HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1924-1-24, Page 22-Thursela'. January :4. 192'4 Until You Try !!SALAD GREEN TEA you have not tasted the best. Fresh, fragrant and pure. Try it. t:'TAtiL1SHED 1348 OODEKI('H ft CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association Publlobed every Thursday morning. Subscription .price 52.00 tier year. To l'nited !States and Foreign Countries, 52.50 ;we Tear. strictly in radva THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LTD. Telephone 35 :: G•derieh. OM. Athol McQuarrie. Mlanaging-Editor all kinds of people in the British IAbor party - lawyers. teachers. writers, manufacturers and other business. men. Ns well an mantled workers. If Mr. Drury had Ic.ii allowed to follow the seasusple-of41Lvslizitlrb .shat. '1.rtadeuinte out" hi might Premier mf Ontario. • • • The 1'an:idea to National 1tqllw'ays art• uuu more than 148,, Mg operating expen.ss. For 1922 there was a Bur- p is o notelet... otaw ops ens id t2.7.00.000. The statement fur 1t'2' -how, a surplus. of S211.0110.000. This. of emir.... dues not take Into se - Thursday, January 24. 1924 count Most et Rrge e, such as interest - -ton+s+n.t-a1N1 ether4>btigaUottx- Ibeae EDITORIAL NOTES alumna_ to ninny millions, so that the _ tiemat Rattways etre still costing the This w-Ipttr l• the real. genuine country more thau th.•y earn. 1Iow- artkle. after all. . " ever. progress is lacing .heir toward • • • .- THE SIGNAT - GODERICH, ONT. Soundness and Strength In Union Bank Statement The Fifty -Ninth Annual Report ,Shows the Bank in a Solid Position With a High Percentage of Liquid Resources The auunnl relxu't of the Union brought tvrward from the last year, (lank of Canada covering the year end- available for distribution which was ed November 30, 1923. is the flftS• applied to payment of quarterly dlvl- ninth snnual report of this Institution. dead. amounting to 5730.000. • contri- The year Just cloned has been one button of 510,000 to the otfken' pen - which has severely tested the stability •tun fund, and payment of Dominion of Canadian banking Inatltut!olla. and Government tales of $137,622.24. The It is gratifying to se0 that the Union I Hance of 5317.074.73 is carried for - Bank of Canada has come through It ward to next year. With such a erect. with credit told at the same time bur itable showing. notwltly:tanding the met the legitimate requirements of general decrease In warnings of pray - its clients in a satisfactory wanner. Ovally all classes of business during That the lustitution is hi a strong the past year, the shareholders may )igui4•positton is shown by the. fart heel sunfident that the directors and at the percentage of gniel -assets ta- management are prote ettng their in - the tarok's liabilities to the jitab }F teres%. Jeal& at 49.st per cent. l The total Resets now aggregate Net profits earned durlug the year. 5128.290,079.:9; and the readily reelthi- atter making proper deductions. were, able assts are 557.477.0411.11, which $1.053.432.15. This made a total of represunts a satisfactory portion of the $1.1$4.607.01. ` Ineluding $151.284.84 total. The reserve fund and undirld- -ed--protlta--- amouu 4 to .$2.1107,0/4.713, total deposits $95.621.2:S0,714. Savings whether the next turn of the wheel 441❑ accounts are responsible for 367.441, - bring a Liberal Government or a new maze of this anti the balame of 526,170. - Perhaps this countr.r will be tatter • • • • Off wwhen_ all the automulsPeo aro jab, The !.shat c:amora for 1;4n -eminent- . for. ;4n-e ument- for. • al ..•oqunlr: yet therr are insistent • • • demands for the spending of minium' Citizen., who saw x halal of furni- on the Great Lakes wnterway. more tore going along the ro:flt •during .emu- mllllons for St. 1.aw-rence power de - day's hiizzard !.itisd the people who velupwent. and still more millions for had to move on sueli a day. the• Hudson Itay Railway and other • • • railway developments. to say nothing Judgment las fawn given voiding the of many minor scheme: which are elation o.4 -(Iii. 14---Homath. F. F. H - upon. the Gucerumt•ut memb(•r for South Waterhs, in the Provincial •!Isotac. Mr. [low nth has entend -en -.twee I. • • • January i- taking heavy toll of our Older people. Last week's Issue of The Signal had six death notit'es and of those deceased the youngest was in her s.•venty•first year. The leverage. age was seventy-eight years. • • • A mnnlclpal ass•ss,.r has resigned been 11Se ids s»hs ieure• would not a1 - low ltim to take the oath that he had saseswd, all properties at their actual value. it this sort of thing spreads. half the towns in (intuit) will be with - 001 aaseea-.or. • • • Tisn't every town can afford to • supply its people witlr mineral 'water, without extra charge.- Goderich Signal. Nor it Is erery town that nares to .furnish "chlorinated eorktalls" auctl SS we do In Collingwootl.-eoIllug- . wood Bulletin • • • The Denes•ratIt national'conven- tion in the United States. is to be • held at New 1'.'rk ; the Republican+ w111 gather at Moth eon- ventions will be in June next. Lively - contest. for the Presidential nomina- tion are going an in lath part Iva. • ' • • • A member ..f tile Visited States Renate states that more than twenty- three per rent. of the farmers in the fifteen Northwestern States are inoni- rent. ' He estimate: 'hat 'the same p1'reentatll' would hold IIIrongtiont the country. 1f the 114141: ,r's•estimat• is anywhere near the truth, a very ser- , tous state of affairs I. indicated. Coll- , 'greets I. giving the matter a good dual -4-fa Fat does not appear to lx ab:e to' .gee's upnt a remedy. • • • • The Farmer.' Nun is rather wide of the marls when 11 .rotes that the pros- pective Labor Geo -eminent of Great Itritain is "as frankly a (loos affair a. any Canadn has had. There are The Cmt•ercative (Internment of ---I r-*3..-Rsit+►la 1••• '•'en delisted. Aunt a Isolate 4koverans ato_lo in protrosa of formation. The c0111014111ng of the country'. affairs to hands of Labor Is regarded In some quarters with grave int -riving: but rhes.• appre- henstou. are o arcely warranted In view of the'Taet that the Government .'111. he In a utinority in Parliament and will not be'able to take extreme mos - sores. even If Its leaders should be no Inclined Mr. Ramsay Ma donald. the prospective Prime .Minister. is a strong man. and he has shrewd and able men *bout him. and they will be slow to do anything whish would nrrn• nubile opinion against them to the first stage of the ennntrc'a ex- 11;•• perienee with Labor an a governing 1 .: force. Rather they will endeavor to domoatrate that they an' to be trus- ted as adminiutrotnr of the vast af- tetra of the nation. and to remove the auspieinn entertained of them In many honest minds that they are •mpractkal and_inCi tl!. mtlemtteots The life Drug ..f the new Government is not likely John Bull: "Ton (fault look promising. but perhaps yon 11 irnpro.e n tent Sad Iw Gad. Iih hl Cain/theirsilru plow tor, Stere sad 11 4'. Dunlop. to he more than six taeeths or a year: --From London Opinion. election remains to be seen. in any 661.01 la made up of current .(.mans event. Itriutin's political history for not hearing Interest. the+ -.ext year-nr_lwo loorutsto_tu__-bees Review...of the *assts shows that the full of interest. lank has •i iereasd its holding+ of 1 gilt-,dged Government seeurltiew. Quick • • • 1 assets Include (the figure. given in Bishop • Fallon has addreso d an parentW.AL. Ming for 1922) Dominion -open letter to Premier Kink on the and Prot -int -1a) Government seenritles, subject of theHome Rank (allure and * 1$14.S15.447.901 Can - the Canadian banking Rystem In ttdbin lfunicllal seeurithw nod Brit- ish, fe,relgn and Colonl411 puddle as- general. After 'relating. In vigorous euritirs other than Canadian. 37.035.- langnage. the successive occurrence.' of `41410.7; ($6.700.310.75) Railway and the hist ten ;veers which lead him to ether Needs. de wiaures and stock. hell.ie that our banking lustitutlems 53.045.471.(x: ($2.2.19,844.44.1 Call and are to an unhealthy condition. the short (not exrncting 30 lows! loans 1" • Canada on ionds. 4*•hontnres and Bishop declares: - .14a•ks, fully .0 llreel. $1.0f61.4.15.24 (53. - 'No further faith ran Ise: pat in 2N1.119.84', Call and short loans elate• those who hare been hitherto out where than In Canada $462.14.31 finanelal guides. They have igen fee.787.623.711 demand loans In Can- -weighed and tonne wasting. And they oda seenre4 by garin $9.407.471.fk3 With the pesgdte alternately y«Illus kn..o it themselves.. We are now (it7•6.2.S67.,`.11'lonns to Governments { dieing told that the franks have no oh- and Mfonlelpalftles $7.219.529..14 (54. -spend- and shouting -Don't spend:', jPction to Government inspection.' tion.' la• 0.0.91:..311 ('lIrrent Inenls to Canada little wonder if the Government is In! that the Government must !sear the after making full provision for all bad se,mr 1le.uht a. to just what they do consequent •r•%pon.lbiltty.' The people 32. - and doubtful debts. * went. of ('anmla will not tolerate the pine- ($514.756.•31.84) Rank premises. 322.- • • • • -- -- ing of nuc •sorb 'reslxonslhllity' on 3i7.607.39 ($2.347.022.46) Cnrrent loan,. their Government. 11414[ 1.. on them- outside of Canada $2.4S4.R36.72 (56. Here is a notable piece of editorial soiree. They shall demand an effec- 4(1(1.31070.1 criticism from The Mesforth Nese.: tire guarantee. for their hart! -earned From the foregoing figures it wilt I two great uutaalNllgg ped itieiansforthcomingNs. "What a contrast there 1a b.•tweect sating:. and they will look to the be seen that the careful management t 11+it's of the Federal Specials Before Stocktaking GINGHAMS 20 pieces of 32 inches oide. Imported Ging- hams ilk broken and neat cheeks, msuVea, greens, browns, blurs, and woven mix colors. Eery pattern ie select. Finest quality and calors warranted. January•3 t 5 per yard. KNITTING YARNS Best quality Canadian 3 ply Pure Select Wool Knitting Yarn. Greys, heather. black and white, brown. January at per lb 39 e!!-•Fiageriug, 4 ply, Lest a anti eonsryatice policies carried on by of the Dominion. Premier (ting may. Parliament to exact that effective the lank luny« ..seal for shareholders be deseriteed without any disrespect 1 gnarantec• from those to whom these as n great ponderous mass Of adipose, savings are confided." n marimnln of profits without undue K 1 P maximum of profits without undue! tissue. while mentally even his great- i His Lordship roses right through risk, and without an.•rifleing the liquid- him admirers will hesitate to describe, the sophistry bellied talk of Guy- its of its posltlou. SR brilliant. n '1'htenement inspection ANA c(.secpu•nt The Union Rank of Canada can rest « sle Women's and gimes' all wool Serge. and Trieotine., neatly trimmed. Good styles, well made, all this season's $110.00 to $'25.00 lin Sale 55.00 50 512.50 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S COATS i'.•rulrrl X1'_'1111 to .... X5.00 to 525.00 :1140 110 ut from DRESS AND SUITING SERGES 56 -inch all wool English Cheviot Serges, medium weight and perfect shade of midltlllit�..)tinu navy for coats or skirt;--as0d for sample. ars aa1e,-Black. gt`6 heather' .. white,.per lb. l.25. _. alar :'-%t..alper yard._ •-•-•-•-•-• • on & Son f • an alloa A alutee of al yentrt. Mlle..__ .. The crown attorney for (vendee-ring the enquiry before the coron.•r •1. al- lowed the sum of 52.00 per hour dur- ing the actual hours the inquest %its for the hearing of evident*, which al- lowance. of course. Is not attested by the number of slttiugs or adjourn- ments. One constable is allowed In each twee: he is paid at the rate of $2 per day or sitting as the ease may be. The stenogtnpher, who takes the evidence In shorthand is paid at the rate of 58 per day. If It is found nece.,o ryt tater to tnnacribe the. evi- dewe nod hart, 1t typtwrltten t1'ye stenographer is paid( for such work at the rate of 10e. ls•r folio 4100 worsts!. M.•ntlwra of the jury are pal4 at !the rate of 51.00 a day for four hour.. If a sitting lash more than four 'hours the jurors are allowed 51.50. but not more than that sum no mat- ter how long that latril.'ular sitting may inst. The jury is given mileage allowance as well. Witnesses are paid at the rate of 51 per (lay and given mileage allowance also. The costa of an inquest are borne by the county and 1'rovinee Jointly. Int. Huu. .\rebus- ighep physically Is so very frail and thin Government resps'nsbility. The iautks upon rto record for 11)3 and 41111 look fflat h(s bone- are almost Indecently i' would* obtain the 'people's 'money to tinned Iwith assurance to the can- inued confidence and support of de- exlw'wd. Ile tips the s•211e Mean at I be used for the ptadlt of the tanks: I.o''tors and the general piddle. litre more than 100 lbs. and nrentally then the people --that 'Is, the Gov- for oyfor grasp. for analytical and eonatruc ernment-would he asked to gaaart4n• tive power Ine annuls almost without a pier awoug the statesmen of can. tee the sa'urity of their own money. eda.' I'BLflop Fallon pure the responsibility I'erlapa the statement that' Mr. - squarely tip against the banks. and Meighen-_ls '•eltuust without u pier"' Itio sits -titration of the people's right explains - his wagging political for is one that cannot lightly be set tunes. aside -not because It emanates from 7.11 • • itishop- Fallon. but because it is "The I.ontluu Free Press 140a.t(w l hounded on ...mud business prluel I Ln Presse, of Montreal. as the lead - Ile. ing French- Canadian i.lberal paper.I What -form the guarantee should take It is wonderful how many things The l is a matter to he worked out by Fret. Presto knows that aren't. so." the peoples representative% in I'arlia- This -Ls from Thr (:.bench Signal. As ment. It should be fashioned in such La Treses has the largest circulation of manner as not to buttress a banking any paper in ('asst!ll and se•reral (119e51 mawpaly. and yet i[ should. be fair the circulation of say other • Fr••tN•h- 4'al)adlall daily, and- has conslrtently` to . the banks and should not cripple supported the Ring Government. It is I them in their legitimate bnsineos of difficult to Iersarnd the objection al roviding efflcent tanking servieg for The Goderieln Signal to our statement.' • the need' of busfncas -London 11 i• re. Press. The Free Press is not at, inns --1 env as all this. 1t knows quite well OLIO f t Presse is nn independent] journal. Or any politienl erisis and at almost ,•very eleot1011 there is unser- tainity ns to the attitude it will take. The Canadian Newspaper directory McKim's1 t•lasslfles It n- aindel of/dent. in quoting it as a Liberal paper The Free Press was Just employing one of those petty partisan trieks which are too frequently displayed in its editorial columns. • • • "l BUCKLEYS: BRONCHITIS • MIXTURE AT AiL DPU(6IS1.t • baguet( Fee. There has been very general in- terest ane( eommeut recently ns re- gent. the fee: allowed In connection with an inquest enquiry. So "exag- gerated" lace been some mf the. state - merits that the following information on the subject has been accur,d by The Signal from an authoritative %retiree•. The lees allowed the coroner are itemized ns follows: Warrant to eonst>Ible to, take possession of the body51.00: warrant to hold the in- quest, 51.00; warrant to medical wit- ness. x1.0A: empanelling the Jury. *2(10: for each alias's examined. 30e; taking ingnL.itlnn and making returns, (whatever the length of the inquest) 510.00; warrant to bury, 51.00: .order for payment of jurors. $100; neces- sary travel to hold Inquest (return). • Older and Wiser "When I was a young man. 1 worked tw'elve,hours a day " Son -"I admire your youthful energy. chid, but I admire +till more the mature w1.4 m whkth l(+1 yon atop it." Y.re Accidents is 1!!3 Than Ever Before Last year standee out to the tllst0ry of uumpensatlon In this Province as the year to which there were more see - Metes reported to the (*corporation Board than ever before. In 19ZI there were 61.100 accidents reported by In- dustry to the Board. of which 379 were fatal. These figures, on the bas - Is of accident frequency, contrast un- favorably with the 192! figures, when 30 411 .ot•ldents wt r r of wbk•h Ola were fatal '1'.. •o,'; cousolatinn in the report I+ 'l.•• fa.' that the increase he in aecielen:. of a man• miser nature. i'p t.' 1!s-::. the largest nunuta•r of accidents reported was in 1!r4) when there were 34.y31. In 1921 benefits awarded amounted to 56.173,761.74; 1,l 19'22 to $• ;e*.r2.s:.: - 21 and in 1tr21 to 54,Ih9.3tC:.4:4. \. one will quarrel with the prineipl. r,! cyan, pensatlon hut the whole e•,:nnnnity may raaouat.ly .stand aghas•. a• :h.• thought that ac'elelents In industry in one Province. of Canada ars. (4oaiug 56.009.000 a year plus lust pr,aitic•fion and lost wakes whi•'h MAI, e(Ielly double that figure Moet meidet14• are preventable. A little car*, -a little forethought a little rmtntuenoraad.-will , prevent thousands of aiekb'ats !aeon reduce both human suffering ars) money losses. DON'T THI • u RY TH ATC c/ Can't's Hear Past .este! w my ekes eiw 1 •a .►••IJ ►.•1 ask is • a . .. Drin Deer • se{ 1• an . _ • .•m. ecce ••••.t a••nwV LEONARD EAR OIL . , ,, Noises sad C•I •• nes* !...,n • ISA of�•••aae/s .uM . • ••tf st�i •• '1 1•Kfar1.• .!Moat yen 1p•...1. a. 0 aONARD. ro nth A.... s.. Yet•h -7 An arermg« of 294 aycl.le+ata fir- • - and were day an l rfl to r tilt• Wis 11DYE . men's every in 1 Beard (all. for womrN1 Il, direct ae•tlon by management and men • to asalst to reducing these figures materially for the preset year. "Cascaretsf 110c Best Laxative t for -Bowels; "They Work While You Sleep." If you feel seek, dizry, upset, if you - head is dull or aching. or your stomas!' is sour or gassy, just take one or tat pleasant "('alearet." to relieve a.nxtipa to n and biliou•:ness. N0 griping-ni.wd cathartic-la'ative on earth for Men- Women and Children. lac hoses, slat 25 and 5ec sizes -any drug store. WORN, FADED THINGS NEW Sweater, -Skis Cogts W Draperies :4., (;inghams is Stockings Each 15-ornt la' kap. .,f "Diamond Pyre" contains d.r.'.•t:.ens ., ,,milk any woman can dye or tint any old, wont, faded thing new, even if the ha. never dyed' before. Choose any color at drug store. Why Ford Predominates Proof that Ford predominates is to be found in the fact that 50 per cent of all cars in Canada are Fords. Ford predominates because it supplies the essen- tials of adequate, economical transportation. Ford has been the pioneer in the automotive in- dustry; has blazed the trial in every fundamentally sound transportation principle. Ford service is an outstanding example of Ford predominance. Authorized Ford service is to be found wherever motor cars are used- always capable, business -like and prompt. More than 4,000' service stations in Canada are assurance of this. 1 CARS • TRUCKS • TRACTORS •