HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-24, Page 7...... -- '1l tsl/a>r, loaves, x 1.1 J. R. Wheeler 1 Funeral Director and EbJar All galls prompt!). attend- ed to day or night PHONES Store 335 Reeiden,e 355w Hamilton Street, Goderich EAST ST. GARAGE Cars overhauled and re- paired by an export mech- anic. Agent for McLAUGHLIN ('ARS Batteries re -charged and stored. W. M. BELL East street Phone 243 .. r A Digest of the Local Happenings as Reported by Our Exchanges The News of the County CLINTON (7 Died. -In ederteb township, on January 11th, Irma Gladys, dauKh- ...r of )Sr. and Sart'. D. Rueger In her Mile year. • • • In (9luton. on Janu- ,ry 12th. Ell Crkb, 7n hit' 57th year. Home and Sebeel Club Meda. -A very rueeesatul meeting of the Hume and School Club vat' held IAA week. Mr. A. T. Cooper was the speaker for the evening. The Doherty Tio ave a vocal number and an' appropriate reading by Hies Eva Carter wag anoth- er feature. Refreshments were eerv- ,d b7 the executive. HENR.ILL $ern in Heiman. on January 7tb, t Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Joynt, a eon. • • In 1(ensall, on January 8th, to Mr. -.aMrs. Gordon - Parker, a 'a4. Hugh IMcEweu has left r Fihtt. Mich . td' loin Iter bro- ther, `r. Daniel. who is leaving on a trip to 'lortda. • • Mr. and Mr.. Al- an FA.- are here from the West on n vh•it with, the latter'+ sinter,'alrs. Fred Ilea.. • • .Ir. and Mrs. II. Horton. of Stan•la Alta.. are here on a visit. • • Mr. and Mrs. Thome-. T sots in the spirit of "rasa tle alora- that Frank E. Johns. a well-known us the following I : tnt,ssonel. ore I base Fsd profound common for patent "sedum... port nolo!, so-called knorants. CU day Ion tall am • hard day '4 Irsoso so Ow Auk. developed. gluon row E. 1 -tie was a:,.. I rub than In Is none Lour t'ell. con -se with a an Suwon:odor a low mlosos. awl you I., toll du world I oud so. 18 Hemphill luiv• muu aed after u cult of several friend• here. 10 1111 colt O BLYTII E. McTagpirt left last week for Wat- ford, where lu• boa- taken charge of the N. It. station a. agent. He had been In Blytb for AeVellteell year«. and during that tine. had aetsal on different eommittee- and board.. for the.' furtherance Of the good of the people. Mre. aleTaggart and family will 'remain Myth for a while.. Perenala.-Mr. .1a.. Hogs. of Edmon- ton,. Alta., Vatting hiv mother, Mru. Moe. Roos and oboe!. NIrs. Daniel Detroit. was a visitor at the home Ot Mr. Wni. Phillip.* recently. WINGHAM on January 12th. Bridget Brophy, he- lov.al wife of Mr. Joseph McGlynn. in her fifty-first pea. . Suffers Brehm Leg. -Mr. Tony Nlealiati Wroxeter. suffered a painful accident reeentfy. While driv- HOW YOU CAN TELL ' GENUINE ASPIRIN Oily Tablets with "Bayer Oise are Aspirin -No 061111111 P ltIS 1.1.001) TI A .h.ene taken during the went dose's in l'arle, seeprely eold weather. The Print • of Weiss wasi In Pa the hearts of Parimiens by his gen. ous atedetanee for t LIFE BURDENED1"LI,"'° BY DYSPEPSIA Heaitti and Happiness Came With "Fruit -a -tires" Made From Fruit Juices and Tonici medicine made from the juices of . apples, oranges, figs and prunes, is one of the greatest means of doing good that this country of ours hu eser known. to hundreds'and hundreds of people who suffer with chrdnie Constipation, Biliousness and Dyspepsia. Mt. Frank Halt of Wyevale, Ont., t aye• s" and began the treatment. My condition improved immediately. Thed speptia ceased to be the burden of my life as it had been, and I was freed of Constipation". At dealers or sent by Fruit a•tivea Lashed. Ottawa, Oat. S TZACHINO WIARTON SCHOOL Bible 1.situdy By Local riettium provided ie. tie I ictiart 'tient of Education, the %%lariat' POO' ...bead pupil* fl re blessed %villa a haif-Iiimet iiiatruellou daily In,. Bi- ble athily. given by die iniiii.tera of the wan. .WIllell Cour.... was Institu- ted at the ....ounieneetnent of Hie The town alea. lista .111 111110Wat1011 , III the fact that It employs- a non- ' .slilent tax collectot's Mr. J. J. Kel- ly, of Owen Sound who collects. the Whit -bin vomited. as it ha. had, trou- ble In the esi.t In . getting a percent- ' age of Ita ratepay.ra to promptly 10 the 14.11, 11 exchequer. Mr. Kelly - - re sire the daily Bible histrtWiloil ing his team drau big the 0 ood rut- and lie Was r,A.I.,,,,;ii.; 01,. Byes- of ting outfit, he slipped. breaking the -Me aptetle4. To 1...1 the alit•nniries I betwiam the knee and twat... of- the. ebildren and find the result': of hiri labors for the term. ou their , (*man. One of the lioya wee. aeoll mull. of the ilif111.1111S__ apo.ile..who took leoldnd for grouted. title of the girl. .uppiktl Thomas t.. fill iiiia ride, Flintily. - withal of the iai•ive : had loam the tax eellector Tanned- ilth, to lir. and Mrs. E. 1 I. Kraft. a waved in rise alr, atid a -mall hut Dirt -in ltegien„ Sask., oil Jauuary Kelly.- • . sr mut 31re. Arnold Mar- OUT OF YOUR RANGE' 'chant!, of Waterford. formerly of Ex- , - i•ookini: With ...oat and litt.ing to Nesaire Nlirsiniiiiii ite‘U lin From lieep the fire "In." so that ii a ...ail Ha• rd -ion, formerly of . Exeter. iu lila Still a. Number of Real Bargains for the Final Week of 0 _ Our January Clearance Sale Don't fail ta call in and see for yourself the .aluee we have to offer you. of Mrii. E. A. Brock will Ist• aorry to hear that Ate laid elle misfortune to fall downstaire, and breuk her arm he- t en the elbow and %boulder. Mrs,. Berick hi doing ati well aa can be ex. peered. Her eon, .Nir. ealdweit Broca. of Gueilib. I. here at present. • EXETER 1 the Seine overflowed only by the arrival of laat week, and won flood sufferer,. Agent. for `seini-lteady Tailoring and ( 'arbartt- Overalls FFER- At an Exceptionally Attractive Price $.25,000 Province' of Alberta 5 bonds, due July 1 st. 1943. Interest playable January and-July--1-sti' Price : 963.80 per 1000 dollar bbnd. Bonds in denomination of S500 and $1000. We recommend these bonds for yourrinvestment. There is no further charge connected with the purchase of these bonds. 0. F. CAREY & SON Phone 230 Goderich. Ont. "Miss America" Declares Wonderful Health Givin lbws to only one Aspirin, that marks/ with the "Bayer ( ross--all other tale lets are only acid imitations. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspiris" have been prescribed by physicians foe aiseteen years and proved safe by mil- lions for P in. Headache; Neuralgia, Colds. Itheum..ti•ni, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin boxea of 12 tabreta----awo huger "Bayer- packages. can be had at any drill( -tore. Made in Comma& Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canadai. of Bayer Manufacture al %%Tile it is well known that Asphalt means- Bayer manufacture, to assist tab again -t imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "BaSer Crass." I Drink Water to Help Wash Out Kidney Poison If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers You, Begin Taking Salta When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore don't get scared and pro- ceed to load your stomach with a tot of drugs that excite the kidneya stud irri- tate the entire urinary trata. ''Reep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by ditching them with a mild, harmless salts which hclps to re- move the body's urinous waste and stim- ulates thetn to their normal activity. The function of the kidoeys is to titter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily enderstand the vital impor- tance of keeping the'itidneys active. ' Drink lots of good water --you can't 'drink too much; also get from any phar- macist about four ounces Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful ia a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few dart and ',cur kicioey4 may them act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Nee, combined with lithia, and has been toted for years to help clean and etimu- late clogged kitinsys; also to neutralize the adds in the ri••stc•vi so thev ate no longer • 901111Cf! of irritation, thus often relieving bladder wcalsneas. Jed Salts Is incanen•dve: ean not, in- jure; makes a delightful efferve4writ lithia-w2ter drink, which everyone shotild Like now and then to help keep Il.rir kidneys clean and. active: Try f!'i4 ; alSf• keep tip the weer drinking, 41)4 no &lag von wonder what lac Tonic tiattt year. `be available milekiy when ii•ssled Brig" Bones,4 in atm.:day evep i gig . WOrllt It 44 I i, , . , A II 01.'0 riv range. fiir the preparation of mea, 4. Why of haat week. Mrs. Thos. Elliott fell dopbtlees are delighted /Met to have -waste current When ere ei,etric • heat' outside ber Louie and bro . Is ready ar the tun. 4 .1 what 14 dselered to• Ise the lateet laud -Me. Stephen Powell fell on" ihe 14,-, ti:tr.'"Iteretil wrist- Then on Wednesday morning. hest cooking equipment. but woue 11, , through not knowing quite how to left arm above the 'wrist. This their ranges. the fourth time air. Powell - will aid trenwieloisale in making el- SFAFORTH eetrk- cookery the Mating satisfac- tion that it Is 'awl aliould he. auffiee to maintain the oveo at • the liern.--In McKillop, on January St% Switch off the heat when not at tempenittire twee.-ary for the oiler - to 31r. and Mra. Robert Dodds, a ,b011. tote. No housewife desarea to wa.te atiron. Hobert Norman. • i P obsibl 'hi- i- tile When using the emikiteg top fie • .. le fit vinigly against switch. no waiting or preliminaries. eally aealed. and onee it has been thoroughly liestt.sl. hoist. its lieut. a very,. long time. Having heated the oven for bakiug. nse it thereafter in iireparing other foods.. Current at 1:1111. l'eter Kelly in his 79th year. •• on cosie of a 'habit. handed n ,••tire 11.• . !if (trey, on January Mary Filen Coate.. beloved wife of Moody Halloo& January 1:101. Henry MeLennan Chet, nes. in hi. ilsth year. Word has been reeelv,s1 of the 11Plith in empire on January 7th. of Mitts Sarah .1. Chesney, in her 77th year. ads., Chesney. who was .boru In Eirk. England. came to canada thirty -fever), years ago. She hail lived In Seaforth Mr. William M. naertonaid took place at his 110111P In Detroit. on Janunry 12th. The late Mr. MacDonald was horn in Elora in 1571. and wns the son of tile late Rev. A. D. Mai -Donald at ime time 'Astor of First Presby- terian church here. Miss Campbell n Amer- ica" crown whieh she luis won on too ores/dons. l'h.ibigraphed by Atlantic Foto Ser% ice BRUSSELS Mrs. Walter Smith Diem.--4/ii 'snip tut 11. there pasf.led peacefully y. Margaret Wil relief of tins Walter Smith. nt the advaneed !warty ninety yettret. Mee. a. born In Denholin„ Scot- -waa furriest In 1S:10. Short- • Mill her husband 4.11111e to lived III New York. Rorh- iiii Ike fore rand., fort y -five yea rt. a to women her los,. late age I. Smith '31111. 11111 Ann rive an ester. 4.101 •omIng It o, She lear Fiona: 'rhos, fie iiela. nil Alex, Of TtlIftelland. 11 C.. And th daughter. Mre William- Personals-Xr. Clinrles raper luta John all.flae. of Vancouver. an e visit to his brother. Ilr MeRn and ?Ike lowthet clement.. Ako, the nine Soled he of ample diamete; rotar. the hear from escaping to the• 0Ide and riving before It hue don* Strip range of everything thee oven lining 1. poeeelatti. watch it just 114 you would a lisitig• soap and het water. If tlie food lisle boiled over and ..ta hied the ,nrince, use n good eleativing powder. White enamel, 411,coleired hy the fumes of °ten cooking.-- ean be cleaned. with pied metal polish. A few minute. now and tiout wil everything -pie and »pan. Whe the oven is nor in 11s.• keep door slightly ajar. Thi. ventila the ov- en and keep.' it sweet. Miss Mare Hatherine (adulated tiViee proclaimed "Mime Amercia- has taken TANLAC and endorses it In a statement recently given to the women of Americs through In- ternational Proprletariva. dire tritmtore of dila great tonic. In this that Good Health Is the lonmiu of all Beauty, and ashlar -sr womi•n who a -mita be beautiful to -first Mel good health." in ns follows: "I eoneider It a great rortiege to ne able to t..11 the thousands of women everywhere what great tonic TANI.A(' ie. Health is the Muds of all beauty. Without good 'health. one Is apt. to be rnn down. nervoutt,. Underweight, high-strung. anaemic. Indigest ion dr! V eel the row*, trorn WOIT1711.8 cheek.' rind roho her of that radiant finality of womanhood that real "t have taken TANTA(' and I da derful health -giving tonic. It has brought r..lief and good health to many women, arid with good health Ofle may have ft melorare of beam,' drat W111 OVvre011le shortcomings In fave and Maitre welt. rounded figure. II lovable die- rosItion. go hand in ham! wifh. good ilea I t h. To t hose sea reit Mg for reel i:004, Health.' The TAN , womankind and 1 recommend it."' booklet on !tooth and BMW, which may IT1'. tweered by filling out eoutson below. INTERNATIONAL PROPRIETARIES. INC Department E-1414 ATLANTA. GA. 0/nehmen: I herewith endow It efeill (stampe will dol. foe ohleh mend me a eepy of MI.* Mary Katherine Campbell'. Illookive on "Wont) and Ileatte." Street State Name Teem B ern. --On the, Ttorn line. Stanley, on Jointiary lath. to Pantile Ifni,. JIny. nn Janus . Jennary lath. to Mr 51111 Mra Sohn January Huh. to Mr. rind Mrs. George .1. Thlel, a daughter. took pleee on Janitors- Vali. of Lvilin Schroeder. widow of the bite Feeder; IA Schroeder This dccereied WAX bert1 wail merrier! nt the sons a lowente.nne arid lived no:lel!' Ill, her dre in Hie moved with her hrivh-nd; who ere- 7Immerm in lint..., .11-eal with her. min - on the Parr diee. flee. And flettleerh• term. Mew A. Motor ratisharoed • Mr - Ro• tates. of Wnohington, Arid Nr4. 71m - re 'and 4 , Mother's Advice NO mother ever taught her children a more valuable lesson than the neces- sity of keeping the bowels regular. Health, happiness and suceess are more dependent on this simple rule than most of us ever realize. This mother advises the use of -Dr: Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills because she has found this medicine to be absolutely de ndable as a regulator of the liver, ki neys and bowels. Physicians have estimated that nine - tenths of all human ills have their begin- nings in the sluggish action of these eliminating organs and the consequent poisoning of the system. Not only such ills as indigestion, con - is, Bright's disease, diabetes and high bl pressure arise from this cause. qmtion is 50 much Owner than relief after e disease has become settled that the value of mother's lesson is at once apparent. In many homes the rule is one pill at the week -end as a regulator and preventa- tive an(1 more frequent doses when The strong pointa fee Dr. Chase's -Kidney-Liver Pilla are their dependability to produce the desired results and therr direct and combined action on liver, kidneys and bowels. It is worth remembering that colds and otticr contagious diseases are quickly checked by the use of Dr. Chaae's IGdney- 1;iver Pills to rid the system of the accumulating poisons. You will notice that while the price of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills has been increased to 36 eenta, the box now contains 35 pills instead of 26 as formerly. Likewise Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ia 60 mate • bag of 60 pills, instead of 60 rents a box for 60 pills rnamon Rates & Co., Ltd., Toronto 11121aS9 PILLS ,ONE PILL A DOSE ONE (ENT A DOSE'