl Draper, Clinton ]+is. A Children's skating carnival will ternationai boundary on the south Western Ontario and Eastern V's. toba to as far north as 16-10 po.,.l to go. skirting the west toast James and Hudson Bayt. Rut t Mahon's story is not confined to h own dlrw•es.; he has come east Present the cause of all ('anadian 1 titans and 1,.kimo. he to is gi to pet le McDonald, McDonald, of Detroit n - e best costumes, and all too boys and He 1n town are invited to com- e. Fuller announcement next I It IS quiie probable that Th. Blue !Nater Highway, so far as it affects Owen. Sutftid, will he more strongly en pportial hero this year than ever be- fore. .Mr. 11'. T. !hare., i'reeident of the Owen Hand Board of Trade. in ttu' neer future intends. to hate a enemies... of the Bard appointed (0 look after this important section of the Mtonrdjr wry•` and, to Iterer.-().rre n 's interests well before the tonriats who will h• mmhfg to Can- ada from the United States+ during the corning tourist season. Last year e,t-Mayor Harris was the r'premntatlre of ' Owen Sound on the Blue Water Highw•ey Associa- tion executive, and wean the most entbusiastic metuber of the nsww•la- fFerner Resident of G oleri rh Passes 'Following an nesse, extending over A peened of severed year. Nellie Mc. ' Donald. wife of Thomas Menonald, pas' ed away at her late residence, ., 1806 Griswold street. Port Huron. on Saturday. January 19th. Prior to her 'marring,. eight years ago to her nowt b reeves husband, who in a well known (;rand Trunk RaiIway.ounduc- tor, the detreaed was one of (;nde- rieb'a moist popular )'ouuk ladles. iieeidee her husband she is snrrired by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Live sisters. and one broth. ; Mrs. Joseph Eme«, of St. Thom- as. Mrs. Hugh Mc h,rven, of Ottawa, Mix. I.ene inciter and Mist's de•ssie and Annie McDonald, all of town, and John McDonald, of Dc..oit. Whip• liv- ing here the deceased was actively identifier with many orgauizations in St. Peter's church, of whleft she was a devout member, rendering particular ne•rrice in the church choir. The re- mains were brought. to (loderich for interment in the Catholic eemet,ry in Colborne township. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon of last week from the residence of dtrt'aaed'a parents, CambrMge strut, to St. Peter's church where Rev. Father P. J. , (loam celebr i R tbn in ftp• city. Through hts efforts. Owen Sound wag given a ctry pro - mi neat place in the advertising dis- t/Need in vonneetlon a•irh the highway. Bast year was the flr.t In which 'the city realty began to bene- nt to any great extent by this ad- vertining. The local merv1t int* practically without exception state flint a larger amount of business was (lone with tourists than ever '[*•fore in the hlt.tory of the city. Some lines � trade were p rtleularly ftat."red in this respect and a consider- able amount of bush es -a was from the tourists who came to4the city generally by way of the Blue \Vater Jiigltway. e This year, Mr. Harris has again secured ([wen Pound a prominent pias to the advertising, which 1e tw lnq hrnhdcastet In the ieeterj • Stat.... Mr. Barrio has personalty tarn ' that the r.gnind amount of money to glee the city proper publi.•ity was fortheoming, --y, With the cummfttee of the Board of Trade to handle thin work. Owen Sound should have double the num- tsar of -tourist visitors /sere this year, that have been here at any- time in- the --(shyer hhrtorc. Mr: ------_-- Itarris le of the opinion, that thle can -_1.e decnlptd - . to benefit Owen Sound as, match a* mould a targe in- hw.try --Owen S.tnnd Rnn-Tlmps. ate( equiem high mats and Drenched an eloquent sermon eul- ogizing the sterling qualltion of the departed. Mrs. W. 11. Bullard, of New forth, presided at the organ, while Mrs. J. B. Reynolds sang "Beautiful Isle of Som"where." Th; pallbearers were lysins.. John McDonald. War McDonald, Jas. McDonald, C Newlon, F. Monahan, of St. Thomas, and John The eubJect of the Indian and Es- kimo people In their relation to the church and to citizenship in titfa great Dominion Is one of vital important, and. an presented by Bishop ik'wdney, is of most illuminating and thrilling interest. In his story he tnnehe, on the romance and astonishing adven- tures of pioneer days, when trails and waterways were explored, fertile volleys Itnrl rich forests discovered cyan In nnrthere area,: and rp,.onr'es were located whose abundance con- tinuo to beckon courageous spirits on down to onr own day. Ile tells how the eommeree of the Empire be- gan. through "Prince Rupert and the gentlemen ndrentare of the Hodson Bay Company" to reach out into thee+ great *tore" houses of opportunity seeking the fur trade and thus tank- ing a eontnct with the native misaton- ary spirit of the church 1n tie North- land followed up as soon an the appeal and opportunity were prevented to them. Al (Imre/4)111, on the great in- land nee of northern Canada, are still the remains of the old tort and rs doubt of the explorer* of 1636 and on the Western shore of the same Aar, Nelson has long been the export eentre of the east area for the enormous fur trade. For the promoter* of thin great national asset we are still dependent --upon ttu' Indian antt- ttevThe- The Bishop draw* many llhtstra- tion* and examples of Indian and F,r- kimo falthfnl to *ervlce from hie own experience in him own dlo,ete and in different parts of Northwest Cz.nndn. He emphasizes the appeal of the pres- ent situation end nrcent obligation, laid upon us in regard to ti,.' Christ- ianising and Canadianizing of 0,9' native ahoriginles. He tolls of the great work now being done among them, detptte a4reree circumstance. of lonelinewr and leo/aeon. Bi*hop Dewdney will Amit qt (Ieorg..'a Part*h on Friday of the, week, February tat. He will deliver an address at the Lion's; lunehmn on that day on, "The Great North Lots' of Ontario(," speak to the members of the W. A., and all others who care to attend at 3 p.m., give his illustrated lecture on the Great Northland of Ontario to the children and other.. at 4.15 pm., and speak at a public mis- sionary insionary gathering In the parish hall at 8 p.m. The public 1* cordially invite] to any and all of theme etlnga whish are ftp. of charge., e.xerptitmeng the rttset Inbrat night when a collection will be For good 1Delating earn' to The renal. Equivalent A pale, proud girl turned to the dig heavy -brewed man who was gaz- ing at her intently lip 1t04 a glis- tering knife in hi. hand '(lave you no hw.trt?" she asked in low even tonne. "No!" he growled. "Then give tae fire pennorth of 11ver." NEW ISSUE Dominion of Canada Guaranteeing the Canadian National Railway Company Thirty Year 5 Bonds Dated 1 February, 1924 Due 1 February, 1954 Principal and semi-annual interest ( 1 February and 1 August), payable at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver -General, Ottawa. or at that of the Assistant Receivers -General, at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regime, Calgary or Victoria. Bonds mayber registered as to principal only, OF AS to boll principal and interest. Denominations : $1,000 and $500, Subject to Legal Opinion of E. G. Long, Esq,, K.C. Theme bonds are secured by the full credit and taxing power of the Dominion of Canada equally with its Victory Bond. and other direct obligation.. The Dominion of Canada guarantees uneonditioally the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds of this issue, the Guarantee being endorsed on each bond PRICE: 99.50 and interest These bonds are offered for delivery in interim form when, if and as issued and delivered to us. Orders may be telephoned or telegraphed to any of our offices at our ex will be delivered to purchasers free of all delivery charges, Bonds Phone 230 0. F. CAREY & SON Masonic Temple Building GODERICH 10