The Signal, 1924-1-24, Page 8t. --Thursday, January 24. 1924
Town Council and 1.. l . 1. Board \feet
Informally Por This
As arrapged at the inaugural meet-
ing of the town council the Col-
legiate Board convened with that body
informally last Thursday evening in
cotlne•tlon with the proposed imprare-
ments and enlargement of the present
Collegiate Lttstitatte bulding. The col-
legiate Board wee represented by Her.
J. E. FOM. FTiirrm i$, '14ustee..t 'W.
Eraser. C. M. Robertson. Rev. James
• Hamllteyt and Dr. A. T. Emmeraon and
' Principal J. 1'. Hume. secretary, All
the *embers of the eouncit were
present ez.ept P. .1 Ryan. who was
out of town.
Mr. Ford .1s Chairman
31r. Ford in introducing the sub-
ject, remarked tluit the citizcue had
known for some time that they were
faced witp the problem of doing soar&
Wag with the Collegiate Institute
some tbouRhf that the soon-
er something was done the better.
The Ttonrd. Mr. Ford said. had been
slow to face the situation since they
A not know• na what was
di j best to
anctiou and approval of the plans Y
submitted to them.
The ventilation in the remodeled
building is to be etfeeted through a
process of forced aur lyy fans. At pre.-
ent the ventilation /is rztremly bad
In most of the roomy. particularly in
the science room where tbere should
be even better ventilation on ac'euunt
of the fumes arising in eoeneetign with
the experimental work lu chemistry.
The cowmen -tat department is at
present housed in a little corner cut
oft the Assembly Ball. It is poorly
lighted by two windows high up.
There 1. uw 400111. los -proper oyutp:.
mens as to filing cabinets, etc. The
typewriting is dose out lathe Assembly
Hall Itself. where there le no satisfac-
tory way of beating the room. The
students c•an not do themselves justice
sines their fingers become stiffened
ebb the cold after hardly twenty
minute.'. practice. In the new than
there i. 'ptoyition for pop•r („m-
merch,l and typewriting rooms.
In the science room, in every place
around, is stuck appnratuw. There is
no storeroote except a few cupboards.
The board can't get proper and up-
to-date 'science equipment heenese
there is no place toput it. Our !silence
room. declared Mr. Hume, is tertalnly
bre done amt b, stew-erf7f-be financial a back number.
po.Ition of the town. The matter had The teacher.' room le crowded. being
been brought to an itene however, two used a% a vtudy, room for the Upper
year. ago when the Provincial Govern. school- The 1.1ier School. which it
!tient grant of some $15110 had !teen growing nicely. toid Mr. Ilume. with
et -fettle -Id. The grant for 1923 had ,also
been a ithlteid, but .iter the hoard
ad taken. up in earnest the matter
o improved aeommodntiou the Gov-
ernment had graetntr-ly forwarded the
hvo grants previously withheld.
Through Inspector G. F. Rogers the
hoard nekel the Ih•pnrttnent of edu-
cation to send up a Government ar•hf- to look ower the building and
cnissttlt with then. The Department
replied that they Idol no .ehool arehl-
t0et, and then, when the Board asked
them to name a mtmlwr of arelate•t%
recti orne•d to the work in .onnectiotf
' • with !schools. all they wngld do was
to mention certain s(•honls where con'
ttrtetlon work. new or remodelling,
had been carried nut that was sat-
isfactory to the Deportment. Thus the
Board had been tittle to got In touch
with or. Stephen B. Coon. of the firm
of S. 11. Cann a Son. of Toronto.
Mr. Coon io.ktd over the building.
continued Mr. Ford, with the property
committee and later with the Word
Plans were drawn up for remodelling
the building and the erection of a
new addition. which. having been no -
proved hy the Beard. were then laid
. \ before the Department of F;du ention
for Its approval. After making some
minor changes the Department ap-
proved of the plane as prepared. Mr.
Coon is now preparing plane and epect-
ientions under which the Board can
.t k tenders. That. gentlemen,
eon tutted Mr. Ford. is very briefly the
`rep we have taken ae' a Board
totter; we thought it our duty and
to t best interests of the Board.
the a nneli and the town to lay there
plans \!before you at this particular
Mr. Hubs a as Secretary and Principal
Otr. IfUme, who is secretary of the
Board ea well es principal of the
t'ollegiate,\ entered in detail Into the
present lack of accommodation and
equipment *{nd just how the prevent
tmsattsfactot conditions are to he
overeoe in he improvement as pro-
The proposal of the architect is to
erect a new threes -storey addition at
the north -went Opener of the present
budding giving additional alae room
accommodation and girls physical cul-
ture room in the basement. At the
eugges(ioa of the department a vault
bad been included in the plane at
a covet of $300. I frequently receive
letters from students requesting in-
formation as to their attendance and
standing at the Collegiate as far hack
AM twenty and even thirty years ago.
remarked Mr. Hume. en that will give
yon some idea as to the number of
books and papers we always have on
band. The Doted. Mr. Hume pointed tng on new grounds. Mr. Huase re -
out, has in writing the Department'amarked: "If you gentlemen care to go
now twenty students enrolled, bas no
regular etas. room. hiving to -move
about with the teacher from one room
to another. The new plan makes pro-
vision also for a room for this class
by itself.
Adequate cloak earn accommoda-
tion. property lighted. is to repute she
present crowded and poorly lit accom-
modation afforded in this respect.
The flooring of the Collegiate is of
black ash. which chip% up. and cracks
open. It L impossible t W keep the
rooms ,clean and sanitary. The pro-
posal IP to refiodr the building through-
out with maple.
Tike gymnasium floor is of pine; the
knots stated up a haft in. h and more,
while the caretaker has been patching
it up for five or six years. It 1*
heated with only a box stove. There
is to he steam heating throughout from
one large boiler. Sufficient coils
will bre plated in the gym to keep it
at a temperature of v, degrees!.
The windows of the present build-
ing were put in to lend architectur-
al design; they are ornamental, not
workable nor modern.' The position
and type of lite windows in the new
plan permits of the light in each class
room eoming e from the proper diece-
P It'
Mr. IItme pointed out that as far
hack as 1013 the inspectors and the
Department had been commenting
upon the Inadequacy of the present
building. 11e then read verbatim from
inspectors' reports. whleh condemned
in strong term. the atcom nodatton,
or leek of accommodation. as at pres-
ent. •
TIT- new addition and improvements.
It is eetintaitd. can be carried out for
the sum of $.55.000 to $58,000. The
annual debenture payment on $50.000
for 20 yearn at 5% per Bent would be
74880 for 30 yeti's. x•1453, and en 4.800
the annual payments world be $4.8-:3
and $3.990 respectively. Counties.
stns 19272. have to hear their share
of permanent improvements. as well
as maintenance as formerly. The re-
eponeihllity of the county. troth as to
maintenance and permanent improve-
ment's. is affected by the attendance of
county pupilm at the school. Should
the attendance of county pupils at the
Collegiate remain about as It is et
present, said Mr. Hume. the county
would be required to pay approxima-
teeiy 28 per cent of the annual de-
benture payment. Since about one-
third of the ptupil+, at the Collegiate
are county pupils the county must
contribute at the rate of 0e per cent
of the percentage attendance of
county pupils.
Asked as to an entirely new build -
Drastic Reductions
Fur Trimmed Coats
Distinctive, Models on Sale at Almost
Coat Price
Regular $27.50, for $19.50
Regular $38.50, for ..
Regular $29.50, for ..
Regular $23.00, for ...
c.... $23.00
D esses
Regular $25.50, for ... $19.50
Regular'S23,75, for . $18.50
Regular $22 50, for ... .. $17.50
Regular $19.50, For ... $17.00
A Store -Wide Clearance. Everything Red ed
The Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. 11
Est Side of Square GODERICH, ONT.
.t British Labor leader. who
moved a vote of "no confidenr " to
the ,Baldwtin government. and so
precipitated the crisis %'bleb result-
ed In ex -Premier Asquith announc-
ing his Intention to support Labor
in Its attack upon 1'remier Baldwin.
ahoerantIr ty- hullding on new
grounds I would say by all means go
ahead. There M no dont); a now build-
ing on new grounds would bre n creat
improvement on whnt i. proposed. but
It would cost considerably more."
Tonight. --Evangelist
Baptist church. Come
Torsi,' In
he dldnt' think it the right thing to
whip a boy of sixteen or that it was
the way to get the beat out of a boy of
sixteen. Mr. Seager: There seems
t.. be an opinion outride that this
axoy wasn't trtabed properly or we
wouldn't have a crowd like this here
night after night. Mr. Elliott said
he had always thought that the Old
Country boys should be visited by a
C'a'nadian or Children's Aid Society in-
James Mitchell. president of the
('hlldren's Aid S.s•let y said that he
lied fully made up his mini that no
boy should be sent too Co x'4l-becittua,ot
the whipping of Matbers and alio be -
cerise of the trouble whk'h the so-
ciety experienced In eolle'ting from
Cox the boy's wages.
rim Sitting
Circles Robertson was the flr.t wit-
ness cal led en Friday evening. when
tite fifth sitting of the inquest was
held. Mr. Robertson glre-r evidence at
Cox phoning him and of his respond -
hug to the call and as to the manner
to which the body of the hoy waw hang-
ing, etc. Cox told Cres he said. that he
had- punished the boy that morning
for some work he hadn't done and
'which he geld he had done. Cox said
to him also that the boy had said to
him: 'Tou don't need to whip tee
earn off and they diet. 1'utr.Aellldu't The homer _&haul .club of Vie -1
depend on bit truthfulness, he'd ile Budaternoreboot
about anything.
Mx. Gundry and Mr. Leslie Cox were
recalled us to gone minor paints of Mr. M. F.
Harris ahe Saf' See, s se' 1 1924, for the erectiou of • ie.w Ink*
evidence. t'ountxut at
echool in S. S. No. 9 Ashfield lowed
Win. Llpgoatt, recalled, admitted to eral months
Mr. Hays that he dibn't get up Mm- the Toronto branch. He it succeeded t's or any tender not perestarily ac-
t•,.pted. For plans auto specification/
reit but added: I had to get up; if by Mr. W. J Morgan. of uereetun,'
apply to WM. CLARE R. R. Vo. T.
eet 00 reida7 at -
1 didn't there'd be a row. Did you Unt• Lucknow, phone Si r 4, Dungsanoa 3t
ever have a row with Cos? Yee, -_
ttvauve! I didn't tome over to work on I CARD OF TlL4"M TENDERS WANTED
Christmas Day. 1 told Cox I wouldn •
work for him or anyone else on Mrs. John Selly and (amllsi %IFA to 24 -INCH WATER INTAKE PIPS
Christmas Day and 1 lett. exprs r their siixrn• tine.. Ute the GODERICH, O.T.
_Cecil 'Baiter and Oeorge Baxter many kintdnes. 4 shower tbrm during
were monied for heist questioning -by their ,recent tt ., ,,-in 1 "iIr e -
Mr. Hays. dentia ut hu.txirsl uud father, ttu Sealed traders pltldly marked
Then followed Cdriner llimiter's ad late• John Kelly. "Tenders for Intake" will be received
dress to the Jury who alltttequ.•utly - - by the underdgned up to our o'clock
brought in the verdict which is pub- Mr. David Wilson ped Nieto. tilt -
p.m. February 8th, 19.14 for the P1*C
lisbd herewith. $ bons street, wlab to rape-- th••Ir itis And supplyttta of 1200 feet of
G. Bogue Smart. Supervisor of Brit- : thanks for the many Simla -seri ' 24-locb cast iron end 1300 feet of steel
ish Immigrant Children and Receiv- ' shown them in their repent sad intake pipe with intake well ■ltd
hereavrmeot is the death of wife cath.
and tnuth r and also t.. thou• Nh•, flans and speetfl.rtlons may be
serol floral tributes. meet' at the office of the Town Clerk.
T __ ________ _ _ - . 1 Ooderich, Ont., or *1 the office of 1.
N. Darling. M. N, (consulting Engin-
ser, 47 Home Bank Building. Ilamtl-
APPI.ItuATjuNR WIhI. BF. l:E. 'on, Ont., ora art may be .,htaln*A
celled bythe undersigned, to. ;u from the 1Cngtneer on a drpostt of
Saturday. February. 2nd. for tin• of•t`vrnty-rive dollar., (=25.00) rs guar
fire of Assessor for the village of ante.' for t1tedr ae return.
Tenders molt be accompanied by a
'Bayflotd for1984:-Applicant 1a War...
salary wanted. Ry Drier. H. W. Eft market cheque for five per rent 0
PERSONAL MENTION I WIN. Clerk, -- the amount of the" tender or ■o aid
I Bayfield. Jap 22nd. 19'2.4. .K •eproved bid bond. The lower[ or any
tender will not neeearily be limep-
,Mra. J. F. ltution it ependingithc ltd.
winter in California. I MEilll'.kL Signed: W. T. Murney
Mrs. John A. Robertson, East street.ooderieh Chairman,
is visiting her son, Harry Robertson. DRc 1'. J. R. FORSTF.R Waterworks 1 'i Electric Light Co
at Stratford. Y
Mrs. Beatrice Redfath, the well- 1 EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT
known authoress of Toronto• is a unrest I Late House Surgeon New York Opb-
at the home of Sheriff and Mfrs. R.
ing Homes. Department of immlgrn-
tion and t'olonisation, Ottawa, and
I'rovinchl Inspector A. B. Boyd. of
Toronto, were in town on Tuesday
attending the inquest and eommultiug
with Crown Attorney Rcnger in con-
onne•tion wit h the case.
"111tat (;.ulert.•h
Sunday morning
Baptist ehur'h.
whipping won't do nny goo rr
T,eslie Cox, brother of Renaon 3.
Cox. was then called at the request
of Mr. Hays. Mr. Cox maid that he
and one Win. Turton had carried the
Mies of oats at the threshing the
whole of the first day and that the
the Butpitt tiny didn't carry any more than
twelre boxes.
B J. (lex. employer of the Bulpttt
boy. was then recalled and was nn the
stand for an hour and fifteen min-
ute% though a eonttderahie portion
of that time was -taken- np by the
Crown Attorney in reading letter. to
tete nnlpitt hoc from bit`•,hrother end
sister in Englund; a fernier teacher.
ntntrnn of the home he war In. and
also one or two personal Me friends.
Cox admitted to -Mr Scheer that he
hal had the sum lv ens to one Bill -
phi reduced from 0100 to $75 per
yrnr Sn yon were pacing the mectttifi-
tent sum of 075 wnees it year? Gnats
of these inns declared Cox. ore nn
worth $25 a year. He maintained ^he
find treated the hoc kindly. There
wog no dlffereme in your mind be-
tween kindness and whipping? No
medium? Will cat env tint you .11,1
not whip hum more than four or five
times? Tea. ,replied Mr. Ry whet
authority did von thrash him? That's
what T went to know. persned Mt.
Fenger. T punished him ttt'nn.e he
was C C
tree. 1. trnily An'akine the rn1re
of the lipme. ants Coe. He wax trnn-
bshed only when he told ilea end tter-
•iated in them. lin rim lick cntrr hired
men? He was different frnm o hired
MAD. MORT T wail reennnsihle -for
his mnrnl rnndnrt. 08. ton were going
to mote n ehriatinn not of him were
von' De yell think yon trentel tit a
Nov in n ('hristinn anlrit't T do 1'
wont to know. :10 4141 \fr. Cenger nv'sin.
w he yat took It neon vnnrself to
thrash him' (Mfr. Soarer then real
from the rentreet Cox hn.i with the
\inrehmnnt Meme neeple t Ts there nny
thin: there to glre 1011 the richt to
thrash him? Nothing there. said Cox
newt von .ee tint von had no night to
thrnsh him' i don't rare to answer
that nensrinn. renil,-d Cox. Why did
this hoc try to e.enne from von tele°
and then re and hong himself to
' t -ort the life he was living with run?
What rrn.on hnte con to offer' T
Ince no reason said Cot. eteept the
one he glee me when heron swot. -
flint he dien't like forming. 7 world
sngreet that it was the mode of life -
yen %err lending him: it was Intoler-
able. relotned the Crown Attorney.
Mr. Tray: Interieeted no this point
Mir. Coroner. enn't unit regnlate tido
in any war. T think me lea -fuel friend
has gone far enough. ter. Stenger then
stated that hi. reason 10r enn.idertnc
the whole epee en arrinnale was that
alive the affair had been glren set
mneh pnhllelty (Tlnipltt having been
an immigrant My) he considered It
would have a damaging effect on 1m -
(Continued from Page 1) ` )
by the shirt at the neck, backed me
up against the cowstahle door and
hammered my head against the door
until the blood started to come from
my nose and go down my throat so
that 1 was nearly choked.
William Long, John Vanstone and
Alden Allin. who were at the thresh-
ing in question in connection with the
Bulpitt boy, were then examined.
Charles Clarke, for seventeen years
n tenant farmer in England, and who,
with his eon, had worked for Cox just
prior t0 the arrival of the BuIpitt
boy, was the next witness. Clarke
treaded that one shipping morning,
his son lytd gut up at twenty minutes
to four and that he had worked con-
tinuously that day until 7 at night.
His boy, he said, was working too hard.
too many hours and that Cox. whom
b.. told shouldn't have a boy when
he didn'tknow l 0 bow
to treatne was
harassing him constantly. In answer
to Mr. R. C. Hays, appearing on be-
half of Cox in the absence of his son,
R. C. Hays, jr., counsel for Cox : 'What
did you -have to complain of,' Clarke
replied: 'if yon had seen n4 molting
around In the fields you- would have
thought we were two meniacs. That
poor boye Bulpitt 1 (ldn r nave anyone
to stand up for him. but i stood up
for my boy, why shouldn't 1'r You'd
dictate to any man, asked Mr.
Hayes. I'd dictate to any man who
wasn't doing justice. Clarke admitted
having written the Immigration De-
partment advising them that Cox was
no fit man to have a boy.
•Harrison Clarke, mon of the previous
witness, stated that he could do noth-
ing right to snit Cox; that he was
always nagging at him. To Mr. Haya
when questioned as to whether be had
said 'Anything to Bulpitt ler said: I
told Balpitt that I had worked there
tat Cex's) for nine days but that
eight minutes would have been enough.
Robe. 'McMillan, Dr. G. Freeman,
Cecil Barter and George Barter were
in turn the next four witnesera;
nothing mutt of importance being
brought out, however, from their eevi-
O. H. Elliott, Children's Add So-
ciety Officer, was nett examined. He
gave evidence touching the Mather*
boy who had been a ward of the So-
ciety and es such had been placed on
the Ooz farm. Kr. Elliott maid that
Citizens are requested to keep
their ashes separate from gar-
bage, tin cans, glass, etc.
Good, clean ashes are always
required for filling purposes,
but dirty ashes and garbage
must be taken to the town
dumping grounds.
By order of the Town Council.
(Sgd.) B. C. MUNNINGS,
Chairman Public Works Com.
Annual Meeting of
Coderich Industrial and
Agricultural Society
w i11 be held in the Town Hall,
Goderich, on
Monday, Jan. 28th
at 1.30 p. m., for election of
officers for the year 1924; re-
ceiving treasar• is financial
statement, and other business
All member: are requested to
W. T. M1',RMF,Y, President.
DR. W. F. CLARK, Sec.-Treas.
migration to tido ennntry. ITaring
reed the lettere Mr. Seeger elotel his
eteminetion of Cost Ola fnllnwe: Ten
esu see from theme lettere. Mr. Cox.
that thin boy was no waif. nn easte-
wnv. that he was a bay of braln4: Ind
tint. If taken rightly he had it in him
to bernnte a respeetahle eitizep. 114-,
yon think con appreciated that hely?
Don't yon think that all the rirrnm-
stenree point to yomr lark of appreele•
tion of that hay?
Sixth Sitting
James Farrant. aged 28. who had
wonted totOoz both before. and after
going overseas was the first witness
1a1led by R. C. Hays, Jr., eoulvae' for
Cox. at the beginning of the sixth and
concluding sitting, which was held
Tuesday evening. Entrant said that
he had been plae,•rt nn the Cox farm
to 1908 by the Annie McPherson Home,
Stratford. Did you got along with
Cox alright? The eery beet. T got up
at 5, 5.30 and am -ate as 7. i hast.
plenty to rot and plenty n?'spending
money. What kind of it man was Cox?
He always ted me fairly, as good as
his own child
Wm. Turton •cid 25 who had work-
ed for Cox for t• ri e'e,:M prior to
May 22n4 ' • '•-e n. xt rallied. He
rause-nen f."- •• ' ,•n his own.
he said ^ no complaints
whatever e^ .1e lost did
a dry'* see• run around
like a m -e••, ^ he replied.
TurYon .1" "TR/ a model
eMployer '
Ta rr'• • -
Haye o'•'
his n,''..
that Mee'
noon n•
w't no good wh.
Rehwenx. Y.,••
tem; ,erre aim
way. get"^^ '
all my c'
ay A.s,
: I y sees. Mr.
• enure that
• 4 • •0 rhos
• depended
•.•+4 Slather*
.ue•. said Mr.
• be ,end on
-ed he was a1-
1!. broke
the dog on
-a chewed their
Christians Are,"
at 11 o'clock in
thalmic and Aural Hospital, asslstant
G. Reynolds. I at Moorefield Eye Hospital and
Miss Rose and Mrs. Reg Shannon, Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon- Ftitat POR MALE CONTAININ
of Toronto. daughters of the late Hon. don, Eng. f 1. 1 rsrrer, situated on the H
A. M. Ross, of Goderich, are visitor•53 Waterloo 8t., 8., Stratford. Tel- road d•, miles from Goderit•h and 5
in town this week. ! ephone 287. milt,. tam Clinton. On the farm the
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. MacDonald. I At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on is a to-si bank barn. 55205 Leet wi
Sir,e Iand ]Mrs. George Riley and Miss February 20th, at 7.30 p.m., to cement stabling, a combined
Mitltel Riley motored up from Port ary 21st. at 1 p.m.
Huron and spent the week -end with
Mr. and tfrs. John MnrDutmld, Park
street.. • I , PUBLIC NOTICE
Mr. and Mrs. 3..1. Manser, of Code-
Crich township, returned last week ,
from a three weeks' trip during whish'
they visited friend,' •t Rauh Ste.. Notice Is hereby given that an ap-
plication will be made by the Corporn-
pa4ty., I tion of the Town of Goderich, to tho
Mr. Maitland A. Pridhem. of Tor- Legislative Assembly. of the Province
of Ontario, at its next session for a
onto, sone! •Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pride Special Act to empower the meld ham. war Iruee.'ssfttl at the recent rot-
ation to raise by way of loan on rhe
intermediate examination conducted sty credit of its debentures Use sum of
the Institute of Chartered Acvountanta x.000 to pay a floating debt of
of Ontario. Congratulations' 1 the said Corporation, amounting to
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Menzies, Ewe the said 4001 of $_3,000.00. and which
Waw oeh announce a PAIR F'
in rn the engagement has arisen by reason Of yearly deficits O ONE -
of their eldest daughter, May butted. horse bobsleighs with grrve•l Dox.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harrison, .on of en currentacconnta from time to a cutting box. a one -hone plow, bar -
Jif, and Mfrs .T. It. Harrison. Kirknmtime. and which have been carried by
. rows and a dray -
m . Apply to hers Iced
the marriage to take pence the latter the Town's bank, and to empower the comet Bayfield road and
part of January. said Corporator to pass a by law for Raglan street tf
the purpose of raising Feld money on
Tonight, -Evangelist Torrle in the the credit of the raid debenture.,
without obtaining the consent of the d R1CKENR $1:I.I8H S[tR.)l TLD
Itapti-t chtlrrh. ('one along. electors of the said Town of (kale- Vv Otte Tlry an• very vaivahte and
GODRRICH MAR$ET$ I rich, to the passing of 4a1 the .egg
ylaw or increasing the production and
Thursday Jan. 24obverting the formalitle. relation hatchability of pig.. We will sell ons
thereto prescribed hy the Consolidated *even -tray oat sprnuter. Traria are 19
Shorts per ton $32.00. 3300 Municipal Act, 1922. The proceeds of . Inches by '2li incites made of galvanised
Bran, per ton 29.00 30.00 the said debentures to be applied solely iron sad mesh This Iia an excellent
Hay, per ton (loose) 8.00 9.00 to the purpose of discharging the gaud machine, 1n gond shape but moat be
Hay, per inn (baled) .1200 15.00 floating debt of x25.000.00. wdd as it b ton small for our plant
Wheat, per bushel .... .95 1.00 The existin debenture debt of the It will
Oats, per bushel . .35 .40 g " sprout Data for rix hundred
Barley. per bneheei .... •55 .8p said Municipality is $.•18,925.42 (ex- hens or dew.: Rldeerrest Farm, R H.
Buckwheat, per bushel ,70•Tb cltfpice of local improvement debts 4 11. K. Retell, C•Merlcb. tf
Potatoes, per bushel 50 00 Apt -treed by special Acte, rates or seesaw
went whereof no principal or Inter-
Hide., per Ib. 04 .05
Pa iv In arrear and the reason!! for Ai'CTIOt FJdRQild
Cattle, chokes, per cot_ 5.50 0.00 requuirinpl a further issue of debentured!Clttk', medium, per cwt. 4.50 5.00 are as above Met Mt.1 M. STALKER. AUCTIONEER ('Hires, per cwt. 9.00 10.00 41. G. Cameron for household effects farm Mach.
1.3010, patent, per cwt. 3.25 3.501lector for the Appiie*nt. etc., for 18e lbanty of Moron,
flour, family, per cwt. 330 3.50 Dated et Goderieh, this 314t Address al] commttakatfaaa to J,
Baiter, creamery, per ID .44 49 day of December, 1928. STALAK4. Auburn 1' p• Nil
Hogs 7,75 8.00
Eggs, fresh per dozen .. $S 40
Butter, dairy. per lb
40' 45 N ACT.1111".
Chickens per it..
18 ... TEA ACT.
house and driving shed, also h
house (louse is a story and • ha
frame: both hoard and soft water
hones fad stoning water in the ba
yard. Tarin kind 1s of good c
loam. Steer. acnes of tall %Leat sow
this tyll; twenty acres are seeded
alfalfa, steno twenty -fire acreer
fun plowing done. All the farm M
wen f,•need. For ,,price and terms on
this Al property apply to the
on the premhiee. MICHAEL FLIC=.
R. R. No 2. Clinton.
Evangelist Alexander Torrle and Mrs.
Torrle who opened evangelistic ser-
vices in the Baptist church on Toes,
day evening of thin week, before a
fair -steed eongrega t too, Song- _-ser-
vices will begin at 7.45 each evening
of this week.
R. 8. C. CHAP. 115.
The Corporation of the own of
Goderich, In,,the County of I iron, in
the Province of Ontario, her gives
notice, that it has under section 7 of
the said Act. deposited with the I[in-
ister•Of Pnblie Works, at Ottawa, and
in the Registry Office, of the Regiatty
INt-ition of the• ('onnty of Huron, at
Goderich.* description of the site and
plane for • twenty-four inch intake
pipe. proposed to be laid in Lake Hur-
on, at Goderich, and being a portion of
Harbor strret and Harbor Quay in
said Town of Ooderich, and portion of
the Lake Front redeemed by the Pub-
lic Works Department and now fa part
the property of the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company, also part of the
Harbor and Lake Bottom, rented in the
+maid iPwblie Works Department and (a-
part cgverei by the Canadian Pacific
Railway's Water Lot, from said DP-
I partment and which said parcel may be
better known and described' as fo1-
loww:-A .trip of land 30 feet wide,
lying 15 feet i t either side of a centre
line. .rid centre line being deeertbed
as follow:*:-(bmmencing at a point in
the south-westerly limit of running
Lot No. 1044 of the Bald Town of
Goderich, Canada Company's Garvey,
said poln being distant 38 feet, 0
inches R. 60 degrees E. of the north-
westerly angle of .aid Lot No. 1044;
thence S. 70 degrees, 40 min. W. 38 feet
0 inches, thence N. 73 degrees W. 292
feet. 0 Inches': thence R. 70 degrees,
W. 220 feet, 0 Inches.
ANI) TAKE NOTICE that after
the expiration of one month from the
date of the first pablteation of this
notice, the C.orpnratlon of the Town of
(boderieb, will under section 7 of the
meld - AM, apply to the Minister of
Pnbllc Works, at his office in the
Oky of Ottawa, for approval of the
Mid mite and plano end for leave
to construct the maid Intake pipe, it.
met Oat in the preceding paragraph
DATED et Goderich this 1418 day
of January, 1924.
M. O. °A.1/MON
8dtettor for the Corporation
of the Town of Oodvrieh.
For good printing come to The
BELL. -In Port Colborne, on Mon-
day, January 14, 1924, to Mr. and
Mrs... T. Bell (nee Jennie Baines)
a son, Ernest Alexander.
home of the bride's mother, on Wed-
nesday morning, January 23, 1924,
by Rev. R. ('. Me lermid. Mies
Christy !L:Auley Campbell, daugh-
ter of Mira Christy Campbell, to
Mr. John Wi.ldam Craigia, all of
BRiCCO-FARR - in St. Peter's
church. -son Monday, January 21st,
1924. by Ren• Prober 1'. 3. Guam,
Eltaaheth C , eider daughter of Mr.
and biro. ,lames Farr. Rritannl•
road. to Frank C. Brieco, of Grand
V.L. y, only Pon of Mr. and Mrs. B.
Brice°, of Colborne, Ontario.
MarDONAi.D.-At Port Huron, on
Saturday. January 19, 19114, Killen,
wife of Mr. Thomas MacDonald• and
daughter ofMr. and Mrs. John Mac-
Donald. Cambridge street, Oodsrieh.
TER. Solicitor. notary puhllk
Office Hamilton street, Dederick. hist&
door from Square. 'host fuels 4s
lots •t lowest rates
Off ee on the Square, secaaa dost
from Hamilton street, Ooderich.
Private funds to loan at lower
J. L. Killoran. Dudley E. Holmes
Nape & Nape
BAAR:Trxas, lihy,
Hamilton St:.t Ooderich
SOLICITOR, Notary public and
conveyancer. Office -Court House.
ANCE CO. -Farm and i.oiatetl
town pr'oper'ty insured.
Officers -Jae. Connolly, Pres-, Oode,
rah P. O. ; Jas. Evans, Viespns.i
Beechwood P. O. ; D. F. McGregor,
Rae.-Treaa" $eatortb P. O.
Directors -A. Brosdfoot, R. R.
No. 3, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, No
4, Walton; WiIU*i Rina, R. R. Kw
2, Seaforth; John RermMwlee, Brod-
hagen; Geo. McCartney, R. R. Na 3.
8eaforth ; Robert Ferris, garb* ;;
Murray Gibson, Rrvesgeld ; Jamas
Evans, Besehwood ; Janes Coassil♦
Agrmtt : J. W. Tea, Galeria I
Alai. UAW'. R. R. Na. 1, Ctle4sa► i
John Murray, I *forts ; E. gt$sbW
Mttnrtb. Pella holders ate pay sill
palmetto *std pt tmN* ear as0IL1
el at R. 1. Yaet4A'e Cletthig 01011.
Motto ; R H. Oates O
Mon street, Oodoeith. osv J. It. alOssond Ikon.