HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-24, Page 4• 4..DurwLy, January 24, 1920 THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. ST: HELENS ST. ' 1:LHNS, Jau. 21. -Mr,. B..1. Woods s in Listowel. over the week -end. Mrs. ('u wing %handed the exec- utive comfit of the W. 31. S. in Winghain last week. - Miss Joete incron who .pint a few weeks at in c' returned to Tor- onto Mr. .10110 Mci;ul Is'n• rlaiter in St. lichee.. The ratepayers of N. No. 4 held a meet i nt: to eooslder having a 're- union it wap derided tbold our oil the 2='t h day of July.. The W. 144. S. of Caly:q titch meet on Wednesday 'at the bone. o Mrs. W. 1. Miller. The president. Mr. ('um - tiling was in charge. The "meets.. was opened -with signal demist wt-- ercises, Ringing reading of Scrip . re and prayer. Mrs. Cumming gave a talk on the b'autiful Bible, charnel "Ruth" Mrs. Gordon read from the opening chapter of the study book. Roil Ia11 'Peace" was reepouded to by verse of Scripture or hymn. Mee. W. I. Mllle+r reported thirty two sttheerib- er+ to the Missionary Messenger. 'Jeering closed with prayer. The monthly meeting of the Wo - matt'.' Institute will be held on Thursday January 31st at 2.30 o'clock. Roll call -."Ways of Cooking Potatoes." 8shje't, "Chitdren'e Rights in the Home." taken by Mra. B. A. Naylor. A cordial invitation ix extended to all the ladle.'. In spite of cold west the mi.•asiou• ary orrery% he,d last Sunday were very succe%aftl. A large crowd was present In the afternoon to bya�r Rev. J. E. Holmes, of Otalesich, with gave a convincing and an appealing ad- dressn mladons. Bethel church was well filed In the evening when an artistic ..et of lantern slides way .shown, making Japan and tui.siou work in fist country more real. The Success of these services la in great measure doe to these wkly organised the sleigh -loads. LEFAsl'BN LEI•?RI'IIN, January 21. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shields entertained a few of their friends to a progressive -ettrttr• party tam -Frtday eyentng. Alt report, a good time. CARLOW CARLOW. Jan. 2. - The Sacrament of the Lord's d's Supper wi:l be adminta- turd In Smith's 11111 Presbyterian church next Sabbath afternoon. Pre- paratory service will he held on Fri- day afternoon at 2.30. AUBURN • .f .tt'RitRN. Jen. 23. -The Sacrament of the I.ord't Supper will be adminis- tered in Knox Presbyterian church -ektbbath-m,srning,-Jawary 7th. - Preparatory agrrke will he held on Friday evening at R o'clock. DI.'NGANNON DUNI/ANSON, January 23e -Surer anniversary January '25th, is to be eels -t rated .in Dungannon. A grand cared% (striver, under the auspices of the Women's institute will be given in the parish hall on Friday ermine. Jsuuary 23. ,t" commuIity program consisting of quartettes, duet.:. .4)14)44. instrumental mimic by orchestra. rend- ing,. speeches. etc.. Admission, 2.i cents; children, 15 eents, Promoted. -Mr. Will Crawford, soa of -Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Crrwtord, who wax manager of a Woolworth etore In-Moosejaw, Sask., was promoted last week as manager of one 101 the Durso seeress of the company in Victoria. B. 1'. We congratulate Mr. Crawford oniia promotion wldrh bespeak. abil. fry earl proficiency as a buslness mar. a -. Dr_Jon. 1e1.'asp'1 to repot aa a►r." ions effect ts•ourrs'd from the recent severe storm, at least nothing worse than a holiday at school. and a eoupie of dsy s delay In mail delivery. Mims Kate Fowler, of Toronto, la me visiting her mother. Mrs. Ed. ler, this week. ' T. G. Allen. aeeretary of West Waw nosh Mutual Fire Maurine,. Compa'7, sent out the forte -fifth un• anal .rt of the eompany fids work. BENMILIER RENMILLER, January 'S4. - Au enjoyable evening was spent in the Temperance Hall last Thurrutay. when the Ladles Aid members were the; hoe.- . testes of the rest of the congregation.{ Muskat and literary numbers, fallow- ee by it sumptuous inneh and then games. constituted the program, and gay, all present a happy social time. 1 1' BELFAST • 1'tWT.10r:t(T, as '+l. -Mr. and Mrs. James Cooke nt Sunday at the home'of Mr. a • Mrs, Will Gardner. of Zion. Miss Winnie it n is visiting with bar fnale, 'Mr. G rite Henry. of Crewe. Mrs. Ralph Nixon s s returned home after spending a w days with her daughter. Mrs ,iohn ' •• merlon. of K I nlough. Owing 'to the rough west -r only a few from here attended the funeral .f the late Wm (;arduer, sr, ci( Zion. last Monday fir and Mrs Herb. Stotb.'rsnd We have just received a shipment of Macbeth Nu -type Lamp Chimneys and Burners ti They are twice as good and less than half the price you have been paying for these goods. Call and see them demonstrated at HILL'S HARDWARE CO. AUBURN Gee. Hearings. Jerry Dalton, W. Johnston, J. A. Torrance, W. Mc- Guire, H. Ytunly, Lea. J. Cox, A. Mond, Len McGaw, H. Trewartha, Ed. Grigg. A. Mens. E. J. Trewartha, W. W. Wise, 1'. W-.`Wtltlams. F. Lobb, W. .J $t,evens. Md. Walsh, 1t. Smith, J. Mslr. G. Proctor, 1'. McDougall, Herb Jenkins, 1. Junes, J. F. Ed- ward. 1'. f'o'e. That. ('ronyn, W. J. Rosette's. W. Vodden, ltoy Tyndall, L. Jervia, M..1. Butler. Nam Halatw►d. The eotinetl ordered the payment of the account of Goderich Star fpr 192 I printing and aleuo donated $10.00 to 1 the Children's Shelter. A few other ' minor matters were attended to. Ad- journment was made to the that Mon- day in February at 1.30 p.m. Mr. Will Oliddon intends returning ;TerbTa-iiome.7n ui -We l sitter s Till $s - ant visit with his parents and other 1 relatives around Holmesvllle. Miss Vesta Snyder returned to her home on the 18th after spending Nev- i oral wades wh'h her grandmother in Goderich. . I Much sympathy 1s felt for Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reugr In. the loss of their bright little daughter. Erma i Gladys. aftera tew__daya' Ulla -04i from append -it -Die. Although only thirteen ' Erma will be much Wetted in the vehool and the neighborhood as she daughter, Lenore, of Dungannon, eels- waa a general favorite. The largely ited with her parents -Mr. and Mrs atten.hyl funeral was held on Mon - .1411 llac►eLt oat tisT lash wrest. Waldron. day to ('lintou eemetery. Rev. .Mr. M. Malcolm MoMlllan and Mrs. Waldrno, of Hotmeartte, and 13etiv. • Sr: John Ntothers, of Luektiow, renewed Hogg. of Clinton. officiating at the home and graveekle - AN ONleeee $Oe. 44044. er rw0111111 Tse Pens Co.. T."o.•t•s. old acypualntancee In the burg one day • last wawa. • I The Sunny Minstrels Orchestra were Miss Lillian McQuoid and MDs` Ai- in Auburn on Friday assisting ma Blake, of Crewe. vlalted at the in the Orange eoneert. Mr. and Mrs. BOWIil;LL'S TEAM (}LASS or WATE An Incident in Federal Portion Which Is Told For the 'First Time How the loyalty of hk. friends •��� the press once cured Sir MacKC lel .Nova Scotia Lady Rowell i n a n ra►erg nil of Itt1,1$ewalrr. 144 a .story told by J. l.. I' Jae Mr,. 1'• S. Myra, in for Isar issue of The Torianto Star Nova Souls. writes: "1 .ant delighted tr'eekly. Th incident has a lo• 1 in•he h4 you know' of the R'Mvf ('Ire torrid to vied. of the fact that tit late %apnituh has d,nu• tar. .�. ira ,t,s's Hon, M. C. Cameron. of G • erich. ago I bad a very Iwo serve throat I figured in the episode which F, stilted haii»'''d to have. s snueph• 01 (1el'• to a very rude awakening for th mem- hi the house, .0 1 u.,•d it. ;ma it dist her who was peacefully sluwb ing at my throat so mis•h good :hart 1 111, desk behind Bowell. taught a tattle from my drnKub 1010CPl1•t I Late one (rat _ln learUaw .rat, the eanuot peal%' fl n'ks Va1e ..tory runs, . when MiliCenale, tiorerir-weity. estimates were being put thrsugh he•! Treat ors• (old with 1't k.. 1'alvoRub was being badgered by tier 1 to fit. C. and you will adopt (his • (-eternal Cameron, of Huron. Tb n Cam- ' treatment for all their cold olive that eron, there weld not a s n in the of the family. Vickg House who could put more sting Into seta like a plaster and a valor lawn. hie words nor raise bigger welts'wlth I at the same flim. It is aleort*d and his verbal lash. Bowell s longed to ' inhaled. that school which belles in giving I When the children a time In wet and a Rolandwfearut an Oliver, .bleb Is tut -sniffling. apply Vick. liberally over other ay 'ying h.- ref altranoa,h 4lthr t And est and cover with a from a scrap.a"Came : s had bald_. RITm litunet-,,I,.th. something which ca.s doubt on I -Treated at bdtlute the-rh'''I Bowen's word, and ha s repented it usually better next moms,: ai when challenged to aka It ►aek.lt hail after-effects of iutrrual "Does the honorable tlemen call tug are after -el. ('roup ut?A(ks are me 4 IiarY' asked 1 minister to arse await, 100.a ,u t ,ar Fur At aU ArW; t r ". ; - h' h dudgeon. Came on . wherettomifief free test size paekatt a rit.• �1 ! thehad nothing. Bowel to :race, a tumbler ('heniieti Co.. 344 Itt -Yuri lit,. _'V the impulsive tagged a tumbler Mntitn•al,' }' Q. which Mood ofi his k,'and What It Though Yicka i. new to (':ureln ' as It to throw It •man the floor of I has a nemarlwhle s..le in the S::e'. tear rllouee at the nand of its tor- Over 17 million jars used �e•arly. Treat Sore Throat With Vicks of Follow the ',sample of This home of Mrs. David Hackett one day ,.. Snyder a'eo contributed to the pro- mentor. recently. gram. I That tumbler w 'M r,•and Mrs. Sam Morrison and ; Itnmevllately heldfamily, of Rhitechnreh, spent Wcdnes- EAST WAWANO H I desk, h b4+ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. ontspn'ad arms. K. Alton. i EAST W-tW.tNO►tH, Jan. 2l.- The s °� .•hawitracter n The hog 'oeial which 'was held in the hall nutter the auspice* of the L: O. 1.., last Friday night was id.' - the play entitled "Al- - 1r." to he giren at. Bet - night. January 25. tided nuc Orin't ways• in Trou fast ou Pride GODFRil!;H TOWNSHIP e;isiwiticH Ta The .c;.id.'rteh ,wnahlp Hospital Auxiliary will m t at the home of WNSHIP. Jan. 2 - ]ora. A. M. Andres. Bayfield road. - on Ttfi mole. 3 wu rt' its "-A Telt " ■ ttendance is requ(+ted as there is aid of the hos- - of the nth of horses to udsomr flg- wearing 'to be done in PHIL. Mr. Oliver iaiwned (s o a:d on. +,std a tea J ames Mee('luskey for tire. one day fast wee Mr. and Mr.. John Ma set of the hayfield road hare wtnrsied home after a three weeks' vielt t, the ttoo and otter points,. Sfr Wil!tam ('.sok is pre • ring to ,•rest a new horn in the sprl s . ' Mr. Harvey Fuller Rare s de a •at Roe. Garland Tliall last Tbur•d v er- ening. Over a hundred were i at- tendance. the We:tltlo. Or•leetra ur- nishing the muni.• for this evening The Web -rich Township -Farm.' ('!uh met last Tue.,lsy evening. stat thirty member," being present: ('oun- cllinr. John Sowerby and qtr. John )(e('lure and others gave .bort ad- dr,a+..w. ar.•r which l', eh was served. Wr. WiI'lam Campbell was elait. ing et Mr and Mrs William Fuller's Miring the pant week. Connell Hartung. -The In:'tenni l meeting of the township council wee held on Monday. January 14. Mir. J. R. Whitely was re -appointed treat- ; of tow I urer. - He hes completed bit twenty- s 2. 1924. ininth year of .eati.'faetloo to the town- Committal''hip. Mr.. R. G. Thompson was again i serf. The Intel elerk a: was also Mr. How paid :-Tr • Sturdy. coPeetor Mr. Jas. A. ' 11.11. of ,u'hntt Me illen was :appointed awesome. 44.00: The 1 Mesr'es. Fdrld MI and .las. Johnston. forms and soh. audit tri dean tnr An John Health H. Co Ward Ilar w hill q A ssnm. Jervis 'Fel a. jo following pathmeste a were nafnedt rnary 15th rat 1 o'clock. .tae. Bell. Geo. Falcon , T. M. Woods, , A PORTERFI fireet meeting of the eottncil for 19`24 representing R wits held on JA unary 141h. Memberea The water in all present but Mr. (t111e'sple. Minutes shot down ah used f hire i 6 h frill of water, and 0 mar IIaeK.•uxie's I "Choosing .t Wife." wi!I he Eta. d resting on., his • what Tarries subject -in the Itapt s• fast asleep. sat an rhumb on Saturday eight Due u"+ m1•• med Heart' N. faint. l It. hmond. Nova Scotts.ed hastily raisglass back of the .deeper. ' "What Goderich Christians sere." Sunday - morning at it - of t se','•ei 1 . iuu of last mee•tiug in 191'23 were read and approved. The fel owing appointments were then made ar the same salaries a+ formerly: .1. Elliott and Wm. H. Campbell, auditors:- Wm. Robinson. n.- •essor: J. W. Campbell. member Board of HAalth: Robert' Shiell.• Ales Me- Gowau. eaultary inspectors. The n.ual cemmnnlcsUone from charitable inti• .. asking for grants received and read. The sum of $15 nn. voted to the• Children's Shelter at Goderich.. R1= isopia% Zdr.-ibe Municipal -World .trrre�° ordered as formerly for the-onnetl and clerk. ('nmmnnleations from the clerk of Myth. emending the sum of *12.50. being nmnnnr that vi lege claimed thlr township was still owing' them as hall rent. for Division Court purposes. reeeiretd. and ordered to be filed. The rolleetor stated that a few dilatory ratepayer. i -,d filled a- ret to come across will payment .1' their 1924 taxis. An es..•to+i..n of time till February 13th w -:t. given til. official to return hi+ roll for the balance of taxes remaining as yet unpaid Muted by Mr. Stott. se.nndeel by Mr. ('onitt'..T that owing to the enormous amount of cornet' haring been rxpwwl aed In 1922and 19.28. nn the designated roads in ' East Wnwanto.h tinder the (;oat Bowls system that we hereby memorlellse bhp county eAtinell to here the read from ilelgrare to the, West.'rn boundary. 'oneession, ti and v rentuvrd as 11144g.i tot rad s4) titer this pwrth'nlar 1 would then again revert to one he ordinary township roads • and tha a e•opy of this re•snlntinn he for - war - with. No. 1. who thus aq, Pally ro rom ilapt st t uh . dreams. ,tarred to give a wonderful Imitation•ot;a man swimming for his. life. A burst of laughter from the I Ibouse diverted (Rowell for just that I moment of time which enabled him to reeoveP him dignity. The sputter- - Ing i'alnt, had furled a tragedy into a farce. What material was there for the Opposition prase! But the boys of the gallery talked It over. and the Incident now appears in print r the fleet time. when R can do uu harm to nobody. It z rr of 1 to the e.nnnty (•..:Hell forth- ('arriel unanimous �. Bylaw 924 eonfhrming the appointment tip offk'tals and Ttybtw No. ppointln(j the eoinell Road ne'rs were both read and pas - following amounts were ews of Belgrare school: for nomination meeting. unlel�nl World. hl 'ilk Hiltons. $0.45: Geo. M. hlldren's Shelter, nee office, .printing rats, x27.5(►: The g. $4.00: Wm. El - s. Nam Emmerson, road inspte- Elliott. grant is eft', D. (;linden, weed inspee- $1.5.00; The A d chool attendance offleer. Mr. financial +totem C. oods member Board of Times office print A Dr. J. B. Whitely. M. O. Mort, repotting en ert. $1.00: .Vex uraefll a Sowerby will represent Coulter. repairing en ere, 12.: A. Por- e Reeve Ginn doe.' whip terfield salary as eler . $190.: p4)+tare Ord In rd two. Mt. Church- and telephone, $10.00; F. Anderson. tow neer to No. three. Mr. Corey preparing financial atatessent. war lax s Nae fo and six and Mr. and exchange. $30.00. nnnell ad- + home ward. No. flue. The nrn,d m mese again on rides'. Feb - Clerk. A carload of .slightly damaged wheat for sale, cheap.4loofa delivered to any port of theLp wn. A. J. Cooper. Ware- ltenuse. Ilsmlltoq street. 2t g. -list Torrie d subject 'in thel Baptist (hnre•h on Saturday night. Do mit miss it. .t 'ale of home baking will be held et Hncy's Grocery store on Sat- urday. Jewry 24. by Eureka Class, iif Victoria street church. ('ana(itan Ptiaeifte.-Slew 'Toronto - Sudbury Skoper Travellers to Sudbury will apprec- iate the new Sudbury sleeper which haves Toronto futon Station at 10 p.mdaily. in ('anatllali Pacific train No. a. This sleeper may be on•trpieet at Toronto at 9.0(1 p.m., and, passengers uiav remain in the sleeper ut Sudbury until S.:111 a.m. try ('nnadlan Pne4fk• agent will 1 rrit ingr ±.'•t'rva t lona. 'Pals Together Young Brown had just returned from a very festive gathering• it was, in eonneetion with one of those cluha.-4Telra Hospital 010 Boy.. or something of the .ort. The wine hail been grad and plenr tiful, and Brown, who believed in making hay while the sun shote, had taken full advantage of the oppor- tunity presented fo him. .ts lie knocked rat the door of the inn..' where he lodged he Was met by the landlady. who stead In her dressing gown. on the doorstep. ' 'shrunk again." she Bald ctauatl- (ally, surveying him from head to foot. "Hoorah!" replied he cheerfully. "$o'm 1." Rousing Specials in Dress in Flanne • Serges, Serges I. All shades and qualities in - sone lot..._ 'I'o cfear French_ Wool Crepe - Dress Goods, . in Black, Sand, Brown, Cocoa, Navy, Grey. r 98c $1.95 HydroElectric The People's Power TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA if Mixed with Sulphur It Darkens Se Naturally Nobody Can Tell Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity Convenient Clean Quick Cheaper than Coal or Wood Au Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes zU dust. A froom just stoves the dust. Walk in and are the display of Electric Goods at the HYDRO STORE North side of Square Goderich The old'time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grandmoth- er's recipe, and folks are again using tt to keep their hair a good, even color. which is quite sensible, as we are liv- ing in an age when a youthful appear- ance u of the greatest advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready -to -use prod- uct, improved by the addition of other ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." It is very popu- lar because nobody can discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one stroll 25 dozen Men's Wool Sox Made of Canadian all - s, in grey only. ‘ l Soxthat swill sell for 50c. • Special for this only week 3 pairs for 95c. M. ROBINS The Square Goderich MONEOMMINIft We Are Here to Give You Service II Let us aai,t you in furnishing your Lorne iu ->141r ae4 Used Furniture and Staves. We spvcialixe in any- thing for the home. TFei• I. Your Store Use It strand at a time; by morning the gray Blackstone's Furniture hair disappears, but what delight the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and SulphurExchange is that, besides beautifully EG II e on the ltrsaslwn 101 tioderieh darkening the hair after a few applica- tions, it also produces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. Specials in Blankets for the Cold Weather Largest Size Flanaektte Blankets aid All -wool Double Blaaketa Grey Flannel, Military Flannel, and heave Cotton Mining, all suitable for winter work shirts at RIGHT Prices Men> All -wool Socks and Underwear at CLOSE Prices - Men's Lined Work Glovesrt 60c Men's Fleece -lined l'ndrrwear to clear before Spring J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town Serges and Woo1Dress Crepes .Dress ___flannels ___ Wool Armure Dress Goods All plain shacks. A love- ly clod for dresses and middies. In Black, Navy, Brown, Green, Copen YARD YARD Y&' 9 Dress Flannel In check and plain shades. A real -bargain. x$1.95 YARD COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR REMNANT TABLES,- JUNDREDS OF, PIECES OF EVERY KIND --15c to $2.00 Balance of Our Women's Coats, $25.00 R� T Next Week a Sale of Dress Silks in Every ce of f$7.75, g GRAY & �1 TW GGH Kind and Color Bolan Our Girls Coat , 8 75 II r .e • IPRIDHAM'S ANNUAL JANUARY SALE J i All Overcoats at Clearing Prices SPECIAL SALE PRICE -- $14.95 $16.50 $20.75 $25.50 Boys' Overcoats $5.00 to $9.75 • Walter C. Pridham Claakiar ai p'lan's Faraiikiaga r Phone 57 Goderich ST: HELENS ST. ' 1:LHNS, Jau. 21. -Mr,. B..1. Woods s in Listowel. over the week -end. Mrs. ('u wing %handed the exec- utive comfit of the W. 31. S. in Winghain last week. - Miss Joete incron who .pint a few weeks at in c' returned to Tor- onto Mr. .10110 Mci;ul Is'n• rlaiter in St. lichee.. The ratepayers of N. No. 4 held a meet i nt: to eooslder having a 're- union it wap derided tbold our oil the 2='t h day of July.. The W. 144. S. of Caly:q titch meet on Wednesday 'at the bone. o Mrs. W. 1. Miller. The president. Mr. ('um - tiling was in charge. The "meets.. was opened -with signal demist wt-- ercises, Ringing reading of Scrip . re and prayer. Mrs. Cumming gave a talk on the b'autiful Bible, charnel "Ruth" Mrs. Gordon read from the opening chapter of the study book. Roil Ia11 'Peace" was reepouded to by verse of Scripture or hymn. Mee. W. I. Mllle+r reported thirty two sttheerib- er+ to the Missionary Messenger. 'Jeering closed with prayer. The monthly meeting of the Wo - matt'.' Institute will be held on Thursday January 31st at 2.30 o'clock. Roll call -."Ways of Cooking Potatoes." 8shje't, "Chitdren'e Rights in the Home." taken by Mra. B. A. Naylor. A cordial invitation ix extended to all the ladle.'. In spite of cold west the mi.•asiou• ary orrery% he,d last Sunday were very succe%aftl. A large crowd was present In the afternoon to bya�r Rev. J. E. Holmes, of Otalesich, with gave a convincing and an appealing ad- dressn mladons. Bethel church was well filed In the evening when an artistic ..et of lantern slides way .shown, making Japan and tui.siou work in fist country more real. The Success of these services la in great measure doe to these wkly organised the sleigh -loads. LEFAsl'BN LEI•?RI'IIN, January 21. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shields entertained a few of their friends to a progressive -ettrttr• party tam -Frtday eyentng. Alt report, a good time. CARLOW CARLOW. Jan. 2. - The Sacrament of the Lord's d's Supper wi:l be adminta- turd In Smith's 11111 Presbyterian church next Sabbath afternoon. Pre- paratory service will he held on Fri- day afternoon at 2.30. AUBURN • .f .tt'RitRN. Jen. 23. -The Sacrament of the I.ord't Supper will be adminis- tered in Knox Presbyterian church -ektbbath-m,srning,-Jawary 7th. - Preparatory agrrke will he held on Friday evening at R o'clock. DI.'NGANNON DUNI/ANSON, January 23e -Surer anniversary January '25th, is to be eels -t rated .in Dungannon. A grand cared% (striver, under the auspices of the Women's institute will be given in the parish hall on Friday ermine. Jsuuary 23. ,t" commuIity program consisting of quartettes, duet.:. .4)14)44. instrumental mimic by orchestra. rend- ing,. speeches. etc.. Admission, 2.i cents; children, 15 eents, Promoted. -Mr. Will Crawford, soa of -Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Crrwtord, who wax manager of a Woolworth etore In-Moosejaw, Sask., was promoted last week as manager of one 101 the Durso seeress of the company in Victoria. B. 1'. We congratulate Mr. Crawford oniia promotion wldrh bespeak. abil. fry earl proficiency as a buslness mar. a -. Dr_Jon. 1e1.'asp'1 to repot aa a►r." ions effect ts•ourrs'd from the recent severe storm, at least nothing worse than a holiday at school. and a eoupie of dsy s delay In mail delivery. Mims Kate Fowler, of Toronto, la me visiting her mother. Mrs. Ed. ler, this week. ' T. G. Allen. aeeretary of West Waw nosh Mutual Fire Maurine,. Compa'7, sent out the forte -fifth un• anal .rt of the eompany fids work. BENMILIER RENMILLER, January 'S4. - Au enjoyable evening was spent in the Temperance Hall last Thurrutay. when the Ladles Aid members were the; hoe.- . testes of the rest of the congregation.{ Muskat and literary numbers, fallow- ee by it sumptuous inneh and then games. constituted the program, and gay, all present a happy social time. 1 1' BELFAST • 1'tWT.10r:t(T, as '+l. -Mr. and Mrs. James Cooke nt Sunday at the home'of Mr. a • Mrs, Will Gardner. of Zion. Miss Winnie it n is visiting with bar fnale, 'Mr. G rite Henry. of Crewe. Mrs. Ralph Nixon s s returned home after spending a w days with her daughter. Mrs ,iohn ' •• merlon. of K I nlough. Owing 'to the rough west -r only a few from here attended the funeral .f the late Wm (;arduer, sr, ci( Zion. last Monday fir and Mrs Herb. Stotb.'rsnd We have just received a shipment of Macbeth Nu -type Lamp Chimneys and Burners ti They are twice as good and less than half the price you have been paying for these goods. Call and see them demonstrated at HILL'S HARDWARE CO. AUBURN Gee. Hearings. Jerry Dalton, W. Johnston, J. A. Torrance, W. Mc- Guire, H. Ytunly, Lea. J. Cox, A. Mond, Len McGaw, H. Trewartha, Ed. Grigg. A. Mens. E. J. Trewartha, W. W. Wise, 1'. W-.`Wtltlams. F. Lobb, W. .J $t,evens. Md. Walsh, 1t. Smith, J. Mslr. G. Proctor, 1'. McDougall, Herb Jenkins, 1. Junes, J. F. Ed- ward. 1'. f'o'e. That. ('ronyn, W. J. Rosette's. W. Vodden, ltoy Tyndall, L. Jervia, M..1. Butler. Nam Halatw►d. The eotinetl ordered the payment of the account of Goderich Star fpr 192 I printing and aleuo donated $10.00 to 1 the Children's Shelter. A few other ' minor matters were attended to. Ad- journment was made to the that Mon- day in February at 1.30 p.m. Mr. Will Oliddon intends returning ;TerbTa-iiome.7n ui -We l sitter s Till $s - ant visit with his parents and other 1 relatives around Holmesvllle. Miss Vesta Snyder returned to her home on the 18th after spending Nev- i oral wades wh'h her grandmother in Goderich. . I Much sympathy 1s felt for Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reugr In. the loss of their bright little daughter. Erma i Gladys. aftera tew__daya' Ulla -04i from append -it -Die. Although only thirteen ' Erma will be much Wetted in the vehool and the neighborhood as she daughter, Lenore, of Dungannon, eels- waa a general favorite. The largely ited with her parents -Mr. and Mrs atten.hyl funeral was held on Mon - .1411 llac►eLt oat tisT lash wrest. Waldron. day to ('lintou eemetery. Rev. .Mr. M. Malcolm MoMlllan and Mrs. Waldrno, of Hotmeartte, and 13etiv. • Sr: John Ntothers, of Luektiow, renewed Hogg. of Clinton. officiating at the home and graveekle - AN ONleeee $Oe. 44044. er rw0111111 Tse Pens Co.. T."o.•t•s. old acypualntancee In the burg one day • last wawa. • I The Sunny Minstrels Orchestra were Miss Lillian McQuoid and MDs` Ai- in Auburn on Friday assisting ma Blake, of Crewe. vlalted at the in the Orange eoneert. Mr. and Mrs. BOWIil;LL'S TEAM (}LASS or WATE An Incident in Federal Portion Which Is Told For the 'First Time How the loyalty of hk. friends •��� the press once cured Sir MacKC lel .Nova Scotia Lady Rowell i n a n ra►erg nil of Itt1,1$ewalrr. 144 a .story told by J. l.. I' Jae Mr,. 1'• S. Myra, in for Isar issue of The Torianto Star Nova Souls. writes: "1 .ant delighted tr'eekly. Th incident has a lo• 1 in•he h4 you know' of the R'Mvf ('Ire torrid to vied. of the fact that tit late %apnituh has d,nu• tar. .�. ira ,t,s's Hon, M. C. Cameron. of G • erich. ago I bad a very Iwo serve throat I figured in the episode which F, stilted haii»'''d to have. s snueph• 01 (1el'• to a very rude awakening for th mem- hi the house, .0 1 u.,•d it. ;ma it dist her who was peacefully sluwb ing at my throat so mis•h good :hart 1 111, desk behind Bowell. taught a tattle from my drnKub 1010CPl1•t I Late one (rat _ln learUaw .rat, the eanuot peal%' fl n'ks Va1e ..tory runs, . when MiliCenale, tiorerir-weity. estimates were being put thrsugh he•! Treat ors• (old with 1't k.. 1'alvoRub was being badgered by tier 1 to fit. C. and you will adopt (his • (-eternal Cameron, of Huron. Tb n Cam- ' treatment for all their cold olive that eron, there weld not a s n in the of the family. Vickg House who could put more sting Into seta like a plaster and a valor lawn. hie words nor raise bigger welts'wlth I at the same flim. It is aleort*d and his verbal lash. Bowell s longed to ' inhaled. that school which belles in giving I When the children a time In wet and a Rolandwfearut an Oliver, .bleb Is tut -sniffling. apply Vick. liberally over other ay 'ying h.- ref altranoa,h 4lthr t And est and cover with a from a scrap.a"Came : s had bald_. RITm litunet-,,I,.th. something which ca.s doubt on I -Treated at bdtlute the-rh'''I Bowen's word, and ha s repented it usually better next moms,: ai when challenged to aka It ►aek.lt hail after-effects of iutrrual "Does the honorable tlemen call tug are after -el. ('roup ut?A(ks are me 4 IiarY' asked 1 minister to arse await, 100.a ,u t ,ar Fur At aU ArW; t r ". ; - h' h dudgeon. Came on . wherettomifief free test size paekatt a rit.• �1 ! thehad nothing. Bowel to :race, a tumbler ('heniieti Co.. 344 Itt -Yuri lit,. _'V the impulsive tagged a tumbler Mntitn•al,' }' Q. which Mood ofi his k,'and What It Though Yicka i. new to (':ureln ' as It to throw It •man the floor of I has a nemarlwhle s..le in the S::e'. tear rllouee at the nand of its tor- Over 17 million jars used �e•arly. Treat Sore Throat With Vicks of Follow the ',sample of This home of Mrs. David Hackett one day ,.. Snyder a'eo contributed to the pro- mentor. recently. gram. I That tumbler w 'M r,•and Mrs. Sam Morrison and ; Itnmevllately heldfamily, of Rhitechnreh, spent Wcdnes- EAST WAWANO H I desk, h b4+ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. ontspn'ad arms. K. Alton. i EAST W-tW.tNO►tH, Jan. 2l.- The s °� .•hawitracter n The hog 'oeial which 'was held in the hall nutter the auspice* of the L: O. 1.., last Friday night was id.' - the play entitled "Al- - 1r." to he giren at. Bet - night. January 25. tided nuc Orin't ways• in Trou fast ou Pride GODFRil!;H TOWNSHIP e;isiwiticH Ta The .c;.id.'rteh ,wnahlp Hospital Auxiliary will m t at the home of WNSHIP. Jan. 2 - ]ora. A. M. Andres. Bayfield road. - on Ttfi mole. 3 wu rt' its "-A Telt " ■ ttendance is requ(+ted as there is aid of the hos- - of the nth of horses to udsomr flg- wearing 'to be done in PHIL. Mr. Oliver iaiwned (s o a:d on. +,std a tea J ames Mee('luskey for tire. one day fast wee Mr. and Mr.. John Ma set of the hayfield road hare wtnrsied home after a three weeks' vielt t, the ttoo and otter points,. Sfr Wil!tam ('.sok is pre • ring to ,•rest a new horn in the sprl s . ' Mr. Harvey Fuller Rare s de a •at Roe. Garland Tliall last Tbur•d v er- ening. Over a hundred were i at- tendance. the We:tltlo. Or•leetra ur- nishing the muni.• for this evening The Web -rich Township -Farm.' ('!uh met last Tue.,lsy evening. stat thirty member," being present: ('oun- cllinr. John Sowerby and qtr. John )(e('lure and others gave .bort ad- dr,a+..w. ar.•r which l', eh was served. Wr. WiI'lam Campbell was elait. ing et Mr and Mrs William Fuller's Miring the pant week. Connell Hartung. -The In:'tenni l meeting of the township council wee held on Monday. January 14. Mir. J. R. Whitely was re -appointed treat- ; of tow I urer. - He hes completed bit twenty- s 2. 1924. ininth year of .eati.'faetloo to the town- Committal''hip. Mr.. R. G. Thompson was again i serf. The Intel elerk a: was also Mr. How paid :-Tr • Sturdy. coPeetor Mr. Jas. A. ' 11.11. of ,u'hntt Me illen was :appointed awesome. 44.00: The 1 Mesr'es. Fdrld MI and .las. Johnston. forms and soh. audit tri dean tnr An John Health H. Co Ward Ilar w hill q A ssnm. Jervis 'Fel a. jo following pathmeste a were nafnedt rnary 15th rat 1 o'clock. .tae. Bell. Geo. Falcon , T. M. Woods, , A PORTERFI fireet meeting of the eottncil for 19`24 representing R wits held on JA unary 141h. Memberea The water in all present but Mr. (t111e'sple. Minutes shot down ah used f hire i 6 h frill of water, and 0 mar IIaeK.•uxie's I "Choosing .t Wife." wi!I he Eta. d resting on., his • what Tarries subject -in the Itapt s• fast asleep. sat an rhumb on Saturday eight Due u"+ m1•• med Heart' N. faint. l It. hmond. Nova Scotts.ed hastily raisglass back of the .deeper. ' "What Goderich Christians sere." Sunday - morning at it - of t se','•ei 1 . iuu of last mee•tiug in 191'23 were read and approved. The fel owing appointments were then made ar the same salaries a+ formerly: .1. Elliott and Wm. H. Campbell, auditors:- Wm. Robinson. n.- •essor: J. W. Campbell. member Board of HAalth: Robert' Shiell.• Ales Me- Gowau. eaultary inspectors. The n.ual cemmnnlcsUone from charitable inti• .. asking for grants received and read. The sum of $15 nn. voted to the• Children's Shelter at Goderich.. R1= isopia% Zdr.-ibe Municipal -World .trrre�° ordered as formerly for the-onnetl and clerk. ('nmmnnleations from the clerk of Myth. emending the sum of *12.50. being nmnnnr that vi lege claimed thlr township was still owing' them as hall rent. for Division Court purposes. reeeiretd. and ordered to be filed. The rolleetor stated that a few dilatory ratepayer. i -,d filled a- ret to come across will payment .1' their 1924 taxis. An es..•to+i..n of time till February 13th w -:t. given til. official to return hi+ roll for the balance of taxes remaining as yet unpaid Muted by Mr. Stott. se.nndeel by Mr. ('onitt'..T that owing to the enormous amount of cornet' haring been rxpwwl aed In 1922and 19.28. nn the designated roads in ' East Wnwanto.h tinder the (;oat Bowls system that we hereby memorlellse bhp county eAtinell to here the read from ilelgrare to the, West.'rn boundary. 'oneession, ti and v rentuvrd as 11144g.i tot rad s4) titer this pwrth'nlar 1 would then again revert to one he ordinary township roads • and tha a e•opy of this re•snlntinn he for - war - with. No. 1. who thus aq, Pally ro rom ilapt st t uh . dreams. ,tarred to give a wonderful Imitation•ot;a man swimming for his. life. A burst of laughter from the I Ibouse diverted (Rowell for just that I moment of time which enabled him to reeoveP him dignity. The sputter- - Ing i'alnt, had furled a tragedy into a farce. What material was there for the Opposition prase! But the boys of the gallery talked It over. and the Incident now appears in print r the fleet time. when R can do uu harm to nobody. It z rr of 1 to the e.nnnty (•..:Hell forth- ('arriel unanimous �. Bylaw 924 eonfhrming the appointment tip offk'tals and Ttybtw No. ppointln(j the eoinell Road ne'rs were both read and pas - following amounts were ews of Belgrare school: for nomination meeting. unlel�nl World. hl 'ilk Hiltons. $0.45: Geo. M. hlldren's Shelter, nee office, .printing rats, x27.5(►: The g. $4.00: Wm. El - s. Nam Emmerson, road inspte- Elliott. grant is eft', D. (;linden, weed inspee- $1.5.00; The A d chool attendance offleer. Mr. financial +totem C. oods member Board of Times office print A Dr. J. B. Whitely. M. O. Mort, repotting en ert. $1.00: .Vex uraefll a Sowerby will represent Coulter. repairing en ere, 12.: A. Por- e Reeve Ginn doe.' whip terfield salary as eler . $190.: p4)+tare Ord In rd two. Mt. Church- and telephone, $10.00; F. Anderson. tow neer to No. three. Mr. Corey preparing financial atatessent. war lax s Nae fo and six and Mr. and exchange. $30.00. nnnell ad- + home ward. No. flue. The nrn,d m mese again on rides'. Feb - Clerk. A carload of .slightly damaged wheat for sale, cheap.4loofa delivered to any port of theLp wn. A. J. Cooper. Ware- ltenuse. Ilsmlltoq street. 2t g. -list Torrie d subject 'in thel Baptist (hnre•h on Saturday night. Do mit miss it. .t 'ale of home baking will be held et Hncy's Grocery store on Sat- urday. Jewry 24. by Eureka Class, iif Victoria street church. ('ana(itan Ptiaeifte.-Slew 'Toronto - Sudbury Skoper Travellers to Sudbury will apprec- iate the new Sudbury sleeper which haves Toronto futon Station at 10 p.mdaily. in ('anatllali Pacific train No. a. This sleeper may be on•trpieet at Toronto at 9.0(1 p.m., and, passengers uiav remain in the sleeper ut Sudbury until S.:111 a.m. try ('nnadlan Pne4fk• agent will 1 rrit ingr ±.'•t'rva t lona. 'Pals Together Young Brown had just returned from a very festive gathering• it was, in eonneetion with one of those cluha.-4Telra Hospital 010 Boy.. or something of the .ort. The wine hail been grad and plenr tiful, and Brown, who believed in making hay while the sun shote, had taken full advantage of the oppor- tunity presented fo him. .ts lie knocked rat the door of the inn..' where he lodged he Was met by the landlady. who stead In her dressing gown. on the doorstep. ' 'shrunk again." she Bald ctauatl- (ally, surveying him from head to foot. "Hoorah!" replied he cheerfully. "$o'm 1." Rousing Specials in Dress in Flanne • Serges, Serges I. All shades and qualities in - sone lot..._ 'I'o cfear French_ Wool Crepe - Dress Goods, . in Black, Sand, Brown, Cocoa, Navy, Grey. r 98c $1.95 HydroElectric The People's Power TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA if Mixed with Sulphur It Darkens Se Naturally Nobody Can Tell Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity Convenient Clean Quick Cheaper than Coal or Wood Au Electric Vacuum Cleaner removes zU dust. A froom just stoves the dust. Walk in and are the display of Electric Goods at the HYDRO STORE North side of Square Goderich The old'time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grandmoth- er's recipe, and folks are again using tt to keep their hair a good, even color. which is quite sensible, as we are liv- ing in an age when a youthful appear- ance u of the greatest advantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready -to -use prod- uct, improved by the addition of other ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." It is very popu- lar because nobody can discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one stroll 25 dozen Men's Wool Sox Made of Canadian all - s, in grey only. ‘ l Soxthat swill sell for 50c. • Special for this only week 3 pairs for 95c. M. ROBINS The Square Goderich MONEOMMINIft We Are Here to Give You Service II Let us aai,t you in furnishing your Lorne iu ->141r ae4 Used Furniture and Staves. We spvcialixe in any- thing for the home. TFei• I. Your Store Use It strand at a time; by morning the gray Blackstone's Furniture hair disappears, but what delight the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and SulphurExchange is that, besides beautifully EG II e on the ltrsaslwn 101 tioderieh darkening the hair after a few applica- tions, it also produces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. Specials in Blankets for the Cold Weather Largest Size Flanaektte Blankets aid All -wool Double Blaaketa Grey Flannel, Military Flannel, and heave Cotton Mining, all suitable for winter work shirts at RIGHT Prices Men> All -wool Socks and Underwear at CLOSE Prices - Men's Lined Work Glovesrt 60c Men's Fleece -lined l'ndrrwear to clear before Spring J. J. McEWEN Phone 46 Goods Delivered to All Parts of the Town Serges and Woo1Dress Crepes .Dress ___flannels ___ Wool Armure Dress Goods All plain shacks. A love- ly clod for dresses and middies. In Black, Navy, Brown, Green, Copen YARD YARD Y&' 9 Dress Flannel In check and plain shades. A real -bargain. x$1.95 YARD COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR REMNANT TABLES,- JUNDREDS OF, PIECES OF EVERY KIND --15c to $2.00 Balance of Our Women's Coats, $25.00 R� T Next Week a Sale of Dress Silks in Every ce of f$7.75, g GRAY & �1 TW GGH Kind and Color Bolan Our Girls Coat , 8 75 II r .e •