The Signal, 1924-1-24, Page 5• . STOP THAT B WITH 'WHITE PINE and SPRUCE BALSAM If you have a stubborn cough and your lungs are inflam- ed and your air passages irrita;ed.'this splendid cough syrup will afford the relief you seek, promptly and Without any harm- ful after-effects. Peuslar White Pine and Spruce Bahian] is a healing remedy, composed of -White Pine Balk, Spruce Gum, Tamarac Rails. Wild Chem: and other ingredients of recog- nized merit. Sold in two sine, 23c and 50c. • CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 Local Agent, for Dr. Thacker's Liver and Blood Syrup The Square, Goderich There are now 120 enrolled In tbe-e classes. lu Basketry the three present chos- es are fillet. The Prhtcfpuel is pre- pared ro-pard to receive enrolment and If sufficient r.egwud a fourth class will be formed. In Fancy Knitting the three dames tonne) will take two ou Tuesday afternoon. Another clams will be formed It suftkleut enroll with the Principal. in Hesse Nursing a half dozen or more can be enrolled for Wednesdays. In Cooking the e'ass Is filling lip well and only some 511 more can be accommodated an Timr.slny' nights. in Automobile Mechanics we are looking for a large enrollment In the la4llere class on ernes lay nights and the men's 4411 T1010..l4V-541.hts. These nights can Ire ,hai,gel to spit intend- ing members. In Commercial Work tete Prit(elpal luta had four enquires. Should a •aKh•ieut number de ire a class it ono he forladd to [newt twk•e or three times n week. Please send In your names at once. J. W. ERASER J. P. H1'ME Chairman Principal. The ostp onei tateting of . the \ Ceailgia Cat en p Abmeek Chapter, 1. O. 1►. E., will be On\Wednesday morning at -St. held to the Board of Trade rnooa Lawrence.' the home of the brid'e';‘ on Monday, January 2sth. at 4 Ism. Mother, lira. Christy Campbell, the marriage took place very quietly of ' utas Christ' McAuley Campls•11 to Mr. John Ilam Cratgle. Itev. It. C. HeDermid officiated and Mrs. Fred T. Cralgle •layr•d the wedding marsh. The lir l. unat- b 1. •. who t w a I trended was attired in a French suit iof'sant shade with mall brown lust and squirrel fur and ore a (strange . bouquet of awe•thenrt acs and lily - of -the -varies - 1Mmtdiat after the I...ercwony. Ur. and Mrs. Cr* • le lett on the early morning train for honey - MOOD trip to Buffalo and Wpst'ugton. i, IX C.. COUNTER CHM BOOKS •- Leave your order nt T.e• Signal for Counter Chts A Ito. ,i. - MILLINER A group .of smartly med Hats at Half Price They have a (harm all' their own. In brown, black and bright colors. Girls' Tams at $ 1 00 and 1.50 Children's Hats, clearing atI.00 and $1.50 • Miss MacVicar Kingston St. Goderick CHURCH NOTES The ,ervi,-,s in Knox church nextoudu Sunday_ will for (cted by the min- ister. Subject 8, of .sermons: 11 a.m.,.third in series on the Lord's Prayer: "The Kingdon of (leaven; 7 p.m.. "A Friendly Pilgrim." Sahhath "stool 411141 ltil.le 4•1415014,1 at 3 o..dock. Al .Victoria street Methodist cllnrch nt.'xt Sunday broth ....rices will be e,ndu'ted by the pastor In the morn- ing al 11 a.m. he will speak on the -11hJe.•t -. '.lets and the (',lurch" 111441 1n the .evening at 7 on the subject : -ModernReligleus t'ults--Russellistu." Prayer meeting at 111 o'clock and the Bibleseha•ll at 3 p.04. .'. ..rdinl eel cells 444 4111. Happy is the Bride who anticipates the desire of her friends for a really good photo) graph. Let us show you our newest style. -R. R. SALLOWS ARRANGE FOR A GROUP PICTURE while the family are home for the holidays. J. T. FELL Phone 187 Goderkh We charge no more for First - Class work than is ordinarily asked for second-class Our purpose is to 'lean, press and repair your clothes in exit a way that you may regard our, work as better thau metal, are« to charge you no mere for this kind of service than perhaps. you have be. -n in the habit of pay- ing for unsatisfactory remiss. There's a difference we want to show you W. C. SNAZEL Phone 339 South 1 -id, 1 mare Try Us For Fancy Goods Novelties, Etc. MISS S. NOBLE t; South Side Square - oderich supplemental examinations." ..What It is proposed to do, 1s to establish a board or qualified ia•uple and Instead of students having failed In June having to write agate in tteptewls•r the member+ of this board will re -read your paper.. alsd if you have a good record for the year 'you will get through whether you have resol l in that one subject or not," said the Premier amid loud utopian's' from the pupil?, St. George's l'hureh Annual Meeting Iii his address et the :mutual vestry meet lug of St. George's church, whkh was held In the parish hall on Monday evening, the mor. Rev. S. S. Hardy. thanked' the officere and various er ganizatluns of the rhureh for their faithful work during the year. and quoted the-tetlgwitte esmi++tleget---Nisa- Is•r of ohurelt famines.. 21,'1; adults out member. of •fnmiltes. 39; total uumis•r of souls. '.28; Iaoptism4, 17: entfirwees, 23; actual e,mmunlcafts, 332; total uun!IS•r eolfirmed, 459; marriages. 2: huria!e 12; cumber o(.. Sunday services. 13.; average atten- dance at each of tine two Oiler Snit day scrci(es. 17.5; mail.. celebration - of the Holy Communlon..rtx, and larg eat number of comm uni.ants on any one dux, :31T. • The church wardens present.sd the annual financial statement, which showe4/ an adverse balance earriel for- ward. All the various organizations of the church reported u successful year and earrtel forward rlrtdtt bal- ances into 1924. Messrs. rouge 1V111aws and O. F Carey were appointed auditors for alae ensuing year. The rector ap- pointed hie warden. Mr. John S. Platt. while Mr. Charles McNeil was elec- ted ns people's warded. sn(eeeding Mr G. L. Parsons. it WAS decided to -d eel a' reelect vestry consisting of eight vestry men. in addition to the two . w•nntents In Thick connection the fol- lowing were duly appointed and el - eche!: 0. F. Carey, 4'. C. Lee. George TheBishop of thus T►ioese of Kee Wllllnma. Mertes Wurtele, Douglas want) will address n meting ..f the Brown, Fred Sturdy, Lionel G. Par - Woman's auxiliary to St. Georges. sons and T. e. Crawford. The sides - parish hall at 3 p.m.. on Friday. Feb- men are to be appointed by the select ivory let. At 4.15 p.m.. the Illihop• vestry. will deliver an stadlw•s of "The Great 1 At the conclusion of the vestry orth'lu+d of Onta.rio." Thin will he ineeting- the 01 1 congregational , Masorete' with lantern -views. in the , meeting wens held when the Synod erentnyr at S u'elo.•k he will again is.ar41 reported that the dio('e•sau bnd- sp eek In the pariah helten the *object': ; eget apportionment of St, Georges had -Indian and EsklnV+ Missions." been folly met during 1923. Messrs. •'T!n• Perils .rf the. \,lil:1 t. -.e.1." itoughie Brown and Isaac Salkeld were Thurwlay. January JI. 1J24 ti , Special Bargains for Last Week of Our STOCKTAKING SALE For the closing week of January we are offering very special bargains in Table Linen, Towelling, Factory Cotton, etc., which it will pay you well to look into. FiII your requirements now and you will save money Table Cloths J'nhlea.l►eet Damask Table Cloths, 64 ruches wide, nice deifigtr liegtllar x1.10 a yard, for 79 cents. Roller Towelling All Linen Roller Towelling. red border. 1.; {1.1-1:. s \\ i.1. Regular 2t- milts, for 23 cent - Factory Cotton It• the yard. 34 inhere wide. worth 25 eerie- for eri -for lb cents a yard. \ Table Cloths Bleached Table Damask, 60 inehe- wit. for 90 cents a yard. Glass Towelling Blue and red checks, full 214 'niche- w i,!e Regular 25e. for lyre yard. Ladies' Bloomers Cn stn ku,it_ holds Moonier- for }int r \\r;i l' Re•jt(11;1 t• •!h'. for 4;.x• ;. pair. A. . CORNFIELD LADIES' AND GENTS FURNISHINGS GODERICH West S e of Square 11 Is• ..1. F. Holmes' subject in • re-elrf'tcd as lay delegate* to Sylal. , M ti Gleet 'ethun•h next ( While alesers. G. L. Parsons and J. at Carleton 'Plate ands later at Lon- don. During the pie -t 'eight years he had been living In Ilullett and (iode- rich townships. 'three }`ears ago he spent the winter in Goderich. The funeral was held on M'uttday aher- uuuu from Brophey's.undertking par- lors to Maitland cemetery. 'The de- c'eised having been a 'membeg, of the Presbyterian einsr•h the [nue• 1 rya. conducted by Rev. .R. 4'.. Me .rmid. pastor of Knox church. while • pall- bearers were Sf.•ssr.! A. S. ('hr.. tai. J. Connolly, C. A. Reid and Dr. F. (':ark. The funeral was attended .by a number of relatives from town abd surrounding points. gard to the requc-i' of tide -town of Goderlch for the• establishment of Power and lighting facilities: on dere north side of the ha.t•h.,,r a: that ) ,Litt,•. I beg to advise you that the 1"t rt• went L not prepared to guanutte.' 111111111111160011100111 MODEUHEATRE WEEK OF .1 \S. SS TO FEB. Sim y morning at 11 o'clock. in S. Platt were elected sahatitutea, in with the . -ruing' at 7 104 will speak on i xtle•e4sion to Charles McNeil and the So Nervous She exit 11 Dynamics" l eelln' sn1.1 late JI1dee Dickson. ttr 1 r ing service This num- tel to $..l' 4.14; plate collections. $704. i e i J be - . decd by Mr. F. R. Stiller Duplex offerings for the year amoute t e 21 : offering during .Lenten ser pep?. IsN' Was nt toned th from- . " Rarlday, ,may + 44n ...•.vont n the storm. "Hew Ca Can $2:,.15: Easter offering >* ; Har- Could Not Sleep Monday and Tuesday Richard Barthelme's a cast of quality iu his gr'..: c 1 vaes "THE BOND ROI"' Chelan* Comely' "Stay Single' • • • i vest Thanks ivhn. o(fering. $277.96: Wednesday' and Thursday Antonio Moreno and Bebe Daniel, I Make the t Cee of Ms Time, g will be the 'sub) at the aloes ('lulu 1►11a•.,: 4' hndgrt, (contributed last at 10 '.m. to he ntr.sln.•,d by lir. ye:+r nh dlexnvelopes. $772.- tit+ remotltrogve foupnvardel.e>S1i37. The Jack Purvis.. Evangelist Alexander -Porter's sub - j. -Is In the ltaptist chnreh next ilnn.My will he.** follow..: -11 a.m. 'What (poferi•h Christians Are:" moss meeting at 3.30.. -Whitt n Wo- man Did:" 7 p.m. "The Way People Are Saved." Come early or stand. Hearty and joyful singing. Special nnrsie by °horns choir. "Choosing A Wife' is Eynngetist Torrte. 501)- 041 Saturday night. No student 441141141 1111,5 1111, sermon. Young people particularly should hear this address. Service each night this week at 7.45. Come. No serviee nn Monday night. hot every other night next ween at 7.4.3. Beim Yiu Give Your Nell Party See the dainty /'ally Cards, Place Cards, Bridge and 500 Scores, Favors Also pretty bits if odd China and Novelties fir Prizes Cards for swig? occasion. Edgar Gaest's beautiful Poems on Cards Smith's Art and Gift Store Phone 198 East Street s There is Genuine Satisfaction to us in selling Footwear that gives satisfaction to YOU. No Footwear can give their best service if not fit- ted properly. It is our aim to give satisfaction in Quality, Fit, Style and Price We invite you to let us supply you. W. KERN Tia Smarm Pismo 434 Grand Carnival Friday, February lst at West Street Rink in aid of Hospital under auspices of MAPLE LEAF ('1(APTER, I. 0. D. E. Prizes will be given for Gentlemen's Fancy 1.t and 2nd Ladies.' Fancy .. 1st and 2nd Ross Fancy .... 1.t and 2nd (}ills' Fancy 1.t and 2nd Gentlemen', Comic let and 2nd Ladles' Comic lst and 2nd Bore Comic .... 1st and 2nd Girls' Comic .... let and 2nd Beet Connie Qnartettc Hest Fnnayy Quartette Beet enmte Pair Ttest }Stncy Pair Ilnrd Times Coetnme 'toys' race under 141 (:iris' race under 16 Thin'- lance Beat Comic stipplrment ('o'tume entente raised for all purposes by the cungregatIon during the year was 57301.210. triad° up as follows: Regular Offering, $ 3424.30 ltlrer nal 1►fferings 706.91 Women s Auxiliary 220.0:5 Mission Band 176.09 Sunday School Church w omanr s (mild 707.67 Parish Ball fund (1(3.42 Girls Guild 161.540 Chancel Guild 94.25 'Choir Fund 00A' Diocesan Budget $59.00 A Quebee Woman Found Relief and Wants Others to Know. Mrs. Donald M. Meheod. Spring- hill. (luebe'.., w•as a vietlm of great ner- vuu-mesa until she found the right remedy, and is now anxious that others shall profit by her experience. Mrs ,McLeod saga: -"Some years ago 1 be- rme run down and grew so nervous 23712 that my life was a burden to myself and all around me. Every night I 'would wake up with a choking feeling, uumb all over and my heart heating at an alarming rate. I would jump up and walk the floor and declare I was dying. Then I. would have sinking sls•I11s, and 1111 day lung would he so dizzy that I world stagger like a drunken perent. 1 was afraid ea he left alone, and my eonditlon was ter- rible. I was then taken to tlu• Sher- brooke hospital, but the treatment there did me no goad and I entre hack home ear weak that I voted hardly crow the flour. I could not take ('ere of my children, and my mother did so. Everybody thought I was dying. and i was Just waiting and wondering when the end would come. At dela, Mtge my attention Was direeted to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pi11-, and T got a supply at once. By the time I had used flve boxes 1 felt mach better, could eat. better and sleep better, and felt al- moet like a new woman. I continued. the pills for some time further, and am now a strong and healthy woman. 1 advise all run-down women to try , iir. Williams' 1'Ink Palls as i am sure • they will do for others What they here done for me." The new wire cax will not increase the price of inr. Willb+ms' Pink T'ille as the muttony pay. the tax. You can .4111 obtain the pills through any ele'dt.lne denier at 50 cents a box. nr •l.y mall, posit pelf,, at this prier. from 1 The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. The iib Mrs. McPherson a former resident of (;oderioh pas- s.•d away in Winnipeg on Sunday of lost week in the person of Isabella McKay, widow of the late James MMc- Phee-on. Mrs. McPherson, who was born in $-otlaud eighty-two years ago came to Canada, with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. James afeKay. at an early age, settling for a Short time in Ingersoll prior to coming to Code - rich. About sixty seam ago she was married to her late lnuhand. who pre- ! deceased her about forty-five years, ago.. Eleven year. ego Mrs. Me - Pherson tinned to Winnipeg. nipeg. wwhere she resided until her death, with • her Viiia daughter, Helen 1 Net I.• s Mc- Pherson. Other members of the tam - Ally Who survive are: Mrs. John McPlier sun, Denver, Colorado. Mr. James McPherson, of Winnipeg. turd Mr. David McPherson of town. Mrs. Dot- tie Brown, of Winnipeg, a slater, elan survives. The retuains were accom- panied to (lalerleh by Mr. James 11rr- Phersou, interment being made in Mait- land cemetery. The funeral eervke was held on Friday afternoon from the home of her son. Mr. Ilavid MdecPher- son, Palmerston .trust. The ream(' having ieen a life-long member of the Presbyterian church the funeral eer- .1er -whir coudneteet-ter -rtes•-41.- .. i) ermid, pastor of Knox chiliad'. The pallbearers were Messrs. ti. J \A--.- Mac - Ewan. f'. J MacFwan,-Pfl'fy lvatt(m and .ins. it11ehennn. $7101.29 •; A Credit to Ontario Toronto Telegenic: Ontario is none too well .npplt.•d with the Justice Ilan is no reepx'('tor of Is•rextus. Huron county tuts added a name to a not overcrowded roll of honor:. County Crown Attorney of Huron, C. Seager. is enquiring into the alleged maltreat- ment of a Home troy by an influential farmer as vigorously as a Crown .At- torney would he expected to enquire into the elope] moonlit on an Italie moist farmer by a Home troy. The tate Wm. A. iI. Knox The death occurred at Alexandra Hospital on Sunday morning of last week of William' A. B. nox. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. dam Knox, In his seventy-eighth yews; The de- ceased,•wlw tiled rather goldenly fol- lowing three we'k+i illnessrom hrtn- chit's,.was born in Toronto He was the lust surviving member f, a fam- ily of ten children, his death rurring one year later than that et hl brother the late John Knox, of torn. Mr misty Exit Supplements& Supplemental examination, are to he ahnll.hed. according to announcement by Hon. G. 1lowsrd Fergna..n. Premier of Ontario, and Minister of F.,ln,arinn. in the course of an address to i he a.. dent. .4 the Glebe ('olIAglate lnsli ante. Ottawa, Inst Thursday. The Premier said, that they were getting away front the Idea that edit- entlon was simply an accmmnlntion of information and knowledge and that when one had gone through the school books one's edmeatlon was complete. "Ws. realize that education is a proverss of mntnl training," he .a141, "end we are realizing too thAt writ- ten examinations are not it proper teat of proficiency or efficiency. We nrp grime to put the respnnahtllty for rvlm•atinn upon the !melte them- selv.ss and while we 4-11111104 do assay with all examinations at 0114.• what we do propose to do away with Is Knox had Is•eu employed as mechanic with the C. P. R. (' Brockville, Ont. muses 1 Water ami Light Commission At its last regular meeting the dater and light' eomtni5.fon reappoin- ted Mr. W. T. 1f41rney as chairman for dead --+Fisted- tor• -ns et lug nights as the .0l•oxl and Murtb 'illnrwlnys of rou•h nlmtth at x p.m. The commission decided that 23. 40 and O(1 watt hamP+ slant be std at 35 yenta each and frosted Tamp- at 45 amts enchs a report. from the in- stitnte of Public 1t #tlth indicated that the sample of water nus Silken from the 'mineral eyeing was of est•i•lb•nt snnitery quality. An nrrsugcmn°nt was effected between Mr. 1'. L Wniton of the Gwlerich Mineral water Compare} whereby for the 511111 of $.iO ;Ile °om- misclnn seeure.l the right to nee the tenter from ate- mineral spring near the C. 1'. It. etntion directing_ the water therefrom hen the wnt••r manna to nngment the nnPIdy being obtained from thie Intake. The eommi=.Int, hn-t re'titsl the fol. 'owing rep's frim H. R. R. l'raig.•dla- 4410 engineer. Lenten, in emote -tion with the Iigld and power line to the north- elrle of the harbor The e,em- monl'atlnn is self expinnatnrc Iudb1l• ting that' eonstrietton work wile not he hegun ere She coming of spring. "With f,utik'r rt•fe•reis•, to . song lettet of the 26th Instant, with r(' - TROTSKY ARRESTED Leon Trot'i+ky. the farrow leader of the RuMinn Soviet r.' 'd11lied who shared With 1,enl11e. the cow• mond of the nommnnllt state hen b:•en arrestnl, It le said, o11114404 elf 11 conspiracy *ga tn.t the pt•e.ese form of government. in their breezy fact 4 11 11 Tarda •nn• "THE EXCITER.." Tuxedo Conned) "One Night it Rained" Friday and Saturday r•'iseburse the wen if they cuustruct these rine.,. I might add that the De- partment have requested that an a- se•of +- • for h ar xo N e.. tsup - this t 1 w 441mt w u tit t plyiltg this additiotlal lighting in the estimates fur the. next lieu! year." Eileen Percy and Herbert Bowlines. In the Ile Luse .i44r.n•1101) "THE PRISONER" ('eetury' ('ontedy "Don'tGet Fresh" Mutt god Jeff Ai Humps tad Thumps" • • • Matinees. -Moa Wed. at 4.15 Sat. at 3.00. • • • CODING: -"Tine Midnight :tiaras." For that Cough or Cold RIKER'S SYRUP TAR with Cod Liver Extract 50 Cents RIKER'S LAXATIVE Bromide of Quinine Tablets 25 Cents MELOIDS for Sore Throat, etc. 25 Cents Humbugs, Ib Horehound Drops, Ib 39c 39c H. C. Dunlop, Phm.B. The R•aall 1't.. re Phone No. 1 The Square Why Didn't You Obey That Impulse And Get That Victrola ? time, Vistade li.. visa During the big storm the house was as cold as a barn when you got up in the mornit:g and the pipes were' frozen -and you ran out of language, thawing them out -and .your poor wife had to suffer in silence. Thaw out •the pipes to the music of a VICTROLA, next and your wife will sing "Love's Old, Sweet Sang." H. E. JENNER Hockey and Boot Skating Boot For Men, Women and Children are now in stock. Come in and torte over our big range of seasonable Winter Goods, Felt Shoes, Moccasins, Rubbers, Goloshes, Spats, etc. Our prices are as low as we can make them, consider- ing the high qualities of our goods. , SHARM 4N'S THE LEADING SHOE STORE Phone 158 W. REG. SHARMAN (1Oi1ERiCH 4. 1 1 .l •